The Last Resort 7

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Alone in bed, I woke up.

The room was dark, but there was still light outside. Tuo appeared in the doorway to my bedroom. He had changed into formal clothing, and he looked fucking amazing in a tux. His hair was combed and he looked polished and perfect. “Good evening, sir,” he said softly.

“Was I…? Did I…?”

“I trust you had a pleasant nap after your shower. If it’s quite all right, I suggest you dress for dinner. You have an appointment this evening with our host.”

“The… the man on the…?” I felt groggy and cotton-mouthed. I could taste Pulchro’s sweet ass meat on my tongue. My ass throbbed from accommodating Tuo’s thick cock. My jaw hurt from attempting - and succeeding - in swallowing him whole.

“Yes, sir. If you would prefer not to, I can send your regrets and….”

“No, no. I’m up. I’m…I want to meet whomever is responsible for...all this.”

“Very good, sir. Though it isn’t required, formal dress is suggested for dinner.” He moved through the shadows in his black outfit. From the side, I could see the swell of his pecs pressing insistently against the tux from the front and the bulging muscle of his ass doing the same from behind, pushing the starched shirt forward and his tight seat backwards like bumpers on a very large truck. “Your wardrobe is here. Would you like me to dress you?”

After what had just happened, I didn’t think we had time for another surprise romp in bed - even though, shockingly, and as usual in this place, I found my libido and cock were certainly ready. “No, that won’t be necessary. Just give me a few minutes.”

“Very good, sir.” He bowed his head slightly and exited the room as I drew back the soft sheets from my nude form and looked down at myself.

I had to admit that I looked good. Maybe all this fantasy sex was good for me! And there was my insistent cock again, already throbbing towards erection with only the suggestion of sex in my head. Fuck, was I going to be this horny forever? It was going to make getting anything done - besides sex - quite the challenge.

I had a one-track mind and a cock that seemed ready and quite anxious to drive me down that track on an endless loop.

The tuxedo fit perfectly, of course. I hadn’t worn one since...what, prom night? Not a lot of call for this sort of formality in my life, normally. But when I looked in the mirror, I quite liked what I saw. I couldn’t kid myself into believing that I looked anything like Tuo in his monkey suit. But I did manage to pull it off, right down to the shiny black patent leather shoes.

Tuo was standing in the living room, seemingly awaiting me. Everything was in its proper place, and the room was glowing with soft light. “Are you ready, sir?”

I held out my arms and said, “Don’t I look ready?”

“Sir looks quite becoming, if sir would forgive my presumption.”

“You’re forgiven,” I said. “Is everything in place? I’m not quite familiar with the whole separate collar and studs. And the cuffs seem a bit long.

My manservant came to me - I was taken aback anew at the size and height differential. The shadowy light made him appear even larger than before. If I had not known it to be impossible, I would’ve sworn that Tuo was thicker with muscle and more handsome than I recalled. Tuxedos certainly did do wonders for a man!

He adjusted something here, tugged at something there, straightened my bow tie and brushed the lint from my shoulders. I watched his face as he attended to his duties, and my cock started to swell and tingle confronted with the mans beauty, strength, capability and authority.

He truly was perfect for me. I could not have designed him better myself.

“There we are, sir,” he said at last, smiling for me. “You’re perfect.”

Odd that I was just thinking the same thing about him. “Thank you, Tuo. Shall we go?”

“Yes, sir.”


We walked together back through the immaculately manicured grounds. The wind was still warm and soft, and scented with floral notes and something like baked bread. The trees rustled softly and the sky was starting to be filled with stars. “A lovely night,” I remarked.

“Yes, sir,” Tuo agreed. “Thank you, sir.”

“Um, you’re welcome?” I answered, laughing slightly. What had I to do with any of this?

The main building was softly glowing from all its large windows. I could see that the place seemed lit from within by hundreds of candles. I’m sure that couldn’t be correct, but the closer we drew to the white and red edifice, it became clear that it was exactly as it had appeared. “Well, that’s….”

“Sir?” Tuo glanced at me. “Is something amiss?”

“I...suppose not. It just seems...isn’t that a fire hazard?”

He glanced at the hundreds of candles alight and said, “I shouldn’t worry about it, sir.”

I looked at him and he smiled handsomely, which comforted me immediately. I realized that I now trusted my manservant implicitly. So I just shrugged and smiled back.

The scent of food grew stronger and stronger as we approached, but I still saw no other people either on their way to dinner, or already within the building enjoying cocktails and conversation. “Are we…?”


“Are we late?”

“No, sir. We are perfectly on time.”

“But...where is everyone else?”

“Did you want more people here, sir?”

“I...don’t know? It just seems odd. Is this usual?”

“It’s all perfect, sir. If you need something, please ask.”

I scowled slightly but said nothing. No one else was attending dinner? No one else at all? Maybe this was down season. Maybe that was why I was here at all. But then why was everything paid for? None of this made sense.

The smells of food were making me suddenly quite hungry, and I realized I’d had nothing to eat - unless the copious amounts of cum I’d swallowed counted - for several hours. I wasn’t famished, merely hungry as usual.

I could smell roasted meat and vegetables, baked bread, honey and butter and jam. I could discern the scents very clearly and immediately identify them. Cauliflower with cheese sauce. Baked potatoes. Beef and pork. Chicken and duck. It smelled like an absolute feast was awaiting us.

Walking in through the back doors, I noticed Pulchro - similarly attired in a perfectly-fitted tuxedo, though in his case it looked a bit dated or more like a costume. Was it made of velvet? His dark hair was slicked back on his head, but a pile of it rested atop his forehead and he looked, of course, absolutely perfect. His pants were high-waisted and his jacket stopped just below his chest, with long tails hanging behind him. His shirt was ruffled and he looked for all the world like some oddly beautiful vampire.

He walked toward Tuo and I and bowed his head slightly. “Good evening, gentlemen.” Then he turned his undivided attention to me and said, “You look wonderful, sir, if I may be so bold.”

“You may,” I said, only half-kidding.

His dark eyes scanned me had to toe, and again I felt as though I were being flirted with in a manner both broad and disguised, and I enjoyed the man’s overt observation of my body. “Would you care to be seated for dinner? Or perhaps an aperitif?”

“The food smells absolutely wonderful,” I said.

“Excellent, sir. If you’d be so kind as to follow me to the dining room?”

“Lead the way,” I answered, gesturing rather theatrically.

Pulchro’s ass was a thing of wonder. As he walked before me, the tails of his jacket swung to and fro across the perfect humps of each buttock, and I remembered my mouth pressing insistently between those wonderful fleshy hemisphere to gain access to his delicious hole, which I licked hungrily before shoving my cock….

Fuck, I was so fucking horny! Everything was making me hard. Even my hunger did little to diminish the persistent power of my overactive libido.

The dining room appeared to be at least as large as the lobby, which defied reason. There was no way a room of this size could fit alongside the huge entrance, but there it was, with a very long table in the middle of the floor. The walls were clad in dark, carved wood and the same candles were everywhere - including in a shining crystal candelabra hanging above the table. The soft glow of the candlelight made everything seem to throb and move, and as we walked forward I felt suddenly dizzy and a bit off balance.

I stumbled and Tuo grabbed my elbow, to steady me. “Are you all right, sir?” Pulchro was already holding out a seat for me, but he came swiftly back at Tuo’s concerned words.

“I feel….”

I stopped speaking when I looked across the room and saw someone - a man - standing there. At first he appeared unfocused, which I attributed to whatever had overcome me when I entered, but he began to...solidify in my sight the more I looked at him, and his features and demeanor grew more distinct.

I’m sure I blinked in miscomprehension looking towards him. I wanted to clear my vision of whatever was misting it, or maybe I simply could not believe my eyes in a very literal sense.

He, too, was wearing a tuxedo, looking for all the world as if he had just stepped in off the French Riviera. I could see that he was smiling and holding something - a cocktail glass? A cigarette case? A studded collar? It looked like all of those things and none of them, like it changed its nature as I considered it, until I realized it was a pair of sunglasses - mirrored aviators. He folded them and placed them in his breast pocket. I watched his movements with interest, and seem to become mesmerized by them, as the rest of the rooms and its occupants dimmed into vague shadows.

I looked at his face. He was handsome, certainly, and from a distance he had “movie star” good looks, if a bit generic. At one moment he was Cary Grant, in the next he was George Clooney, then Josh Duhamel and then Rudolph Valentino. His features finally settled into someone else entirely, someone resembling all the men and none of them. Classically handsome, and elegant to an extreme degree.

He exemplified an air of self-confidence that was palpable, even in the large room. As he approached me, a smile lit his handsome features and I noticed that the dark material of the tuxedo was doing its best to mask the size of his body.

I should not have been surprised that here was another man with a body that looked like it had spent a good deal of its life in a gym, hefting iron and honing itself to a level of muscular development and aesthetic perfection that would be ludicrous anywhere else I had encountered it. Even so, this man appeared to be another level higher than Tuo, Fortis, the captain or Pulchro. Thick, wide, tall and overwhelmingly large, he nonetheless appeared to carry the impressive bulk of his brawn with that same air of elegance and style.

“Good evening,” he said. “We meet at last.” His voice matched his body. Impressive, extremely masculine, and beautiful. He offered his hand and I took it, feeling his strong grasp. He was smiling at me with genuine friendship, and I was still having trouble with setting his features in my memory, as if they were still changing. I felt distinctly that if I were to look away from his face and look back, even for a moment, I would not remember what he looked like.

“Hello,” I said, still feeling fuzzy. “Thank you for the invitation.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked.

“I think so,” I said, honestly.

He nodded approvingly. “Good to hear.” He unclasped my hand and then he looked at his palm as if expecting to see something in it. “You do very good work,” he said. “I’m quite impressed.”

“Thank you?”

“You’re welcome.” He turned and moved toward the table, and to a chair near the one Tuo had pulled out for me. “I expect that Tuo has proven invaluable to you?”

“He’s been very helpful.”

“Is that all he’s been?”

“I’m not sure I follow.”

“What about Pulchro, here?”

“Pulchro?” I looked at the beautiful young man in his velvet frock. He was smiling as he looked back at me. I felt his soft lips pressed against mine. I tasted his cock in my mouth.

“I was a bit surprised to find him at the front desk,” my host said.

“Where should he be?”

“With you, of course. Perhaps you’re not quite ready for him, yet.”

“For him?”

“Please have a seat. You must be exhausted after the day you’ve been having.” He gestured to the chair and Tuo was adjusting it for me again, seating me at the table. “You’re doing splendidly, by the way. Much better than we could have hoped.”

“I still don’t understand….”

“Why should you? I’m afraid it’s all part of the service. Wouldn’t do to spoil anything ahead of time. Could taint the results, and we wouldn’t want that, would we?”

“No, I suppose we wouldn’t.” Whoever the fuck ‘we’ were.

“Can’t wait to see what happens, of course. It’s always so exciting when some new blood comes into the machine - if I could mix my metaphors for a moment. Though I know how that must annoy you.”

“Annoy me?”

“Being a writer and all.”

“I’m not a writer,” I protested. “I’ve never written anything.”

“Never? Never written anything? Nothing at all?” His achingly handsome face was smiling perfectly.

“No,” I affirmed. “Nothing at all.”

He smiled. “Ah, I see. That’s interesting.”

“Is it?”



“Though not wholly unexpected, I suppose.” He looked at Tuo and Pulchro and said, “Would you be so kind?”

“Of course, sir,” my manservant said.

“My pleasure, sir,” the concierge said.

“Wine?” the host asked, lifting a bottle that I hand’t noticed before. It looked like Cabernet Sauvignon, from Napa. Stags Leap region. My favorite. Before I could answer, he was pouring it into a large goblet on the table. I could smell the fruitiness quite succinctly. “Very impressed,” he said again, “with everything.”

“Yes, I am.”

He looked at me and smiled, about to say something and then he didn’t. “I like how everything is of a piece. That’s a bit rare. You probably can’t admire that, but it’s oddly true. So often, things go quite poorly at first until one finds one’s feet grounded, but this,” he said, gesturing vaguely at the surroundings, “is all so...tasteful.”

“I suppose it is,” I agreed.

“It really is.” He looked at me and added, “You’re really quite a fascinating man.”

“Thank you,” I said again. He lifted his glass and we toasted, I guess, to my fascination.

He was watching me over his glass as he drank, and then he was smiling and licking his lips. “My,” he remarked, “even the wine is amazing. Such attention to detail.”

I had to agree. It was really quite excellent. Though why he found it necessary to remark on this fact was beyond me. Wasn’t this his resort? Wasn’t this his wine? “I’m afraid I’m feeling a bit confused.”

“Just a bit?” His face was dazzling. His voice was musical. He looked good enough to eat in his tux, and I wanted to see him naked. His smile turned lecherous, as if he were reading my mind - though perhaps my desires were written all over my face. He was extremely attractive, in every way possible. Not only devilishly attractive from a purely physical perspective, but everything about him was pushing every button I had.

If someone were going to design the perfect man for me, they would have had a hard time coming up with a better model.

He set his goblet down and tilted his head rakishly. “You have an interesting mind,” he said.

“My mind?”

“The way you think. Your...creativity.” I wasn’t aware that I had done anything to demonstrate my creativity, and I was about to make a remark to that effect when Tuo and Pulchro reappeared bearing bowls filled with soup. It smelled heavenly. Roasted butternut squash, if I wasn’t mistaken. With roasted garlic and shallot, in a bath of chicken stock. Pureed and sprinkled with creme fraiche chives, and a hunk of crusty bread smeared with sweet butter. “Your favorite, I believe,” the host said.

“It is! I’m...surprised you went to the trouble of finding that out.” My brow wrinkled. “ did you find out?”

He only smiled and dipped his silver spoon into the soft, warm soup, pulling it towards his full, soft lips and gulping it inside. “Excellent,” he said. “And it pairs so well with the wine.”

Which it did. Which I knew. “I don’t suppose that there’s any…?”

Tuo was there with a pepper grinder, and rather than the dark specks of black, small specks of pale cream came out before I could finish asking for white pepper. The piquant aroma stung my nostrils and played against the creamy soup perfectly. “I suppose you have some questions,” the host said between spoonfuls.

“Only a few dozen.”

“About the dreams?”

I nearly dropped my spoon. “Well, for starters, yeah. What the fuck?”

“‘Fuck,’ in your case, being the operative word.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I don’t mean that as a criticism, you understand. You have a remarkable facility with that particular arena.”

“I do?”

“Though I am a bit...disappointed.”

“You’re disappointed?”

“Just a bit,” he said, smiling.

I set my spoon aside. “What are you disappointed with?”

“It’s hardly your fault, of course. Perhaps with some preparation and understanding you would have been more...adventurous.” His handsome head tilted. “Still, when you do let loose, you really are amazing.” He leaned in a bit and said, softly, “That bit on the couch? Now that was inspired.”

“On the couch?”

“Do I need to remind you?”

“On the couch?”

“Remarkable. Really.”

“I don’t….”

“Still,” he said, in the midst of a sigh, “we were hoping for something more in line with your…usual fare.”

“I still don’t understand….”

“Online. On that...muscle thing. Musclegrowth dot something? Your stories?”

I blanched. No one knew that was me.

“The epic about the Trumans. My, my, my. And then you had them go to high school.”


“And the Augmented gentlemen. And if we go way, way back, there’s so much more, too. So many interesting stories! So, it’s only natural that we thought, coming here, you might explore more of those kinds of fantasies.”

“But I….”

“Don’t get me wrong! What you’ve done so far is remarkable! But, let’s be honest here, simultaneous oral and anal sex is one thing. Flying musclemen who can fling a bit of semen on another man and have him explode with hundreds of pounds of muscle and sprout another penis! Now, that’s a fantasy!”

I stood up. My heart was racing. “Who the hell are you?”

“I’ve shocked you, haven’t I?”

“Who the hell…?”

“I wouldn’t think it would be that easy to shock someone like you.”


“Please sit down,” he said, calmly.

The room was going dark. “I don’t….”

“Oh, dear.”

The ocean was roaring. I felt dizzy. Confused. Panicked.

Everything went black.

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