The Sorcerer's New Apprentice 7: The New Round Table (ap musc)

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“Now that you have seen some of the things I can do so far what do you think?” Brian asked his brother.

“It is so kewl that you can do all that” Jason answered.

David saw his chance to get out from under the situation that Brian had put him under. “Yeah it’s kewl but I have one concern. I want him to promise not to change us unless we know about it.”

“That is one thing I want to talk to you guys about.” Brian said to the group. “I need to practice and perfect my gift. I need someone to experiment on. I also need a group to help me do the right thing. Can I count on you guys for support?”

“If you promise to ask us first before you make any changes.” Jason looks at all the guys in the group and saw that everyone was in agreement.

“It’s a deal.” Brian stands up and looks around at the group. Rubbing his hands together he asks. “So who wants to be first?”

The group looked around room at each other. There was dead silence in the room. Everyone was reluctant to say anything. 

“Aw come on guys I need the practice. I won’t do anything too extreme. Ok if someone does say something I will pick a volunteer.”

At that particular moment Brian’s father walks into the family room. Brian had forgotten that he had augmented his father the day before. His tight fitting tank top clung to his muscular torso.  His gym shorts hung loosely off his hips. Brian could see that his father was going commando because there was a distinct bulge floating about the front of the shorts  

“Ok boys, I let the group stay the evening so you could finish your game. Now I expect that the group will clean up this room before they go home. Jason, don’t forget that you have track and field practice in two hours and I expect you to outdo your last time. And Brian, don’t forget to finish trimming the yard. The weeds still need to be pulled.” Their father sat down in front of the big flat screen TV and turned on the sports channel.

“Yes Sir. We were just getting started when you walked in.” The brothers said as they start picking up the trash that was littering the room. 

David walks up to Jason and Brian and asks them a question. “Do you think Uncle Hugh would make a good volunteer?”

“I don’t know if I should change him again?”

“What do you mean “again”?” Jason asked.

“Before I went to school yesterday I made improvements to his body more befitting a collage track and field coach.” Brian said meekly to his brother expecting him to slap the back of his head. He was reluctant to tell his brother that he changed him as well. His brother seemed enjoy him new buff body.

“Since you already changed him once with no adverse effects one more won’t hurt.” Quinn said matter-of-factly.

“What do you suggest I do to him?” Brian asked.

Jason said in a questionable tone. “Brian, do you think you could change Dad back to what he was two days ago?”

“I can, but this time I will let everyone in our little group here see the changes I did to him.” 

Brian concentrated on his father. “First of all he will not be aware of any changes he will go through.” 

The boys watched as Hugh Goodrich began to lose some muscle mass in his back. Brian was standing just behind the couch. He could see the bald spot reappear on top of his father’s head but the hair didn’t go far. The muscular shoulder that his father walked in with started to slump. All over the top of the shoulders and down the back, hair began to appear on the body of his father. Brian could not see from where he was standing but the rest his father’s body had regressed back to the out of shape business man’s body that it was two days ago. Brian continued to watch as his father, still oblivious to what was going on, picked up the remote and changed the TV to the business channel. Figuring that all the changes were complete Brian walks back over to the group.

“Was Dad in that bad shape two days ago?” Jason said. Slightly embarrassed he asked his brother. “Could you put him back the way he was a few minutes ago and maybe make him ... ah ... bigger?”

“Why brother, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you liked muscle guys.” Brian said giving his brother a few word jabs. “One Muscle Dad coming up. But this time let’s try for an instant change.”

In a flash of blinding light their out of shape father returned to his previous condition and vocation. Once again the flawless body of a buff and fit college track and field coach sat before them on the couch. Then the new improvements began to take place. Brian wanted to make his father more attractive than normal. What he didn’t tell his friends was that he had put an attraction spell on his father. Brian wanted to see what their reaction would be.

 The guys could only see the back of the man sitting on the couch. The upper traps and deltoids were getting bigger. Hanging between the two muscle groups the regular tight fitting tank top was now a string tank top. The back strap went down the back lost between the massive Trapezes muscles of his back.

With a lustful look in his eyes Jason asked. “Brian can you make him stand up and pose for us without him knowing about?” 

Brian looks over to the group of guys. The attraction spell was working. They were all looking at the massive back of Hugh Goodrich. Each one had a bulge growing in their pants. Without taking his eyes off of the guys in front of him he made his father stand up. The growing bulges in everyone’s pants suddenly grew faster and bigger. When Brian turned back towards his father Hugh was in the middle of a double bicep pose showing off his extra wide back. The upper back had become considerably wider and was accompanied by an equally large lat spread. The lower back had its own outstanding qualities. As the bottom the loose fitting string tank top rose higher, Brian could clearly see a well defined “Christmas tree” in the middle of the small waist. Brian replaced the loose fitting gym shorts with a pair of black form fitting bike shorts. Two striated spheres of muscles were separated by crease in the material that plunging deep between them. Brian turns back to the group of ogling young men.

“So all you guys like muscle do you. Now let’s see what happens when I make him turn around.” Brian said to himself.

Brian made his father turn off the TV and slowly turn around to face the group. Brian could clearly hear the under the breath comments from the group as Hugh Goodrich went into a side chest pose. 

“He is magnificent!”

“His muscles are so huge!”

“I’ve never seen anyone so perfect!”

The larger than normal bicep and triceps of Hugh were only half as big as the thickness of the chest. The giant pillows of pectoral muscles stood out at least six inches further than the rest of the chest. When the side pose turned into a full a frontal double bicep pose the group let out a collective gasp. The abdominal muscles were no less than perfect. The muscles were offset slightly as they went from the sternum to the groin. His loose fitting gym shorts are now tight bike shorts that hung low off the hips. In the crotch of the shorts a large bulge could be seen by the group. Just to see what the group would do Brian made the bulge grow even bigger. A long tubular bulge began to elongate out to one side of the shorts.


Seeing his chance to have a little more fun with the group, Brian asks the group some questions. “I see by the looks on your faces that you like what you see. Would you guys like to be that big and muscular some day?”

They all agree in one way or another. Brian knew that in their current state of mind that they would now agree on anything he asked them. He looked into the minds of his friends and saw a common thought in each of them.

“So all of you would like that day to be now huh?”

Another group affirmation could be heard by Brian. “Very well then since you all agree that I could do it then here goes.” 

The group suddenly realized that they all gave him permission. They were about to protest but they were suddenly overtaken by a wave exquisite pleasure. Within a few seconds everyone in the group was bursting out of their clothing with growing muscles. A few seconds more and each of the guys were built like junior bodybuilders.  No one gained any height just mass. Underneath, what was left of their clothing, Jason and Andy’s boxer underwear had changed into bodybuilding posers. David and Quinn still had on their favorite undergarment from yesterday, their black T back posers.                             

Brian looked over at his father and thought that the heavy weight bodybuilder looked out of place amongst the junior bodybuilders. He concentrated on his father once again. First the string tank top and bike shorts were replaced with a single black poser. His body began to regress in age and size but not in muscularity. His stature grew smaller and smaller until he was the same relative size as the rest of the group. 

After a few minutes of body augmentations the room was filled with junior bodybuilders. If his mother had walked into the room she would have thought Brian was having a body building contest in her family room.

Brian knew that his father might freak out if he came out of his trance and found out that he was suddenly twenty five years younger. So he changed his father’s mind into thinking that he had always been this age. The last twenty five years of his life still existed but only as a reoccurring dream. All of his past mistakes never happened, yet.

While Brian was changing his father everyone else was absentmindedly touching their bodies in admiration. Then they suddenly realized what they were doing and stopped. They looked at each other they noticed everyone had grown bulging muscles. Their primal instincts had taken control of their bodies and caused their crotches to bulge and grow larger again.

“Brian what did you turn all of us into? We look like a bunch of gay bodybuilders” 

“You don’t like what you turned into?” 

“Well I didn’t say I didn’t like it. It is just a lot to take in all at once.”

“All I did was use the image you guys had in your minds and made them come true.”

“Didn’t you promise not to change us without asking?

 “I did ask you guys first and you all said yes. But I guess that you were so into Dads transformation that you didn’t know what you agreeing to.” 

“That is so low and underhanded little cousin.” David said with a stern look on his face. But before his brother could register the comment David burst out laughing. “Well done cousin, that sound like something I would have done. Remember, if you ask the right person the right way at the right time they will never say no.

With a puzzled look on his face Brian asks the group a question. “So you guys don’t like what you turned into?” 

“Yes, I like the ... I mean no. I look like a porn star with this bulge”

 “These changes are only temporary. Try out the body for a time and if you don’t like I will change you back.”

“Does everyone agree? We will keep these bodies for the day.” Jason asked his friends as he looked around the room. “What happened to our father ... and who is the new guy?”

“Oh I forgot you don’t know about him.” Brian looked over at his now younger father. “That guy over there is our father. Play along with him. He thinks that he is seventeen again.”

The younger Hughie was still doing his posing as if he was getting ready for pose down. He started to highlight the definitions of his legs when Brian brought him out of his trance. 

“The same thing goes for him I will change him back tonight. And now it’s time for him to join the muscle party.” Brian concentrates on his father and alters his memories before he releases him from his trance.

 “Hey big brother, are we still on for this afternoon?” The now younger Hughie asked Jason. “I want to work on legs this time.” 

Jason was still taken back that his father was now two years younger than he was. “Ah sure, I need to work on lower body s well.”

Everyone in the room was amazed on how well built their new friend was. He looked like he could win any contest he would have entered.

David pulls Brian off to one side and asks. “Brian, does your Father really think he’s your older brother?” 

“Yes he does.”

“Uncle is a good looking teenager Brian.” David said. “Does he remember anything about his past life?”

“He will not remember anything about his former adult life. To him his adult life will seem like a dream.”

“But what about Aunt Barbara …?” David asks again. “Won’t she miss her husband? Won’t they miss him at work?”

“These transformations are only for the weekend. For those that knew Hugh Goodrich as an adult will not notice a change.” Brian said.  “When they next see him they will remember him as Hughie my seventeen year old brother. As far as Mom is concerned, Dad was always gone on sports related business trips for weeks on end, she will think that he is on one right now.”

Hearing some of the side bar conversation Jason interrupts the conversation with a question. “Let me get this straight. For the time being he is my younger brother, and our high school friends are here having fun showing off some muscle.”


“How long are you going to keep our father at this age?” 

“Only for the weekend.”

All the guys were showing off their new bodies to their new friend.  Hughie was enjoying himself showing off for his older brother and his friends.

With all the huge guys in the room Brian was feeling smaller than usual. He stood there and looked about the room and asked himself. “I know that Merlin said that I could not achieve any personal gains as a Sorcerer but I wonder if physical changes can be made.”

“Yes they can my young apprentice.”

Brian looked around the room and saw that once again everyone was frozen in mid movement. Hearing the voice of Merlin he looked for the face of his mentor in every mirror about the room and found nothing.

“If you are looking for me I’m over here.” 

The voice was coming from the flat screen TV hanging on the wall. The bearded face of Merlin was a welcome sight to Brian.

I have watched you use your powers for good. You also did well in creating a council of advisers. I see that you mastered the art of transformation and mind control but be warned there could be complication if used too much.” Merlin said with concern. “You said yourself not a few moments ago that you have to guard your thoughts. Your imagination can get you into so much trouble. Remember to return your father to his adult age at the end of the day. Altering the past will effect what has already transpired. Time cannot be held back for long. If he had never made any “mistakes” and did not have to get married you and your brother would never exist. The improvements you have made to his adult body have given him a new outlook. If he had continued on his former path he would have … well let’s just say that the future didn’t look good for him”

“Merlin, are you able to see in the future?”

“The visions I have are very limited. I can only get glimpses of what might be”

“Can you tell me anything about my future?”

“That I cannot say for your future is still being written, which path you take is your own decision. The future is always in motion. The decisions you make today will decide your future. I cannot make those choices for you. I can only guide you in time of need. 

“Thank you Merlin. Your advice, as always, is very much welcome.

 “You are welcome young one. The question you asked earlier can be done by you. You will find that changes in your physical form will be more pleasing to certain people. I myself have taken many forms over the centuries. Livings as someone else can be most enlightening when points of views are different. Sometimes changing into an animal will get you closer to people than any human can do. Now go and enjoy yourself young one.” Merlin’s face faded from the TV screen.

“Since Merlin said it was alright to make a few physical changes than now it’s time to join the group.” 

Brian began to grow his body. He enlarged his chest giving himself a thicker profile. He widened his shoulders and beefed up his deltoids. He next expanded his back to a larger size. His arms were the next to grow as they increased to their new size. He made his midsection more defined by turning it into an eight pack wall of cut muscle. His legs doubled in size until they were huge pillars of strength. Brian looked in the hall mirror and liked what he saw. He was a match for any of the guys that he had just grown. But something was not quite right. He overall look was magnificent but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He raised his hand to scratch his head when he heard a ripping sound. It was his now too small clothing giving way to his growing body. Everything was stretched to its limit. Any movement he made another rip formed in his clothing. It’s time to change my clothing into a set of bodybuilder posers. The form fitting posers showed that Brian had forgotten something else. He concentrated once more on his body and the neglected body part grew to twice its previous size giving him something to be proud of. Just then his friends began to move again.

“Does anyone have any plans for today?” Brian asks.

“No I don’t, do you David?” Quinn said.

“Why do you ask Brian?” Jason asked his brother.

“How would everyone like to go to the beach and show off these wonderful bodies?”

“Going to the beach is a wonderful idea guys and I would like to join you, unfortunately I need to go home.” Andy sadly told his friends. “I will stay and help clean up the mess we made last night but I need to get back to the pizza shop. I’ll be stuck on kitchen duty for a week for skipping out on the clean-up last night. Brian, can you make it so I can keep this body?”

“Sure, I think you deserve a growth spurt.” Brian told Andy. “Remember only you six know what kind of body you had before last night.”

After about twenty minutes the half naked muscle guys had the room clean. The group tried to put their clothes back on and finds nothing to put back on. In their haste to clean the room the remnants of their clothing got thrown out in the rubbish. 

Jason walks back into the room carrying a bag of rags. “Ah Guys, I think I found our clothing.”  The cleaning rags that they had used on the room were their own clothing. “Brian, do you think that you could also fix our clothing?”

“I think I can make something more befitting these new bodies out of these rags Jason.” Brian says as he concentrates on the bag of ripped clothing. The bag full of rags reformed into the clothing that the guys wore the night before. “And while I’m at it I will make it so that anything that we wear will fit our body like a second skin.”

A few minutes the grateful Andy got the tight clothing back on his new and larger body and left for home a few minutes later. 

The rest of Brian’s round table gang continued to make plans for the beach. 

“Let me ask Dad for the keys to the … Oh wait.” Jason looks over at Hughie talking to David and Quinn. “In his present state I don’t think he’ll mind if we barrow the SUV for the day.”

This will be one Saturday afternoon that they would not soon forget.

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