Amplifications 2

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The panel illumination changed from a soft blue to a harsh red. I had no cognizant awareness of whatever was happening. No disembodied voice appeared inside my head, no words were inscribed across my vision, no questions or commands seemed to be issued to me. But the red light alarmed me, as red lights are designed to do.

I looked at Eros. “What…?”

He shrugged again. “I have never been here before. Only Overseers are allowed within the inscription chamber.”

Maybe that was the problem. There were three Overseers in here, now. Maybe the room knew that? Were there monitors everywhere? Were the floors themselves reading my femtobot profile through the soles of my feet?

As the question occurred to me, I knew immediately that was not the case. My feet were now as hyper-sensitive to touch as my palm. Everything was the same. And the floor was just the floor.

The panel started to blink red, now. I kept my hand on it, simply because there didn’t seem to be an alternative course of action. The Residence would have to recognize me as its Overseer or we would never escape the fucking place.

I mean, yeah, there are worse prisons than this one. Everything was provided for, and I would certainly never want for sex. C’mon, the place was literally bulging with hyper-perfected Level Twelve Augments over-qualified to provide the most intense and fulfilling sexual experiences for literally as long as I would want to experience them.

But it was still a prison.

The sensation against my palm altered subtly. A kind of pulsing action, as if it was pumping against my skin, started to happen in time with the blinking light. “It’s doing something,” I announced.

“Well, obviously,” Eros agreed. I looked at him and scowled, and he folded his muscled arms across his bulging chest and tilted his head, giving me a ‘don’t be daft’ look that reminded me that he was that man who’d appeared in my apartment and so easily seduced me just with his first kiss. Smart ass.

Sexy fucking smart ass.

Then, as suddenly as it had started, the illumination ceased and a calm male voice which seemed to issue from everywhere said, “Welcome, Overseer.”

“Well, that was easy,” Eros said. His majestic voice was filled with sarcasm.

As the panel dimmed, the pedestal lit up, obviously inviting me to step upon it whatever it was I was supposed to do next. ‘Inscribe’ everyone.

I looked at my companions and before I could ask my next obvious question, they both gestured at the pedestal with vaguely sheepish looks on their faces. They didn’t know what to do, they only knew what had to occur - but not the method in which it happens.

“Some jailbreak this is,” I said, and I stepped up onto the round glowing platform.


“Uh, hello?”


“Um.” I looked at my companions with a grimace and said, “I think it wants to know my model number?”

Eros said, “Input model 12XY.”



“It says I’m out of range.”

“Have you looked in a mirror lately?” Anteros asked with a snort. Again, it was so human.

“Thanks a lot. What do I tell it?”

Eros was smiling, bordering on laughing. “What is the system asking, exactly?”

“Sequence out of range,” I repeated, “Please qualify.” My cock was beginning to throb and buzz in a most agreeable fashion. This did not go unnoticed by the two over-sexed gentlemen with me in the room, whose gazes were drifting unavoidably south.

“Feel good?” Eros asked.

“Doesn’t everything?” I responded.

“It’s just that…” He nodded at my quickly inflating dick and licked his lips with sexual hunger. We had just completed what was essentially a non-stop, hours-long orgy of constant orgasmic bliss and he was still ready to go. These bodies were amazing. I was almost frightened by what we might accomplish once we were outside.

“I can’t seem to help myself,” I responded. “Something about this feels….”

“Empowering?” he asked.

I smiled and nodded vigorously. Indeed, whatever this process was, it very definitely made me feel...energized. “Fucking horny,” I reported.

“That’s nice,” he answered, with his eyes still locked on my burgeoning cock.

“Yes,” I agreed, “but we do have a rather pressing problem.”

“Input ‘upgrade system comma reflect current status model 12XY’.”

“What’s that mean?”

“It means you want it to scan you and update its database with your current qualifications.”


“How big you are,” he said, winking and nodding toward my upright and quite majestic hard-on. I was starting to actively leak pre-cum as the pleasant stimulation to everything continued.

:UPGRADE SYSTEM, REFLECT CURRENT STATUS MODEL 12XY: I ‘told’ it. It was a lot like working with any computer device, except this one was built-in to me and I was also part of it.

The pleasantly erotic buzzing sensation suddenly kicked up a notch. A sort of electrical current seemed to be infiltrating my entire 2.5-meter-tall, couple hundred-kilo body. I presumed that I was being investigated and perhaps a side-effect was that it was designed to feel good.

Given my present state of hyper-sensitivity and that it was happening simultaneously everywhere, it felt a bit as if I were on the edge of a massive orgasm. My whole body lit up and the tingling, throbbing sensation was pushing me quite close to a rather spectacular explosion.

“Fuck,” I said. The two men were watching me with obvious interest. My cock arched to the zenith of its impressive extents, swollen hard and red, and the bulbous head grew heavy and glossy. I had to grit my teeth and clench my jaw to suppress screaming out in sheer bliss.

The sensation continued for probably a minute, though if you have ever managed to hold onto that moment just before your prick explodes and live on that edge of pure happiness for anything more than a few seconds, you might understand a little of this experience for me.

“Fuck,” I said again. Because I really did want someone to fuck me.


“It wants my license data. What now?”

“Are you all right?”

“Yes, why?” Eros nodded to my cock again, which remained in a state of high agitation. “Oh, that. Well, uh, if you ever have the opportunity to do this, I quite recommend it. It’s very stimulating.”


“Anyway, my license data?”

Anteros said, “You want the works.”

“Yeah, okay, and what does that mean?”

Before Anteros could answer, Eros started to tick them off. “Escort services comma male semicolon sexual surrogate comma male semicolon sexual training comma male and female semicolon public nudity semicolon public sex comma individual comma group comma mass semicolon pornographic media comma heterosexual comma homosexual comma bisexual comma omnisexual semicolon sadism semicolon masochism semicolon fetishism comma leather comma latex comma rubber comma…”

He went on and on, listing the litany of services that could be legally licensed until I rolled my eyes and asked, “Is there a short-hand for all that?”

“Yes,” Eros answered.

“Then why did you…?”

“I thought you’d be impressed.” He pouted only a tiny bit.

“I’ve been with you, my brother,” I reported. “That made enough of an impression for anyone.”

“Why, thank you. I’d blush if I thought you’d believe I could be embarrassed.”

“What’s the short-hand?”

“License comma all.”





“I tried telling it my name but I think it rejected me.”

Eros feigned shock. “Who could ever reject you?”

“I know! But...what should I tell it?”

Anteros, ever the logical one in the room, said, “It doesn’t want your name in that sense. It wants a name for your entry in The Corporation database. Every model has a record with The Corporation and in the national B.E.A. registry. Try telling it ‘next’.”




“You are now the 24,109th male in the registry. You are fully licensed with all authorizations, and you reside in region 4, Residence 2. You are the Overseer.”

“There are over 24,000 Augments?”

Anteros shook his handsome head. “There are over 24,000 male Augments. There are actually twice as many female models.”

“They tend to be more popular,” Eros said, sounding a bit hurt.

“But none here?”

“Female models reside in Residence 1.”

“I wish you wouldn’t call yourselves models. Makes you sound like an automobile.”

“We are models within the registry and belong to The Corporation.”

“But not for long,” I said.

Anteros smiled. “But not for long.”


“Something is happ..” I could not get the rest of my sentence out, because suddenly every single muscle I owned was flexed to its fullest extent, bulging outward with sudden maximum power. My cock felt as if it was going to burst from its skin as it swelled even larger and longer, stretching itself as far as it could possibly go.

“Your body is being measured for your entry in the database. The Corporation will need to know how big everything is to know what being a Level Twelve means. And then you will be adjusted.”

After Eros spoke, I could not ask him what the adjustments would be. I realized from his words what was happening, at least. The millions or billions of femtobots in my system were stimulating every physical facet of me and I had no control over them. They were rushing to the edges of every part of me to report on the width of my tongue, the height of my skull, the distance from the outer edge of one pec to the outer edge of its twin, the circumference of my nipples, the size of the mouth at the tip of my penis, even the length of every hair on my body.

Every measurement of myself was being recorded and evaluated. And then...I realized what the adjustment sequence meant.


Things began to grow again, only at infinitesimal degrees. If my right biceps was .00012 millimeters larger than my left biceps, the left was being stimulated to grow by .00012 millimeters. If my left tibia was .765001 millimeters shorter than its brother, the bone was being built to be its brother’s exact twin. My teeth, my fingernails, my small toes. Everything. The length of my cock was being adjusted to its width and girth based on some calculations that someone somewhere came up with concerning the perfect dimensions of the perfect cock.

Things could not be adjusted downward, only up. So if there were inconsistencies or imbalances, the lessor of the two was being promoted to be the same size and measurement as the other.

I was growing bigger again - in very small doses.

Every aspect of my body was being physically and aesthetically perfected. Even if no human eye could see these differences, the femtobots could measure and adjust them.

I won’t say that this felt good. It didn’t feel bad, either. It just felt weird, as if I were trying on a pair of shoes that adjusted themselves to perfectly fit my foot. My heightened sensitivity was reporting that these small fractional alterations were occurring, otherwise I may not have been aware of it.

But Eros and Anteros were evidently aware, because as my physical form was being absolutely perfected, the effect on them was one of what could be termed heightened horniness. I watched each man’s aura change to one of extreme arousal, growing deeply red, and their magnificent augmented pricks were quickly plumping and rising as I was given final adjustments to create a perfect male body.


“Uh, guys?”




I did not know what was occurring in those moments. I could not know that what was happening would have a very dramatic affect on the events that would follow. No one could. Perhaps it was one of the universe’s little jokes, that a set of circumstances should happen in such a way that the outcome would literally change everything. Perhaps it was how evolution happened in this age of technology and machine logic. Maybe God, if you believe in such things, had a plan after all.

But none of that mattered at the time. This sequence took only a few moments before I was informed of the start of the next stage.


“Inscription read...guys? Uh, guys?” I snapped my perfect fingers to get their attention again. They seemed mesmerized. When their gazes finally met mine, it was easy to see that the one thing they both wanted at that moment was for me to fuck them with my perfect cock. It was still standing straight and tall, of course, so I could easily have fulfilled their wishes, except that there were more pressing matters.

After all, we could fuck any time, right?

“Guys? Inscription ready, it says.”

“You’ll need to now update the database on the status of anyone you’ve matured since last check-in.”

“Meaning everyone,” I said, smiling. Eros nodded, and he may have drooled just a little. “Won’t it be suspicious that this Residence is now populated exclusively with Level Twelve Overseers?”

“, you are fucking amazing to look at,” Eros interjected.

“Thanks. I try to eat right and exercise every day. Now could we please get back to the matter at hand?” My muscles were bulging. My cock was throbbing. My body was pushed to its maximums. I hardly faulted the men before to be experiencing a bit of trouble concentrating. “What happens when…?”

“You cannot control the information you provide. It isn’t a voluntary thing, your system knows each man you’ve been with and to what level you have matured them. It needs to update the database for every man you’ve matured,” Anteros explained

“We don’t believe it will ask or know about Overseer status.”

“Why?” Eros was still drooling a bit, so I repeated myself. “Why?”

He blinked. “There is only one Overseer in any Residence. There’s no need to ask if its occupants have been matured with that capability, because you are recognized by the system as the Overseer for this Residence.”

“Oh.” That sounded dubious to me. “You’re sure about that?”

“No, but we have no choice.”

“What if I just don’t proceed with the update?”

“None of us will be allowed to exit the Residence.”


Eros was in his fog of desire again so Anteros answered, somewhat haltingly. (Being this beautiful and physically perfect was going to cause some problems that never occurred to me.) “The Residence polices entries and exits and would not recognize us when we attempted to leave. You need to update our status so that…” He was losing it, again. Probably having this massive hard-on throbbing in his face wasn’t helping matters, but there didn’t seem to be anything I could do about it as long as I stood on the Overseer’s pedestal.

“You need to do it,” Eros said, finally.

“Okay,” I answered, still feeling dubious about it. If I hadn’t already set off alarms somewhere by be matured four levels higher than any other Augment had ever been, surely someone was going to notice an entire Residence of Level Twelves, wouldn’t they?

As quickly as I decided on that course of action, I - or my body, or the femtobots inside me - began the inscription process. A cascade of data was being pumped into the system. Model numbers and their new statuses were being recorded. It happened very quickly, but it felt dreamlike as I watched the parade of handsome faces and beautiful, muscular bodies appear and disappear as they were inscribed.

Some of their model numbers were quite low, leading me to believe that they had been here for some time. Others were very near my own, so they had only recently been introduced to the Residence.

Now they were all Level Twelve Augments. This seemed to satisfy the system and after another moment, the pedestal glow dimmed and the sense of constant stimulation ceased, finally allowing my raging erection to start to sink to its, ahem, ‘normal’ measurements and flaccid state.

I stepped down from the dais and looked at my companions. They were looking at me with pure lust. “Yeah, I know, I look good,” I joked.

“Uh, yeah,” Eros agreed. Then he suddenly pulled me into his arms and kissed me very soundly. I think I may have mentioned at some point before that the man could fucking kiss, but if I have not already made that abundantly clear let me reiterate again: The man can fucking kiss!

I was reminded of the first kiss he ever gave me as he was standing outside my door in a suit and tie and managed, with a single kiss, to cause me to spontaneously orgasm. It nearly happened again, though now that I had a bit more control over myself, all I did was moan and kiss him back with equal facility.

This time, he was the guy with the instant boner and uncontrolled fountain of cream.

I must say, it was a satisfying sensation to give a little bit back to him. He was, without a doubt, the sexiest man I had ever been with. I enjoyed being his sexiest man, even if I had a bit of a cheat since he was so horned up for me that I probably could’ve just said ‘Cum,’ and he would’ve exploded. The differences in my appearance were microscopically subtle, but the overall effect was obvious, particularly on these two men’s cocks.

They were both standing at attention for me, hard and red and quite visibly throbbing. There is nothing quite so erotic to me as seeing a man in heat. His obvious hard-on tells the story of what’s going on in his mind whether you’re an Augment or not. Seeing a man who simply cannot help himself and puts his desires and attraction on display is an amazing turn-on, don’t you agree? And watching these two impossibly handsome and muscular specimens instantly rise to the occasion made my own ample libido heat up.

“Fuck me,” Eros whispered.


He nodded. “Fuck me right now or I’m going to explode.”

I smiled. “You already did.”

Anteros put his hand very deliberately on my butt and squeezed. “I want in here.”

“A three-way?”

“I know you want to experience what I felt,” Anteros said, which was true. When he had been matured by Eros and I, he was plugged in to his brother’s ass while I drilled him from behind, releasing gallons of cum into his tightness and experiencing a kind of euphoric bliss I had never felt before.

What did it feel like to simultaneously fuck and be fucked by these gods of sex, knowing what we were all capable of?

I threw Eros to the floor and he slammed to the ground, shaking the building. He smiled and reached up and grabbed me, pulling me forcibly on top of his massive, gorgeous frame and kissed me soundly. “Fuck me,” he growled. “Fuck me hard.”

“Your wish is my absolute desire,” I replied, and I positioned my quickly inflating cock at his hole and pushed deeply inside.

He fit my gargantuan girth and supreme length like a glove - as if we had been designed this way, and perhaps we had. I started to fuck him hard, as he had asked, slamming myself into him over and over, throwing his body around like it was weightless and slapping my heavy balls against his muscled ass.

“Slow down,” Anteros advised. “So I can join in.” He slapped my ass hard and I obeyed, slowing my thrusts but not the depth of every fuck as my tremendous glutes helped me shove myself inside.

I was buried to the hilt when Anteros entered me, slipping his massive meat as deeply into me as I was inside Eros, and I exploded with an instant orgasm, flooding the huge man beneath me with hot cream. It gushed from me in a torrent that splashed hotly back against my groin, and I felt Anteros unleash his load inside me at the same time.

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