A Change Could Do You Good, Part IX: Corposant

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(Document #1. Letter to Kevin Cantore, certified massage therapist, certified aerobics instructor, and certified personal trainer, c/o The Weight Pit. Dated May 7, three years ago. Facsimile image stored in memory grid block 100690-126-901 of Vital Information Necessary Centralized.)

Dear Mr. Cantore;

This letter is in response to your message dated April 12. I apologize for the time it has taken for this response, but our offices have recently relocated and it has taken several days for our new computer and information system to fully come online.

While I appreciate the concerns and objections that you noted in your letter, it is my unpleasant duty to inform you that the decision to put Gary Weiman as head personal trainer, pending the reorganization of your facility, is final and not subject to reconsideration. I understand that you have excellent credentials, and your education and experience in the wellness industry is without question. However, it is the feeling of our advisors that your talents would be much better applied to the practical "hands-on," if you will, aspect of your profession rather than in a management position. Also, in response to your question relating to this topic, yes, Mr. Weiman will be in a salaried position, whereas you will remain hourly. However, I have received permission to inform you that your hourly rate will increase by a substantial amount once the facility's reorganization period is complete. You will, of course, also receive your independent income as massage therapist separate from this hourly rate, and you have permission to increase that rate as well, pending liaison approval.

The details of the transition period are already known, but I will mention that during the month of July, the facility will be closed to allow the complete refurbishment of the interior, as well as the addition of a pool, sauna, and whirlpool area. We do appreciate your input on the refurbishment of the massage rooms and aerobics area and have implemented several of your ideas, as the preliminary plans I have included for your interest will show. As the new name will reflect, The Phoenix Center will truly rise again, better and brighter than ever before, partially thanks to you. Also, you will receive a stipend for living expenses to cover the period while the facility will be closed.

I understand that the things I have said here may not be to your liking, and for that I do apologize. Feel free to contact me at any time at the phone number above, and I will be glad to address your concerns and possibly solve them.


Marion King,
Subsidiary Liaison


(End Document #1.)

(Document #2. ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED. Facsimile image memory grid block designation ENCRYPTED. Password and genetic scan required for gaining access. **FOR YOUR EYES ONLY**)

Dear Mark;

I am so sorry to inform you of the death of Dr. Annoura Ting of ovarian cancer on June 3. I am not certain you aware, as I now understand you were still in London at the time, that in April she began a new chemotherapy treatment to combat her illness. While initially promising, her body turned out unable to tolerate the new treatment after so many others in so short a time. During the sixth week of treatment, she insisted on tending to your prototype project instead of resting, per medical orders. But you knew Annoura as well as I did: it was so very like her to abandon her health just to finish a project. Unfortunately, this time it proved to be exactly that: she collapsed while on duty at the isolation area in the physics department on April 29 and was taken directly to New Horizon Medical, where she slipped into a coma later that night. She never regained consciousness. I know it sounds callous, Mark, but in a way I am glad. You know how much pain she's been in these past two years, though she never complained about it. I am also sorry to inform you in such a clinical manner. I know that the two of you were very close.

Mark, I pray that not too much time has passed since I sent this letter to you reading it. I have not known where to find you. Stephen sent us a message once you left England. I know he promised to keep your location a secret, but don't feel that it was a violation of confidentiality; he only had your best interests in mind at the time. He expected you to return immediately home, as I did. I cannot say I entirely approve of you contacting the Sri Lankan Institute under the New Horizon aegis, Mark, but I think that I understand why. Dr. Chakmakjian, while initially intrigued by your theory, contacted us immediately after you left and has put a halt on any further prototype development. I apologize, Mark, but I couldn't let them go down a blind alley.

I only found out your itinerary post-mortem, as it were: I would find out your location right after you had just left it, which has led to a number of my messages being routed all over the world. That is why I have sent this letter to your parents, in the hopes that they at least will hold the letter until you are able to receive it. Stephen also mentioned that you seemed very fragile when you left. I hope you are recovering.

I understand why you were upset, Mark, and I am sorry I called your theory specious, but you have to understand our position on the matter. What you are proposing cannot be proven scientifically. The transmitter prototype seems to do what you say it does, but we have no way of telling what exactly is happening. If it is doing what it says it is - if, Mark - we have no way of measuring the effects with our current standards of energy consumption. That, however, is the least important topic. The more important one is what happens when the transmitter is activated. Effects occur which cannot be explained or controlled, which you are aware of. What you do not know is that because of the transmitter experiments part of the isolation chamber was destroyed in just the past three days due to fire. Investigation is still underway as to the cause, but it is far too convenient that the transmitter was on at the same moment. Random effects seem to plague its use, and this is not a safe thing for any of us if it is truly meddling with submolecular bonds. Because of this, we have restricted access to the prototype for the time being pending its dismantling.

Mark, the simple fact is that there is no such thing as hyperspace other than in science fiction and you cannot create a submolecular shunt to it even if there were such a thing. The energy requirements would be astronomical, if not infinite. I've stated as much to you before, Mark, but I need to reiterate. Please abandon this line of research. I realize that you've revolutionized many fields of study, but in this one case I feel that you are stonewalling yourself and I don't want to see that happen to such a bright young mind.

Please call me immediately upon receipt of this letter. I very much want to make sure that you are all right.


Dr. Paul Kalen
Director, Department of Physics
New Horizon College
New Horizon, California

(End Document #2.)

(Document #3. Undated news article from United Press International. Facsimile image stored in memory grid block 100340-117-445 of Vital Information Necessary Centralized.)


Sources in Wall Street disclosed today that the much-debated position of CEO for TK Industries will be taken over by Troy Kiered, Jr., son of the famed industrialist who died late last year.

In an interview Friday, interim CEO Diane Patinkin stated, "We've known for some time that Troy Jr. would be taking the post. The only reason why he hasn't come forward in the past few months is because he's been in seclusion mourning the death of his father and also preparing himself to take the reins of the company his father spent his life building. One of the requirements set forth in Mr. Kiered's will was that Troy Jr's assumption of the company be kept under wraps until such time as it actually happened."

Patinkin, 46, spent eight years as CFO of Chase Manhattan Bank before being recruited by TK Industries in the same capacity, amid a storm of controversy. As Patinkin stated during the changeover, "My decision to join TKI was based on a realization that this was the next step in my evolution as a professional. I had no ulterior motives either for or against Chase Manhattan bank or TKI." Patinkin's move, with little warning, was viewed as a conflict of interest in the industry, despite TKI's continued staunch refusal to enter into the banking arena.

Troy Kiered Sr. died November 3 last year in Harrisburg Pennsylvania, a casualty of the crash of Flight 322.

(End Document #3.)

(Document #4. ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED. Facsimile image memory grid block designation ENCRYPTED. Password and genetic scan required for gaining access. **FOR YOUR EYES ONLY**)

A: Yeah, but the pay is better.

B: Well, when the pay raises come through next... oh, wait, that won't affect you. You're leaving for LA anyway.

A: Right, thanks a lot. It's nice knowing that a retroactive raise will be coming through that won't affect me at all.

A: I don't see why you have to... wait a sec. Yes, sir, welcome to Trans World Air, how may I…?

C: There's {background noise} strange and talking to himself.

A: Oh, shit. Oh, I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to offend you.

C: That's fine, I've heard worse. Hell, I've said worse.

A: {laughs} Okay. Where is this guy?

C: Right down there, near the vid terminals in front of the coffee shop.

A: I'll take care of it. Thanks.

C: Okay.

A: {to computer terminal} Security.

(COMPUTER VOICE): Ringing security. Register Eleven Three Nine-Twenty Central Standard.

B: Wait a sec. That might be our VIP.

A: Cancel command.

(COMPUTER VOICE): Command cancelled. Register Eleven Three Nine-Twenty-One Central Standard.

A: Him?

B: He's supposed to be, uh, sick.

A: Physical or mental?

B: {unintelligible}

A: Kyle, do you *ever* read all of the files?

B: I do too! Well, sometimes.

A: We're going to have a talk about this later. I'll go get him. Is he still in the board window?

B: Yeah, just barely. I was about to shut the gate. But he's supposed to load even inside the window.

A: You're shitting me. They wouldn't even let the Vice-President do that when she came through last year!

B: It's in the file. Here. {pause} See? I do read them all sometimes.

A: I'd better... {unintelligible}

(Long pause. Background noise.)

A: {unintelligible} ...this way. That's right. Yes. {unintelligible} ...the one. You didn't say {unintelligible} in the head.

B: {whisper} I didn't know. {Normal tone.} Here's your listing, sir. Let me just {background noise}

D: I need to go to the coast. It's urgent.

B: Yes. Yes, of course. I'm going to take care of that right now. If you'll just have a seat I'll get your retinal...

(COMPUTER VOICE): Alert. Retinal scan blocked. Security code alpha-omega. Register Eleven Three Nine-Twenty-Eight Central Standard.

B: Jay, is the computer supposed to do that? I've never heard that code before.

A: Alpha-omega? I've never heard that code either.

B: I thought you knew them all by heart.

D: I need to go to the coast. They're waiting for me there. (unintelligible)... have died.

A: Uh, right. That's just it; I do know them by heart. I've never heard of that one before. Let me call the... (background noise) Karl, it's Jay over at Trans World. I gotta ques... Yeah, it did. How did you...? What? Are you sure? Karl, they told me that there were no excep... (long pause) Okay. Yeah, okay. {pause} Shit. Life or death.

D: Life or death. Died. I need to go to M... {unintelligible}

B: Uh, Jay, maybe we should call security back and have them...

A: He's getting on the plane.

B: What?

A: He's getting on the plane and we are going to escort him and put him in the executive section.

B: What about the ret...?

A: All security scans have been done. He is clear for departure.

B: Jay, they have not!

A: Need-to-know. End of discussion. Let's put him on the plane.

D: My box. I need my box. It's in the trunk. Life or death. I could have saved her.

B: Jay, are you going to tell me...?

A: No. Sir, we'll have your box put on the flight.

B: There's no time for the X-ray of...!

A: The X-ray has been done. End of discussion. Sir, you're ready for your flight.

D: They need my box. I need to go to the coast.

A: You're going to the coast very soon, Mr. Kiered. Welcome to Dallas.

(End Document #4.)

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