One more time... (ar)


Benjamin and Simon had attended the same High School together, casually waving "hi" or nodding to each other in the halls. Years later now, they had dormed together for two years. Benjamin was nearing graduation as a senior, and Simon was watching with all the interest a junior could muster. Both had done “alright”, seeing as how they both ended up majoring in Kinesiology. Bruce had wanted to make his family proud by excelling in biochem., but after one semester he quickly realized his high school career, which had included water polo and swimming but not a single honors or AP class, had in no way prepared him for such an intense field. Simon found himself majoring in Kin. after floundering in Physics. He loved the theories of the universe but lacked the study skills needed to pass the exams. The dorm mates had ended up in Kin. out of desperation. Benjamin had loved the water in high school, and was on the college teams. Simon had just always been attracted to the weight room and the sheer force of will it took to keep going. Unfortunately, that will power didn't serve him in his academics.

The two young men lay sprawled out on their worn couch, alternately studying their texts on the human body and listening to the rain outside. Benjamin had just come back from the Saturday morning practice and Simon from the adjoining gym. They had grown very close in two years, both having similar aspirations of success and both failing at them. The old subject of "If I were in high school" came up again, as it often did.

"I swear dude, if I had studied this much back then, I woulda been ready," said Benjamin.

"I know man, I know. With me, the brains are there; look at the rest of my family, all scientists and shit. I just can't get my crap together," replied Simon.

"I mean, I've seen some of my buddies from back then, and they totally burned out. High School was their time. I always thought that I could do better, that I could keep going." Benjamin paused. "I wasn't a dick to anyone; I never gave the Freshies a hard time or anything... Do we... deserve this? All we're gonna have are the memories... it's not like we're ever gonna do anything again." Benjamin had said all this with a very sad and remorseful note in his voice. Simon sat up and faced his best friend.

"I don't know if we deserve this or not, bro, I always thought I was an okay guy. We just didn't know how important all that was. I had so much time to waste back then."

"If only..." the men said together. 

The two dejected youths closed their books and began to doze. Benjamin began dreaming about his old High School days, mostly about the reflection that used to smile back at him. He remembered that he was much smoother back then, not even having to shave face until the end of senior year, let alone any other part of his body. His large, slumbering frame slouched, his regret showing itself to the world on his troubled face. Simon wasn't fairing much better in the dream department. He was replaying the trip to the lake his family had taken the summer before ninth grade. The small Jr. High weight room had started him off well and he knew he would only get better in the massive facilities the High School had to offer. He also remembered the promise he had made to himself, that he'd do better than all his brothers here. Simon's face couldn't hide his shame any better than Benjamin's could. For both of them, what they remembered most was how much happier they had been back then. 


Twin alarm clocks sounded in two different houses on opposite ends of a small suburb.

"Turn off the clock" Each one grumbled to the other, yet neither of them heard any kind of response. In floated a comforting yet stern voice saying "Get up or you'll be late for the first day." The boys turned over, finding themselves wrapped in comforters that weren't there before. Somewhere, a TV was on. The trumpets sounded and the Today show began. The top world stories we're read off by Bryant Gumbel, but what caught their attention most, was the end line. "Today is Thursday, September eleventh, 1997. And I'm your host, Bryant Gumbel."

"And I'm Katie Couric. Today’s top story...." The rest was lost on the boys. Each shot up and out of their beds, and sprinted to the sound of the news. As each one stood in front of his TV, they finally took notice of themselves. Benjamin ran his hands over his face and chest. Smooth. Completely smooth. Simon found himself looking up to everyone and everything. He was shorter, a good deal shorter, it seemed. Each was back home. Each was gawking at the bodies they hadn't known for 7 years. Each knew that he had to find his dorm mate, and see if he was going mad, or if they had really been given a chance to do this all one more time.