Rainfall 3

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Morning came around the same time as it always did, bright and early. This time around, however, I woke up in time to greet it. When I went to my window and pulled back the curtains, I smiled at what I saw outside.


The gentle raindrops splashed against the glass, dividing into a dozen crystal-like droplets that glowed in the limited light. I closed my eyes and listened to the steady sound of the falling rain. The soft, steady music soothed my mind and invigorated my body. Already I could tell that it was going to be a great day ahead of me.

Humming a tune completely off key, I opened the door to my room and stepped out. The lights were still off and the curtains were still drawn out there. Standing there I could hear a light snoring coming from the living room in the general direction of the couch, where Ray was sleeping. The image of perfection I had of him was no slightly tarnished by that, but I thought I liked him even better that way. A little imperfection was what made him seem more human, even if he was over seven feet tall and weighed more the two hundred and fifty pounds of rock hard muscle.

Locking this moment in the back of my head, I proceeded into the bathroom to perform my daily rituals. When I stepped out, I was fully refreshed and dressed in my casual business clothes I usually wore to work.

Normally I would grab something to eat on my way to work, but today I felt like cooking a homemade breakfast. That way Ray wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of cooking again.

I stifled a laugh remembering the disaster he had made the previous morning. He really didn’t belong in a kitchen, that boy. His hands were just too big and rough to handle all of the small tasks in cooking. I could easily imagine him accidentally crushing eggs in his hand, spilling it everywhere helplessly.

Speaking of eggs, I thought an omelet would be nice to have. Ham and cheese sounded just great that morning. So, without waiting I began making breakfast for two.

Ray began to stir as the smells of breakfast began to fill the apartment. I couldn’t resist peeking out into the living room to check on him. His massive bulk began moving under his blanket, twisting and turning as the lure of a good meal slowly reel him in from his dreams. After a few more twists the blanket fell off of his torso, revealing his body underneath.

I sucked in my breath. Apparently, my young houseguest preferred to sleep in his boxers.

I knew that I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t resist looking at him. Ray had very wide shoulders loaded with round muscles that fought for space. His resting biceps were like two oranges wrapped in tan skin, and his triceps had that nice horseshoe shape. His lats were huge spreading out like the wings of an albatross. His massive pec muscles were as if two round melons had been placed on top of his chest. Since he always had his shirt on before, I never noticed how deep and cut his abs were until now. Each individual muscle was pronounced, forming a beautiful eight pack. His quads were very thick and powerful looking, filling his shorts completely and his calves looked proportionally large and strong. And last, I couldn’t help but notice another little muscle that made quite a decent sized bulge in the front of Ray’s boxers. Boy was he well endowed!

I shook my head and returned to cooking breakfast. He’s just a kid I reminded myself. Not only that, there was the large age difference between us. And besides…I was just not ready to start a new relationship with anyone. Not just yet.

It wasn’t before long that Ray sat up drowsily, having been awakened by the alluring smells of breakfast. I snorted unexpectedly when I saw him looking around still half asleep. Ray’s hair was a complete mess. Who knew that he had such a bad case of bed hair? I could only imagine what he looked like the morning before, when his hair was still long and shaggy. I almost regretted sleeping in and missing it. Ray raised his arms and took a nice big stretch, causing his muscles to move and flex in all sorts of interesting ways.

“Good Morning.” I called out.

Ray turned towards my direction and blinked. I could practically hear the sleep rusted gears in his head slowly start to move. It took him a few more seconds before his eyes widened and he grabbed his blanket and covered his lap. I laughed as he began fumbling around for his clothes and then rushed for the bathroom, all while holding his blanket wrapped around his waist. I never would have taken Ray for a shy one. I had automatically assumed he was one of those cocky jocks who loved to show off their bodies. However when I thought about it, I remembered that Ray was more of an intellectual then a dumb jock so I supposed it made sense.

Ray came out of the bathroom at the exact moment the toast popped out of the toaster. Judging from his damp hair he had apparently taken a quick shower. His face and ears were slightly red but I couldn’t tell if it was from embarrassment or from the shower. Before he entered the kitchen, he made a quick trip back to the living room to fetch his pen and pad from on top of the coffee table before coming back. When he came into the kitchen, he held his pad out and displayed the words he had written on it.

Good Morning Bryce,
I take it you slept well last night?

“As a matter of fact I did.” I answered. I had been tempted to stay up all night to work more on my manuscript but I knew I had work the next day, so I had went to bed early. The fact that there seemed to be something wrong in my writing did bother me, but I didn’t allow myself to lose hours of sleep brooding over it.

“What about you, did you sleep well?” I asked.

Reynard nods, but then writes something down.

I apologize for my lack of decency,
But I find that I am no longer able to sleep while fully clothed.
I hadn’t expected you to awaken so early also.

“This is the time when I usually wake up, Ray.” I informed him. “I have an early shift at work, and I’m usually a morning person anyhow.”

But the other morning you woke up very late.

“Yesterday was my day off.” I told him. “Also I stayed up late the previous night working on writing my latest novel.”

Ray looked at me in surprise.

“Yes, I’m a writer,” I said, “though I haven’t been able to publish any of my works just yet. There’s something…missing from my writing, I can just feel it.” At that point I became aware of what I was saying. “Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bore you with the problems of a simple writer.”

Ray shook his head and wrote:

No, I do not find this boring at all.
In fact, I find it very exciting to be speaking to someone as unique as a writer.

I found myself a little flattered by his words. “Let’s have breakfast before it gets cold.” I quickly changed the subject.

Ray seemed all too eager to sit down and eat. He restrained himself to admire the neatly prepared dish in front of him for about 3 seconds before digging in. He took one bite out of his omelet and then suddenly dropped his fork. He covered his face with that big hand of his and his body was visibly trembling.

“Ray, what’s-”

Ray dropped his hand, revealing a face grinning from ear to ear. He began pounding the table with his fist causing it to shake and the dishes to rattle. I thought that the table would surely break under the blows it was receiving, but it held. Ray grabbed his pencil and wrote in his pad hastily, then tossed it over to me to read.

Oh my god,
This is the greatest omelet I have ever tasted!

“You said the same thing about my coffee.” I laughed.

Breakfast was…interesting, to say the least. After every bite of omelet Ray would cover his face, pound the table around three times and then scribble something in his pad about how good it tasted. It was a little cute at first, but after ten times it started to become a little annoying. I was about to say something when Ray luckily finished eating his entire plate. I got up and began gathering the plates, but then Ray stopped my arm and shook his head. His free hand quickly wrote in his pad and he slid it to me.

Not today, Bryce.
The agreement was that if one did the cooking,
The other must clean up afterwards.
And this time I won’t accept any excuses
Or offers to assist me in my task.

I sighed and backed away, both of my hands raised upwards. “Fine, fine, have it your way, I guess.” I checked the clock hanging on the kitchen wall. 7:47, time to get to work.

“I gotta go now Ray.” I told him. Ray looked up from the sink. “Listen, I hate to leave you like this, but I gotta go to work. You can sit and watch some TV while I’m away. You can even use my computer if you’d like.”

Ray nodded and pulled one hand out of the sink and waved. I laughed when I saw that he was holding a plate in that hand while he waved goodbye. Waving in return, I turned and left for work.

* * *

“You sure look happy Bryce.”

I looked up from the article I was proofreading. “Huh?”

“I said that you look happy.” Carter was leaning over my desk, looking down at me with a wide grin. He was 6’2” and about 200 pounds so it was really a sight to see.

“What are you talking about Carter?”

“You’re practically glowing from your ugly mug to your toenails.” Carter rapped a knuckle on the top of my head. “So I figured something must’ve happened to make you so damn cheerful all of a sudden.”

“I’m always cheerful,” I pointed out, “especially on a nice rainy day like today.”

“Yea, I noticed that little quirk of yours from time to time.” Carter stood up straight, making him look even more impressive. “But today you’re so peppy that it’s annoying the hell out of me.”

“I-I am not!” I denied.

“Uh-huh.” Carter looked at me skeptically. Then he leaned in closely so no one could overhear what he had to say next. “Do you have a new boyfriend?”

The question hit me so suddenly that I fell out of my chair. “Wh-what!?”

Carter laughed and reached down to help me up. “Sorry, didn’t mean to surprise you like that. Are you alright?”

“I do not have a new boyfriend!” I grabbed his hand roughly and pulled myself back up. “I am not looking for a new boyfriend! I don’t even want a new boyfriend, alright!?”

“Okay, okay I’m sorry.” Carter said looking not so sorry at all. “I’m sorry if I touched a soft spot.”

“Why does everybody think I got a new boyfriend anyway?” I continued on. “Why does everyone think just because he’s cute we’re automatically a couple!?”

“Oh?” One eyebrow rose. “Who’s cute?”

I clamped my mouth shut. I had said something I definitely shouldn’t have.

“Come on, spill it.” Carter said. “Who’s cute? Anyone I know? Come on, give me some dirt buddy!”

“No one’s cute!” I protested.

“Is it Dan, the new mailbox guy?” Carter pestered on. “Or is it Kerry the secretary? Come on, tell me!”

“Just drop it!” I snapped.

“Alright, alright.” Carter backed off. “I’ll drop it. Man, I was only kidding around.”

I gave a deep sigh. “No, it’s not your fault Carter. I just have some…things going on right now.” I sat back down in my chair and tried to divert my mind be concentrating on the article in front of me.

“Whatever they are, they’re putting you in a really good mood with a short temper.” Carter observed. “Or maybe it’s because it just stopped raining.”

My head shot up. “What?”

“See, look.” He pointed towards the window. Sure enough, the rain had stopped falling and the sun had come out again from behind the clouds.

However, if it is clear tomorrow, I will leave.

Ray’s words lit up in my head like a lighthouse beacon on a foggy day. Ray would probably leave at that moment while I was preoccupied at work! There was nothing preventing Ray from leaving this time. In fact, he may have already left the moment I walked out of my door! I quickly looked up at the clock. I still had over an hour left before my shift ended.

“Bryce, is something wrong?” Carter asked.

“No, it’s nothing.” I lied. “I just need to get back on proofreading this article.” No you idiot, you need to get back to Ray! A loud voice screamed in my head.

Carter looked at me skeptically. “Alright, whatever man. I’ll leave you to get back to your ‘awesome’ article. But! I will find out who you meant exactly, even if I have to force it out of you.”

“Yea, whatever you say.” I said half heartedly. My mind was preoccupied at the moment, so I didn’t really pay attention to what Carter said. I didn’t even notice him leave. All I could do was to stare at the paper that I was supposed to correct, which I wasn’t proofreading. All my mind can think of was Ray. Would Ray really leave? Or had he already left for the streets again? What would he do once he’s back without any home or shelter? How will he make a living, if you could possibly call begging strangers for money a living? These worries swirled around in my head like water draining down the sink. In the far back corner of my mind, a quiet voice asked why I was so concerned about a stranger I had only met the day before yesterday. I myself had told Ray he could stay for a day or two, yet why did I keep on trying to find ways to make him stay? What Ray chooses to do was none of my concern.

But then why was I still thinking of him?

I glanced up at the clock again. I had only fifteen minutes left. If I hurried and finish this paper, then I could probably get away with sneaking out early. Quickly I scanned the article, cursing the idiot who wrote this ridiculously long piece of useless information. I could immediately tell that this paper wouldn’t even make it in the magazine without serious re-editing, so I made a quick note on the top corner for the editor to reconsider before adding this to this month’s edition. I threw it into the box and then headed out.

Although the rain had ended, plenty of water still remained. Everything from hair, fabric and stone was soaked from the constant rain. Large puddles were everywhere and whenever a car drove into one it sprayed all over. Even though it was no longer raining, the clouds still covered the sky, making everything seem gloomy.

I didn’t have time to enjoy the scenery, however. I was instead focused on getting home as quickly as possible to see if Ray had left. I swore whenever I hit a red light, spending precious time waiting for it to change. I pushed myself through the crowd, constantly bumping into others and quickly apologizing without stopping. Sure, I was being a complete jerk to everyone who happened to be in my way, but I was on a one tracked mind. I had to get home as soon as I could!

After what seemed like hours I reached my apartment building. That time I practically flew up the stairs, ignoring the burning sensation in my lungs. Step after step I climbed, and though I climbed those stairs everyday my legs began to throb and cramp up. I pushed myself however until I reached the top floor and raced to my door. I fumbled with my keys looking for the right one. At long last I found my key, unlocked the door and then burst in.

Ray jerked up from his seat on the couch, my sudden intrusion taking him by surprise.

I stared at Ray. He was still here. He was still in my house. He was in my house, sitting on the couch watching TV.

I leaned against the doorway when a wave of relief washed over me. My legs had completely turned to jelly and if I didn’t have something to prop me up I would have collapsed then and there. Ray jumped up from the couch and rushed to my side, his eyes full of worry. I could feel his huge hands grab me, supporting my weight with those strong arms. When I looked up at his face, I could tell that he wanted to ask what was wrong with me.

“N-nothing is wrong with me Ray.” I told him. “I’m just…just a bit dizzy, that’s all. I just need to lie down on the couch for a bit.”

Ray nodded a bit hesitantly. He places his arms behind my back and knees and before I could react he lifted me up off my feet, carrying my in his arms like a newborn babe. I was in awe at his strength to lift a grown man like he weighed nothing. My eyes gazed over towards Ray’s bicep, which was right next to my head. It appeared to be even bigger up close, the large muscle flexing as it carried his weight without looking strained at all.

Quietly, Ray carried me over to the couch and set me down gently. I looked at him, standing above me. From down below, he looked even more impressive. He stood tall and imposing, his wide shoulders blocking the light. His impossibly thick neck had filled the collar of his shirt completely and if it was any bigger I’d swear he would choke...or rip it to shreds. His pecs stuck out several inches from his chest, stretching the white fabric of his shirt. His arms were so thick and powerful, with biceps and triceps that must be over 24 inches around. A vast network of veins streaked down his forearms, something that made his arms look menacing, yet comforting at the same time. There was little room in his jeans due to his massive quads and calves, which filled it to the max and allowing everyone to see the sheer vastness of his legs.

Why was I so obsessed with his body? It was starting to reach a stalker level. I finally tore my eyes away from Ray’s body and looked at his face. Once again, I am deeply amazed at how his face was both young and mature at the same time. I gazed at Ray’s wide chin, his pearly white smile, his flawless complexion. Most of all, his deep blue eyes drew me in putting my in an almost trance like state.

This trance didn’t last long because Ray was the first to turn away. He reached down and wrote on his pad and handed it to me to read.

Are you positive you are well?
Is there anything that I can possibly do for you?

“No Ray, I’ll be alright.” I told him, touched by his concern. “I…I probably just need something to eat. Give me a sec and I’ll cook something for the both of us.” I began to get up so I could prepare dinner, but then Ray laid his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. He gestured a bit with his free hand, trying to tell me something.

“You already made dinner?” I guessed.

Ray nodded and helped me to my feet. From there he guided me into the kitchen and to the table. After he had sat me down, he went over to the cabinets and brought out two plates. He then went over to the stove where two large pots were located, and began to spoon out the contents onto the plates. Since his back was so big and wide, I couldn’t see what our dinner was until he turned around and set it down on the table.

I looked up and smiled. “How did you know I was in the mood for spaghetti?”

Ray silently laughed and sat down to eat.

Unlike Ray’s breakfast disaster, his spaghetti wasn’t half bad. Sure it could use a bit more seasoning, but it was also fine just the way it was. We also had a side of salad along with our pasta for a complete balanced meal. While we were eating, I noticed that Ray seemed a bit…distracted as well as a bit worried, though he tried to hide it by being cheerful. I wanted to inquire about what was wrong, but whenever I started I always stopped myself short.

We finished our meal quickly. By unspoken agreement I washed the dishes since he cooked, even though I accepted his help for drying the dishes. After we had finished, I looked up at the clock to check the time. It was starting to become late again, so Ray and I got ready for bed. I allowed Ray to use the bathroom first. I didn’t wait long because Ray was surprisingly quick. As we switched, I thought I caught that look of worry on his face again, but it quickly disappeared. It kept on nagging at me while I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. What was wrong with Ray?

When I exited the bathroom, Ray had already hit the couch and began sleeping. I couldn’t tell if he was wearing his clothes or not this time because he was wrapped completely by his blanket. The image of the boxer clad Reynard from that morning flashed through my mind, causing me to giggle. He really was attractive, after all.

I entered my room and went immediately for my computer. One of these days I promised myself that I was going to spend the entire day without sitting in front of the monitor. Unfortunately that day was probably very far off since the computer was a huge part of my life right now. I further proved this point by first going through my e-mails, checked out my favorite forums and sites. Finally, after I felt like I had my fill, I opened my novel’s document and scrolled down to the last page to re-read the last thing I had written. For some reason there seemed to be more pages then I remembered.

“Ah, here it is.” I said out loud when I reached the final page. I quickly skimmed through the contents…and stopped.

This wasn’t my work.

I checked the title of the document and then back at the words displayed on the screen. It was indeed my manuscript, but it was completely different! I scrolled back a few more pages and quickly went through them. The storyline and plot had remained, yes, but there were numerous other things that had been added. Descriptions, words and several small incidents were now included. Almost all of the changes in the few pages I read were something I would have never written or added.

I went through the document over and over again. There were changes everywhere! There was barely a paragraph that hadn’t been modified. But how did this happen? Who could have done this?


I jumped up so fast that the chair fell down. Ray was the one. Ray was the only person who could have done this! I had even given him permission to use my computer!

Quickly I ran out and headed for the living room. “Ray!” I yelled.

Suddenly something big and hard hit me and grabbed my legs. I looked down and to my surprise found ray kneeling before me, hugging my legs. He was mouthing something and shaking at the same time.

“Ray, what-”

Ray brought up one arm. In it’s hand was his pad with something written on it. I snatched it from him and quickly read it.

Bryce, I’m sorry for what I have done!
I know I shouldn’t have altered your novel,
But I could not help myself!
I wanted to restore it to the way it were,
but I did not have the time.
Please, forgive me Bryce, I am truly sorry!

I looked down at Ray. He had his eyes shut tightly as he hugged my legs. From what I could tell, the words he was trying to say were “I’m sorry” over and over again, though his voice couldn’t sound it.

“Ray, get up!” I said. Ray’s body only jerked and he began to hug me even tighter. I could feel his muscles begin to crush my legs in that powerful embrace of his.

“Ray, I’m not angry with you, so please stand up.” I said a bit more gently this time. The words seemed to have done the trick this time as he began to loosen his hold on me. Slowly he pushed himself to his feet, though he wouldn’t dare to look at my face.

“Ray, look at me please.” I reached up and cupped his face, gently guiding it so I could see his eyes. “Do I look angry to you?”

Ray looked at me for a moment. Then he shook his head so slightly that I wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t touching it.

“I’m not angry at you.” I repeated to reassure him. “In fact, I’m in complete awe at you.”

Ray stared at me with his mouth partially open. He shook his head and tugged at his ear, as if questioning if he had heard right.

“I am in awe of you, Ray.” I said again. “You took my story and you turned it into something…amazing.”

Ray’s eyes grew wider. He began gesturing wildly once more.

“I was completely shocked at how you took my story and transformed it into a work of art.” I continued, ignoring Ray. “You added things I could never have even thought of in a million years, Ray! The way you described how cold the statue was when the sculptress placed her hand on the marble was so detailed! And adding the conflict of how the statue could never give her the things that a normal human being is capable of was simply pure genius! You, my boy, are one talented author!”

Ray shook his head wildly and wrote something in his pad, which he pressed into me.

You are the talented one Bryce!
Whenever I tried to write before,
I was always unable to create a strong storyline.
Your story, however, truly inspired me.
The characters, how they interact with one another,
The entire novel was magnificent!
All of it was truly inspiring,
And I went and changed it!

I reached up and grabbed Ray by the shoulders. “Ray, listen to me when I say this: you a talented writer. I love the changes you had made to my novel! You made it sound much more then an empty script!” I know I sounded stupid, but I just couldn’t stop. I really did mean what I said, and he really was that good. While I praised him, a sudden idea popped into my head. “I had been searching for the missing key to my writing, and now I have found you! You, my friend, are the one person that can help me bring this story to life!”

Ray looked at me, speechless (I know he’s already mute but it was the only word I could describe him with at that moment.)

“Ray…I want you to help me write this story as my partner.”

If Ray had been shocked before, he was completely petrified by now.

“Ray, I know we’ve only known each other for a few days, but I really believe we can have something here.” I looked him firmly in the eye to tell him how serious I really was. “Will you be willing to live with me and help make my dream come true?”

Ray stood there, looking down at me. His blue eyes met with mine as he looked for an answer to my question. Finally his face lit up, telling me that he found his answer. Smiling a bit shyly, he moved his head up and down in a nod.

Read next part