Full Moon and Muscle 4

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7:45 PM – Last night of the full moon

"Milton is free, how about the rest of you?!"

6:00 AM – 13 hours and 45 minutes earlier/13 hours and 10 minutes till moon rise.

Milton was doing everything he could to gain as much control over his body as possible. He had forced the blonde's body to wake up early, before he even began to transform back into his true self. While he couldn't get the body to move, he could just make it lay there and watch as the muscles shrank away and his skin tone went from the deep tan to the office worker pale white that was Milton's normal tone.

He could also feel the bed shift some as this freak they created last night, Sarge, shrank even more than Milton did to become his usual form of John again. The lithe dancer's body coming out from inside a brute of muscles and hair. At least John had it a little better than he and Pete did. At least he knew somewhat of what was going on. So that when he woke up it wouldn't be a 100% shock of finding himself in a new place. He wouldn't remember much from last night, but he'd remember enough.

"Shit", Milton thought. "Like remembering that I was the one who set him up."

Milton dug out some of his own clothes from the piles of dirty laundry all over the room, and made his way down the stairs of Gato's house to the kitchen. He tried to be as quite as he could, the old building could creek with every step anyone made in it. He wanted to get some coffee in him, and he wanted to check the back yard.

Because as sick as it was, he was so fucking proud of what he did last night to Gato's damn dogs. Or, what he got Sunny to do. The blonde was borderline retarded and a sexual freak, but not even he would have thought to turn the two German Shepards, Thor and Max into playthings for Gato. Milton wasn't even sure it would work when he started planting the thoughts to do it in Sunny's mind right after the transformation. But the fact that it did work was all the better.

That meant not only could Milton get enough control over Sunny, if his plans backfired that much, if he actually had to get the guys together to try to kill Gato, they might be able to do it. But if Milton's plan worked out, it would never get that far. At least, not for him. The surfer twins that the dogs turned into might not get involved with their liberation from Gato that night, but they could probably be counted on as a distraction he needed.

Only problem was, no matter what he planned for himself, they all needed to get Andy. And bring him into the…pack, so to speak. Milton had to get these two on his side, which was not going to be easy. But only if all of them were together tonight would he be able to get Gato to stick to his end of the bargain.. A united front against their true tormenter.

Milton got the coffee going and checked the back yard through the kitchen window. No dogs. Early morning, people around them getting up and going to work. Those dogs were usually running back and forth barking at people. Ok, so they weren't in the back yard. Maybe that twisted fuck took them down into the cellar with him last night. Wondered if they had changed back yet. They should be. He was himself again, the guys should be dogs. Wondered if Gato got such a taste for them if changing back to dogs would keep him from fucking them.

The coffee maker still had some time to go before it was done, so Milton crept to the door that lead down to Gato's basement. It took the better part of a half minute for him to turn the doorknob as quietly as he could. And another minute just to slowly swing the door open. Milton stood there for what seemed forever, at the top of the stairs looking down into the darkness. He didn't hear anything, like the dog's toenails clicking against the floorboards as they moved. He'd done this before and the dogs almost tackled him, running up the stairs to be fed. That was going to be his excuses in case….

"DOWN HERE…..NOW!!!" He heard Gato bellow from the darkness.

Milton knew there was no escape. Walking down the old wooden steps to the basement, his legs almost gave out on him. Just kept reminding himself that there was just one more day of this hell and he'd be free.

His eyes were nowhere near adjusted to the darkness that perpetually filled Gato's living area. Milton thought at first he heard one of the dogs rustle, maybe coming to greet him, but out of the darkness Gato suddenly appeared. As angry as he ever was. In the brief millisecond that Milton could focus on him, he was sure that Gato's eyes were burning red. The darkness, the speed he was moving, the red eyes. All distracting from Gato's fist that landed squarely on Milton's face, knocking him down and just about out.

"Did you THINK I wouldn't know it was YOU!?" the naked manic shouted at Milton. Milton almost wanted to thank him for screaming, it was the only thing keeping him conscious. "You brought all this on yourselves!! Don't forget that! Tonight is the night you want your freedom. Yes? You DO want to be free?!?!"

"Yes……yes…please..I didn't know…."

"The fuck you didn't. Bringing the dogs into this has your fingerprints all over it. NOW is NOT the time to play GAMES!!!!"

"Gato, please, please believe me, I didn't know. I mean, I mean, yes, I was thinking yesterday if all this…shit you do could work on anyone…or anything…yes. But I didn't know it would work like a subconscious thought for Sunny. I didn't know!!!" Milton said staying at Gato's feet, not even looking up into the giant Latino muscle freak's eyes. "I promise you, I'm not playing games. I've brought you two of them. Tonight you'll get the last. I promise, please."

It was very quiet for a moment. Milton had no idea what Gato was thinking. The basement was so hot. It reeked of this odd male scent. Like some bizarre spice that always hung around Gato. Something moved in the darkness but Milton wasn't sure if it was the dogs or not.

"No time for games. You bring me the last….and you'll be free. I'm done playing with you anyway. Boring whiney ass liar. But till tonight, you're still mine."

Gato hadn't even gotten the last word out when the hot stream of piss hit Milton in the head. Like a fire hose of urine and beer and god knows what else Gato had drunk the night before. The spray hit Milton on the side of the head and streamed down, running over his mouth and off his chin onto the floor. It wasn't the first time Gato had marked Milton as his property.

"You know where we'll be meeting tonight. The same place that got us reunited. Bring everyone there tonight at 7, no later. No earlier. Think you can handle that?"

"Yes…yes of course…" Milton said getting up, still trying not to make eye contact. He started moving up the stairs in hopes that was all he would have to endure that morning.

 "I don't want to see any of you till then. I have things to prepare."

"Of course…" Milton said as he picked up speed heading away. Just before he reached the top of the stairs he thought he heard a muffled voice from back in Gato's lair. But in the hellish list of things he was trying not to think about, that was the least of his worries. Milton went back to the bedroom to find Pete trying to calm John down. But when he saw Milton entering the room, John broke free of Pete's hold and charged at Milton.

"Knock it off." Milton said blocking John's attack and pushing him back on the bed. "I've already had the crap beat out of me this morning. Not to mention being PEED ON!" Milton said flicking some of the lingering urine off his arm and onto the two men glaring at him. "Get your shit together. We have work to do."

"Son of a…"

"I KNOW I KNOW!!! I'm a SON OF A BITCH, how could I DO this…. already GOT that from Pete!!! I case you assholes haven't noticed, I'm not the one with the power around here." Milton said walking back and forth from the shower which he started running to get the ancient hot water heater going. "He's right down stairs. Go on, GO ON!!" Milton said grabbing John and Pete by the wrists and pulling them towards the door. "Go fucking attack him. Go end this right now all by yourselves!!"

The two men were left in the hallway. Knowing that Milton was right. All they had to do was go down stairs. They could confront that Gato guy. They could grab the phone and call the cops. They could just leave. But they couldn't. By the time they went back to the bedroom Milton was getting out of the shower.

"Not so easy is it. You don't think he's behind my ratting you guys out?" he asked them, knowing full well it was all his doing. Gato tried for months to get the names of the others who had made poor little Archie's life hell back in college. It wasn't till Gato offered to trade his freedom for their hides did Gato even know anyone else was involved. "Stay with me on this guys, stick with me." Milton said shifting his voice to what he hoped sounded more sincere and desperate. "We can end this tonight. We bring Andy with us, and even if we change we'll still be in enough control that we can take him out. Trust me, just one more night and this nightmare is all over. We can…..we can be free of him before he does THIS to you too." Milton said holding out his dick to show them his heavy PA hanging from the end.

"I'm a teacher." Pete said. "I work with children day in and day out. I can't kill someone."

"You think that thing downstairs is human? You think someone who can do all this is just 'someone'? Trust me, he might have started out as Gus Martinez back in college, but I haven't seen 'Gus' this whole month. Whatever Gato is, he's taken the place of Gus, and we have to stop him. Pull yourselves together, get dressed, we're going to track down Andy. He's a cop so I have no idea how this is going to play…"

11:38 AM – 7 hours 42 minutes till moon rise.

The three few stressed men sat in a side room at a downtown precinct. Det. Andrew Harrington hadn't seen most of these guys since they'd hung out together back in college. He sure didn't expect them to show up out of nowhere. Looking like shit. The three decided, at Milton's urging, to leave out the whole transformation bit. Knowing that Andy wouldn't believe it, and they really needed him to believe them. It was hard enough for them to sit in the room, given that part of what Gato did to them was meant to keep them from going to the police.

"Wait, so… out of no where, this Gus Martinez starts blackmailing Milton… and then after a half year or so of that, he starts in on you two. Just in the last week? And you think he's going to go after me next? All because of Archie?" Andy said sitting back in his chair. He had thought it was odd that his old friends showed up, he knew it couldn't have just been a social call. This was more than he expected.

"He told me that he got his hands on some of the notes we had sent Archie. Those stupid stupid notes. Some of the dumb gay porn mags we got him subscriptions too. Letters from guys who responded to the person ads we placed in the free newspapers in his name. And somehow he was able to trace them to me, then once he confirmed I was part of it, he guessed about the rest of you…" Milton said.

"We all might have been involved but you were the main force behind that Milton."

"Andy….I've had enough of this thrown back at me to know it was a stupid childish thing we did. Archie was just so obviously queer but wouldn't admit to it. I thought he'd just figure out what we all knew. I just never thought he'd…..kill himself. None of us thought it would go that far."

"You know, there always something off about Archie's death. And from my years of police work I can tell you one thing, 99.9 times out of 10, someone going through what we put Archie through does NOT kill themselves. He was an odd guy but not that odd and what we did wasn't that strong."

"Well it MUST have been to HIM since he killed himself." Milton said beginning to get nervous about how the conversation was going.

"Since you guys want to keep this off the record…which I HIGHLY advice against….but…" Andy said eyeing the guys he was talking to, wondering if he should continue on. "An incident a few months back came across my desk the other week. I wasn't involved with this investigation….only got bits and pieces. But did you guys hear about the break in at the college? In the Student Advisors offices?"

The three guys sat there, shaking their heads 'no'.

"Some of the offices got ransacked. Staff members who worked as advisors for students back when we went there. They eventually found some old files were taken. From Prof. Lyndin and Prof. Ablebrook's offices. Remember them? Both of them WERE advisors when Archie was being….hazed by us. As a matter of fact, from what I remember of the staffing at that time, I would be surprised if Archie went to anyone else when this shit started happening to him. While other staff members had their offices destroyed, Lyndin and Ablebrook were the only two who also had items stolen."

"Did they know was exactly was stolen? Were they notes about Archie? Were they able to tell?" Milton said, beads of sweat breaking out across his forehead.

"It was discovered that some old student files were missing ONLY from Lyndin's and Ablebrook's offices… AFTER the two men disappeared… several days after the break in."

The words hung heavy in the room. From their reactions Andy was sure his old friends knew more than they were saying. The news he had given them had shocked them, but there was something else in their faces. Like they were adding the pieces together, and things were fitting. Guys who were being 'only' blackmailed shouldn't look so accepting of the fact that the said blackmailer might be responsible for a coupe of murders. Unless they already drew the conclusion that he was. Which, lead Andy back to his original thought, that there was more going on here than they were telling.

"Now you guys tell me, do we still want this 'off the record'?"

"We can't… Look Andy I don't know about you but I can't have this scandal come out. I'm in enough trouble at work from the stress I've been under the past few months. They'll fire me for sure if they find out…"

"I present you with the idea that this guy might have killed, or in the very least is responsible for the disappearance of two people and you're still concerned about your job? How about you two? Milton seems to be doing all the talking here."

Pete and John looked at each other briefly. "What about your job? A campaign of ridicule of a gay teen that lead to a suicide the kind of trustworthy 'youthful indiscretions' the city is turning a blind eye to these days for their Police Detectives? I know the parents I have to deal with won't exactly think I'm the kind of teacher they want around their kids. And John being a dancer? If his art crowd finds out? I'm sure there's a few community activist out there who'd raise a big enough stink to get you kicked off the force."

"Yea, alright. If you don't want to go into this officially, then what do you expect me to do?"

"Come with us." Milton said, "We're suppose to meet with him tonight…..for this month's payments. If you're there with us, and we all confront him, show a united front…. Maybe even, if you bring up the missing professors….that might not only scare him off of us....but that might be a good enough of a lead that you can hand it off to the guys investigating their disappearance so THEY can go after him officially."

Seeing how the conversation was going, Andy decided to let the session end where it was, and agreeing to accompany them that evening. The overwhelming feeling that there was more going on would not shake Andy for the rest of the day. He broke some rules and used the system to track down info on his old friends. And to see what he could find on the man at the center of attention, Gus Martinez.

A few parking and speeding tickets here and there, but nothing major. Milton though, a few more tickets than the others, the number adding up to double digits in the last few months, most unpaid. Interesting pattern. A few every month, all within a couple of days of each other, all along the strip of gay bars. And not the classier 'guppy' bars, but the rough trade hang outs. Then nothing for the rest of the month, then the same pattern of tickets and gay bars, then again nothing till the next month. Interesting. Almost as interesting as finding nothing on Gus Martinez as of two weeks before the college robberies. Almost as if the man had disappeared from the Earth.

2:30 PM – 4 hours and 40 minutes till moon rise.

Pete threw a few more things into a shopping bag, more of his shirts, some things he'd need to take to his classroom, his spare glasses. Milton had explained that without even being told to do it, they would all take on a 'pack mentality'. Forcing themselves to move into Gato's house. He wanted to stop this and just sit alone n his apartment till it came time to meet up with the others. But getting things to make his stay at Gato's was calming him down more than just sitting. Because when he sat he'd think about turning into the huge black bodybuilder with an asshole built for cock. And how, if he believed Milton that they would all be free of this in just hours, why did it feel more natural to pack things up as if it wasn't going to be over. He had no reason not to believe Milton….

4:45 PM – 2 hours and 25 minutes till moon rise.

John spent the afternoon dancing. It was what he did, what he had always done. He grabbed one of the rehearsal rooms at the theater, threw everyone out and blared the music till the windows almost rattled. In times of stress, even with all the noise, it was like meditation to him. But today, the moves could not come quick enough, the agility wasn't there, the smoothness missing. He tried to tell himself that it was all just stress and not….NOT any left over influence of the hairy muscle bound creature he turned into the night before. Even though he could still taste cigar in his mouth. And that blond guy's lips on his lips. Was that guy really Milton? John thought he was free from his life back in college. Putting up with those guys. Going along with their taunts of Archie. None of them thought the guy would kill himself. But that's where John really had to take a closer look inside. Wasn't that why he hung out with a loud insane group of grade A frat guys, because he was a dancer, and he needed to counter what he thought was everyone's perception of him, that he would have to be gay. John thought the old saying was just that, a saying without substance, that the past could come back to haunt you. His past was returning as a living nightmare. And night was only a couple of hours away.

6:55 PM – 15 minutes till moon rise.

Milton pulled the car up as close to the old church as he could get it. The parking lot long grown over with weeds and bushes. He almost didn't get his car up the path that lead to the place out in this forest area due to how much the road had been taken over by plant growth. Most of the old building had been destroyed years before, mainly the walls and only parts of the roof were left. Certainly none of the stained glass windows survived the decades of rocks thrown through them from the kids who happened upon the place. There were warning signs up but even the barriers to keep people out could not stand the prolonged exposure to the elements, coupled with time and neglect.

"Why does he make you come all the way out here?" Andy said getting out of the car. Due to the high tree coverage in the area the sun, while not officially down, was no longer lighting the area. Andy turned on his flashlight and started checking the place out.

"Something about liking the desecrated church or something, let's just get in there.." Milton said trying to move the men to the main opening. He was trying to get them all inside before John and Pete started asking about what his plan was.

"So he's in here… ok, why don't you guys let me take the lead." Andy said moving ahead of them. Which fitted Milton's plan perfectly.

As soon as Andy was a few feet in front of him, Milton reached into his coat pocket, quickly poured some one the chloroform from the bottle he was carrying onto a cloth and tackled Andy from behind.

"Help me with him!!! This shit works fast but not that fast."

John and Pete stood in complete shock, but still went and did their best to hold Andy's arms while Milton continued to try to get Andy to pass out. The element of surprise must have worked more to their advantage than it seemed it was going to at first, as Andy quickly collapsed on the group, leaving the three men panting for fresh air themselves.

"How is this part of the fucking plan to free us?!?!" Pete yelled.

"Keep it down, fuckhead. We have to put on a good show. We couldn't just waltz in there with a cop ready to confront Gato. And I don't think Andy'd allow us to do this to him willingly!! We'll have to fool Gato that we're working for him still. But he always wants his victims awake for his voodoo bullshit. Once he wakes Andy up, that's when we make our move."

John and Pete shot each other a look of despair and of hope that the other would know what to do besides continue to follow Milton's increasingly bizarre lead. Neither one could respond with anything more than more worry than before. They grabbed the limp body of Andy under the arms and started dragging him through the dirt and over the aged concrete into the church.

The insides of the old church revealed to be more open than they thought it would be. Most of the floor was clean and free of debris. Across the room was a large T shaped wooden structure, about 6 feet tall. Metal cuffs hung from the ends of the cross bar on top. Obviously there to secure Andy's arms for his transformation. Its resemblance to a cross was not lost on any of the three.

"Let's get him undressed and in place before Gato gets here." Milton said beginning to tug at Andy's clothes.

"I thought we were going to…take care of things before we changed…" Pete asked, noticing his skin was getting dry as it had the last two nights just before the change.

"Shhhh…don't talk about it. Just keep you eyes open and try to stay in as much control as you can. Just stay calm and wait for my…or Sunny's signal." Milton said pulling Andy's shirt off. He couldn't have helped notice that besides John, who as a professional dancer and needed to be in top physical form, Andy was the best built of all 4 of them. No sitting behind a desk and scarfing down donuts for this police detective.

Once Andy was completely naked they hauled his body up, Milton and John doing their best to keep him in place, while Pete secured Andy's arms in the restraints. With that done, they let go. His unconscious body weight dragging him down some. The restraints cutting slightly into his wrists. It was then that they saw the familiar design painted on the floor, as it was when they were all turned. And the painting was new. A round design with many small instruction in it. All done in what appeared to be the same red liquid that Gato has smeared their bodies with for the transformation to take place. None of the men felt comfortable standing in the midst of the design again.

"My skin's getting really itchy, is that how it starts?" John asked rubbing his fingernails up and down his arm.

"Yea…..better get undressed. No stopping it now." Milton said, hoping that the other two would be so preoccupied with their transformation that they wouldn't notice…it wasn't happening to him. He felt….normal. No itching, no heat. Gato……must have done something….to keep his word. Milton brought the others to him, and he was going to be free.

John and Pete nervously started pulling at their clothes, trying to take them off with some care. But that did not last long. At Pete removed his shirt, large rips in his flesh started etching themselves across his back. Exposing the warm vibrant black flesh underneath. John was bending over to place his folded shirt on the neat pile he was making, only to have his arm burst open, and the huge bicep of his "Sarge" alter ego reveal itself.

"Oh my god, oh my god…" John said trying, very much in vein, to place the drying skin back on, to cover the larger hairy arm that now grew out of his shoulder.

"You can call on him, but you'll find he won't be answering you tonight." They heard Gato say from the back. Through the darkness they saw their tormenter coming closer, dragging two large boxes behind him. The insane growls of the dogs coming from inside. He left the boxes outside the circle and walked over to Andy. As always Gato wore nothing more than his shiny black leather boots, his tight leather pants with nothing else form the waist up. His honey brown skin catching reflections from the candle light around them making it look almost gold in places.

"Good job." He said to Milton. "Kind of surprised it was Andrew here. But things wouldn't be going the way they are if he wasn't the last of the guilty ones. You kept your word Milton. I now have you all. Let's add Andrew to the pack." Gato said, taking a bottle out of a small cloth bag he had tied to his belt and squirting the red liquid all over the naked detective. It might have been the shock of the liquid hitting him, but at that moment, Andy appeared to start coming too. Gato then took out what looked like an old torn shirt and pulled it over Andy's head. Milton knew the clothing had some connection to the transformation spell, but didn't know how and he couldn't tell what the shirt was.

John and Pete looked towards the voice and found themselves both scared and excited to hear Gato's voice. The remnants of their own minds still there, knowing who he was and knowing what he did to them. But there was also their new minds, who worshiped Gato and knew he was their reason for being.

John was the first to fully transform. The last bits of his smooth dancers skin dropping to the floor, leaving behind the massive freak that was known as Sarge. The jaw line that was now broader than his forehead, which in itself was thick with bone. Not the handsome features of a dancer in his prime, but a well-battered warhorse, looking older than he really was. He still grasped the shirt used to complete his spell, which he tugged and strained to get over his huge upper body. It fit like a second skin and ended a good two inches above his navel. It was the only thing the hairy brute wore. But even if it was a foot longer it couldn't have covered the end of his growing dick, the head swelling up as big as an apple and dripping with pre cum. As the transformation ended, John could feel himself still awake, much more than the night before, and enjoying it more than the night before too.

Even though it was only the third time in as many days as he had transformed, Pete almost felt like he was getting used to it. His hesitation from the night before gave way to more of a sense of wonder. As a teacher in grade school, he was used to the same old life and the same old routine. While this was completely screwing his life up, at the same time, on this night, he took in what was happening to him. The muscles. The powers. The feeling of being….shit, of being a REAL man. The way this guy carries himself, letting his pecs hang and arms hard with relaxed muscles to give that "I know I'm hot shit" vibe, even when there was no one around to see it. The black skin, shimmering in the light coming from the candles that Gate was now lighting around the circle. Not like his regular skin with it's freckles and tanned arms that only went up as far a to where his short sleeve shirt started. This skin was dark, almost pure black, and flawless. Didn't even need any oil to begin to gleam in the light. And then there was his dick. Just as big and as black as everything else on him. His old dick was kind of small and he kept having to trim his dick hair to keep it from getting in the way. Now his dick was so thick and heavy, the way it hung from his groin. Like a real man's.

"Let's say we wake Andrew up before we shut his mind down again for the night, huh" Gato said waling up to Andy. He lifted the man's head up, Andy's eyes beginning to blink some and try to focus on how was before him. Which is when Gato slapped him so far on the side of his face that the others snapped back to attention. Remembering where they were. And what they were there for. "Wakey, wakey Andy. That's it….time to join us just before it'll be time to leave. But we need Andy for a bit. Come on…"

"Who the…..who are you. What's….Milton what's going on? Why did you?" Andy said focusing on Milton then seeing the two giant musclemen standing in back of him, in all their naked glory. "What the fuck?"

"Don't know what Milton told you, but it's Gus Martinez Andy, you remember me right?"

"You're not Martinez. No work out program in the word could turn that geek into you."

"True, true. But there are other ways of getting from point A to point B without a Bowflex. Little things like spells, curses and magic, like this…" Gato said grabbing Andy by the shoulder and ripping a large section of his skin off. The skin below was brown, and healthy, and covered with cheap black ink tattoos. "Ahhhh, perfect. Just what I was hoping for. Now Andy…ANDY…can you hear me? Have a few questions for you, Detective."

"Gato look, I did what you wanted. I brought them to you. I didn't change." Milton said, almost laughing with glee at the last part of his sentence. "I can go, right? You said I could go free if I did this…"

"You'll be free in just a minute. Andrew, listen to me…… this all started with the death of Archie Rego. You remember Archie right?" Gato said picking at the drying skin on Andy's chest. More and more of the large tattoo covered pecs revealed with each fingernail scrape. "When I was talking to John, over there, the other night, he said that at the time of Archie's death you had some questions about it."

"Don't see John….what are you doing……Archie? Yea, like I told the guys this afternoon, kind of odd that it was a suicide…."

"If not suicide, murder then? Could someone have murdered him?" Gato said ripping the skin off of Andy's other arm. Unlike the other's who gained some height in their transformations, Andy appeared to be getting smaller. His arm had a bit of slack in them when he was chained to the wooden T, and now, with his new self beginning to come out, his wrists pulled taunt at their restraints. The obscene number of cheap home made tattoos continued from his shoulders down to his wrists.

"Never wanted to say, never wanted to admit to it, but yea, the way they found him….could have been someone leaving the body to make it look like a suicide when it was a murder." Andy mumbled, trying to get a focus on what was happening, and why his mind was being filled with strange new thoughts and feelings.

"That would have been a perfect opportunity wouldn't it? Use the torture that you four put the little guy through as a cover to kill him. Lead people to think that it drove him to suicide. And because he was just a useless homo, no one would have really thought anything else COULD have happened. No reason to tell anyone your concerns. No need for anyone to investigate farther. Faggots kill themselves all the time….right?"

"You're insane…." Andy said, the skin around his mouth feeling funny. Like it was coming loose.

"Going to have to get in line behind these other three to use that one on me. What type of person could have killed such a sweet and innocent little guy like Archie" Gato said running his hands through Andy's hair.

"A sick bastard like you?" Andy spat at him.

"Wrong!" Gato said grabbing onto Andy hair and ripping everything from the policeman's neck up off his head. Left in Gato's hand almost looked like a Halloween mask. Left on Andy's was a new face and head. Strong jaw, gleaming bald head, thin beard going from his ears down to his chin with no mustache. But one of those faces that was hard to place. Not white, not black. Could have some Spanish, could even have some Asian. A hard-edged man with a mix of more than a few races in his blood stream. Eyes that had been having trouble focusing on what was going no now pierced through everyone in the room.

"Gato…..look this is getting to be too much. I can't handle this anymore. I did what you said…..I'm leaving…." Milton said heading back out of the circle and to the church's opening.

"Not quite Milt." Gato said knocking over one of the candles that ringed the circle. The holder fell over and instantly lit something just outside of their line of vision. Within seconds the fire started moving across the huge room, back and forth, in a set pattern. The same pattern as the cursed circle they had already been standing in. Only 4 times bigger and drawn in fire.

"What is this." Milton said trying to go over one of the smaller lines of fire that made up the pattern. "I've got to leave…"

"No I think not. You see Milt, there's more going on here than just adding Andy to the pack." Gato said as he moved closer and closer to Milton.

"But you have him, you have them all. I kept my part of the bargain!!! Them for me!! Let me go!!" Milton pleaded.

"Would if I could. But it's too late for that. As I said, this all heads back to Archie. All this was done to gain vengeance for his death, not just his torture. If I could gather all his tormenters, gain possession of their very souls, then his killer would be revealed to me. And that would be you, wouldn't it Milton."

"You are crazy…I kept my part of the bargain. LET ME GO!!!" Milton said starting to feel hotter than he'd ever felt before. It was close to the heat that he had felt in the past transformations, but deeper than that. Deeper than just below the skin. But try as he might, he couldn't move over the flames and to freedom.

"I loved Archie deeper than any man could love another. We were meant to be together. We were meant to be together FOREVER." Gato said crossing over to Milton, his hands slightly smeared with the red liquid. Gato reached out and left his thumb print of it on Milton's forehead. "But you took him from me. John told me you were the one who initiated the campaign to torture Archie. Why was that MILT? Afraid Archie would tell everyone ABOUT THE TWO OF YOU!!! How he was helping you EXPERIMENT!! You kept him from me not only because Archie wanted to fuck you instead of me, you kept him from me by KILLING HIM!!! But you were so much of a sick SHIT that you KILLED him for fear of everyone else finding out YOU were AS MUCH of a FAGGOT as he was!!!??"

"Stop it. Let me go……you said I could go free…….I didn't know what I was doing…I panicked."

Gato stood over Milton, the small man trembling to the point of convulsions, his pants stained where he had wet himself. His skin burning like never before. "Feel free to leave at any time Milton." Gato whispered in his ear.

And with that Milton burst into flames. Like a choir of sheer agony had started singing, his screams filled the old church to the rafters. His clothing was the first to go, almost at once. The flames consuming all of him, from head to his feet. Milton might have been trying to get the others to help him, or it might have just been his muscles moving him in their direction, but the few steps towards his old friends was the only movement he could do with his lower body. Before his flesh started falling off in huge massive clumps. Not unlike how a candle melts. Not the thin clothe like pieces of skin as before, but skin and muscles and everything else that made up the human form of Milton. Large sections of burning flesh melted off as the flames grew hotter, and the screams grew louder. A human candle melting in the middle of an old church. Still screaming.

Milton was on his hands and knees when the flames grew so strong the others could no longer see his body from inside. And thankfully could no longer hear his screams. The flames continued for several more minutes before they started to go down. Slowly, at first, but then, with most of the flash burned off, nothing left to keep the flame going.

In the middle of the large charred hunks of meat that had once been Milton, lay an unconscious Sunny. His skin red and raw, but not truly burnt. Every bit of hair that had been was scorched off. But the huge bodybuilder lay on the ground, amongst the smoldering bit of flesh. He almost looked a peace. Curled up in the fetal position, which was more than appropriate for the newly born man.

Gato walked over to the sleeping form, and brushed his finger against Sunny's cheek. "Nice of you to join us, puppy." He stood and looked at the three men at the far side of the still burning circle.

While Milton had been burning away, Sarge and Buddy had gone over to stand next to their new pack mate. Andy's outer skin had fallen away till it fully reveled the man Andy now shared a consciousness with. He was now shorter than the others, with a build as strong as theirs though. Not as defined as Buddy's and not as overly solid as Sarge's. A hot little bodybuilder, muscles rounded off like they had been blown up like a balloon, pecs big and meaty. The legs were incredibly thick and the waist a real tree trunk. The upper body covered in black tattoos, no overall design. Just one drawing added after another over time. As some jail inmates do to pass their time waiting for release.

Gato stood and took a step towards the waiting men. On the floor between them was what obviously had been part of Milton's head. The still smoking bits of terrified face the outline of a skull still fairly visible in the area facing the men. Gato's perfectly polished leather boot was lifted off the floor, placed on top of the skull and pushed down. The head disappearing into nothing more than a puff of ash and cinders.

"Milton is free, how about the rest of you?"

The three men still stood in slack jawed shock over what they just saw. Their minds racing faster than either persona could keep up with. "You killed that guy…..and Sunny!! You killed Sunny." Buddy said beginning to move again and started heading towards his friend lying on the floor.

Gato put his hand out and stopped the huge black bodybuilder from going over. "He needs to rest for a bit more. But no, I didn't kill Sunny. Milton yes. He's as dead as they come. Sunny's been born into this world for the final time. The only thing left in his head of Milton's is the basics. Like knowing the alphabet and knowing how to add and subtract. Though, in Sunny's case…….maybe not even that much…"

Sarge and Buddy still stared at Sunny's unconscious body on the floor. The man who was now Andy kept his piercing eyes on Gato the whole time. With an expression of hate that could not be disguised.

"Oh Andy, why so pissed? Don't you like the new you? Trust me, you'll grow to love it." Gato said looking over his shoulder to Sunny. "Or else. You know, Andy just doesn't suit him anymore. Little mix breed mutt like him not going to be called "Andy". Not this little fireplug of a habitual ex-con I turned him into. With all his cheap ass prison tattoos. Don't know if any name would do him any good… don't they give prisoners numbers? How about 33726. Not only degraded into being the one thing he fights against everyday, but living with a name that's nothing more than my PIN number."

The man now known as 33726 continued to stare at Gato. Any movement in his facial features was to only accent the intense have behind the eyes.

"You think you hate me now…" Gato said flipping the clasp on his belt and letting his pants fall enough to reveal his cock. "Wait till I mark you as my own."

With all his strength Gato slammed his hands into 33726's shoulders, knocking the wooden T off its base and sending it crashing to the ground backwards. Taking the short muscle bound ex-con with it. 33726 tried to free his secured hands, but the fall did nothing to loosen the restraints. He looked up to see Gato coming towards him. And even though he was backlit from the fires that burned all around them, 33726 could tell that Gato was now naked, and as hard.

"I'd say sorry if any splinters get in your back when we fuck…..but if I felt sorry for you in the slightest I wouldn't be fucking you on a dirty floor in a condemned church." Gato said kneeing down till he was between 33726's legs. His big hands forced their way between the ex-policeman now ex-con's legs and spread them apart. "And I thought Buddy had the ghetto booty of the pack. Andy you in there? ANDY! Fight me if you want, but that'll only make it more fun for me."

And with that 33726 felt his ass get penetrated and then some by Gato's plumb shaped dick head. Then he felt the shaft enter, all in one long non-stop stroke. As he tried to fight, tried to push it out, Andy felt something else in his head doing the opposite. Opening his ass more. Lifting his hips just a bit to give the cock taking more leverage. Not to make it easier for the dick to go in and out, but because the guy inside his head with him liked the way it felt when it hurt more. He even found his legs moving back, out of Gato's grasp, but not to fight his off, but to open his ass more for the fucking. 33726 raised his head as best he could from his prone position to find Gato impaling himself into his asshole, but with the same look of anger and hunger in his eyes that 33726 had been giving him earlier. 33726's own dick was hard and close to shooting. His wasn't the monster cocks the others got. Like his new body it was short but thick. The kind of dick with a smaller head on top an impossibly round shaft etched with pulsing veins. Gato threw his head back and looked up through the open room at the stars, taking a few deep breaths.

"Well, maybe you don't like me any better, boy." He huffed in short breaths. "But that don't make you any less MINE."

33726 felt the dick inside him swell slightly and then his insides fill with warm liquid. Andy had to quite his own inner voice due to the new mind in his head loving the feeling as much as he did. As much hate as there was flowing through both their psyches, for one of them, being taken hard by another man equaled the closest thing he'd even known as love. A feeling that scared Andy more than anything else that had happened that night.

Gato immediately pulled out and staggered to his feet. "Whew, I tell you boys. Busy night even for me. As we still got things to do." He said addressing Sarge and Buddy. Both men were at first uncomfortable with the forceful ass plowing they were witness too, but well before it ended they absentmindedly found themselves stroking their own hard cocks off as they watched. "Your Master will consider you very good boys is you first shoot off your loads at 3's mouth before you free him. Take care of that. I have something I need to show my Pack so we can wrap things up here."

It only took the two large men a couple of seconds to get their dicks to a place where they shot off load after load towards their new pack mate's face. The thick white cum hitting him in the face, only some getting near his mouth. What did though was reluctantly licked up with his tongue. With that done, they freed 3 from his restraints and helped him to his feet. It was then that they saw not so much how short 3 was, just how much taller the others were than him. The top of his head barely reaching as high as Sarge's nipple. With Buddy not being that far off either. 3 tugged at the shirt that had been placed around Andy's neck. Moving it around and getting his arms though what was left of the short sleeves, and even then his biceps ripping the seems of the sleeve anyway. They saw the shirt was a filthy old prisoner uniform. Like the military surplus cast off shirt Sarge wore and the jock Buddy had been given, not turned into the prisoner who had originally worn the shirt, but someone how looked like they should be wearing it.

They joined Gato and the awakening Sunny near the dog carriers that Gato had dragged into the church when he arrived. Sunny still disoriented and sitting on the floor amongst the ashes that had been Milton. Skin still red but going down. His large hands running over his bald head, trying to find his long blonde hair.

"Unlike our new pack mate 3, yours will grow back." Gato said helping his to his feet. "I want to show you all what happens when you fuck around. You watching? You two should know the dogs but our new pack mate won't. 3, just so you know, these WERE German Shepards till Milton got Sunny to do the curse and turn them back into humans." Gato said opening the doors. He noticed the quizzical looks on the guy's faces. "Yea, you heard me. BACK into humans. But not the humans they originally were."

The things the emerged from the crates were not dogs, and they were not humans. You couldn't even call them a mix. One had a back leg of a dog, the other of an old man's sticking out. It's face primarily that of the man it had once been, except down at the mouth where it shifted into the dog's teeth. It dragged itself along by its two front dog limbs, along with the human arm that also stretched out from an over filled shoulder blade. The other was no better. It kept trying to stand on its mainly human legs, but it's hips and back were still that of a quadruped and could not balance the weight. Not that it didn't keep trying. It's face not as combined as well as it's partners. Just an eye and what might have been used as a mouth due to the teeth coming out of it, but that might also have been it's nose since it appeared to be breathing through it. But then it was also crying through it too. Both creatures were whimpering. As a dog would whimper. As an old man would whimper too.

"You remember Professors Lyndin and Ablebrook don't you, boys? My trail to you all stared with them, and the notes they kept from when Archie went for help. Not that they did anything to help him." Gato said standing with the two creatures at his feet. The look of hate increased on 3's face while Sarge and Buddy grew more and more shocked. One of the creatures started licking Gato's feet as a dog might, while the other took a crap on the floor. Howling at the obvious pain it caused it to do so. "Their files lead me to Milton who then lead me to you. But I couldn't let them go once I got the info out of them. I couldn't trust them to be telling me everything they knew about Archie's death, but I also didn't need two old men hanging around the house waiting for the rest of you to join them."

"Those are the dogs?" Sunny said beginning to tear up. "I'm sorry doggies."

"Yea… he's free of Milton. Anyway, so they were my, let's say, guinea pigs. I needed to see if I could keep the curse in place beyond the night, outside of the full moon, and they needed to stay in hiding till I was ready for them. So the Profs have been spending the last few months running around the back yard. Shitting in the grass and barking at the mailman. All completely aware of what was going on and who they used to be. Once I was sure it would work for them, I tried it on myself. Which is why Milton hadn't seen Gus for the last few months, and you never will again."

"You can't leave them like that." Buddy said, raising his voice slightly. It wasn't Gato who let him know that should be done, but one of the creatures that started growling at him.

"Yea, I'm a dick but I'm not that bad. I was going to offer them the same thing that I offer you. Milton's fucking around got the spell all screwed up. Leaving them with just one option. Sorry boys, but it's for the best." Gato steps away from the two figures as they, just as Milton did, burst into flames. It was quicker this time. Though the howls were far worse. Maybe it was because there was less mass to burn, but the fires went down quickly after consuming the two figures on the floor. But unlike with Milton and Sunny, there were no bodies left in the ashes. No curled up forms of the surfer boys they had been changes into the night before. Just ashes.

"Oh my god." Sunny whispered before breaking out into a crying fit to equal anything a 5 year old would do.

"Calm down Sunny. It's not your fault. It was all Milton. And he's paid for his crimes." Gato placing his hand lovingly on the huge bodybuilder's crying face. "As for the rest of you and your crimes. As I offered before. Would you like to be free?"

"Free like that?!? Or free like Milton? You keep saying free but neither one...." Sarge barked at him, surprised at how much of John was able to take over then.

"I'm offering you true freedom. Free from the bodies you're in. Walking away. Back to your old lives. Never having to deal with this again. Freedom." Gato said smiling at them.

"Catch?" 3 growled at him, his voice heavy with some unidentifiable accent, maybe eastern European.

"It talks!" Gato said laughing. "Tomorrow morning you're going to wake up exactly as you are now. No changing back, but no loss of any mental abilities you have tonight. And you will wake up that way for the next month. Then, on the night of the next full moon, you will go through what Sunny and I have gone through, the cleansing. You will be free of your former self through the fire. Living the rest of your lives for me as my pack. Unless….."

Gato paused letting the air hand heavy with the anticipation he knew was filling them.

"Unless, on that night of the full moon one month from now, you bring me someone to take your place. Their soul in exchange for yours."

"Fucking sick bastard." Sarge sneered.

"Again, you all keep saying that like I don't know."

"Wait, wait…. That's it?" Buddy asked. "We just bring you someone. They take our place and we're free?"

"Buddy, do you think if it could be 'anyone' it would be called a "CURSE'!?! Of course not just anyone. Someone who means something to your old selves. The term 'loved one' comes to mind. You all were involved in taking my one true love from me, I see no reason why the punishment shouldn't be the same in kind. Look at it this way, one way or another you will never see them again anyway. You just get to decide if it's because you're never changing back, or because you picked them to take your place at the end of my cock. "

"And if we do nothing…we end up like Sunny?"

"What's wrong with ending up like me?" Sunny said doing a double bicep pose for them.

"More importantly, if you pull anything, if you try to do something cute like Milton did, you end up like the Profs. I only let them suffer as long as they did to set an example. No new life, no old life, no…life." Gato said turning from them. "But it's been a long evening and we have so much fun to do the rest of the night. Time to celebrate Sunny's birth. Time to show 3 what being a pack mate is all about." Gato stood over the pile of ashes that had been Milton and started feeling around. "Car keys….car keys…oh!" He pulled out the large gage PA from the dirt and soot. "Looks like something came loose in the change over. Well have to get that reattached tonight."

Sunny caught the ring that had been tossed to him by Gato and started brushing the dirt off. "Can't I just get a bigger one."

"That's my puppy." Gato said standing up with a shoot covered set of keys jingling in his hands. "Let's leave shall we. Who knows, maybe by the end of the evening, we might get than frown off of 3's face."

The huge men left the desecrated church. The fires inside slowly going down. 3 joined Gato in his car so his mouth could get a workout giving him head as they drove back into town. The other three in Milton's old car. Except for Gato who got redressed before they left, all the men were naked except for their cloth used in the curse. But they would find that was pretty much all they needed to wear that night.

6:35 AM the next morning/ 33 minutes after sunrise.

Buddy stood in the bathroom looking at the mirror. Gato was right. He was still the black bodybuilder he'd transformed into the last few nights. Not the thin white 6th grade teacher he's been in few decades before that. Pete was still there in his head, but Buddy was just as alive. Buddy kept thinking he should get in the shower and start thinking about what, if anything, he was going to do. But he just kept staring at the black muscle god in the mirror as he flexed, and posed and flexed some more.

Back in the bedroom Sarge was still fast asleep, face down, ass not only in the air, but higher than usual due to the pillows propping it up. Out of his hairy ass stuck the long handle of an industrial sized dildo. For a man who constantly insisted that he didn't get fucked, he took more plastic last night that a Starbucks on a Monday morning. His snoring made the handle of the dildo move up and down with each breath. When he woke up, hours later, he'd remember something from the night before of Buddy asking if Sarge wanted it removed, but not really remembering why he didn't. Just being glad it was still there.

Farther down in Gato's room, Sunny slept like the 300+ pound muscle bound day old new born he was. Gato worked on his computer, down loading the pictures they had all taken that night. From his angle he could see the extreme large gage PA sticking out from the end of Sunny's dick, down where it poked out from under him, beneath his nuts and under his ass. Sunny was sleeping on his back to let his new tattoo heal some. Gato didn't want to go that route so quickly, but Sunny was more like a child than ever before. And knowing he would never change back into Milton, wanted to start getting the ink he admired on others so much. The big puppy had been such a good sport at getting his dick repeiced, and his nipples, and his ears, and his eyebrows….. The only thing that had made Sunny hesitate was that, due to all the tattoo's 33726 already had, Sunny wanted his help and opinions of what design to start with. But by the time they reached the tattoo parlor, 3 was long gone. Gato wasn't sure where his new pack mate had gotten too, but was sure he would show up.

Around that same time, in a holding cell downtown, 33726 was sitting in a corner, by himself. The other guys being held with him already finding out not to get near the violent bald mini muscle freak. 3 had woken up in the cell, not really remembering what he had done to get thrown in there, not really remembering much of what had happened the night before except for the drinks and the sex…… all he knew was that he was in a holding cell, in a police station, without any real pants, any ID, no idea how to get in touch with Gato and no idea what he was being charged with. All he knew was, he was home. While the intense glare never left 3's eyes, a smile did begin to cross his lips. Happy at last, to be in his cage.

Read next part