A Story for Paul (hypno)

Chapter 1

I s'pose most people grow up with an idea of hospital life from watching General Hospital or shows like ER.

I'm not saying there isn't bitching and backbiting and falling in love and other crazy stuff. But there's a fucking lot of hard work as well. Sorry. It just gets to me sometimes. Like today. Shit.

My name? Louis Valdez. My job? Shit-scraper! No kidding.

I work at the All-Saints Municipal Hospital, and I spend most of my day following folks around and cleaning up their mess. Real glamorous, huh? I ain't got no beef with the system - I don't have an education, I don't have any training, and I barely got a green card. But people think that just 'cause you're a cleaner, you're stupid.

Take 'Doctor Mike'. He's one of the new lot of interns. Now, I'm not saying he ain't a good doctor. He's brilliant. Trouble is, he knows it, the residents know it, the other interns know it, and so we've all got a problem.

The first day he turns up, all the other new guys are wearing jackets and ties, the ladies all look respectable, and he comes in without even shaving. He looked scruffy, not tie, worn sneakers, and of course Dr. Mitchellson (Head of the Thoracic surgery unit and in charge of the interns that morning) has a fit like all hell. He tells Doctor Mike that he's a disgrace, and he expects better. They argue, Doctor Mike leaves, and we all think we'll never see him again.

But I told ya - he's good. So the administrator talks to the chief surgeons, who talk to each other, then they all talk to Doctor Mike. He comes back into the program, he wears a tie (not done up, just loose around his neck), he shaves (most of the time), he stops yelling at the surgeons (supposedly) and in turn the hospital gets all the prestige of an up and coming genius.

Doctor Mike knows a lot about medicine and the human body, but he knows shit about people. He don't say "Orderly, could you pass me that chart?" - he just puts out his hand and snaps his fingers, and if you don't read his mind, he looks at you as if you were the stupidest person in the world. He makes people feel better, but he don't make people feel good.

I have no problems with anyone. Everyone at All-Saints knows who I am, and I get treated with a bit of respect. I ain't got the most important job in the hospital, but without me, a lot of life-saving work just wouldn't get done. I keep lights burning, hallways open, floors clean and patients moving. Not me alone. But I'm there for most of it.

I was going through the door to the break room on the third floor, when I bumped into Nurse Tauseng, a pretty little Japanese girl with a sense of humour that often got her into trouble. She slipped past me, giggling, and when I got into the room I could see why.

Doctor Mike had fallen asleep in one of the easy chairs against the wall, and was happily off in his dreams of superiority. Someone (and I wouldn't say who) had written a note that said in big bold letters 'I AM A JERK' and fastened it to the sleeping man. Not original. Not on the cutting edge of practical jokes. But it got my vote.

I set about doing the odd jobs I came in there for, but this idea kept jumping up in my mind - like something you know you shouldn't do, but it keeps coming back to bite you.

My mother was what you would call a witch woman. She was the one who got me working with sick people in the first place. She told me things, about spirits that got into people, and how she got those spirits out of people. And then she laughed and told me people were such fools. She helped them believe in getting better.

But she had magic. I know. I saw.

She would say that when a man slept, his spirit would wander, and other things could get into his head. Sometimes you could whisper things into their heads, and they would stay there, and when the man woke up, he would believe them. I was scared of what she said, but I believed. She proved it one night with a man who wouldn't pay her for what she had done.

I stared at Doctor Mike. He was asleep. His spirit was wandering. I could put whispers into his head.


I walked over to where he sat, and crouched down beside him. I prayed to the Gods that this wasn't wrong, or that no one would walk in and catch me. I prayed that it would work.

"Doctor Mike, your spirit is floating. It is floating at peace, and your body is deep asleep." There was no reaction, but that was good. I whispered into his ear that he would sleep and not be worried about the voice in his head. I told him that the voice would stay in his head, and that he must do everything the voice said. He shifted in the chair, but he didn't wake. It was hard to remember what my mother said, and then put it into english, but I was now in the power of the magic, and I couldn't stop.

"It is important that you look good, Doctor Mike. The patients will like you more and they will heal faster if you look good. You are a very handsome man, and you should let people see that. You must shave, and wear a tie like the other doctors. You should even wear a suit and some good leather shoes. It is very important that you look good, Doctor Mike." He mumbled, and I thought he was hearing the voice in his head. I should have stopped there, but I wanted to try more.

"The people in this hospital are good people, and you should be more respectful. You should like them more. Like Louis. He is a good person, and you should treat him nicer." That was all I could do, I was so afraid. I did not know if I was more afraid of the magic working or not working. But how could I tell?

I needed to know if the words I left in his head would work.

"Doctor Mike, there is a sign pinned to your shirt, but you will not see it until someone tells you it is there. You cannot see that you are wearing a sign until someone tells you so." This way, I would know if the whisper magic worked.

I went back to tidying the room, and left him asleep. Now it was just a matter of time.

I was working my way through the fifth floor, when I heard some nurses laughing in the hall. They were talking about Doctor Mike, and how he had this sign on him. It was all over the hospital. I went to find him, and I guess I wasn't the only one. People were making excuses to stop and watch him as he walked past, and there was the big sign still pinned to his chest. I guess no one liked him enough to tell him. I wonder what he thought about all the laughing, but he seemed half asleep still.

I felt guilty about it, so I went up to him.

"Doctor Mike, you shouldn't be wearing that." He looked at me with strange eyes. I think he was hearing the voice in his head, and he was trying to figure it out.

"What? What's that?" He saw the sign for the first time, and I think he was angry. At least, he started getting mad, but then he saw how people were laughing, and he joined in.

"Thank you, Louis, for showing me. It seems I have one good friend in this place." He said it with kindness, though, and the others took it as a joke. The people went back to their jobs, and Doctor Mike thanked me again. I didn't even think he knew my name. It seems the whisper is a powerful magic.

I went home that night, and thought about what I had done. I felt guilty and excited. I promised never to do that again, but thought about doing it again. I was restless, and tried to sleep, but couldn't. I got up and did some exercises, but that just made me hot. I stood in front of my mirror and told myself I was going crazy.

But the power of the whisper was within me as well. I looked in my eyes. I was the same age as Doctor Mike. I was just as handsome, although I was dark where he was blond. His eyes were blue and mine were brown. I rubbed my nipple as I thought of him. I slipped my hand into my shorts.

I thought of him, the powerful one, but for a moment I had the power, and my cock was hard. I had made him wear that sign. I had made him be nice to me. I could make him do things.

My hands moved over my hot body, and the magic of the whisper flowed into me. Now I could understand all that my mother had told me. Now I could understand the power of the spirits. I was losing myself in that power, and my hands made love to my body, and I finally fell asleep.


In the morning I felt strange. I was hungry but didn't feel like eating. I was empty but was full of life. I could hear everything, see everything, but I felt away from it all. I knew I should be worried, but I felt good.

I started work, and the others looked at me strangely. Some of the them didn't know what was different, but I was sure some of the old women made signs behind my back. I didn't care. I had found my magic.

I was there when Doctor Mike arrived, and everybody was amazed. But not me.

Doctor Mike had shaved and was dressed in a good suit. Not a great suit like you see in the magazine ads, but a good one. He looked more handsome, and the nurses all saw this too. He said hello to people as he passed, and people were so surprised that they almost forgot to say something back. As I saw him, I felt the magic in me celebrate. I did this! I had the power!

During the day, Doctor Mike was the main gossip over the hospital. Everywhere I went, people were telling stories about how good he looked, and how nice he was. I was feeling very pleased, and wanted to tell everyone what I had done. "It was me!" I wanted to yell, but no one in this place would have believed me, so I just smiled and went on with my jobs.

For a few days it went on like this. I felt good, Doctor Mike was good, and things at the hospital were good.

Then, one day, a patient went into cardiac arrest, and Doctor Mike was the first one there. They called for the emergency cart, but as the nurse pushed it down the hallway, it got caught on something on the floor and fell over. The machine wasn't broken, but everything was a mess and Doctor Mike was yelling. He was rude to the nurses, he blamed the cleaners for not cleaning, he said the hospital was dirty and if it wasn't for him all the patients would die.

I knew he was angry, and I tried to tell him that it wasn't anyone's fault. A patient walking down the hallway had lost a slipper just a few minutes before the cart came along. It was an accident.

But he just got angry with me, and said I was too young for such responsibility, and too stupid to keep the hallway tidy, and I probably shouldn't be in the country anyway. The power in me roared, and I fought to keep it down. He was angry, and didn't mean it. But I was angry, and I meant every word I was thinking.

After it was all over, and the patient was moved to intensive care, Doctor Mike went down to the break room. Everyone was ignoring him, and saying that 'a leopard does not change its spots'. He was sitting alone in the room, with his head down, his tie off and his shoes thrown across the room.

I was outside, but could see through the open door.

"Sleep," I willed, using the power that rushed through me. "Sleep, Doctor Mike." And he slept.

I went into the room and closed the door. No one would bother us as they all wanted to talk about how bad Doctor Mike had been. I pulled up a chair and sat beside him so I could whisper in his ear.

"Doctor Mike, you were bad today after I helped you become so good. Now the voice will be stronger, and you will not be able to fight it. It will tell you what to do and you must do it.

"...you must shave yourself every day - not just your face, but your legs and your chest and your belly and your precious manhood. Your body must be smooth, with only the hair on your head and your eyes.

"... you will always wear a suit now. It will be the best suits you can buy. You will need to wear a tie, wear a suit that feels good against your skin. Your shoes will be the finest leather. You will wear a suit and tie all the time, except when you are asleep, when you will wear nothing, or if someone orders you to take it off.

"... you will treat everyone with respect, but especially the orderly Louis. He above all deserves your respect. You will call him 'sir' and say yes, sir' if he asks you to do something." These were the words I put inside his head. Words full of power. Words that made me feel good, and words that would punish him.

I should have felt tired, but I felt more alive. I left him where he slept, and went home.

Again, I couldn't sleep, and again I let the power flow through me so I could make love to myself and find release. I thought about what I had done with the whisper magic, but I no longer felt guilty.

I felt good.

I wanted to do more.

Chapter 2

The next few days were wonderful.

Doctor Mike turned up in new suits, and looked even more handsome. No one else noticed, but when I saw him go into surgery and dressed in surgical gown (the head surgeon ordered him to remove the suit for surgery) I could see the hair was gone from his arms. I knew that the rest of his body would now be smooth as well.

I enjoyed watching him as he walked around in these Italian clothes. The material was so fine, and when he bent over the beds, it showed his beautiful buttocks.

I would go up to him when no one else was around, and he would call me 'sir'.

"How are you today, Doctor Mike?


"I'm fine, sir. How are you?"

"I'm good. Can you tell me what time it is?"

"Yes, sir. It's three fifteen."

"Thank you, Doctor Mike."

"Thank you, sir."

And he would go on with his duties as if nothing was wrong.

The magic was so strong now in me, I felt good all the time. More than good. Many times I had to stop what I was doing to go into the bathroom and relieve myself of the sex energy. People must have thought it strange, and one of the doctors asked me if I had an infection I wanted looked at. I told him it was nothing, just a heat rash that I was rubbing ointment on. This made everyone happy.

But I needed more. The magic had looked inside me and found my dark secrets. It wanted to please me by making them come true, even if they were wrong. I tried to tell myself I had done enough, but the magic made me want more. And Doctor Mike was the one I needed.


I waited for him to leave work one night. I was in the shadows, and I could see him in his beautiful suit in the light. I saw him go to his car, and get ready to leave.

"Sleep, Doctor Mike," I thought. "Sleep for me, Doctor Mike." When the car hadn't moved for a few minutes, I knew he was asleep. I went over and sat in his car. It was a powerful car. I realised that Doctor Mike must have money, to buy the suits and have a car like this. I wanted a car like this. I wanted his life, and now the power inside of me wanted me to have it as well.

"You are asleep, Doctor Mike, and the voice inside your head has made you powerful. People like you now, and the voice made that happen. You must listen to the voice even harder now, and you must do everything it says. If you listen to the voice, you will always be happy and powerful.

"... from now on, when you are awake, you will think of nothing but helping people, and serving people, especially one person. Your head will be full of thoughts of helping Louis the orderly. You will think of doing everything he says, and it will make you happy. It will make you excited. The thought of doing everything that Louis says will make you want to touch your dick, you will be so excited.

"... whenever you put the stethoscope in your ears, you will feel even more the need to obey the orders of Louis. You will look for him, and if he is not there, you will feel upset. You want to do what he tells you, so he must be there to tell you what to do.

"... every day you will feel the need to do things for Louis. It will get stronger with every day. Your cock will ache to explode, you will feel the sex build up inside of you, but all you can do is touch your hard cock. You will not be able to shoot your cock unless Louis tells you. You want him to tell you to shoot. These are your thoughts.

"And every day they will get stronger and stronger." These were the new words I put into his head. I felt the power in me, and I had to take my own cock out and love myself right there. Doctor Mike was still asleep as I put my mark on his car. I wondered if I should clean it off, and did. But it would be the last time.


I saw him in the hospital over the next few days, and he looked at me as he waited for orders. I think he was confused as the voice in his head told him to obey me, while his own voice said how stupid it was. But he looked at me.

I found him alone in the hallway, and went up to him while no one was around.

"How are you, Doctor Mike?"

"I'm fine, sir. And how are you?"

"I have been better. I need one hundred dollars to pay a bill."

"Please, sir, let me help you." He got out his wallet, and handed over some money. "Is that enough, sir? I have more."

"No, this is fine, Doctor Mike. Thank you."

"No, thank you, sir." I walked away with a hundred dollars, and he watched me with a smile on his face and a hardness between his legs.


I saw him coming down the hall, and I knew we had a while before he would be missed.

"Doctor Mike?"

"Yes, sir?" His face was filled with delight that I spoke to him.

"Have you pissed today? I think you should, as it is bad for the kidneys if you hold it in. Go and piss now."

"Yes, sir," he said, and turned toward the men's room. I put my 'Closed For Cleaning' sign up, and followed him in. I put the broom handle across the door so that no one would follow. Doctor Mike was standing there pissing in the trough.

"Turn around, Doctor Mike." And he did. And his piss covered the floor.

"Sir! I'm so sorry, sir!" he said.

"Do you think I should clean it up?"

"No, sir. Please, let me clean it up!"

"But you would get your suit dirty. You should take it off." Doctor Mike didn't stop to think. He started taking off his suit and tie, and I hung them up as he passed them to me.

"You should take all your clothes off. Just in case."

"Yes, sir." He handed me his underclothes, and I could see his beautiful smooth body that he shaved for me, and the big rod between his legs that was hard for me. He tried to hide his pleasure, but it was impossible. It was big and strong and waved in the air.

"How will we get the piss off the floor, Doctor Mike?" He looked confused.

"I don't know, sir. What should I do?"

"I think if you lick up all your piss, and then we will wipe it with the mop." He looked at me for an instant, but then the magic inside his head made him get down and lick the floor. I could see his bum waving in the air, and I was as hard as he.

"Good boy, Doctor Mike. You'll have the floor clean in no time." And he worked even harder. Soon, the floor was shining, and I wiped it over with the mop. He stood there, with his cock even harder, and I knew he wanted to come.

"You did a good job. Now I must go and finish my cleaning." He looked upset.

"Please sir. Please."


"Please sir, I need to come. I haven't been able to come all week." His face was bright red as he confessed his secret. "Please, sir, could you help me?"

"Do you think I am into that stuff? No, you just get dressed and go back to work." I turned and left, and I knew he had no choice but to squeeze his sore rod back into that wonderful suit. The power was joyous.


It was later in the week. I followed Doctor Mike into a room where a patient was under heavy sedation. I shut the door and placed the chair against it so again we would not be disturbed.

"Doctor Mike?" He was surprised to see me.

"Yes, sir?"

"Doctor Mike, I have been thinking about what you said. Is it true that you cannot come?" He was ashamed but he answered.

"Yes, sir. I haven't been able to come for over a week, but I'm horny all the time."

"Maybe I can help..." He looked relieved and excited.

"Please, sir. Could you do something?"

"Get it out and let me have a look at it." He undid his fly, and his big rod jumped out in the open. He looked sideways at the patient in the bed, and I knew he was praying that she wouldn't wake up.

I reached over, and started playing with his cock as if I were a doctor examining it. I pulled the skin back, licked my finger and rubbed it over his swollen head. "Does this hurt?" I asked, like the doctor's did. He was groaning.

"Yes, sir. Please. But it feels good."

"Hmmm." I said, like a doctor. I pulled at his balls and stroked his shaft, and I could see that he was in pleasure and pain.

"Let me see what you do to it to make it come. You could be doing it wrong." His eyes were pleading, but he started stroking his own meat. He had good technique, and it made me hard to watch.

"That seems good. I tell you what, Doctor Mike. I know how to fix this." He was desperate, and he was just waiting for me to tell him. I knew he would do anything I said in order to release his fluids.

"You need a man's cock inside your bum. When he releases his juices into you, you will be able to release your own. But you cannot release it until you have another man's seed inside of you." And this was now true, because I had ordered it.

He dropped to his knees. "Please, sir, will you come inside me? Will you do it? Please, sir, please."

"No, I do not think you could handle me. My cock is big and my seed is powerful. You must find someone else. And do it soon. If you do not do it before tomorrow morning, I think you will explode." With that said, I walked out. I didn't go far, though, because the power was deep in me, and I needed to release before I exploded. I saw him looking at me for the rest of the day, as he thought about what I had said. He was needing release, and I had told him the only way it was possible. In the afternoon, I saw him take aside one of the other orderlies, a big man, but stupid. Doctor Mike was talking, but the other man was not listening. But then Doctor Mike got out his wallet, and I knew the man would listen.

The next day, Doctor Mike looked more relaxed and happy. But the voice in his head was already whispering, and now he knew what he had to do to stop it.


"Sleep, Doctor Mike, sleep."

We were once again in his car. He looked so handsome in his suit and the streetlights shining on his smooth skin.

"You are now deep and listening to the voice, Doctor Mike. The voice is stronger than before, and it gets stronger every day. You will have no rest now until you become the slave of Louis.

"You wish to give Louis everything. Your body. Your money. Your life. Nothing is better than obeying him, worshipping him, doing everything for him.

"It is more than love, more than passion. You want him in your body. His smell, his cock, his body, are all the things you need. You want to do everything he asks, without question. This is the voice you will now hear for the rest of your life.

"Everything you do from now on you do to please Louis." I waited a few minutes.

"Wake up, Doctor Mike."

"What? Oh, Louis, sir. What can I do for you?"

"I think you are ready for my cock now, Doctor Mike. Do you want my cock?"

"Yes, sir. Please Sir!"

"My place is bad. I would like to live with you, so you may please my cock whenever I wish."

"Yes, sir." He looked ready to burst with happiness.

"But we cannot waste money getting other men to come inside of you. It would be better if we found men who would pay you to let them do it."

"Of course, sir. I will do anything you want."

"Then let's start now, Doctor Mike. My cock has been waiting for you for a long time. I think it is about time you saw it." I took out my rod, and he smiled like a child at Christmas. He had not sucked a man before, but there was time to teach him.

And the power flowed through me like never before.