The Boy Next Door

Part 1

Adam grew up in a middle-class Southern California suburban neighborhood, the only child of a bank clerk and a secretary. He had a fairly normal childhood, although he wished that he was better at sports. His parents signed him up for soccer and little league baseball, but he wasn't any good at either one and dropped out when he was eight years old. But he never quite gave up on his inner need to be a jock. He figured that it was maybe only a matter of time when he would be bigger and stronger and able to compete with the other boys. He always wanted to be strong and athletic, but his weak little body just wouldn't cooperate. He got picked on in school by the bigger, stronger, athletic kids -- the jocks. Adam longed for the day that his body would grow big and muscular so that he could fight back and be a jock too.

His next door neighbors had three kids. There was a girl who was Adam's age named Sarah, another girl two years younger named Lisa, and a boy who was four years younger named Cory. Their dad was a fireman and their mom worked in a factory. Adam used to play a lot with Sarah and sometimes even played with Lisa. But Cory, being four years younger, was just an annoying pest to Adam. Adam called him "Brat," because he was always getting into trouble and bothering Adam and Sarah. Cory was one of those kids who was always on the move, zooming around the neighborhood on his skateboard or BMX bike, throwing rocks, making a slingshot and using it to try to hit birds, climbing trees and breaking things. One time he actually killed a bird with his slingshot. He proudly brought the dead bird home and waived it in front of his horrified sisters, chasing them around the house with the bloody bird carcass held in his little fingers. After he finished terrorizing his sisters with the bird, he put it on the ground and stomped on its little body with his foot. He loved the sight of blood squirting all over when his foot smashed the bird to smithereens.

Cory's sisters called him the "Wild Child" because he was out of control most of the time and his parents didn't seem to be able to do anything about it. He was always coming home with scrapes and bruises from having crashed his BMX bike after a daredevil trick or falling off a high ledge after daring one of his friends that he could cross it. Cory seemed to have a very high threshold of pain, because he never cried when he got hurt. He actually wore his scrapes and bruises like badges of honor -- badges that proved he was out there challenging himself physically every day. Cory didn't play any organized sports. He tried soccer and baseball once, but he got kicked off both teams because he wouldn't follow the coaches' instructions. Cory did what he wanted. He didn't take orders from any fucking coach.

Sometimes when Adam was playing with Sarah, Cory would come into Sarah's room and make a pest of himself. He'd jump on Adam and try to wrestle with the older boy. Adam would have to pick up the obnoxious little kid and toss him away. Cory would always be kicking and punching as Adam picked him up and threw him away. Cory's little kicks and punches really annoyed Adam. The kid was a total pest. After Adam had thrown him aside and told him to get lost, the little kid would attack Adam again, trying to wrestle with the older, bigger boy. Adam got tired of this real quick, but Cory just kept at it. He had tons of energy. Finally Adam would push Cory out the door to Sarah's bedroom and lock it. That was the only way he could stop Cory's annoying attacks.

One time when Cory was about seven years old, Adam got really fed up with Cory coming in and trying to wrestle with him. He picked up the little brat and gave him a big bear hug, squeezing the little kid's chest as hard as he could. Cory tensed all his muscles as Adam was doing this and Adam noticed Cory's little muscles flexing under his tan skin. Cory's little muscles looked pretty solid. Adam really didn't care and kept pouring on the power to squeeze the kid's chest so hard that it would teach him a lesson. Cory just looked at Adam with his bright blue eyes and smiled. He didn't seem to be affected at all by Adam's strenuous crushing. Finally, Adam got tired and let the boy drop to the floor. Cory looked up at the 11 year old, smiled, and said, "Fuck, that was fun! Let me do that to you." Adam was amazed that Cory thought having his chest crushed was fun. But he didn't want to act like a wimp in front of Sarah, so he said, "OK, you little brat, go ahead and try to crush me. A little brat like you ain't shit compared to me." So Cory wrapped his little arms around Adam's chest and squeezed. Adam was shocked at the amount of force the little seven-year old was able to apply. The muscles in Cory's little arms sort of bulged and Adam could see the fibers of muscle in Cory's shoulders straining under his skin. Adam was actually having a hard time breathing as the little kid squeezed harder and harder. "How's that feel, big guy?" said Cory. "Are my muscles strong? Doncha think they're fuckin' strong for a kid my age?" Adam had to admit that Cory's squeezing power was much more than he was expecting, but he sure wasn't going to admit it to the little brat. "Fuck, I don't know," he said. "You're just a little brat to me so I don't even care." At that, Adam grabbed Cory's arms and pushed him away. It was really hard for him to break Cory's grip, but he did it. Then he pushed Cory out of Sarah's room and locked the door. He didn't want to have to deal with that little pest any more.

Aside from these encounters, Adam didn't pay much attention to Cory and Cory didn't pay much attention to Adam. To Adam, Cory was just this little kid who was a complete brat. To Cory, Adam was just this big kid who was a friend of his sister's who he could pester once in awhile. After Adam turned 12 years old, he didn't play with Sarah much any more, so he didn't have any more close encounters with Cory. He saw Cory zooming around the neighborhood on his skateboard or his BMX bike and occasionally saw him playing at the local playground, but he never paid much attention to the little brat.

When Adam was 15-1/2 years old, he asked his parents to buy him a weight set for Christmas. Some of the kids in Adam's class at school were lifting weights, and a few of them were really getting muscular. They all said that it was the weights that were turning their boy bodies into the bodies of muscular young men. They told Adam that all he needed to do was lift weights and he could get muscles just like they had. Adam was really excited. At last, he thought. At last he had found the key to getting bigger and stronger and muscular, just like he always wanted to be. At last he would be able to stand up to the schoolyard bullies who continued to pick on him every day.

Adam went out and bought a lot of muscle magazines and read through all of them to get a good beginner's workout. When Christmas arrived, he was ready to start lifting and transform his body from that of a skinny weakling to the body of a muscular young jock. On Christmas Day, he awoke to find a big set of weights and equipment all set up by his dad in his garage. He had several barbells, dumbbells, lots of weights, plus a bench with rack, chinning bar and a squat rack. His dad also had bought him some protein and energy supplements. "This is the best Christmas I've ever had," Adam told his parents. "I'm going to get big and strong." Adam's parents looked at him proudly.

So on Christmas Day, Adam went out to the garage to start his first workout. He opened the garage door to let in some fresh air and sunlight. Lucky that he lived in Southern California. Even on Christmas Day it was 75 degrees outside. Adam brought down a big mirror from his bedroom and put it at the side of the garage. He brought down the bathroom scale so he could keep track of his growing weight. He stripped off his shirt and looked at himself in the mirror. A pretty sad excuse for a teenage boy, he said to himself, but that's all going to change now. He picked up a measuring tape that he borrowed from his mother's sewing box and started measuring his body. He had seen "before and after" stories in the Muscle Mags and he wanted to record his "before" measurements so he could track his progress. He was 5' 10" tall, pretty tall for a 15-1/2 year old, but he only weighed 135 pounds. And his body was covered with a layer of fat, so even that weight wasn't muscle by a long shot. His shoulders were hardly any wider than his waist. His arms looked like little straws. He flexed his arm and wrapped the tape around his spongy little biceps -- 11-1/2 inches. He took a deep breath, flexed his chest and measured its girth -- 35 inches. That was expanded. When he measured his relaxed chest it only measured 33 inches. His waist measured 30 inches and his thighs 17. Boy, he thought to himself. I'm about as "before" as you can get.

Adam started lifting his new weights, using the beginners routine from one of the muscle magazines. The magazine said that he should work out three times a week and he should only do one warm-up set and one work set of each exercise for several weeks. Then he could do three work sets. After three months he should be so improved that he could move to the "intermediate" routine, doing more exercises and sets for each muscle group. Adam started with the bench press. He did a warm up of ten reps with 25 pounds. Then, feeling confident, he loaded the bar with 60 pounds and tried to lift it off the rack. He couldn't do it. The bar was too heavy. So he lowered the weight to 40 pounds and managed to press the bar up and down two times. That was his maximum. After he found his maximum, he took some weight off the bar and cranked out 10 reps. He tested his strength with the military press and managed to press 30 pounds for three reps. He could curl only 20 pounds for five reps and his squat was a measly 50 pounds. Even though he was doing only a few sets of each exercise, his muscles felt really sore.

As he did his squats, he stared at the mirror looking for bulges of muscle on his thighs that just weren't there. Suddenly he heard a loud noise coming from the street that startled him. He quickly put the barbell back on the squat rack and turned to see Cory zooming into the garage on his skateboard. Cory jumped off his board and stood facing Adam. As usual, Cory wasn't wearing a shirt -- just shorts and tennis shoes with no socks. Adam took a good look at the kid from next door.

Cory had sky blue eyes and blond hair, which he wore in a spikey cut where the top of his hair stood straight up about two inches and the sides were cut short. His face was very good looking. He had high, wide cheekbones and a strong jaw. Because he was only 11-1/2 years old, he was a lot shorter than Adam, about 5' 2" tall, and he still looked very much like a little kid, weighing only 85 pounds. However, he had absolutely no fat on his body so every one of his kid muscles stood out in bold relief under his tan skin. His muscles weren't big, but they looked buff and strong. Adam had to admit that the brat looked strong and tough for an 11 year old kid. Cory's skin was very tan since he hardly ever wore a shirt, even in wintertime. Even when it was cold to most people, Cory went outside to play without a shirt on. He was so active that his body produced a tremendous amount of natural heat that kept him warm.

Cory looked at Adam's new weight set and then looked at Adam's body. Cory hadn't paid much attention to Adam's body before and hadn't noticed just how skinny and weak he looked for a 15 year old. Cory said, "So ya got a weight set for Christmas, huh Adam? Gonna put some muscle on that wimpy body, big guy? Boy, you could really use it, dude. You could use some beef on those bones." Cory's voice hadn't changed yet and he still sounded like the boy that he was.

"Shut up, Brat," said Adam. "You should talk. Look at your skinny little body. I could whip you easy." Cory said, "Oh yeah? I may be little but I'm tough. Fucking tougher than you, you big dweeb." At that Cory jumped at Adam, tackling him right at the waist and pushing him to the floor. Cory's aggressiveness caught Adam by surprise. He hadn't expected the younger boy to attack him like that. The two kids wrestled on the floor. Adam outweighed Cory by 50 pounds and was eight inches taller. His big height and weight advantage enabled Adam to pin Cory's arms to the floor, but Adam was surprised at the fight the little kid was able to put up. Cory twisted and squirmed as Adam tried to pin him and several times he was able to escape from Adam's grip. Immediately he jumped on Adam again like a little lion cub attacking a hyena. Adam finally pinned Cory's arms to the floor above his head, and said "I win, Brat, just like I always have." Cory just smiled and said "That was fun, dude."

Adam released Cory and the two boys stood up. Cory's tan skin was glistening with sweat. He had really wrestled hard in trying to beat the older boy. The two boys looked at each other's bodies in the mirror. Adam got a little lump in his throat as he looked at Cory's buff little muscles, little muscles that were now pumped up from having worked hard in fighting Adam's bigger but softer body. Adam's eyes were immediately drawn to Cory's abs. Cory had a true eight pack -- four rows, each row packed with two solidly defined ab muscles. The abs started right under Cory's chest and ended well below his belly button. Cory wore his shorts really low, and Adam could see Cory's two cut oblique muscles slashing up from his crotch and out toward the top of his hips. He had narrow hips, which made his abs look tight and hard and his butt very athletic. Cory's butt pushed out the back of his shorts. It was really round and firm. Since Cory was wearing his shorts so low, Adam could see the tops of Cory's butt muscles and the top of his ass crack. The tops of his ass muscles were really buff and tan from all the running and jumping Cory did and from being in the sun so much. Cory's legs weren't bulky but they were muscular and athletic looking. Cory flexed his quads and watched the cords of muscle ripple through his legs.

Cory looked at himself in the mirror and then looked over at Adam's reflection. He smiled in kind of a confident way. Adam knew why he was smiling. Cory had muscles and Adam didn't and Cory knew it. Cory's shoulders were much wider than his waist and they already were capped with little heads of delt muscle. The muscle fibers in his shoulders twitched and flexed as Cory moved his arms. Adam, on the other hand, had nothing but bone in his narrow shoulders. They were barely wider than his waist. Cory slowly flexed his lats and abs. His little kid lats flared out under his shoulders and made a terrific V-shape as they tapered down to his narrow waist. His flexed abs looked like a washboard of muscle. Adam had never seen so much muscular definition on a kid. Adam tried to flex his lats but nothing happened. Adam didn't have any lats. Then Cory sucked in his abs and flexed his chest. His waist seemed to disappear into his body and his pecs sprang to life with striated muscle. They were small, but they were solid and muscular. Adam tried to suck in his waist, but it just stayed the same. He had no ab muscles to suck in and his chest didn't have any muscle in it to flex either. Adam marveled at Cory's amazing definition and muscle control. The kid might only be 11-1/2 years old, but he had muscle!

Suddenly Cory flexed his arms. His little biceps jumped up under his thin skin, forming a small ball of muscle. Cory smiled approvingly and looked at Adam. "You flex too, Adam. Let's see what ya got," said Cory. Sheepishly, Adam flexed his biceps in the mirror. His arms were bigger than Cory's, but his biceps didn't really flex at all. There was no peak, no ball of muscle, nothing. Just mushy flesh.

"What's that over there, a measuring tape?" asked Cory. "Were you measuring your muscles, Adam? Seeing how big they are? Hey, why don't you measure mine. Let's see how they compare." Adam was a little embarrassed but he picked up the measuring tape and wrapped it around Cory's flexed right arm. "Ten inches," said Adam. "Mine are 11-1/2, so I've got you beat, you little twerp." Adam showed Cory the measurements he had just taken. Cory stared at Adam with a look of sheer arrogance. "I've got 10 inches of solid muscle and you've got 11-1/2 inches of total flab. I'll take my arm any day, you big slob. Go ahead and measure the rest of my muscles. They may be little, but they're really hard." Adam measured Cory's flexed muscular chest and called out "thirty-one inches." Cory's narrow waist measured only 24 inches and his thigh was 15 inches. Cory seemed pleased with his measurements. Cory jumped on the scale and saw the needle register 85 pounds. "Eighty-five pounds of solid muscle, dude," said Cory confidently. "And I know that these fucking muscles are going to get really big and strong. I'm already the strongest kid in my class. Just think, Adam. I'm only 11-1/2 years old and my chest is only four inches smaller than yours. My arms are only 1-1/2 inches smaller. And my thighs are only two inches smaller. And I'm only five foot two. Do you have any idea how big and strong I'm going to be when I'm your age? But I won't have to wait that long. I'm going to be able to fuck you up real soon." Adam gulped.

"Lets compare our muscles right now, Adam, you muscleboy wannabe. Feel my muscle and then I'll feel yours," said Cory as he flexed his right bicep into a ball of muscle, with fibers and veins showing through his thin skin. Adam reached over and wrapped his fingers around Cory's flexed bicep. Adam was shocked. The muscle felt hard, much harder than any of Adam's muscles had ever felt. Cory curled his arm up and down several times and each time he flexed, the bicep muscle seemed to get a little bigger and a little harder under Adam's fingers. Adam squeezed his fingers into Cory's flexed bicep, but he could only make a small dent. Adam squeezed harder, but this only made Cory flex harder, and Cory's 11-year old kid biceps resisted Adam's squeezing fingers like a steel ball.

Cory smiled at Adam. "Pretty hard, huh? My biceps get really pumped and hard when I do pull-ups. I can do 25 pull-ups easy and when I'm finished these mothers are like rocks." Adam gulped. He couldn't do any pull-ups at all, and here this little kid was bragging that he could do 25 easy. "Here, watch this," said Cory as he jumped up and grabbed the chinning bar. He was facing Adam and Adam couldn't believe how much Cory's lats flared out under his armpits. Cory then started to pull up his body and his lats and arms bulged and flexed as they obeyed the command of their young master to pull his 80 pounds of bone and muscle up to the bar. He easily pulled himself up so that his chin was over the bar and then he lowered himself back down. Then he did more reps, each one just as easy as the first one. Adam couldn't believe how striated his biceps were as they stretched and then contracted into hard balls of muscle. Veins crisscrossed his biceps. The fibers of his lats looked like cords of steel as they easily pulled Cory's body up and down. After about 10 reps they started getting really red from all the blood being pumped into them by Cory's athletic heart. Cory pumped out 25 reps of pull-ups, and he made it look really easy, just like he said.

After the 25th rep, Cory jumped easily off the bar. Then he flexed his right arm in front of Adam and said, "OK, wimp-boy. Feel it and weep." Adam could smell Cory's sweat evaporating from his hairless armpits and his hot muscles. That sweat really smelled good. It smelled really masculine, like a real man's sweat. Adam looked at Cory's flexed arm, reached his fingers around the bulging little bicep and squeezed hard. Cory's bicep felt like a rock, a warm, throbbing, bulging rock. "Fucking-A," said Adam. "That's really hard." Cory's pumped bicep was the hardest piece of human flesh Adam had ever felt in his life. It was so much harder than any of Adam's muscles that it wasn't even funny. Adam started feeling weak in the knees. "See, I told ya they got real hard," said Cory, sort of bragging. "They always get real hard when I do pull-ups. That's why I like to do pull-ups so much. I can do a million of 'em. OK, dude, my turn. Flex those big biceps for little Cory here," ordered Cory. Adam flexed his right arm as hard as he could.

Cory reached up and wrapped his little fingers around the top part of Adam's upper arm, where his bicep should have been bulging but wasn't. Then Cory started squeezing his fingers. Cory's little fingers started digging relentlessly into Adam's flesh and they didn't stop digging even as Adam tried to flex harder and harder. Cory's striated forearm muscles tensed and bulged as he applied more and more power to his fingers. He said, "Jesus, Adam, what a wimp! That feels like mush! Just a bunch of babyfat. Look how easy it is for my strong fingers to dig into your flabby muscle. My forearm and fingers are stronger than your whole fucking arm! Look what they can do to your pathetic, weak little muscle." Cory squeezed harder and his strong fingers penetrated even further into Adam's bicep. Adam started crying out in pain. Cory just smiled and started wiggling his fingers deeper and deeper into Adam's arm, kind of enjoying seeing Adam's pain. "Does that hurt, big guy? Is little Cory hurting big Adam's soft, flabby arm? I guess I don't know how that feels 'cause I've never had such mushy muscles that some kid could dig his fingers into my arm like this. My muscles have always been hard, so they never feel any pain. They don't feel pain. They give out pain. I think this feels really cool -- my strong fingers making mush out of your flabby bicep. I get a rush when my muscles give out pain to someone else. It makes me feel strong." Adam looked into Cory's blue eyes as he was saying this and felt a twinge of awe shoot up his spine. Cory looked back at Adam with a look of total superiority.

Finally Cory let go of Adam's arm. Adam rubbed his bicep, trying to massage away the pain that the little neighbor kid had just inflicted on it. Cory rubbed his hands across his pumped chest and abs, feeling the muscles flex under his fingers. He checked out his body in the mirror and smiled. Then he turned to Adam and said, "Well, I gotta go. You better start working out as hard as you can, 'cause I'm going to catch up with you real fast and I'm going to kick your fat ass." At that, Cory walked over to a barbell that weighed 30 pounds, the maximum that Adam could press overhead for three reps. Cory picked up the barbell, hoisted it easily to his shoulders, and cranked out 10 easy reps of overhead military presses. Adam's eyes practically fell out of his head. When he had finished, Cory let the bar drop to the floor with a big crash. "Piece of cake," said Cory. He walked over to Adam, raised his right arm and flexed his delt muscles right in Adam's face. Adam couldn't believe all the fibers of muscle that were flexing in Cory's shoulder. "See ya, Muscles," said Cory, as he jumped onto his skateboard and zoomed out of the garage. Adam stood there stunned.

He looked into the mirror and flexed his puny muscles. "Wow," he thought to himself, "that little brat Cory is already stronger than I am! If it wasn't for my extra height and weight, that fucking little 11 year old would have been able to beat me in wrestling too. I've got to work out really hard and build some muscle so that I can put that little brat back in his place." He looked at his body and thought about Cory's buffed little muscles flexing in the mirror. A twinge went up his spine. He really felt weak and inferior to the muscular little kid. But he was determined to use his new weights to make his muscles so big and strong that he would soon be able to crush that arrogant kid with his huge arms. "Just you wait, Brat," thought Adam to himself. "I'm going to kick your tan little ass clear across this garage."

So Adam worked out incredibly hard three times a week, using the absolute maximum amount of weight he could lift for 6 to 8 reps, just like the muscle magazine said. He immediately started doing three sets of each exercise. He ate as much food as he could, eating mostly protein and carbohydrates. He also took protein supplements. He literally force-fed his puny body with food, hoping to pack on the muscle with his eating and lifting. But to his extreme disappointment, in his first month of lifting he only gained three pounds and he thought most of that was fat. As he flexed in the mirror, he really couldn't see any more muscle than when he had started. And when he measured his muscles with the measuring tape, he found that he had gained only 1/2 inch on his chest and 1/4 inch in his biceps. He could bench press 10 more pounds than when he started and his military press and curl went up by 5 pounds, but this was much less progress than he had been expecting. Those kids at school had told Adam that the weights would add lots of muscle to his body, but it sure wasn't happening to him. Those kids were liars, thought Adam

Meanwhile, during this month Cory was making a regular habit of showing up in Adam's garage while he was working out. He would zoom in on his skateboard or BMX bike about twice a week. Almost two weeks after Adam started lifting, when he was still hopeful of adding some real muscle to his body, Adam heard the familiar sound of Cory's skateboard roaring up the driveway. He turned to see Cory, wearing only a pair of shorts as usual, holding a basketball. "Heads up," yelled Cory, and he threw the basketball really hard right at Adam. Adam tried to catch the ball, but his reflexes were too slow and the ball hit his chest hard and bounced off. The ball really hurt Adam and made a big red mark on his chest where it had hit him. "You're out," said Cory as he picked up the ball and laughed. Adam rubbed his sore chest.

"That reminds me of playing Dodgeball in gym class at school," said Cory. "I love gym class. I love to get out of the fucking classroom and get some exercise and play some fun games. I'm the best athlete in the whole 6th grade so I usually win all the time. Its really fun." Adam thought about his experiences in gym class. He hated gym class. He was always the last one picked for any team and he always lost at everything he tried. And here was this brat Cory bragging about how good he was at everything. He was just the opposite of Adam.

"I love playing Dodgeball," said Cory. "Do you like to play Dodgeball?" Adam remembered that Dodgeball was that game where kids stood in two rows facing each other about 25-30 feet apart. A kid in one row would throw a big rubber ball at a kid in the other row. The kid in the other row either had to dodge out of the way or catch the ball. If he dodged out of the way, he was safe. If he caught the ball, the thrower was out. If he got hit by the ball but didn't catch it, he was out. Adam remembered getting hit many times and always going out right away. "Uh no," said Adam. "I guess I don't like Dodgeball that much."

"Fuck, its really cool," said Cory. "I love to throw the ball really hard and just pick off kids one by one, like hitting cans with my slingshot. I can throw the ball so hard that nobody can catch it, just like you couldn't catch the basketball. I just fire away and blast the kid on the other side. Lots of times I've thrown the ball so hard that a kid started crying after I hit him and a big red spot was on his body where the ball hit him, just like that big red spot on your chest. Some kids just bend over and cringe when they see me aiming the ball at them. That's so cool. I just wind up and smash it into them. They're such little pussies. They're just toast when I want to pick 'em off. Sometimes I even point to a kid, giving him fair warning that he's next. Usually they get a look of fear in their eyes when I do that. Its really cool. But even with that warning the poor slob can't get out of the way of my hard throw and the ball blasts into his body like a rocket, and the kid's outathere. Of course, none of those kids can get me out. I can either dodge out of the way or catch the ball. I'm really good at catching things. None of those other kids can throw hard enough to get me out. So I always win. It's really fun. I love Dodgeball."

Adam kind of gulped as he listened to Cory's matter-of-fact description of how he picked off all the other kids in his class with a ball that he threw so hard that he could make them cry. Cory picked up the basketball, put it in his right hand and cocked his arm back just like he was getting ready to throw the ball again real hard at Adam. Instinctively, Adam bent over and cringed. Cory laughed at the cringing teenager who was afraid of an 11-year-old's muscular arm that could throw real hard. "Geez, Adam, I guess you're a pussy too," said Cory. But instead of throwing the ball hard at Adam, he gently lobbed the ball at Adam's arm where it harmlessly bounced off. Adam stood up, relieved.

But Adam's relief was short-lived. Suddenly Cory ran at Adam and tackled him, pushing him to the floor. Cory wanted to wrestle again. And when Cory wanted to wrestle, he just did it. Every time Cory had come to Adam's garage in the last two weeks, he had attacked Adam and wrestled with the older, taller and heavier boy. At first, Adam was able to pin Cory's arms to the floor fairly easily because of his eight inch height advantage and his 50 pounds of extra weight. Cory put up a good fight, squirming and twisting, but eventually Adam won. But as the days went on, Adam noticed that it seemed to be harder and harder for him to pin the 11-year old kid. Amazingly, Cory seemed to be getting stronger and stronger with every wrestling match, while Adam was essentially staying at the same strength. "This isn't right," Adam thought to himself. "I'm the one whose supposed to be getting stronger because I'm the one lifting the weights. All Cory does is wrestle with me a couple times a week and do a few sets of presses or curls just for fun. Oh yeah, and he does all those push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups. But I'm the one lifting the weights and I'm supposed to be the one getting stronger, not that little brat. Besides, a 135 pound 15-year old can always beat an 85-pound 11-year old brat." Adam tried to convince himself that what was happening to Cory wasn't really happening, but deep down he knew the truth. Cory was getting stronger every day from the wrestling, from the little amount of lifting he did just for fun when he visited Adam, and from all those pushups, pull-ups and sit-ups he liked to do every day. And Adam wasn't getting stronger at all, even though he was busting his ass lifting weights. Cory was naturally strong and he was getting stronger. Adam was naturally weak and he was staying weak. The strong get stronger. And the strong like to pick on the weak.

Cory didn't give Adam any time to think about all this as he attacked him with all the fury of a young tiger. Adam fought extra hard, trying to maintain his superiority as a 15 year old, but Cory fought even harder. And Cory was a lot stronger than he had been just two weeks ago. Adam tried to pin Cory's arms to the floor, but every time Adam got on top and tried to hold his arms, the kid was able to twist his muscular little body free. One time Adam pinned Cory's arms and thought he had put Cory away. However, Cory looked Adam in the eye with a look of sheer determination, gritted his teeth and started raising Adam's hands off the floor with just the pure strength of his chest and arms. Adam was shocked at the kid's strength. Cory lifted Adam's arms a full six inches off the floor and then immediately squirmed out of Adam's grip and reversed the hold, pinning Adam's arms to the floor. Adam was completely exhausted but Cory seemed fresh and energized. Cory held Adam's wrists to the floor and smiled at the older boy. "Try to get up, fuckhead," said Cory arrogantly. Adam squirmed and pushed but he was too weak to get out of Cory's hold or to push Cory off. "I win, fuckhead," said Cory. "I've gotten too strong for you to beat in wrestling. I've been getting stronger every day and I'm not even the one lifting weights. You're just a big wuss." At that, Cory let go of Adam's wrists, sat up on Adam's stomach and flexed his arms right in Adam's face. Adam looked up at Cory's bulging biceps with a feeling of awe. Here was this 11 year old kid who was already stronger than he was and the kid didn't even have to lift weights to get strong. Adam reached up and felt Cory's rock-hard biceps with his fingers. "Yeah, feel those hard muscles, Adam," said Cory. "Feel those fucking muscles that are going to fucking rule you from now on. I'm your boss now, Adam. I'm the boss and you're just my wimp-boy slave." Adam looked up at Cory's sky blue eyes, spikey blond hair and drop-dead handsome face. He nodded his head, acknowledging the truth of what Cory had just said.

Cory jumped up and flexed his muscles in the mirror. "Fuck, I feel strong," he said. He walked over to the scale and stood on it. "Wow, look at this Adam," said Cory. "I've gained five pounds in the last two weeks." Cory now weighed 90 pounds. "No wonder I'm stronger. I've gained five pounds of fucking muscle! Hey, measure my muscles, Adam." Cory ran over and grabbed the measuring tape. He handed the tape to Adam and flexed his arm right in Adam's face. "Measure that mother, Adam. Measure that bulging bicep." Adam wrapped the tape around Cory's arm and announced, "Jesus Christ. It's 10-1/2 inches. You've gained a half-inch on your arm in the last two weeks. I can't believe it." Adam looked at Cory's flexed arm with admiration and awe. Cory looked at the hard, round bicep and smiled at Adam. "OK, wimp-boy, measure the rest of me. I bet all my muscles have grown." Adam measured Cory's chest, his waist and his thigh. Cory had gained an inch of muscle on his chest and a half inch on his thigh. His waist was the same -- 24 inches. Adam measured his own muscles and they were virtually the same size as they were two weeks before. "Fuck, I'm a stud, ain't I, slave-boy?" said Cory as he pushed his muscular chest right into Adam's little chicken chest. Cory pushed right into Adam and forced the older boy to back up. "Ya know what I want to do, slave-boy? I want to arm wrestle you. I want to see if my fucking muscular arm here can crush your piece of flab." Cory grabbed Adam's wrist and flexed his arm, twisting Adam's arm back and forth as if he were arm wrestling with him. Adam knew that he couldn't say no to Cory. So the two boys kneeled down on either side of the bench and put their elbows on the bench. Cory's arm was several inches shorter than Adam's, so Cory grabbed a thick book that was stacked in the garage, put it on the bench and put his elbow on the book. The boys locked grips. Cory squeezed Adam's hand real hard. His flexed forearm writhed with shredded muscle. Adam winced as he felt the power of Cory's muscles.

"Say go when you're ready, wimp," said Cory, looking at Adam right in the eye with fierce intensity. Adam took a deep breath. "Go," he said. Adam pressed his arm down as hard as he could. Remarkably, he was able to slowly force Cory's arm a few inches to the side. Adam had a size and leverage advantage over Cory, since he was so much taller and heavier and his arm was so much longer. Adam thought for a moment that this advantage might actually give him a chance to win. He kept pushing and Cory's arm kept going down very slowly. Then, when Cory's arm was only about an inch from the bench, the forward motion of Adam's arm came to an abrupt halt. It was like all of a sudden his arm had hit a brick wall and could go no further. Adam looked down at Cory's bicep and saw the muscle bulge. The fibers of muscle looked like steel cords. Cory smiled at Adam. "Was that fun, wimp? Did you really think you could beat me? Get real!" At that, Cory started twisting his arm away from the bench. Adam was helpless to stop the relentless force of Cory's muscles. His biceps, delts and pecs were rippling as they flexed and powered his arm up higher and higher. Finally, Cory's arm was at the upright position and he stopped for a moment. "Feel the power, wimp," he said. Suddenly he pushed on Adam's arm with an incredible a surge of strength and Adam's poor arm went crashing to the bench. It was almost like he was putting up almost no resistance at all to Cory's muscles, even though he was pressing as hard as he could. Cory held Adam's arm to the bench for a moment, looking at the muscles of his arm that had just conquered his 15 year old neighbor. "How's that feel getting your arm smashed to the bench by an 11-year old?" said Cory. "Feels pretty bad, I bet. I bet you feel like a real wimp. Well, you are a wimp, slave-boy, and I'm your fucking master. You feel really bad and I feel really good. You don't know how it feels to be strong, do you wimp-boy? You've never been strong like me. Well, let me tell you it feels absolutely great. It feels fantastic to have strong muscles and be able to crush your pathetic body. It gives me a real rush."

Cory laughed and then stood up and stretched his muscles. Then he grabbed the 50 pound barbell off the rack that Adam had been using for bench presses and did 10 quick military presses with the weight. "Too light," he said. Then he changed grips and did 10 curls with the same weight. "That's better," he said as he forced out the last rep. He flexed his biceps in the mirror and said "nice pump." His biceps were bulging from the 10 reps of heavy, intense curls. They would grow more from that one set of curls than Adam's biceps would grow from a full week's worth of exercises for his arms. Cory's muscles were hard-wired for growth. Then Cory grabbed his basketball and hopped on his skateboard. "Gotta go play some hoops with the big kids. See ya later, slave-boy." At that Cory zoomed out of the garage and Adam was left to look at his wimpy body in the mirror and try even harder to lift weights and get strong. It would be a losing proposition.

Well, Adam kept working out three times a week and Cory continued his visits during almost every workout. Cory would zoom in on his skateboard or BMX bike. Then he would attack Adam and wrestle him to the ground. Cory was now so much stronger than Adam that he could easily pin the older boy. He twisted Adam's arms up his back and pushed up with the muscular force of his arms until Adam started to cry out in pain. "Who's your master, slave-boy?" yelled Cory. "You are, Cory, sir," said Adam in reply. Cory would smile and twist just a little harder, just to show Adam how strong he was and who was boss. Sometimes he would wrap his muscular young arm around Adam's neck and flex his hard, round bicep right into Adam's windpipe. He would flex and unflex his bicep, and each time he flexed, the muscle would bulge like a steel ball and ram itself further into Adam's neck. Adam felt like a rock was pounding into his neck each time Cory flexed his bicep as the hard muscle contracted again and again into a solid ball that smashed into his neck. Cory liked to watch his bicep as it got bigger, harder and more peaked when he flexed it over and over again. Adam's windpipe crackled as it succumbed to the unrelenting battering ram force of Cory's flexing bicep. "This feels really cool," said Cory as he looked at his big, bulging bicep as it crushed Adam's scrawny neck. "I like the way it feels when my muscle bashes into your windpipe." Cory said this very matter-of-factly, like he was observing his muscle smashing a grapefruit rather than the neck of a human being. Adam couldn't reply. He was gagging and choking and gasping in awe at the power this 11 year old kid possessed in his arm.

Sometimes Cory would wrap his muscular legs around Adam's chest in a scissors hold and start squeezing. His quad muscles would bulge as his powerful legs crushed the air out of Adam's lungs. Cory liked to watch Adam's face as it got redder and redder from lack of oxygen as Cory's python-like legs prevented Adam from breathing at all. "How's that feel, slave-boy?" said Cory. "How's it feel to have my muscular legs crushing the life out of your pathetic excuse for a body?" "It hurts," gasped Adam. "I can't breathe." "Good," said Cory, and he turned up the power on his legs even more. Adam grimaced in pain and looked over at Cory. All the muscles in Cory's body were rippling with power. Adam felt so weak and helpless compared to the physical superiority of this muscular 11 year old kid. "Do you give?" asked Cory. "Do you give to your master?" Adam nodded his head, as he didn't have any more breath in his lungs to talk. Cory immediately relaxed his hold, sat on Adam's stomach, smiled, and flexed his arms in triumph. He looked like a young Viking warrior -- blue eyes, blond hair standing straight up like spikes, sparkling white teeth, incredibly handsome face, and muscles bulging and rippling on his 11 year old body. Adam reached up and touched Cory's muscles. He ran his fingers over his biceps, his delts, his pecs, his lats and his corrugated abs. This was Adam's reward. He wanted to be a good slave because Cory let him feel his muscles after he had thrashed him. "Yeah, feel those muscles, you miserable little punk," said Cory. "Feel those muscles that just totally pulverized your weak little body. Feel how hard and strong they are. Feel their power, slave, the power to totally crush you any time I feel like it." Cory squeezed his legs against Adam's chest. Adam reached over and felt the hard quads of Cory's legs as they crushed against his body. "Yes, master, I feel the power," said Adam. "You are a fucking stud, Cory, sir." "You got that right, wimp," said Cory and he suddenly dropped down onto Adam's body, smashing into Adam's skinny chest with his muscular pecs. His sweaty skin slid over Adam's body as Cory moved his body back and forth on top of Adam in a movement of pure domination. Adam could smell Cory's jock-boy sweat that evaporated from his glistening, tan skin. Cory put his right armpit right on top of Adam's nose so that Adam would be forced to breathe in the strong, heady sweat. "Smell that sweat, wimp-boy," said Cory. "My sweat smells different than yours, Adam. My sweat smells like the sweat of a real jock, a real man. Your sweat doesn't have much of a smell at all. It smells kinda wimpy, just like you." Cory smiled and rubbed his armpit into Adam's face. "Get a good whiff, slave, of your master's smell. You like your master's smell, don't you, slave?" Adam nodded his head as Cory kept rubbing his armpit in his face. He really did like the smell of Cory's armpit. Finally, Cory sat up and let Adam take a breath of clean air.

Adam really looked forward to Cory's visits. He knew that he was going to be completely dominated by the arrogant kid, but he couldn't help himself. He was totally turned on by his muscular young neighbor. About a month after Adam started lifting weights, Cory zoomed into the garage on his skateboard holding a football and wearing a gold-colored medal around his neck. He threw the football at Adam. As usual, Adam was too slow to either catch it or get out of the way and the ball hit him on the shoulder. The force of Cory's throw made the ball feel like a mortar shell as it hit Adam's flabby body. "Incomplete forward pass," said Cory. "The wuss couldn't handle the ball that was perfectly thrown by Cory, the star quarterback." Adam rubbed his hurting shoulder. Cory laughed and walked up to Adam, puffing out his muscular chest to show off the gold medal that was hanging on a ribbon between the bulges of his pecs. "Check this out, Adam," said Cory. Adam looked at the medal. It was about two inches in diameter and showed the torso of a very muscular young man holding a rifle. Around the edge of the medal at the top were the initials "USMC" and at the bottom "1st PLACE FITNESS."

"It's the Marine Corps' first place medal for their physical fitness contest. We had the contest at school today and I won it easy. Two Marines came to our school to give the test. They really looked cool in their uniforms. One of the Marines was really big and muscular. I'll bet he was about 6' 3" and must have weighed 250 pounds. I could see the muscles bulging under his uniform. He really looked buff. We had to do push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and a one mile run. When I stripped off my shirt to do the pushups, the two Marines kinda gasped when they looked at my body. I thought that was cool -- two Marines thinking I was a stud. Of course I am and they knew it. Anyway, I did 180 pushups. The Marines couldn't believe it. The big Marine told me that he had never seen a kid do that many pushups. The next best kid could only do 30. Most of the kids could only do five or 10. Some of the little nerds couldn't do even one pushup. Jesus, what fucking weaklings! Can you believe a kid couldn't do one fucking pushup when I could do 180. I felt like such a stud standing next to those little losers. Well, anyway, when I finished the pushups, my pecs were really hot and pumped. You know how they get, Adam. You've certainly felt them enough. They get all pumped and shredded. Well, some of the girls in my class came over and started feeling my pecs and oohing and ahhing about my muscles. I flexed 'em really hard for them and they said that my pecs felt like rocks. That was totally cool."

Adam was fascinated by Cory's description of how he won the Marine Corps pushup contest. Adam himself would have been one of those 11 year old kids who couldn't do even one pushup. He would have been one of those fucking weaklings. Adam couldn't imagine what it must feel like to be able to do 180 pushups.

"The next test was pull-ups," said Cory. "You know how much I like to do pullups. They're my favorite exercise 'cause they make my biceps get so big and hard. Anyway I pumped out 55 pull-ups. The next best kid could only do 12. Most of the kids could only do a couple and lots of kids couldn't do any. Total weaklings, just like you, Adam. They're just disgusting. Little pussy weaklings, just begging to get beaten up. The Marines looked shocked at the number of pull-ups I did. They told me that most Marines could only do 20 or 25 pull-ups. Hardly any could do as many as I did. The big, muscular Marine came over to me and flexed his arm right in front of my face. 'Feel that, kid,' he said. I felt his arm and I tell you Adam it was huge. It was about as big as that football there and the bicep was really solid and peaked. His bicep was peaked just like mine but it was huge. And really hard, totally hard, just like my biceps get when they're pumped. 'Feel that muscle, kid,' the Marine said. 'I think you could have an arm like this some day, kid. You've got the genetics for it. I kinda looked like you when I was your age and look at me now. You're a stud, kid.' He flexed again and I felt the huge muscle bulge under his uniform. He was really built! He said that I was an exceptional young man, real Marine material when I grow up. I don't think I want to be a Marine, though. Too much following orders. You know, slave-boy, I like to give the orders. I don't take orders from nobody."

"Anyway, after I finished the pull-ups, I flexed my arms for the girls and they all ran up and started feeling my biceps. They were like big, round, solid rocks after all those pull-ups and the girls couldn't believe how big and hard they were. My lats were really pumped too and I spread 'em out like wings so the girls could feel those slabs of muscle." Cory flexed his lats to show Adam what he meant. Adam instinctively reached over and felt Cory's lats. "Yeah, feel those motherfuckers, wimp-boy. They're fucking solid muscle, tons more muscle than you got. Well, they were totally pumped while the girls were feeling them and those girls got really turned on by my muscles. One of the dweeb boys came over too and felt my biceps. I could tell he was really jealous as he looked at that big muscle bulging in my arm. Then he looked at my face. He was staring at my eyes. The guy was a total loser -- a pathetic, weak little body and an ugly face too. I felt like such a total stud next to him. I looked over at him and said, 'Feel the power, wimp. Feel the power of real muscle.' He kinda gulped as he looked at my bicep and then looked me in the eyes. He knew I was a stud, and a fucking good-looking stud to boot. Hey, I gotta face the facts, Adam. I got a killer body and killer looks too. I'm a total stud, ain't I slave-boy?." Cory looked at Adam with his beautiful blue eyes and flexed his arms. Adam nodded in agreement. "You are a fucking stud, Cory," said Adam. "You have the coolest blue eyes and blond hair. Your face is drop-dead gorgeous. Your body is totally buff. You are a total stud." Cory smiled and bumped his muscular chest into Adam. "You got that right, wimp," he said.

"Well, back to the story. The next test was sit-ups," said Cory. "I just cranked 'em out. I can do a ton of sit-ups. The Marines made me stop at 500. That was the most they would let me do. I could have done a lot more, but even at 500 I was way ahead of the other kids. The next best kid did 85. Believe it or not, Adam, there were some kids who couldn't do even one sit-up. Their guts must be made of Jell-O. I can't believe a kid would be so weak that he couldn't do even one sit-up. Those kids are total losers. They're just shit compared to me. I'd like to take my fist and pound it into one of those kid's pussy guts just to see how it feels to smash through his soft belly. It would be like a piledriver hitting a puddle of mud. It would feel so cool, my hard fist just pulverizing that weak, flabby flesh that can't even do one fucking sit-up. That kind of weakling gut deserves to be bashed by my strong muscles. But if I did that, the kid would probably end up in the hospital and I'd get in trouble. But hey, I can do that to you, can't I Adam, you little wuss. You're my slave and I can do anything I want to your pathetic body! I'm going to pound your fucking gut right now." Cory wound up his right arm as if he were about ready to throw a devastating punch right into Adam's soft gut. Adam reacted in horror as the muscles of Cory's shoulder, chest and arm twitched and flexed, getting ready to release tremendous power at the will of their 11 year old master. Adam had to think fast. "Wait Cory," he said. "Don't hit me now. Finish your story first. I want to hear all about the rest of the physical fitness contest." Cory looked at his clenched fist and then looked at Adam. "OK," he said. "We'll do this later." He dropped his fist and continued his story. "Well, after I finished the sit-ups, I stood up and flexed my abs for all the kids to see. These babies were totally ripped and shredded." Cory flexed his abs and started running his hands up and down the corrugated muscle. "Ya know, my waist is just totally different from the flabby guts of those other kids. Those kids just have no idea what it's like to have shredded abs. They don't know how it feels to have a wall of solid muscle from your chest to your crotch. Well, it feels great." Cory smacked his abs with his fists. The brick wall of muscle didn't budge at all as Cory pounded on his abs as hard as he could. "Feel that fucking muscle, Adam. Feel how hard it is."

Cory flexed his abs and Adam ran his hands over the corrugated iron washboard that was Cory's muscular waist. Cory's tan skin was extremely thin and there was absolutely no fat between his skin and those rippling ab muscles. Adam squeezed and poked at the solid muscles with his fingers. He loved feeling Cory's buff muscles. "Go ahead, Adam, punch me as hard as you can. Lets see if a big 15 year old can hurt this little 11-year-old's abs." Cory flexed his abs and stood there, waiting for Adam to hit him. Adam hesitated for a moment. "Do it, slave-boy!" ordered Cory. "Do it now or I'll punch you in the gut!" Cory pulled back his muscular arm as if he was getting ready to throw a devastating punch at Adam's soft belly. Adam knew that the power of Cory's punch would pulverize his intestines. So Adam wound up his right arm and punched Cory in the gut as hard as he could. There was a loud smacking sound as Adam's fist bounced off Cory's abs like it had hit a brick wall. Adam grabbed his wrist, which was shooting with pain from the jolt of hitting Cory's abs. Cory smiled. "Jesus, you dweeb. I could hardly feel that. Now, try it again, and it better be a lot harder than that sissy punch." Adam's right hand was in too much pain to punch again, so he made a fist with his left hand, pulled back his arm and hit Cory as hard as he possibly could right in his belly button. This time Adam really hurt his hand as it crashed into Cory's rock-solid abs and bounced off. Cory laughed. "Fuck you're weak. Your puny little punch bounced off these solid motherfuckers like it was thrown by my sister. You ain't shit compared to me, you miserable punk. You're just a total wimp. You deserve to be my slave. You're lucky I don't fuck you up real bad right now just for being such a total wuss." Cory pulled back his muscular arm like he was getting ready to punch Adam really hard in his flabby gut. Adam looked at Cory and said, "Please, sir, don't hurt me Cory, sir. Please tell me about the rest of the Marine Corps physical fitness test. I want to hear all about how you blasted all those other kids away. I want to hear all about how all the girls wanted your body. I want to hear all about it, Cory."

Cory looked at the miserable little wimp and said, "OK, I'll finish the story. I can fuck you up any time I want. Well, after I finished those 500 sit-ups my abs were really pumped and ripped and I was really sweaty so there was a layer of sweat all over them. The girls rushed up again and started running their hands all over my abs. They said my stomach felt like a brick wall. They moved their fingers across all the ripples. That really felt cool. They said it felt like corrugated iron. Some of the girls moved their hands around behind and felt my ass. I flexed my butt muscles for them. You know how round and hard my ass is. Well, those girls just about fainted when they felt that muscle bulge in their hands. When one of the girls was feeling my abs, she went down really low with her fingers. When nobody was looking, she stuck her hand under my shorts all the way into my crotch. She looked at me right in the eyes and squeezed. I kinda jumped when she squeezed. It really felt good. She whispered in my ear that I was the hottest stud in the whole school. Then all of a sudden she kissed me really hard and stuck her tongue way inside my mouth. I was really getting hot. Finally one of the Marines came over and said it was time to start the mile run. I pushed the girl away and said, 'see ya later.' That was really cool."

"So for the mile run we had to run four times around our school's track. There were about 200 guys all trying to run at the same time so we all bunched up around the starting line. I was in the middle of the pack. Well, when the gun went off, I blasted away and I immediately ran over about 20 guys who were in front of me. I just ran forward and knocked 'em over, sometimes two at a time. They were a lot slower than me and I'm a lot stronger than they are so I could just run through 'em like they weren't even there. My muscular shoulders bumped against their little bodies and just knocked 'em down. It was kinda fun just running straight ahead and knocking over all the kids who were in my way. One kid wouldn't move over when I yelled at him to get out of the way so I just crashed into his back and ran right over him. He probably thought a truck hit him." Cory laughed. "Look at these fucking legs, Adam. Look at how much muscle I got. I got all this muscle just from running and jumping and playing basketball and football. These fucking legs are really strong. They powered my body right through all those other kids and knocked 'em over like they were little sticks." Cory flexed his quads. Striated slabs of muscle bounced to life under his thin skin. "Feel 'em, Adam, feel those mothers." Adam reached down and felt Cory's flexed quads. The muscle was thick, especially for an 11-year old, and it was hard, very hard. Adam looked further down Cory's legs to his calves. "Jesus, Cory," said Adam. "Look at your calves. They're totally muscular too." Cory flexed his calves and Adam ran his hands over their diamond-shaped muscular hardness. Cory's calves bulged like the calves of a little bodybuilder. "Yeah," said Cory. "I've always had big calves. I've always had a lot of muscle in my calves, even when I was little. Look at those mothers, Adam. They look about twice as big as yours." Adam compared his own twig-like calves to Cory's bulging, rock-hard calves. Cory was right. His calves were way bigger than Adam's.

"Your calves are totally buff," said Adam as he ran his fingers over the bulging muscles. "Those mothers are fucking strong! Your legs are like powerful pistons. Tell me about the rest of the race." Adam stood up and Cory continued his story. "Well, after I blasted through those kids, I was in first place and I never looked back. I'm a really good runner and I wanted to show those Marines how fast I am. After two laps I was starting to lap some of the other kids. Some of those kids were slowing down to almost a walk. They were so out of shape that they couldn't even run a mile! I just ran by them like they were standing still. Sometimes just for fun I bumped them with my shoulder as I was running by and they staggered to the side. A couple of the kids even fell down after I bumped 'em like that. They are just such total wimps. Such total losers. By the end of the race I must have lapped about 2/3 of the kids and I was way out in front. When I crossed the finish line the Marines came up and congratulated me and said that I was faster than most Marines. All the girls came up to me again and started feeling my muscles. All the kids looked at me like I was the biggest stud in the whole school. I flexed my muscles a couple of times for them just to prove that they were right! After the race the Marines gave me this cool medal for winning the physical fitness contest. They said they had never seen a kid dominate the other kids in all the tests as much as I did. They knew I was a stud."

"Wow," said Adam, "that was fantastic. You are so buff and fit, Cory. You are a total stud." Cory smiled. He liked the admiration. He knew he deserved it. He stood in front of the mirror with his gold medal hanging from his neck. He flexed his abs and spread his lats. He looked like a young Olympic Gold Medal winner, proudly standing on the awards platform, the champion of all the athletes. Cory said "I feel fucking strong. I bet I've put on even more muscle in the last two weeks." He walked over to the scale and hopped on. "Fucking-A," he yelled. "I weigh 95 pounds! I've gained another five pounds of fucking muscle. Something's really happening to my body, Adam. I'm getting stronger every day and I don't even have to lift weights like you, except just for fun to show you how much stronger I am than you are, you miserable little punk. I'm putting on major muscle just from all the pushups, pull-ups and sit-ups I do, from all the sports I play, and from wrestling with you and crushing your pathetic body. Yeah, and once in awhile I crank out a set of presses or curls with way more weight than you're using. And I almost forgot. I've gained an inch in height in the last month. I'm now 5'3" tall. My dad says I'm going through a big growth spurt. He says hormones are starting to rage through my body. He says I'm in the early stages of puberty. Hey, look at this, Adam." Cory pulled down his shorts, exposing his crotch. Adam was amazed. Cory was as big or maybe even bigger than Adam, and he was only 11-1/2 years old. Cory wasn't paying attention to that. He pointed to the hair growing in his crotch. "See," said Cory. "I'm starting to grow some pubic hair." Adam could see that Cory was growing a small patch of blond pubic hair in his crotch. "My dad says that I'm starting to enter puberty. He says that's probably why I've been getting taller and putting on so much muscle in the last month. I'm starting puberty and I haven't even turned 12 yet. I'm a fucking stud." Adam hadn't entered puberty until he was 14. In some ways he still looked like a boy, with a layer of babyfat on his body and no muscles at all. Here was this neighbor kid who at 11-1/2 was already strong and muscular and was now entering puberty which would only make him bigger, stronger and more muscular. Life just wasn't fair.

"Measure my muscles, Adam. I know they're bigger than they were two weeks ago." Adam brought over the measuring tape and Cory flexed his bicep. "Jesus Christ, Cory. You're bicep measures 11 inches! You've gained a whole fucking inch of muscle in the last month. I only gained a quarter-inch and I've been working out like a maniac. You're a total stud!" Cory looked at Adam with kind of a superior look and said "You've got that right, wimp." Cory flexed his chest and Adam wrapped the tape around the bulging muscles. Cory had put another inch on his chest, which now measured 33 inches, only 2-1/2 inches smaller than Adam's. Cory's thighs had gained another 1/2 inch of muscle, bringing them to 16 inches, only one inch smaller than Adam's. Cory's waist remained at a shredded 24 inches. In the last month, Cory had gained 10 pounds of strong, rippling muscle. Adam, after all his lifting, eating and taking supplements, had gained 3 pounds of mostly fat. The Boy Next Door was showing his total physical superiority over the weak and inferior Adam.

Adam stood next to Cory and they compared their two bodies in the mirror, the strong and the weak. Cory looked at his flexed muscles and said "Jesus, dweeb. It feels great to be strong. It feels great to be fucking muscular and strong." Adam looked at Cory's buff body in the mirror and said, "Yeah, I'll bet it does. I wish I knew what it felt like to be strong like you, Cory. I'd give anything to have muscles and be strong like you." Cory flexed his biceps in the mirror and said, "Forget it, wimp. I got muscles and you don't. I'm strong and you're weak. You'll never know how it feels to be fucking strong and muscular. I got muscle and you don't, so you better just get used to it slave. I'm your fucking master, even though I'm only 11 and you're 15. The closest you're ever going to get to muscle is by touching my muscles, and I'm only going to let you do it if I feel like it. And 'cause I'm so strong and you're so weak and pathetic, I can kick your butt any time I want. You're my slave and you do what I want. Understand, slave?"

Cory wrapped his arms around Adam's skinny chest and squeezed. The power of Cory's muscular arms was more than Adam could take. He was too weak to fight back. Cory quickly squeezed all the air out of Adam's lungs. Adam's face turned red. "Feel the power, dweeb," said Cory as he squeezed harder. Cory's biceps, lats and delts were bulging and straining as they applied enormous force to Adam's crushed chest. "Try to breathe, punk," said Cory. Adam tried to take a breath, but Cory's vise-like arms wouldn't let his ribcage expand even a fraction of an inch. He couldn't inhale even a tiny breath. When Adam stopped trying to inhale and relaxed his lungs a bit, Cory tightened his arms even more. His muscular arms squeezed hard into Adam's chest, tightening ever harder like a ratchet. Every time Adam tried to breathe, Cory squeezed even harder. It seemed like his arms got stronger with every squeeze, as his biceps, delts and lats pumped up with strength-giving blood. His back looked like the head of a cobra, the slabs of lat muscle flaring out to the side and applying incredible force to his squeeze. "Feel the power," said Cory again. "Feel the power of my muscles, dweeb. You ain't shit compared to me, ya know that? You may be four years older than me but you still ain't shit. Do you remember when you gave me a bear hug when I was seven and I didn't even feel your squeeze? I thought it was fun. And then I turned around and gave you a bear hug. I remember that you were having a hard time breathing when my little seven year-old muscles were squeezing your pathetic chicken chest. I knew you were surprised at how strong I was, even though you didn't want to admit it. Well now I'm the same age as you were back then, and I'm fucking strong as shit. I'm probably five times stronger than you were when you were my age. I'm a fucking musclekid and you're still a pathetic weakling. Feel the power, weakling. You deserve to be crushed by my muscles, 'cause you're so fucking weak." Cory's biceps bulged like steel cords as he applied all the force of his hardened muscles to Adam's little chest.

Adam's face was now beet red and he had lost all strength in his body. He was now totally at Cory's mercy. Cory just squeezed harder, crushing the 15-year-old's chest with his powerful back and arms like it was a cardboard box. He was in total control of the 15 year old boy who used to throw him off like he was an annoying insect. The young musclekid was now totally dominating the older kid who had treated him like an annoying pest all these years. "I'm your master," said Cory. "You're just a fucking piece of shit that I can fuck up any time I want." Cory squeezed Adam's poor chest incredibly hard. Adam's eyes went blank. Finally, as Adam was starting to faint from Cory's enormous bear hug and the lack of oxygen, Cory let go and let Adam drop like a sack of shit to the floor. "That was fun," said Cory. "That gave my muscles a real good pump." He flexed his lats in the mirror and they flared out to the side like wings. Then he flexed his biceps, and the hard fibers of his muscles immediately formed two big balls of rock. It was obvious that Cory didn't give a damn how Adam felt. He only cared about the great pump he had gotten from crushing Adam. Adam looked up in absolute awe at the muscular kid who had almost crushed the life out of him.

Cory took off his gold medal and picked up the football. "Hey dweeb," he said, "lets go outside and play some football. I'll warm up with you before I go up to the playground to play some real tackle football with the big kids. I love football. You get to hit guys as hard as you want and there's nothing anybody can do about it 'cause that's what the game is all about. I like to play with big kids. I like to see if I can knock 'em down. I've tackled kids who weigh twice as much as I do. And they never get out of my grip. I just wrap my arms around 'em and down they go. When I hit somebody at the line of scrimmage, I really hit hard and I really get a rush when I hit some kid and he crashes to the ground and doesn't get up for five minutes. That makes me feel real strong. I don't care when kids hit me and knock me down. I can take it. They can pop me into the air and drop me on the ground, but it doesn't hurt. My body is really hard and my muscles sort of act like armor, so I never get hurt. Football is really fun. Do you like football, Adam?"

Adam had only played football one time in his life. He was up at the same playground that Cory was talking about and tried to play football with some kids from his class in school who were jocks. He got knocked down over and over again by those bigger, athletic jocks and when he tried to tackle them, they just ran over him like he was a stick-boy, which he was. He felt totally useless. Finally, one of the kids told him to get lost. "Pussies like you can't play football, wimp. Come back here when you put some muscle on your little body -- if you can!" The other kids laughed. Adam hung his head and walked off the field, totally humiliated. "Uh, no I guess I don't like football," said Adam. "I've only played it once".

"You only played it once?" said Cory. "That's not much of a try. Come on outside. I'm going to show you how its done." Adam kind of hesitated and didn't move off the floor of the garage. Cory walked up to him, grabbed his arm really hard and jerked him to his feet. "I said we're going outside to play football, slave. You're going to play football whether you like it or not. You understand?" Cory squeezed Adam's spongy upper arm with his strong fingers. He dug his fingers into Adam's bicep and pain shot up Adam's arm. "Yes I understand, Cory, sir," said Adam. "That's better," said Cory. "Lets play."

The two boys walked out to Adam's front lawn. Cory handed the football to Adam and said, "Pass it to me when I get 10 yards downfield." Cory started running forward and after a second Adam tried to throw the ball in his direction. Adam's pass was woefully short and the ball hit the ground way in front of the running kid. Cory turned around, grabbed the football, and said "Well, I guess you're not Troy Aikman. Lets just warm up playing some catch." Cory threw the ball at Adam. Adam dropped it. Adam threw the ball at Cory. The throw was very high, but Cory leaped into the air and brought it down. The two boys threw the ball back and forth, with Cory catching every one of Adam's passes, even though they were too high, too low and off to the side. Cory had amazing reflexes and incredible jumping ability. Adam liked to watch Cory's muscles as he ran and jumped. He was a natural athlete. Adam caught one of Cory's passes, when Cory lobbed the ball underhand as softly as he could right at Adam's chest.

"OK," said Cory. "Time for some tackling practice. First I'll carry the ball and you tackle me if you can, wimp. Don't be such a pussy. Really try to hit." Adam gulped. Cory started running with the ball right at Adam. Adam braced his feet and jumped at the 11 year old kid, trying to wrap his arms around Cory's hard body. Cory lowered his shoulder and ran right into Adam, knocking him down like the little stick-boy that he was. Then he ran right over Adam's body, landing one foot on Adam's gut. Cory kept running and then stopped and held up the ball. "Star running back Cory smashes through the pussy linebacker and scores." Cory walked back to Adam. "Jesus, dweeb, you gotta hit harder than that. I only weigh 95 pounds and you weigh 135 and I ran over you like you were a little girl. Try it again." Adam really didn't want to try to tackle Cory again but he knew he had no choice. Cory picked up the ball and ran right at Adam. Adam tried to grab Cory, but this time Cory pushed at Adam with his left arm and forced him to the ground as he ran by untouched. "Star running back Cory gives the wimp linebacker a shove with his strong arm and runs in for the easy score," yelled Cory. "Fuck it, wimp, I'm going to just keep runnin' at you until you tackle me. I'm going to just keep running over your pathetic body until you bring me down. I think its fun to run over you. It's a good warm-up for the real football I'm going to play later. It makes me feel really strong." So Cory kept running with the ball at Adam and kept knocking over the weak 15 year old like he was a little girl. Adam tried to tackle the muscular kid but Cory was just too fast and strong. Several times Adam almost got his arms around Cory's chest or waist, but Cory either grabbed him with one arm and threw him off like an insect or lowered his shoulder and plowed right into the taller, heavier boy, knocking him to the ground. One time Adam actually got his arms around Cory's shoulders, but the strong kid just dragged him along for ten yards and scored another touchdown. Another time Adam tried to tackle Cory by the legs. Cory's muscular legs just kept pumping like pistons, with Adam's weak little arms trying to hold on for dear life. Finally Adam had to let go as Cory powered his way forward without slowing down at all. Finally when the "score" was 70 to 0, Cory decided to let Adam tackle him. He let Adam grab his tight, muscular waist as he ran by and pull him to the ground. Adam loved the feeling of Cory's hard, pulsating ab muscles as he grabbed them and held on.

The two boys rolled in the grass. Adam didn't want to let go of Cory's muscular waist. Adam wanted to just lie there and feel Cory's buff pumped muscles. Cory's muscles were hard., hot and sweaty. Adam ran his hands all over Cory's corrugated washboard abs and his tight, hard pecs. He felt Cory's delts bulging out from his shoulders and then ran his hands down to his upper arms. Cory tightened his biceps and the steel-like cords of muscle flexed in Adam's hands. Cory laid right on top of Adam for a moment, his hard, round, sweaty pecs pressed firmly onto Adam's weak little torso. Adam loved the feeling of Cory's hard body pressing into him. Adam moved his hands around to feel Cory's firm, round ass. Cory flexed his glutes and the hard, athletic muscles that had just powered Cory's legs like pistons bulged in Adam's hands. Adam was in heaven. But Cory wasn't done playing football. Cory jumped up and said "that was fun, dweeb. I loved running with the ball and smashing into you. You're just a big stick-boy, ya know that? My 95 pounds of muscle just blasts through your 135 pounds of skin and bones. Now its your turn to run with the ball. But you're going to have to get by Cory, the star linebacker. Cory the star linebacker loves to cream running backs. He loves to send 'em to the hospital. He gets off on breaking their bones when he hits 'em. Ready, dude?" Cory was still fresh and energized and ready for more football. Adam lay on the ground, exhausted, battered and beaten, but turned on as hell. "Get up, slave," ordered Cory. "I want to practice my hitting and tackling. You're going to be my live tackling dummy. This is going to be real fun." Adam shuddered.

Cory handed the ball to Adam and ran about ten yards away. Then he turned and faced Adam and yelled "Run, dweeb. See if you can score against Cory, the star linebacker." Adam really didn't want to do this but he knew he had no choice. He tucked the ball away in his right arm and ran towards Cory. Cory moved back and forth, like a tiger waiting for his prey. As Adam got closer, he tried to dodge to the side. But Cory was too fast and he charged towards Adam at full speed, lowered his shoulder and smashed into the older boy's chest, lifting him at least six inches off the ground while at the same time grabbing him around the chest with his muscular arms. The two boys crashed to the ground, with Cory on top. Adam had the wind knocked out of him and couldn't breathe. Cory yelled, "the wimp running back tried to run around Cory, the star linebacker, but Cory gave the dweeb such a killer hit that he went crashing to the ground. Nobody gets by Cory. That was fun, dweeb. Lets do it again." Cory jumped up. Adam lay on the ground in pain. "Get up, slave," ordered Cory. "I said I wanted to do it again." Cory bent down and grabbed Adam by the shoulders, easily lifting him to his feet. He jammed the ball into Adam's gut and ran ten yards away. "OK, run at me, wimp-boy. Try harder this time. Run harder and run faster. You ain't shit compared to me. You make it too easy. Ya gotta try harder."

Adam ran towards Cory again, this time trying to put all the power of his 5' 10", 135 pound body into it. He thought to himself that with his 40 pound weight advantage he had at least a chance of running over Cory. This time he didn't try to run around the muscular kid. He ran right at Cory. Cory's bright, blue eyes lit up when he saw Adam coming toward him. He was ready to kill his prey. As Adam got close, Cory lunged at the running boy, wrapped his arms around his waist and lifted him into the air. Adam's feet were three feet off the ground. Cory continued to run forward a few steps, carrying the hapless boy in his powerful arms. Then Cory literally threw Adam to the ground. Adam landed face-first in the grass. He tried to throw out an arm to break his fall. The force of Cory's heave almost broke his arm. He came crashing to the ground. Cory walked over, put one foot on Adam's back, and flexed his arms in triumph, like a conquering warrior standing over his vanquished foe. Cory's biceps bulged with power. "Star linebacker Cory picks up the wimp running back and tosses him on the ground like a sack of shit. You really are a sack of shit, ya know that Adam? Get up, you miserable sack of shit. I wanna do that again. This is really fun."

Adam certainly wasn't having any fun. He was Cory's plaything. Cory's human toy. Cory's live tackling dummy. Cory didn't care how Adam felt. Cory was having fun and Adam was his slave. That's just the way it was. Adam couldn't do a thing about it and he knew it. Cory picked up Adam again, rammed the ball into his gut and ordered Adam to run at him again. "Start running, wuss," ordered Cory. "I wanna tackle you again." Adam started running again, knowing all too well what was awaiting him. Cory slammed into Adam's body, smashing his shoulder into Adam's chest and leveling the taller boy. Adam went crashing to the ground on his back. "What a hit!" yelled Cory. "Did you hear the popping sound when I hit you? That was really cool." Adam simply lay on the ground, looking up at his muscular master. Cory reached down and jerked Adam up to his feet again. Adam was totally thrashed and broken. "Jesus what a wuss you are, Adam. I've only hit you a couple of times and I've already fucked you up real good. I could do this all afternoon and not even get tired. That would be real fun, wouldn't it pussy-boy?" Adam looked at Cory's muscular body, a body that seemed to have unlimited power and energy. He was so in awe of Cory that he just stood there. Cory jammed the ball into Adam's arm again and ran back about ten yards. "Run, wimp!" ordered Cory. He was ready to hit again. Adam started staggering forward, carrying the ball weakly in his right arm. Cory ran towards Adam at full speed. He hit Adam head-on, planting his muscular shoulder into Adam's chest and wrapping his arms around Adam's waist at the same time. The force of Cory's hit leveled the older boy, who went crashing onto the ground with Cory on top still holding on to his waist.

Cory lay on top of Adam with his arms wrapped around Adam's waist. He pulled his arms tight, forcing his body into Adam's body and squeezing Adam's waist with his strong arms. Cory's chest was tight against Adam. Adam could feel the bulging muscles of Cory's pecs as he squeezed harder and harder. Cory's skin was covered with a layer of sweat. "Feel the power, slave," said Cory. His muscles felt like rocks as they pressed against Adam's body. Finally Cory let go. He was still laying on top of Adam, who was like a vanquished foe lying on his back on the ground. Cory grabbed Adam's arms and pinned them to the ground over his head. Cory pressed up his own body so he was about a foot above Adam, looking him right in the eyes. "You're a fucking dweeb, ya know that?" said Cory. He held Adam's helpless arms, arms that were way too weak to do anything to resist Cory's strength. Adam looked up at Cory's blue eyes and handsome face, the face of a kid who could will his muscles to thrash Adam any time he felt like it. Suddenly Cory dropped down onto Adam, his pumped, muscular chest crashing down onto Adam's skinny ribcage. He moved his body up and covered Adam's face with his armpit. Adam could smell Cory's sweat, sweat that smelled incredibly good to Adam. The sweat of a real jock. "Smell my sweat, slave," said Cory. "Breathe in the smell of your master." Cory rubbed his armpit all over Adam's face, covering his face and nose with the salty sweat of his muscular body. Adam loved the feeling of having Cory laying on top of him, dominating him with his muscles and forcing him to smell his stinky sweat.

Finally after a minute or so of this, Cory sat up on Adam's stomach and flexed his arms. He looked proudly at the bulging biceps, biceps that had grown a full inch in the past month and now looked like big hard billiard balls. Adam reached up and felt Cory's flexed biceps with his tender fingers. "You like these big muscles, don't you slave-boy? You like it when your master flexes his muscles for you and you get to feel them. You like feeling my rock-hard muscles. Muscles that can kick your ass any time I feel like it. You like feeling their power, so much more power than you've got in your puny muscles that it ain't even funny." Adam nodded his head and squeezed Cory's biceps as hard as he could. He couldn't make the slightest dent in the big balls of muscle. They felt like warm marble. Veins were running up and down Cory's biceps under this thin skin. His forearms were also bulging and covered with veins. "Your muscles are awesome, master," said Adam. "I am honored to be your slave." Cory smiled. His bright, white teeth looked stunning. He liked to have his body admired by his slave. He lowered his arms and spread his lats. "Check out these fuckin' lats, slave. Lats that did tons of pull-ups today. Lats that squeezed your puny chest so hard that you couldn't fucking breathe." Adam squeezed the big slabs of muscle that flared out like wings under Cory's wide shoulders. They were thick and hard. Incredibly thick and hard for an 11 year old kid. Adam ran his hands up to Cory's shoulders and felt the bulging hardness of his delts. Cory's delts were striated with muscle fibers that twitched and flexed every time he moved his arms. They looked like little melons that had been slapped on his shoulders. And Adam knew that Cory's delts were strong and tough. Strong enough to lift heavy weights overhead and strong enough to crash into Adam's chest when Cory tackled him. Cory moved his arms up and down, allowing Adam to feel his delts flexing and bulging. Adam could feel the individual fibers of muscle contracting. They felt like steel cords. "Fuck," said Adam. "Your delts are incredible." Cory looked over at his shoulders as his arms were moving up and down and said, "Yeah, I know." Cory was not humble.

"Flex your pecs and abs, master," said Adam. "I want to feel their incredible hardness." Cory sat upright on Adam's stomach and flexed his muscular pecs and abs. His pecs were round and striated, with a deep crevice separating the bulging muscle. Adam placed his hands over the two round mounds and felt the hardness of the muscle flexing underneath. Cory's pecs were much bigger and harder than Adam's flat little chest muscles. Adam looked up at Cory's muscular torso, his spikey blond hair, his sky blue eyes and his handsome face and thought that Cory looked just like a young Viking warrior. Almost like a god. A young warrior god who was destined to rule his world. Then Adam ran his hands down across Cory's hard, corrugated abs. The shredded muscle undulated under Cory's thin, tan skin as he flexed and unflexed his abs for Adam to admire. Adam was in total heaven, feeling the incredible young muscles of his 11 year old neighbor. He ran his hands all over Cory's body, feeling his legs, his abs, his shoulders, his lats -- everything. "Yeah, feel those muscles, you little punk," said Cory. "Feel the muscles that are going to rule you for as long as you live. I'm going to get so big and strong that I'll be able to lift you overhead with one hand. I'll be able to crush your puny body like a grape. You're just a piece of shit compared to me. You're my fucking little slave-boy. Well, slave, the party's over. I'm outta here. I'm going to go play some football now with some big kids, some real men." Cory jumped up, put his foot on Adam's chest and flexed his arms one more time. "See ya Wednesday, slave. Go try to put some muscle on that pathetic body." Cory laughed. He knew he would be stronger on Wednesday and Adam would still be a weak little wuss. He grabbed the football and ran off towards the playground. Adam just lay on the ground, dreaming of Wednesday.


Part 2

Adam had been so excited about getting his weight set for Christmas. At 15½ years old, he was a skinny wimp and was looking forward to putting on lots of muscle by lifting weights, just like some of the other kids in his class who were turning their boy bodies into the bodies of muscular young men. But after more than a month of hard lifting and stuffing his body with lots of food and supplements, he had gained only three pounds and most of that was fat, more fat being added to his already flabby body. He now weighed 138 pounds at 5' 10" and still looked and felt like a wimp. He was barely stronger than when he had started, adding only a few pounds to his maximum bench press and squat -- he could now do one rep of each with 50 pounds. He had added even fewer pounds to his maximum curl and military press. He could curl 25 pounds and military press 35 pounds. He still couldn't do a pull-up. He could do three pushups and five sit-ups. He was still weak as shit.

Meanwhile, the boy next door, Cory, that little 11½-year-old brat who Adam used to push around with ease, had gained 10 pounds of muscle in the same month, going from 85 to 95 pounds. Cory had also gained an inch in height during that month and now stood at 5' 3". He had packed two inches of solid muscle on his chest and one inch on his upper arms and thighs. Cory didn't even have to lift weights to gain all that muscle. His superior genes, together with his daily regimen of pushups, pull-ups and sit-ups, and his wrestling with Adam, plus a little lifting he did just for fun to show Adam how strong he was, caused Cory's muscles to grow bigger and stronger every day. Cory was seven inches shorter and 43 pounds lighter than Adam, but he was all muscle and was much stronger and much more aggressive than Adam. In the length of a month, Adam had gone from being able to beat Cory in wrestling because of his height and weight advantage to being thrashed by Cory in wrestling and everything else. Cory was a musclekid and Adam was a wimp.

It was Wednesday and Adam was just finishing his last set of bench presses. He was able to do two reps with 45 pounds before his strength gave out at he had to rack the bar. He stood up and took a sip of his protein drink. Then he flexed his pecs in the mirror. His chest looked about the same as it did a month ago, flat and flabby. He sighed at the sight of his wimpy body. Just then, he heard the familiar sound of Cory's skateboard zooming up the driveway. As usual, Cory wasn't wearing a shirt -- just shorts and sneakers, with no socks. Adam felt a twinge in his crotch and stomach as he looked at Cory's buff body -- wide shoulders with thick, hard deltoids; a narrow, shredded waist with abs that looked like a washboard; striated, bulging pecs; lats that flared like wings; rippling arms with muscle fibers visible everywhere; and the muscular thighs and calves of a trained athlete. Adam couldn't believe how muscular the little kid from next door had become. Cory was holding a magazine. Adam did a double take when he saw Cory's right arm. There was a large, blue tattoo circling Cory's upper arm. It looked like a chain, and the chain was broken just where Cory's bicep was.

Cory walked up to Adam and said, "Check it out." He flexed his arm and as his bicep bulged, the links of the broken chain -- they were right on top of his bicep -- stretched further and further apart. He flexed his bicep again and again, and each time as that big muscle contracted the chain looked like it was actually breaking under the force of the rock-hard ball of muscle. "Pretty cool, huh?" said Cory. "My bicep busted the chain. That fuckin' chain ain't no match for this mother." Cory looked admiringly at his bicep as it flexed into a high peak of solid, striated muscle on his kid arm. Adam looked at Cory's muscular arm with awe. "Jesus, Cory," he said. "That tattoo is totally cool. Your big bicep just busted through that chain. Fuck, Cory you're a stud! But I'll bet your parents are freaked out. My parents would never let me get a tattoo like that." Cory laughed. "Fuck, it'sjust a Henna tattoo -- you know, the kind that wears off after a couple of weeks. My dad thinks it'scool. He likes the way my muscle can make the chain break apart."

Cory held up the magazine he had brought with him and showed the cover to Adam. It was a WWF Wrestling magazine and on the cover was a young wrestler named the Viking Warrior. He was very young looking, probably not more than about 20 years old, but he was huge. He was standing next to a referee, so Adam could get a sense of the size of the guy. He must have been about 6' 2" tall and weighed over 250 pounds of solid muscle. The strange thing was that he looked just like Cory, only older. He looked like he could have been Cory's big brother. He had blond hair with a spiky haircut just like Cory. He had blue eyes and a very handsome face, with high, wide cheekbones and a strong jaw and neck, just like Cory. And he had muscles all over his body -- big, buff muscles bulging under his thin, tan skin. His shoulders were very wide and capped with huge deltoid muscles that looked like cannonballs. His torso tapered down to a narrow waist that was rippling with corrugated abs. His arms were huge and ripped, hanging like big hams from his wide shoulders. His chest was enormous, with pecs the size of cut-off bowling balls, and his lats flared out like big slabs of beef. He had a firm, round musclebutt and thick, strong thighs. His calves bulged with muscle. What a stud, Adam thought to himself. That guy could fuck up anyone he wanted to. Then Adam noticed something on the Viking Warrior's right arm. There was a tattoo of a broken chain, just like the one Cory was wearing. The Viking Warrior was flexing his bicep at the side of his body and the chain was breaking apart. He looked just like a big, incredibly muscular Cory.

"Check out the Viking Warrior, Adam," said Cory. "He looks just like me, don't he. I even got a tattoo on my arm just like his." Cory stuck a pose just like the Viking Warrior's on the cover of the magazine. Cory's flexed bicep busted the chain apart. Adam looked at the magazine and then looked at Cory and nodded his head. "Yeah, Cory, you look like that stud's little brother. You look just like him, except that he's got just a little more muscle than you do, probably about 150 pounds!" Cory looked at Adam and sneered. "Fuck you Adam. Of course he's got more muscle than me. He's 19 years old and has been lifting weights since he was 14. The magazine says he put on 140 pounds of muscle in five years, going from 110 to 250. He also got taller as he was putting on the muscle. He was a wrestler in high school and was the state champion in all his weight classes. Every year he was in a heavier weight class 'cause he was putting so much muscle. His senior year he won the heavyweight class. Then he joined the WWF and now he's a big star. He's their most popular wrestler with the girls. He can fuck any girl he wants. They hang out outside the locker room waiting for him to come out. Every girl there hopes he'll choose her and fuck the shit out of her. He has the reputation of having a humungous cock and being able to cum five or six times a night. He fucks 'em front and back, fucking for a half-hour sometimes before he cums. Can you imagine having a cock that big and hard, Adam? Just as big and hard as his fuckin' body. The girls really love getting fucked by him, but they're so sore after a night with the Viking Warrior they can't fuck for another month."

"The guy sounds like a total stud," said Adam. "Fuck yeah, he is," yelled Cory. "And I'm going to be just like him! I'm going to start lifting weights right now and get even bigger and buffer than he is. He started lifting at 14 and weighs 250 at 19. I'm going to start lifting at 11 and weigh 250 at 16. Then by the time I'm his age, I'm going to weigh 275 and it's all going to be solid muscle. I'm gonna have a body and a cock so big and hard that I can fuck every girl in the fuckin' school. They're going to get wet over my body and then I'm gonna fuck 'em with my big cock 'till they're raw. Fuck, I'm gonna get even bigger than the Viking Warrior!" Cory looked really excited at the prospect of being as big and strong and hung as the Viking Warrior. His beautiful blue eyes sparkled with the enthusiasm of the 11-year old boy that he was. Adam looked down at his 5' 3" 95-pound kid-body and said, "Yeah, right. You're going to get bigger than the Viking Warrior. Dream on, Cory!"

Cory looked at Adam with fierce intensity. "Do you doubt me, wimp-boy? Do you doubt that I can put a ton of muscle on this body and get strong as shit? Do you doubt that I'll keep growing, getting taller and taller? Do you doubt that my shoulders are going to get wider and wider, my chest is going to get bigger and bigger, my lats are going be two huge flaring slabs of muscle, my legs are gonna look like fuckin' oak trees and my arms are going to be so big and strong that they could rip you apart like a piece of paper? Do you doubt that I can pack more muscle in one fuckin' arm than you'll ever have in your whole body? Do you doubt that my cock is going to be fuckin huge? Fuck, dweeb, I've gotten totally bigger and stronger in the last month without even trying. You've been lifting as hard as you can and I'm the one who's been getting bigger and stronger and now I'm so strong I can kick your ass any time I feel like it. You're just shit compared to me. I'll bet my cock is bigger than yours already. You better not doubt the power of my body, wimp-boy. I got muscles and I got what it takes to make my muscles grow like an animal. I'm gonna start lifting like a wild man and get so big and strong I'll be able to snap your puny little spine like a twig! And my cock's gonna be huge! Just you see!"

Cory was yelling at the top of his lungs. He jumped at Adam and wrapped his right arm around the wimp's neck, contracting his forearm with his rock-hard 11-inch bicep. The big muscle bulged like a steel ball and smashed into Adam's windpipe, cutting off his breathing. Cory flexed and unflexed his bicep watching the hard, round muscle bash into Adam's neck like a battering ram. Cory watched as his big, peaked bicep pulled the tattoo chain further and further apart every time he flexed the blood-swollen muscle. Big blue veins pulsated underneath his thin, tan skin. The more Cory's bicep pumped the bigger and harder it got, pounding harder and harder into Adam's scrawny neck. "Do you doubt me, slave-boy?" yelled Cory as he smashed his rock-hard bicep in to Adam's neck, making a crackling sound as the big muscle bashed into the wimp's windpipe. "No, I don't doubt you, master," gasped Adam. "You're going to get even bigger than the Viking Warrior." Cory crushed Adam's neck even harder. "Damn straight, wimp-boy. From now on my name is Cory The Conqueror. I'm going to conquer everything that gets in my way. I'm going to get fucking huge. I'm going to get incredibly strong. And you're going to help me do it, slave-boy. You're going to do everything I want. You're going to help me build the biggest, buffest, strongest muscles you ever saw." Cory tightened his hold on Adam's neck to an almost unbearable force. Adam started to gag and sputter. "Yes, master, I will help you get bigger and stronger. I want to help you get bigger and stronger. I want you to build the biggest, strongest muscles of any kid in this city. You are Cory The Conqueror." Adam looked into Cory's beautiful blue eyes as he said this. Cory was everything Adam wished he could be. Adam could live vicariously through Cory. He could imagine what it would be like to have muscles as big and strong as Cory's. He could imagine what it would be like to be as handsome -- yes, beautiful -- as this drop-dead good-looking kid. He could imagine what it would be like to be Cory. Adam really did want to help this beautiful blond, blue eyed boy build big, strong muscles. Adam wanted to worship them. Adam wanted to feel Cory's hard, buff muscles and look into his beautiful blue dominant eyes. "You are a total stud," croaked Adam, Cory's bulging bicep almost totally crushing his neck. "I want to serve you, master."

Cory looked down at Adam's red face and sneered. "Fuckin' right, you miserable wimp," he said. Then he let go of Adam's neck and threw him on the floor. Adam gasped in a breath of air as he went crashing down. Cory walked over to Adam's Met-Rx drink, picked it up and drank it all in one gulp. "Fill this up, slave," ordered Cory as he thrust the empty glass in Adam's hand. "I want another glass of Met-Rx and I then I wanna start lifting. I'm gonna start getting big right now."

Adam stumbled up from the floor with the glass in his hand. He went inside the house and filled the glass with milk and mixed in his Met-Rx protein supplement. Then he brought it out to the garage and handed it to Cory, who was stretching his muscles, getting ready for his workout. Cory grabbed the glass and gulped down the thick liquid almost instantaneously. Then he let out a big burp. "Thanks, slave," said Cory. "You're gonna keep this glass full of protein drink and keep filling it whenever I want more. I'm gonna drink a ton of this shit. I'm gonna drink 5 times more than you been drinking. I'm gonna get huge." Adam looked at Cory as the kid stretched his muscular young body. He realized that Cory had now taken over his weights and everything that went with them, like his protein supplements. Everything that Adam had was Cory's. Adam's weights were now Cory's weights. Adam's protein supplements were now Cory's protein supplements, and Cory was going to consume a lot more of these than Adam ever had. Adam looked at Cory and smiled. He wanted this kid to get fucking huge. He wanted the Boy Next Door to turn into the musclestud that he could never become. He wanted to help Cory get bigger and stronger every day. His cock started getting hard at the thought.

Cory finished stretching and walked over to the bench where the 45-pound barbell lay on the rack. Adam had barely managed to squeeze out two reps with this weight, his absolute maximum. "You been doin' bench presses, Adam?" asked Cory. "Is this your max, wimp-boy?" Adam nodded. Cory looked at the bar and said, "Lemme get under this and see what I can do." At that, Cory got on the bench and lifted the barbell off the rack. He lowered the weight to his chest and looked over at Adam with kind of a puzzled look in his eyes. "Fuck, this feels like a feather," said Cory. "You sure this is your max?" Then he rammed the weight back up like is was a straw and proceeded to do 20 fast, easy reps. Adam's eyes bulged out of his head as he watched Cory's chest bulge with power as it easily pushed the bar up and down rep after rep. His big chest and his round muscle butt held Cory's trim, muscular waist several inches off the bench. As he pressed the bar up and down his pecs got pumped and red. After the 20-rep warm-up, Cory crashed the bar back onto the rack and jumped up to his feet. "Jesus Christ, Adam. That's a pussy weight. My sister could press that weight. I need more fuckin' weight for these muscles. You're a pussy, ya know that wimp-boy? I wanna add another 50 pounds. That'll be 95 pounds, just what I weigh." Adam gulped. Cory was going to add more weight that Adam could bench press. The boys put 25 pounds on each side of the bar. Adam couldn't believe how much weight this 11-year-old kid wanted to lift. Adam couldn't dream of lifting that much.

Cory got under the bar and lifted it off the rack. Adam stood behind him as a spotter, ready to lift the bar if the weight was too heavy. Cory slowly lowered to bar to his chest and stopped just as the cold steel touched his bulging pecs. Then he pressed the bar up. He didn't press it up quite as fast as he did with the 45 pound bar, but he pressed it up easily and without any strain. Then he lowered it again and pumped out 10 reps of steady bench presses with a bar equal to his bodyweight. Adam stood in amazement as he watched Cory's pecs flush with blood, getting bigger and more pumped with each rep. The fibers of muscle crossed each round pec, bulging with power as Cory forced out rep after rep. Not only were Cory's pecs rippling with muscle but also his arms and delts, as the superstrong muscles of this 11-year wonderkid forced the heavy bar up and down. After Cory finished his last rep, he jammed the bar onto the rack and jumped up off the bench. He flexed his pecs in the mirror, and watched as they bulged with striated muscle. He seemed to be surprised himself at just how big and pumped his muscles had gotten from the heavy bench presses. He turned toward Adam and bumped his chest into Adam's skinny torso, pushing him backwards and forcing the weaker boy to confront the throbbing hardness of his bulging pec muscles. "Feel my muscles, Adam," said Cory. "Feel how big and pumped they are from the bench presses. They're really getting blasted by the heavy weights. They're getting fuckin' pumped!! Looks like my muscles like the weights a lot more than yours, don't they, you fuckin' dweeb. My muscles have been waiting for some fuckin' heavy iron to challenge them to get bigger and stronger. And look what they're doing. They're getting pumped and big and strong. It'slike they're being unleashed to grow. Fuck, I love these weights!! They make my muscles get fuckin' huge!" Adam reached up and felt Cory's pumped, striated pecs. They felt like two hot, round rocks.

"Lets put on some more weight, Adam," said Cory. "These muscles need more weight. I wanna see how much I can bench press. I feel as strong as a fuckin' bull. I wanna put on another 40 pounds. That'll make 135, forty fuckin' pounds more than I weigh." Adam gasped at Cory's audacity in adding that much weight for his third set. Cory was adding almost half of his bodyweight to the bar, as if it were nothing. But Adam had learned not to doubt Cory's strength or to question his orders. Adam did as Cory wanted. The boys removed some of the smaller weights and added some bigger ones until they had loaded the bar to 135 pounds. Cory got under the bar and lifted it off the rack. As the spotter Adam gently placed his hands under the bar, waiting to help. And he thought he'd immediately have to help with this weight. He was actually worried that he might be too weak to help Cory, since he could only curl 25 pounds. There was no way he could lift that huge weight off Cory's chest if the 11-year-old musclekid couldn't do it. Cory looked into Adam's worried eyes and winked. He had all the confidence in the world. He lowered the bar to his chest. Then his pecs, his arms and his delts seemed to explode as he willed them to lift the heavy iron up off his chest. All the muscles of his upper body bulged under his thin skin in bold relief. Slowly the bar started rising upwards, and as it got a few inches above Cory's bulging chest it gathered speed. By the time Cory straightened his arms, the bar was moving pretty fast. Adam stood there in disbelief. Cory lowered the bar again and this time immediately pressed it up. His pecs seemed to be warming up to the challenge, getting stronger with each rep. They were red and bulging, and covered with veins bringing nourishing blood to the throbbing muscle. Cory pressed out another three reps on his own power, which was phenomenal. Then on his sixth rep he started struggling as he lifted the bar off his chest. His pecs were incredibly pumped. Sweat was dripping off his face and body. Adam could see that he was straining his muscles to their absolute max. The bar started going more slowly as veins popped out all across Cory's chest and on his arms and pecs as his young muscles strained mightily against the heavy iron. Adam decided to step in as spotter. He gently lifted the bar with his fingers, probably only applying about five pounds of force. He wanted Cory to do most of the work. He wanted those buff kid muscles to really strain to exhaustion. He wanted them to get huge. Slowly, Cory forced the heavy steel up until his muscular arms were completely straight and then he crashed it onto the rack. Cory jumped up to his feet.

"Fuck, what a rush!" he yelled. "Look at my fuckin' muscles. Look how big and pumped they are. They feel fantastic. My whole body feels fantastic. I feel like I'm Superman. Fuck, I'm better than Superman. I'm Cory the Conqueror!" Cory raised his arms and flexed his biceps in the mirror. All the muscles of his upper body were incredibly pumped and shredded. His sweat made his tan skin glisten, showing off in great detail the striations of his muscles. His biceps were bulging with veins crisscrossing everywhere. The broken tattoo chain on his right bicep was torn further apart than it had ever been as the big ball of muscle swelled in Cory's upper arm. His pecs were pumped and shredded, the individual fibers of muscle bulging with round hardness. His lats flared out from his torso, tapering down to his narrow waist. His abs were shredded like a washboard, with beads of sweat glistening in the light. His handsome face was radiant, with his sky blue eyes and white teeth sparkling and his spiky blond hair shining in the light. He really did look like a Conqueror. A kid that could conquer anyone or anything that got in his way.

Adam stood next to Cory and flexed his own biceps in the mirror. The contrast between the muscular 11½-year-old and the flabby 15½-year-old was incredible. Cory smiled as he compared his body with Adam's. "Fuck, dweeb, look at your pathetic bag of bones. Look at your scrawny little body compared to mine. You may be 4 years older and 7 inches taller, but you ain't shit compared to me. Look at my fuckin' muscles compared to yours. Look how fuckin' big and pumped they are! Look at my fucking biceps. I totally busted that chain with my bicep. I can fuck you up any time I want. I'm a fuckin' stud!" Adam gulped as he looked at Cory's muscular young body and at his own skinny wreck. Cory literally radiated with muscle, strength and beauty. His skin was golden tan, and his young muscles rippled underneath that clear, fat-free skin like he was an anatomy chart. Adam's skin was white and pasty, and you couldn't see any muscles at all because of all his babyfat. Cory's face was drop dead gorgeous, with his high, wide cheekbones, his strong jaw and chin, his perfect nose, his stunning blue eyes, his spiky blond hair and his powerful neck. Adam looked like the dweeb that he was. A homely thin face with a big nose, drab brown hair and eyes and a scrawny neck with a big Adam's Apple. His shoulders were actually narrower than his hips and there was not a bit of muscle capping those little bones at the end of his shoulders. In contrast, Cory's shoulders were about half again wider than his narrow hips and they were capped with mounds of striated muscle. The fibers of his deltoid muscles flexed and relaxed under his skin every time he moved his arms. Cory's pecs bulged out from his ribcage, round and striated. Adam didn't have any pecs. His chest was as flat as a pancake, just a bunch of bone and babyfat.

One of the most amazing differences was their lats. Adam didn't have any lats. He tried as hard as he could to flex his lats, but there was just no muscle there. Cory's lats were incredible. He had two slabs of muscle that jutted out under his shoulders like wings. Cory's lats were big and strong. Strong enough to set the school record in pull-ups. Strong enough to crush the life out of Adam when he got him in a bear hug. Cory had more muscle in one of his lats than Adam probably had in his whole chest. Finally, there were Cory's arms. Cory's biceps bulged with raw power as he flexed them proudly in the mirror. The tattoo chain looked like it had been shattered by the sheer force of those big, hard muscles. Cory had an incredible peak to his biceps, even more incredible considering that he was not yet 12 years old. His definition was so good that you could actually see the two heads of biceps muscle bulging on the top of his arms. Cory's forearms were shredded and writhing as he tightened his fists. Veins were crisscrossing his arms everywhere. Adam's arms were soft and flabby. He couldn't really make much of a bump on the top of his arms with his biceps. Cory's biceps looked like rock-hard baseballs and Adam's biceps looked like little, soft lemons.

Next, Cory dropped his arms and flexed his abs. Every ridge of muscle in his eight-pack pressed against his thin, than skin. His abs looked like a washboard, a solid wall of corrugated iron from his chest to his crotch. Cory wore his shorts really low, below his hips, exposing his lower abs and his slashing oblique muscles. His narrow waist and hips were incredibly sexy, thought Adam. Cory placed his fingers on his abs and moved his skin up and down across the hard muscle. It was like he was moving cellophane across carved rock. Instinctively, Adam moved his hand over to Cory's abs and did the same thing. He couldn't believe the hardness of the muscles of this 11-year-old kid, as he pulled Cory's tan skin over the solid ridges of muscle. It was like he was pulling that thin skin over warm marble. "Yeah, feel those abs, wimp-boy," said Cory. "They're a lot harder and buffer than your fuckin' mush. Shit, you don't have any abs. You're a total loser." Adam looked at his flabby waist and had to agree.

Then Cory said, "Check 'em out, dweeb," and flexed his quads. The slabs of muscle sprang to attention at Cory's will, hardening into pillars of shredded brawn that looked like young oak trees. Adam tried to flex his skinny quads and saw nothing. Cory raised his heels up and down a couple of times. The heads of muscle in his calves bulged under his thin, darkly tanned skin as they easily lifted his body up and down. "Fuckin'-A, look at that fuckin' muscle," said Cory as he watched his calves bulge and then flexed his quads again. "I ain't even worked out these mothers with weights yet. Think of what they're gonna look like after they've lifted some heavy iron. They're gonna get huge!" Adam looked in amazement at the muscular superiority of his young neighbor. Adam's cock started to get hard as he comprehended Cory's muscular beauty in contrast to his own weakness and inferiority. Cory smiled as he made the same comparison. "Jeez, dweeb. Look what those three sets of bench presses did to my fuckin' chest. And look at your pile of shit body compared to me, even after all the fuckin' lifting you've been doing. Looks like my body's gonna respond to those weights a lot faster than yours, wimp. My body wants weights. My body wants fuckin' heavy weights!"

Cory turned to face Adam. He flexed his pecs, which were still pumped and shredded from the heavy bench presses. Adam couldn't believe how big and hard Cory's pecs had gotten from those three sets of bench presses, although he realized that Cory had put much more intensity into those bench presses than Adam had ever done with his own. Cory had forced his muscles to lift the absolute maximum amount of weight they could lift for the absolute maximum number of reps they could muster. He drove his pecs to absolute exhaustion and they were going to respond by growing bigger and stronger. "I love these fuckin' weights," said Cory. "These weights make my muscles bulge like nothing I've ever done before. Fuck, I can do hundreds of pushups but they don't make my pecs look and feel like this. I feel fuckin' STRONG!!"

"You ARE strong, Cory," said Adam. "You're already fuckin' three times stronger than me! (Adam was good at math -- 135 is three times 45.) And this is the first time you've lifted weights for real. You're a fucking stud. You were born to have muscle and be strong. And these weights are going to make you a fuckin' musclestud -- Cory the Conqueror. These weights are going for do for you what I was hoping they would do for me. I wanna watch you grow, Cory. I wanna help you grow into the biggest musclestud that ever lived. Remember, I'm your slave. Well, I'm going to be your trainer, too. I'm going to make sure you do all the right exercises and eat all the right foods and supplements to get big and strong. I've been reading all these muscle magazines for months. I may be a wimp, but I know all the things you need to do to grow. My weights are your weights, master. You're gonna get big!" Cory walked up to Adam and raised his hand to give him a high-five. The two boys slapped their hands together. Cory slapped Adam's hand so hard it stung. "You got a deal, slave-boy," said Cory. "I'm gonna get huge and you're gonna help me do it." Then Cory walked over to Adam's glass of protein drink and gulped it all down. Cory let out a big burp, a big, long jock-stud burp. "Need to feed these muscles," said Cory. Then he grabbed Adam's head and pressed the skinny nerd's face into his bulging pecs. Cory ran Adam's face all over his hot, sweaty, bulging pecs, finally pressing Adam's nose between the two globes of hot muscle and flexing them. Adam's cheeks were crushed by the hard, flexing muscle, but the crushing felt good to Adam. "Yes, master," sputtered Adam as he smelled the jock-boy sweat emanating from Cory's hot skin. "I'm gonna help you get huge." Then Cory let go of Adam and the two boys looked at each other. The strong and the weak. Master and slave. Musclekid and wimp. The brave and the meek. Athlete and trainer. They were going to be a team, a team that would build Cory the Conqueror.

Suddenly Adam fell to his knees and looked up at Cory. He moved his hands across Cory's shredded abs, feeling every ridge of the sweaty hard muscle. He looked up and saw Cory's pumped pecs bulging out over those hard abs, the striations of muscle clearly visible from below. He and Cory both looked in the mirror, watching Cory's muscles bulge and flex as Adam worshipped them. "Yeah, feel those muscles, wimp-boy," said Cory. "Feel those muscles that have three times the strength of your pathetic body. Feel how big and hard they are. Feel their power." Adam ran his hands all over Cory's abs and then reached up to grab his bulging pecs. Cory flexed his pecs for Adam as he cupped his hands around them, showing the weak little teenager the size and hardness of the muscles that had just benched three times what Adam could do. Then Adam reached around and grabbed Cory's lats. He couldn't believe how thick and hard those muscles were, flaring out like wings and tapering down to a slim, athletic waist. Adam moved his hands to the rear, feeling all the hardness of Cory's firm, round bubble butt. He pushed Cory's shorts down a few inches in the back and then forced his fingers inside Cory's tight ass-crack. Cory let Adam's fingers go in just a little bit. Then he flexed his glutes and squeezed those little fingers, crushing them like a grape. Adam winced at the pain. Cory looked down at Adam and sneered. "See, slave, even my ass muscles are fuckin' strong. Strong enough to crush your little fingers."

Adam pulled his fingers out of Cory's ass and continued feeling Cory's hard, round butt. Then he moved his hands down across Cory's buff legs, feeling the shredded fibers of his quads and the bulging heads of muscle in his calves. As Adam was caressing Cory's buff muscles, he noticed a bulge forming under Cory's shorts. Adam's little 4½-inch cock was already as hard as it could get. Adam was totally turned on by Cory's body. Slowly Adam reached up and started pulling down Cory's shorts. Cory wasn't wearing any underwear. As Adam slowly pulled down the shorts, a small patch of blond pubic hair appeared. Adam kept pulling on the shorts, pulling them over Cory's bulging, muscular bubble butt and slowly revealing the top of Cory's penis. Cory's penis was hard, and it was pushing on the fabric, trying to get out from under those shorts. Adam pulled the shorts all the way down to Cory's knees and the kid's hard penis sprang up and hit Adam in the face. Adam couldn't believe how big and thick this 11½-year-old's cock was. It was a lot bigger and thicker than Adam's. Bigger and thicker than the cocks of most kids in Adam's class at school. Adam pulled Cory's shorts all the way down and kneeled in front of the god-like kid, looking at Cory's cock in awe. Cory lifted his muscular legs one at a time, removing the shorts, and kicked them to the side. As he moved his legs, his hard cock moved back and forth, hitting Adam on the face several times. "You like my cock, slave?" said Cory. "It's big and hard just like my muscles. It's grown a lot in the last few months now that I'm in puberty. It's gonna get huge, just like my muscles."

Adam stared at Cory's hard cock and his buff nude body. "It's already huge, master. It's already big, just like your muscles." Cory looked in the mirror, flexed his biceps and smiled. His body looked radiant as the muscles pulsated under his tan skin, and his cock was ramrod straight, pointing almost straight up. He knew he was a stud. Adam couldn't control himself any longer. He lurched his head forward and started licking Cory's thick, hard cock and his big, low-hanging balls. Each of Cory's balls was about the size of a walnut. Adam pulled each nut into his mouth and stroked it gently with his tongue. Cory moaned with pleasure. Adam burrowed his nose into Cory's blond pubic hairs, breathing in the wonderful pungent smell of Cory's jock-boy sweat. Oh how good that sweat smelled to Adam. Adam was so turned on by Cory that his little dick was rock hard. Adam started licking Cory's hard cock and Cory started thrusting his hips back and forth, fully absorbed in the primal, animalistic thrill he was experiencing as his sensitive cock was being caressed by his slave's eager tongue. He thought about his muscular body and big cock being worshipped by his little wimp-boy slave. His cock got even harder. Adam grabbed Cory's musclebutt with his hands, feeling those hard globes of muscle flex as Cory thrust his pelvis back and forth, enjoying the wonderful totally sensual feeling of Adam's tongue licking his pubescent cock. Cory had never felt anything like this before in his young life. He started thrusting his hips at Adam faster and faster as Adam continued his furious licking of Cory's big dick. Cory started breathing hard as Adam's tongue moved faster and faster over his sensitive organ. His muscles began to quiver. Adam looked up and saw Cory's abs and pecs literally pulsating as he reached a state of total ecstasy. Finally, Cory let out a loud yell and his cock released spurt after spurt of hot, white jism. The first spurt flew about 10 feet across the room. The remaining spurts blasted right into Adam's face, covering the teen's face with what seemed like a cup of creamy, white jism. Cory's orgasm was incredibly long, lasting almost a minute with spurt after spurt of cum gushing from his big balls. When Cory was finished, he looked down at Adam, whose face was covered with cum. "Fuck, that was sweet!" said Cory. "I never felt anything like that before. You're a great cock-licker, slave. We gotta do that a lot. Now clean yourself up. I gotta finish my workout. Gotta blast these muscles even more. Gotta get huge." Cory turned toward the mirror and did a lat spread. His cock was still hard, standing at about half-mast. He smiled with a look of superior confidence as he checked out his buff body and big cock. Adam looked up at Cory's beautiful body and cock and sighed with awe. Adam would have to wait until tonight before he could cum. Cory was the master and Cory wanted to lift -- now. But Adam knew his jerk-off session tonight would be the best he ever had.

So Cory and Adam agreed on Cory's training program for the next two weeks. Cory was already so strong and muscular that he skipped the beginner and intermediate workout programs. He went immediately to the advanced program where he would work out only one or two bodyparts per day, letting them rest and grow for at least three days. He would work out five days per week. Each muscle group would get three or four different exercises and he would do six sets per exercise, with the last set being his absolute maximum -- the most intense, heavy, extreme weight his muscles had ever experienced. In all, he would do 18 to 24 sets of exercises for each muscle group. He would warm up with 15-20 reps with a "light" weight (already much more than Adam could lift for his maximums). Then he would start his "work" sets, beginning with a weight which would permit him to do about 10 reps and ending with a weight so heavy that he could do only 2 or 3 reps, with help from Adam as the spotter for the last incredibly intense, excruciatingly painful rep or two. He would blast his muscles beyond the pain barrier, forcing them to grow ever bigger and stronger. By the last set his muscles would be so pumped and shredded that they would be absolutely bursting out of his skin and aching with pain. After those 18 to 24 sets, his muscles would be totally exhausted and ready to grow like weeds in a spring rain. They would suck up all the nutrients from the huge amount of food and supplements Cory was eating. Then for his next workout of that muscle group, those muscles would be so much bigger and stronger they would be able to do 10 reps easily with the weight he could do only 3 painful reps with in the workout before. After agreeing on his workout program, Cory finished his chest exercises. He did three more sets of bench presses, six sets of incline dumbbell presses, six sets of dumbbell pullovers and six sets of parallel bar dips, with Adam strapping a dumbbell to Cory's narrow waist to add more resistance for the dips. Both Cory and Adam were shocked to see that he could do three reps of parallel bar dips with 25 pounds strapped to his muscular 95-pound body.

As an integral part of his training regimen, Cory ate huge amounts of food and supplements, giving his pubescent body plenty of protein and carbohydrates to grow at warp speed. He always had had a big appetite and a metabolism that converted all his food into pure muscle and energy. Now that he was lifting all those heavy weights, his appetite became voracious. He was like a ravenous young lion ready to eat the flesh of everything he could. He was always hungry. Always wanting to put more nutritious food into his body to feed those growing muscles. He asked his mom to fix him extra big helpings of meat, chicken and fish. He ate three big meals per day, plus three more protein-rich snacks like tuna or chicken sandwiches. In addition, Adam asked his parents to buy 4 times as much Met-Rx and other supplements as he had been using before. They thought the supplements were for Adam. They were happy his weightlifting was going so well. In fact Adam was giving every ounce of those supplements to Cory. Cory was consuming vast quantities of food and supplements and Cory was getting big! And every pound Cory gained was solid muscle.

Two weeks after Cory started lifting for real, he had gained another 15 pounds of muscle. He now weighed 110 pounds and had gained ½-inch in height to 5' 3½". Adam couldn't believe how fast Cory was putting on the muscle. All the heavy weight training and the huge quantities of food and supplements Cory was consuming were adding more than a pound of solid muscle to his body every day. He never put on any fat. Every pound he gained was hard, striated, rippling muscle. Every workout he was stronger than he had been just a few days earlier. His bench press had increased from 135 pounds to 175 pounds, a 40 pound increase in two weeks. His pecs were looking big and powerful. All his other poundages had increased at the same rate. His body was responding to the weights like a young lion -- getting bigger and stronger every day.

It was exactly two weeks after Cory started lifting. Cory and Adam were working on Cory's back. It was back day. Cory was doing pull-ups. It was much too easy for him to do regular pull-ups, so after a set of 20 warm-ups with just his own bodyweight, Adam would strap a dumbbell to Cory's waist, adding more weight to challenge his big lats and biceps. Cory had just completed his fourth set of pull-ups, doing 10 reps with a 50-pound dumbbell strapped to his shredded waist. In his last workout for his back, just a few days ago, he could do only 3 reps with this weight, with Adam having to help him get up to the bar for the last rep. This time, he did 10 easy reps with 50 pounds and knew he would be able to do several reps with 60 pounds of iron hanging from his waist on his next set. Cory felt strong. Cory felt great. He stood in front of the mirror and hit a lat spread. Adam ran his hands over Cory's big flaring lats, admiring every bulging fiber of the hard slabs of muscle. Cory smiled as Adam admired his growing muscles.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door between the garage and the house and the door opened. It was Adam's father. He stood in the doorway and looked at the two boys. "Hi, Adam," he said. "I got off work early today and I thought I'd see how your weightlifting was going… Jeez… who is that? … is that you, Cory? My God, you look… different. So much different than you did a few months ago. Gosh, I hardly recognized you."

"Hi, Mr. Stein," said Cory. "Yeah, I've been using Adam's weights here for the last couple of weeks. You noticed a difference, huh?" Mr. Stein's mouth was still open. He really couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Well, Cory," he said. "You're only 11 years old and you'd better be careful using Adam's weights. Adam's 15 years old, you know, and I don't think a kid your age should be lifting the kind of weights that Adam can lift. You might hurt yourself."

Cory broke out laughing. "That's great, Mr. Stein. That's hilarious. I can't believe you said that. OK, we'll see who might hurt themselves. Adam, look at that barbell on the floor there. How much does it weigh?" Adam looked at the barbell and replied, "it weighs 80 pounds, Cory." Cory smiled. "OK, muscleboy, go over there and do a couple of curls with that barbell. Show your daddy here how strong you are." Adam grimaced. "Cory, you know I can't curl that weight." Cory looked at Adam sternly and yelled, "Do it, wimp-boy! Do it now! Go curl that weight! Move your sorry ass!" Adam looked sheepishly at Cory and said, "Yes, sir, Cory, sir, I'll go curl the weight." Mr. Stein couldn't believe how Cory was ordering Adam around and how Adam was obeying Cory's orders without a whimper. Adam walked over to the 80-pound barbell, bent down and strained to pick it up. He could barely lift the weight off the floor. He made a feeble attempt to curl the barbell, but it was obvious that the weight was much too heavy. After a few seconds of struggling against the enormous weight, he gave up and gently lowered it to the floor and sighed. Cory said, "OK, lets see what this little 11-year-old kid can do. I hope I don't hurt myself." He walked up to the barbell and easily lifted it off the floor. Then he proceeded to crank out 10 steady curls with the 80-pound bar. Mr. Stein's mouth dropped open and his eyes practically bulged out of his head. Each time Cory did another rep, his biceps pumped up bigger and bigger. By the 10th rep, his biceps were literally bursting out of his skin, the big balls of muscle looking like striated rock. After the 10th rep, Cory didn't lower the bar gently like Adam did. He let the bar crash to the floor. Then he walked over to Mr. Stein and flexed his biceps right in front of the older man's face. "Do you think those weights can hurt these muscles, Mr. Stein? Fuck, these muscles push around those weights like they're toys. These muscles are getting stronger every week. Next week that weight will feel like a feather to me. Here, feel that muscle. Feel it for yourself." Cory pushed his flexed, right bicep right in front of Mr. Stein's nose. Adam's father reached up and wrapped his fingers around the hard ball of muscle. He squeezed his fingers but couldn't make the slightest dent in Cory's bulging bicep. Veins were pulsating with blood under Cory's thin skin and his forearms were bulging and writhing like snakes as he flexed his young muscles for the older man.

Cory looked approvingly at his big, bulging bicep as Mr. Stein futilely tried to crush it. His Henna tattoo was almost washed away from his skin, but you could still see it, and the big ball of muscle was forcing the chain much further apart than it had just two weeks before. That bicep had really been growing. It was now at least an inch bigger than it had been two weeks ago. "Pretty fuckin' big and hard, ain't it, Mr. S? That fuckin muscle is way bigger and harder than the flabby little mush on your son over there. He ain't shit compared to me. Ya know he's only gained 3 pounds since he started lifting six weeks ago. And that's been mainly fat. The little dweeb ain't any stronger than when he started. He's a total wimp. But look at me, Mr. Stein. I don't have a wimpy bone in my whole fuckin' body. I've put on 25 pounds of solid muscle in the same six weeks. Fuck, I wasn't even lifting weights for the first month and I still gained 10 pounds. Since I started lifting two weeks ago I've packed on 15 pounds of shitkickin' solid muscle. I'm fuckin' strong too and I'm getting stronger every day. I've been lifting heavier and heavier weights and have been eating a shitload of food and supplements. Adam here has been helping me get big. He knows he's a wimp and can't build any muscle. He knows I'm the stud around here. I bet you're surprised to see little Cory from next door getting so fuckin' muscular and strong. Well, get used to it Mr. S., 'cause I'm gonna get huge."

Mr. Stein's eyes were still fixated on Cory's bulging upper arm, which he was now enveloping with his fingers, feeling the size and hardness of both the bicep and tricep muscles, which were rippling as Cory continued to flex them. He gulped as he listened to the arrogant kid brag about his muscles. He realized right then that all those extra supplements Adam had wanted were going right into Cory's ravenous body to feed his big, growing muscles. He realized that the extra weights that Adam wanted were for Cory, not for Adam. Cory was getting so strong that he was starting to outgrow the weights that Adam had gotten for Christmas. He realized that Cory had completely taken over Adam's weights and that Adam was now taking orders from Cory, the 11-year-old brat from next door, the brat that Adam used to push around like an annoying pest. He looked at Cory's flexing bicep and realized that this kid had the genetics to do exactly what he said. He was going to get huge and he was going to be able make his son Adam do anything he wanted. Mr. Stein gulped as he contemplated this dramatic change in circumstances. The boy next door had taken over.

Cory put down his arm and looked at Mr. Stein's arm. Mr. Stein was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, so Cory could see his upper arm pretty well. "Hey, Mr. Stein, flex your arm for me. Let's see what ya got. I let you try and crush my bicep. Now you gotta let me try and crush yours. Do you think a little 11-year-old kid could crush the bicep of a grown man? Well, lets just find out." Mr. Stein looked at Cory with a look that said "no". Cory laughed. "You gonna be a chicken, Mr. Stein? Too chicken to let a little kid try and crush your bicep? What a wuss. You're a wuss just like your son. He's a wuss and you're a wuss. The wuss family!" That was too much for Mr. Stein, so he raised his arm and flexed. His arm was pretty big, but it didn't have much of a bicep peak. Cory immediately wrapped his fingers around the man's bicep, placing the tips of his fingers right on top. Then he slowly started to squeeze. Adam could see the muscles in Cory's forearm bulge as he squeezed his fingers into his father's white flesh. Mr. Stein was shocked. He thought his bicep was reasonably solid, but it collapsed like peanut butter under the force of Cory's strong fingers. He tried to flex harder, but it made no difference. Cory's fingers kept digging into his bicep like a hydraulic-driven vise, digging deeper and deeper into his flesh. "Jesus, Mr. Stein, this feels just like mush. Your bicep ain't shit compared to my fingers. Look how easy it is for my strong fingers to bust through your muscle. Look at my forearm bulging. Look how those muscles are rippling while they drive my fingers into your fuckin' candy-ass bicep. This feels really cool -- my kid fingers totally fucking up the muscle of a big adult. How does this feel, wuss daddy?"

At that, Cory got an intense look on his face and willed his bulging kid-muscles to squeeze as hard as they could. The young muscles of his forearm responded to his command and bulged like a bowling pin as they powered his fingers deep into Mr. Stein's bicep. Cory wiggled his fingers as he got close to the bone. Mr. Stein yelled out in pain. "Stop, Cory, please stop. You're hurting me. You're too strong." Cory looked at Mr. Stein in the eyes and smiled. "You're fuckin' right, old man. I'm way too strong for you and don't you forget it. Your wimpy muscles couldn't even make a little dent in my big, hard bicep, but my strong kid muscles can crush your flabby bicep like a sponge. You're fuckin' pathetic." Cory wiggled his strong fingers in Mr. Stein's battered bicep one more time, just because he could. Mr. Stein looked pitiful as he pleaded with Cory to stop. Finally, Cory released his iron grip and flexed his arms in triumph. "Cory the Conqueror!" he yelled. He turned towards Adam and smiled. Adam's cock stiffened under his shorts. The humiliated father rubbed his arm, which was still throbbing with pain. "Like father, like son," sneered Cory. "You're both wimps."

Cory felt great. He felt like a stud. He knew he was a stud. He looked Mr. Stein up and down. "How much do you weigh, Mr. S.?" asked Cory. Mr. Stein looked puzzled and replied, "About 200 pounds, Cory. Why do you ask?" Mr. Stein was a little taller than Adam, at 5' 11", and had a lot of fat on his body. "Jesus, you're just a big pile of flab, ain't you Mr. S.? Well, you're goin' for a ride, wimp-daddy! This will be a piece of cake." Cory squatted down and wrapped his arms around Mr. Stein's thighs. Then he slowly straightened his muscular legs, easily lifting the 200-pound man off the floor. His big quads rippled under his thin skin, the slabs of muscle providing enormous force to his legs. The glute muscles in his round muscle butt bulged with power as they helped lift the heavy man. Cory's quads and glutes had gotten much stronger in the past two weeks. They were already very strong when he started lifting, able to squat with 160 pounds the first time he tried. Now he could squat with 220 pounds for several reps, a gain of 60 pounds of power in the two weeks he had been lifting weights. The muscles in Cory's lower back bulged out in two solid ridges. Their strength was also critical in enabling him to pick up Mr. Stein. He could deadlift 230 pounds, which is pretty good for a 5' 3½" kid who only weighed 110. He was all muscle, very strong muscle.

After Cory had lifted Mr. Stein off the floor, he took several steps around the garage, bouncing the man in his arms like a baby. "You like your ride, wimp-daddy? Ya know this makes me feel really strong, walking around carrying you like a fuckin' baby. I feel fuckin' powerful! I feel like a stud!" Just as he said "stud", Cory let go of Mr. Stein. As he let go, he bumped the big man with his hard chest, knocking him to the floor. Mr. Stein sat on the floor, totally humiliated, looking up at the muscular kid who had just picked him up and dumped him like a sack of shit. Cory smiled at Adam and flexed his quads. "Cory the Conqueror!" he yelled as the muscles of his legs rippled like shredded oak trees. Adam smiled back and gave him the "thumbs up" sign.

Cory wasn't done with Mr. Stein yet. He reached down, grabbed one of Mr. Stein's arms and jerked him up to his feet. "Mr. Stein, I challenge you to an arm wrestling match," said Cory. "You gotta prove to Adam here that you're not really such a pathetic wimp. Fuck, you outweigh me by 90 pounds and you're 8 inches taller. With all that extra weight and height, you ought to at least be able to give me a little struggle. I'm so much stronger than Adam that I can beat the fuckin' dweeb easy, even when he uses two arms and I use just my left hand. It's no fun anymore smashing his skinny little arms down on the bench. I wanna test my strength with you." Mr. Stein shook his head and said "Uh, I don't think so, Cory." Cory walked up to Mr. Stein and suddenly jumped up on his back. He wrapped his right arm around the big man's neck and contracted his bicep, which forced his forearm into the older man's windpipe with lightening speed and power. Mr. Stein started turning rapidly back and forth, trying to throw Cory off of his back. But Cory hung on easily, squeezing his forearm even harder into his neck. "Hey, give it up Mr. Stein. You'll never throw me off your back. I can hold on like this for as long as I want. I can do one-handed pull-ups, ya know. My arms are fucking strong. Here, feel this!" At that Cory squeezed his right arm hard into Mr. Stein's neck. Then he quickly let go of his right arm and immediately wrapped his left arm around the helpless man's neck. He squeezed his left arm hard against the gasping man's windpipe until he started to sputter. Then Cory switched back to his right arm and started the whole routine all over again. He did this several times and started laughing. "Shit, this is a pretty good workout. My arms are getting a good pump. How's that feel to you, pops?" Cory flexed his now-pumped up bicep right into Mr. Stein's windpipe and he kept up the pressure. Mr. Stein's face was beet red and veins were popping out in his forehead. He gasped "It doesn't feel too good. I can't breathe. Your arm is too strong." Cory looked at Mr. Stein right in the eyes and said, "If you want me to stop, then you gotta armwrestle with me. I don't take 'no' for an answer, Mr. Stein. When I want someone to do something, they do it or they feel the power of my muscles. Sometimes that power can be very painful. Adam learned that a long time ago. Now he always does what I want. He's my slave. You wanna feel some more power, Mr. Stein, or do you wanna arm wrestle?" Cory started contracting his big, pumped bicep even harder. Then he reached up with his other arm, grabbed on to the clenched fist of his flexing arm, and started pulling his bulging forearm even tighter around Mr. Stein's hapless neck. Mr. Stein moaned in pain. God knows what this kid could do if he wanted to, thought Mr. Stein. He realized that he was now under the complete control of this strong, aggressive, uninhibited kid.

"OK Cory," gasped Mr. Stein. "I'll armwrestle you." Cory's eyes lit up and he released Mr. Stein's neck. He jumped gracefully off his back. "This is gonna be fuckin' great," he said. "Man against boy, adult against kid, wimp against stud, nerd against jock. The jocks always beat the nerds, Mr. S., you know that don't ya? The studs always beat the wimps. I'm a stud and I'm a jock and even though I'm a kid I'm gonna kick your wimpy adult nerd ass." Mr. Stein couldn't believe how cocky this kid was. Cory and Mr. Stein kneeled down on either side of the bench. Adam brought over two books for Cory to put underneath his arm so his hand would be even with Mr. Stein's. The two wrestlers, man and boy, locked their hands together. Mr. Stein's adult hand was much bigger than Cory's kid hand. But what Cory lacked in physical size he made up in shredded muscularity. His forearm was rippling as he locked grips with Adam's father. The two combatants looked at each other's eyes. Cory looked fierce and courageous. Mr. Stein looked timid and nervous. Then Adam said "go." Mr. Stein pushed as hard as he could, and somewhat to his surprise Cory's arm started going down. Cory was kind of smiling, his bright blue eyes flashing with the enthusiasm of battle. Mr. Stein's face was pained and straining. "Hey, you're really strong, Mr. Stein," said Cory. "Look how you're pushing my arm down." Adam could tell there was a sort of mocking tone to his voice but Mr. Stein thought he was serious. "Yeah, you arrogant little brat," said Mr. Stein. "Get ready to feel that little arm of yours hit the bench." Mr. Stein had his eyes fixated on Cory's arm. Cory's muscles were rippling, but they didn't seem to be strong enough to overcome Mr. Stein's huge weight advantage. Then when Mr. Stein had pushed Cory's arm about two inches from the bench something happened. Cory's bicep bulged like a big hard baseball. All of a sudden Mr. Stein's forward progress came to a screeching halt. It was like his arm had hit a brick wall. "Oh my gosh," said Cory, with mock surprise. "Look what happened. It looks like your arm hit a brick wall. Hey Adam, do you see a brick wall under there? … No? … Oh, there's the brick wall! It's my fuckin' bicep. My bicep's the fuckin brick wall. Look at that mother, Mr. S. Look how big and hard it is. It'sjust as hard as a brick wall ain't it?" Cory's bicep was bulging out of his skin. Every fiber of muscle was visible and veins were crisscrossing everywhere. "Party's over, Mr. S. Did you really think your flabby arm could overpower this big motherfucker? This big muscle wants to show you how strong it is. Here, feel what a real muscle can do." At that, Cory's bulging muscles started slowly pushing Mr. Stein's arm back up to the vertical position. Mr. Stein tried as hard as he could, but he just couldn't resist the enormous power of Cory's muscles. When their arms were vertical again, Cory stopped. "Did you think I was straining just then, Mr. Stein? Did you think I was only a little bit stronger than you? Well think again!" At that, all the muscles of Cory's arm, shoulder and chest exploded with an enormous burst of power as he willed them to apply maximum force to Mr. Stein's trembling arm. In an instant, the big man's arm went crashing to the bench. It felt to him like a big, steel bear trap had smashed his arm. Cory held his arm on the bench for a moment, reveling in the sight of his powerful kid muscles crushing the big soft arm of Adam's father. "I win and you lose," said Cory. "You're a pathetic wimp, just like I said." Cory grabbed the glass of Met-Rx from the shelf and gulped it down. He let out a big burp. Then he handed the empty glass to Mr. Stein. "Go fill this up, wimp-daddy. I need more protein to feed these muscles. These muscles need more protein to grow even bigger and stronger so they can whip your sorry ass even more. Now go get it like a good boy." Mr. Stein looked at Cory's buffed, muscular body and his drop-dead handsome face. Cory looked determined and intimidating as he gave that order. Like he wouldn't take "no" for an answer. Mr. Stein took the glass, said "yes, sir," and then headed towards the kitchen.

Adam ran up to Cory and the two boys gave each other a high five. "Cory the Conqueror," they both yelled together. Adam grabbed Cory's right arm, the arm that had just thrashed his own father in armwrestling. Cory flexed his bicep proudly. "That was totally cool," said Adam. "What a rush to be stronger than my dad. You're a total stud, Cory." Cory smiled and flexed bicep even harder. He knew he was a stud. Adam's cock was completely hard. It had been hard the whole time he watched Cory dominate his dad. As Adam felt the bulging hardness of Cory's bicep with one hand, he reached down with his other hand and grabbed Cory's cock, which was half-hard from the excitement of the armwrestling victory. "Down, boy," said Cory as he pulled Adam's groping fingers off his big organ. "You gotta wait 'till after my workout. We still have lots more lifting to do for my back. After we're done, my whole body and that big dick will be all yours." Adam's cock got even harder, if that was possible, as to two boys walked over to the chinning bar. He strapped a 60 pound dumbbell around Cory's shredded waist and the muscular kid pumped out five solid pull-ups, with Adam grabbing his waist and helping just a little for the last two reps. Adam's father brought in the Met-Rx as Cory was doing the pull-ups. His eyes bulged out of his head as he saw the heavy weight Cory was lifting and width and muscularity of his lats as he pulled himself and the big dumbbell up and down. He put the glass on the shelf and walked back into the house, kind of trembling. Cory finished his back workout by doing another set of pull-ups with weights and six sets of dumbbell rows, barbell shrugs and deadlifts, all with very heavy weights. He gulped down the glass of Met-Rx and burped. Then the two boys went up to Adam's bedroom and had an incredibly good time.

Cory continued lifting with Adam's help and encouragement. During the next two weeks of heavy lifting he put on another 10 pounds of solid muscle. He how tipped the scale at 120 pounds. He had gained another ½-inch in height and was now 5' 4". In the last two months, he had gained 35 pounds of muscle, 25 pounds of it after he started lifting the heavy weights just four weeks ago. Adam just couldn't believe it. Cory was gaining almost a pound of muscle every day. His upper arms were now 14 inches of rock-hard baseball-sized muscle, a gain of 4 inches. His chest now ballooned out to 40 inches when he flexed those big pecs and lats, a gain of 9 inches of solid muscle in six weeks. His thighs had grown to 22 inches, an increase of 7 powerful, shredded inches of pure brawn. Yet his waist had only grown one inch, now measuring 25 inches. That one-inch gain was all solid, corrugated, rippling muscle. Cory still didn't have one gram of fat on his buffed-out body. There was a 15-inch difference between the size of Cory's chest and waist. What a taper his muscular torso made when he hit a lat spread! Cory was always a very strong youth. But after he started lifting weights, he became a young superman. He could now bench press 250 pounds for several reps, more than twice his bodyweight. He could squat with 270 and deadlift 295, both for three reps. He could press 175 pounds of iron over his head and curl 140 pounds, both in strict form. And, most amazingly, he was still 4 months away from his 12th birthday. Cory was an 11-year-old powerhouse. Adam's father had to buy hundreds of pounds of additional weights as Cory's growing muscles outgrew the weights in Adam's garage. Mr. Stein never complained about buying the weights. He knew that what Cory wanted Cory got. And deep inside he enjoyed seeing the kid from next door getting so big and strong. He was intimidated and excited by Cory at the same time. Meanwhile Adam was still struggling with a 50 pound bench press and a 25 pound curl. Cory was now so much stronger than Adam that he could throw around the older boy like a toy.

And that's exactly what Cory did. As a warm-up to his heavy lifting, Cory took Adam outside every day and wrestled with the older kid. Cory the Conqueror tried out all of the Viking Warrior's wrestling moves on Adam. Just like he had used Adam as a tackling dummy for football, he used Adam as a guinea pig for practicing his wrestling. Adam really didn't have any choice in the matter. Cory just dragged him outside and attacked. He grabbed Adam's arm and threw him around. He did body slams, scissors holds, bone crushing bear hugs, and arm twists that were so powerful that Adam thought his arms were going to be pulled right out of his joints by Cory's incredibly powerful muscles. Basically, he did anything he wanted to Adam. Adam was like a rag doll to Cory, a rag doll he could twist and punch and pulverize. Cory wanted Adam to fight back more, but the weaker boy just couldn't compete with Cory's overwhelming power. "Come on, wimp," yelled Cory. "You gotta try harder than that," as he applied enormous force to Adam's arm in pushing it up the poor kid's back. "I can't even feel you trying to fight back!" Adam grimaced in pain. "I'm pushing as hard as I can, Cory. You're just so strong that you can't even feel my puny resistance." Cory laughed. "You're just such a fuckin' wimp I can't believe it. I could beat you up with one arm tied behind my back." Adam knew it was true as he looked at Cory's muscular 14-inch arm bulging as it applied bone-breaking force to his skinny little arm. Then Cory let go and picked up Adam by his armpit and crotch. He hoisted the 140 pound kid over his head and pressed him up and down five times. Then he tossed Adam on the grass and fell on the battered kid's sore body, pinning his arms to the ground. Cory was done with wrestling for the day. "Good warmup," he grunted. "My muscles got a good pump. You OK, wimp?" Adam nodded his head and Cory smiled. He was rough and he inflicted a lot of pain. But he didn't want to permanently injure his slave. A good master doesn't want to permanently injure his slave.

"Ya know I've been thinking," said Cory as he held Adam's arms pinned to the ground and looked him in the eyes. "I've been thinking that I wanna wrestle with some real strong kids, some kids that will be more of a challenge for these fuckin' muscles than your puny body." Cory dropped down onto Adam's body, bashing his hard chest into the skinny boy's little torso. He rubbed his pecs into Adam's chest and then covered Adam's nose with his sweaty armpit. "These muscles wanna do some serious damage to some real big, strong kids," said Cory as he flexed his bicep right in Adam's face, crushing his cheeks with its bulging mass. "I gotta find some bigger kids to fight." Cory sat up on Adam's waist and flexed his biceps. "These mothers want some real action." Adam looked up at Cory's incredible upper body and nodded. Cory went on. "And the kids at my school are totally weak and puny too. None of them will fight with me. Two of the biggest kids in our class challenged me to a fight a couple of weeks ago -- I think they were really jealous of how much muscle I've put on -- and I totally pulverized both of their asses. They tried hitting me with some punches and I just let them hit me for a minute. Fuck, I couldn't even feel their punches. My muscles were so hard their punches just bounced off. Then I hit their guts so hard they started vomiting. It was really funny. I was fighting both of them at the same time and they were like little girls. I tried some wrestling holds and totally crushed their bodies. I got one of them in a scissors with my big thighs across his chest and then I flexed these monster quads and almost cracked the fuckin' kid's ribs. His face got all red and he started drooling. That was totally cool. Then when the other kid tried to grab me I wrapped my arm around his neck and totally crushed his windpipe. He started gagging. I was crushing two kids at the same time. That was really fun. When I let go of their bodies they were both passed out. Fuck that was a blast! But now I wanna find some bigger kids 'cause all those kids at my school are total wimps."

Adam's cock started getting hard as he listed to Cory's matter-of-fact description of how he had beat up the two biggest kids in his class. Cory continued talking. "Hey Adam, I think I remember you talkin' about some big dudes in your class that pick on you all the time. Beat you up a lot. You know who I'm talking about?" Adam got a terrified look in his eyes. "Yeah, I know exactly who you're talking about. It'sDoug and Jake. They've been picking on me and beating me up since third grade. They're my worst nightmare. Every time I walk by them they hit me in the gut or twist my arm or fuck me up some other way. They're the main reason I started lifting weights. I was hoping I could get big and muscular like they are so I could fight back. But as you can see, I'm still a wimp." Adam started getting a tear in his eyes as he thought about how pathetic he was and how Doug and Jake were going to keep picking on him and kicking his ass until he graduated from high school.

"Well, they're history," said Cory. "They're the kids I wanna fight. I wanna fuck 'em up so bad they'll wish they never laid a hand on you in third grade. I'm gonna pound their sorry bodies for every punch, every arm-twist, and everything else they've done to you for the last 7 years. I'm Cory the Conqueror, and I'm gonna conquer Doug and Jake!" Adam's eyes lit up at the thought of his two tormentors getting their butts kicked by Cory. But then reality set in. "Jeez, Cory, I don't know. These guys are both really big. They're both 16 years old and they're on the football team. Doug is a defensive tackle and Jake is a linebacker. I'll bet Doug weighs at least 190 and Jake probably about 175. These guys are total jocks. Totally crude and totally mean jocks. You only weigh 120. And yeah, you're fucking fast and strong, but I'm not so sure you can take those guys."

Cory fell on Adam again and wrapped his muscular arm around Adam's neck. "Do you doubt me, slave? Do you doubt that I can beat up those fuckin' jocks?" Cory flexed his bicep and the 14 inch ball of muscle rammed into Adam's skinny neck. Cory looked at Adam with fierce intensity, his sky blue eyes penetrating Adam's eyes like a laser. "No I don't doubt you, master," said Adam as he stared into Cory's deep pools of blue. "You're going to totally fuck up Doug and Jake. I can hardly wait. You are Cory the Conqueror!"

"Damn straight," said Cory. "Now lets plan the attack." Cory let go of Adam and the two boys walked to the garage. They planned the attack during Cory's arm workout, which was totally brutal.

The next day, Cory met Adam at the high school right after classes were over. Cory cut his last class so he could meet Adam on time. He didn't care what the fucking teacher thought. He was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. He met Adam outside the schoolyard and the two boys walked back into the yard. Adam saw Doug and Jake on the playing field talking to each other. Both of the jocks had shaved heads and they looked pretty intimidating. They were tough looking skinheads. They were wearing tight white tee-shirts and shorts that showed off their big, buff muscles. They looked just like the aggressive football studs they were. Adam and Cory walked over to the two big thugs, who looked sort of surprised to see Adam approaching them. Usually Adam tried to get out of their way and now he was walking right up to them with this little kid at his side. "Get the fuck outta here, runt," said Doug. "We're havin' a private conversation. No dweebs allowed." Adam smiled. "It's a free country, Doug," he said. "Me and my kid brother here can go anywhere we want. He's only 11 years old and he told me he wanted to meet some real assholes so I brought him here to meet you guys."

Doug looked down at Cory and then looked at Adam. "He sure don't look like your brother, dweeb. If he is your brother he sure got all the looks in the family." Then it hit Doug. He was a little slow. "Hey, runt, did you just call me and Jake assholes? I can't believe you just said that. We're gonna fuck you up so bad you're gonna wish you were dead. I don't care if your little brother's only 11. We're gonna fuck him up too. If he's your brother he's a pathetic wimp just like you and deserves to get beat up. I bet the kids at his school kick his ass just like we kick your ass. The dweeb brothers! The dweeb brothers get their asses kicked by the jocks and there's nothing they can do about it! Lets go, Jake. Let's fuck up these little wimps so bad they'll never forget who rules their sorry asses." Doug and Jake raised their fists, ready to start a vicious pummeling of the two little nerds. Adam looked at Doug and said, "Oh I forgot to tell you my brother's name. It'sCory. Cory the Conqueror."

At that, Cory ripped off his sweatshirt and then quickly took off his sweatpants. He was now wearing only black shorts and black sneakers. Around his right upper arm there was a new Henna tattoo of the broken chain. The tattoo artist had to make the chain much bigger since Cory's upper arm had filled out with so much muscle in the last month. His whole body was rippling with muscle. He had been standing there listening to Doug, getting madder and madder. Adrenaline was now coursing through his veins. He was ready to fight! Doug looked down at Cory's tensed, muscular body and said "Holy shit." Those were the last words he spoke.

Before either Doug or Jake could react, Cory unleashed two incredibly powerful punches. His first blow hit Doug square in the mouth, breaking three teeth and tearing some flesh away. Blood started flowing from the thug's mouth. Doug got a look of absolute horror in his eyes. Almost simultaneously Cory unleashed a devastating punch with his left arm to Jake's gut. That strong arm, capable of a 110 pound incline dumbbell press, drove Cory's hard fist deep into Jake's gut, causing the big kid to buckle over in pain. Then Cory proceeded to absolutely maul the two big jocks. He punched their heads, their chests and their guts. He was so fast and strong that they were absolutely defenseless against his unrelenting aggression. His 120 pounds of sheer muscle completely overwhelmed their big, heavy bodies. After he had pulverized them with punches, he started twisting their arms and legs, stretching their joints beyond their thresholds of pain. All the moves he had practiced on Adam he now used for real, applying the incredible force to each hold that would have broken Adam's bones. Now that force was almost breaking Doug and Jake's bones. Their pain was so great that it might have felt better to have a broken bone.

Cory grabbed Jake's right arm and forced it up his back. Jake tried to resist but Cory's pressing power was too great. The big 16-year-old's arm moved higher and higher up his back. He was crying out in pain. Cory didn't care. He wanted these two thugs to feel more pain in 10 minutes than Adam had felt in 7 years. He thought of military pressing a huge weight, more weight than he had ever handled. He forced his arms up Jake's back using Jake's right arm as a barbell. Cory's delts bulged with shredded muscle as they powered his incredibly ripped arms higher and higher. "Fuckin' strong!" yelled Cory as he pressed Jake's arm so high that he heard the kid's elbow and shoulder joints break. Then he let go of Jake's arm and it fell limply to his side. But Cory wasn't done with Jake. He wrapped his arm around Jake's neck and squeezed. His big 14 inch bicep jumped up under his skin and smashed into the jock's neck. Unlike when he crushed Adam's neck, Cory didn't hold back this time. He let his muscles go. He let them be as strong and forceful as they could be, like he was doing curls with the heaviest weight he had ever used. Jake's windpipe started to crackle. Cory liked the sound of his big muscle busting through Jake's windpipe. He relaxed his flex for a moment and then blasted his bicep into Jake's neck again. He did 10 reps. His arm felt great. It was totally pumped. When he let go of Jake, the kid fell to the ground gasping. His neck looked like it was crooked and his right arm was hanging helplessly to the side.

Just then Doug was coming to after being knocked cold by a solid punch to the jaw. His face really looked pitiful, all black and blue, bloody, no teeth. As he stood up, Cory looked at him and said "Oh, I missed a place." Then he landed an incredibly hard punch to Doug's nose, breaking the cartilage in six places and flattening his nose like a pancake. Doug fell to the ground in total pain. Cory wrapped his legs around the kid's chest and squeezed hard. All the air was immediately forced out of his lungs. He was gasping, but he couldn't draw a breath with Cory's vise-like legs wrapped around his chest. Cory started to squeeze harder. He thought about squatting with the heaviest weight he had ever tried. He knew he could do it. He always conquered the heaviest weights he attempted. He was Cory the Conqueror. As his quads bulged to an incredible pump and hardness, he heard two loud cracks as two of Doug's ribs broke under the enormous power of Cory's scissors hold. Doug cried out in pain. Cory gave him one more powerful squeeze for good measure and then released his grip.

Finally Cory stopped his beating. The two big kids lay on the ground in abject pain, looking up at the 11-year-old musclekid who had just beaten them to a pulp. How could they admit to anyone that they had been beaten up by an 11-year-old? They knew they'd have to keep quiet about this. Adam and Cory knew they would. Cory looked down at the vanquished thugs and said, "You guys lay a hand on my brother again and I'll make that little beating seem like a garden party. My name is Cory the Conqueror and I kick ass. Anybody's ass I want."

At that, Cory gave Adam a high five. The two boys turned around and walked through the gate. Adam was so happy he was jumping up and down. "That was fun," said Cory. Adam looked at his hero in awe. He wrapped his arm around Cory's muscular back and grabbed the young stud's cock with his other hand. "That'll be more fun," said Cory as the two kids walked towards Adam's house.