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Chapter I

“It’ll be OK.” He looked me straight in the eyes. I was lost in those dark brown pools. So sincere, so warm. “It’s like nothing that you’ve ever experienced.” He smiled. “I’ll be with you.”

I nervously nodded my head and watched as he walked away to a computer panel in the far corner of the room, the thin paper boiler suit hugged the contours of his back. His arse even looked sexy in overalls.

He was right, this was an experience that could not be missed. I still found it a little unbelievable. James and I had been together for a little over six months. And it was proof that love at first sight is real. We met at a house party and within weeks had become inseparable. Within two months we were living together and now I knew it was only a short time before he popped the question. He would not have shared this with me if it was not deadly serious.

James, like me, was in his early thirties. I was an account executive at an ad-agency and he was a doctor. Not the sort that could help with an appendectomy but the sort that could bore for hours on natural history and evolution. My mother would have been proud of me landing such a catch - athletic, wealthy, intelligent and loaded.

Until a few weeks ago he’d always been noncommittal on the details of his work, or maybe I’d just not paid attention. But when he explained this, I really could not believe it.

A team of physicists from Oxford had perfected a way to travel through time; to say perfected was a slight over exaggeration. They’d managed to find a point in time approximately 30,000 years ago, where they could move people and objects between. Hence why James was involved. Apart from the fact that he was an amazing evolutionary biologist, he’d also been lovers with one of the lead physicists. Whilst they perfected the targeting, James and his team had the ability to study what life was really like 30,000 years ago.

He’d sworn me to secrecy. No one could ever know what was going on. But since our relationship had moved to the next level, he wanted to share everything with me. This meant taking me on a trip back in time. He’d smuggled me into the building, early on a Sunday morning. I was bundled into the boot of his car and driven up to the university. The lab was empty on Sunday mornings, so we’d have at least an hour before we’d be disturbed. He’d disabled the tracking mechanisms on the apparatus. No one would ever know that we’d been there.

There was part of me that had wished we’d been caught, so that I wouldn’t have had to go through with it.

“Come on. Chop chop.” He ordered. “We’ve not got much time. Take off everything including those.” He said, pointing at my briefs.

I pulled them off and stepped into the white paper boiler suit. I pulled it over my shoulders and slipped my feet into the pair of shoes he’d prepared. James walked towards me and zipped up the front of the suit. ”OK. Ben, I want you to walk over to that plate on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest, and I’ll send you first.”

“We won’t go together?” I said, with obvious panic in my voice.

“It can only take one at a time. I’ll follow you through shortly.” He said kissing me on the cheek, his stubble scraped against my skin. “When you arrive, stay where you are - you’ll be in a cave and I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Thinking of any excuse to say stop, I walked over to the metallic plate and stood there. The next thing I knew, it was dark. I had a deep nauseous feeling in my stomach and my brain felt like it was being dragged through my skull. It was warm and still but the air felt heavy and breathing felt a little complicated. Was that it? I looked around and saw a dim light resonating from what I believed must be the entrance to the cave.

My concentration was broken by a loud popping noise and a blue light flashed like a beam from a lighthouse. The cave was quiet again.

“Boo.” A noise came from behind me.

“What the fuck?” I exclaimed twisting round.

“See, it isn’t that bad is it?” Exclaimed James, leading the way to the edge of the cave. He’d taken on an air of Doctor Who - A little mad, very eccentric and fucking horny. I followed him.

I stopped at the entrance to the cave. It was amazing. Dense, thick foliage was blocking the sun light, casting eery shadows. It was like a TV set - could it be real? Was this some strange practical joke? I almost expected a TV presenter to say “You’ve been got!”

James grabbed me by the hand and led me through the undergrowth. “I told you it was amazing, didn’t I? Come quickly, we’ve only got seven minutes left before we have to be back.” I followed him until we came to a clearing. “And here we have...” He leaned his arm out like a gameshow host “Neanderthal man, in his natural habitat.”

I was totally lost for words. There, in the clearing, were three beasts, stooped over a pool of water. They looked human but they were clearly not human. Their heads were misshapen, with jutting mouths and ridged brows. Their bodies were hunched with elongated arms and so much hair.

One looked up at us and grunted. It came towards us.

“Don’t worry - he’s quite a friendly chap.” Said James, extending his hand in a welcoming gesture.

“You recognize them? You communicate with them?” I enquired.

“It’s my job!” He quipped, putting his arm around the creature. “And after all, don’t you think he’s quite sexy? You know I like ‘em hairy.” He winked.

The creature reached out its hand and touched mine. Its skin was rough and its nails were almost claw like. The hair on the back of its hand was thick, dense and coarse. I looked into its deep-set eyes, buried under a thick, jutting unibrow. They almost seemed sad or lonely. The creature grunted. I looked at James. “He’s trying to communicate - but he’s going to need more than a few thousand years to finish that sentence.” He said with a laugh. “But look - he likes you.” James pointed to the enlarged cock that was rising out of his mass of pubic hair.

“Look what I’ve spotted?” pointed James “It’s a Neanderthal skull.” he picked it up off the floor. “Here, take it as a souvenir. It’ll be worth something one day.” I held it in my hands, it was smooth to the touch.

“OK, time to go. I’ll go first and then bring you back.” said James, adjusting the buttons on the strap that adorned his suit.

“Don’t forget me!” I shouted as the loud popping noise and blue light returned.

I was alone. Stood in the clearing with the three beasts, holding a skull. I suddenly felt vulnerable. The friendlier beast reach forward, grunting loudly and tried to take my souvenir. I pulled it away sharply as the blue light engulfed me.

“Welcome home lovely.” I was back in the lab. “Trip of a lifetime - hey? Imagine where I’m gonna take you for our honeymoon?”

I looked around quizzically. “Where’s the skull?”

James looked at the monitor and said “It was not transported. Apparently, there was a parasite in the bone. The scanners left it behind.”

He could tell I was disappointed. “Here, you can take one of these; they’ve not been cataloged yet.”

By the time we got home, I was exhausted. He said that might happen. “The first time always hits you hard.” He patted me on the arse. “I’ll bring you tea in bed - go grab a snooze.”

I didn’t remember the tea arriving. The next thing I knew was that my alarm was going off. I stepped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I stared at my morning face in the mirror - I hated mornings. I picked up the electric razor and ran my hands over my chest, It was a little stubbly. I was about to start trimming it, when I felt James’ breath on my neck. He leaned in and I could feel his soft downy chest hair against my back. “Don’t trim it. Leave it for me.” he whispered as he nibbled my earlobe. I could feel his cock hardening against my arse.

I turned to face him. “Look matie, I have a client meeting at 8am. That’ll have to wait until tonight.”

His face grimaced “Ahh, not fare.” He paused “But I’ll be waiting for you tonight. And don’t shave. Let it all grow out for me?”

The thing is, he suited hairy. He was tall and built like a rugby player. He had short-cropped dark brown hair, a killer jaw line and a chest that you could land a plane on. All framed from throat to groin in swathes of soft brown hair.

I had more of a slim, runners build with a mop of fashionably styled dirty-blond hair. My chest was narrower and I’d been shaving and trimming so long that I actually couldn’t remember what I looked like with it all grown out.

“OK. For you I’ll do it. But the minute it gets too unruly or too itchy, I’m back to shaving.”

He smiled “You do realize that you’ve just saved yourself 5 minutes?” He pulled down his briefs, freeing his semi-hard cock. “Join me in the shower and we can use them for something else.” I followed him into the cubical. He pressed me up against the wall, the water running over our heads as we kissed.


Chapter II

It had been a wild week, with many ups and downs. It was Sunday night and I found myself in our local bar, Archers, waiting for James to arrive. I’d done something that was playing on my mind; something so out of character. I was struggling to deal with it.

I’d been unfaithful to James. And I didn’t know why? We had the most amazing sex life and in the last week we’d upped the tempo. My sex drive had gone through the roof and James couldn’t wait to get me into bed at any opportunity. I’d never known him to be so turned on by me. It was like the trip we’d taken had energized us both. So why had I cheated on him?

It all started on Friday, I had to go to northern Scotland to supervise a shoot for a new four-wheel drive. I arrived late in the evening and checked into the small, tired hotel. I looked at the bar across from the reception desk and it was deserted; either no one had arrived yet or they must have gone to bed. I was too tired to check, I just went straight to bed; I had to be up at five to meet up with the crew and the client.

The chirp of my phone woke me. I rolled out of bed and stretched, I ached all over. “Bloody bed.” I cursed. Grumpily, I stumbled into the bathroom and switched on the light. I splashed water on my face and stuck my tongue out at the mirror. I looked at the scruff on my face; it had been five or so days since I’d agreed not to shave. I kind of liked the look and it actually suited me. I looked more manly, more attractive. I never realized how dense it was. It had even started to grow out on my chest but it was still really stubbly and starting to get a little itchy - I didn’t really care. It was turning me on and I thought of James. I was so horny and needed to relieve the hard-on that was tenting out my underwear.

By the time I’d cum, I had to dart into the shower and rushed to get ready otherwise I would have been late. “Shit” I exclaimed as I hopped around the room trying to pull on my jeans; it was then that I realized that in my haste to pack, I must have picked up a pair of James’ jeans as they we far too long. I pulled on a sweater and looked at myself in the mirror and laughed. My jeans were rolled up and the sweater must have shrunken at the dry cleaners. It was far too tight across the chest and the sleeves were an inch too short. “Thank god it’s northern Scotland!” I covered my fashion disaster in a long thick coat and left the room.

Luckily, I was on set before the client. It gave me time to run through a few things with the crew. I was surprised to see that the client was Steve - he was the Marketing Director. I’d expected one of his minions to spend their weekend being weather battered in the Highlands.

“Ben, it’s great to see you.” He beamed, holding out his hand. Steve was in his early forties and was greying at the temples. He had a warm smile that could lull you into a sense of security. We embraced. “I had no idea that you’d be here? I thought you’d send Sally or Geoff.”

“Nonsense, I’m from Inverness and I wouldn’t miss this opportunity to get up here on the corporate account.” He smiled again and placed his arm on my shoulder as we walked towards the crew.

The shoot was a bit of a shambles and although I hated to admit it, it was down to me. I just couldn’t get organized or if I did I couldn’t seem to concentrate. My mind kept drifting to sex. Even the women were starting to look attractive. Nevertheless, we got through it, although we did miss the final flight to Heathrow. The crew were monumentally pissed off with me.

I got back to the hotel and jumped in the shower; the warm water ran over my body and slowly warmed my chilled weather eaten bones. I was so relieved to be in a private place where I could masturbate.

I dried off and jumped onto the bed. “Hungry!” I said out loud. I dressed and headed down to the bar.

Again, the bar was empty except for someone sat by the open fire. “Laphroaigh, please.” I instructed the barman.

“Make that two.” Came a familiar voice from by the fire. “Want to joint me?” It was Steve.

“If you don’t mind?” I carried both drinks over to the fire. I sat in the winged chair across from him. His face was rosie red and the flames reflected in his eyes. My stomach fluttered - he was so very attractive.

“I’m sorry about the shoot overrunning. It was my fault.” I felt the urge to apologize.

“So it wasn’t a ploy to get me to stay here an extra night?” He said playing with his wedding ring.

“I’m sorry?” I said stunned.

“Ben, I’ve known you nearly five years. And today, you’ve been flirting with me. A lot” He smiled.

I furrowed my brow. Did he have a point? “But I’m sorry that was...” He cut me off by putting his hand on mine. The softness of his skin sent sparks through my body. My throat went dry and my cock started to harden. I gained some composure. “Look. I have a partner and...”

“I’m married...” He nodded. “So, I’m married and you have a partner. What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” He took a long gulp of his Scotch, placed the glass on the table and stood up. “I’m in room 14 if you want to join me.” He walked away.

I was flustered. I stared into the fire. Why was I contemplating this? Because I was hungry. I got up and headed up the stairs. When I opened the door to room 14, I found Steve in bed. He rolled over and smiled. “I knew you’d come.”

“Let’s make this clear. I just want you to fuck me. No kissing. No foreplay. Just fuck me.” I ordered stripping off my clothes. I could tell he was shocked and, to be honest, I was too.

“I don’t usually fuck. I prefer to be blown”

“Look are you going to fuck me or not?”

He reached over to the nightstand and pulled a condom out of his wallet. “You’d better get in.” He pulled back the covers. He was naked and I was surprised at what a great body he had. I watched as his cock started to inflate from its resting place on his closely cropped pubic hair.

I eased onto the bed, he sat up and ripped open the condom packet. I watched as he rolled the sheath down the full length of his cock - it was beautiful.

He reached into the toilet bag at the side of the bed and pulled out a tube of lube. He poured the liquid onto his fingers and rubbed it over his sheathed tool. He shuddered. He then rolled me onto my side and pushed his lubed finger up my arse. I moaned and became instantly hard. His finger explored my passage and I could feel pressure against my prostrate, I wrapped my hand around my cock and started to massage my shaft.

He removed his fingers and slowly pressed his cock into my arse. At first it hurt and I grimaced, but he slowly increased the rhythm, spooning me. As he increased the frequency he nibbled my shoulder. The pain was exquisite. He began to moan and breathe heavily. As his pace increased, I could feel my orgasm building. He was getting close, I could feel his spasm and I let go, shooting cum over the bed. He whimpered and I could feel the sweat on his forehead as he rested against my back.

As we lay there, I could feel another hunger rising. My stomach grumbled. I eased myself off his cock and walked to the minibar. I crouched down and opened it - there was chocolate and Pringles. I ripped the lid off the Pringles and threw it on the floor, shoving handfuls of crisps into my mouth. I was so hungry. I ripped open one bar of chocolate after the other and chomped down on them. As I finished the last of the Pringles, I was aware of someone watching me. I looked over my shoulder and James was sat on the edge of the bed, with an amused look on his face. It was then that I realized that I’d eaten a pack of Pringles and four chocolate bars. I was crouched, naked on the floor surrounded with wrappers and crumbs.

“Well, I’ve seen a different Ben on this trip.” He quipped. “I always thought of you as Mr sophisticated, SOHO, Manscaped ad-man. And there you are crouched naked on my hotel room floor, with your scruffy beard, hairy back and eating Pringles like an animal. I must admit I like it.”

I suddenly became incredibly self aware. “I’ve got to go.” I rubbed the crumbs off me and pulled my clothes together.

“I’m sorry, I was only joking. Stay.” I pulled on my trousers and shirt and opened the door. “Ben, come on.”

I got back to my room and leant against the wall. The guilt was setting in. I walked over to the bathroom and remembered what he’d said. “Hairy back?” I took my shirt off and looked over my shoulder into the mirror. Sure enough, there were short stubby hairs running from my hairline on to the upper part of my back, on the tops of my shoulders and down my spine towards my arse. There wasn’t much but it was still there. I lowered my pants and I observed that the hair thickened over my arse. Where had it come from and why hadn’t I noticed it before?

I walked back into the bedroom and flopped on the bed. My eyes slowly closed. My dreams kept playing the previous nights events over and over. It was so erotic. I awoke to find myself cumming. “Shit” my grey briefs were covered in cum. I reached over to the nightstand to get a tissue and noticed the time. It was 12:15pm. “Fuck.” I leapt out of bed my flight was a 3:00pm. I felt like shit.

Luckily, I made my flight and got to Archers, before James arrived. The guilt was killing me - what would I tell him? Should I tell him?

“Gin and tonic?” I abruptly asked the barman. He placed a mat on the bar and offered me my drink. As I reached for it, my hand brushed his, our eyes met. My stomach leapt and I could feel my cock starting to harden. I averted my gaze. What the fuck was wrong with me?

I stared across at the mirror, behind the bar. I looked like shit. I needed a haircut, I ran my hands through it and it felt rough and dirty, even though I’d showered earlier. My face looked flushed and puffy; my eyes looked dark and sunken. My body ached and I rotated my lower jaw, to alleviate the apparent discomfort.

“Hello gorgeous.” Came a familiar voice from behind. James perched himself on the stool next to me. “How was the shoot?”

“Good.” I tried to smile.

He raised his hand to my forehead. “Are you OK? You don’t look well? You’re running a fever”

“Sore. Just tired.”

“Come on, I’m taking you home to bed.” He placed 10 pounds on the bar and helped me off the stool. He grabbed my trolley-bag. As we walked out of the bar, I caught my reflection. I was stooped like a little old man. I looked dwarfed next to James.

When we got home, he sat me on the bed and started to undress me. I started to burn up. He pulled off my shirt. His eyes widened as he saw the hairs on my chest and shoulders. He removed my trousers and underwear and rolled me under the sheets. Moments later he returned with a glass and some pills. “Here, take these.” I sat up and took the tablets. He lay me back on the pillow and he ran his hand over the hairs on my shoulders. It was turning him on. I could see his erection through his jeans.

James undressed and joined me in bed. He snuggled up next to me. I could feel the damp head of his cock up against my arse. He held me tight and I felt safe. How could I have cheated on him?

James woke me the following morning. “Hello, I’ve made tea. How are you feeling?”

“Time... Need to go?” I said rubbing my eyes.

“It’s 9:30am. Don’t worry, I’ve called the office and told them that you’re not well.”

“Need to piss.” I hobbled over to the bathroom, James followed me. I turned on the light and recoiled from my reflection in the mirror. Although, I was walking hunched over, I was noticeably shorter. I only came up to James’ shoulder. The hair on my head was completely disheveled, think and dense. The hair on my shoulders had grown thinker and almost wrapped around my neck covering the top of my chest and the top of my back. My groin was now incredibly hairy, almost like underwear. The base of my forearms had become more hairy. I screamed, but more of a guttural grunt emerged from my mouth.

“Now don’t panic.” Said James nervously. “Something must have gone wrong. Don’t worry, I’ll fix it.”

“I look like...” What was the word? “Creature thing.”

“I know” he said, lowering his head.

I looked down at James‘ groin, this was exciting him. My cock started to rise through my tangled mess of pubic hair. But then another emotion hit. “Hungry!” I pushed passed James and headed for the kitchen. I opened the fridge and started searching for food. James touched me on the shoulder.

“Ben, I’ll fix this. I’m going to take some of your blood and work out what’s gone wrong. I’m also going to sedate you whilst I go to the lab.” With that he punctured my arm with a syringe.


Chapter III

The jostling movement woke me up. Christ, my head hurt. It was dark. Where was I? I started to panic. The movement stopped and a bright light hit my eyes. I was in the boot of James‘ car.

“Ben, are you awake?”

I grunted.

“I’ve brought you to the university.” He helped me out of the car and walked me into the lab. He turned on the lights and I caught my reflection in the stainless steel cabinet across from me. The hair on my shoulders had thickened and spread like a coat over my upper arms, down my stomach, over my groin and down my legs. I looked down at my feet and they were covered in the same coarse fur.

“It.. Gotten badder.” I knew what I wanted to say but it was hard to translate that into words . I touched my mouth, with my now hairy hands. My face was jutted out and as I walked closer to the stainless steel cabinet, I realized that my brow stuck out, framed with a large unibrow.

“Ben, I know what went wrong.” he crouched down next to me. “Remember the skull I gave you?” I nodded. “Well, rather than stripping it out when it realized it was diseased, it merged it with your DNA. Your body is fighting the changes but it’s not winning. I’m going to send you back in time and rebuild your DNA and extract the Neanderthal strain.” He leaned forward and kissed me.

“I... love you.” I said as he took me by the hand to the metallic plate.

“Wait here.” he instructed.

Within moments, the illuminating blue glow had taken me back in time. My eyes adjusted to the light. This time I was in the clearing next to the pond with the other three beasts. Fear gripped me. What if he couldn’t reverse this? I would be doomed to a life trapped in a beasts body. I could still think, even if I struggled to communicate.

I waited.

One of the beasts approached me. I couldn’t be certain but I thought it was the friendly one from my previous visit. He came close and I walked backwards and tripped over another scull.

The creature’s hand touched my thigh. He then slid it over my cock. It felt good. I struggled to concentrate. My cock started to enlarge.

“You’re already starting to settle in.” Came a voice from behind. I sat up, it was James. “It’s those beastly instincts, you just can’t help it can you?” he said with coldness.

“I... I....” My brow furrowed. What was I trying to say? “Why.. am I and you here.”

“You were not supposed to wake up until I got you here. When you woke up in the car, I had to spin you a yarn. At this phase you can get awfully aggressive and I couldn’t risk you damaging the lab.”

“Understand?” I wanted to ask questions but my mind was swimming.

“It’s getting hard to think, isn’t it? I was amazed how quickly it took you. So fast. You must have seriously weak DNA.”

“Fix me”

“Isn’t possible. No one knows about this. And to keep it that way there are no records, no filters. No saved sequence of your DNA. It’s our secret. And by ours I mean Jason, Ian, Paul and You.” He said pointing to the creatures.

“You’re not the first. I’ve got a fetish for transformation and fucking dumb hairy beasts. Jason was my first and actually an accident. Fuck, his transformation was beautiful.” I could see his cock rising in his paper boiler suit. “Ian was faster than you, but he was rampant in the sack, even until a few weeks ago. Paul. The lovely Paul, will help you adjust. There’s just enough of Paul left to make sure you’re looked after. he’ll teach you how to survive.”

I looked at Paul, a tear ran down his hairy cheek. I remembered he’d try to save me by taking the skull.

“Make.. Stop” I could feel my anger rising and I started to get up.

“Stop where you are.” Ordered James, pulling out a tranquilizer gun. I stopped.

“I promise you, you’ll settle in. Your animal instincts are already high. As they increase you’ll want to eat and fuck. And when I visit, you’ll beg for me to fuck you as you lust after my human body. And then you’ll become like the rest of them, too animalistic but before that happens you’ll break in your replacement. Oh that’ll be Dave. You know, the Italian looking barman from Archers? Whilst you can still understand my appreciation, I want to thank you for the great sex and for fulfilling my fetish.”


“Look, I’ll let Paul take you through how things work and I’ll see you soon for a quick fuck. If it’s any consolation, I’ve never seen you look this good. I’ll send Dave your love. I’m going to ask him to move in tonight”

He started to push buttons on his sleeve and the luminescent glow started to shine around him. I picked up the skull I had tripped on earlier, and through it into the light. James and the skull disappeared.

“Join... us.....”