Teacher's Pet 2

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“You want me to work as an English sub for high school?” I repeated into the receiver.

“For about two weeks.” The secretary on the other end told me. He had a light accent that might have sounded attractive if it weren’t for that haughty tone. “Our regular teacher is getting married this weekend and will be on her honeymoon until the 21st.”

“Well congratulations for her.” I remarked. “Now if I can ask you something, why are you hiring me? I’m pretty sure there are several more ‘qualified’ teachers who would jump for the chance.”

“The substitute we had planned to take over had to leave on a sudden family emergency out of state. Your profile looked very promising, so we selected you from the other offers.” I could tell right away from the tone of his voice that he was just making it up. “We believe you will do a very fine job watching the students.”

Yeah right, I thought. The only reason they’d be calling me was because they couldn’t find anyone else that was available, and the fact that he said ‘watching’ instead of ‘teaching’ proved it. Thanks to the fact that less and less people were going into teaching careers, I was probably the only person left in the area who was qualified to baby-sit a bunch of rowdy teenagers. Normally I would have hung up from the insult of being a last resort, but this was the first teaching job offer I had in seven years. It was just too tempting to pass up.

“Alright then, two weeks it is.” I agreed.

“Your salary will be the standard wage of $50 a day, for a total of $800.” He informed me. “Your first day of class will be Monday at 8AM. Don’t be late.” Before I could reply he hung up.

Resisting the urge to slam the phone, I gently put back the receiver. The standard for the area was $70 a day, not $50. However, seeing how I had such a reputation the drastic price cut was understandable. The school probably thought that the fact they were even offering me a job was enough payment. And like a lowly dog I was, I took it.

“Done with your phone call?”

When I turned around to see the speaker, I see a tall, red haired man walk out into the living room towards me.

“Yea, I am.” I answered. “Do you need to call someone Kevin?”

“Not really.” Kevin shrugged his broad shoulders. Kevin was a tall, handsome man who was also a close friend of mine. He used to be my gym buddy back in high school, so he was rather well built at 210 lbs. of muscle. His head was a riot of curly red hair that somehow worked for his looks when coupled with his blue eyes. Both of us were gay and single, but we decided not to take our relationship any further than friends.

I gave him a sigh. “Drop the act already, I know you listened in.”

Right away the casual mask fell off to be replaced by a look of a giddy overgrown boy. “Good because I’m dying to talk to you about it.”

I gave him another sigh. “One of these days your curiosity is going to get you into a lot of trouble.”

“But at least I’ll be a little bit wiser.” Kevin said as he sat on the chair across from me. “Now tell me why you didn’t just slam the phone on that bastard.”

“He’s just doing his job.” I told him, but all I all I got was a snort for a response, a sign meaning that he knew me too well. “I need the job, Kev. I’ve been living off of you for seven years already, paying only a fraction of the rent.”

“I keep telling you, you don’t have to pay me Brian.” Kevin shook his head. “I’m more than capable of taking care of the rent for this apartment by myself. I mean, you and your Dad did the same thing for me after I got kicked out of my house.”

“But eventually you got a job and moved out.” I reminded him. “I can’t depend on you forever, Kevin. I have to try to get back on my own two feet. This job can help me do that. And…” I trailed off.

“And you miss teaching.” Kevin finished.

I nodded. There hadn’t been a day where I missed the weight of a textbook in my hands, the smell of chalk, the sound of the school bell ringing. Even if it was only temporary, I’d sell my soul for a chance to stand in front of a classroom again.

“I know you love to teach and everything,” Kevin crossed his arms, “But North Forrest High? That place isn’t exactly known for its friendly behavior you know.”

Despite his valid point, I didn’t stand down. “I don’t care if the devil himself shows up in class; I’m going to take that job and by God I’m going to cram as much learning as I can into their thick skulls.”

Kevin looked me over, as if reading what was going through my mind. Reaching over, he gave me a pat on the shoulder. “Well, I don’t know what else to say but good luck. Who knows? Maybe this can be a turning point in your life.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for.” I smiled.

Monday morning arrives bright and early, and I was checking myself over in the mirror one last time. Like my first day seven years ago I was once again dressed in a plain white dress shirt paired with khaki slacks and a red tie. However, I had drastically changed since then. Gone was the handsome muscular model, replaced by a flabby man at the end of his line.

The pain of losing my dream job had shattered me completely. I lost all motivation to keep fit the body that had ruined my life, so I just let myself go to seed. My once cut face had taken a rounder appearance and my hair unkempt. My pecs used to push the front of my shirt, but now it sagged and taken on a softer appearance like woman’s breasts. Worst of all, where my perfect eight-pack abs used to be, there was now a huge, spherical belly bulging over my waistline, a side effect from drinking too many beers. I used to love the tight feeling of my clothes around my muscles, but now the only tightness I felt were from the useless bulk I carried. Sometimes Kevin would get me to exercise again to try to bring back the thrill of the pump for me, but all it did was tire me out and leave me feeling weak, so I gave up.

“Hey Brian, are you done getting ready?” Kevin walked in. He was wearing kitchen whites that made his bright hair stand out even more than usual. “Hurry up because if we don’t leave now, we’re both going to be late for work.”

“I’m done.” I said, readjusting my tie to fit more comfortably around my thick neck.

“Dude, how many times do I have to tell you that you look better without a tie?” Kevin reached out and gave the thing a tug.

“Hey, it’s not like the school’s taking me in because they want me there.” I snatched it back. “If I’m going to last the whole two weeks, I have to make a good impression.”

“Suit yourself.” Kevin shook his head. “Personally I can’t stand useless things like ties or hats.”

“Is that the reason why you never wear your toque?” I poked at him.

Hell no.” He feigned shock. “I don’t wear it because it messes up my hair too.”

I let out a short laugh. Kevin’s hatred for that white hat has been a favorite joke between the two of us for years. True, he was forced to wear it at work, but he still hated it. Other than that Kevin loved his job. He had always wanted to become chef, and now he was cooking at a four star restaurant. Kevin was living his dream and I…

I was digging in the dirt, looking for a speck of gold hidden somewhere beneath the soil.

“I’m heading out!” Kevin’s call made me realize he had left the room while I had been reminiscing. “If you’re not with my by the time I’m out the door, I’m going without you!”

Knowing he was serious about leaving, I grabbed my bag and raced after him.

Half an hour later I am sitting in the teacher’s chair, watching as the students file in one after another for homeroom. Focusing on them helped keep my eyes off of the room. The reason for that was…well…it was pink; Pink paper, pink hearts, and quotations with pink words. There was also a collection of teddy bears everywhere you looked. And there were frills.

My God, the frills…

Being a homosexual man, I have no problem with a color that most guys would be too afraid to approach, but this was ridiculous. It’s like every single leftover Valentines Day decoration crammed into one single room. And I was supposed to teach in this?

Beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose. I’ll just have to make due for the time being. And besides, the school’s mascot was a bear after all, so that would explain the teddy bears. True, it was creepy, but who was I to say no to some school spirit?

I waited until the late bell sounded before I started to get to work. First of all I did I quick look over at the class. As luck would have it, I had a classroom full of seniors. I had been hoping to at least have some impressionable freshman to start out with, but than again I didn’t expect this job to be easy. The kids themselves were far different than my cute little fourth graders. Instead of looking at me intently these kids were lazing around, chatting with one another and doodling in their notebooks. I assumed that the methods I used for ten year olds wouldn’t work with these people.

Well, I might as well get things over with. “Alright, listen up class.” I said out loud to get their attention. “My name is Mr. Br…Whitmore.” At the last minute I decided to use my actual last name. Mr. Brian was a thing of the past, perhaps gone for good. “Please listen for your name while I take role.”

I looked at the first name to call out, but to my surprise I found the first entry crossed out with a thick black line. Even more odd was the fact that whoever’s name was under there had perfect attendance. Figuring it must be a mistake of some sort, I decided to ignore it for now as I began to read out the names on the sheet. The students, being the teenagers they were, resumed whatever they were doing while I went down the list. I made myself appear to be focused on the sheet as I read out the names, but in actuality I was keeping a close eye and ear out on them.

“Laura Jacobson!” I called out.

“Here.” A girl wearing a blue spaghetti strap top called out before resuming her conversation with her friend.

“Laura, absent,” I said out loud. “Sam Morrison!”

“Wait, why did you say I was absent?” The girl jumped up. “I’m right here!”

“Then I suppose you don’t mind showing me your ID card as proof.” I look up from the attendance sheet.

She rolled her eyes and pulled out her student ID from her purse. Sure enough, the name ‘Laura Jacobson’ was on it, right next to her picture.

“Alright, sorry for that Laura.” I apologized to her. “Though I’d like to ask you one more question.”

“Yes, what is it?” She asked impatiently, crossing her arms.

“Do you happen to know where Adriana Camorra is?” I asked.

“Ah, err…”

“I figured you would know, since you said ‘here’ when I called her name awhile back.” I said with a straight face, my eyes never leaving hers.

Laura’s eyes went wide. “Ah…she’s…she’s, err…”

“Come on, I know you have an idea at least.” By now, most of the students in my class were watching us, seeing what was going to happen next.

The pressure of being stared at by me and the class proved to be too much for her. “Adriana…is…with her boyfriend.” She finally cracked, looking down guiltily.

“Is that so?” I rubbed my chin.

“I-I’m sorry.” She said, her body tensed up and anticipating her punishment. To her complete surprise I smiled instead.

“You two must be good friends for you to cover her like this.” I remarked.

“Y-yea.” Her head nodded slightly.

“But, helping your friend ditch class really doesn’t do Adriana good, you know that don’t you?”

“I…I guess so.”

“Next time you see her, can you try to talk her into coming to class for me please? I’d really like to see the person you’re willing to get into trouble for.” I winked at her. “Now then, where was I?” I looked down at my attendance sheet to see where I left off.

“Wait, you’re not going to give me detention?” Laura seemed surprised.

“For trying to protect your friend? No.” I looked back up at her. “A friend is an important person you can depend on in times of need, but at the same time a friend is also someone who you look out for as well.” While I said this, an image of Kevin flashed through my head, but I quickly brushed it off. “Anyways, just make sure Adriana comes to class tomorrow, alright? Love can wait until lunch break after all.”

“Y-yes Mr. Whitmore.” Laura nodded as she took her seat again. She began to talk with her friend again, but this time she kept on looking at my direction every now again with a soft blush on her cheeks. Some of the students also seemed interested in me now, especially after seeing how I handled Laura. There was still a good majority that didn’t really care about me, but at least I managed to turn some heads.

I finished taking role and opened the lesson planner the previous teacher had left for me. The pink, fuzzy planner…I resisted a shudder and looked inside. “It says here you’ve all should have read up on Oedipus by Socrates.” I read out loud. “I’m supposed to review the facts over with you before giving you a pop quiz tomorrow. Whoops, did I say that out loud? Pretend I didn’t say that, and I’ll move it to Friday.” I looked up and grinned at everybody while they laughed.

“Now, by show of hands who here has actually read the book and understood it?” Zero hands rose up, just like I’d expected. Typical behavior of high school seniors, thinking they could breeze through their last year and do nothing. “Well I think it’s interesting. We got a guy who finds out he killed his Dad by accident and married his own mom. When he finds out, he pokes his own eyes out in guilt and has his daughter slash sister take care of him. How many soap operas today can put that much baloney into one book?”

I told them my own interpretation of the book, simplifying it down and compare some things with modern day events. A good half of the students all seemed interested in what I had to say and they looked like they were all enjoying themselves too. Not wanting to monologue, I occasionally asked someone’s opinion on a certain thing. At first people were a bit shy about answering, but after awhile they began to open up and share their views. True, there were plenty of kids who’d rather say “I don’t know” and be done with it, but I didn’t really expect to reach them all on the first day.

Things were going great with that class, but then halfway through the period the door banged open and someone walked in. I turned my attention towards the newcomer as was about to say something when I just suddenly stopped.

The man that just walked in was over six and a half feet tall and built like a brick house. I mean, he was huge! He must’ve been what, 260, 270 lbs. of muscle? Now, being an ex-model I was able to appreciate a well built body, but even I couldn’t help but be in awe of this man, and my cock agreed. He was wearing a green hooded sweatshirt and a pair of faded jeans, but they could not hide the physique underneath them. His pecs stuck out of his chest by what seemed like a foot, and his lats and shoulders made him impossibly wide. The arms strained the sleeves taut, with two huge sinewy hands attached to the ends. I could see the heads of this guy’s quads so clearly through the denim, and can only gawk at the size of those calves bulging through the jeans. And despite all that mass, he somehow managed to have a tiny waist with 8 visible blocks visible even under the thick fabric. He was wearing one of those wool caps on his head so low that it practically covered his eyes so I wasn’t able to see his face clearly, but I did see some black hair and stubble.

It was then I noticed there was a backpack over his shoulder, and I realized that this bodybuilder was actually a student. What the hell does the cafeteria here feed him, steroids and protein shakes!?

The giant continued to move along the back of the room before flopping into one of the desks in the far corner. He pulled the front of the hat down lower, then he promptly laid his head down and fell asleep I presumed. It was kind of hard to tell for sure with that hat covering his eyes.

Naturally, I wasn’t about to let him get away with that.

“Excuse me.” I walked up to him. Aroused or no, I wasn’t about to let something like this get in the way of my duty. “But who are you?”

The guy ignored me.

“Excuse me, I asked you a question.” I reached out and tried to shake his shoulder, but to my complete surprise I found myself unable to move him an inch. Now, I know I’m not as strong as I used to be, but I should have been able to move him slightly. The hardness of the shoulder amazed me, and my cock throbbed from the feel.

“Fuck off, I’m sleeping.” A deep voice rumbled from somewhere underneath all that muscle.

“Not until I get a name and a tardy slip.” I demanded, ignoring my erect dick.

“Mr. Whitmore,” a student piped up. “That’s Black Bear, the school’s best athlete. He doesn’t need a tardy slip.”

“I don’t care if he’s a black bear or a teddy bear, this school has rules about coming late to class, sleeping in class and wearing hats!” Before anyone could protest I grabbed the cap and yanked it off.

“Dude, what the fuck is your prob-” The kid jerked up and was about to cuss me out but then froze when he saw my face.

The “Black Bear” had dark hair trimmed short and spiky, with a bit of stubble on his chin. His cheekbones were high, and his chin was wide and masculine. His dark eyes…they felt so familiar for some reason, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. And those eyes were looking at me, as if searching out for something.

“Well?” I asked after a good long minute passed by.

“Huh?” The kid broke out of his trance.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“It’s….Ethan. Ethan Black.” He told me, still staring at my face.

The name Ethan stirred something within me. It felt like I knew an Ethan from somewhere, but I was pretty sure I’ve never met an Ethan Black before, and there certainly wasn’t an Ethan Black on my roster.

“Well Ethan, I think you have the wrong class.” I looked down at him. Somehow, it sounded impossible to look down at someone who was six foot six and weighing 270, but I did. “You’re not in my attendance sheet.”

“That’s because Ms. Cutler crossed my name out when I ditched her class all the time at the start of the year and thought to report me before I changed her mind.” He explained, still staring.

He changed her mind? I thought. From his earlier attitude, I got the impression that maybe he intimidated or threatened her using his size, but now he was acting almost respectable. I kept waiting for him to cause some sort of trouble, but just looked at my face dead on.

“Well, I’ll excuse you just this once.” I told him. “But next time you’re late, get a tardy slip from the office.”

“Yes Mr.…?”

“Whitmore.” I supplied him. “Now class, where were we?”

I continued the class after that, but I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. The hulk, Ethan, continued to watch my every move. He didn’t try to do anything; not talk to friends, goof around or doze off. He just sat there, looking at me. You ever seen a cat watch a fish in a tank? Well, I felt like a guppy with a lion eyeing me.

Needless to say I was weird-ed out.

The rest of the class seemed to drag out, but finally the bell rang to end the period. Grateful that my first trial was over, I sat down at the desk and began to prepare for the next class.

“Mr. Whitmore?” A deep voice rumbled.

I looked up to find myself staring straight into a set of abs underneath green fabric. Moving my gaze upward, I finally found Ethan’s head sitting just beyond those two slabs of beef called pecs.

“Yes Ethan?” It took all I had to stop my voice from cracking. God, from down here this kid looked even more huge than before. Everywhere I looked some sort of muscle bulged out at me. My dick was becoming painfully erect again, but this time I didn’t have anything to override it.

Luckily for me, the desk did a great job of hiding the tent in my pants from him. “I was just wondering…Did you by any chance teach 4th graders once, around seven years ago?”

I blinked in surprise. How did this kid know that? Oh God, maybe he’d heard of me in the papers back then and remembered! If he spread rumors about me, my career would be ruined again before the end of the day!

“You probably don’t recognize me anymore since I changed so much.” He continued on. “But the truth is I was one of your students back then.”

“One of m-my students?” I stuttered, confused.

He smiled. His teeth were perfectly white and straight, I noticed. “Before my mom got remarried, my full name used to be Ethan Charleston.”

“Ethan Charleston? I don’t-” Suddenly images of a small, dark haired boy flooded my mind. Visions of him crying, visions of him playing kickball, visions of him laughing with friends; my eyes went wide as I realized just who the man towering above me was.

“Hey Mr. Brian, it’s been awhile.” Ethan winked.

Ethan Black

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