The Apprentice's Revenge Part 2: The Return of Roger (hypno)

Disclaimer: This story contains male/male sex, s/m role-play, and hypnofetishism. If you are not of legal age, (eg.18+) or offended by such subjects, then stop reading, you pervert! Perhaps you are living in a backwater community that frowns on such explicit materials. In such a case, stop reading, FEEL MY HUG, and know that I feel genuinely sorry for you. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real events or people, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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A tear trickled down Luke's cheek but it was a tear of joy, not of sadness. In the year that he and Morrkon had been living the lives of lovers, he could not have been happier. Each day was like a new beginning and each night was an amazing adventure of erotic delight.

Luke thought back to the day when his life had turned around. Well, actually, his life had been turned around for him. A young, moon-faced man by the name of Roger had breezed into his life (literally) and had given Luke the most precious possession he would ever own.

Up to that point, Luke had been pretty miserable. For three solid years, he had been slaving away as Morrkon, the great magician's, apprentice. At least that's what he thought. Actually, Morrkon had been tolerating him for those three years, waiting for Luke to turn 19, so that he could force feed Luke a potion that would turn him into a marble statue, a potion that would only work on a 19 year old. In the meantime, Morrkon had spent half the time treating Luke like a drudge and the other half like a punching bag.

And then, on the eve of Luke's 19th birthday, in the very nick of time, Roger had appeared and bequeathed a very powerful, magical object to Luke. It was a wand. But not just any wand. The Wand of Ultimate Mind Control. Roger told Luke that he had used it to make the wizard he was apprenticing for fall in love with him, and had then proceeded to show Luke how to capture Morrkon in the same way by putting Luke into a deep hypnotic trance.

Even now, a year later, Luke blushed as he remembered how he had shamelessly thrown himself at Roger, seducing him while entranced. But even as Luke remembered, he nodded. That was how he felt when he was under Roger's spell. Shameless. Uninhibited. Free.

And the next morning, Luke hid the wand and said goodbye to Roger who disappeared into thin air, seconds before Morrkon returned from a night long errand in the mountains.

Luke had decided to try to give true love one more shot before using the Wand, but ten minutes hadn't gone by before Morrkon's evil potion scheme was revealed. Well, Luke was no fool. He used the Wand. OK, sure, maybe his living arrangement wasn't the most honest or ethical but he was alive. He was in love. And thanks to numerous post-hypnotic suggestions there would be enough wowsers in Morrkon's trousers to keep him panting after Luke forever.

Luke hummed an idle tune as he lovingly put the final touches on the thick sandwiches he was making. Roast beef, cheese, tomato, lettuce. Morrkon's favorite. Luke wrapped the sandwiches in paper and packed them in the wicker picnic basket with the rest of the food. Then he picked up the basket from where it sat on the kitchen table and carried it over to the back door where he stepped out onto the porch of the cottage and watched Morrkon chop down a sapling at the edge of the forest.

As Luke watched Morrkon's powerful bare torso work out, he smiled and became lost in quiet speculation. It was exactly a year ago when he had stood on another doorway, lusting after Morrkon in complete misery. Then came Roger. Then came salvation.

Luke had never seen Roger again after that night. Their one night stand had been just that. Luke assumed he had gone home to his own wizard love slave to keep training. Luke felt a twinge of regret and longing and immediately felt guilty with Morrkon right there in front of him.

"Oh, what the hell," he whispered to himself, "It's my birthday."

Now 20 years old, Luke was 5'11" with a medium, toned, smooth body with pleasing bumps of muscles poking out everywhere. He had short, blond hair, blue eyes, and a face that was leaving handsome behind and fast approaching gorgeous. He wore a tunic of fine linen, leggings, and slippers, all the same favorite color of blue that matched his eyes perfectly.

Luke danced down the porch steps and across the green lawn to where Morrkon toiled. The wizard's back glistened with sweat in the sunshine. Morrkon was built heavily with muscles, just the way Luke liked it, of course. Smooth as silk skin, all over. A mop of dark brown hair. Piercing, green eyes. And his face! Oh, sweet Lord, his face!

Luke smiled again as he thought back a year to when he had first captured Morrkon's mind, body, and soul with hypnosis. After they had made love, his first post-hypnotic suggestion had been that Morrkon shave off his thick, full beard. The next morning, Luke awoke to a handsome stranger. Morrkon explained (as Luke already knew) that his beard suddenly made him feel old and he didn't want to wear it anymore. Luke was left with sculptured features, a rock hard jaw and a cleft in the chin. He was gorgeous! Luke was delighted. He told Morrkon that 27 was hardly old and that he was beautiful.

Now, a year later, little had changed. Morrkon was built, Morrkon was handsome, and Morrkon was his to command.

"Morrkon, come have lunch with me! I made your favorites."

Morrkon turned to face him, "Not just yet! I just started on this tree. Let me fell this one and then I'll eat."

"No, Morrkon, you've been working all morning. You need to keep up your strength. In fact you're probably getting so tired, that axe is beginning to feel a little heavy." And with those words, Luke casually licked his lips. Morrkon blinked.

"What! I'm as strong as an ox! Don't worry, I won't be long!" Morrkon went back to chopping, but now his movements were strained and jerky as if he were lifting a great weight.

Luke smiled quietly and without a word spread the red and white checkered picnic blanket he had brought out on the ground nearby. He lay upon it on his side with his head propped up on an elbow, watching Morrkon who was chopping with increasing difficulty.

Finally, Morrkon let the axe head fall to the ground and took a breather. As he did, he watched Luke who was watching him. Again, Luke licked his lips.

"You smug little bastard!" Morrkon said affectionately, not noticing he had blinked rapidly three times. Then he went back to work again. Or tried to.

Luke continued to watch, confident. The lip lick never failed. That axe would get heavier and heavier until he complied with Luke's wishes.

"Come to me, Morrkon! Come and rest!"

Morrkon gave two or three more half-hearted chops before the axe thudded to the ground for good. Luke unpacked two sandwiches.

"I guess you're right, Luke. I must be more tired than I thought," Morrkon ambled over at last. "What have you got there?"

"Sandwiches, milk, iced tea, chocolate cake, and apples," Luke said.

"Sounds good, but I'm hungry for something else, first."

"What's that?" Luke asked, falling for it.

"This," Morrkon captured Luke's mouth with his and drew him in closer. Luke was helpless to resist. He gave a little sigh of contentment as he was pressed against Morrkon's hard, wide wall of a chest and offered no resistance to Morrkon's erotic assault. Tongues dueled and Luke ran his hands gently over Morrkon's sculpted, bare flesh, relishing his burly slave.

Luke was swept up in a torrid combination of sensations and emotions. Lust, power, heat, and pleasure. He felt Morrkon's huge dick pressing into his stomach like a rod of iron, and he gloried in the knowledge that that piece of meat was his, all his.

Tongues still battling, Luke's hand traced a slippery path down Morrkon's bare, sculpted chest, down past six pack abs, and then down into his trousers. Morrkon gave a little moan of pleasure.

"Well, isn't that romantic!" came a sarcastic, and slightly familiar voice.

The two lovers jumped apart like guilty teenagers. They sat up and faced the intruder angrily.

It was Roger. Although he was Luke's age, height, and exactly the same medium build as him, Roger was the exact antithesis of Luke. Roger had dark brown hair and green eyes. Square, wire spectacles sat gracefully upon his well-proportioned nose, an addition since Luke had seen him last. A smug smile that Luke didn't like played upon his round, full-moon face. He was dressed in a black tunic with a matching, midnight black cloak that flowed magnificently down to his ankles. He carried a long walking staff with the head of a snarling lion carved on the top of it. The eyes of the lion were two glittering, green emeralds.

"Who the HELL are you?" asked Morrkon furiously.

"Morrkon!" Luke said quickly and clearly, "Eyes front!"

Morrkon's head snapped around to face Luke head on.

"Luke, what's going on? Who is that? Hey, why can't I move my head? Luke, what' going--"

"Hush," said Luke, "Everything's going to be all right. Abracadabra!"

Morrkon's emerald eyes snapped shut and he fell into Luke's waiting arms. He gently lowered his mesmerized charge to the blanket where he lay, splayed out magnificently.

"Morrkon, I want you to count to 100 and with each number go twice as deeply asleep than you are right now, until you drift off into a deep, natural sleep that will last for three hours. No manner of conversation or noise will bother you unless it is something threatening like a wild animal or fire, whereupon you will awake instantly to protect yourself. Understand?"

"Yes, master."

"Good. Begin now."


Luke reluctantly turned from his sleeping beauty and stood to face his past. He took a few steps forward off the blanket and approached Roger.

Luke's light faced Roger's dark. "Hello, Roger."

"Hello, Luke. You're looking well."

"It's been a good year. Look, what do you want, Roger? I was kind of in the middle of something."

Instead of answering, Roger stepped around Luke and gazed upon Morrkon, still fabulously out for the count. With each number, he sighed orgasmically and his trousers began to tent.

"Magnificent!" Roger breathed, "And he likes it eh?"

"Yes. It wasn't long before I discovered Morrkon found it erotic being hypnotized. Of course, consciously he has no idea."

"Of course. And he really doesn't know about me?"

"Of course not! He'd go mad with rage if he ever found out what we did. He's extremely jealous. Besides, there was no reason to tell him about you. You left and never came back. Until now. Why have you come back?"

With effort, Roger, tore his eyes off Morrkon and faced Luke again. Again, he didn't answer. Instead, he fixed Luke with a particularly intense stare, and again, asked a question of his own.

"Has our night together faded from your mind, Luke?"

"What!? No, of course not! But that's all it was, Roger! One night! You can't just breeze back here after a whole year and expect me to get all teary! What do you want, Roger? Why are you here?"

"The answer to all your questions!" Roger answered finally, with a flair.

"Me! What are you talking about?" Luke was starting to get alarmed.

"You! I'm talking about you, of course!" Roger answered, his gaze never wavering, "Don't run from me, Luke. Submit. Don't run, don't move. You can't run, you can't move. Submit. Your gaze is locked on mine and you cannot move or look away. Submit."

Indeed, Luke was now rooted to the spot. "Why do you keep saying that?"

"A little dormant suggestion I left with you last time. Every time I say 'submit' you become 100 times hyper-suggestible. You are unable to disobey my commands."

"NO!" Luke was horrified, but it was true. He couldn't move, he couldn't look away from Roger and every time he heard 'submit', a wave of fog rushed through his brain, making it hard to concentrate on anything except Roger's voice.

"Morrkon! Wa-" But Roger cut him off.

"Silence! You will be silent and listen only to my voice. Submit and obey me!"

Luke's mouth slammed closed and cemented shut. The forest sounds, the birds, squirrels, the babbling brook that was just out of sight though the trees, all faded into obscurity as Luke tuned them out and fixated on Roger's soothing yet chilling voice.

"Your body is mine to command. As you gaze into my eyes and listen to my voice, you can feel it happening. Your thoughts are your own - for now - but your body is mine! It will obey my every whim and tell me anything I wish to know and you will be compelled to tell me only the complete truth. When I count to five, the separation of your body and mind will be complete. Do you understand? You may answer."

"Yes, I understand."

"Good. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5! Follow me, please!"

And it was done. Against his will, Luke walked away from Morrkon and the idyllic picnic scene and followed Roger into the house. Luke tried in vain to stop walking, to trip, anything, but it was no use. Even while his mind screamed, NO! NO; his body moved in a stiff march up the steps and into the cozy cottage.

"Lock the door!" commanded Roger.

Luke's body complied.

"Come here and stand before me!"

He had no choice but to obey.

Roger reached out and stroked Luke's head, caressing his blond tresses. "So beautiful. I've dreamed about this every night for a year. Whenever I made love to my wizard, it was your face I saw. But now the wait's over. We're finally together again. Together forever."

His hand moved lower, tracing a path down Luke's face, across his cheek, down the side of his neck. His hand moved slowly down to Luke's pecs where one nipple was, and suddenly and almost brutally pinched and twisted.

Luke gasped as a wave of pleasure rocked through him. His body arched and his mouth opened slightly. Roger moved forward eagerly to fill it.

Luke was shocked and outraged. He couldn't believe Roger's gall or his body's betrayal. Had he always been this easy?

But even as his mind said no, his body said yes. His tongue dueled with Roger's with a passion all his own. He grasped the back of Roger's neck and pulled him closer. In return, Roger held the back of Luke's neck and stroked his hair again, relishing it.

Luke felt horribly conflicted. On one hand he was thoroughly enjoying what Roger was doing to him. For a whole year he had been in control of himself and Morrkon and that had been great. But now he was being controlled and that was great too. It felt so good to let someone else take the reins for once. At the same time, Luke felt horribly disloyal to Morrkon and frustrated and angry that he was powerless to stop it. But if that was the case, why was his hand moving down from Roger's neck to his back and then further to his ass? Luke squeezed and felt a certain subservient satisfaction when he heard Roger's moan of pleasure.

Roger broke the kiss but kept his hands roaming over his victim's body. "I give you permission to speak, but not move. You may only speak the truth. NOW!"

At last Luke's jaw was unhinged. "Roger, you bastard! Let me go this instant!"

"Why would I do that? I've been waiting for such a long time to come and claim you."

"I thought you were in love with your own wizard."

"That old goat? I just stayed around long enough to learn all I could from him. A few days ago he informed me my power and knowledge equaled his own. So I dumped a cliff!"

"You killed him?!" Luke gasped.

"I've had enough of age. Now I want to experience youth. Something new. I want you."

"Well, I really love my wizard and I don't want to leave him. I don't want you!"

"Oh, really? Your body betrays you, Luke," Roger grinned at Luke's rock hard cock, stimulated by Roger's constant caresses. Roger's hands moved toward Luke's chest again and Luke held his breath in anticipation. Roger squeezed and pulled on both his nipples this time and Luke nearly passed out with pleasure. He grabbed Roger and kissed him hard, deep. He couldn't help it. He was overwhelmed. He felt as if he would do anything for Roger at this moment. He reached under Roger's tunic and tried to feel Roger's chest in return.

"You see. You do want me. Come away with me Luke. I can teach you anything that old man could dream up and more. We'll both have it all, youth, beauty, and power!"

"Besides," he added, "It's not like you have a choice. If you don't come with me willingly, I'll kill your wizard and take you anyway. I've already removed one wizard from the world today. Why not make it two?"

"NO!" Luke shouted. "No, don't!" His voice broke, "All right, all right, I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt him. Just don't hurt him."

"That's more like it," Roger said.

"What happened, Roger?" Luke asked, "How did you become so corrupted?"

"Well, I have to confess, Luke. I was never really the good guy I appeared to be in the first place. When I came to you in the first place I was already making plans to bump off my teacher as soon as I had milked him dry. And I had been head over heels in love with you for months."

"Love!? You call this love?" Luke cried in outrage.

"Love, lust, let's not nit pick," answered Roger trivially. "Now, less talk, more cock."

"Yes, sir," said Luke, as his body pulled down his leggings and freed his fully erect 9" cock.

"Mmmmm.... beautiful!" Roger breathed.

He grabbed on to it and slowly stroked it. As he did, he looked deep into Luke's eyes and began to speak in a deep monotone:

"Submit, my little slave, become mine completely. Let's have no more unpleasant talk about lovers past. As I stroke your cock you can feel yourself submit even further. I'm going to give your cock ten strokes and at the tenth stroke your body and mind will become completely mine, forgetting about Morrkon. It will be just like the first time we made love. Do you remember?


"One, becoming lost in my eyes. Two, feel yourself relax, submit, letting go. Three, going deeper, deeper, there is only my eyes, only my voice. Four, your past is slipping away from you, like sand through your fingers. Five, deeper, deeper into my eyes, past the point of no return. Six, Morrkon has become a distant memory like something from a thousand years ago. Seven, there is only me there has been only me to serve, and you will serve only me. Eight, submitting totally now, returning to a year ago, when it was just you and me in the cave. Nine, Morrkon is a forgotten fact there is only me. Ten, you are completely mine, totally in my power."

"I am in your power," repeated Luke dully, "I hear and obey. What is your will, master?"

"On your knees, slave."

"Yes, master." As Luke complied, Roger pulled his own 8" cock free and held it before Luke.

"Serve me," he said, "Suck on my big, beautiful dick and as you do, you will feel your soul link with mine, joined forever. When I shoot you will swallow every drop and the link will be complete and you will be mine totally, body, mind and soul. You will awake as my lover and slave. Then we will teleport out of here never to return. Would you like that?"

"Yes, master, as you wish."

"Then begin my slave."

Luke felt an unseen force push on the back of his head. At the same time, his mouth seemed to be magnetized toward Roger's cock. He tried to resist but slowly and surely, the distance between his head and his new master's cock grew shorter and shorter. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a small part of him screamed NO!; but as soon as his lips touched cock that thought as well as any others flew out of his mind as his body began to flow with wave after wave of pleasure as the soul link began.

Roger groaned. Luke was an artist. Wave after increasing wave of ecstasy rocked through to his core. At this rate, he would cum very soon and the soul link would be complete.

Luke could feel his old identity slipping away from him the way an old shirt slips away into darkness down a greased laundry chute. There was a steady increase of awareness of Master, the one whose cock he was sucking and whose cock he must suck from this day forth. With every throb of awareness, a rush of pleasure filled his body re-enforcing the new programming, strengthening the soul link.

Without warning, the kitchen door exploded inward with a great noise. The force of the explosion overturned the kitchen table and tossed the chairs across the room. Roger, who was leaning against the opposite wall by this time was pressed flat against it while Luke was pressed forward against him, deep throating his cock in the process. This unexpected pleasure sent Roger over the edge. As the dust cleared to reveal Morrkon standing in the doorway, his face black as a thundercloud with rage, Roger sent shot after shot of cum down Luke's eager throat.

"You're too late!" Roger cried in triumph, high on pleasure and power, "He's mine now, all mine, FOREVER!"

"BASTARDS! I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!!" Morrkon moved forward with his hands outstretched into claws designed for strangling.

Without batting an eye, Roger reached over for his staff and pointed. The green eyes of the snarling lion glowed and shot beams of green light at Morrkon. The lights encircled Morrkon around the chest, waist, upper legs, and ankles. Morrkon was frozen in his tracks with his arms pinned to his sides and his legs bound together with magic bands of green light. Morrkon swayed back and forth a few times before falling heavily to the floor.

"I know you! I remember you from the meadow! Who are you, anyway!?" Morrkon growled as he struggled to escape his bonds. The effort was in vain.

Meanwhile, Luke had swallowed every drop of Roger's spunk and busily finished cleaning the last few drop from the end of Roger's cock. He blinked a few times, his eyes clearing as he woke up from his trance state. He gazed up at Roger adoringly.

Instead of answering, Roger asked, "How did you get here? It hasn't been anywhere near three hours yet. You should still be in dreamland."

"A family of grizzlies was attracted by the food from the picnic. I woke up to protect myself. How long has this been going on? How long have you been hypnotizing me? Controlling me?"

Roger realized Morrkon thought Luke and he had hypnotized him as a cover up to an affair. He couldn't suppress a snicker.

"What's so funny?"

"You. Being so totally and completely wrong," Roger said as he pulled up his pants, "Luke is the one who hypnotized and controlled you. And he only did it to save his own life. As for how long, it's been exactly a year."

"Luke? Impossible! Luke loves me! He wouldn't do that to me!"

"He does love you! So much in fact, he willingly gave himself up to my control to save you. But as I said it's too late! He has linked himself with me body, mind and soul, and he has forgotten you completely! HE IS MINE!!"

"No! I don't believe you!"

"Oh no! I'll prove it. Luke, stand up."

Luke stood from where he still knelt on the floor, his cock still hanging out stiff with subservient pleasure.

Luke, who is this man?"

I don't know, master."

You've never seen him before?"

"No, master. There is only you, master. May I ask a question, master?"

"Yes, Luke?"

"Where are we? Is this our home? I don't recognize anything."

"No, Luke, but we're going home very shortly. Be patient, and sleep, sleep deeply supporting yourself on your feet."

"Yes, masssss..."Luke dropped off.

Morrkon was dumbfounded. Roger was smug.

"You see, I control him completely now, as he controlled you!"

"But how? I have a spell that counteracts hypnotic induction!"

"A year ago I brought him a wand that broke your spell as easily as a stone breaks the surface of the water. I made love to him when you wouldn't and fell in love with him. Now, I've come to claim what's mine!"

"But he's not yours! And you can't claim what's not yours!"

"Fine! Claim, steal, let's not nit pick! I love him and his very soul belongs to me, now!"

"You'll never get away with this, you evil spawn of hell!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, big boy!" Roger retorted, "Now those bonds should wear out in about a half hour. Be sure not to wear yourself out, struggling! AH HA HA HA HA!'

Still laughing maniacally, Roger grabbed Luke's helpless, sleeping form, enfolding him in his dark cloak. He gave his staff a whack on the floor and vanished with sharp crack, leaving only a gauzy haze of green smoke behind. His laugh echoed, fading slowly away, taunting Morrkon, who was left to struggle unsuccessfully against his bonds.

Read next part

This story is Copyright © June 2004 by [email protected]. All rights reserved.
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