Teacher's Pet 6

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I gazed down into my beer bottle, lost in the depths of the bitter drink. The yellow liquid fizzed as I swirled it around, sloshing against the glass. On the table were a dozen of its friends, all of them already empty. Off to the side was a bottle of whiskey I was slowly working myself up to. If I didn’t drop drunk after that, I knew there was an entire cabinet full of alcoholic beverages I could guzzle down. There was a bottle of vodka with my name on it somewhere in there.

I knew that I was drinking far too much than was good for me, but I couldn’t help it. Drowning in a drunken state of unconsciousness was the only thing I could come up with to suppress the horrors plaguing my mind.

How could I have let this happen?

* * *

I was adrift in a fog-covered world, my sense of direction completely lost. I could see hazy images faintly in the swirling eddies of white tendrils. They were images of my past. I saw images of my father, dressed in a brown suit and tie, off to teach another class at the college. I saw Kevin, a wily young man who did what he wanted to do whenever he wanted. I saw how out of control I became after I graduated high school, when I decided to go to college and receive my teaching degree. I remembered how excited I was to teach my first classroom seven years ago.

And then, I remember Ethan.

I remembered how tiny he looked compared to all the other kids, his messy black hair, his big dark eyes, the sweet expressions he had whenever he talked to me…

And then those images gave way to the present Ethan. I saw the new Ethan, so big and strong, the one that always had a cocky expression. His face no longer slender, Ethan now sported a very strong profile with high cheekbones and black stubble on his wide chin to make him appear more masculine. His haughty attitude, the rebellious behavior that drove me nuts, it baffled me how two completely different people could be the same person. As more images of him formed before me, I was amazed at how much detail I remembered. God, he was so fucking huge. I could see him walking around in his wrestling signet, the material tight around his muscular body. His shoulders were very broad and strong. His biceps bulged under his tanned skin like an orange swollen up with juices. His forearms rippled with unlimited power, and huge hands that could palm a ball easily. Those massive legs appeared to be capable of crushing skulls between the massive pillars, calves flexing into large spheres as he walked.

It amazed me just how much detail of Ethan’s details I saw vividly. I mean, should a thirty year old man remember so much about a teenaged kid?

“Brian, wake up.” A faint voice echoed.

I ignored the voice, focusing more on Ethan’s biceps.

“Come on Brian, wake up already.” The voice repeated, now shaking me.

“Go away…” I moaned and closed my eyes. The voice seemed to vanish…until he shoved horseradish into my nose.

“FUCKING—” I bolted upright immediately as I sneezed violently, trying to expel the searing fire in my sinuses.

“About time,” Kevin said, wiping his fingers on his apron.

“Kevin, what the hell are you doing!?” I yelled at him, grabbing a tissue and blowing into it as hard as I could.

“Waking you up for work, that’s what I’m doing,” Kevin said as he crossed his arms.

“What…?” It was then that I noticed that my alarm clock was beeping annoyingly loud. With a grunt, I rolled over and hit the snooze button to shut it up.

“So, I guess something happened last night?” Kevin asked.

“Why do you say that?”

He looked down slightly. When I followed his gaze, I found that I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I told him.

“Alright then,” Kevin grumbled.

I frowned. Normally it’d take something short of beating him with a stick to get him off what he would consider ‘interesting.’ I gave him a look over and that was when I noticed he was wearing his kitchen whites which were stained and grime covered.

“Why are your clothes so dirty?” I asked. “You’re not planning on going to work looking like THAT are you?”

“I just got back from work.” Kevin gave a tired sigh.

“Just got back?” I said. “You mean you were at work all night long?”

“We had to clean every last corner in the place up from top to greasy bottom before the health inspector came in.” Kevin said. “Can we not talk about this? I have like half an hour to shower and change before I gotta go back in.”

“Harsh.” I winced. “Why are doing this anyway? Isn’t this kinda extreme?”

“We’re expecting a really extreme health inspector.” He answered me sourly. “Now hurry up. I definitely can’t be late today.”

Grumbling, I got out of bed to get ready for another school day. For the first time ever, I was actually dreading going to school.

To my surprise, when I reached my class I found Mr. Kennedy waiting outside the door. When he saw me, he let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank God you’re alright,” he said.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked, frowning.

“Well because you never showed up last night at the parking lot.”

“The…” Suddenly I remembered that Mr. Kennedy was supposed to give me a ride last night, but I had been so worked up from the basketball game that I walked straight home.

I didn’t take me long to realize that I had ditched my boss in a cold dark parking lot.

“Oh shit, I’m so sorry Mr. Kennedy!” I apologized. “I didn’t mean to leave you like that, but-”

“No need to make excuses, I’m just glad you’re alright.” Mr. Kennedy cut me off. “I’m sure you have your reasons. Though I would like it if you’d check the messages on your answering machine, or at least leave me with some way to reach you.”

Since I live with Kevin about all the phone calls we get were for him, so I tended to ignore the messages on the machine. I didn’t even own a cell phone. However, it looked like yet another one of my decisions have come to bite me in my fat ass again. This was starting to become typical of me.

The bell rang and Mr. Kennedy checked his watch. “Ho, look at the time. I gotta get back to the office quick. I gotta desk full of work to do. How about you and I have lunch together today? It’ll be my treat.”

“Uh, sure thing, Mr. Kennedy,” I nodded. I couldn’t decline after what I did to him after all.

He gave me a smile and clapped me on the back. “Keep up the good work Brian.” He told me before leaving.

Good work? If he only knew what kind of mess I made after last night’s game…

Fuck, last night! I still had Ethan to deal with. I was definitely not looking forward to class today.

Since stopping time was impossible, the day moved on and class began. As usual, Ethan wasn’t there at the start of class, but I expected him to come in at any moment.

Minute after minute ticked by, but still Ethan didn’t come. I taught the best I could, but I couldn’t help but look at the clock and the door constantly. All too soon class ended, and Ethan still hadn’t shown up. It looked like he decided to completely ditch my class entirely.

* * *

It had been two days since and Ethan still hadn’t show up for school. His teachers, the students, the whole damn campus was talking about his absence. Even though Ethan had never really cared for academics, he still at least came to school every day. Surprisingly, he had been awarded perfect attendance for two years already.

I knew that it was somewhat my fault that he decided to skip out, but what could I do? I had crossed the line and said things I shouldn’t have, and now I didn’t know how to face him anymore. It was funny; I had been trying so hard to get him to come to class on time, and now that he wasn’t showing up at all, I was actually glad.

I’m such a terrible teacher.

Still, I didn’t let it get in the way of my job. I taught like I always had, trying to get the knowledge through their thick skulls. However, even I was a bit subdued, and no matter what I just couldn’t bring up the same enthusiasm I always did. So in the end I had very little success, and that just made me feel even worse.

At the end of a not so successful day, I made my way to the faculty room to get a cup of coffee to make me feel better. I would have preferred beer, but this was a school after all. When I walked in and saw Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Cartier speaking with each other; however, I started to have second thoughts. I started to leave but I figured that kind of thing would make Mr. Cartier smug about himself, so I steeled myself and continued in.

“-Mrs. Black has been calling in and excusing Ethan for being absent, there is no need to send a teacher,” Mr. Cartier finished.

“Maybe, but I’m still worried about him,” Mr. Kennedy answered. “The kid has never been sick before. Plus, if he doesn’t make it back to go to tomorrow’s game, his fans might riot.”

Quietly I poured myself a cup of coffee, but I was listening so hard I thought my ears were growing.

“I doubt things will deteriorate that far,” Mr. Cartier replied.

“Have you been to one of his games?”

“If you are that worried, then I would be more then happy to-”

“Brian, there you are!”

I jumped when Mr. Kennedy called my name, spilling some coffee onto the counter. “Y-yes?”

“We were just talking about you.” He waved me to come closer.

“You were?” Funny, I didn’t hear a single thing about me in their conversation.

“It is nothing that concerns you.” Mr. Cartier looked down his nose at me. I imagined what it would like after I break it for him.

“Well, as you noticed, Ethan Black has been absent from school for quite awhile. I was just suggesting to Nicholas here that we send you to his house to see if he is okay.”

“Wh-what? Me?

“Well, you are his homeroom teacher.”

“His substitute homeroom teacher,” Mr. Cartier corrected.

Does that guy EVER let up? “I’ll be more than willing to make a house visit.” I told Mr. Kennedy. At least I had a better reason to go than some stupid game. It was high time I faced the situation like a man and DO something about it.

“You’re a lifesaver Brian.” Mr. Kennedy smiled.

* * *

Within half an hour I found myself standing in front of the Ethan’s house. To my surprise, it was in a very rich neighborhood. The Black’s home was a large white two story house with a beautiful lawn and garden, the kind you would see winning awards on those homeowner magazines. My initial guess was that Ethan lived in some sort of thug infested slum from the way he acted, but I guess I shouldn’t have made such negative assumptions. Still, it could explain how he became so spoiled if he was living a rich life.

Taking a deep breath, I walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

“Who is it?” A woman’s voice asked from behind the door.

“My name is Mr. Whitmore,” I replied. “I’m Ethan’s homeroom teacher. The school sent me to check up on him to see how he’s doing and to bring him his homework.”

When the door opened, I found myself looking at Mrs. Black, formerly Ms. Charleston. Unlike me, the years had been gracious on her. She was still the same dark haired beauty she was when I had met her ten years ago.

“Hello there Mr. Whitmore, I’m Ethan’s mom,” Ahe greeted me. “Come in; make yourself comfortable.”

I nodded and entered the house. The inside of the house was just as well kept as the outside. The furniture was well organized and matched with the décor of the house.

Mrs. Black motioned me to sit down. For a moment she looked at me oddly as if something nagged her but shrugged it off. “I’m so sorry Ethan’s been feeling sick for the past few days, but thank you for coming all this way.”

“It’s no problem Mrs. Black.” I inclined my head towards her. It looked like she didn’t recognize me at all. It had been seven full years since I last saw her, and I was a much different man now than I was then, and honestly I was glad she didn’t remember me. I held out the packet of paper towards her. “Here is Ethan’s homework.”

She took the packet of papers from me and set it down on the coffee table. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to give it to him.”

“It’s no problem Mrs. Black,” I answered politely. I was tempted to leave it at that and go home, but my conscience wouldn’t stop nagging me. I had to confront Ethan about what happened that night eventually, so there was no point in putting it off. “May I please speak to Ethan?”

Mrs. Black hesitated. “Well…he might be resting right now.”

“Please, it’s important,” I told her.

She bit her lip, but then she gave in. “Alright, we’ll see what we can do.”

“Thank you.” I gave her a smile.

I followed her upstairs and down the hall. She led me to a door decorated with caution signs and bumper stickers, classic teenaged boy decoration. Politely, she knocked on the door. “Ethan, its Mom.”

“Go away.” Ethan’s voice came through the door.

“Ethan, there’s someone here from school to see you.” She told him.

“I’m sleeping.” He told her curtly. “Tell him to come some other time.”

She gave a resigned sigh as she looked at me. “I’m sorry Mr. Whitmore, but maybe some other time.”

“It’s no problem.” I reassured her. “I guess I’ll be-”

I was cut off in mid sentence when loud sounds of someone stumbling came from Ethan’s room. Within a millisecond later the door was yanked open with a sharp CRACK.

“Mr. B- er, Whitmore!” Ethan said wide eyed, the surprise evident on his face. He was wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and a very tight tank top, showing off a ton of bare skin.

“Hello Ethan.” I told him after I got over my initial shock. Fuck, was he even bigger? I knew that was impossible, but every time I see him I swear his muscles were larger than before. Averting my gaze to prevent an embarrassing tent in my pants, I found myself looking at where a small chunk of the doorframe where the lock should be had actually been ripped out. Could it be that that was from when Ethan just…? Nah, that was silly. “How are you feeling? Better?”

“Er, yeah,” he said, looking down a bit. “A…a little.”

“I, er, missed you at class.” Okay, I know that’s like the lamest thing to say, but I couldn’t think of anything else at the moment. Ethan was just acting so different from how he usually was that I didn’t know how to react.

“Yea, sorry about that…” Ethan apologized uncomfortably. He glanced over towards Mrs. Black. “Mom, didn’t you say you were going to go to the store?”

“But don’t you think I should be here with you and your teacher?”

“I’ll be fine. Besides, if you don’t go now, you won’t have time to make dinner, right?” He pointed out.

“Oh dear, you’re right.” She pressed her hand against her cheek worriedly. “Well, I’ll leave you two to talk it out. Make sure you give Mr. Whitmore anything he needs, okay sweetie?”

“Yes mom.” Ethan rolled his eyes.

“I hope I’ll see you again Mr. Whitmore.” Mrs. Brian smiled at me before she headed back downstairs.

The two of us stood there, an awkward silence hanging over us. Even though I brought myself this far, I just didn’t know exactly what to say to him yet.

Ethan was the first to break the silence. “So, um, do you wanna sit down?”

“Yes, that’ll be good.” I said, grateful to have something to start with. When I walked into his room, I was nearly knocked over by the smell of sweat and B.O. Unlike the orderly state of the living room, Ethan’s room was short of a disaster area. There were piles of dirty clothes everywhere, discarded paper plates and opened pizza boxes with some old cheese and hot sauce stains on them. The walls were covered with posters of various sport figures, swimsuit models and there were even some of bodybuilders

Despite the mess, Ethan’s room was actually pretty big. It had a recliner chair, desk with computer and, get this, a king sized bed. He had a 32 inch TV all to himself, with some video games hooked up to it. The only thing that ruined the whole jock bachelor pad atmosphere was the teddy bears.

There were whole shelves jam packed full of those plush animals. They were in a variety of different shapes, sizes and colors. Some were wearing outfits like jerseys or suits. Others were holding things like small signs and banners with different kinds of sayings. For a moment I wondered why he would buy this much, but then remembered how people were throwing tons at him after his games at school. These were all probably tokens from his adoring fans.

Although all of that should have creeped me out, it was actually sorta…cute. Like a soft side of Ethan that took the edge out.

“Nice room you have here,” I said, settling myself onto the recliner.

“Er, thank you Mr. Whitmore.” Ethan said as he got into his computer chair. He fidgeted uncomfortably before he took a deep breath. “Mr. Whitmore, about the other night, I—”

“Hold up Ethan, let me go first,” I cut him off. “About what I said then, I didn’t mean any of it. I acted completely out of bounds and disrespected you. I shouldn’t have snapped at you the way you did, but I’m just an idiot who can’t let things go. I said a lot of things I shouldn’t have, and…and I’m sorry.”

“Why are you saying you’re sorry?” Ethan gripped the arms of his chair tightly. “You were right; I’m just a stupid spoiled brat. I really didn’t know what you’ve gone through and said some pretty awful stuff. All this time I’ve been blaming you for ditching us in the 4th grade, and I didn’t even bother to look up why you left. I mean, there was a ton of stuff like in the newspaper or internet talking about you, but I didn’t even take the time to read any of it. Fuck, I should have known you wouldn’t have gone away without good reason! You were better than that.”

“You mean you…know?” I suddenly felt a familiar cold pit form in my stomach that formed whenever someone found out about me.

He nodded gravely. “I mean, it was completely unfair! Why the fuck did those bastards fire you just because of something you did when you were a kid? You were like, the greatest teacher ever! And even so, I still had the guts to hate you for getting fired. I…I should be the one apologizing Mr. Whitmore. I…fuck, I screwed up.” He sunk his face into his hands. “You were always looking out for me, and I paid you back by being a complete dick!”

“Hey, it’s alright.” I reached forward and patted him on the shoulder. I tried not to notice how my hand couldn’t even completely cover that big deltoid of his. “You had no way of knowing.”

“But I had every way to find out,” he countered. He lifted his head and looked into my eyes. “Mr. Whitmore, I…can you ever forgive a jerk like me?”

“”I’ve already forgiven you, Ethan.” I smiled warmly. “Though if you really want to make it up to me, play me another game of 21. And this time, play all out.”

He gave a short laugh. “Man, even after all these years you still know how to cheer me up, just like you did the first time we met.”

“I guess some things never change, huh?” I laughed with him.

Something flickered in Ethan’s dark eyes when I said this. “Yeah, you’re right. Some things really don’t change.”

For some reason I started to feel uneasy. “W-well then, I’m glad we settled that. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” I started to get up from my seat.

“Mr. Whitmore, can I tell you something before you leave?” Ethan stopped me.

“Sure, you can tell me anything.” I sat back down. “I’m all ears.” Maybe this was the breakthrough I was waiting for!

He took deep breath, causing his huge chest to stretch the front of his tank top. “When we first met when I was a kid, I thought you were the coolest guy in the world.”

Right away the blush crept up my neck and settled into my cheeks. “I wasn’t that great.”

“Yes, you were.” He told me with such seriousness that I felt even more embarrassed. “I admired you so much. After my parents got divorced, you were the closest thing I had to a dad. I started to want to be with you all the time. I even went as far as try to hook you up with my mom, trying to get her interested by telling her as much about you as possible…though I guess it wouldn’t have worked out between you two, seeing that you’re gay and all.”

Well that was some interesting news. I had been set up with a single mother by a ten-year-old boy.

“But the thing is, I started to want you in a way more than just a dad,” he continued on. “When I was a kid, I started to have weird dreams about you. Dreams that I didn’t understand back then as a ten year old. Before I could figure it out, the whole thing with the courtrooms happened and you were gone, and I forgot all the good stuff about you Mr. Whitmore. It wasn’t until last week when I saw you again that they came back, and suddenly I realized what it was I had been dreaming about.”

“Which was…?”

“This.” Without warning Ethan leaned forward and caught my mouth. Stunned, I could only sit there as he kissed me. It was as if a hot rush invaded my mouth and seeped into every cell in my body. I felt as if sparks were shooting inside my mouth, and my toes actually began to curl up. After what seemed like a blissful eternity, he broke the kiss and pulled back.

“Wha…wha…wha…” My eyes were wide open as I stared at him. I tried to speak but only noticed how I was failing miserably.

“I wanted to do that for so long.” He grinned at me. “And I’m pretty sure you did too.”

“W-what are you talking about?” I finally got my mouth working.

“Oh come on, I’ve seen the way you look at me.” Ethan moved in closer. “I saw how you would stare at my body, and how you desperately tried to hide the tent in your pants. I almost even made you blow your load back in detention.”

Shit, he knew from the beginning! I was in shock, unable to move or react at all.

“I wanted to make a move on you the first day you came back,” Ethan continued. “But I was still hurt and angry from before, so I tried to get back by poking fun at you. Even so, it didn’t stop me from fantasizing and dreaming. Every night when I jerked off, I’d see myself fucking you, imagining my hand was your ass squeezing my cock, dream of your kissing and feeling my body. But now…fuck, I can’t hold myself back anymore.” He reached over and took a hold of my tie.

“W-w-what are you doing?” I jerked back.

“Getting you undressed.” He winked. “Sex is so much better without it getting in the way.”


“Well what did you think I was leading up to?” He grinned broadly.

I looked at him, my mouth agape. Fuck, he was so hot. His, biceps, triceps and forearms flexed and rippled as he undid the knot. My libido was screaming to attack him in an intense worship, exploring his muscular body in the fullest, but this was wrong! I struggled to get my mind into order. “Ethan, your birthday is on February 4th.”

He paused for a moment. “You remembered my birthday.” His eyes softened slightly. “How sweet, but I don’t see how that relates to this moment.”

“That means legally you’re still a minor. I can’t have sex with someone who’s not even an adult yet.” Okay, that was the weakest argument ever, but it was all I had that I could think up on the spur on the moment.

“Fuck, you’re worried about something like that?” God, there was that cocky grin again. “I’m no virgin, Mr. Whitmore. I’ve already had sex a dozen of times with more people than I can count. I’m not the ankle biter I was anymore.”

I began to falter. “B-but…”

“Come on, your cock knows you want it.” Ethan pointed towards my pants, where my rock hard erection was tenting up. I’ve never felt so betrayed by my own body before. He left my tie and traveled lower towards my crotch where he took hold of my belt.

“Please…don’t do this to me,” I whispered, my entire body shaking.

He stopped undoing my pants. Ethan looked at me closely, our eyes meeting. After what seemed like hours, he let go of my pants and pulled himself back.

“Alright,” he sighed, “I won’t force you into something you’re not ready for. You deserve better than that.”

Oh thank you God! I dodged a very, VERY big bullet there.

“But you’ll still help me deal with this.” He grinned as he grabbed the band of his boxers and ripped it off his body. I gasped as his big 8 inch cock flopped out, already half erect.

“B-but you just said—”

“I’m not forcing you to do anything.” He smirked as he ran a finger down his own shaft, shivering a bit. “I’m just sitting here, doing my own thing. Whether or not you stay and watch is completely up to you.”

That was my sign to get out of there as fast as I could, but I couldn’t take my eyes of him.

“I thought so.” He took his shorts and effortlessly tore it down the middle. Once again I gasped as he completely exposed his body to me for the first time.

He was a perfect physical example of my ideal man. Tall, strong and beautifully muscled. My eyes traveled down his body, taking in the sight. His neck was as thick as a bull, with traps and deltoids that looked like cannonballs were glued onto his shoulders. His pectorals heaved out powerfully with every breath, as if they were reaching out towards me. His arms were thick and brawny, sexy veins running up his haired forearms and to his bulging biceps. His waist was so shredded and ripped, displaying the deepest, most defined 8-pack abs I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot. His legs were perfectly in proportion with the rest of his body, the quads thick and huge with the heads visible and his calves looked like softballs stuffed under the skin. A treasure trail of pubic hair ran from his bellybutton and down to his crotch, where it cushioned his lemon sized balls which were connected to Ethan’s big cock.

“You like what you see?” He ran his free hand down his flat stomach, tracing the line between the abdominal.

My head moved up and down on its own, nodding slightly.

“You like looking at all this muscle on a guy, don’t you?” Ethan bounced his pecs, making them dance seductively. “You love it whenever I flex it, making it bulge and ripple.” He bent his arm slowly. A ball of muscle rose upwards, reaching higher and higher until it peaked magnificently. “Look at that. Doesn’t that just make you horny beyond belief?”

Oh fuck yeah…I bit back a whimper. I was so goddamned aroused that I had to thrust my hands underneath my fat ass and sit on them to prevent myself from jacking off myself.

“You don’t know how hot this is,” Ethan said lowly as his hand slid across his body. “Every single one of my muscles are rock hard but…ohhh…so sensitive.” He moaned as he pinched a nipple, and I couldn’t help but let out a moan of my own.

“Fuck, this is so hot, having you watch me.” As Ethan pumped his dick furiously, sweat poured out of his skin and gathering in the ridges formed by his large, cut muscles. I, too, was having trouble breathing as I witnessed one of the biggest guys I’ve ever seen beat off before my eyes.

“Damn, this feels so good…” He moaned loudly as he jerked off faster and faster. Every squeeze of his cock made the muscles in his entire body tense up in pleasure. I was hypnotized by the mesmerizing movements of the muscles underneath his tanned skin. With every jerk, every breath, it gave the illusion of his muscles growing slightly bigger. His arms were so pumped up, his chest jaw dropping thick, cock so throbbing huge, each throb bringing him closer and closer…

And then, he came.

At the moment of orgasm, he let out a deafening yell as white hot cum shot from his dick so hard that it splattered onto my shirt, even though I was three feet away from him. He shot load after load, each of them as strong as the last, hitting me in various places. That was enough to make me blow my own load inside of my pants, a hot rush of sticky moisture seeping into the inside of my boxer shorts. And I didn’t even touch my dick!

After one last spurt, Ethan’s cock went soft and he lay back in his chair. “Oh fuck that felt good…” he said, basking in the afterglow. “Did you enjoy that too, Mr. Whitmore?”

I snapped out of my trance when he called me name. “Wh-what just happened?”

He chuckled at me. “For a teacher, you’re surprisingly slow, aren’t ya? We both had a really great time shooting our loads Mr. Whitmore, though I’m sorry I ruined your clothes; couldn’t help myself. Just seeing you watching me and get all turned on worked me up so much, I just had to let loose.”

I blinked dumbly at him. It was only then that I looked down and notice for the first time, the white ooze on my shirt, and the growing wet spot forming on my crotch.

I…had just got off from watching one of my students masturbate.

I…helped him get off.

Twelve long, hard years have gone by, and I was still seen as a sex toy.

“I…I have to go!” I jumped from my chair and bolted.

“Mr. Whitmore, wait!” Ethan called after me, but I didn’t dare to look back to see his handsome naked body, lest I lose control of myself once again. Once I was out of the house I bolted for home, running fast and hard. I ignored the aches and pains that wracked my body, ignored the looks of people as I passed them by. Everything between Ethan’s place and my apartment was a complete blur and before I knew it I was in my living room, tearing the clothes off my body and diving into the shower with the water running as cold as it could get.

Standing there, freezing under the shower head, everything that happened that afternoon crashed on me.

I yanked open the shower door, stuck my head out, and promptly threw up into the toilet.

* * *

I gazed down into my beer bottle, lost in the depths of the bitter drink. The yellow liquid fizzed as I swirled it around, sloshing against the glass. On the table were a dozen of its friends, all of them already empty. Off to the side was a bottle of whiskey I was slowly working myself up to. If I didn’t drop drunk after that, I knew there was an entire cabinet full of alcoholic beverages I could guzzle down. There was a bottle of vodka with my name on it somewhere in there.

I knew that I was drinking far too much than was good for me, but I couldn’t help it. Drowning in a drunken state of unconsciousness was the only thing I could come up with to suppress the horrors plaguing my mind.

How could I have let this happen?

Read next part