Ben's New Toy (AR muscle theft)

Ben loved this new toy, as he called it. It wasn't exactly a toy at all, and he really had no business playing with it in the first place. His dad had developed it for an aerospace company, and it was meant to be used to lighten supplies for transport to space on NASA's newest space plane.

This one was the prototype for the real one being developed at his dad's company. This was one of four already made. It had some problems in its design that needed to be worked out, and his Dad had brought the four prototypes home so that he and a few of his friends from work could work out a few of the bugs in them.

Ben had changed his father's plans a bit with his entry into the home lab his dad had built. Ben's dad, Mike, was working with his friends, Hank and Joe. They were his dream team as he called them. Hank was a engineering major, and Joe was fresh out of the Marines where he was in the special ops department. Joe had designed weapons of nondestructive force for the government, and this device was an offshoot of one of those weapons. He had designed the neutralizer component after a device he had worked on in the military. It was a reduction beam; it reduced the size and mass of enemy troops without actually killing them. It simply shrank them so they would be unable to actually be an effective combat assailant. It used microwaves and gamma rays to cause instantaneous burn-off of muscle cells thus weakening the threatening forces and rendering them a non-threat.

That was his component in the device. Both Hank's and Mike's parts were similar in design and function but Mike's could actually add mass as well as take it away, and Hank's had a side effect to it that was deemed unacceptable. It de-aged any living thing it hit. And occasionally if the right buttons were pressed in a certain sequence, it had the opposite effect and aged the target subject. Together, these things made an effective weapon, but that was the idea. The idea was to be able to reduce an army and then bring it back to its original size intact and without the side effects now inherent with the Reducer as it was called. With two of the devices' reductions being permanent reduction, all the lab mice were either reduced to skinny little version or reduced or aged and the effects were irreversible. Definitely not the intended results they knew they could work out of the devices.

The team was going to work all weekend and perfect the device so that it could be used as it was intended. All four of the devices worked differently from each other and each had it own little glitch that needed to be worked out before they could be demonstrated to the company heads that coming Monday. They all needed a little tinkering.

Ben was Mike's 13-year-old son from a previous marriage, and the father had custody of the smart bright young boy. Ben was Mike's only kid, and he had been born while Mike was still in high school. Mike was barely seventeen when Ben was born. Ben was fascinated with the devices he watched the three young men testing them and retesting them for two days now, and he so anxious to play with one of them. He wanted to see what it could do to a guy. He knew he shouldn't play with it but he was bound and determined to do it, and he, like all kids with a bright mind and lack of adult sense, found a way to do just that.

Ben waited for Joe, the big buffed out Marine, to set one of the two devices he was working on down. Ben had always thought Joe was a nice guy. He'd been his father's friend for as far back as he could remember, and he treated Ben like a nephew and he even called the handsome brute of a guy Uncle Joe. Ben always wanted to grow up and be like Joe was. He was the muscle guy of the three friends, not that Mike or even Hank weren't in great shape. The three worked out as hard as they worked on this project but Joe was just bigger then they were.

Was bigger was the key phrase here. Joe made one mistake. He set one of his devices within Ben's reach, and that was the biggest mistake he had ever done. Ben watched as Joe decided to take a small break from his work and went over to the Bow Flex Mike had put into the lab for a tension breaker. They all used it as one when they did these all weekenders. Joe was wearing jeans and a light-colored shirt covering his classic muscle tee he always seemed to wear under his shirt. He took off the shirt and draped it over a chair and stretched his thick arms in the air and did a few stretches to loosen up a bit before he worked out.

Ben, seeing his opportunity, grabbed the one device and played with it for a while. He pressed some button on the side, and it came to life. Its 4-inch LED screen came on and instructions started to scroll down the screen, fascinating Ben to no end. He understood most of the words, but some of them escaped him. He held it out like the guys in his favorite TV series, Star Trek, would hold a tricorder. Everything he pointed at had some kind of a reading. The lamp did, the chairs did, and then as he pointed it in Joe's direction, Joe's stats popped up on the screen.

Joe had his back turned and didn't see Ben standing there. If he had, he could stopped the boy from aiming the device at him. He could have prevented him from doing what he did.

Joe's stats were impressive to say the least. Not bad for an egghead as he been called before.

Height: 74"

Weight: 198 lbs.

Then the screen formed a grid pattern, and all the other stats came out. Waist size, 31 inches. Then, arms 18- 15 and their length. His chest size, 58 inches; his legs, 28 inches. It all scrolled down as Ben moved it up and down Joe's standing body. Even his shoes size showed up at 14. Ben loved it. He wasn't to sure why or how it worked, but it was cool to play with it anyways.

Then the screen said simply "REDUX." Ben didn't know what that meant exactly, but he hit a few buttons to see what else the thing would tell him and 60% showed up on the screen. Ben wasn't sure what that meant either and before he knew it, the device vibrated in his hand and then a beam of green light shot out and hit Joe square in his broad V-shaped back. It lasted for only a couple of seconds, and then it disappeared and the words "Beam Delivered" scrolled into the screen. Then grid showed back up again and Joe's body was inside of the grid pattern. It was like it took a digital picture of him as he was right then except he wasn't dressed; he was totally nude. It was weird though because it was a frontal picture of Joe, and his back had been turned to him the whole time. Ben could see everything including Joe's private parts.

Joe looked impressive indeed. His body was well sculpted and well-defined. No real fat anywhere. His body fat count blinked in the screens corner and read a low 5.2%. Joe was equally well-endowed, not that Ben would have cared. He was rather embarrassed that part showed at all. But Joe's stats showed that to be more then adequate at 6.89 inches. But that's when things started moving on the screen, and Joe started to change just as he had finished fixing the Bow Flex to his own settings and tensions. He was just about to start his workout when he began to change. Joe's finely muscled body began to get smaller, and he seemed totally unaware of it. Ben watched as Joe's stats changed in the device's screen. His weight of 198 dropped to 190 and was falling fast. Joe's height dropped as well from 74 to 72 and it dropped more numbers, not quite as quickly as the weight box was dropping but they were falling, and Joe was beginning to find the tensions he had set the Bow Flex for were becoming too high and harder to deal with.

Ben watched as Joe seemed to start to just get noticeably thinner. His biceps that had reacted to the pulls they were doing began to shrink in size. He was still impressive looking, that was true, but his biceps had gone down to 15 and were still dropping to 14. As the tensions got to be too much for his arms, Joe quit. A puzzled look on his handsome face spoke volumes as he looked down and noticed his jeans looked looser and his arms were thinner. Then it hit him he knew what was happening to him. He looked around a saw Ben standing there pointing the divice at him.

"NO, DON'T! OH MY GOD! WHAT HAVE DONE!!!" Joe screamed knowing this was just going to get worse for him,and it was irreversible. "OH MY GOD!!" Joe said as quickly got up and found his jeans wanting to slide down his thighs. Even his shoes felt looser and too big for his feet. He was frozen in fear and watched as everything he had worked for his arms massive muscles his thick legs his powerful pecs all shrank and went away. His jeans wanting to come down his thighs forced him to grab at them before they went all the way to his knees. His muscle tee loosening its hold on him and becoming a baggy tee instead of the well-filled one it was just moments ago. The screen read 170.

then 160 then 150 and dropped quickly and so did Joe's weight. His magnificent body lost more weight and muscle as he stood there in shock and awe as his prime muscles dwindled away from him fast. 140 became 120 and then less. He was becoming a very thin guy right before his own eyes. Then 110, and then 105, and then 99 became 90, and

then 90 became 80, and then stopped at 76 lbs. His height had dropped as well. He was forced to watch the room grow around him till his height stabilized at 63 inches as the screen read. Joe stood there holding up jeans way too big for this stick thin body. His jaw dropped open, a blank stare on his very thin face with tears falling from his eyes as the realization of what Ben had done set in.

Joe screamed a loud NO!! as he stood there his life changed forever. As far as he knew, he would never be that stud he always prided himself as being. Now he was weaker than even Ben was. He smaller in size as well. Ben now outweighed him by twenty pounds easily.

Ben panicked as his Dad and Hank came running into the room. Ben was scared to death and inadvertently hit both guys with the beam of green light soon where once stood two well built guy's there were two rapidly thinning ones, and one who looked to be growing younger now. Poor Joe had been hit by the beam again, and now his stick thin body could only retreat in one direction, and that was in age! Joe's 28 years became 25 then 20 then 10 as his only hope at any return.

Hank and Mike both dropped in weight. They were struggling in their clothes as Joe had done, and then they to once reduced to the size Joe was, they to regressed in age now as well they would be too small to help themselves. Before they knew it, Joe was now a toddler standing, barely still able to hold on to his jeans that were meant for an adult. His only hope was rapidly becoming child sized right next to him. Joe's mind remained adult for the most part but his body did not. He collapsed onto a pudgy baby's bottom and tried to speak but found he couldn't anymore. Only a baby's gurgle came out of his mouth. He finally succumbed to his emotions and just cried as he watched the same fate befell his two friends, and his only hope of being an adult again any time soon they, too soon were toddler-sized, and they in turn lost their ability to stand as well. Joe was now no more than a year, and Hank and Mike were maybe two at best. No one could have helped each other now.