Addict 3

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Matt ignored the lustful look of the other man and pointedly asked, “Dude, what are you on?”

Immediately Zack became defensive, “What do you mean by that?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” said Matt coming a step closer to the new muscle stud, “Look at you. No one puts on that much muscle in a week, no matter what kind of freaky shit they’re taking.”

That’s when it clicked for Zack, just how miraculous his transformation had been. What had happened during the last couple hours? Zack was standing there bare chested and he swept his left arm up into a biceps pose. It was a beautiful thing to watch that big, round ball of muscle appear on his upper arm. Zack’s forearms too were thick with corded muscle, delts rounded and bunching at his shoulder. Zack felt over the muscular ridges of his stomach with his free hand, tracing the outline of his rippling, diamond cut abs. His fingers gently brushing over the tops of the eight defined ridges that were there. His chest was two slabs of thick hard meat. Shit, Zack was turning himself on just looking down.

He looked up and smiled at Matt, “It’s hot isn’t it big man?”

In spite of himself, Matt’s righteous indignation faded as he took in Zack’s new body for what it was. An object of his own lust. And Matt felt himself get hard as he watched the play of Zack’s muscle. Zack’s display of strength in the gym a couple days ago had turned him on to the point where Matt just had to fuck him. And Matt usually didn’t go for the small guys. He was one of the biggest men he knew and he liked to find and dominate other big men. He’d used Zack’s tight ass, and despite it all he sensed a challenge to himself in Zack. Plus he wanted the secret of Zack’s power for himself too.

Zack could see craving in Matt’s eyes. Although he mistook it all for desire.

But there was desire there too, and that desire was written on the big man’s face like an open book. Zack realized that the tables were turning. Matt was no longer the big man after all. Zack was easily on par with Matt’s proportions and he swung his arm back up to flex it for emphasis.

“Why don’t we go back to your place?” asked Zack, “We had a good time there before. And maybe a little later we can talk about this?”

As he said it he emphasized his twenty plus inch arm by licking it.

Matt had seen enough, he was already putting plans into motion.

“C’mon,” he said, “I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay dude,” agreed Zack, with a wicked grin, as they took off for their cars in separate directions.

As they walked away neither of them noticed the tall broad man leaning against a post over by one of the tents not to far from where they’d been talking. This man had a way of blending into his surroundings despite the fact that he was wearing a leather jacket in the warm weather. His eyes were masked by designer sunglasses and the big frame beneath the jacket spoke of untested strength. Yet when Zack and Matt’s eyes had passed over him, something about him had caused them to completely discount his presence and pay him no mind.

Like he hadn’t even been there.

He watched them walk away as he pulled a lighter out of his leather jacket and lit up a smoke as he considered the conversation he’d just heard.

Zack looked back momentarily at the departing figure of Matt with real longing. He’d never felt that way about anyone before. That and he wanted to lick every drop of sweat off the other man’s body before using his ass like a private pussy.

He walked over to where his car was parked, still pumped and powerful. He had parked at one of the far lots away from most everyone else. The ray’s of the afternoon sun glinted off his bronzed body and accentuated the powerful curves of each full-bodied muscle, flexing as he walked. But he was surprised to see his former opponent and two of his buddies waiting for him at his car. Leaning against his car actually. That made Zack mad.

“I figured this one had to be yours,” smirked the former champion, looking cockier since his defeat shortly before by the arm of Zack’s newly buffed bod.

He was carrying a water bottle and he unscrewed the top of it as he watched Zack walk up.

“You waiting for me to whip your ass again?” asked Zack, “And you brought your girlfriends over to watch this time?”

The former champion laughed at him. He didn’t look intimidated by Zack in the least.

“No one does that to me,” he told Zack, “Especially not some little punk like you neither.”

He tilted the water bottle to his lips and downed it all in one long chug.

“Not after I’ve had a dose of juice anyway,” he said, throwing the water bottle away and wiping his mouth with his hands.

The way he said it brought something to Zack’s mind. What juice? But before he had an answer the former champion demonstrated for him.

His arms went up in a double biceps pose to show Zack what he meant and Zack knew a moment of real fear. Whatever had happened to the former champion in the last couple seconds, he began taking on an incredible amount of size and power. His guns swelled to nearly twice their size in the competition. His chest seemed thicker and more pumped too, and as he flexed, now in a most muscular pose, his pecs began looking like a massive shelf. It was freaky.

The two minions stood a few feet away, watching. Neither looked surprised. Each man was a powerful bodybuilder in his own right. Their shirtless bodies showed off their time and hard work spent in the gym. However, neither was as big as the former champion had been even before his sudden increase in size.

“I didn’t want to take no more of the juice,” the former champion said, sighing, “At least not for a while. I like building these muscles up naturally. But I just can’t let some little pussy like you show me up like that. I just ain’t having it.”

“What the fuck?” asked Zack dumbfounded as he watched the former champion continue to swell with new power, “How’re you doing this?”

“The power and size doesn’t last unfortunately,” said the former champion, “But if I go down to the gym and use some of this newfound strength, I can retain some of it before it wears off. And it doesn’t matter, cause there’s always more.”

He laughed again. This time though there was no amusement in the laughter, only the sharp cruelty of a man who is about to inflict pain without consequence.

“Hold him down boys,” he told the minions.

They were on Zack in a second. Even though the increased strength offered by the serum had worked through Zack’s muscles by now, he was still powerful and the two goons struggled to hold him. Given a minute Zack knew he could have easily broken their grips. But he didn’t have a minute. The former champion was on him in seconds. He put a big hand on Zack’s shoulder, and another balled into a fist. Zack knew what was coming and tensed his abs as the big man’s powerful fist sailed sharply in the air to connect with Zack’s stomach. He would have gone sailing back in the air if the former champion’s hand wasn’t on his lats holding him in place. Zack felt like he’d had a sledge hammer driven through him. The pain was so intense. More intense than anything he’d ever felt before. If the goons hadn’t been holding him up he would have collapsed.

“If the right one don’t get you,” intoned the former champion, “Then the left one will.”

Zack didn’t have time to wonder what he meant. The former champion switched hands quickly and repeated the punch with his left hand at lightning speed. This time the punch did drive Zack back. In fact it was so powerful that Zack was torn from the goons’ grip and sent flying ten feet or so through the air and down into a ditch away from the car, landing face up. Zack tried to take a breath, but it hurt too much.

The sun overhead blinded his eyes as he lay there looking up at it, but he still managed to see stars as he tried to recover. And then there was an eclipse as the massive frame of the former champion’s newly enlarged physique blotted out the life giving rays of the sun.

“Don’t ever fuck with me again boy,” he instructed Zack gruffly, “Or I will do more than teach you a lesson in humility. I will end you. Got that?”

“Better hurry up Leo,” Zack barely heard one of the minions say, “And get down to the Snake before it wears off.”

“Right,” said Leo, “I hope man that I never see you’re sorry ass again in this lifetime. Nighty night.”

He easily picked up Zack by his broad shoulder and then clocked him hard, just once more, and with his right fist. The punch was so powerful that Zack’s head spun.

And then the lights went out.

* * *

Zack didn’t know how long he lay there as he slowly came to, but as he pulled himself up off the ground he could see that a lot of the cars from the competition were gone. In the distance he could hear the raucous noise of a drunken party going on with those of the people who had stayed. And the darkening sky indicated that afternoon was quickly becoming evening. Zack guessed he hadn’t been out too long. Maybe an hour? Maybe two? His body ached in every bone, and he felt dizzy as he staggered over to his car. He guessed that most people would have missed his prone form laying in the ditch if they hadn’t actually been looking for it. That coupled with the fact that he’d parked to the side and away from everyone else was probably the only reason his keys and car hadn’t been stolen.

He got in behind the wheel, and realized that the arrangement was tighter than it had been before. He adjusted the seat and checked out his reflection in the mirror. Zack could move his jaw, but just barely. The left side of his face where Leo had punched him was black and swollen. It was a miracle his jaw wasn’t broken.

Zack felt a sudden rage roar up within him like a dragon.

No one treated him like this, no one. He reached into the glove compartment and pulled out the waiting syringe. His body wasn’t demanding another hit, but he needed it to pull himself together. As soon as the serum hit his bloodstream, he felt the power returning. He felt a million times better. Even some of the pain eased a bit from his jaw, and as he watched it looked like some of the bruising was starting to go down too.

That’s when he thought of Matt. The big guy was probably wondering what had happened to Zack. But he lived far enough away he wasn’t likely to turn around and come back here looking for him. That pissed Zack off even more. That Leo had made him late for Matt. Well, he’d take care of Leo later.

First he needed to see Matt.

To be continued?