Super Meathead 704


A group of teenage boys in the neighborhood all pitched in their money to buy a jug of "Super Meathead 704." It was a bodybuilding supplement that promised instant results without an ounce of work. All the boys needed to put on mass for sports.

The day the order came in they were all very excited, but nervous at the same time. As if on que, they all looked across the street to see Alex Simmons raking the yard. Alex was scrawny as a rail and looked like puberty had completely passed him by. He was in the same grade as the boys, but had always been the smallest and shyest guy since kindergarten. As a result, he was often the source of alot of bullying.

Alex was raking his front yard. The boys decided that he would be the perfect test rat for their new supplement.

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Immediately the boys tackled Alex and took a big scoop of powder and shoved it down his throat. As Alex struggled to escape, they simply held him down. After about 5 minutes, something began to happen. Every muscle in Alex's body started to twitch. Within about 15 minutes alex had started to change, he grew tiny little biceps and a nice hard ab stomach. His voice started to crack as his testicles started to enlarge and lower, and his penis grew.

All of a sudden Alex escaped the grasp of the bullying boys and stood up. As soon as he did, he grew from 5'4" to his new height of 5'8". At this same time his shoulders and back widened. He had that envyable v-tapered back that lead to a nice firm butt that sooo many guys covet!

He sat back down, alarmed at the changes. As soon as he did, the boys couldn't help but touch him all over to feel the changes that were occurring to the boy. He now actually looked like he was his own age, maybe even a little older. He certainly wasn't as scrawny and prepubescent.


The boys were baffled and surprised that this cheesy supplement was actually working. Alex, however was terrified and had no idea what was happening to his body. He shouted out 'whats going on' but this time, it was in a low barritone as opposed to a cracking high pitched boys voice.

The changes continued.

Alex's legs continued to become more muscular, as his shoulders widened and his arm muscles got bigger. He had the body of a high school athlete! This is exactly what the boys wanted!!!

Alex continued to change and within minutes, his actual bone structure started to widen without growing any taller. This was painful for Alex and his eyes actually teared up as you could hear the cracking. Mainly collar bone widened and his rib cage barreled out.

As soon as this happened he grew from a slender elongated athletic looking teenager to a square, boxy, stout stocky looking man. His hips also widened as his butt bubbled out and his gut jutted outward.

His beard came in and he grew a goatee around his mouth. He stood up to flex his bicep and was shocked at how heavy he had become.

Alex continued to fill out to a stout 5'8' 230 pound frame. He had previously stood 5'4" and weighed in at 110 pounds. He yelled "I'm going to beat the shit out of you guys once and for all" as all the neighborhood boys ran in fear. He went inside and looked in the mirror. He definitely wasn't what he had hoped for. Always being the short skinny weakling, he had hoped to grow up to be a handsome Abercrombie model to make up for it, instead he saw a short, stout goofy looking guy. He ran his hand across the back of his big thick neck, over his jutting soft pec and across his belly.

In anger, he ripped his little boy tighty whiteys off because they were painfully digging into his skin, and then he saw his new hairy 6 inch cock. It wasn't huge, but it was thick and way larger than it had been when he was raking leaves. He touched it and it immediately became hard. As he started jacking off for the first time, he thought, "this might not be so bad."

Alex may not have transformed into the most handsome of men, but he was built like a clydesdale and strong as an ox. Later that day he went and beat the shit out of the boys who did this to him. Next on the list? Find some clothes that fit!!!