Ben's New Neighbour 3

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As Stan worked on the front hairline, he took the hair back even further at the temples, leaving the top hair, untouched. Ben’s created widow’s-peak was very prominent now! Quickly turning his attention to the hair on top, he took the needle and widened the bald spot he’d started on the crown. Then from there he started to move forward, attacking individual hairs at random. After he was finished, he gave Ben a small, hand mirror. Now his hair appeared to be thinning around the bald spot which was now about 3 inches in diameter. It appeared odd as he still had all his hair at the front.

Ben was disappointed. The balding was slow to appear. Because of his conditioning, he was impatient for baldness! Seeing the disappointment, Stan said, “Why don’t you take some of your focus off what’s happening to your head by growing a moustache. You saw how good it looked on the guy that was just in here.”

Suddenly, this seemed like a good idea – why hadn’t he thought of it before!

“Yeah! I wonder if I could grow one, I’ve never tried before?”

Stan knew he was on a roll, “and why don’t you try to get some extended leave from work? That way we could progress a little faster – no one would notice!”

“Well,” Ben started to say, “my boss is always looking for people to take leave. He’s always on my case about how bad things are at the moment.”

“Then let me know when you’re ready to take it further.” Stan said with a huge grin, removing the cape from Ben and exposing a still erect and exposed cock!

Ben was able to arrange a three month leave of absence and had already stopped shaving his top lip. At first he was disappointed how slow it was to grow and being blond didn’t help. At this time, Ben had started to look at his body. He was feeling more conscious of how overweight he was compared to Tom. He asked Tom about going to the gym with him, but was told that if he let Tom be his trainer, he had to commit 100 percent.

Now Ben had never been interested in the gym before, but something told him he should beef up- it would go with his new masculine look. Tom was glad to see the hypnotic suggestions working in the right order. He’d of course already designed a program for Ben, and was eager to try it out.

The next week, Ben started his three month leave. He’d already started at Tom’s gym, and found Tom a hard task master. Many times he wanted to stop until he started to notice small gains in his muscles – this inspired him to go on. Tom had also been working on Ben’s diet, and he had insisted Ben move in with him so he could keep an eye on his snacking. Ben was more than happy with this arrangement; it saved him money, now he wasn’t earning any.

Tom of course had different reasons. He could now monitor the ‘special’ protein shakes he was making Ben drink three times a day.

It was nearly three weeks since Ben’s last visit to Stan’s barbershop. Tom accompanied him this time as he wanted to see Stan’s reaction to the changes already apparent in Ben.

“Looking good, my Boy. You seem to have lost a lot of body fat already,” Stan said as he fastened the cape around his balding slave.

“He has plenty of room for more muscles now!” said Tom with a quick wink to Stan. They both knew that the protein drinks being fed to Ben contained growth steroids that would bring immediate results to their ‘boy’.

“That moustache is certainly coming along,” Stan added. Already the blonde bristles showed potential for a thick moustache. “Now let’s get to work on your hair!”

Already the small cart was beside the chair, and before Ben knew it, Stan had fired up the electrolysis needle and started in on the thinning area on top of the head.

Even though Ben was getting use to the needle, when he wasn’t given the trigger phrase, he couldn’t bear the pain for long. Tears began to form in Ben’s eyes. Stan stopped for a moment, looking at Tom. Tom smiled and said softly, “No shadow ever again!”

Ben’s eyes blinked then stared straight ahead.

Stan asked, “Ready for more?”

“Yes,” replied Ben, now able to get off on the pain rather than want to stop.

As the needle went to work on the temples, Ben closed his eyes and went to remove his cock from his jeans. Looking at the mirror in front he noticed Stan finally moving in on the virgin front hairline, which up till now had not been touched. Row by row, slowly, Stan removed each hair – root and all. Ben was happier now, as he realized he was going to be rid of his hair soon. He was going to be more of a man just like Tom.

After nearly two hours, Ben’s MPB was now almost complete. Tom couldn’t believe the smooth skin totally devoid of any stubble. Ben had already stroked his cock raw as more and more scalp had appeared. Turning his head from side to side he couldn’t believe how different he looked. Except for a blonde fringe of hair that formed a horseshoe around his head, he was totally bald on top and best of all -‘ no shadow’.

Tom showed the back to Ben. “What do you think Ben? Take the hairline down a little more?”

Eager to see results, as well as pleased his partner made more hair-free suggestions, he agreed. Stan began to dip the hairline lower, surprised at how well Ben could handle the pain.

Tom watched closely showing Stan where he thought he should take the hairline. When he was finished, Ben’s MPB was severe, the back dipping 4 inches from the crown. Rubbing a cream into the virgin scalp to relieve the redness, Stan noticed the dreamy look on Bens face. He was obviously enjoying the head rub, “so Ben ready to go the full distance and let me buzz down the fringe with my clippers?”

“Sure!” he replied still in his dream state, enjoying everything that had been happening to him he wasn’t going to ask Stan to stop.

The high pitch of the edging clippers started up and Stan began to reduce the remaining hair on Ben’s head. Soon the horse-shoe of hair was mere stubble.

Ben looked in the mirror, He couldn’t believe how different he looked. But at the same time he knew this is what he always wanted. He ran both hands over the smooth crown and front area. His cock was hard again!! Why had it taken him so long to admit this was the look for him.

“Now we may need to touch up the hairs that re-grow, but for now this depilatory oil should help slow things down.” Stan was spraying the contents of an unmarked bottle over the hairless areas on Ben’s head. A slight burning that increased with every minute did not seem to phase Ben – he was happy he was at last attaining a manly look. In fact the more he looked at his early baldness the more he wondered if he should have even less hair on his head. He started to finger his moustache. He liked the feeling of the bristles on his top lip. He wondered what he would look like with a beard. He didn’t ever want to grow a beard before, but now – looking at himself in the mirror, he wondered if he would look even more masculine with some extra face hair.

With the added testosterone and steroids in his diet, Ben’s moustache grew in very quickly. Stan decided to dye it a dark brown which added to the density of it. Ben couldn’t stop stroking it, he was turned on by the thickness and the added benefit of Stan adding wax to curl the ends which had started to grow well past his bottom lip.

It was three weeks since his forced MPB re-style and Ben felt he needed to visit Stan again…he trusted him – why? He wasn’t sure.

“So Ben, what brings you in today?” Stan asked cheerfully, already placing the cape around Ben.

“I don’t know why, but for some reason I feel I need to be balder. I like the feel of my present style, but I think I want to have even less hair – if that’s possible!”

“Less hair?” Stan asked trying to sound surprised.

“I just feel so masculine at the thought of stripping more of my hair away. Is that strange?” Ben asked, sounding worried.

“No son! Not at all. Look! I can do what ever you like but to compensate for the balder look, maybe you should start growing a full beard. Now that would look great with the baldness on top.” Stan had already brought the electrolysis cart to the chair. He knew where to take Ben, hairstyle-wise.

Ben was surprised when the needle began work on the top of his scalp. “Looks like you have quite a bit of re-growth; I’ll get rid of that first,” said Stan. The needle didn’t seem to hurt as much as last time but for some reason he didn’t feel turned on by it either.

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