An American Muscleman in London 19

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The Second Full Moon - Continued

Halfway through the lunch at Martin’s house something mysterious happened. Suddenly, both Manfred and I began to relax into the meal and forget about all that had happened that morning. Memories of Martin being in bed near death and of the erotically charged connection between Manfred and me in the hallway faded away as we were entertained by our newly energized friend. Martin was telling great stories of old London. He knew so much about the history of the city, including little unknown facts, that it almost seemed like he had lived here for hundreds of years. Manfred and I found ourselves entranced, as if under some kind of spell, by Martin’s tales and we both kept saying we had not laughed that hard in a very long time. Martin was his old self, no he seemed even better than his old self, and that definitely made it hard for Manfred or me to dwell on what had happened earlier. I found my heart so full of joy and pleasure at how the three of us, along with John, could have such a good time that when I glanced at my watch I was shocked to find out it was almost four o’clock. It was not as if I had any agenda for the day or needed to be anywhere. I also found myself thinking I could have easily moved to dinner with this same group of people. Manfred finally interrupted the stories to tell Martin that he had to leave in order to make a dinner date with his family. We all pushed ourselves from the table and began to move to the foyer. John stayed behind and began to clear the lunch dishes that still remained.

“I wish I could drop you at home Anthony, but I am not going in that direction,” Manfred said looking at me as we said goodbye. I noticed that he truly meant it and something in him did not want to separate from me so soon. I was touched and realized that our friendship had not suffered from his momentary loss of control in the hallway earlier. Before I could answer, Martin piped in quickly.

“Do not worry, Manfred, we will be glad to take Anthony home. I forgot that I have some things to give you,” Martin said turning to me and then added, “Maybe we’ll even stop off at Halfway to Heaven for that pint you promised me.” Martin was smiling like some giddy schoolchild and I knew right away that I had no choice in the matter.

“Well I guess you will be taken care of, Anthony, so there is nothing for me to worry about.” Manfred said winking at me. “I will give you a call tomorrow, Martin, just to check in. And may I call you later Anthony to make plans to get together again soon?”

“That will be lovely,” Martin said, not giving me the chance to answer. All three of us laughed at Martin’s enthusiasm. I marveled at the fact that he would so blatantly push Manfred and me together. I’m sure he was aware of Manfred’s taste in men, but something inside of me wondered if he also somehow knew of our embrace in the hallway. The flicker of a thought about Martin faking his sickness ran through my head, but I ignored it. He had really been sick, that much had been obvious. Had it just been a twenty four hour bug of some kind? I didn’t think we’d ever know. Like earlier, I just said a small thank you for his healthy body now. I caught Manfred rolling his eyes dramatically and smiling.

“I will call you both later,” he said giving Martin a hug and then turning to me and wrapping his arms around my body to hug me, as well. This unexpected action caught me off guard and all I could do was stand there. I did not move quick enough to hug him back. I glanced at Martin and saw him smiling at me broadly, as if he had won something. I was also aware of that same rush of energetic calmness I had felt earlier and it caused all parts of my body to come alive instantly. As Manfred broke his grasp of me and stood back I could tell, from the look on his face, that the same rush overtook his body as we hugged. I became embarrassed and quiet, as if some dark secret had been revealed. “I will call tonight,” he whispered softly, requesting me to make sure I was home. My knees were a little wobbly and all I could do was shake my head. Manfred stepped down the stairs of the front landing and walked to his car. I watched him until he disappeared down the road and Martin watched me the entire time.

“Are you curious as to what I have gotten you, Anthony?” Martin said, finally breaking the trance caused by Manfred’s handsome presence. Martin knew I was smitten, there was no hiding it, but, in the fashion of a true gentleman, he was not going to point out even the obvious. I forced my mind to erase Manfred’s face, for the present moment, and I turned to respond to Martin.

“You did not have to get me anything Martin, but, yes, I am very curious,” I said looking at my friend.

“Well, come, I am sure John has brought them all to the study,” Martin said leading me back into the house and into the front room I remembered so well, because it was the place I had first met Manfred. Nothing, however, could have prepared me for the surprise that awaited me in that room today. There was a large collection of new clothes draped across the large sofa, the chairs and some of the end tables. I didn’t know where to look first, since there were so many to choose from. I saw jeans, slacks, a couple of suits, work-out gear, many shirts and much more. I’m sure my face did not hide my astonishment.

“What is this Martin?” I asked.

“A small gift, as you start your new job,” he replied, obviously very pleased at my reaction.

“Martin, thank you very much, but I can’t accept all of these. You are too kind, but…” I tried desperately to find words that would make him understand how touched I was, but also let him down gently. I looked at John, hoping he would help me, but he seemed to be as happy as Martin.

“Listen, Anthony, I am an old man with a lot of money,” Martin said turning serious. “I do not have a lot of time left on this earth. I am not saying that for sympathy, I am simply stating a fact. It gives me great satisfaction to make my friends happy and you are my friend, Anthony. I am also quite aware that one of the by-products of your exercising has to be that many of your clothes no longer fit. Am I right?”
“Well, yes, Martin, but…” I tried again to find a way to avoid accepting the gifts.

“Then that settles everything, Anthony. These clothes will help you as you begin your new job and will also make it easier to have fun during your last days of not working. Now, listen, I have bought all of these in varying larger sizes. I have a feeling you are going to continue to grow in the future, since you are so into working out now. You can always have the largest ones taken in, but I would not do that until after a few more weeks. You know, you want to make sure your growth has peaked before you change anything. I think you and I both know that your body is destined to be huge. Am I right, Anthony?” Martin was still talking, but I had stopped listening. This prevented me from hearing his last few statements. I was busy staring at the clothes and admiring many of them – no, all of them. It was obvious that Martin had impeccable taste and also knew what I liked.

“Are you going to help me at all with this,” I said turning to John with a pleading look.

“One thing I’ve learned, Anthony, is that Martin almost always gets his way,” John replied laughing.

“What do you mean almost always,” exclaimed Martin, “I always get my way.” This made John and me laugh out loud. This was all the sign that Martin needed. He knew he had won. I looked at him, raised my hands in a gesture of surrender, and then turned back to look at the clothes.

“Thank you, Martin. But you have to promise me one thing if I take these clothes,” I said as I picked up a Ted Baker shirt.

“What is that, Anthony?” asked Martin.

“That I get to pay for the pints at Halfway to Heaven for a year!” I answered forcibly.

“If I did that, Anthony dear, you would be a broke man. You have no idea how much I can drink. We will say that you can buy the drinks tonight,” Martin said, equaling the force of my statement. “And that, young man, will be the end of this conversation. Please choose a fabulous outfit to change into for the pub and we will be on our way. John will gather the rest of these items together and load them in the car. Hurry up, Anthony; there are pints of Stella calling your name.” Martin came over to me and started pushing me toward the clothes. I chose a shirt that would certainly bring out the color of my eyes and a pair of black jeans. “Choose another shirt, Anthony, you have not grown enough yet to fit into that one.”

Martin’s statement confused me until I held up the shirt against my upper torso. I immediately saw that you could have easily fit two of me into the tent-like garment. I laughed out loud and looked at the smiling elder man behind me.

“I don’t think I could ever work out enough to make my body fit into this thing, Martin,” I said continuing to chuckle and added, “Even if I had started lifting weights at two years old.”

“Do not be too sure, my good man, do not be too sure,” Martin replied looking directly at me. “I think you will be pretty close to that size after this next full moon.”

“What was that Martin?” I asked as I chose a smaller shirt that looked like it would fit my new body perfectly.

“Nothing, Anthony, nothing,” Martin said quickly, “You can change in the bathroom right off the front foyer. I just said that I bet you will grow a lot over the coming month.”

“I hope so, Martin,” I said stepping toward the hallway to find the bathroom he mentioned. I then added, “But I don’t think it will ever be enough for that shirt.” As I moved beyond the door I heard Martin say something that sounded like ‘wait and see, Anthony,’ but I couldn’t be sure. I was too excited about trying on my new outfit. No matter how much I tried to deny it to Martin, I was floored by his generosity and very grateful that I now didn’t have to buy a bunch of new clothes for work. I also knew the quality of the clothes Martin gave me was well beyond my bank account and that just added to the excitement.

I glanced in the mirror as soon as I had my new shirt on. I was astounded at how sexy I thought I looked. The shirt was beautiful and the fit was perfect, showing off my newly tapered body. When I stepped back into the study both Martin and John stared at me for a few seconds and then turned to look at each other. Some hidden message seemed to pass between them, as if they had been talking about me before I appeared and seeing me confirmed all that had been said. I did, however, like the fact that both of their faces acknowledged that I looked great. Feeling so good about the way I looked only made me want to get to Halfway to Heaven sooner so I could show off my new clothes and my improved body. Martin somehow sensed this, as he always seemed to, and hurried us along. On the drive, first to my place to drop of the clothes and then to the pub, Martin was kind enough to point out many things about the city that he thought I would find fascinating and he was right. He truly was extremely knowledgeable about London.

Halfway to Heaven was not as packed as it had been the evening before. This didn’t disappoint me because it made it easier to see people and be seen. Martin started to buy the first round of pints, but I quickly reminded him of our deal and he allowed me to buy what turned out to be the first of three rounds. Martin, John, and I had a great time chatting and drinking. Around eight o’clock Martin said that he must call it an evening because he was a little tired. I had completely forgotten that just that morning he had been very ill in bed. It all seemed like some unforgotten nightmare. I said goodnight to the two of them, but chose to stay on at the pub for another pint or two. As soon as I got my first pint, after being solo for the evening, my mobile rang. I was busy paying for the beer so I didn’t even look to see who was calling as I answered.

“Hello,” I answered as I walked back to my usual perch in the pub.

“Tell me you did nothing to embarrass yourself at the party last night and that you are still saving yourself for me,” said the sultry voice of Roger Wexford. I immediately smiled, feeling something very familiar in my stomach and my crotch.

“Hold on a minute, Roger,” I responded and then turned to the guy standing beside me - asking if he could watch my drink for a second while I stepped outside. As soon as the man looked at me I was aware of how incredibly sexy he was and I made a mental note to hurry back. He agreed and I stepped outside to take my call, glancing back as I exited, and seeing that the man’s gaze followed me out the door. I turned my attention to the other sexy man waiting on the phone. “No, Mr. Wexford, I did nothing embarrassing. Sorry to disappoint you. But I should also tell you that I am beginning to wonder if you are worth the wait.”

“Horny, are we, Anthony?” asked Roger laughing.

“Extremely, and a little lonely,” was my very honest reply.

“Well you must go out and have some fun, Anthony,” Roger shot back, acting like my mother or something.

“I am out. I’m at Halfway to Heaven right now and earlier, today, I had lunch at Martin’s place,” I said defending myself.

“Well that is very good. I hope you had fun at lunch,” Roger quickly answered.

“I had a great time, but the reason I went over there was really strange. I found out at Manfred’s party last night that Martin was very sick,” I said re-living the tension, “We went over there because we thought he even wouldn’t make it through the day.” I quickly added and noticed there was silence on the other end.

“You and Manfred went to Martin’s house together?” Roger asked after a brief, uncomfortable pause. It was quite clear that Roger was still very nervous about my feelings for Manfred. I knew I needed to tread lightly in this conversation.

“Yes. You see, as I was saying, Martin was very seriously ill, so we met there to check on him. When we first saw him he was extremely pale and very weak. But the weirdest thing happened while we were there; Martin miraculously recovered and invited us to stay for lunch. He’s doing fantastic. As a matter of fact, he and John just left the pub to go home. He looks and feels incredible.” As I replayed the day’s events in my mind and shared them with Roger, I realized how crazy it all sounded. There was another brief pause and I really began to get uncomfortable.

“Tell me, Anthony,” Roger finally said slowly, “what happened right before Martin miraculously was cured?”

“What?” I asked, not sure I understood the question.

“It is a simple question, Anthony,” Roger said a little abruptly and then added, “What were you doing right before Martin suddenly felt better?”

“Well, umm, Manfred and I were out in the hall talking,” I responded, not sure how it was important to the story.

“Were you two just talking?” Roger asked and I began to get irritated at his jealousy. I decided since he was the one that went out of town just when we started to get hot and heavy, I would make him suffer a little bit, too. I paused for a few seconds.

“Well, no,” I said slowly, “Manfred was quite upset so I just held him as he cried.”

“Damn,” said Roger a little too harshly.

“What’s that, Roger?” I asked because I couldn’t believe he was getting so upset.

“Oh, I’m frustrated because I’m about to go into a parking garage and I know I’m going to lose the connection. I’ll call you later when…” Roger’s voice ended abruptly. I stood there for a while, slightly confused. Had Roger been upset by the fact that I was with Manfred or had it really been frustration at the lost connection. I wasn’t sure. This had really been a weird day. I stepped back inside and walked over to my pint and the cute guy watching it. He was pretending to stare at the glass when I walked up and acted surprised when I stepped into his view.

“It did nothing while you were away. It was a very good pint,” reported cute man and he ended with a drop-dead, wholesome, but sexy smile. The protector of my drink was very handsome, in a rugged sort of way. He was probably in his mid forties, had thick salt and pepper hair, and looked amazing in a white shirt, khakis, and a nice blazer. It wasn’t the typical outfit for a pub, but the brochure for the opening of an exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery, laying on the table beside him, made it okay. It was also great, because that was my favorite place in London, well, besides Halfway to Heaven.

“I’m very glad to hear that. I was extremely worried that my pint would try to escape.” I said back to Mr. Cuteness. “Thank you very much for guarding it Mr. uhh…” I added and made a look as if I were asking for his name. He stood up from his stool and extended his hand.

“My name is Jim. Jim Revere,” He said gripping my hand firmly. “And you are…”

“Anthony Lance,” I answered holding his hand a little longer than I should have. I finally let go when I saw him look down at our hands. “Sorry. Sometimes I get a little over zealous.”

“Would that be a typical American trait?” Jim asked.

“No. No, that’s just a typical Anthony Lance trait,” I said quickly, looking away to hide my embarrassment. I then turned back to face the ever-so-handsome Jim. “Is it that obvious that I’m American?”

“Not until you talk, Anthony. Your clothes are very London,” Jim said quickly to help get rid of my embarrassment. His comment made me proud. I really did like my new clothes. “And I hope it is okay for me to add that you fill them out quite nicely.” My face shot red, again, and I was immediately glad that the pub was so dark.

“Oh, it is definitely fine for you to add that. As a matter of fact, today is the perfect day for you to add that. Thank you, sir.” I smiled again as I spoke and Jim seemed to appreciate my honesty, either that or he liked the fact that I said sir.

“Ah, a man with manners, you do not seem to find that too often these days,” Jim said as he took a sip of his beer. I raised my glass to take a drink, as well. Jim nodded to my pint and said, “So, you are a Stella man, I see. You know that it is a very strong beer, right?”

“So I’ve been told,” I answered and then let a little of my cockiness come through by adding, “I guess a strong guy needs a strong beer.” It didn’t sound convincing as I said it, but I think Jim appreciated my attempt to be macho, anyway.

“Well, I do not know about the strength, but the package looks extremely sturdy,” Jim quipped back at me as he glanced up and down my body dramatically.

“Are all English men so sexy and forward?” I asked loudly, because I was so caught off guard by his aggressive flirtation.

“Only the good ones,” Jim answered laughing. “I take it I have been beaten by someone else to the pleasure of seducing you.”

“Well, yes, I’ve been seduced already,” I said showing some frustration, “but the guy has yet to seal the deal.” This made Jim smile even more broadly than before.

“Lucky for me,” he said softly and his tone caused goose bumps all over my body. I was getting a little hot and I was afraid my crotch would begin showing how much I craved this sexy stud. I decided to change the subject.

“So, what does Mr. Jim do for a living?” I asked, taking a sip of beer to cool me down. Jim’s face acknowledged that the topic had been changed, but I could see in his eyes that we would return to this conversation later. He turned and grabbed the program from the table beside him and held it up.

“I work here,” he said tapping the words that read The National Portrait Gallery with his finger. I felt my attraction to the man increase just because of his job.

“That’s my favorite place in London,” I said proudly.

“Mine too,” he responded. “See, we already have a lot in common. You must allow me to give you a private tour sometime.

“I hope not just of the Portrait Gallery.” My comment was bold, but I had already decided I liked this man. I liked him a lot. And not just because of where he worked. Jim laughed sexily at my comment and then looked at me intently.

“Anthony, how could there possibly be a man in London that could flirt with you and then be able to not have passionate sex with you? It seems that he would either be very stupid or completely frigid.” This comment might have sounded trite to other people, but to me it was like a symphony in my ears.

“I know. I was asking myself the same question just today,” I responded and we both laughed. “No, the aforementioned man was called out of the country – inconveniently, I might add.”

“And yet, I find you out and not sitting at home alone, pining for the guy,” Jim said with that killer smile of his. “And may I then infer from your actions that you are available to be properly wooed and that time in a bed could be the just reward for the man that wins your heart?”

There comes a time in almost every man’s life when a decision is made solely on the basis of his hard cock. It is not necessarily a bad thing and can actually be a very powerful way to figure out the truth behind how we feel about something. This was definitely true for me at this moment. My frustration at Roger being out of the country and at Manfred for playing mind games with me had caused me to desperately want a companion with no baggage or, at least, very little baggage. It was not that I was settling for the first thing that came along, for Jim was articulate, obviously educated, funny, very handsome and extremely sexy. I also knew, however, that most of my common sense had left the building – but this in no way felt wrong. Yes, I wanted a night of passionate sex, but I also envisioned that Jim could be the ticket to something beyond just one night. I had really made up my mind to try and sleep with him as soon as he looked at me the first time, but getting to know him had just been icing on the cake. I was definitely ready to taste the icing, if you know what I mean. When I thought about being with Jim there were no weird feelings in my stomach or strange sensations pulsing through my body. I was fully aware of what I was doing. This was not true when I was around Manfred or Roger. I made a decision, which I believe was evident on my face.

“I’m not quite sure what you meant by all of that, Jim, but if you are asking if I want to go home with you, the answer is definitely yes.” My remark obviously pleased him very much. He leaned in closer to me.

“I live up by the British Museum,” he said, after taking a big gulp to finish his pint. “We could walk, but I think a taxi would get us there faster.”

“I live mere yards away, Jim,” I said to get him excited. “We could be at my place by the time our shirts are fully unbuttoned.” Jim reached over and undid the top button of my shirt.

“That is one,” he said teasingly. We both immediately stood up and I noticed that he was a few inches taller than me. I fell in lust with him all over again. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the pub. My heart was on fire with anticipation. London became my favorite place in the entire world all over again. As we walked by the Portrait Gallery I nodded to the building with my head.

“It really is my favorite place in London,” I said in a way that emphasized how much I meant it.

“I am very glad,” Jim said reaching over with his right hand to undo the next button on my shirt. “Right now, I believe your apartment is my favorite place in London.” This made me smile and glance away in feigned shyness.

“By the way, Mr. Revere, I’ve noticed that none of your buttons have been touched yet.” I was teasing him, but really I wanted to get a glimpse of what I thought would be a very masculine chest. Jim knew exactly what I wanted. He reached up and quickly pulled three buttons from their holes and pushed his shirt apart. I got my first partial view of two hard pecs and they were dusted with dark hair. My childhood dreams of the rugged cowboy or the manly physical education teacher flooded my mind and my cock pressed harder against the zipper of my jeans. Jim noticed the reaction in my face and I am sure he knew there was a reaction below my waist, as well.

“I hope, dear Anthony, that you are pleased with what you see. I would hate to have worked this hard to get you and then disappoint you just by undressing,” Jim said as he reached up and grabbed the back of my neck with his hand and squeezed hard. His touch made my body shake in delight and my crotch ache even more.

“Even if I were blind, Jim, I would somehow know how gorgeous you are. I cannot wait to massage that fur-covered chest. Here’s my place,” I said turning on the sidewalk and feeling Jim follow me. As I was putting the key in the door Jim pressed his body into mine and pushed me up against the heavy wood. I immediately noticed that, even through our clothes, Jim’s body felt hard against my back. And something specific on his body definitely felt very hard against my ass. Jim moved his lower body back and forth causing his hard prick to move against one of my cheeks, fall into my ass crack, and then slide up and over the other cheek. He finally wedged his hard piece of meat in my inviting crevice and started sliding it up and down. I moaned out loud, left the keys in the door, and raised my hands even with my head against the wood so I could get leverage in order to press my ass into his body even harder.

“Yeah, Anthony, that feels nice. There is nothing like a little pressure to get a man worked up,” Jim purred into my ear. He had leaned his head close to mine and was now kissing the back of my neck. I was overcome for a second by memories of a similar moment with Roger in the bathroom of his club, but I forced myself to concentrate on the feeling of the present hard cock against my ass. This night would end very differently than my evening with Roger. Tonight, by God, there would be sex! I lowered my right hand, reached behind me, and grabbed Jim’s hard right ass cheek. I pulled his body into mine and at the same time turned my head so Jim could bring his lips to mine. Both of our mouths opened invitingly and we each began to explore fiercely with our tongue. I had a feeling that we were not going to make it up to my flat before we started having sex.

“I beg your pardon.” A woman’s voice behind us interrupted our make out session.

My body froze immediately, but Jim merely pulled his face from mine and turned in the direction of the woman. He continued to thrust his cock up and down my ass crack. I was shocked at his bravado and turned on at the same time. He spoke with a deep, sexy voice.

“May we help you, Madame?” he asked.

“You certainly may. I need to get into this building.” The reply sounded impatient and I could tell by her voice the woman was slightly older.

“Allow us, then,” Jim said and he reached down to turn the key.

Without ever losing his connection with my body, he opened the door by pushing it, and me, with just his crotch. He stayed pressed up against me as the woman walked by, mumbling something under her breath about indecency and rude people. I did not turn to watch her. I looked straight at the door hoping she would not recognize me later. Once she was gone, Jim stepped back and then turned my body around to face his. He wasted no time and brought his mouth back to mine, sucking in hard when I parted my lips. It felt as if he was trying to make my toes come up out of my throat, but it was a feeling that made me very happy. I finally reached up to push his body away. I knew it would only be a while before someone else came to enter the building. I wanted to tell him we should go upstairs. I was not, however, prepared for how the feeling of his muscled, hairy pecs would feel in my hands. As soon as my hands met his chest, I instinctively squeezed the hard meat. It was Jim’s turn to moan out loud.

“You have found one of my weak spots, Mr. Lance,” he said staring at me intently.

This made me squeeze even harder, which, in turn, made Jim press his body into mine like some kind of mad man. Our two throbbing stone-like cocks met each other with a force that seemed like two bulldozers. There was a little pain, but it also felt good. I quickly found his nips and pinched them like there was no tomorrow. I could tell this sent Jim over some pleasure wall and I felt his knees buckle a little as he moaned even louder than before. I twisted the hard nubs of skin between my fingers back and forth and at the same time pulled out towards me.

“Oh my fucking goodness,” Jim said loudly and this only made me pull harder. Jim’s knees bent even more as he brought his forehead down against my chest. I could tell he was definitely feeling pain, but he did not want me to stop. He brought his own hands up to mine and guided them – making my hands twist his nipples even more. I could not believe how much this guy was enduring and I worried that he might black out from the pleasure - or was it pain. I jerked my fingers strongly up and down a few times and then released my intense hold on his chest. Jim remained motionless with his head propped against my upper body. I could tell he was letting the feeling of my grip on his quickly bruising nipples last as long as he could. I placed my entire hands on his meaty pecs, grabbed hard, and pulled his body back straight up. Jim had a look of joy and utter contentment on his face. I brought my lips forward and kissed him hard and deep. I then pulled my face back and looked at him.

“Ready to go upstairs? I can promise to spend a lot more time giving much more attention to that chest if you want me to.” I said all of this to excite him even more.

“Lead on, gorgeous man, lead on. I must find something to do for you to equal the pleasure you are giving me.” Jim spoke softly, but pushed my body toward the stairs.

“I’m sure you’ll have no problem, Mr. Jim,” I replied as I led him up the staircase in the direction of my flat.

Once we stepped inside my place Jim let his blazer fall to the floor and he quickly shut the door. He was definitely a man on a mission and I somehow sensed that exploring my body was the most important thing on his agenda. He let out a sound that was mixture of a growl and a call to arms. At the same time he turned me around and pushed my back up against the wall. He brought his leg between both of mine and pressed the front of his quad against my tight balls and hard cock. He started raising his leg a little and this forced me to go up on my toes. The strength of his leg was obvious as it easily held most of my full weight. I could also feel that his upper leg was hard and very muscular. It actually seemed even more built than the rest of his body. I let my ass and balls rest completely on his thigh. It was an incredible feeling that made my cock stick straight up and push against the top of my pants and my belt with tremendous force. Jim began to unbutton the rest of my shirt. When he had it completely open he pushed it over my shoulders, pulled me slightly away from the wall, and let it fall so it draped across his knee behind me. Jim stopped all movement for a second and just stared at my body.

“Damn, boy, you must like to work out,” he said, obviously pleased with what he saw.

To emphasize this point he then let out a loud whistle. It was the first time I had ever received this kind of compliment on my body and it affected me in multiple ways. I was immediately embarrassed, but that quickly gave way to a kind of pride that created a strong desire within me to get even bigger. I wanted to make this man continue to be surprised and excited by what he saw each time I took off my clothes. It was Jim’s turn to reach up and grab my pecs. The feeling this caused throughout my body was incredible. My chest felt huge and hard as he massaged it. Jim quickly clamped down on my nipples and I cried out. This made him smile and he started twisting his fingers as I had done to him earlier. I let my head fall back against the wall and I closed my eyes. After a few minutes of torture from his hands, I felt his warm mouth and wet lips come down on my right pec. Jim continued to press his leg against my balls and cock as he alternated abusing my chest with his mouth and hands. When I began to have no more feeling in my nipples, Jim brought his mouth to mine and pried my lips apart with his tongue. He inhaled deeply and my tongue was sucked into his mouth. Jim let his teeth scrape the top and bottom of it teasingly and then caught the tip right before it escaped his mouth. Jim released my tongue and then his own shot between my teeth and snaked quickly down my throat. It felt as if Jim was trying to press his lips completely through my head, but I didn’t want him to stop. Suddenly, he pulled his head back from mine and dropped his leg. I slid down the wall back onto the soles of my feet. He reached up and ran a hand through his perfect hair in a sign of sexual anticipation.

“Shall we move to the bedroom?” he asked looking deep into my eyes.

I simply pushed him back, grabbed his belt buckle and pulled him behind me as I walked toward the bedroom. I thought about my new shirt now lying on the floor, but I didn’t care. I was completely focused on undressing Jim and allowing him to undress me. When we stood in front of the bed, I let go of his belt and turned to face him. Jim caught me off guard by suddenly reaching up and shoving me backwards onto the mattress below. Before I even fully realized what had happened, Jim was down on his knees and taking off my shoes. He then pulled my socks off at the same time. I raised my head to try and see what he was going to do next and that is when I felt his nose pressed against my balls and his teeth biting through my jeans. I felt his warm face pressed between my legs. I watched as Jim brought his mouth up the outline of my cock all the way from the base to the top. I could feel the heat from his mouth through the denim. Jim reached up to undo my belt, and then he did the same with the button at the top of my pants. With his teeth he lifted the tab of my zipper and pulled it down slowly. The release of pressure on my cock was immediately noticeable and I was very grateful that my hardness was no longer constricted by the jeans. My entire body seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Again, with just his lips and teeth, Jim pulled the elastic band of my underwear over the tip of my cock. He kissed the pulsing head and then pressed the end of his tongue against the piss slit. The sensation that flooded my body caused me to dig my fingers into the mattress and grab the bedspread tightly. I watched as Jim rounded his lips into a small circle and then pushed them against my cock. The wetness of his lips caused the head to slide quickly into his warm mouth. Jim stopped the movement then and just sucked for a while as he bought his teeth lightly down to the skin. At the same time his tongue continued to massage around and in the opening at the tip. My body was completely confused because it was receiving intense feelings of pleasure, while my head continued to order it to refrain from any type of release. A man’s body is not made to prevent orgasm for a very long period, but I didn’t care. I wanted to enjoy the expert attention given by Jim’s mouth.

Jim was somehow able to keep his mouth firmly around just the tip of my cock as he pulled down my underwear and pants quickly and smoothly. I could feel the coolness of the room being deflected by the heat of my overworked body. Without warning, Jim opened his throat and forced his mouth fully down my hard shaft. The unexpected movement and the intense pleasure it caused in my body made me cry out as if someone had punched me in the stomach. My hands left the bedspread and grabbed the sides of his head in an automatic reflex. I wanted to hold his head still with my entire piece of hard meat forced into the tightness of his throat. I also realized that I wanted to prevent him from sliding back up my cock and then slamming back down to the base of it, because that would have certainly caused me to send a fire-hydrant-force of cum into this man. I was desperately trying to hold off from releasing the wonderful pressure that his mouth had created within me. Somehow, this incredible man was able to continue to suck on my cock even with it crammed down the back of his mouth. I thought it would have been impossible, but Jim was able to continue to make the floodwaters of my semen mount behind some imaginary, weakening wall. I could feel the walls of his throat tighten and then expand to give even more intensity to the feeling surrounding my aching pole.

It was obvious that Jim knew he was a “Grade A” cocksucker. I could hear him grunting in laughter at my attempts to prevent his expert performance from sending me into the inevitable orgasmic explosion. I continued to hold his head in place and not allow him to bring me to a quick finish. I was trying desperately to make my body not lose control and fall into the sexual abyss that overcomes any man as he stops just churning cum and begins to shoot like a machine gun with a stuck trigger. To help me in my desire to prolong my ejaculation, Jim opened his mouth and throat, relieving the powerful influence his mouth had on my straining piece of meat. I lessened my hold on his head and he pulled it backwards, allowing my cock to slide out of his mouth. He looked up at me and smiled. His lips looked so fucking red and full, as if he could have blown an entire army of men. He kept his eyes on me while he let his tongue return to the long shaft of my dick. He ran its tip up and down the tight skin of the pole beneath his face and my entire body shook from the excitement it caused. Jim kept his eyes on me and I could tell he loved how his oral talents pleased me. He paused when he got to the head and kissed it gently. My legs and back tightened as stiff as a board when he reached up to pull my cock off of my abs and point it straight into the air. The feelings of his fingers caused my head to fall back onto the mattress and I closed my eyes tightly. I made it clear to Jim that I was ready for him to take control.

As soon as his mouth closed around the head of my cock again, I let go of trying to prevent my juice from flowing and just focused on enjoying the expert job he was doing. I felt one of his hands wrap around my balls and squeeze lightly. At the same time a wet probing forefinger pushed against my tight asshole. My mind could not choose where to direct its attention. My cock felt warm and suspended in time, as if it were a rollercoaster just cresting a giant hill. My balls felt tighter than I have ever remembered and were preparing to pump hard when release came. Jim’s cupped hand was warm as it massaged my tensed pouch perfectly. I also realized that Jim had easily slipped two fingers into my ass chute – and he was turning them slowly, allowing them to rub along the walls of my anal cavity in a way that made me curl my toes in joyous anticipation. Jim suddenly stopped all motion and I mistakenly thought he was giving me another break to recover from the category five hurricane building within me. As soon as my body let its defenses down for a few seconds and all of my muscles relaxed a little, Jim pounced. He pushed his head down my upright cock and forced it all the way down his tight throat. He squeezed my ball sac hard and twisted it slightly. But the real show-stopping sensation came when he separated his fingers in my ass slightly and shoved them deeper into unsuspecting sphincter. This is all it took to release the waiting storm inside me. I screamed louder than I ever remember and then my cock shot what seemed like gallons of my love juice into the inviting throat of this beautiful man. Jim expertly swallowed all of the cum that I was spewing into his throat. I was not so overwhelmed by my orgasm that missed the incredible talent of the man sucking me off. Jim continued to work my cock as he swallowed my load. As a matter of fact, his mouth was able to continue to make me hard even as he worked diligently to not miss a drop of my precious semen. I continued to marvel at his abilities - even in the midst of my body’s explosion. I also continued to scream while it lasted and then fell into loud moans as my cock tried to return to normal - post ejaculation. It seems that sometimes you are most sensitive right after you shoot your load, as if your body was a nerve exposed after a tooth is pulled. Jim continued to move his fingers in my ass, squeeze my balls, and move his mouth up and down my cock just to make sure every ounce of cum was sucked from my body. He finally pulled his mouth from my dick and looked up at me.

“Mmmm. I really like Anthony juice. I might have to go back for seconds really soon.” As he said this, he pulled his fingers from my ass and let go of my balls. He moved a hand to my stomach and started running his fingers up and down my abs. “You have a light sheen all over your body, Anthony. It makes your muscles stand out more. I bet even your sweat tastes good.” With that, Jim bought his face down to my torso and ran his tongue up the center line of my abdominal muscles. Every part of my body tensed up again and my worn out cock shot semi hard. “Yeah, just like I thought, salty and sweet at the same time.”

My head was beginning to clear from the massive ejaculation that Jim had caused. It felt as if my soul was returning to its mortal shell after an out-of-body experience. I noticed my breathing was slowing down and I was no longer gasping for air. Jim continued to run his hand across my stomach and, occasionally, he reached up to massage my hard chest. I looked down at his hand and for a few seconds was, again, overwhelmed by the fact that my pecs actually bulged out slightly, even though I was lying down. Jim teasingly flicked my nipples with his fingers to make them perk up even more than they already were due to the intense orgasm. He crawled up between my legs, lay on top of me, rested his chin on my chest, and looked at me with a sexy grin. He licked his lips and I could tell that something slightly wicked was on his mind. He just stared at me for a short while and let the anticipation of what he was about to say - or do - build up feverishly in my mind.

“What?” I said, not able to take it any more.

“Feel like having your ass plowed?” Jim asked in a way that made it obvious that no matter what I said he was going to do it anyway. He had nothing to worry about in the slightest; we both knew I was going to say yes. I decided to toy with him anyway.

“Why Mr. Jim, I’m not sure if you are the one for me and I’ve promised myself to only bend over for the man I’m going to be with for the rest of my life,” I said coyly and batted my eyes.

“Well then,” he said softly, playing the role of a gentleman, “how about we do not make you bend over anything. It’s fine if you just roll over onto your stomach and I mount you from behind. Or, better yet, what if you throw those strong muscled legs in the air and I’ll guide my hard locomotive into your waiting tunnel? How does that sound?”

“Well,” I began with a big smile, “I think I need to see the locomotive and the rest of the goods before I turn over or put my legs in the air.”

Jim did not wait even a second. He slid off my body and stood up at the end of the bed. I, again, propped up my head and watched as he undid the final buttons of his shirt and took it off slowly. Seeing his upper body fully exposed only added more excitement to my already fully charged body. The man had well defined muscles that were even obvious through the perfect fur that surrounded his chest, abs, and arms. This sight was enough to make me raise my legs quickly, but I forced myself to wait for the presents that waited beneath his pants. Jim started humming the well-known striptease tune as he took off his belt and began to push his unbuttoned pants down his hips. To my surprise, as well as my delight, Mr. Jim did not wear underwear. I couldn’t believe this man would go to the opening of an art exhibit with his cock and balls dangling so freely. I was turned on even more by his obvious bravery. The first thing I noticed about his piece of meat was its thickness. As the zipper went down slowly and the sides of his pants spread apart I was amazed at how I continued to only see the skin of his hard-on. The thick meat was forced by the pants to point downward. When he finally got the pants low enough to free the broad python-like dick, I actually gasped softly when the massive fist-sized head shot straight up and slapped against his lower abs. The man had a cock that reminded me more of a solid tree trunk than anything else. For a second I questioned my decision to allow him to plow me with something that seemed as wide as medium sized watermelon. The only thing that could have possibly made my fears about the substantial head and base of his cock disappear came into view when he let his pants finally drop to the floor.

I’ve always thought the most beautiful part of any man was big arms or a massive chest. I can’t lie, I’ve rarely looked anywhere else when I have drooled over bodybuilders in magazines or online. But the man in front of me, at this moment, caused a shift in my muscle-worshipping paradigm that would be changed forever. I instantly knew why Jim had been able to lift my body earlier just by placing one of his legs underneath my ass and balls. I also knew that my concept of muscular quads would never be the same. I was staring at two bulging thighs that, even though un-flexed, still looked like they were mounds of hardened rock that had been slammed together so hard they stayed connected. I don’t know proper words for describing a man’s muscles. I’ve heard terms like striations, valleys, crevices, and the like thrown around for years. Here’s all I really knew about what I was staring at – Jim’s legs were fucking huge. Nothing about his upper body could have prepared me for what I encountered below his belt. It made sense that such a full, broad cock would need two mammoth pillars to support it, but it looked as if these legs could support the tower that held Big Ben. No, these legs looked like that tower! Just when I thought I would be able to recover from the shock of this sight and return my gaze upward, Jim decided to tease me by flexing his quads.

“Fuck,” was all I could say as I stared at his pumped-up legs.

When Jim placed his hands on his hips and tensed his legs, the bulky meat inside, just below his large balls, flared out and forced his legs to move apart. It was a sight that made my cock shoot straight up my stomach again. Bulging muscle flared out in every direction from his thighs and I could tell that his knees, even though blocked by the bed, were pushed farther away from each other. Most men would have been extremely happy if their legs had looked like just one of the massive bulges sticking out from Jim’s quads, but this guy seemed to have absorbed the leg muscles of five big bodybuilders and molded them into his own. And to add to the shock of his unveiled muscled girders, Jim continued to tense and relax his legs to make them bulge even more. The heartless guy knew I was totally mesmerized and blown away by his surprise. He also knew how to show them off in a way that easily brought me close to a second orgasm. If I had not forced my mind to move away from his quads, I could have easily shot another load just from watching his upper legs balloon into inconceivable mounds of muscle. I ordered my eyes to leave his legs and look upward to his smiling face.

“It appears that you like what you see, Anthony,” Jim said relaxing his legs, but they still bulged beyond belief. “I run and bike a lot. I also do a lot of Triathlons, so I need to have some good power in my legs.”

“It seems that those legs have nuclear power,” I whispered, mainly because my mouth was totally dry with lust.

Jim laughed and then, just to tease me more, he raised one leg and placed it on the edge of the bed revealing a calf that seemed wider than my thigh. It also was sculpted in a way that made it look almost inhuman or morphed by a computer. Jim went up on his toes and tensed, causing the calf to explode into not just some tear-shaped mound, no, this was like someone had bunched numerous slabs of hard beef together to make something that barely resembled a human leg. I had to immediately turn my face back up to his so I could remain in control of my cock. Jim registered the trouble I was having, smiled knowingly, and placed his foot back on the floor. I felt a strong relief in my body because another release of cum had been averted. I wanted to wait as long as I could.

“So, I’ve made an independent decision, my dear Anthony,” Jim said reaching down to grab my legs. “I want to feel your entire muscled body as I fuck you, so it’s time for you to turn over on your stomach.” He then took my right leg and twisted it over my left, intending to force me to roll over. He also pushed my so body moved fully on the bed.

I knew, automatically, that I could have easily out strengthened Jim and prevented myself from budging even an inch, but why delay the pleasure we both were seeking. I pretended to struggle a little and then flopped over on my stomach. Jim whistled again as he took in my shoulders, back, ass, and legs. I got the same feeling of pride in my stomach knowing he was pleased with my body. In a quick flash Jim was lying on top of me. I noticed, for a brief moment, how light his body seemed to me. It was, again, apparent that my workouts were also benefiting my strength. I made a quick mental note of this fact. This awareness was interrupted by the immediate feeling of something similar to a fire hydrant pressed up against my ass crack. My heart started racing a little as I thought about trying to take all of Jim’s thick cock in my tight hole, but I knew I was ready for the challenge. He began to raise his crotch up and down, causing his thick piece of hard meat to move up and down my ass. This helped his cock to wedge itself between my cheeks. Jim was going slow, allowing me to get used to the feeling of his wide dick. For a second my mind left what was happening at my ass and I focused on the feeling of his muscled legs up against mine. I could actually make out the massive bulges that had easily caused me to get hard. I got lost in the sensation of those warm, hard-as-metal quads rubbing up against mine. I was only forced back to the present moment when I felt his fat, firm mushroom head press against my tight hole. He moved the thick tip of his cock up and down inside my ass cheeks and I could feel globs of pre-cum oiling up the opening of my chute. Jim began to press the hard tip into my tensed opening just to help loosen me up a little. I could tell that each time he pushed a little more of his dickhead pressed into my hole. I was extremely thankful that this guy seemed to leak a lot of juice when getting ready for sex – it was certainly going to help lessen the initial pain caused by such a big rod.

After what seemed to be about ten minutes of teasing, Jim’s mushroom head popped beyond the walls of my hole. He stopped all movement and let my ass get used to the sudden invasion. I was shocked at how little it hurt to accept such a wide tip. Jim was obviously as good at fucking as he was sucking. He began to kiss the back of my neck and my shoulders as soon as he started pressing his cock further into my body. The gentle rocking of his hips made it easy for me to accept more of him without tensing up uncontrollably. The feeling of his hard broad meat in my ass caused my cock to stay extremely hard. Before I fully realized what was happening, Jim’s pubic hair and skin was pushing up against my cheeks. It suddenly dawned on me that the guy’s huge cock was fully inside. I had a feeling of accomplishment and was overjoyed by the sounds of approval coming from the hot man on top of me. Jim began to pump his cock a little harder and a little faster. Because of his expert work leading up to this moment, my ass had already moved to the pleasure point of a good fuck. I even began to raise my own crotch pushing my ass into him as he pressed down - so it would force his meat deeper into me and increase the thrill for both of us. As Jim increased his motion, I increased mine. We easily fell into a rhythm that seemed to say we were made for each other. I could feel drops of sweat falling from Jim’s body onto mine as we doubled our efforts. It felt like someone was cramming a small car into my ass, but it also felt good. When Jim began thrusting with all of his might, he also started uttering beast-like sounds that turned me on even more. I could tell the strength of his muscled legs helped him tremendously as he plunged his thick tool completely into my ass.

Jim did not rush anything. I could tell he sometimes slowed the motion of his body to help prolong the much anticipated, and much needed, sexual release. Jim seemed to like the build up to orgasm as much as I did, but I knew, he also liked getting to actually shoot off as much as I did. In the midst of our sex, I again registered how light his body felt on top of mine and I was delighted to feel how easily I could raise my crotch off the mattress and lift his body at the same time. I think Jim was too focused on the pleasure my ass to notice. My body became aware that Jim’s cock was hardening even more and I could feel all of his muscles begin to tense. I knew he was about to release his load and I could sense that it was going to be a huge explosion. I lifted my ass off the bed and held it in the air easily. As Jim slammed his thick cock into me, my body didn’t budge at all and this gave Jim even more intense pleasure.

“Fucking . . . hell . . . Anthony,” he said in between thrusts, “My cock feels like a huge cannon! I’m going to fucking cum…”

And with one last intense slam into my ass, Jim held his crotch firmly against me – reaching one of his arms around my raised mid section and holding on to my stomach with one hand as he propped himself up with the other. I continued to push my ass strongly into his crotch as I felt copious amounts of jism shooting into my chute from his thick cock. Jim shouted loudly and incoherently as his body buckled against mine from the severe orgasm that rocked him. Even the force of his ejaculation did not make my sturdy frame move at all. I knew this only added to his enjoyment. When I finally sensed his body had emptied itself completely, I let my crotch drop completely back down on the bed. I realized then that Jim’s hand was under my stomach and gripped my hard cock. His breathing was very heavy and I could feel his entire body heaving against mine as he remained on top, and inside, of me. I waited because I knew he needed time to calm down. My body was not tired in the least; as a matter of fact it was energized. I knew it would be a few minutes before Jim would be able to speak. I decided to try something as I waited for his body to return to some kind of normalcy.

Because his body felt so light on top of mine, I took my hands and placed them, palm down against the mattress, underneath my chest. I then straightened my feet and pressed my toes into the mattress, as well. With little effort I pressed my body, and Jim’s, into the air in a perfect example of a push-up. I was thrilled at how easy it was and how powerful it made me feel. While I performed this feat of strength, I was fully aware of what was going on. I was not consumed by some hidden force or desire, as I had been when I forced Paulo to the ground with just my hands. My head was clear and I could fully feel, and acknowledge, the strength in my body. It dawned on me that I had been holding both Jim and myself up in the air for a few minutes. I could feel that Jim was still breathing hard and his entire being was still in that post-ejaculation high that came with an intense orgasm. I lowered our bodies back down, just a few inches from the mattress, and then pressed back up. I continued to do this a few more times. I could not believe how easy it was to lift Jim’s and my weight with my improved body. I actually started trying to think of a way to add more weight to see how much I could press into the air. Throughout all of these thoughts I had absent-mindedly continued to press our bodies up and down with great ease. I wasn’t even beginning to breathe hard and I was probably on my twentieth repetition.

“Yeah, the boy is so fucking strong,” whispered Jim into my ear and I realized he had gained control of his body enough to note what I was easily doing. “And I can tell the boy gets off on his own strength, too.”

Jim’s last comment made me realize that his hand remained on my cock and it was achingly hard at this moment. I was getting off, in a big way, on my own strength and the fact that I got to show it off for Jim. Jim, meanwhile, had begun to slide his fist up and down my hard shaft. This was all a new feeling for me. I moved from one sensation to the other quickly. I marveled at the fact that I was still lowering and raising our combined weight and I wasn’t even straining. At the same time I could feel in my back Jim’s heart pounding quickly again – this time because of the strength he was observing first-hand in my body. I then let my mind focus a few seconds on the pressure that was building in my cock – caused from my own lust for my strength and the wonderful hand job Jim was giving me. I glanced at my arms as I lowered us down the next time and as I pushed us up. The thrill of seeing my arms burst with bulging muscles made my cock twitch noticeably. Jim was observing me closely and saw what watching my own arms did to me.

“Yeah, big Anthony, loves his big muscles, doesn’t he?” he asked softly. I couldn’t help myself and I nodded my head up and down giving him a yes to his question. This made Jim laugh and I felt his body shake slightly on mine. I was still pressing up and down. I had begun to feel it a little in my arms, but knew I could continue on for a long time. “Yeah, so strong. Push me up into the air like I am a feather pillow on your back. This arm, Anthony, is hard as rock. It’s fucking hot and hard as rock.” Jim had taken his hand that was not sliding up and down my dick and moved it to my left triceps. He was worshipping its bulging hard mass. Jim also started to pump my cock harder. I then felt his lips and tongue start working some magic on my muscled shoulder.

His admiration of my strength and my body only made me crank out more push-ups faster, but still in perfect form. I wanted this man to be pleased with me, but I also wanted to show him how my body could easily protect him. I wanted him, for some reason, to feel safe and secure when he was with me. I wanted him to know that I was going to be everything he wanted in a man. I don’t know how, but Jim sensed all of this and knew how to feed my desires.

“I like your strength, Anthony. I like it a lot. I like it as much as you do. It makes me feel safe.” Jim continued to kiss my shoulder intermittently between sentences. “Yeah, press us up and down like we weigh nothing. Do you want to keep this up all night, Anthony? Feel my cock getting hard again inside of you just because of your strength?”

My attention immediately went to my ass and I paused at the peak of my present push-up. Jim thick cock was fully hard in my tight chute again. There was not pain, though. Somehow, the strength of my body extended even to my ass hole and I was able to squeeze those muscles to also show off for Jim. He made a sound that was similar to a cat purring as I tightened the inside of my ass around his thickness. I returned to my push-ups and was stunned, anew, by how easy I could do them. Jim began to pump his cock slightly in my ass, as he continued to pump my own cock with his hand.

“We are both going to cum just because of your strength, Anthony.” Jim began to excite both of us even more by expressing his thoughts out loud. “This is nothing for a big guy like you. I could place a fucking London double-decker bus on top of you, Anthony, and you would be able to blast out push-ups continuously for a couple of days. Yeah, you like that thought, do you not, Anthony? I can feel it in your tight ass and your hard prick. You love being fucking strong. I cannot wait to see you show off more, sir. Feel how easy it is for you to push both of us into the air. You are probably on your hundredth rep and it seems like you are on number one. Yeah, my big strongman, impress me with these arms of yours. These same arms are going to hold me tight and make sure I am taken care of – right, Anthony? These guns that can lift a fucking bus are going to hold me and make me feel safe. There is nothing these arms cannot do. Yeah, big man, push me up in the air like I was nothing. These fucking arms are going to make me cum!”

I’m not really sure what made us both explode at that same moment. It could have been the fact that both of our cocks were being stroked – his by my ass and mine by his hand. It could have been what Jim was saying and how he was saying it. We both were turned on by his play-by-play commentary about what was happening. It also could have been the fact that both of us were very horny and the mere feeling of our bodies touching each other sent us over the top. I have a feeling, though; we both shot our second load during this sexual encounter merely because of the strength being shown off. I somehow knew, as soon as I felt Jim’s cock forcing large globs of cum into my ass for the second time and my own dick started spraying my chest, the bottom of my chin, and the bedspread with warm juice, that we both loved the same thing in different ways. I loved my still-surprising strength because of how I could impress and protect someone, Jim loved it because it made him feel safe and because I was able to do things that most other men could not. We both saw that what started out as a potential one-night-stand, was turning into something deeper and, hopefully, long lasting.

My arms easily held both of our shaking bodies in the air as we spewed forth in our powerful, simultaneous orgasms. I believe that by continuing to press our bodies in the air while we came, I made our ejaculations even last longer. This in turn, wore both of us out. As soon as my cock had sent its final few spurts of cum onto the bed, I lowered our bodies back onto the mattress. Jim’s body was still shaking from the exertion of his second blast within such a short amount of time and he simply pulled his cock from my ass and slid onto the mattress beside me. His face was turned towards me and he was smiling. I lifted my head and noticed that his beautiful face and body was covered in drops of sweat. He had his left arm draped across my back and was squeezing me tightly to show his appreciation. I brought my face over to his and he brought his lips to meet mine. We kissed deeply, without closing our eyes. We kept our lips locked as we lowered our heads back to rest on the bed. We fell asleep with our bodies entwined and our lips pressed together.

The sound of the buzzer at the front door of my flat woke me with a start. At first I did not know where I was. Two things immediately grounded me. One was the fact that bright sunlight was streaming into my bedroom and it helped me quickly realize I was in my flat in London. Secondly, my arms were wrapped around the body of Jim Revere, as he spooned tightly with me in my bed. We had somehow ended up in this position during our sound sleep and it felt completely right. I held his warm body firmly against mine as if I were guarding him from something. I could tell that he was in a deep sleep. I pulled my hand from his body and slid backwards from the bed. He stirred a little, but did not wake up. I grabbed some shorts from my dresser as the buzzer continued to fill the flat. I pulled the cotton workout shorts up my firm legs and realized they were stretched to the max by my quads and ass. I didn’t care how I looked; I just wanted to get to the door so the noise would stop. When I opened the door to the hallway I was greeted by a younger guy with a large arrangement of flowers. The delivery man’s mouth fell wide open when he saw me. He didn’t even attempt to hide his quick glance up and down my body, or his long pause as he stared at my tight shorts and the outline of my rigid cock. I hadn’t paid any attention to my morning hard-on as I pulled the shorts up around my crotch. The guy didn’t say a word; he just continued to look at my body.

“Yes?” I finally said, a little annoyed. It took a few seconds for the guy to register than I had spoken. He also continued to look at my crotch as he spoke.

“I . . . um . . . I’ve got . . . um . . . some,” the guy fumbled around to try and make a complete sentence. He was utterly lost in a fantasy world involving my body. He continued, “I mean . . . I’ve got . . . oh hell, your body’s bloody fantastic.”

Even though I was slightly annoyed, I did not miss the chance to appreciate the compliment. Since these kinds of remarks were still so new, I wanted to enjoy them completely.

“Thanks, man. I think what you’ve brought are some flowers, right?” I asked.

“Yes . . . I mean, yes sir. I’ve got some flowers for,” and with this he looked at the card, “Mr. Anthony Lance.”

“I’m Anthony,” I replied.

“Hell, yes, you are,” he said quickly, before he could even think about filtering his thoughts. We just stood there for a few more minutes as his gaze went right back to my crotch.

“Do I need to sign something or anything like that?” I asked.

“Umm, no sir,” he said coming out of his trance. “Here you go. These are for you.” He held out the flowers for me to take. I took them from him and he continued to stand there staring.

“I’m sorry,” I said looking at him, “is there anything else?” The guy’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.

“Yes, sir,” he said eagerly, “I umm . . . I could . . . I could take care of that for you.” He pointed to my hard-on and then looked at me with a pleading smile. I was overcome with a mixture of pride for being able to cause this kind of reaction in the kid and something akin to sympathy because he revealed his desire so blatantly.

“Hey, that’s really nice of you to offer, but I’ve got someone in the bedroom that might get a little jealous.” I was trying to let him down gently and I also jumped up and down on the inside because I really did have someone in the bedroom. I watched as his face shot to deep disappointment. “Maybe another time,” I added. This seemed to cheer him up somewhat.

“Any time, sir. Just call the number on the card and ask for Seth. I’ll make sure to order something nice to be delivered to you. Remember, ask for Seth.” He could see I was shutting the door and he wanted to make sure I knew what to do when I decided to call upon him.

“I will, Seth, I will,” I said and then closed the door. I walked to the kitchen area and placed the flowers on the counter of the island in the middle of the room. I reached up and pulled out the card. It read:

“Sorry we got disconnected. I miss you and will be home soon. R.”

Reading the note from Roger caused a wave of mixed emotions to crash over my body. I suddenly felt guilty for sleeping with Jim. I tried to immediately push that from my head and rationalize my actions by acknowledging that Roger and I had not decided to only date each other and he had also left town after revving up my engines without even a promised date for a good race. It also made me a little angry with him for not being there to take our foreplay to new levels of intimacy and great sex. But the worst feeling of all was one of lust for the man. Something unexplainable took over my body as I read the card and looked at the flowers. I wanted Roger, still, even after having an incredible night with Jim. Roger’s body, his voice, and his incredible sexiness made it hard for me to forget him. He held me in some kind of lust prison. I knew, on some level, that no matter what happened with Jim, when Roger returned he and I would definitely see what kind of fire we could ignite in the bedroom. I also knew that it would be much more intense than my night with Jim. These thoughts caused my dick to grow harder. It’s head pushed through the top of my shorts and continued to creep up my abs.

I jumped a little when I felt hands wrap around my waist and find my hard tool. I had been so focused on my thoughts about Roger that I had not heard Jim walk up behind me. Without even acknowledging that he had scared me a little, he slid his hands into my shorts and grabbed my hard cock. For a second I noted that both of his big hands could grab my long shaft and I still found that so surprising. The feeling of his thick piece of meat pressing against my ass made me forget all other thoughts immediately. Even thoughts about Roger disappeared and all I concentrated on was how natural his body felt against mine.

“Who is my competition?” he asked as he began to squeeze my cock and move his dick up and down my ass crack.

“What?” I asked, half hearing his question. I was too focused on what how his movements affected my body.

“Who sent you flowers?” Jim asked a little more directly.

“Oh. Roger. The guy who left the country just as we started to see each other.” I said truthfully.

“Lucky for me, no?” Jim asked. I forced my body to turn around, causing him to remove his hands from my cock. I was a little shocked to find him totally nude. We both wrapped our arms around each other and grabbed each other’s ass. Our hard cocks pressed against one another teasingly. Each of us started to move our hips side to side to increase the feeling in our stiff poles.

“No,” I said softly and his face went somewhat sad, “lucky for both of us.” I brought my lips to his and kissed him. My tongue parted his teeth and explored his mouth roughly. He moaned slightly and pulled his face from mine.

“Last night was great,” he said. I nodded my head and smiled. “All of it was great, but I think you know I loved the push ups the most.” He looked at me intently and his smile seemed to turn slightly devilish. “I think you liked it the most too.”

I said nothing. I simply turned our bodies around slowly, so his back was now up against the counter of the kitchen island. I pulled our bodies slightly away from the marble top and then placed my hands at his hips. I grabbed him tightly and then slowly lifted. Jim’s body came off the floor easily. His eyes shot big as saucers and his mouth fell open. I didn’t bend at the waist, I didn’t strain at all, and I didn’t move quickly. I simply lifted his entire body as if he were a child’s stuffed animal. I kept my eyes on his and had to tilt my head backwards as he rose in the air. When I had his ass slightly higher than the countertop I stopped lifting and held him in steady the air. Jim took his eyes from mine, briefly, so he could look down at my bent arms holding him in the air as if it were nothing. He quickly placed his palms on my hard biceps and this made his cock twitch between us. It thumped against my chest twice. He returned his gaze to mine and we both smiled. After a minute or two of just holding him there - so he could get a good sense of just how easy I found this task - I lifted his body higher into the air. This forced him to move his hands to my hard shoulders. I lifted until his balls were even with my face. I licked them teasingly and Jim dug his fingers into my shoulders. After I had given his balls a thorough tongue bath, I pulled my head back and looked up at his face. He was watching me closely, but his eyes were barely open because of the feeling of pleasure I was giving. I pushed his legs back against the countertop and lowered his ass onto the marble. I figured it was cold, but the heat I was causing in his body probably prevented him from noticing. I forced my body between his muscular legs. I moved my hands from his hips and rested them on his massive quads. It was my turn to be impressed. Jim obviously hoped that his bulging thigh muscles would somehow repay me for the pleasure my strength had given him. He didn’t know, however, how right he was. My hands began to explore every bulge in Jim’s monstrous quads. He flexed them just to emphasize their hardness. I bent over and let my tongue run over and around the mounds of muscle that seemed to stick out in every direction. My cock seemed to get even more rigid as Jim would relax his legs and then catch my tongue in some groove by tensing them again. His legs were beautiful. I let my tongue leave his quad and move over to the base of his thick cock. I dragged my warm, wet tongue up his shaft and then opened wide to take the head into my mouth. I sucked with all my might and even clenched my teeth down lightly on his cock. I then tried to open my throat as much as I could and pushed my head down on his hardness. I knew there was no way my throat could take all of him, but I did a pretty good job trying. I started sliding my mouth up and down on his hard cock and, by the grunts of pleasure he was making, I knew I was doing a good job. Without warning my mouth was filled with his warm cum. Jim’s body didn’t give any indication that he was about to shoot. I realized, that by easily lifting him into the air, I had taken him so close to the edge of release that my just-okay skills at sucking such a large piece of meat could easily finish him off. I knew this information would come in handy many more times. I tried to swallow all of the juice his cock was sending down my throat, but there was just too much. Many drops landed in the dark hair around the base of his dick and on he counter. I made a mental note to lick it up after I lifted him back down to the ground. When he was done shooting, I lifted my head to look at him. Jim was resting on his outstretched arms behind him and had his head was pushed back in ecstasy. He finally recovered and looked at me. We both smiled.

“Well,” I said, “I’ve had breakfast. Can I fix you something?”

“I think I need caffeine first,” he said, revealing how dazed his orgasm had left him. “Your little strength shows are going to be the death of me.”

“Coffee coming right up,” I said laughing. I handed him a roll of paper towels to clean himself off. “Leave the drops on the counter. I’ll clean them up myself.” Jim laughed because he understood I wouldn’t be using the paper towels. I started preparing the coffee, but kept a close eye on Jim. When he started to slide off the island I quickly moved in front of him. “No, no, no sir. Here, let me help you.” I grabbed him at the waist, again, and lifted him straight up, into the air. I held him higher than before and ran my tongue across his quads. Jim’s cock shot hard again as soon as I lifted him.

“You got to give me time to recover, Anthony,” he cried. “Put me down so I can rest.”

“How do we ask?” I said teasingly.

“Please?” he replied.

“Please what?” I said.

“Please, sir,” Jim responded, happy when he found that he had answered correctly and I lowered him so his feet touched the ground.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hard on the lips. Jim responded by grabbing my ass with both hands, pulling my cheeks apart, and sliding a finger quickly into my tight hole. I jumped slightly, forcing him to withdraw his finger, but we never stopped our kiss. I finally pushed him away and returned to the coffee. Jim turned to look at Roger’s flowers. I tried to figure out a way to ask a burning question I had as delicately as I could.

“Jim, do you think you could do me a favor?” I asked.

“What’s that,” he replied looking at me.

“I know it’s a lot to ask, especially since we just met, but . . . do you think you could,” I could feel myself chickening out. “Oh never mind.”

“Anthony, please. We are not teenagers. Just ask.” Jim looked at me with a face clearly open to whatever the favor was.

“Do you think you could . . . um . . . call your boss and tell him you’re sick.” I could not believe I had actually asked. It was just that I really wanted to spend more time with him. I didn’t want the magic to end. Jim burst into laughter and, for a second, I felt like I had asked too much.

“Well, no, I cannot do that Anthony,” he said and then closely watched as my face went sad. He then added, “For you see, I do not have a boss to call. I am the Executive Director of the National Portrait Gallery. I would be calling myself. And, for the record, I have already given myself the day off. For, you see, there is a guy that I have met and he is really cute. I want to show him some of my favorite places in London. I also plan on having sex with him a few more times. I hope that is fine with you, Anthony.” Jim had moved closer to me and reached down to grab my cock through my shorts. He had noticed it grew as he was speaking. Jim squeezed hard and then leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.

“Yes,” I said softly, because it felt as if I were in a dream, “yes, that would be fine with me.” At that exact moment the buzzer of the door to my flat rang again. I jumped at the sound and then said, “How are all these people getting through the front door of the building?”

“Maybe we broke it last night,” Jim answered quickly. “We were pushing on it pretty hard.” For a few seconds I panicked that he might be right. “I think I will step into the bedroom.” I watched Jim’s beautiful ass and legs as he walked away. I moved to the door, making sure to try and adjust my hard cock so it wasn’t as obscene as earlier.

I opened the door and there stood Manfred. In a similar fashion as the deliveryman, earlier, Manfred’s face completely changed as he took in my undressed body. His mouth fell slightly open as he glanced up and down my torso, stopping for a few seconds at my crotch. I was immediately embarrassed that I had greeted him this way, but I was also somewhat pleased that he was getting such a close-up look at my improved body. I was suddenly overcome with a desire, a desire I couldn’t name, but I knew it had to do with Manfred. I didn’t have time to sort it all out, but I wanted to win him over in some way. Just as with the flowers from Roger, for a few seconds I totally forgot about Jim and how last night had made me feel. At this precise moment all I thought about was tensing my body slightly to make Manfred hard. That was it! I wanted Manfred to desire me. I knew there was more, but I didn’t have time to finish analyzing the situation.

“Is this the way you always open the door?” Manfred asked. I turned red and I know he noticed. “There are some workmen trying to fix the door down stairs, so I just decided to come on up. Sorry that I didn’t call.”

“No, that’s fine Manfred. Don’t worry. I’m sorry I’m not dressed. It’s been a busy morning,” I said, focusing for a few seconds only on the front door situation and trying to figure out if Jim and I broke it.

“I can see that,” Manfred said smiling. He also looked my body up and down, again. This time I saw a hint of something similar to desire in is eyes and it affected me in a huge way. I immediately stood straighter. I forgot about my hard cock and actually thrust my chest out a little. Yes, me, little Anthony Lance, actually puffed up my chest like some macho stud. It didn’t feel completely natural, but I could see that it caused some kind of change in Manfred. I didn’t know what exactly, but there was a change. “You also obviously did not have time to wipe away all of your toothpaste.” He pointed to the corner of his mouth to show me where I had missed. I turned a darker shade of red because I knew it wasn’t toothpaste. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I saw that Manfred’s gaze went immediately to my bicep. I thought I also noticed some movement at his crotch with my peripheral vision.

“Um, I don’t mean to be rude, Manfred, but what can I do for you,” I said a little too quickly, for I could tell that he immediately knew I was trying to end our conversation as soon as possible. He surely knew that someone else was there.

“I was hoping we might have a late breakfast, but, if you are busy Anthony, perhaps another time.” He was being the perfect gentleman and allowing me to get out of an awkward situation.

“Yes, Manfred. Another day would be great. I have a few things planned for today. How about tomorrow or the next day?” I asked. “Do either of those work for you?”

“Yes,” Manfred said, “I think I could make one of those work. I will call you later, Anthony, after you have had time to see which will work best for you. Please ignore the two messages I left on your mobile.” I started to ask when he had called, but now I remembered hearing the phone ring a few times last night while Jim and I were having fun. I also think it rang a few times this morning, but that could have been a dream.

“Am I free to come out now?” asked Jim as he walked into the living room. He had, thank goodness, put on a pair of my shorts and a t-shirt. He stopped in his tracks when he saw us. “I am so sorry. I thought I heard the door shut. Excuse me.” He turned to leave the room. I was suddenly filled with a bravery that I had never known before.

“No, it’s fine Jim. Come, come meet my friend Manfred.” I motioned him back into the room.

“We actually know each other, Anthony,” said Manfred. “Hello, Jim.”

“Hiya Manfred,” said Jim extending his hand as he walked over to us. I watched them shake hands and I know I had a shocked look on my face. Jim noticed my surprise. “Manfred and his family are major donors to the Portrait Gallery.” It was a brief explanation, but it was all that was needed.

“Well, gentleman, I must go,” Manfred said breaking an awkward pause. “Jim, it was great to see you. Anthony, please call me later. You two have a great day.” And with that, he turned and walked down the hall.

“Bye Manfred,” Jim called. I stepped into the hallway.

“I’ll call you later, Manfred.” I said and he raised his hand in the air as he walked away to say that that would be fine. I could tell that he was hurt in some way, but I did not, for the life of me, know why. I stepped back inside and shut the door.

“I’m so sorry, Anthony.” Jim said.

I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to what Jim was saying because I was still trying to figure out Manfred.

“What? Oh, don’t be silly, Jim. Manfred and I are just friends,” I said and then realized that I had been too hasty. Jim had not meant he was sorry about stepping out in front of Manfred, he was sorry he had stepped out period. I saw in his eyes a flash of awareness.

“Oh no,” he said, “I see that there are two competitors now. I must rally the troops and strengthen my offense!”

I didn’t respond. I just looked at him and smiled. I knew to deny that I felt anything for Manfred would be useless now. It had been written all over my face. I was beginning to realize I was confused beyond belief!

Read next part