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My First Experience With Hypnosis

Author's note, 1997: This was written to alt.hypnosis in early 1995 in one of their endless "sex and hypnosis" threads that plays up the erotic fascination and myth making people do about hypnosis. I kind of get off on the myths, I just figure we should recognize them as such.

First off, apologies to those of you who are certified hypnotherapists out there. There is a definite difference between what you do and what this thread has been talking about, and I understand that. Also, this message will spare you gory details. With that in mind, I'm a gay male, late 20's [note, 1997- so I lied! I was 31. It's kind of like phone sex. The standard lop off is 4 years, 10 lbs and 1 in. off the waist. Add 1 in. to dick size.] who's been having fantasies about hypnosis since I was 14. I only even explored talking about it with others about two years ago (I tried anon. phone chat lines....imagine if you will the patter involved in getting around to the subject!) Interestingly enough, the people who respond most strongly to this fantasy are bisexual, married men (I think it's the concept of amnesia - and the automatic discretion of such - that turns them on.) Another fellow who responded - let's call him C - certainly pushed all the right buttons in my head, but was also vaguely pathological (It's been two years, but when I saw on this net one of those REALLY long postings on ritual abuse I remembered him QUOTING parts of that. Yikes. Who ARE those people?)

Well, I discovered the computer, and found out that for every lock, there is a key. My key happened to live five blocks away. In the AOL meat rack (it ain't pretty, but it IS discreet) I left a profile describing this, and someone responded, let's call him R, saying that he had the same fantasy and had learned hypnosis to explore it. I spoke to him, and discovered that he was a perfectly rational individual who had a hot desire similar to my own. I felt safe to experiment with it.

What fun it was to finally find out what I had been thinking about so long, and how interesting the differences between fantasy and reality. My fantasy was obviously about control issues, responsibility, and also I love being paid attention to. I would guess one of the marks of a really good hypnotists is they are by nature sensitive, and good listeners, human barometers, almost. R was all of the above. I remember thinking about how much work had to be put into an induction, and how strangely impressed I was, to be the object of all this effort.

How good a "subject" was I (Or is the question reversed? How good a hypnotist was he?) You tell me. I found it interesting that if I liked a suggestion (losing the ability to talk) "magic" would occur...not magic at all, though, I had to actually see what it was like to be unable to talk through his suggestions, notice the muscular control lost and duplicate the feeling when the suggestion was repeated. For a "control" fantasy and situation, there's an awful lot of cooperation going on, even if it happens in a microsecond. If I was even lukewarm about a suggestion, I found it utterly resistable. Also certain suggestions (lightness of hands) had less effect than others. The "performance"? Well, I admit I was inspired....Was it the suggestion or the sheer turn on of fulfilling a fantasy, but I had a lot better sex than I've had in a while, and with good results, the question doesn't matter.

I happened to notice this thread and thought I'd share a semi-rational observation of an experience. If anything can be said about it, it's that 1) Even with hypnosis, and its myths of giving up control, it REALLY takes two to tango and 2) Almost anything between consenting adults can be a positive thing.

Hope I haven't offended anyone out there....Has anyone had similar experiences. You may e-mail me privately if you wish.

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