Robby's Imaginary Muscleman 7: Just Believe

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Charles’ serious tone, and equally serious face, scared me. I wasn’t afraid for myself exactly, but I did become aware that this man could hurt my son. Memories of the cock hardening, mind-blowing sex that had just happened instantly disappeared. So many things fell into place for me at that moment. This man had obviously been stalking my son and me for a while. He knew too much about our lives for the convenience of our chance meeting at the market to be believable. I moved into a defensive mode, but refrained from making it obvious. I did not want to make this big man angry or for him to realize I had become scared. I forced myself to speak calmly and naturally.

“And how long have you been a guardian angel, Charles?” I asked. I carefully slid over to the side of the bed and sat up, turning my body to look at him – I did not want to take my eyes off of him for even a second.

“Don’t Marshall . . . please don’t treat me like I’m some kind of mad man. I can take anything . . . you asking me to leave forever or you screaming at me, but I don’t want you to treat me like I’m crazy.” Charles sat up and I was amazed to see tears start sliding down his cheeks.

“What did you expect, Charles,” I said, a little too loudly. “You expect me to believe that a few days ago you were an angel flying around my house with wings . . . or, I’m sorry, were you like Clarence in that film – still working on getting your wings?”

We stared at each other and the room became very cold and very silent. Charles shut his eyes tightly and tried to control some emotion that was taking over his body. For a second I thought he was going to go off his rocker and attack me, even though somewhere in the back of my head I knew this man would never hurt me. I forced myself to not let that feeling overtake my mind. I stayed on the defensive, because I did not know what might come next. Charles opened his eyes and looked at me.

“I’ll leave Marshall, but give me five minutes. Please. That’s all I ask for – five minutes to explain. I don’t want that time to convince you of anything, I have a feeling that’s not possible. I just want to give you some information to think about. That’s all I ask. Just five minutes, please.” Charles spoke calmly and seemed rational. I don’t know what made me trust him, but I did. I knew I would give him the five minutes, but I would not ignore how my body felt so defensive. I had to protect my son no matter what.

“You have five minutes,” I said standing up and pulling on my pants quickly. I tossed his jeans and underwear to him. Charles quickly pulled them on and then grabbed his shirt, putting it on, as well.

“Did you ever have an imaginary friend growing up, Marshall?” the big man asked as he stood on the other side of the bed.

“What kind of question is that? I thought you were explaining.” I snapped back.

“I am. I am. Just give me a second. I have a point. Anyway, I know the answer. You had an imaginary older friend called Collin. You don’t remember him, but you’ve heard your family talk about him for years. Am I right?” He looked at me as the question hung in the air.

“How could you possibly know that? Have you been stalking other members of my family, too?” I asked, tensing my body. I could not believe what this guy seemed capable of. How sick a man was he?

“No, I promise, Marshall. I know because I know Collin,” he answered.

“Collin is . . . I mean was, imaginary!” I shouted.

“Calm down Marshall, please,” Charles said quietly and it did cause some of my anger to dissipate. “Just let me explain. Every child is granted a guardian angel when they are born. They actually stay with you for your whole life – if you need them, but people don’t realize that. When you are really young you are the most innocent that you’ll ever be – except maybe on your deathbed. You are able to see your guardian angel because you are able to still believe in things beyond this world. That’s why you saw Collin until you were eight and a half. This life started taking over and you stopped needing your supposed ‘imaginary friend.’ You see children are scared of dark closets, scary trees outside of their windows, the empty space beneath their bed, and so much more. This helps them to connect with their guardian angel. Once those things don’t frighten a child, they no longer need a friend to sit in their room with them – or to play with them when they are alone. That’s why Robby’s been able to see me and talk to me. He’s still innocent – he still believes.”

“Leave my son out of this,” I said through clenched teeth.

“I will, I will, but let me just add that he’s the one that suggested I make the choice I did.” Charles had obviously picked up that he made me nervous because of my fear he might do something to my son. He spoke clearly and calmly to prevent me from getting angrier. “Robby knows how lost you have felt these past few years.” My face tensed and I began to speak, but Charles held up his hand. “As much as a son can know something like that, but I’ve watched you suffer, as well. Robby and I talked about it a lot. One day I told him about how I felt and he said I should become human so I could be with you. I know this is all too much to handle, but just give me a few more minutes.” Charles didn’t give me a chance to respond, he quickly continued to speak. “Think back over the last few days. Robby has told you a lot about me. One day I tied his shoes, I’m the one that fixed the tire swing at the park by shoving it into the concrete, when you got your car stuck against the tree I’m the one that lifted it away, and I’m the one that ripped the tree out of the ground and broke it into the pieces at the end of your driveway.”

I took at few steps toward the doorway; I was becoming very nervous that this guy was even crazier than I thought. How insane he was to have followed me so much that he knew all of these things. It was obvious that Charles caught on to what I was doing as I inched toward the door, but he didn’t make any sudden moves. I began to doubt that I could move faster than this man, even though he was much bigger than me. I knew how powerful he was. It struck me that he might just be toying with me?

“So now you are telling me that you have super strength, right?” I said, allowing a disbelieving chuckle to come at the end of the statement.

“I used too. When I became human, I became normal,” he replied.

“If you call that body normal,” I said, forgetting for a minute how scared and angry I was. This comment made Charles smile a little.

“I’m going to just reach down and grab my shoes, Marshall. I’m going to leave now. I just want to add one last thing. I have lied to you about one thing tonight.” Charles looked at me as he slipped his shoes on. “I did have sex before this evening. It was with you the other night – remember? You thought you were fantasizing everything, but couldn’t believe how vivid it was. I was allowed one night with you while I was still an angel and that enabled me to easily sense what turned you on. How do you think I knew so much about your desires tonight? Just think back and see how similar the experiences were. I’m ready to go now, Marshall. I won’t ever bother you again, I promise. I hope you’ll come to realize how much I’ve sacrificed for you and how much I love you.” Tears were now streaming down Charles’ face and he was wiping them away as fast as they came.

I stepped back a little and let him exit the room. I followed him quickly, making sure to stand in front of Robby’s door as he passed. Charles could not help but notice my actions, and this caused his body to shake a little as he fought back more tears.

“Make sure you tell Robby I said goodbye. Will you do that for me, Marshall? Please,” he asked as he stepped through the front door onto the porch. His face was blotchy from crying. I actually felt sorry for the man. He had obviously hoped we could be his family, but I knew I could not have someone so delusional around my son. I was, however, not heartless. I looked at him and sighed deeply.

“I will Charles. I promise,” I answered as I began to push the door closed.

“Make sure you ask him about Collin,” Charles said loudly, right before I shut and locked the door.

I quickly moved to one of the windows in the front room and watched as Charles walked away. His shoulders heaved greatly and I could hear his sobs through the window. I watched until he disappeared into the night and then went around to make sure all of the doors and windows to the house were locked. I kept glancing out the front window to see if the crazy man had returned. I went upstairs to Robby’s room, lifted him from his bed, and then took him to my room. I covered him with the blankets on my bed and then shut and locked my bedroom door. I contemplated calling the police, but something deep inside told me that I didn’t need to. I did, however, pick up the phone and call someone else. The phone rang a few times and finally a very groggy female voice answered, “hello.”

“Hello, Miss Emma,” I said, speaking very fast. “I’m sorry to be calling so late, but it’s very important. This is Marshall, Robby’s dad. I need to ask you something and I know it will sound very crazy, but it’s so very important . . .”

“He told you, didn’t he? I told him to wait, but he didn’t, did he?” she said, interrupting me.

My mind started spinning as I let her words soak in. How on earth could she know what I was talking about? Then it hit me that she might somehow be involved in the entire mess, too.

“Do you mean your brother, Charles? Is that who you are talking about,” I asked slowly.

“He’s not technically my brother,” the voice on the line answered. “You see, Marshall, I used to be a guardian angel, too.” She paused, knowing how these words would impact me. I had to sit down on the edge of the bed. What in the fuck was going on? Did these two people have some kind of plan to do something to my son? I almost hung up, intending to call the police, but her voice stopped me. “Listen, Marshall. I know this is way too much for someone to grasp in such a short time. That’s why I told Charlie to not tell you. I became human years ago because I fell in love with a teacher that worked at the preschool for the kid I guarded. I then opened my own school, knowing that all of my kids had angels watching them, as well. I realized a few months ago that Robby had a very strong bond with his angel. He told me that Charlie was going to be his new dad. Once you’re human you no longer can see other angels, but two days ago when this guy was standing outside of the school, as I was leaving, I knew who he was before he even spoke. I tried to tell him to take it slow, even offering him a job at the school, but good old Charlie is too much in love. I was in his same shoes a few years ago, so I know how it is. Listen, Marshall, promise me two things. Promise me that you won’t call the police. I can guarantee that Charlie won’t ever contact you again unless you make the first move. I know he won’t. And secondly, promise me that you’ll tell Robby the truth. This is going to be really hard on him. Promise me, please Marshall.”

Her concern for my son actually touched me, but I was too confused to allow it to end my fears about Charles and, now, her. I went into the same calm mode I had taken with the crazy man earlier.

“I promise, Emma. I’m sorry to have bothered you so late. Umm, I’d like to tell you, though, that I don’t think Robby will be at your school ever again.” I hung up the phone quickly. I contemplated, again, calling the police, but decided against it. There was something deep inside of me still saying that Charles would never hurt Robby or me. I lay down beside my son on the bed and listened carefully for the sound of a window breaking or the lock on a door being picked. I fell asleep after a few minutes of listening, mostly from pure exhaustion and my deep disappointment.

It seemed like only a few minutes had passed when I felt small hands shaking me and my son’s voice filled the room.

“Daddy, where’s Charlie?” Robby asked.

“What?” I said groggily.

“Where’s Charlie?” he repeated. I was instantly awake, having remembered what had happened the night before. My body immediately went tense as I thought about how Charles had shown his true colors. I looked over and saw that the bedroom door was still shut and locked. I turned to my son.

“Um, Charles had to . . . he had to leave,” I said and immediately Miss Emma’s plea that I be honest with my son popped into my head. I pushed it away, putting her in the same crazy category as Charles.

“Go where?” my son persisted. I was suddenly aware of Robby’s fearful tone and I turned to face him.

“Listen, Robby. The truth is that I asked Charles to leave. I don’t think he’s someone we should be friends with.” I was desperately trying to find the right way to share what had happened with my young son.

“Why not?” Robby asked with a very puzzled face.

“It’s hard to explain, captain. I just think Charles doesn’t always tell the truth and you know how we think that is very important.” I couldn’t believe what I was saying because here I was not telling the complete truth, as well.

“Charlie always tells the truth, daddy,” he said quickly and firmly.

“I don’t think so, captain.” I said in response. My son sat there and stared at me for a few seconds.

“You didn’t believe him, did you dad,” Robby said quietly.

“What? What do you mean, Robby?” I asked.

“He told you the truth and you didn’t believe him. That’s why you made him leave.” Robby answered.

“No, it’s just that I think Charles might be . . . I don’t know . . . he might be a little scary. We didn’t know him at all. It might not be good for him to be around you.” I was now trying to be as honest as possible.

“Charlie’s not scary, dad. And he’s not crazy.” Robby said and his last comment caught me by surprise.

“I didn’t say he was crazy,” I replied.

“But I bet you thought it. I’ve known Charlie for a long time, dad, and he’s really, really good. You didn’t need to send him away,” Robby said with a very serious face. I could not believe this was my young son talking to me this way.

“Well, I’m the adult, captain, and I made the decision that he had to leave,” I said, expecting that my comment would end the conversation. I turned to climb out of bed.

“I’m really mad at you, dad!” my son suddenly shouted at me. I was flabbergasted – my son had never said such a thing to me. I turned to look at him and I’m sure my face was red with anger. I tried to speak calmly.

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Robby, but I am your father and my decision is final.” After I spoke we sat there staring at each other. I was amazed because I had no idea what was going on inside my son’s head. I usually could easily sense all of his thought processes. His face showed nothing, but I could tell he was concentrating very hard on something.

“I know you don’t believe it, dad, but Charlie’s been my friend for a really long time. Soon, I’m not going to need someone like Charlie. That’s why I gave him to you. I wanted you to be happy.” Tears began to slide down my son’s face as he spoke and I was reminded of Charles’ tears the night before. “I have Collin now, but soon he’ll go away. I just wanted you…”

“What did you say, Robby?” I asked, interrupting him – something I tried to never do, but I was shocked at what he had just said.

“I wanted you to be happy,” he answered innocently.

“No, before that,” I said moving closer to him.

“I’m not going to need Collin soon.” Robby repeated.

“Who’s Collin,” I asked quickly.

“My new friend, dad. He took Charlie’s place.” Robby said and I could tell he was frustrated with my questions. He still couldn’t believe that I didn’t understand him.

“Where’s Collin right now, Robby,” I asked looking around the room – as if I would suddenly see a third person vaporize.

“He’s in my room, dad. For gosh sakes!” Robby said.

As I jumped out of my bed it registered that there was something opening in my heart and in my mind. Memories of my childhood came rushing back and my body was suddenly soothed with a warm, familiar feeling. I unlocked and opened the bedroom door quickly. I knew Robby was following me as I moved toward his room. The door was only slightly ajar and when I pushed it open my mouth fell open. There, sitting in the chair beside Robby’s bed, was my old childhood friend Collin. I instantly recognized him. He was about twenty-five years old and had golden hair. He looked at me and his face broke into a huge smile.

“Hello, Marshall,” he said softly, “Long time no see.”

“Holy shit,” I said out loud and Collin instantly disappeared.

“Oh, you owe me a quarter, dad. You said a bad word,” Robby said poking me in the side. I turned to my son.

“Did you see him?” I asked – still in complete shock.

“Of course. It sure did take you a long time. You believe now, don’t you?” Robby said, but I barely heard him. I turned to leave the room.

“Get your shoes Robby. Don’t worry about getting dressed. We’ve got to go find someone,” I yelled over my shoulder as I ran to my room to put on a shirt and some shoes. One thing, and one thing alone, occupied my mind. I came running back towards Robby’s room as I was pulling on a sweatshirt. “Come on, captain, we’ve got to get your shoes on and . . .”

My voice stopped as soon as I came into my son’s room and found him totally dressed and his shoes tied. His hair was even combed. I stood there dumbfounded.

“What? How did you . . . I mean . . . hey, your shoes are tied. Did you do that?” I said, having noticed his feet.

“No, dad, Collin did.” Robby answered in a voice full of frustration at my disbelief.

“Of course he did, of course he did,” I said and then bent down to grab my son in my arms. I knew I took the stairs a little too quickly, but I was a man on a mission. “Thanks, Collin,” I yelled over my shoulder. I was sure I heard a voice say, “you’re welcome” and this made me laugh as I carried my son to the car in the garage.

I raised the door and backed the car out, turning around in the seat to see where I was going. When I saw the empty space where a big tree used to stand I abruptly stopped the car, put it in park, opened my door and jumped out.

“Hang tight, captain, I’ll be right back,” I said over my shoulder as I walked to the back of the car.

“Okay, daddy!” Robby yelled and I could hear in his voice that he was loving the fact that I was either having a nervous breakdown or the biggest eye-opening experience of my life – well, the second biggest after last night’s sex.

I moved to the back bumper of the car and bent down. I ran my hand along the top of the long piece of metal. As I got near the opposite end from where I started I noticed the big, thick indention. I placed my thumb into the space. I couldn’t believe it. There, in the metal, was the perfect mark of a very large thumb. I could even see small grooves that were the bending joints of the thumb. I began to stand up, but then had another idea. I ran my fingers underneath the wide bumper, just below the thumbprint and I clearly felt the grooves of four fingers. My mind went crazy with lust and excitement.

“Fuck,” I said loudly, in awe of the strength that obviously crushed and lifted my car so easily.

“I heard that!” yelled Robby from the car. “That’s another quarter you owe me!”

“Captain, you can have ten dollars today. I have a feeling I might be using bad language a lot!” I said as I got back in the car and put on my seatbelt.

“Are you mad then, daddy?” Robby asked concerned.

“No, my little man, I am in awe. I am in awe of something big and beautiful,” I said as I started down the driveway. I chose to let out a loud whistle, instead of cussing, when I noticed the chunks of tree piled up beside the road. My cock went instantly hard, as well.
It thrilled me tremendously to think that a man could do that with just his hands – well, an angel. I stopped the car suddenly right before I pulled out onto the street.

“What’s the matter,” Robby asked, his voice jolting me from my moment of sudden concern.

“I have no idea where he would be,” I answered my son - as I looked at him in the rearview mirror. He could see the sadness in my face and, yet, he smiled broadly.

“Come on dad, you know,” he said bluntly and continued to smile.

I started to protest but then I realized the only place he could be. It was like a deep connection to the man was instantly revealed or, better; it was like my gay GPS system was working on overload. I looked both ways and then hit the gas pedal hard. The tires on my car squealed and Robby yelled ‘yippee’ as we flew onto the road. I tried to stay under the speed limit but it was very hard to do. I was full of excitement and incredible desire. My mind was open and clear for the first time in many years and I knew I would do anything necessary to get the man of my dreams back.

As we pulled up to Robby’s favorite playground in the park I could see the figure of a huge man sitting on the very familiar tire swing. Charles’ size actually made the swing look like one of those toddler’s toys you can buy for a two year old. I honked the horn loudly, jumped out of the car, and unbuckled Robby from his car seat – then both of us started running towards the playground.

“Charlie! We’re here!” Robby yelled as we ran.

I could see that Charles had stood up quickly and a big smile was beaming on his face. When we reached him Robby threw his arms around the big man’s legs and, before I even realized what I was doing, I threw my arms around his upper body – but they barely made it around his broad shoulders. The three of us stayed this way for a few minutes and then Robby and I released at the same time – stepping back to look at the big man.

“I was hoping you’d come,” Charles said softly to me.

“I’m so sorry,” I blurted out as I began to cry, “Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course, Marshall,” the huge man said as he wiped tears from my face, “I hoped you just needed time.”

“Will you guys just kiss already,” yelled Robby as he climbed onto the swing.
I was no longer shocked by the boldness of my son. I realized, happily, that my boy was extremely perceptive and comfortable with himself – what more could a father ask for. I smiled at my son and then turned back to Charles.

“The boss has spoken,” I said, laughing. “So there’s only one thing to do.”

Charles bent down a little and I brought my lips to his. This kiss was even more powerful than those from last night. I’m sure it had something to do with the fact that I now believed in so many things that I didn’t before – like the fact that the perfect man can exist or that my son could teach me profound lessons about life. Our kiss was brief, but intense. I think we both realized we had many years of more kisses.

“Somebody push me!” Robby yelled.

“And how do we ask, captain?” I responded from habit.

“Please, somebody push me!” Robby said laughing.

“Maybe your dad, Charlie, would like to push you,” I said softly and was surprised at how the words caught in my throat.

Both Charles and my son looked at me quickly. They both had the same shocked look on their face that slowly turned into a big smile. I stepped over to one of the metal poles that held the swing. I could see that Charles’ eyes were wet with tears. He started to gently push my son on the swing.

“Please push me harder, Charlie-dad,” Robby said, smiling up at the big man. I was happy that my son said it so politely and I liked the sound of him calling Charlie, dad. I became a little nervous at his request, though.

“Um, not too hard, Charles, please. Your new dad is a little bigger and stronger than me, remember,” I said – only slightly joking. I rested my hand high on the pole as Robby was pushed in the swing – just gazing at the two beautiful men in my life. I felt something weird about the pole and I glanced up. Sure enough, here were four fingerprints and one thumbprint perfectly smashed into the thick piece of metal. I ran my fingers over the indentions and my cock grew hard again. I stood there imagining Charles gripping the pole and slamming it into the concrete. I loved the idea that his hand could crush metal so easily. I glanced over at the big man and saw that he had noticed what I was doing.

“Are you sure you can’t still be that strong?” I asked and he could tell how much the thought turned me on. “It sure would come in handy, not to mention be kind of fun. I’m just imagining all the things you could do to please me.”

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I gave all of that up for something better,” Charles said happily and he walked over to me. He bent down and put his arms around my waist. “But I’m still pretty strong, Marshall.” He easily lifted me into the air. I caught my breath as my feet left the ground. “I’m sure we could still find some things I can do to excite you!”

“You’re the strongest, Charlie!” Robby said as he continued to sway back and forth on the swing.

“He certainly is, Robby, he certainly is,” I said as I kissed the big man again. As our kiss ended, Charles put me down on the ground and returned to pushing Robby on the swing. I reached below my waist to rearrange my hard cock so there’d be less pressure. It was then that a disturbing thought came into my head.

“Hey, Charles. You said each child gets a guardian angel for life, right. So how come Robby now has Collin. Shouldn’t he still be with me?” I thought my question was very important, but both Charles and Robby looked at me and chuckled.

“You tell him, Robby,” Charles said.

“You don’t need one anymore, dad. You have Charlie. He’ll keep you safe.” Robby said smiling at me.

This thought sent a warm wave through my entire body. I looked at Charles and he flexed his right arm slightly as he smiled back. I knew immediately that my son was right, I had everything I needed right here at this playground.

“Hey, you two. How about our little family goes out for pancakes.” I said, moving towards them.

Robby threw his little arms up into the air and screamed yippee. I laughed and then looked up in time to see Charles throw his big muscular arms into the air and yell yippee, as well. There was only one thing left for me to do. I stuck my hands in the air.

“Yippee!” I yelled back.