Doctor's Orders

They say all stories have to have a beginning and an ending. My story has both of that plus many twists and turns to go with it. I went from being on top of the world to being the bottom in the relationship.

Before I go any further I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Cato; well at least it was until I met Dr Sanchez. You see before I go any further with my story; I need to let you know that Dr Sanchez is my master and I am his loyal slave. I met him years ago and began on my path to enlightenment and allowed myself to be awakened and accept my true being.

My story began about five years ago as I began my first real job out of college. Graduating with honors from college had definitely played out real well. I had numerous offers from different agencies all wanted a piece of my talents. There was one place however that gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Mantech Incorporated had given me a offer I could have only dreamed about coming right out of college. I was basically given the opportunity to run my own department.

I couldn’t believe it; well I take that back I could believe it. I was the shit and all in college; Everyone on campus knew who I was, and chicks wanted to be fucked by me. I mean hell who wouldn’t have wanted to be fucked by the Cato. That is what I referred to myself in college. I am six foot two, brown hair, emerald green eyes, and have a body that would make bodybuilders cream in their pants. I shouldn’t forget the fact that I am so down right intelligent that it even scares me sometimes.

Going into this job; I should have known there would be some jealous fuckers who would pop a boner over how I was going to run things. My goal was to run things efficiently and turn everything that everyone had expected from my department on its head. Some of the old fucks who had grumbled to my superiors at that company were saying that I was going to piss away the department’s budget. Horseshit is what I kept thinking; the department hadn’t been able to generate a profit in years and in the time I had run the show it was making money hand over fist.

After generally pissing off all my employees and having them go on record saying they would rather work for Satan himself. I was pulled into my boss’s office. Looking back on it I should have reacted better to the situation however I felt I was being persecuted for absolutely nothing. My boss said he wanted to see me reach my full potential without aggravating my colleagues. I kept thinking in the back of my head is that who the fuck does this guy think he is? I was making his company money and now he wants to be less like Genghis Khan and more like Gandhi. Seriously this pissed me off and I wanted to speak up at the time about that. He told me flat out if he didn’t see improvements in my attitude that I would be out of a job. He did recommend me speaking with a psychiatrist about my attitude and if he had noticed a change in attitude he wouldn’t fire me. I couldn’t risk losing out on something this big and with that I began my journey towards my true calling.

Later on that night after I would come home from the office and glance over the information I was given about Dr Sanchez who my boss had referred me to. I decided to look him up on the internet to see what he was all about. Blah blah blah; finding true happiness, accepting the white light inside of yourself, and rediscovering who you are. I never heard so much bullshit being put together in a few sentences like that before. Who the fuck did my boss think he was? I was basically saving his company from foreclosure and because some whiney bitches want to complain about the way I am doing things. He wants to send me to a new age quack because he thinks my attitude isnt the way it should be. I remember at that time thinking I would bullshit my way through the sessions and act like I gave a flying fuck what he had to say. I knew I didn’t have a problem but this was the only way I could keep my job.

The next morning I was forced by my boss to take a personal day to have my first talk with Dr Sanchez. They really wanted to focus on what he was about to tell me. My boss had said to me over the phone that morning that I should be prepared to hear things I didn’t want to hear. Really? Where the hell does this guy get off? I don’t think it had sunk into his thick skull that I was a god send to him and that I was saving his company.

I ended up parking my car along the street in front of a older red brick ranch style house. I would scan the street for people I may know. I knew in this town people liked to talk and if people knew I was going to see a shrink. I would never hear the end of it. You see I was used to fucking the shit out of any girl I wanted and doing whatever I wanted. I mean my god I was Cato Masters. People should have known to worship the ground I walked on.

I eventually entered the office thru the side door and peered around to what appeared to be an empty waiting room. I kept thinking to myself; for the guy to be everything that they say he is; he doesn’t appear to have many people lined up banging down his door for his help.

I paced around the waiting room looking at the different pictures he had plastered on the walls. It appeared to me that he was quite interested in black and white photography. I read each description he had posted and found out he had taken every picture he had hung up. I had taken a few photography classes in college and I wasn’t too impressed. I knew deep down that I could do so much better with what I was presented than him.

I looked at this situation as this. I would go in, talk, shed a few fake tears and be out of there in no time. If this guy thinks for one second he is going to get the best of me; he better realize he has another thing coming. I knew how to outsmart this new age fucks. I had seen all the infomercials with celebrities ranting and raving about how these dumbshits had changed their lives and how they had seen the light and the error of their ways. It was all horseshit; I knew if I was paid that much money I could go on camera and fake cry on cue and make myself sound as cheesy as some of these jackasses they would bring on.

I had my back turned gazing out the window when I eventually heard a door open…

I am Dr. Sanchez.

I am 35 years old. I am a psychiatrist with my own successful practice that I run out of my own home. I advertise that I can achieve your “inner potential” and “to accept the white light inside yourself and several other new age bullshit slogans and to an extent that’s true. But I just use that stuff to draw in the rich folk. And it does draw them in, like flies to honey. But that’s not what I care about, the new age shit, I mean. No, I couldn’t care less about that.

So, there I was, rich, successful, and able to pick and choose who I wanted to work on. I started getting bored. I started getting referrals. And that’s when, five years ago, I got his file sliding across my desk and Carl Roberts from Mantech making an impassioned plea for help.

He had no idea…blah, blah. His resume looked so good...blah, blah. Scaring all the employees…blah, blah. Total dictator, maybe megalomaniacal tendencies…blah, blah. I got annoyed at that.

I snapped my fingers.

He fell silent. “Who is the psychiatrist here?” I asked.

“You are, sir,” he said dully.

“Don’t forget that, you sniveling dipshit,” I said calmly. “Now take care of yourself.” He did.

“Now get out. Send him to me tomorrow.” He got up and started to leave. I let him get his hand on the doorknob before I called sweetly, “Oh, Carl?”

He turned. “Yes sir?”

“The rules apply.”

“Yes sir. Of course. I understand.” He went out.

Left alone, I flipped through Cato Master’s file and saw that Carl was quite right. Cato was an extreme narcissist, extremely smart and knew it, and had a body that would make a bodybuilder cream in his pants. I felt my own dick stiffen and leak a little as I ogled his muscles in his file photo. A sex machine. A pity he was in love with himself with an ego so big that it could shade the tri state area, and a megalomaniac. Completely full of shit and yet at the same time under the impression that his shit didn’t stink. In short, he was a complete asshole.

I closed the file with a snap. My mouth tugged slowly up into a smug smile. I was unconcerned. You see, I have an ego that is more than a match for this…Cato Masters. And I know just how to deal with him. After all, I’ve dealt with many men before him. Rich men, fat men, egomaniacs, self starters, company owners. All of them brought low and under my thumb and they don’t even know it. Cato Masters would be no different.

He just needed to learn the rules.


The next day…

I saw Cato coming a mile away. I have my property set up with hidden security cameras that go off with motion sensors so I was instantly alerted when he drove up across the street and made his way furtively up my walk and around to the side door. I watched him come inside and then into my waiting room and then look around at all my self taken photographs and watched his mouth curl into a sneer. Ahh, I thought, He figures he can analyze me completely by my art. I chuckled. Oh, how wrong he was!

I pressed the button that closed the sliding bookcase over the video monitors and got up. I opened the door to my office and went out to greet my new toy…oh, I mean…patient.

“Hello Cato. I’ve been expecting you. I’m Dr. Sanchez.” I said. The usual clinical greeting.

Cato turned from where he was looking out the window and gave a visible start.”You’re Dr. Sanchez?” he asked in shock.

“Yes, Cato. I am Dr. Sanchez. It’s good to meet you.” I took a step forward and held my hand out. I was giving him a choice. Return my greeting or risk further rudeness by leaving me hanging. Of course, he unconsciously took a step forward and shook my hand. I grasped his hand firmly but not too tightly and pumped it three times. On the third time down I took my thumb and stroked his palm quick, so quick he’d wonder if it was imagined. I saw him visibly start again but I’d already dropped his hand and turned away.

“But – but you’re not a Spic!” he blurted out.

I froze. Slowly I turned and fixed my green gaze with his own. I took a long, slooowww, deep breath and took a step closer. I took another deep, slow breath and took another step closer still looking deep into his eyes. He looked back and took a deep breath, part mimicking me, part out of unconscious unsettled fear. I took another deep breath. So did he. I took another step. We were toe to toe.

“Look at me Cato.”

“I am looking.”

“Look at me Cato.”

“I am looking.

“Look deeper Cato. Breathe deep and look at me Cato.”

He did and said, “I am. I am looking. I…I am.”

“Good. Very good. You are looking at me, looking at you and now you are listening to…every word…that I say.”

“I…Yes, I am listening.”

“Good. Then listen to this. My name is Dr. Sanchez. I am your Doctor and you will respect that now and forever. You will call me either Doctor or Sir.”

“Yes Doctor.” His tone was a little dull.

Still trapping his gaze within my own, I said, In a few moments we will go into my office where you will attempt to please me and work with me. Your first session begins now!”

“Yes Doctor.”

“Third. You will never again use that word or any other obviously racial words in my presence…EVER…again. Do you understand?”

“Yes Doctor.”

I held his gaze for a few more minutes pretending I had laser vision and was boring my way through his brain. Then I turned on my heel and walked smoothly into my office. “Very good. Follow me please. Your session has begun.” Of course, he followed me. He was shaking his head slightly and I smiled. Undoubtedly, he felt as if he’d been let out of jail.

“Now, not that it’s really your business but the reason I am white and not how you put it so eloquently, “a Spic” is because I am an orphan. I was adopted by an infertile Spanish couple. Therefore, I am Dr. Sanchez.”

“Yes Doctor. I’m sorry Doctor. About…about before.” Even as he said it, a kind of horror flickered over his face, as if he couldn’t believe what he was doing. I ignored it.

“I know you are, Cato. You won’t do it again.” It wasn’t an askance. It was a statement of fact because I knew, at least around me, he wouldn’t.

“Please sit anywhere you like and we’ll get started. “He sat on a couch and I sat behind my desk. I pretended to rifle through his file and adjusted my wire rim glasses and stroked my handsome jaw and square, cleft chin. “Do you know why you’re here Cato?” I asked, pretending to read through his file; I’d already memorized it.

“Not really. I’m good at my job. I motivate people to work harder. I make my boss money. Isn’t that what’s important?”

“Not always, Cato. Being happy in your job and desiring to do a good job to please your boss can be equally as important. When you bully people and berate and overwork them to an unrealistic extent like you’ve been doing, they’ll be unhappy. They’ll do less work, do it less well, and/or quit outright. So far…you’ve received…dozens of complaints and…5 people have quit, citing you as the reason,” I said pretending to consult the file. “That’s 5 people no longer working and making money. Is that what you call making your boss money?

Standing up I looked at him and said “Listen you stupid fucking burrito stuffer; I don’t give a flying fuck that people don’t like my methods. They get results. “Yeah I am a fucking slave driver so fucking what?” You are nothing more than a wannabe you moronic douchecock!” “You think you impress me with your over the top sappy friendly bullshit?” “ I have taken shits that look better than you! Fuck you asshole, I am out of here.”

Flipping him the bird he spun on his heels and headed towards the door.

I pushed my seat back and stood pointing my finger at him. “Cato! Stop RIGHT THERE!!” I commanded loudly.

Cato turned and puffed his own chest out. “Why the fuck, should I?” he asked belligerently.

I rose to my own 6’2” full height and puffed out my own chest, which was as full and wide as Cato’s. I put my own large bodybuilt arms to my hips and declared untruthfully, “Because there’s no-where for you to go! You boss has told me that if you fail in this therapy, there is no job to come back to. Now sit YOUR ASS BACK DOWN!!”

Realizing, he had no choice, Cato returned to the couch. I sat back down.

“Look Cato,” I continued, in my most fatherly tone, “I’m not here to place blame on anyone especially you. I just want to help you come to terms with reality and help you get in touch with your fellow man instead of this obsession you have with total dominance. Did your boss tell you why he sent you too me in the first place?”


“It’s because I specialize in behaviour modification.”

“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means as well as a psychiatrist I happen to be a master hypnotist.”

Sitting back down on the couch I knew I had been fucked over by my boss. How could he sell me out like this. Conform to being a mindless corporate slug because some whiney assholes don’t like my methods. How could he do this to me after everything I had done for the company? I had turned my department around and yet he wants me to be a drone and play by the rules. I am Cato Fucking Masters. I only play by my rules. He sends me to a shrink that also turns people into fucking dogs and chickens for his enjoyment, What the hell? I swear my boss is some sort of sick fuck. He probably keeps pictures of me posted on his desktop; then again who doesn’t. The sexiest man alive according to magazines doesn’t have shit on me.

Taking a deep breath I looked up at Doc who had some sort of cornball smirk on his face. “All Right Cato; time to face the music” Now I had to say something I knew he was looking for some sort of answer from me.

“Okay dude; what do you have in mind and what is in it for me?”

“Well, Cato, what I have in mind is continuing your session with you in a deep state of hypnosis where we can bypass all this macho bullshit and get to the bottom of your hostility. As a result, you’ll be able to talk more freely, and afterward you’ll be more focused and with your new attitudes you’ll be able to take your department to new levels of excellence. Are you ready to begin?”

“New levels of excellence huh? I guess that doesn’t sound so bad. OK, Doc, hypnotize me! If you can!”

I chuckled. “Oh Cato, hypnosis is a natural state that you slip into naturally every day, several times a day. You ever read? Watch TV?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well those are different levels of hypnotic states. How about when you’re driving down a long stretch of highway. You ever find yourself watching those white lines?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Good Cato.” I pulled a metronome to the forefront of my desk and started ticking.”OK, Cato, I want you to watch this metronome. Listen to the ticking and just imagine…each swing…each tick is a line on the highway. Each line leads into the next…each tick…each line relaxing you a little bit more…each line relaxing you…bringing you peace. That’s right. Relaxing your shoulders. Your neck. Your arms. Your chest. Each line leads into the next. Each line relaxing you more and more. Relaxing your stomach. Your legs. Your feet. Relaxing and making your eyes very tired Cato. That’s right. I can see them fluttering. If you let them close, you’ll be able to see the lines much clearer. That’s right. Let each line, each tick relax you more and more. OK Cato, I want you to count 10 lines. Each line relaxes you 10x deeper. Understand?”

“Yes, Doctor.” And in perfect synch with the ticks he began to count…1…2…3…4…5….”

“OK Cato, I want you to count ten more lines. As you relax this time, your mind will open a little more, inhibitions will fall away. Like a door opening. Until at 10 it will be wide open and we will be able to talk freely. Does this sound good?’

“Yes, Doctor. One….2….3….4….5…6….7…

I smiled as I watched him take the steps down into my trap. There may have been a open door in his mind but in reality the door was spring loaded and it was about to snap shut, inducting him into my power, forever.


“How are you feeling Cato?”

“Good Doctor.”

“Good Cato.” I spent the next little while deepening him and then once I made sure he was nice and deep we went over some different behaviors he could change. Within a few minutes I got him to agree to be a bit more tolerant to his employees and even let them go early depending on if it was an emergency. It took all of ten minutes.

“OK Cato, I want you to picture another staircase. And yet another. And yet another. Each one leads you deeper asleep and the deeper asleep you are the easier it is to hear my voice. To hear my voice and follow the words. Follow the first of ten stairways down Cato…Ten…nine…eight…seven…”


Ten staircases later…

“Cato can you hear me?”

“Yes Doctor.”

“Cato, whenever you hear me, and me alone, say the phrase SUCCESS IS SERVING, you will instantly fall this deep into trance and be able to hear and obey my words perfectly. Do you understand?”

“Yes Doctor.”

“There are a few rules I insist on everyone who comes to see me, to learn. These are very important rules and we will go over and over them until you are able to recite and obey them perfectly. Are you ready Cato?”

“Yes Doctor.”

“Good Cato. Rule number one…”

“Come wide awake, Cato.”

Doc snapped his fingers and I opened my eyes. Damn I thought to myself I must have fallen asleep. Looking up at Doc I saw him writing down some things on a clipboard. I snickered to myself and thought hey asshole thought you were going to hypnotize me. What a pathetic joke..I mean come on I am the Grand Cato. The High Chief the Big Mother Fucking Kahuna. I gathered my coat and told him I would call him tommorrow to set up to talk again. I really didn’t want to come back but I knew if I didn’t complete this my ass was grass.

It was mid-afternoon and the sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze in the air. I decided that I would drop the top on my car and drive home that way. I must have slept really deep. The Doc must have felt like an asshole thinking he could put me into hypnosis. He claimed he was going to get to the root of my macho façade. Really I mean come on. As I was continuing down the road something in the back of my mind kept telling me to give the Doc a call. However the way traffic was today I wanted to wait until I got home and could write down the time for my appointment.

After about a half hour I arrived home and decided to get a shower. I stripped off my clothes and walked towards the shower. Something had clicked into my head to stop in my bathroom closet and grab my hair clippers. For some reason I had the urge to give myself a haircut. I plugged in the clippers and began shaving off my hair. I had just began wearing my hair in a faux hawk and it just didn’t feel right to me. I looked hotter than I normally do with it but something just didn’t seem right. I looked in the mirror at myself and smiled. This feels right and it did. It just seemed very natural. After showering and toweling off I made my way into the bedroom where I was going thru my underwear drawer. After looking thru all my briefs I came upon a lycra jockstrap that I used to wear when I would work out. I figured hey what the hell Im chillaxin tonight and no one would give a shit. I slid them on and readjusted my hard-on that seemed to bust out of the jockstrap. Fuck; Im glad no one is around. I went to turn around and suddenly I froze and spun back towards my clothes drawer. I opened the top drawer and dug to the bottom and pulled out a shiny blueish green buttplug. Some slut I used to fuck weekly liked it when I used toys on her and left it here. I looked at it and looked at it and looked at it almost drawn in by how shiny it was. The next thing I know Im making my way to the bathroom and grabbing my bottle of lube and covering it and easing it slowly into my ass. Fuck this feels great. I made my way over to my couch and laid down and grabbed my cellphone. I dialed a number I didn’t recognize but seemed to know the number so well. My eyes closed and I felt the room spinning. A voice on the other end answered.

Phase One is successful, I muttered almost in a robotic state and the next thing I remembered was blacking out.

Read next part