Touched 15

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“So you finally got the nerves to say it, huh?” Howard crossed his arms as he leaned against the railing. He looked at Simon approvingly. “Well all I can say is it’s about time.”

“You knew about it too?” He asked in surprise. It was three days after the trip to the amusement park, and Simon felt the need to talk to someone. Sophie was the obvious choice, but some of the things he wanted to ask were somewhat personal, so he asked Howard to meet him at the bleachers after school. “Geez, how many people knows about it?”

“Oh, I’d say roughly about the whole school.” Howard said offhandedly. When he saw Simon’s jaw drop, he smiled. “It’s so obvious you were crushing after him. You’ve been trying to get close to him for a year and a half, spent every waking moment with him and to top it off you two have matching outfits.” He waved at Simon’s long sleeved white shirt and slacks. “To top it off, you even got the same symbol pinned on your shirt. Everyone who sees you both will instantly know you two are an item.”

Needless to say, he didn’t know how to react to this news. Somehow, the thought of everyone in the school knowing they were a couple long before it was official…unnerved him a bit. However, this also meant that the pressure of going public wasn’t there anymore. Plus it also meant that he needn’t worry about anyone messing around with Logan anymore. Who would hurt the boyfriend of the biggest guy in school? Though, lately it had been something else that had been worrying him. Perhaps it was the new outgoing attitude, but people were beginning to notice Logan for the first time. He thought he had imagined those second glances at his little guy in the earlier stages. One day, however, one of Simon’s buddies remarked that if he looked past the acne, Logan was actually pretty cute. Now that boyfriend status has been initiated, he could rest easy about someone hitting on his Logan.

Was he feeling relieved? Oh yes, definitely.

Absent mindedly, Simon snapped his fingers. When he did so, a small flame came out of his thumb like a lighter. Without thinking much of it, Simon flicked the flame out and repeated the process over and over again.

“Okay, that’s just disturbing to see.” Howard eyed the thumb lighter. “Since when did you learn how to do that?”

Simon looked up. “Oh, this?” He held up his still burning thumb. “About four days ago. It’s a pretty useless power, but it occupies my hands while I think.”

“Well, I’d imagine it’d be useful if you ever take up smoking.” Howard joked.

“Maybe.” Simon laughed. “Though, I’ve been wondering about some of my powers.”

“Like what?” Howard asked.

“Well, like mind reading.” Simon told him. “I try to reach out into other people’s minds before, but I can’t get a thing. The only person I can do it to is Logan, even though he’s learning how to mentally block me out from time to time. In fact, quite a few powers only work on Logan and no one else.”

“That’s because you’re missing a key power. You can’t form a bond with another person.” Howard told him. "Some powers naturally emit from the body, like Sophie's calming aura. The rest, though, requires that you connect to another person first."

“Do you have that power?” Simon asked.

“Every Kin-Lam is born with it.” Howard told him. “Forming bonds is our entire lifestyle. The first bond, the Fel Neros is the most important one, in which we literally give our lives for our partners.”

Simon frowned as he palmed his chest. “So, are you telling me if I get this power, Logan will…”

“Don’t get your hopes up.” Howard cut him off. “It is impossible for even the powerful Kyn Lor’de to obtain that. It’s something we are born with, just like we are born with a heart.”

“Then what about Logan’s?” Simon asked. “I think I’ve absorbed enough to gain that ability. I’ve already taken everything away from him already.”

Howard shook his head glumly. “No, that’s impossible. The power to form bonds is our most precious thing. Taking it away is the same as taking away our heart. It’s so vital to us that we would die before we allow it to be stolen, willingly or not.”

Simon felt his hope die out. For a moment, he had thought there had been a way to complete that stupid ritual and stop this from happening, but he guessed he was asking too much after all. Simon began to cross his legs to get into a more comfortable position, but then he winced and settled his feet back onto the ground. “Can I ask you a personal question?” He asked instead.

“Shoot.” Howard nodded.

“Do you…love Sophie?”

He was obviously not expecting this question, and his face immediately turned a bright shade of pink. “Y-yes, I do.”

“How…how did you know you loved her?”

“The first time I saw her.” He answered in a soft voice. “I know it sounds a bit korny, but it’s the truth.”

That surprised him a bit. “When you were just eight years old?”

He nodded. “I…still can’t believe how lucky I am to be her Auror Dian. Some time before my eighth birthday, my designated partner died in an accident. When they couldn’t find a partner for me in time, they had to lock me up in my room to protect me from touching someone by mistake and becoming a Falhan Kyn. I knew it was for my own good, but the solitude…it nearly drove me insane. I could only talk to my parents through the door, and they would push a plate of food through a small opening to feed me. It felt like a prison more then anything.”

Howard gave a small shudder from the old memory, and Simon didn’t blame him. It sounded absolutely horrible, the way he had been treated. And Logan had to endure an entire year before they let him out? He just couldn’t imagine how messed up Logan had been. If he himself had to go through that, Simon would probably go mad and kill himself.

“I was trapped in there for a week. I nearly lost my mind when they brought me news that Sophie was to be my new partner. When they brought me to meet her for the first time…it was like looking at an angel that came down from heaven to save me.” His eyes became distant as he reminisced. “She was just so beautiful that I was immediately loved struck. Not only that, she was so kind and thoughtful and so wonderful. She makes me happier then I could ever have imagined.”

Briefly Simon remembered how he felt whenever Logan smiled, or how he spoke and kissed. It made him realize that he and Howard were very much alike in that sense. But there were still some questions he wanted to know about. “How do you know for sure that you really do love her? I mean, it could just be that attraction magic messing with your mind.”

“Do you doubt your feelings for Logan?” Howard asked.

“No, I really do love him.” He replied automatically. “Before I was just crushing on him, I guess, but now I can’t stand being without him. He’s my true love.” After he finished speaking he blinked once. “Hey wait, you cheated! You used your power on me! I would have never said that out loud.”

“I know.” Howard grinned. “But at least we got an honest answer out of you. See, I can even make you answer questions you are not aware you know the answers to, right from the heart. That’s how I learned for sure about how I felt for Sophie?”

“How did you do that?”

“I stood in front of a mirror and asked myself if I really loved her.” He told him. “And my answer was that I love her more than anything in the world. She’s my Aloria Dian.”

Aloria Dian?” Simon inquired. He hadn’t heard that term before.

“The literal translation is soul mate.” Howard told him. “It’s a common term nowadays, but we were the ones who came up with the original concept. It’s said that in the world there is one other being that is your true loved one, someone that completes you. Sometimes it’s not even human, but an animal.”

An image of his dog Boomer playing with Eve suddenly came to mind. Could it be that they were…? No, that was just silly…wasn’t it?

“When we reach the age of six, we’re taken to diviners to tell us who our most compatible person is. So far they’ve been a hundred percent accurate and every couple loves each other dearly. But very rarely there are two people who are so perfectly matched that it can be said that they were made for each other. That’s what we call Aloria Dian, our soul mate.”

I wonder if Logan and I are soul mates Simon wondered. Even if they weren’t he was still happy to be in love with him. While thinking, a sudden thought occurred to him. “So wait, are you telling me that if Logan didn’t touch me seven years ago, he would have fallen in love with Sophie instead?”

“Most likely yes.” Howard rubbed his chin.

“But…Logan’s gay isn’t he?” Simon inquired. “It would have never worked between them.”

“Correction, he’s gay now.” Howard told him. “Originally he was supposed to be bi, but ever since he’s connected with you his only interests are in guys, or at least one of them in particular.”

“And how do you know that?” Simon frowned. “That he was to be bi, I mean.”

“The diviners just don’t pair up boys and girls together.” Howard explained. “They search for all compatible lovers, even those of the opposite sex. They can immediately tell who is going to become what sexuality, and pick the best partner out of the options. Logan’s best pick back then just happened to be a girl instead of another guy.”

“So wait, you’re telling me that there are other gay Kin-Lam couples out there?” Simon asked wide eyed.

“Sure, there are thousands of them. One’s closer then you think.” Howard grinned. “Riley’s Arour Dian is Troy Jackson, the linebacker at Silverdale High School.”

“Riley’s gay?” Simon said, shocked. “B-but he’s never said anything about his partner before. Do they even see each other or anything?”

“It’s…a little complicated.” Howard scuffed a shoe. “See, those two really do like each other, but because of the…circumstances, Troy’s parents forbids their son from going anywhere near the Warden house. Even so, the two of them keep in constant contact with each other and they sneak out every once in awhile to make out, to keep their relationship fresh.”

Geez, was the entire Kin-Lam race this complicated and messed up? It’s like watching a messed up version of Romeo and Juliet movie. He was about to respond to this when a sharp pain suddenly shot up from his crotch. Despite his effort, he couldn’t help but give a muffled grunt.

“Hey, what’s up with you?” Howard asked intently.

“I’ve been blue balling for the past month or so, and it’s starting to become really painful for me lately.” Simon told him, and then groaned when he realized what he just said. “Ah, dammit Howard! One of these days I’m gonna find out how to stop you from doing that, even if I gotta tape your mouth shut!”

If Howard had any disapproving thoughts, he hid them well. “Why are you putting yourself through this?” He asked instead. “I mean, you slept with half the cheerleading squad in one night. You should have no trouble getting laid.”

“But I love Logan!”

“He’ll understand. You’re a healthy teenaged boy, after all.”

“But he’s the only one I want.”

“Then jack off to his picture or something.”

“That’s just not right!” Simon almost yelled. “And besides…it doesn’t work anymore.”

This got an eyebrow raise, but Howard didn’t inquire further about his strange fetish. “Have you told Logan about this?”

“Oh GOD no!” Simon wailed. “I don’t want him to think that I love him just because he gets me off.”

“He knows that you don’t.” Howard reassured him.

“But…it’s embaressing.” Simon hung his head.

“So is having a glowing-

“Don’t finish that sentence!” He warned. He looked at Howard hard before his eyes fell again. “I just…love him so much, that I don’t want to think of him as some sort of sex object.”

Howard gave him a resigned sigh. “Alright, fine. I’ll drop this for now. But if your balls explode from the pressure, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Thanks…I appreciate it.” Simon glared.

* * *

When Simon knocked on the door to Logan’s house, Mrs. Warden answered.

“Oh hi Simon! Coming over to play with Logan again?” She asked cheerfully.

“Yes Ma’am.” Simon nodded. It was almost exactly like a scene from his childhood. “Is Logan upstairs?”

“Yes, he is.” She nodded. “He’s up there with one of his friends. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to hurry to the school to help Eve with her play rehearsal. I promised to help the other parents with the set.” She walked over to the foot of the stairs. “Logan! Simon’s here to see you!” She called up. “I’ve got to go now. Dinner is on the counter, so if you’re hungry just heat it up!”

“Okay mom!” Logan yelled back from somewhere upstairs.

Mrs. Warden turned to Simon. “Well, if you’re hungry I’ve already set out extra foor for you. Riley’s over at a friend’s and Harold is working the late shift, so go ahead and dig in. Well, I’d better leave now or else I’ll be late!”

Simon gave her a cheery goodbye before she left. Once he was alone, he turned and looked up the stairs. One of his friends? Simon frowned. Other then Howard and Sophie, as far as he knew it Logan didn’t have any other friends. Curious, he climbed up the stairs and knocked on Logan’s door.

“It’s open.” Logan answered.

Simon pushed it open and walked in. “Hey sweetie, I heard you had a fr-” He stopped when he saw who it was.

“Hey.” Jamal said nervously. He was sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the TV with a game remote controller in his hand. From his position and angle, Simon looked like a giant. “Er…what’s up?”

“What are you doing here?” Simon blurted out.

Jamal shifted uncomfortably. “I’ve…thought about what you told me, that one time, for awhile now. About Logan. After watching him around school, I finally got the guts to talk to him today and you were right; he’s really a decent guy once you get to know him. And get this, he totally owns at fighting games! I mean, every move is like, perfect! I barely put a scratch on him before he pulls me into this wicked combo he picked up.”

“I’ve been trying to teach him how to pull it off, but he keeps on slipping up after using the hard kick to launch his opponent up.” Logan waved his controller. “But I think he’s getting there.”

If he hadn’t been there, he probably wouldn’t have believed it. Jamal and Logan sounded like they’ve been friends for ages, instead of a few hours. He felt a surge of jealousy, but quickly suppressed it. Instead, he grinned. “Mind if I play winner?” He asked as he sat down on the floor (though he did place himself right between the two to separate them).

Poor Jamal suffered a lesson in humility for the next two hours. Logan had mastered every single character on every game he owned, and Simon had lightning quick reflexes. Those two were evenly matched, and even though Jamal suffered quick defeats all three of them enjoyed themselves a lot. Almost too soon Jamal said he had to go.

“It was really fun playing with you guys.” Jamal said as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. “Maybe we can all hang out again sometime soon.”

“Sure!” Logan grinned. “You’re welcome to come anytime.”

Again, Simon felt a twinge of jealousy from that comment, but quickly killed it.

Jamal gave a cheery wave and then left. Now that they were alone, Simon finally began to relax. Jamal was a friend and he was happy they were finally crossing the gap between them, but the thought of someone getting close to his lover made him a bit edgy.

After Jamal was gone, Logan turned to him. “I can’t believe you’re jealous of Jamal.” He said thoughtfully.

Immediately he was sitting upright. “I am not!”

“You deliberately sat between us, cracked a lot of black jokes and took your sweet time killing him in Underground Fighter Beta.” Logan counted off. “I’d say you’re definitely jealous.”

Simon began to falter. “Okay, maybe just a little but you only just met him and you’re already treating him like your best friend or something!”

“He’s a good guy.” Logan shrugged. “He looks out for his friends and always takes the time to help other people. In many ways, he reminds me a lot of you.”

Simon ran his hand through his hair as his insecurities grew. “So…do you like him?”

“I like him as a friend.” Logan said. “But you’re the only one that I love, Simon. No guy can ever hope to match up to you, after all.” He added with a chuckle.

Simon looked at him hopefully. “So…so am I your…Aloria Dian?”

Logan’s face flickered with surprise, and then settled into a deep blush. “Yes. Yes you are.”

Simon felt his heart swell up.

“Am I…am I yours?” Logan asked somewhat shyly.

Simon reached out and pulled Logan close to his chest. “Of course you are.” He whispered. “I can’t imagine being with anyone else other then you.”

Logan stood on his toes as he pulled himself up and took Simon’s lips in a deep kiss. Immediately his lover’s massive body was filled with a soft heat that matched the warmth in his heart, spreading from his finger tips all the way down to his-

Simon hissed despite himself as his swollen testicles throbbed, begging for release.

“What’s wrong?” Logan pulled back.

“Nothing.” Simon lied.

“Oh really?” Logan asked. “So you’re telling me that you’ve had absolutely no sexual activity in a month and it’s not causing you any pain?”

“H-how…” Simon gawked at him. “Wait, did Howard tell you?”

“No, I figured it out myself.” Logan told him. “I may be stupid, but I’m not a complete idiot. You’ve got the libido of ten guys, and everyone at school is complaining about how you haven’t slept with anyone for ages. I’d be a complete retard if I didn’t put two and two together.”

“Are you telling me you want me to sleep with other people?” Simon asked incredulously.

“I just want you to be able to satisfy your need.” Logan said. “I mean, I know I can’t ever satisfy you-”

“What are you talking about?” Simon grabbed Logan. “I think you’re as hot as fuck.”

Logan looked up at Simon in surprise. “You’re not just saying that are you?”

“Shit, no.” Simon shook his head. “I…every time I think of you, I grow hard. I’ve jacked off to your picture so many times, and whenever I fucked, I always pretend you’re the one I’m fucking. You’re the only person I want, Logan. I love you, and only you.”

“Do you really mean that?” Logan looked up at him.

“God, yes.” Simon replied.

Logan leaned in and kissed Simon on the lips again, and all of a sudden the big guy was lost again in bliss. He snapped back to reality when he became aware that Logan was unbuckling his pants.

“What are you doing?” Simon pulled back, alarmed.

“Sorry, did I do something wrong?” Logan asked, staring at him lovingly with his eyes. With his big, green eyes… “I’ve never had sex before, but I thought it would be better if we undressed.”

“W-we can’t have sex.” Simon shook his head violently, trying to think. “You…I mean…we just can’t.”

“Oh.” Logan looked almost disappointed. “Then…how about I help you get off through your clothes? That way our skin won’t ever touch.”

That made sense. Or at least at that time it did. Simon’s mind was clouded over by the heat of passion building up inside of him that thinking was beginning to become difficult. “O-okay.” He finally agreed.

Logan moved forward and pressed his head against Simon’s huge chest like a giant pillow. “Your heartbeat is so strong. It’s beating like a steady drumbeat.” Logan said in a soft voice. He reached up and pressed a hand against the steely pectoral, feeling its heavy weight. “I can hear it even through all this layer of thick pec muscles.” As he said that, he gently pinched Simon’s left nipple through the shirt. This causes Simon to give a low gasping moan as shivers of extreme pleasure washed through him.

“These arms…” Logan reached out and wrapped his tiny hands around Simon’s bicep. It was so thick that the little guy couldn’t even encircle half of its width. “They’re so strong and huge. I’ll bet you can lift entire buildings now, but you can still hold me like a teddy bear.” He gave them a small squeeze “So strong, but so gentle.”

Simon was breathing in short breaths now. He’s never felt anything like this before. Sure, people have done muscle worship on him before, but not like this. He could feel the attraction coming from the touch and words, but he can also feel the love. For the first time, it felt like he was being treated like a real person and not a sex machine. Ironically, this kicks his hormones into overdrive. His huge dick became painfully erect within the confines of his pants, the bulge visible through the material of his jeans. Unconsciously his hips began to buck back and forth as he felt the need to get off.

“You’re so powerful, but so kind.” Logan said as he picked at a button on Logan’s shirt. Somewhere along the line Logan had shed his trademark gloves. “You can do anything you want by force, but you choose to be such a good boy. Just like Superman. I always found that kind of character is just so hot.”

Oh shit, those words melted his bones to liquid as fire raced through his body. He was so deep in his arousal that he didn’t notice that Logan had opened up his shirt and was now rubbing his tiny bare hand against Simon’s abdominals. The moment their skin touched, electric flames leaped through his body and raced through every pore. It was so powerful and intense that his back arched backwards, thrusting his stomach out further into Logan’s touch. His balls, now swollen to what felt like the size of full blown apples, were painfully constrained in his jeans, as was his huge dick as they were painfully cut off from achieving its fully erect state. Just when he thought he was going to pass out from the combined pleasure and pain, his pants were opened and yanked down, allowing his foot long dick to rip straight out of his flimsy silk boxers. Relief spread through him as his precious organ finally had room to breathe.

And then he felt it. Logan had reached out and laid his hand on that huge, pulsing dick.

Nothing in the world could have prepared Simon for the feeling that came to him. It was as if all the pleasure, erections and orgasms Simon had ever had were wrapped up in this single moment. From Logan’s hand a kind of pure sexual energy flooded directly into his dick, causing it to swell even harder if that were possible. Already pre was guzzling from the tip in a steady flow as his knees buckle from the intensity of the pleasure he was feeling.

And there was Logan, completely stripped of his clothes, pressing his body against Simon’s own. It surprised him how weak Logan looked compared to him now. His chest was flat, shrunken in. His arms and legs were bone thin; they resembled spider limbs more then anything else. His stomach was smaller then Simon’s own tiny waist, far too small to be considered healthy. Simon could see Logan’s abs, but mostly because Logan was so emaciated that there wasn’t even a single ounce of fat left on him. Even Logan’s ribs were clearly visible enough for Simon to count them. And Logan’s cock…it couldn’t even be called a guy’s dick. It was so pitifully small, as if all growth had completely stopped at age eight. Even though it was erect, it only reached an inch and a half of length. Even Logan’s looked shrunken.

Despite this, however, the sight of his fully exposed lover sent wildfires soaring through him. Soon they resumed their kissing and exploration of each other’s body, Logan feeling up Simon’s powerful muscles and Simon gently caressing Logan’s surprisingly soft, smooth skin. Logan looked like fragile a porcelain doll compared to his engorged 400 pound physique. He felt like he was Logan’s own personal guardian. Like Logan needed someone so strong to protect him from all harm, but gentle enough to care and love him, to hold him close and embrace him like he was doing now. Simon could easily crush his tiny charge on accident, but Logan trusted him enough to place him in his care. That kind of love and affection fueled his fire and he kissed even more passionately.

After a blissful eternity of making out, Logan pulled from the kiss, leaned forward and whispered into Simon’s ear.

“I want you to fuck me.” He said.

Right away Simon moved Logan around and positioned himself to penetrate. However, as he pressed his oversized cock head against Logan’s tight hole, he hesitated for a second as rational thought began to slowly resurface. Could Logan take such a huge piece inside of him? What if he ended up hurting him instead?

“Please, do it.” Logan said.

With that order, all thought was once again erased as his body immediately responded. With one quick thrust, he rammed his cockhead into Logan, as well as a good inch of meat. The responding scream from Logan as his virginity was taken away almost scared ten years out of Simon. He was about to pull out when Logan stopped him.

“Keep going.” He gasped.

Simon had no choice but to obey as he slowly eased himself further into Logan’s tight ass. The feeling of being inside of him was indescribable. Never before had he felt such pressure on his cock, the rhythmic clenching and unclenching milking his dick. But what was most unique was the ever present tingling vibration that seeped into his cock, like a deep tissue massage for his penis. It felt good. So good that he didn’t realize he had shoved his entire cock in until he felt his balls slap against his Logan’s butt.

Alarmed, Simon quickly looked at Logan to see if he was in pain. Instead, however, Logan looked like he was in heaven as he cried his name over and over again. For the first time, someone had taken all of him, and it was the one person he loved the most! Seeing how much Logan was enjoying this made Simon slip back into his sexual trance as he slowly got his hips into rhythm. In, out, in, out, slowly, sensually, savoring the feeling. As time went by, the pace increased as both of their juices began to flow. Logan moaned loudly as he felt hot juices begin to flow directly into him. Those moans licked every nerve in the stud’s body as he became more and more aggressive in his fucking. In out, in, out, faster and faster. Sweat poured out of both their body as they dove deeper into the thralls of passion. Faster he pumped in and out as both of them came closer and closer until.

“Oh SIMON!” Logan screamed at the top of his lungs as he shot his load.

That sent him over the edge. Simon’s roared as his dick blew like a volcano, exploding inside of Logan. Logan screamed again in pure pleasure as hot liquids quickly filled his insides, and once again his own cock ejaculated. And once again, Simon roared as another orgasm erupted from his own mammoth cock. Again and again they came, moving as one being as they both brought each other rapture until finally they were both were completely drained.

Slowly, Simon pulled Logan off his dick and cradled him in his arms. Already the little guy was falling asleep against his chest. He too, was falling fast asleep as the afterglow put him in a serene state. Soon, he drifted off, still holding his true love close to his heart.

* * *

All of a sudden Simon woke up with a start. He hadn’t even realized that he had fallen asleep. He hadn’t realized that he had been sleeping on the floor in Logan’s room with his back against the desk. He hadn’t even realized the fact that he had been holding Logan against his naked skin.

Oh God, what has he done?

“Logan!” Simon cried as he shook the little guy in his arms. “Logan, wake up!” When he got no response, he began to pale. Logan just laid there limp in his arms, completely silent. Oh no. Oh no no no!

“Logan!” Simon cried. How could he have been so stupid? How could he have let this happen? Logan can’t be…No, he just couldn’t! “Logan, wake up! Oh please God, please wake up Logan!”

“Mmm…”A soft sound emitted from Logan’s throat, and Simon’s heart skipped a beat. “Five more minutes please…”

“Oh thank God!” Simon broke down and hugged Logan tightly, hot tears streaming down his cheeks. “You’re alive! You’re still alive!”

“I won’t be if I don’t get air soon.” Logan squeaked in Simon’s embrace, and immediately Simon let him go. Logan fell on his back on the ground, gasping for air. “What was it that was so important that you had to wake me? I was having a very nice dream.”

“We had sex.” Simon blurted out as his mind raced. “I...we…we had sex.”

“Yes, good job.” Logan nodded. “Now let’s see if you can remember what we had for lunch.”

“This is serious!” Simon yelled. “We…I mean you…I mean…argh!” Simon tore at his hair. “Dammit Logan, I told you we couldn’t have sex! Do you know what this means? You curse…didn’t you care that you were throwing your life away!? When I woke up and saw you like that, I thought you were…I thought you were…” He sobbed, unable to finish.

“Simon…” Logan reached out.

“Don’t touch me!” Simon snapped and pulled backwards. “I…I don’t want to lose you, Logan. I love you so much. I could barely stand it when you told me you on have two years left to live. And now…and now you only have god knows how much time left, all because of this! I don’t want to lose you!” Then he broke down and cried. He cried and he cried like there was no tomorrow. And who knew? Maybe there really wasn’t a tomorrow for Logan.

For a few moments they just sat in the room, silently. Then Logan got up, pulled his blanket off his bed and then wrapped it around himself. “You knew I was going to die sooner or later.” Logan said sympathetically as he took a seat next to him. “Everyone dies sooner or later. Nothing in the world can change that. I’m just…leaving a bit sooner then most.”

“But it isn’t fair!” Simon cried. “Who said you had to die, just because you saved me from falling off the roof? Who said our time together had to be so short? Who said that we can’t be together? It’s not fair!”

“Life…isn’t always fair, yes.” Logan agreed. “But there’s nothing we can do but live every moment as best as we can. And you know what? I don’t regret a single moment of my life.”

Simon sniffled and looked over at him. “Not even this?”

Especially not this.” Logan laughed. “That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt in my life, and I’m glad I did it. You didn’t really think I was going to die a virgin did you?”

This managed to make Simon chuckle a bit weakly.

“See? There’s the Simon I know and love.” Logan leaned on Simon’s muscular arm, the blanket separating them from touching each other.

Simon smiled a bit before the sadness came back. “So…so how much time do you think you have left now?”

Logan thought for a moment. “I’m not sure. Let’s worry about that later. Instead, can you do one more thing for me?”

“Anything.” Simon replied softly.

“Could you…hold me again?” Logan asked almost shyly.

“Of…of course I will.” Simon opened his arms up, and Logan scooted himself in front of his love. Carefully he leaned back, using Simon’s strong chest to rest his head. Slowly, Simon wrapped his arm around Logan’s tiny figure and began to run his hand through that messy red hair. They didn’t speak, just stayed like that. For that one period of time, at least, the moment was all theirs.

Read next part