Gossip Guy

Stephen Todd, the golden boy of Brewster's School for Boys, was seen tonight at the gym. Not unusual, because, after all, the eighteen year old senior, already accepted at Princeton, practically lives in the gym. It was unusual because someone else was working out at the same time.

Poor little Dennis Wayne, the nicest boy in school, and the smartest, happened to be one of the smallest. He was trying, poor thing, to bulk up, even if it was the tiniest bit, to maybe get up enough courage to maybe ask pretty Becky Newtown to the senior prom. Dennis was full grown at 5'8" and 147 pounds. Stephen, the linebacker on the football team as well as the wrestling team captain and heavyweight All-State champion was 6'5" and weighed in at a solid 258 pounds. Stephen had taken good genetics and made them better. He probably would have been more than happy to share the gym that night, even with little Dennis, because, for all his size, Stephen was a good kid. Well, he probably wouldn't have had a problem if Dennis hadn't made a big mistake.

While Stephen started in on his squats (warming up with a mere 200 pounds) Dennis was using the bench press. Dennis was pressing almost forty whole pounds and breathing heavily when his arms started shaking and his glasses fogged up from the puffs of air. He let out a groan that was cut short when the barbell fell down across his skinny chest. Dennis' feet scrambled on the floor and the bar shifted to his throat when he heard heavy footfalls across the gym floor.

"Whoa!" Dennis looked up to see Stephen grab the bar with one hand and heft it off his body without any effort. "You okay dude?"

Dennis couldn't answer as he coughed and tried to sit up on the bench. Stephen was still holding the bar in one big hairy hand and he bent down to help Dennis sit. "Yeah. Thanks."

Stephen looked at Dennis' scrawny build. "You should probably take off about twenty pounds. Start off light." He flashed that smile that set all the girls hearts at St. Mary's aflutter when he went to their dances and went back to his squats.

Dennis, being Dennis, ignored Stephen's advice, because Stephen was just a jock, but Dennis was a scholar. When he'd recovered enough Dennis went back to the bench press. By the time he'd gotten to the third rep he couldn't take anymore and the weight came crashing down on his chest. He shouted as best he could, you know, with all that weight on his chest. It might have felt like forever but it was probably only a few seconds till Stephen rescued him.

"Dude, I told you to take some weight off. You're just lucky I was here to help. You could've been in real trouble."

Poor Dennis. Who knows what it was that set him off. Was it sore muscles? Was it ego? Was it maybe just years of abuse from the jocks of the world? Anger from being shoved into lockers and pushed to the ground? Whatever it was it made Dennis do one of the dumbest things a smart person ever did.

"Shut up! I could have handled it. I know what I'm doing. I've read all about working out. I know what I'm doing, and you don't have to treat people like me like we're stupid. You're the stupid one! You big DUMB JOCK!"

Stephen stood still for a minute, looking like a big, dumb jock (but I would never say that to his face) before he pulled himself up to his full height. Stephen has a habit of slouching so he doesn't tower over people. That is, until you got him mad, and then he towered. And he glared. And Dennis started shaking. And then Stephen leaned down, putting his face only a few inches from Dennis.

"What did you just say to me?" I have it on good authority that Stephen didn't even give Dennis a chance to answer. "Did you just all me a dumb jock? Let me show you what a dumb jock can do." He grabbed Dennis around the throat and hauled him up off the bench, holding him at eye level. I'll bet Dennis' feet started kicking in mid air as Stephen started yelling. "You want to say you're sorry asshole? You're not even an asshole. You're a fucking nerd!" With a little shove Dennis went flying through the air. He would have kept going a few more feet; if the wall hadn't been in his way.

Stephen walked over to Dennis, who was out cold and stared down at him. Stephen picked up Dennis and tucked him under one arm and set off on a jog across campus.


Now, you know me, boys of Brewster. I would never say anything that wasn't absolutely true. That's how I know when Dennis woke up he was in the basement of one of the dorms. It was a room set up years ago for the younger boys to roughhouse in. There were pads on the walls and floor and, sometimes, the boys snuck beer down here when they could get it because when you were in the basement, no one could hear you scream.

Dennis woke up, trying hard to move his sore neck.

"Hey, little man. You said some bad things and I'm gonna give you a chance to apologize. But only one chance."

"Where am I?" Dennis was shaking now. And who knows whether it was from the cold or from fear. He tried to stand up and look around for the door.

"I didn't hear an apology!" Stephen practically shouted as he headed right towards his smaller classmate. Stephen's tight abs slammed hard into Dennis' head and I'm betting, even through the room was soundproof, they could feel the smash upstairs. When Stephen stepped back Dennis stumbled forward, falling so his face fell forward into Stephen's crotch. "Oh, is that what you want?"

Now, who here knows if Stephen had done this before or not? Well, I know, but I'm not one to spread stories. "You didn't apologize, but, if you want to do exactly what I say, I won't break you into tinier pieces. What do you say, little man? Pain or not?"

Dennis was practically crying at this point. "Please don't hurt me."

"Up on your feet." When Dennis moved too slowly, Stephen grabbed his arm and lifted him off his feet and dangled him into the air. "When I say move, you move!" Dennis' feet dangled about 13 inches off the ground. "So, here's what's gonna happen little man: Right here is the door." Stephen walked across the room holding Dennis without even breaking a sweat. "I'm gonna put you right across from the door. You get by me and open up the door, I'm gonna apologize, make sure that nobody picks on you for the rest of the school year, help you work out and make sure that any girl you want goes to the prom with you." He hefted little Dennis a little higher. "But if you can't get by me, then you're gonna be my little bitch boy slave for the rest of the year." Stephen smiled that million dollar smile. "And nobody's ever gotten by me, in four years here little man." He tossed Dennis underhanded across the room and the little guy skidded towards the far wall.

I heard that, at this point, Stephen took off his t-shirt to reveal a big chest covered in thick, dark hair. All of the students at Brewster know that Stephen's five o'clock shadow is one deep shadow due to all that testosterone raging through his body, but, since Dennis never hung out with that crowd I'm betting he was surprised at how hairy Stephen's chest was. In the interest of anonymity, I can neither confirm nor deny that I may have lived on Dennis' floor for a while, but I can tell you, except for the hair on his head, I'm not sure the eighteen year old boy had any hair below the chin. What I can tell you, faithful readers is that Dennis, smart as he is, did the same thing that everyone always did. He ran straight towards the massive 258 pounder. Dumb Dennis, really dumb. Dennis thought he could slide underneath Stephen's big ol' thighs, because baseball players slid all the time. How could Dennis have known that it wasn't as easy as it looked. Baseball players use a lot of strength and speed to slide and since Dennis really had neither, so you can probably imagine Dennis' surprise at Stephen's smile when he came to rest just under Stephen. The big man plopped down and felt Dennis' body leak air like a popped air mattress. I'm betting it was at this point that Dennis first noticed Stephen's huge package. Since it was right over his face and all. Dennis tried to struggle but couldn't even move the big man an inch.

Stephen started to stand up and as he did Dennis tried to scramble for the door, and it took him a few minutes before he realized that Stephen had grabbed the back of his shorts and lifted him off the ground. Dennis had had wedgies before, but this was new. He kept trying to run and his face turned red as he heard Stephen laugh.

"Where you going little man?" He did a curl with Dennis and brought the scrawny guy up into a one arm bearhug. "Come on Dennis. Try to get to the door." He squeezed just tight enough that Dennis got lightheaded and dizzy from lack of air. Stephen's bearhug was a work of art. He could have taken out Dennis' ribs without sweating but he'd grabbed the little guy underneath the ribs so the pressure was on his diaphragm stopping him from breathing correctly. Stephen would wrench the hold a little bit tighter every minute until Dennis was puffing quick breaths. Stephen walked towards the door and bent down on one knee. If I'd been there I would have laughed at seeing Dennis' tiny thigh resting over Stephen's big one. With his back to the door Stephen encouraged Dennis to reach towards the handle. "C'mon little man. You can do it. Stretch. That's right. Just like that. Awwww. Can't quite make it? Tough luck." He dropped Dennis backwards and the little guy curled up into a fetal position crying and coughing and trying to catch his breath all at once. It took almost seven minutes, but finally Dennis stretched out on his back. He figured, now was the time to start begging.

"Please don't hurt me anymore. Please."

"Shut up!" A little bit of spit from Stephen landed on Dennis. The big man straddled the smaller guy. "You wanna give up Dennis? You wanna be my bitchboy slave for the rest of the year or you want me to fuck you up some more?"

You can only imagine what Dennis looked like with snot running down his face right next to the tears. He couldn't help it. "Please, I give up."

"Good boy." Stephen leaned forward now, placing one huge fist on either side of Dennis' tiny face. Then he leaned down and kissed Dennis. Now I don't know personally what Stephen's kisses are like, but I bet Dennis went all light headed again. He might have struggled against Stephen's lips for a few minutes but no one can resist Stephen for long. "You like this little man?" Dennis nodded slowly. "Now, you tell me the truth Dennis, okay? You ever ask a girl out?"

Dennis shook his head again. Slower than before. "No."

"Didn't think so. You like me better, don't you tiny?" Stephen laughed a little. "That's gonna be your new nickname on campus. Tiny." Those of us who've Stephen on the football field and the wrestling mat know he's pretty fast for someone so big. That's probably why Dennis was so surprised when Stephen's lips were replaced with his cock. I've heard that his dick is in proportion with the rest of his big body, so who knows if Dennis choked on it or if he'd had some practice. I did hear that when Stephen shot his load that, even with the soundproofed room the guys staying two floors up knew that Stephen'd cum.

After his own orgasm subsided, Stephen stood up, picked up Dennis and pushed his own tiny little cock against Stephen's hard hairy abs. He started rubbing Dennis up and down and after about six strokes Dennis shot his own load. Stephen tucked Dennis under his arm again. The poor guy was limp. "You're staying in my room tonight Tiny; take a few to rest because in a little bit, you're gonna lose your virginity."

Stephen high fived a few of his wrestling team buddies on the way to his room.


There you have it men of Brewster. From my lips to your email accounts. And, it explains why Stephen's been hanging around with the 'nerd of Brewster' recently, doesn't it? I have to go and finish a paper for one of my classes, but I'll be back soon. Maybe next time I'll tell you exactly what's been happening between Coach Reynolds and the new math teacher. Is there something in the water here that's been making the jocks take control of the brains at school this year? Gotta go, but I'll be back soon with more sordid stories from below the radar at the prestigious Brewster Academy.

And who am I? That's the one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. XOXO.

Gossip Guy

To be continued?