Hypno Cop 7: The Gun Range

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I woke up and realized it was Thursday. Earlier in the week while under hypnosis my sex slave Officer Gavin Taylor express wishes to improve his aim with his service weapon at the upcoming competition. The shooting practice he got that night while under was not about to win him any awards at the next competition, so I was feeling a little guilty that I should repay some of my debt to him for the entertainment he, and now his partner Officer Mike Trent, gave me so far this week. For some reason he told me Thursday was the day that the range was usually empty of officers. A day that we could possibly go there together and practice without running into anyone else.

I called Officer Taylor's beeper and left my number. Within a couple of minutes my phone rang.

"This is Officer Gavin Taylor. Did someone at this number just beep me?" he said in normal police commanding tone.

"Yes, Officer Taylor. This is Bruce Hix."

"Hi Doc, what can I do for you?" and upon recognition of my voice you could hear a smile on his face.

"Tutti Fruiti"

"Yes, Sir" and with that you could hear the smile vanish and be replaced with an emotionless stare.

"Do you have time for some pistol range practice in your schedule today?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir. I am off duty today calling from home and this morning would be a good time for me to do so."

"Good. Then get in your uniform and report to my quarters, immediately. What's your 20?" I asked so I knew when to expect him at my door?

"20 minutes, Sir" and in about 15 minutes the doorbell rang and there was Officer Gavin Taylor in all his masculine glory. I prepared him to be awaked and not remember the call, nor why he was going to stop by my house on his way to pistol practice.

"It's open, come on in" I yelled and he walked in, closed the door and stood in my living room. I was in my bedroom finishing dressing in my own uniform Gavin had given me earlier this week. When he rang the door bell I was just finishing up by putting on his partner's duplicate badge, nameplate on the shirt and identification in my pockets. Gavin had told me this range was only for officer's usage, so, I needed to become an Officer for us to enter.

"I'll be out in a second" I said behind the door. It was ajar so Gavin couldn't see me, but he could hear me. I wanted to play with him before we focused on practice.

"I don't know quite why I am here, Doc. I was about to go to the pistol range." Gavin sheepishly said.

"I know, Gavin. It's OK. Remember earlier this week in our session you said you wanted to improve your aim for the next shooting competition?" I quizzed him.

"Yea, I remember" replied Gavin sounding more sure of himself.

"Well, you said Thursday was a good day to practice with minimal disturbance from other officers so I placed a suggestion for you to come pick me up this morning so I could help coach you at the range." I fudged a little on my description, but wanted him to know why he was here.

"You did? Ah, that's amazing! I don't remember anything about it. Thanks, but, ah, the range is not open to the public. Only Officers are allowed..." and Officer Taylor dropped open his jaw and stopped talking as I opened my bed room door and walked into the living room in my complete police officer uniform. We looked like matching twins. The look of amazement crossed Gavin's face and he was dumbfounded for a couple of seconds.

"I didn't know that you were an officer on the force, Doctor" he finally forced out.

"I'm not, Gavin, but the only way I could figure on how to accompany you to the range is to impersonate one" I replied coolly, watching his reactions. "For today, at the range, I will be your partner, Mike, to coach and prepare you for that upcoming competition."

"Doc, ...I...I really appreciate your commitment and interest to help me out, but, impersonating an officer is an offense." Gavin's voice started to take it's original deep official sound but was not yet threatening me. Good I thought, He's still talking this through and I might not have to "push" him hypnotically very far. I wanted him to remember most of today because it was for his benefit. Well, I was also going to have some fun, but I wanted to give something back to him.

"Officer Taylor, do you want my help to win your next competition or not? I asked as professionally as I could. I could see the stress on his face considering the temptation. "You are going to be with me the whole time, and hopefully, we won't run into anyone else. If we do, I won't say anything and I will take your lead to explain my presence." The temptation agony, I could tell, was killing him.

"Doc, I can't risk it" he finally decided. Before he could say anything else, I said my magic words: "Tutti Fruiti".

"Yes, Sir" Gavin replied in his now standard emotionless hypnotic response. With that I gave him a post hypnotic suggestion that my help with impersonating his partner, Mike Trent, was well worth the risk, given my commitment to follow his lead and keep a very low profile. Before I woke him, I prepared him to forget this conversation, but remember he changed his mind.

"1 2 3" I said and Officer Taylor blinked.

"You were saying, Officer Taylor?" I asked.

"Ah, shit, OK Doc. I need your help, but you promise to do what I say and follow my lead if someone should see us." His eyes were begging me. "and you promise not to tell Mike or anyone else we did this."

"Yes, Gavin. I promise" and a smile then came across his face.

"Good, let's go then" and I followed him to his car in the parking lot.

It felt good to be back in uniform and while not under self-hypnosis thinking I was Gavin on duty, it was even more of a rush. I was out in the open, in daylight, awake in my uniform accompanied by real cop, who knew who I was and that I wasn't a real cop. We passed two people in the parking lot as we walked up to Gavin's car. It was amazing to observe them drop their eye sight in deference to the authority that this uniform projected. I was real glad they did, as I recognized both of them as tenants of the building, but they did not recognize me in this police officer uniform.

Gavin's car was a red Chev Corvette. While it wasn't brand new, it looked well cared for. I expressed my admiration of it, Gavin smiled.

"Yes, it is a chick magnet, isn't it" not only chicks, I thought, and I am sure he did too. We got in the car and Gavin started the engine. It roared to life and Gavin sped out of the parking lot.

He drove like a manic through the streets. At all stop signs, he just slowed down a bit, looked both ways and if no one was there, drove through without stopping. The same with stop lights. It felt real weird, riding with a Cop who disregard all traffic signs and laws. I question him about it and asked him to be more observant.

"Doc, all my colleagues on the force know this car" Gavin replied. "None of them will pull me over for anything, and even if a State Trooper pulls me over, I just show my badge and we have a nice talk and he goes away without giving me a ticket" Gavin explained. His driving still irritated me, however.

"Gavin, for our mutual sakes, can you drive more like a normal civilian. I don't want any State Trooper to see me while in this uniform" I begged. Gavin looked at me and finally understood my concern.

"Yea, I guess your right" Gavin reluctantly replied and he began to actually stop at signs and lights.

We pulled up to the shooting range and the parking lot was empty, just like Gavin had described. We both got out, locked the doors and proceeded to the entrance.

"OK, here's the plan" Gavin explained just outside the entry. "Once inside, you turn down to the left and through the door. I will stop at the window and sign both of us in. I don't think the attendant remembers me by name and it is only really important to specifically identify us during competition shoots. As long as he recognizes the uniform as you pass by, he shouldn't try to stop you from entering."

"Right" I acknowledged and Gavin turned and opened the door. I followed close behind. As Gavin planned, he walked up to the window spoke a few words to the attendant as he signed in for both of us. I glanced at the attendant, turned to the left and went through the door. The attendant looked up at me for a second, recognized the uniform and before he could say anything, Gavin pulled his attention away again and was talking to him some more and I was through the door.

The room was a long hall, dimly lit, with what originally looked like small closets lined up on the right. Each was a private cubical with an open back window over a counter. Through the window the lights were bright with targets in the distance. Overhead was a chain device that transported the paper targets from the cubical to the end of the shooting range and back. Gavin walked up to me with two ear muffs in his hand.

"Here" he said. "Put these around your neck now and on your ears when I am firing." I complied. Gavin pulled out his service weapon and checked it, he then eyed out the target.

"OK, I am ready. How should we begin?" he asked.

"You need to instruct ME on how to utilize this weapon, pointing to my utility belt, and do it just as you would want to be instructed" I said coolly. A look of surprise came across Gavin's face and I continued "while I can help you focus and concentrate, I don't know the basics of the method and operation. You show me, and I then will use that information to help you focus."

"Have you shot a weapon before? Asked Gavin.

"No" I replied meekly. Gavin rolled his eyes at me.

"OK, then listen up" and he proceed to instruct me. First he covered the weapon, safety lock, loading and unloading. The same procedures like the previous night while hypnotized as his partner Mike.

"For doing this the first time, you seem pretty knowledgeable" Gavin said.

"I am a fast learner" I explained. He continued then to describe how to face the target, standing with legs apart, holding the weapon with one hand with the other bracing it underneath.

"Align the sight with the target. Exhaust the air from your stomach and hold until your arm stops shaking. When you are ready, firmly pull the trigger and then breathe, but before you do it put on your ear muffs" Gavin instructed and he grabbed his own ear muffs and pulled them over his ears. I pulled mine from around my neck on over my ears and returned my attention to the target. I aimed, exhausted the air from my gut, and fired. The gun kicked back and almost jumped out of my hand.

"Well, sharpshooter. You missed the target completely" Gavin chuckled. "Here, let's try again." This time Gavin stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my slim shoulders and held my hands and arms as I aimed at the target. It was almost like an embrace. I could smell his scent and cologne. It was very difficult for me to keep my focus as I was in heaven. His arms felt strong and secure around me. I fired.

"Bulls eye" Gavin exclaimed. "Now that is a real improvement" he smiled with satisfaction. We continued to work for about another 10 minutes. While not getting any more 'bulls eyes' I was at least hitting the target. He continued to work with me as a close, concerned older brother, and yet he was awake, not under hypnosis.

"OK, now your turn" I said.

"Where do we start?" Gavin asked.

"I will hypnotize you again, here. This time however, you will be fully aware of your surroundings. Ready?" I asked. He nodded and I then said:

"Tutti Fruiti". Gavin blinked and replied:

"Yes, Sir"

"OK Gavin you don't have to call me Sir during this session." I commanded.

"OK" he acknowledged.

"I want you go through your preparations to shoot at your target, just like you did with me" I began. "This time, before you fire, we are going to change some things. You feel confident as you prepare to fire. Before you felt the adrenaline flowing through you like a raging flooding river. It was this uncontrolled adrenaline flow that was making your arms and hands shake. We have now placed a dam in your mind that is holding back this wild flow of adrenaline and you can feel your shaking beginning to ease. You release more as you need it to fuel your efforts, but hold it back again when it is excessive. Your eye sight is now sharper and you can see things before that were just a blur in the distance. You now are blocking out any distracting noise except for that what is necessary to hear and my voice. Now go into position and prepare to fire" I instructed. Gavin went into position. I could see a physical change in his cool expression and squint in his eyes. I could see him exhaust the air from his chest.

"Commence Firing, Gavin" I said. He unloaded the weapon at the target. We retrieved the target and analyzed it. All bulls eyes, one after another, almost though the same hole. Gavin smiled with a very focused and cool demeanor.

"OK, Gavin, listen up. I will give you the controls you need so that you can put yourself into this self-hypnotic trance while at practice, during competition, or....in an emergency situation while on duty. You will only be able to do it at these times. Understood?

"Yes, Doc" he replied.

"When you need to go in this mode, you will whisper to yourself the words 'Click On' and you will return to this focused state. You will be aware and in complete control of your actions, as necessary. No one else will be able to manipulate you. After you finished, you will whisper the words 'Click Off' to yourself and return to your normal awake self. Understood?"

"Yes, Doc" I prepared Gavin to wake up. This time I told him that he would remember everything that occurred (well, almost...he wouldn't remember addressing me as 'Sir'). He would awake refreshed and well rested.

"1 2 3" and Gavin blinked.

"How do you feel, Gavin?" I asked.

"Great, refreshed." He looked down again at the target paper in front of him and a wide grin returned to his face. "That is the best I have ever done" he exclaimed. "Now if I could only do this consistently" he lamented.

"Want to try it again? I asked.

"You bet" and he turned to go into his stance. I could see and barely hear him whisper the words 'Click On'. His arms became solid like steel, his eyes squinted at the target. He was cool as a cucumber and then he unloaded his weapon at the target. When completed, he put down his arms and returned his weapon to his holster. Softly he mouthed the words 'Click Off', blinked and turned to me with a smile. We retrieved the target and again, all bulls eyes.

"Damn, I did it!" he exclaimed "and I remember everything while doing it. This is amazing. Thanks, Doc!"

"You now have the controls to focus yourself, as needed." I reinforced. Gavin grabbed his targets and we prepared to leave the range. However, instead of returning back toward the attendant station, Gavin motioned me to follow in the other direction. We exited the building to find ourselves outside, approaching a series of building fronts, with no backs. Just openings for windows. It was shooting simulator. As you walked by, pictures of bad guys with hoods and guns, mothers with babies, children, and animals would show in this window and door holes. The goal was to only shoot with aim at the bad guys and complete the series as quickly as possible.

"Watch this!" Gavin said proudly as he went over to the speaker on the pole and asked the attendant to reset the Gallery."

"Proceed when ready" squawked the attendant from the speaker. Gavin walked up to the first position and I could read his lips move as he said 'Click On'. He walked down the walkway. He turned and drew his weapon when the first picture appeared. A woman with child. He returned the weapon back into his holster and continued the walk down the path. In the next window a bad guy popped up showing a weapon. Gavin turned, drew the weapon and fired immediately without hesitation. Afterward, he returned his weapon and continued down the path. It was amazing to watch him in action, over and over again analyzing correctly each target. He hit every bad guy and nothing else. At the completion of the Gallery, he walked up to me with a cold hard stare and again I could read his lips as he said 'Click Off'. Immediately, the coldness in his eyes were gone, replaced with a smiling twinkle.

"Do you want to try, Officer 'Trent'?" he mocked at me. "I will walk beside you and guide you through. Please, just don't shoot me in the foot" he again mocked, half seriously.

"OK" I replied and I felt the adrenaline rush as I took position and Gavin called the attendant to reset the Gallery.

I began my walk and I could hear Gavin behind me, coaching me. The first picture popped in a doorway, a large dog. Before I could think I had already pulled out the weapon and aimed it at the animal cut out, and fired. "Oops....one strike against me" I said to myself as I put back the weapon and continued down the walk. Next a bad guy with gun showed up. "Shoot him" Gavin exclaimed. I pulled out the weapon, pointed it in the general direction of the picture and fired, missing him completely. I put the weapon back into my holster and continued the walk. At the end completion of the simulator, Gavin tallied my score.

"Well, Officer 'Trent', I think you need to keep your day job. With this score you couldn't pass at the academy." Gavin teased. I laughed. I was having a growing respect for Gavin and his skills as a police officer.

"OK, you win, but over time if I was able to practice..." I shot back. "Anyway, I am really hungry at the moment, aren't you?

"Now that you mention it, yes. I know a quiet salad bar place, how about I take you" asked Gavin? I was in shock. I looked down to my uniform and then back to Gavin.

"Ah, haven't you forgotten something" I asked taking my hand and showing my uniform off to him like showing "Door Number 3" at the old "Let's Make a Deal" television show.

"No, but in this place we shouldn't run into anyone" he replied. "and I think you might enjoy seeing what it is really like to be out on the street in uniform." I was amazed.

"Cool, lets go" I replied and we walked back through the range and Gavin returned the ear muffs and check us out. We exited the building and walked up to Gavin's car. He got in and reached over and unlocked my side. I got in, put on some sunglasses and buckled up while Gavin started the Corvette's engine, pressed in the clutch and slid the gear in reverse. He wrestled with the steering wheel as he backed up and put it in first. I could see him flex his large arms as he turned the wheel around. I tried not to glare and I hope he didn't catch me doing so. We arrived a "Souper Salad" restaurant within a few minutes, this time driving like a law abiding civilian, and we locked the doors of the car before walking up to the restaurant entrance.

"This one's on me, 'Sir' " Gavin said with a smile as he turned his head back at me while opening the door. A mild shot of worry rang through me. He called me 'Sir' and he was not under hypnosis. I put it off as a sign of respect for our work on improving his ability at the range. Still, I liked him calling me 'Sir' especially being awake.

"Sure, thanks Gavin" and we went in through the buffet line and selected our meal. I still had on my sunglasses as we walked to a table in the back and sat down with out backs against the wall with full view of the restaurant. A waiter came by and took our order for drinks. Damn, it was Chuck, my friend that first tired to hypnotize me before I met Gavin. I didn't realized he worked here. OK shit! I bit my tongue and tried to stay cool.

"What can I bring you, Officers?" Chuck asked, eyes to the paper as he was writing.

"Ice Tea" said Gavin.

"Make it two" I almost squeaked. Chuck never looked up to see my face. He didn't recognize me.

"Fine" and he left. Within minutes, he returned with the ice teas and again he didn't look up at my face, eyes lowered.

After he left again I couldn't take it anymore and I turned to Gavin and said: "I know the waiter, but he didn't recognize me in this uniform. He didn't even look me in the eyes."

"I am not surprised, it's the police uniform effect. He doesn't see past the uniform. Many civilians will not look at us in the eye unless they are forced to" Gavin explained. "Sometimes it makes you feel really alone out here. I guess that is one of the reasons I asked you to join me for lunch."

I sat back and began to relax. I turned to start eating. Gavin continued to talk, then stop and eat a couple of bites, then talk some more. I was learning a lot more about my 'sex slave' motorcycle officer. He still presented himself to me as a straight guy, he talked about his recently ex-girlfriend Rose. I felt a little sorry for him, being so tightly in the closet, portraying one role, but living another in private with his police partner lover, Mike. He talked about his life as an officer and others on the force, including his sergeant. His precinct did not have a large complement of officers, only 15, and were a pretty much self-sufficient group. I asked if any of the other officers might want to utilize my services to improve themselves.

"Come to think of it, many could" replied Gavin. "A couple are heavy smokers and want to quit, another constantly battles a weight problem and I believe all of them would want what you gave me today....but...I am not sure I want to share it." Gavin trailed off.

"OK, maybe after the competition is over with" I said and then Gavin shook his head in agreement.

We finished our lunch, walked up to the cashier and I was expecting Gavin to pull out his wallet to pay. The cashier keeps his eyes lowered as he pulls out a clip board and Gavin signs it, then turns to me and motions me to sign it also. I signed it as "Mike Trent". He got me. He, and I, didn't have to pay a dime. The meal here was 'gratis' for police officers. The owner of the resturant like uniformed officers around to eat. It made this a safer place to be for his employees and customers, so the meal was free. Gavin smiled at me as I realized the joke he played on me. We both chuckled as we returned to his car.

As Gavin drove back to my apartment, Gavin asked me: "Well, Officer 'Trent' how did it feel to be out in public in uniform?"

"Strange, real strange. Especially the reaction by others in the restaurant. They don't really see you, do they? I asked.

"No, not many do" Gavin replied keeping his eyes forward driving.

He pulled into a parking place and about to let me out for the day. I wasn't quite finished with him and before he could say good bye, I said:

"Tutti Fruiti" and Gavin's face again gave off the emotionless stare.

"Yes, Sir" Gavin replied.

"Follow me upstairs to my apartment, Gavin" I commanded.

"Yes, Sir" he said again and turned off the car, locked it and followed me into my apartment and bedroom. He stood at attention as I stripped off my uniform and stood naked before him. I could see his cock bulge out of his uniform pants.

"Open your eyes and kiss me as you would your lover, Mike Trent, in private" I order Gavin. He blinked and smiled as he place his arms around me, sucking me up to his strong chest and placing his lips on mine. As we opened our mouths and felt each other's tongues wrestle, his arms were rubbing, pumping my back. I could smell his manly aroma and cologne again. My cock was fully erect.

"Gavin" (I wasn't even calling him 'Sex Slave' out of a growing respect for him), "Suck my dick, NOW" I commanded. He dropped to his knees and took his lips that were seconds before on my face and placed them around my extended cock and began to suck.

"Look up at me with the look of lust in your eyes as you suck my dick, Officer Taylor" I commanded and his eyes were wide open staring into my eyes with lust. He moaned in appreciation for the desert he was getting to complement the lunch as I exploded cum in his mouth. He swallowed it whole. He fidgeted his crotch, it was obvious he wanted to cum.

"Strip off your uniform, Officer Taylor" I am going to give you a rare treat. You may fuck your master in my fuck whole as you would your partner and lover, Mike Trent"

Oh, yes, SIR, Master, Sir" and Gavin quickly undid his utility belt, and dropped his pants, took off his shirt and wifebeater tee shirt and then I stopped him. He was standing before me with an obviously very old and worn out old jock strap with his cock just busting to get out.

"You call that underwear? I asked Gavin. Sheepishly, Gavin said:

"No, Sir. For some reason I ran out early this week" he replied. I glanced at my drawer and remembered that I now have several pair of his.

"OK, Gavin. Remove the jock strap" I commanded and in a moment he was naked before me.

"Use this" I threw him a condom and he quickly put it on, then turned to me as I bent over to expose my butt hole. I looked in the mirror and could see Gavin's face as he began to stick his member up my ass. His expression changed, as it did he also started talking....to me as 'Mike'.

"You know Mike, you have really are pissing me off lately" and Gavin slapped my butt, hard and it stung.

"What have I done wrong, Gavin?" I asked very surprised.

"That is OFFICER TAYLOR, SIR to you while on duty and while I have my cock up your ass. You can all me Gavin any other time, but you seem to keep forgetting." Gavin complained and he slapped my ass again.

"Yes, Officer Taylor, Sir!" I replied. It hurt, but felt so good. He ran his hands up my back.

"Your going to do what ever I tell you immediately on duty without any more feedback or disrespect. Understood?" he commanded to 'Mike'.

"Yes, Officer Taylor, SIR" I moaned in delight. He pumped me harder and harder until he exploded in my ass. He didn't withdrawal, but held me tight against him as we maneuvered to the bed and laid down, side by side, with his cock still in my ass. We cuddled tight as he reached around and grabbed my cock and started to jack me off. I didn't take more than one or two strokes and I was rock hard again. He withdrew from my ass and whispered in my ear, "Your turn, 'Mike'." I grabbed another condom and this time let Gavin put it on me, he smiled and rolled over lifting his butt in the air awaiting my penetration. I immediately slapped his ass and shoved in my hard cock in and began pumping. Then I yelled at him:

"What disrespect? I haven't given you any disrespect! Gavin!" I roared. Gavin moaned a little.

"You know what I mean, Mike" Gavin complained back to me.

I yelled back at him: "COMMANDER TRENT, SIR! while I have MY cock up YOUR undeserving ass!"

"Commander Trent.....SIR!" Gavin finally spit out.

"You don't realize I worship the ground you walk on" and I slapped his butt again.

"Yes, Commander Trent, Sir...I do!" he cried.

"Then show it more often!" and then I came and he moaned in enjoyment. We again laid back on the bed with my cock still up his ass. I could smell his sweat as we laid there in spoon fashion and I gently petted his face and hair. He would take my hand and kiss my fingers. I repeated to Gavin, what Mike had told me the other night while he was thinking I was Gavin under hypnosis: "You know, we don't get enough quality time like this anymore." I tried to make my voice crack like his did. "My sex, and...our love life would be much easier if I could move in as your roommate again, like college."

"I miss it too" he responded. "With Rose now out of the picture, maybe now is the right time."

"Good" I said. "Lets talk about it during our next duty shift."

"OK, Commander Trent, Sir!" and I pulled my cock from his ass. Gavin rolled over, looked at me straight in the eyes and kissed me again. I told him to close his eyes and go back to sleep.

I got up and pulled the condom off my dick and walked over and put on a jock and gym shorts. I ordered Gavin off the bed and to put his uniform back on. I made him comb his hair and make himself look professional.

I prepared him again before dismissing him. He wasn't going to remember anything past dropping me off after lunch. However, he was going to remember a fantasy of having sex with Mike this afternoon. To him, it didn't really happen, but he wanted it to happen and he would talk with Mike about living arrangements next time he got a chance.

I dismissed Gavin and he left the apartment. I turned on the shower, stripped off my jock and shorts and got in. It was a good day. I had lots of fun, Gavin got what he wanted, and I begun to have a growing admiration of my #1 sex slave stud.

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