Green Legacy 9 (musc)

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My eyes fluttered open and I instantly knew something was wrong. I was lying outdoors on hard, bare earth, and staring up at a bright blue sky, but somehow that wasn’t the problem.

I sat up. I was naked, but that wasn’t the problem either.

I seemed to be at the bottom of a small crater. The walls of the crater were too high for me to see out of it without standing up. Still, not the problem.

I stood up and suddenly I knew what the problem was: I was small, way too small. I shouldn’t be this small. I should be bigger, a lot bigger. I looked around. I didn’t recognize anything. I was in a modest city that looked like it had just been through an earthquake. Buildings were half toppled. Smoke was billowing out of half of them. A water main had broken and water was shooting into the air. Cars were lying flipped over on the street smashed, their parts scattered all around. The sounds of sirens and car alarms filled the air, along side the smell of smoke and gas.

A few people were wondering around, scratched, bruised, sometimes bleeding, and looking just as dazed and confused as I felt. I decided to climb out of the crater. I was pretty unsteady on my feet, but I managed to stumble out of it. A woman saw me and came running over.

“Oh my God,” she said. “Are you all right?”

“I don’t know,” I said, looking down on my slight body. I couldn’t see anything wrong—besides the size. “I think so.”

“What happened to your clothes?” she asked.

I began to contemplate my nakedness seriously for the first time. It just didn’t seem to be important; neither did how I got that way. “I don’t know,” I repeated. She pulled off her jacket and offered it to me. I took it and tied it around my waist. It wasn’t that I was feeling overly modest; it just seemed like the right thing to do.

“What’s your name?” she asked, and suddenly I realized I had no clue.

“I don’t know,” I said. But what I also realized was I didn’t care that I didn’t know. All I seemed to care about was my size; I was ridiculously small.

“Why am I so small?”

“You poor thing,” she said, wrapping her arm around me. “You must have hit your head or something? Were you in a car crash?”

“I don’t think so,” I said. I wasn’t sure where I’d been recently or how I’d gotten where I was. But there was still the overriding question. “Why am I so small?”

She looked at me with a half bemused expression. “What are you, 16? 17? You don’t look that small to me. You look pretty average for your age.”

Well, I was bigger than her; so I guess I wouldn’t look small to her, but I did to me, painfully small.

“You better come with me,” she said, “until we can find your parents.”

Really not knowing what else to do, I followed her to a small café which she explained she owned, operated and lived above. As soon as we got through the door she shouted, “Nick! Nick, come here!”

A moment later a mousey haired kid about my age came running it. He was painfully small, too.

“This is my son, Nick,” she said. “And I’m Marie.”

“Hi,” I said.

Then she turned to Nick. “I found him wondering the streets dazed and naked. He doesn’t even remember who he is. Run upstairs and find him some clothes, will you? You two are about the same size.”

Nick stared at me for a second before his mother said, “Hurry up, you don’t want him to freeze, do you?” Nick shook his head and ran out of the room, I could hear his feet pounding on the stairs as he ran up them.

Marie was on the phone pacing up and down. “I can’t get through to emergency services,” she said, flipping her phone shut. “They’re probably very busy right now. Well, you don’t look seriously injured. You can stay with us until they sort you out. Name come back to you yet?”

I shook my head. Why was I so small?

“We’ll need a name for you. I guess John Doe is the standard for these occasions. We’ll call you John. Is that alright?”

“Sure,” I said. And then it hit me. I was starved, just ravenously hungry. “Do you have any food?”

“Of course, Sweetie; you’re in a café.”

“I’m really, really hungry.”

“Well, that sounds like a good sign. Hang on, I’ll see what I can get for you.” And then Marie disappeared into the back room.

Nick came back the next instant with an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt. No underwear, though but that was ok. “You can change in the bathroom,” he said.

“That’s ok,” I said, taking off the coat and draping it on the back of a chair. Nick turned beat red and turned around. What’s the matter with him? I don’t know why everyone was so preoccupied with clothing. It just didn’t seem important to me, not like the overriding question. “Why am I so small?”

“You don’t look that small to me,” said Nick. Suddenly I got the feeling we weren’t talking about the same thing. I pulled on the pair of jeans he brought me and slipped on the t-shirt. They fit fine.

Just then Marie came back with a huge sandwich for me. I didn’t waste any time tucking in. I don’t think I stopped to breath. In seconds it was gone, and Maria just stood there looking dumbfounded. “Ok,” she said, “I’ll make you another one.”

She disappeared back into the kitchen. Nick was staring at me like I was the most interesting thing in the world.

“What?” I finally asked him.

“I don’t know,” he said. “It’s just that I’ve never met anyone who’s lost their memory before.”

“Oh,” I said.

“Don’t you remember anything?”

I thought about it, but there was nothing; it was all blank. “No,” I said. “Is it important?”

“Important? Your family, your friends, your life, yeah it’s important.”

“Then, I’ll try to remember.”

Marie came back with another sandwich for me, and I gobbled that one up too. Marie just looked at me and shook her head. “Nick,” she said, handing him some cash. “Take John down to Bently’s for the all you can eat special. I think he’ll break me if I try and feed him here.”

“Ok, Mom,” said Nick, “if they’re open.”

Nick led me out the front door and as we were walking down the street, I couldn’t help but stare at all the destruction. There was a 10-story building that looked like it had collapsed.

“I saw him, you know,” said Nick.

“Saw who?” I asked.

“The guy who did all that.” He waved in the direction of the street and all the damage that had been done.

“Did all what?” I asked.

“Trashed the city. Don’t tell me you don’t even remember that. The guy was gigantic, over a story tall, and he was wider than a tractor trailer and his muscles… fucking unbelievably massive, just bulging out all over him. He looked like he was made of muscle.”

“…made of muscle,” I echoed. That sounded good. It sounded right.

“You like big muscles?” asked Nick

“Yeah,” I nodded. I really didn’t need to think about that. I just knew I did, a lot.

“I’ve been working out,” he said. “Check this out.” He rolled up his sleeve and flexed. He had a nice sized bulge on his arm. Bigger than a golf ball but smaller than a baseball. “You want to feel it?”

I reached out and grabbed hold of it. It was a rock under his skin. “Damn,” I said.

“I’ve got a six pack, too. Wanna see?” He lifted up his shirt and displayed his stomach. I could clearly see his abs outlined beneath his skin. “Hit me,” he said. “Go on, hit me, hard as you can.”

I balled up my fist and I hit him. I heard the smack as my knuckles collided with the warm, solid padding of his stomach.

“Oh come on, you can do better than that,” he said grinning. But I had the feeling he’d felt it more than he was letting on. “Hit me again, harder.”

So I hit him again. This time he let out a little gasp before dropping his shirt. “Like cement. See? You can’t hurt me,” he said. “If you stay over tonight, I’ll show you the rest…. If you want.”

From the warm feeling invading my crotch, I realized I did want that.

“Sure,” I said.

We got down to Bently’s and it was open. The place was a pretty big restaurant but there weren’t too many people there. We almost had the place to ourselves. Nick got a hamburger and I ate everything else. At least, that’s what it felt like. I just couldn’t seem to get enough food. And as I ate, I could literally feel my body recharging. I felt energy racing through my blood like electricity raced through wires. My cells seamed to be sparking. It felt really, really good. And the more I ate the better I felt. So I just kept eating and eating and eating. At one point the manager came over to see if we had a dog or something under the table. And when we finally left they almost threw a party.

“Damn,” said Nick. “I’ve never seen anyone eat like that. Some of the football players at school eat a lot, but nothing like that.”

“I was hungry,” I said. “And now I feel really, really good.” And it was true. Even though I had stopped eating I could still feel that boiling energy building inside me. I felt so good I was getting stiff just standing there. I just wish I knew why I was so small.

“We should get back,” said Nick.

When we got back, we discovered that Marie had opened the café. She even had a couple of customers.

“Well,” she said, “we didn’t really have any damage, and I figured what the heck? Might as well make hay while the sun shines.” I wondered if she always talked like that.

“Mom, you should have seen him eat,” said Nick. “I thought they were going to throw us out before he finished.”

Marie shook her head and sighed. “I hope you don’t eat like that all the time, John.”

I had no idea what to tell her because I had no memory of what I ate like all the time.

“I heard from emergency services,” she continued, “and since they are completely overwhelmed and your problem isn’t life threatening, they asked us to look after you for the time being. You don’t mind sharing a room with Nick, do you?”

“No,” I said. For some reason, I didn’t mind that thought at all. And from the look on Nick’s face, he didn’t either.

“Well, since you’re here,” said Marie, “you might as well make yourself useful. Nick, why don’t you show him how to use the Cappuccino machine.”

I spent the rest of the afternoon learning how to steam milk and make espresso. Concentrating was kind of difficult, because of the thrumming energy that was pulsing through my body. I could almost hear buzzing inside me. And somehow I knew it was the answer to my size problem. I wasn’t sure how or why, but I was certain I wouldn’t be small for much longer.

Making cappuccinos wasn’t really hard and I had gotten pretty good at it by the time Marie flipped the closed sign on the door and dimmed the lights.

“Well, come on upstairs, you two. Let’s call it a night.”

Their second floor apartment was not large. There were two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and a family room where the computer, TV and dining table were. Marie made us dinner and I could see she was a little uncertain when she served me. I guess she was concerned with how much I’d eat. And I did eat a lot, but nowhere near as much as that afternoon, and that seemed to relax her.

But damn, what I did eat just made me feel incredible. Every cell I had just seemed to be juiced, completely alive with energy. I knew something was about to happen, something amazingly awesome, and I couldn’t wait.

“Well, I’ve got some book keeping to do,” said Marie. “So, I hope you two can amuse yourselves.”

“I think we can do that,” said Nick, turning toward me. “I’ve got a weight set in the basement. You wanna… work out?”

“Sure,” I said. I couldn’t explain it, but lifting heavy weights felt like exactly the right thing to do. But looking at Nick, I got the feeling working out wasn’t all he had in mind. But that was ok, too.

Marie went over to the sound system, turned it on and started blasting out Perl Jam at top volume. Nick gestured for me to follow him. Trying to speak would have been useless. The music was way too loud. Even when we got to the café he still had to shout. “That’s what she does whenever she works on the computer,” he said. “She says it helps her concentrate.”


He just shrugged.

We climbed down the stairs to the basement. It was pretty dark and musty down there. There were shadows everywhere. Only one naked light bulb provided the light. There were a bunch of boxes and shelves of junk lining the walls and in the center was a weight bench. The bar was already loaded and on the supports.

“I like to workout shirtless,” said Nick pulling off his shirt. He turned to face a full length mirror he had set up in the corner and stood there checking himself out.

The truth was Nick was pretty cut. Besides those nice bis and that six pack, he had ripped segmented shoulders, and pecs that while they weren’t large, still showed each striation as they bulged and relaxed. His back wasn’t wide or thick or anything, but you could see plenty of hard muscle writhing under his skin as he moved. In short, even though Nick wasn’t all that big, he was still pretty damn hot and I could feel myself reacting to his body in all sorts of ways.

“Like what you see?” asked Nick, and suddenly I noticed he was watching me watching him. I didn’t answer him, but not because I didn’t want to or I couldn’t think of anything to say or I didn’t like what I saw. I was hard alright, but it wasn’t just Nick. Something intense was happening to my body. I didn’t know exactly what it was, but it felt totally overwhelming. I felt this weird kind of tingly vibration throbbing deep inside me and it was building. Something was coming and coming fast.

When I didn’t answer Nick, he just slid onto the bench and said, “I’m doing chest today. Gotta get these suckers to grow,” he said tensing his chest and making it pop. I watched him power through 8 reps, struggling with the last one before he wracked the bar and sat up. “That was 130,” he said. “How much do you bench?”

“I don’t know,” I said.

“You still don’t remember anything?” he said.

I just shrugged. I couldn’t shake the feeling that my memories weren’t important. What mattered was what was about to happen. I felt unbelievably good, strong, confident. I could do anything. And the weights… I wanted to… no, needed to lift some weight. “I’ll do what you did.”

He stood up and shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said. “That’s a lot of weight and you don’t look like you work out that much.”

“I’ll surprise you,” I said.

“Ok, but I’m going to spot you, you know, just in case.”

“Sure, whatever,” I said sliding onto the bench. My body was thrumming with powerful surges at this point and I could just tell this was exactly the right thing to do. Nothing could hurt me.

I grabbed the bar and tried to lift it out of the supports. At first I couldn’t get it to budge.

“I’ll take a couple of the plates off,” said Nick, moving to the side of the bar.

“No! Leave them,” I said. I was a little startled by the forcefulness of my tone, but in a second I realized it felt right. I should be ordering Nick around. I liked it. And I guessed in a few minutes Nick would like it too.

But for now he just raised his hands, palms out, and backed off.

I grabbed the bar again, this time with much more intensity. I felt all that energy throbbing inside me and I concentrated in channeling it into my arms. Yes, I could feel it now. I lifted. I put everything I had into it and suddenly I felt the bar lift up off the supports.

“Careful,” called Nick, stepping back into the spotter’s position.

“Careful yourself!” I snapped. The bar seemed unbearably heavy, but I could feel all that energy moving through me, building and building and building until I couldn’t stand it any more. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I yelled and as I did I could feel my body start to shudder all over and then I felt it start to swell up with a hardness that was unmistakable. I looked over and saw my scrawny arms thicken as solid, defined biceps and triceps emerged from them. I felt my chest and back harden and expand against my t shirt, my thighs were pushing out against my pant legs and my whole body felt like it was stretching out. Fuck, it only lasted about a second, but suddenly that bar didn’t seem so heavy anymore.

“Holy fuck,” I heard Nick gasp. “You’re a lot fucking bigger than I thought. How were you hiding all that muscle?”

“I don’t know,” I said as I easily pounded out 8 reps before racking the bar. “Make it heavier,” I said.


“Add a few more 45s, just to see what I can do.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t push it,” said Nick.”

“Do it,” I said. “Now.”

“Ok,” he said, shaking his head. He added a couple of 45s, one to each side.

“Add more,” I said.

“That’s 220 pounds!” he said.

“I don’t care. Go 310? Or better yet, 400?”

“You’re bat shit crazy, you know that?”

“Crazy? You wanna see crazy? Throw on 400 pounds and I’ll show you crazy.”

“Ok,” he said, adding the plates. “But I’m not going to be able to spot you with this much weight… What am I worried about? You won’t even get it of the wrack.”

“You wanna put money on that?”

“Yeah, a hundred bucks. A hundred bucks says that in 10 minutes you’ll be lying there gasping and that bar will be exactly where it is now.”

“In 10 minutes that bar will be a tangled heap on the floor and you’ll be my slave, twisted to my will, my little boy toy.” Whoa, where did that come from? But all that energy… It felt so good to say that and somehow I knew Nick would be my boy toy. It would happen—any second.

“Dude, are you ok?”

“Ok?” I laughed. “I’m so much better than ok. Hold on to your pants, Nick, cause here I go,” I said. I grabbed the bar with fierce determination and tried to lift it off the supports. I could feel myself turning three shades of red but I couldn’t do it. I heard Nick chuckling under his breath.

That did it.

I took a deep breath and tired again. Again I turned as red as a fire engine, but this time I wasn’t going to accept failure. I pushed and I pushed and I pushed, and just when I thought I’d black out, something started to happen. I could feel my arms starting to swell, just getting harder and thicker and in a few seconds I managed to get the bar off the support. And as I lifted the bar, I saw my triceps just pop out and form deep, thick horseshoes. Fuck, look at those things. I gulped. Oh man, my arms were big, way bigger than Nick’s. Fuck yeah!

“What the fuck!” Nick shouted. “You’re getting bigger! Damn! You are actually fucking growing!”

“That’s right, slave boy,” I said. “Sit back and enjoy the show cause you’ll never seen anything like this again!”

I could feel it with each breath. I could actually feel the hard muscles blowing up on my arms… like they were going to blast right out of my skin. And then, shaking, I slowly lowered it down to my chest. My face was turning bright red with the effort. My neck was getting wider. I felt it straining with thick cords of muscle jutting out all over it. And when I got the weight to the bottom, I could see my pecs, two solid mounds of shredded muscle bullying my t shirt even with my arms lowered. And look at those fucking shoulders; they were like rocks. And that t-shirt, the way it wrapped around me so tightly, I wasn’t sure how it held together. I could see my abs right through it, six bocks of muscle pushing up from my stomach. And my arms, damn, they had passed big and were heading for huge. I wasn’t sure what was happening to me, but I found it so fucking hot I was really getting stiff.

“Oh my fucking God!” yelled Nick. “You’re huge! You’re fucking huge!

“Yeah, oh yeah! But just you fucking wait, slave. Just you fucking wait!” I began lifting it back. My face was so red if anymore blood rushed up there, I was sure it would pop. But I knew I had to make the effort. I knew I had to give it everything I had if I were going to make it happen. And then it started; unbelievably, I started pushing it back up. “FUCK!” I yelled and my whole body started shaking. Oh my God! My muscles… they were growing. I began hearing popping threads and tearing seams as my body started erupting with size and ripping its way out of my shirt. Jesus, my muscles were bulging up bigger and bigger right in front of me. And fuck, my entire frame was getting heavier. “ARRRRRRRGH!” I yelled as the sleeves around my delts exploded, destroyed by shoulders were now huge, ripped and segmented. And my arms, fuck my arms were blasting into massiveness right in front of my eyes.

Nick was yelling. “Oh shit! Fucking shit!” He was terrified watching my body bulge into immensity. Who could blame him?

“Yes!” I shouted “I can feel it! I can feel the muscle!” And I could see it. I could see the sinew weaving together making those fucking pecs thicker, and those biceps bulkier. There was more tearing around my torso and a second later, my mammoth pecs just errupted out of my shirt. They were huge ripped mountains of muscle, sandwiched between my giant arms and engorged with blood as I strained with all my might to push that weight up.

And then BAM it was up. It was all the way up! I had benched 400 pounds.

“YEAH!” I shouted, a shit eating grin on my face. “Fuck yeah!” Then I did another rep only this time it seemed easy. “Sweet,” I said, laughing. Then I quickly pounded out another five reps before I racked the weight.

I leapt up off the bench and Holy fuck, I was gigantic! About 6’ 3”, and 350 pounds if I weighed an ounce. I tore off the shredded remains of my t-shirt and hoooooly fuck, I was all muscle, every freaking, bulging, vein covered inch of me. My pecs were like round hard melons, my shoulders and back were as wide as doors. My upper arms were at least the size of my head, with thick angry veins leading up to bowling ball delts. My jeans had been loose fitting, but now the cuffs were half way up a monstrous pair of calves which they hugged so tightly, they were almost cutting off my circulation. And my mammoth quads and hams were squeezed so snugly into my pant legs I was sure the slightest flex would destroy my jeans completely. And my package… I could see the zipper pushed out as far as it could go in a giant bulge, and practically breaking under the strain.

But still I felt small. I was big, alright, but not as big as I should be. And somehow I knew I wouldn’t be growing anymore, at least not right now.

“What do you think of me now, Nick?” I said, strutting over to the old mirror. Then I started to try to peel his pants off of my enormous muscle encased legs. It wasn’t working. They were too tight. I gave them a huge tug and RIIIIIP, they just tore. I peeled the denim from my massive legs like a blue banana peel. In a moment I was standing there, completely naked, staring at myself in the mirror. And from the expression on Nick’s face, it looked like he was just as stunned by what I saw as I was. Damn, I was muscle perfection. Besides that killer upper body, I had the legs of a total beast. Each of my huge thighs was every bit as big around as my waist and carved with rolling, rippling sinew. My balls were like two tangerines and my cock hung over them almost to my knees, thick and heavy as a fire hose. And as I stood staring at this vision, I saw that cock start to lengthen and grow stiff.

I looked down at puny little Nick. He was whimpering.

“How am I doing, slave boy?” I asked. “Are my 10 minutes up yet?”

Nick just shook his head.

“Good,” I said, and I stepped over to the bar, lifted it out of the supports with one hand, knocked the weights off of it with my other hand and then, massive sinews bulging, bent the thing like a pretzel.

“There!” I said tossing it into a corner. “One more thing and I win the bet.”

Nick was clearly terrified and it was making me hot.

“Are you my slave, Nick?” I asked.

“Ahhh… Ahhh…” he replied.

“You are my slave, Nick,” I said, “but not because I’ll force you to be. You’re my slave because you want to be… No, you need to be.” I hit a double bi, admiring the twin granite peaks as they erupted from my arms. “You’ve never seen arms like these, have you Nick?”

He shook his head.

“You want to feel them, don’t you? You want to run your hands all over them and kiss them.”

He nodded, and I could see the fear ebbing out of him, being replaced by something else, lust. I had him.

“Then ask, Nick. Ask to be my slave.”

“I want to be your slave,” he gasped.

“Then come and worship me, slave. Worship these muscles. Worship this power.” I gave him a most muscular, and could feel these enormous granite-like masses bulging out all over me, and it felt amazing.

In a second Nick was on me, rubbing his hands over my pecs, my stomach and my arms.

“Jesus, you’re like iron,” he said.

I grabbed him around the waist with one hand and lifted him high above my head. Fuck he felt like a bird. He was nothing. “I could break every bone in your puny little body with the slightest pressure from my fingers,” I said, squeezing him slightly to make my point. “And I’ll do it anytime I want, because you are my property, slave, and there’s nothing your puny, pathetic muscles can do to stop me, is there?”

“No,” he said.

“When you talk to me, slave, you will call me Master. Understand?”

“Yes, Master,” he said.

“Good, now suck my cock. I want to get off.”

I set nick down and he grabbed my member and took it into his mouth. He obviously wasn’t experienced, but that was ok. I felt so fucking hot and so fucking powerful and I was so primed, that my cock exploded almost as soon as he started. I seemed to cum forever and when I was done, Nick was covered in my spunk. But I wasn’t finished yet. I put one hand on either side of his waist band and just ripped his pants to pieces. God, they came apart like tissue paper. I was so fucking strong. I tore them from his body, underwear and all, turned him around and entered from the rear.

“Oh my God!” Nick called out loudly, but he was obviously enjoying it.

“My Master,” I corrected him.

“Oh My Master!” he said. And just as before, I came swiftly and powerfully.

I lay down on the floor and pulled Nick on top of me. At first he just lay there, clinging to my huge pectorals and riding my enormous torso as it rose and fell with each breath. Then he was massaging my chest and shoulders, or at least doing the best he could. His poor, pathetic little fingers couldn’t make much of an impression on my massive steel-like sinews.

I felt his hard little cock rubbing up and down on my stomach. Christ, he was humping my abs, probably probing for my bellybutton. It might just take him, but I had a better idea. I flexed my abdominals. I felt them rise up and I felt Nick’s head slide into the center crevasse. I clenched my abs and I felt them squeeze the sensitive tip. Nick let out a loud whaling moan as his cock shook and sputtered and delivered it’s tiny, little load. Then he went limp on top of me and in a minute I realized he had fallen asleep. I lay there for a few moments just stroking his hair and feeling his delicate weight resting on top of my massively powerful body, and then I, too, fell asleep.

Read next part