The Interview 3

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“So Eddie! What do you want me to do?” Louie softly said.

“My name’s Edward!” Eddie replied still under hypnosis.

“Sorry! Edward, what would you like me to do today?”

“I… I’m not sure… why am I… here?” Eddie replied hesitantly.

“You’re here because you want to look like a real man, don’t you?” Louie continued now stroking the back and crown of stubble that had grown back. “For a start, this stubble has to go.”

“Does it?” Eddie asked vacantly.

Louie went to the telephone on the wall.

“Yeah! He’s here, just like we planned,” Louie spoke into the receiver. “See you soon!”



Louie was pleased his plan was working. He recognized Eddie the moment he entered his shop last week. When Kevin had phoned and told him about Eddie Baxter, Louie recognized the name straight away. His younger brother, Daniel, had become a recluse after being dumped by Eddie two years earlier. Seemed the egotistical jerk had already been in a relationship with his boss. He told Daniel he needed the job more than he needed Daniel. His brother’s first relationship since coming out had messed him up; he even attempted suicide. It had been up to Louie to look after Daniel who had only recently started dating again.

Louie was surprised that Eddie didn’t remember him. Of course he was known as Lionel back then, but when he went to open his own shop it didn’t seem to suit a traditional barbershop. A good friend from New Orleans had been the inspiration for the new name, and it sounded edgier than Lionel. Eddie had only met him twice and at those times, Louie still had worn his hair in a flattop style as well as a thick, dark goatee, where now he was clean-shaven.

Louie couldn’t believe it when he got the call from Kevin. He didn’t know Eddie and he were friends. Louie got straight on the phone to Daniel. They hatched a plan between them to get revenge, though Daniel was a little uneasy about Louie’s methods.

He knew about Louie’s expertise in hypnosis but was uneasy about using it on his ex.

Louie was unsure the direction they should take until Eddie’s visit to the Barbershop. His request was to make Eddie look older for his new job, and Louie was going to give him his very wish. The only difference would be that Eddie’s new job would be at Louie’s Barbershop where he would become Louie’s personal slave. When Louie had left the Barbershop that day, he went straight on the phone to Daniel. They arranged to meet at Eddie’s apartment.

Of course both were surprised when these two overgrown bouncer types turned up at Eddie’s front door. They remained in Daniel’s car until the two guys left. With the front door key that Daniel still possessed, they let themselves in when they noticed all the lights go out. Approaching the sleeping Eddie they shone a torch on his bed and both were amazed to see the new hairstyle that the two recent visitors had obviously given him. “Not a bad look for our boy!” Louie said in a hushed voice.

Daniel couldn’t believe the change in his former lover’s appearance. His mouth stayed ajar while Louie took a cloth from a Ziploc bag, and held it over Eddie’s nose and mouth. Starting to stir, Eddie saw the bright light and some figures behind it before succumbing to the chloroform.

Louie took a pair of headphones and placed them over Eddie’s ears. He plugged them into a small tape deck and pressed the play button.

“A friend of mine lent me this tape!” Louie said. “it will start our slave’s conditioning, repeating every thirty minutes. His going to start dreaming of bears and older queens, not the young punks he’s been dating.”

“Will that be enough to force a change in him?” Daniel whispered.

“No! I’m going to give your former beau the full package!” Louie replied a grin from ear to ear.

Louie made sure his slave would stay sedated. He gave him an injection that was guaranteed to keep him under for hours. They left him after midnight, and Louie returned the next day to check on him without his brother. “Now for the good stuff,” he said out aloud, noting Eddie was slowly stirring.

“Eddie! Can you hear me?”

“Where am I?” Eddie said, still very groggy.

“You are safe at home! Look at me boy, look into my eyes. See how blue they are!” Louie went on to fully hypnotize the boy. After he was under his control Louie gave the trigger phrase that would be enough to keep his boy under his spell.

“When you here the words, ‘sure thing Edward’ you will be completely relaxed, unable to move, only able to hear my voice. Do you understand?”

Louie spent some time working on Eddie and telling him of his newfound interest in older men, mature men. He wanted to be owned by such a man, it was what he’d always wanted. It would make him happy and fulfilled. Louie gave him another sedative and replaced the headphones over his ears again. He checked on him again the following day, going through the same hypnosis techniques, followed by time with the recordings.



Daniel had just arrived at the Barbershop and was amazed to see Eddie completely in Louie’s control.

“The first thing to do is ensure my slave doesn’t get that new job,” Louie said as he rubbed a gel over the top of Eddie’s newly grown stubble.

“How you gonna do that?” asked Daniel.

“With this!” Louie said as he took what looked like a cheap, dark brown wig from a stand on the counter. “Got this the other day; thought it would be perfect to hide Eddie’s baldness.”

Daniel watched as his brother fitted the toupee to Eddie’s scalp. “But it looks so obvious!”

“That’s what I’m aiming for,” Louie said with a grin as he adjusted the piece. Taking a hairdryer, he turned it on high. “This should dry the glue. He won’t be able to take it off until I help him!”

Next Louie took what looked like a large caterpillar and started to apply the same glue to Eddie’s top lip. “With the stubble already growing this stuff bonds better with hair than skin.”

Eddie looked completely unrecognizable with the thick, dark moustache adorning his top lip.

“Now his looking a lot more like the guy’s his been dreaming of.” Louie added. “You better hide out back little bro while I bring him round.”

As Daniel left to hide in the back room, Louie started to bring Eddie out of his trance.

“Edward! Can you hear me?”


“You are still relaxed and feeling good about yourself. You have complete trust in me. You believe what ever I say. When you see the toupee on your head you will only see a perfect match, it will appear natural, and you cannot tell it’s not your own hair.

“You will slowly forget that you are Edward. As I count to four you will become Eddie once more. You will wake on the count of four totally relaxed and at ease. One… starting to wake… Two… You feel good about yourself… Three… almost awake…… Four.”

“What was I saying?” Eddie started to say as he became fully conscious.

“You were saying how clever I was to hide your baldness!” Louie started to show the back of Eddie’s head with a hand mirror.

“I don’t remember you doin’ all this? How is this… I feel strange?” Eddie said confused at what he saw in the mirror.

“You nodded off for a little while. I think the toupee makes you years younger, and you can hardly tell.” Louie lied.

“Yeah! I must admit it solves the baldness problem. What about the grey on the sides?”

Eddie was pointing to his own hair and the tinted grey that contrasted with the dark hair on the toupee.

“Got that covered,” Louie said taking a small paintbrush and going over the grey hairs. “After 5 minutes the grey should be gone. What do you think about the new moustache?”

Ordinarily, he hated facial hair, but something inside him told him it looked good. He started to finger the thickness, “It looks real, but I think it’s too much. I’ve never been able to grow anything on my face let alone such a big mo!” Eddie added.

“You can shave it off, but I like it!  I want you to keep it!” Louie said.

Eddie knew he’d have to shave it off before the interview, but he had to admit it was making him look more masculine, more like the guy’s he was attracted to. Besides, Louie liked it and went to so much trouble helping him for his interview.

“Now I’ve used some bonding glue to keep the toupee from being removed. It has to stay on your head for awhile. I’ll remove it when your hair has grown back a little more. You can just tell everyone you decided to get a shorter hairstyle when I take the toupee off,” Louie said as he helped Eddie off the chair.

“Yeah! Thanks for all your help,” Eddie said as he took one more look at himself in the mirror. Something bothered him when he heard the glue, but he soon forgot as he kept looking at himself in the mirror. He knew this look was radical and hid his young looks. How would he ever be able to pick up cute guys now! Something inside kept telling him he was looking better, sexier! He tried to wipe the thought from his mind – but found he couldn’t.

“Good luck with the interview,” Louie cheerfully said as he unlocked the front door.

“Oh! Yeah! The interview.” Eddie suddenly remembered.

“If it were up to me you’d have the job already.” Louie said patting the departing customer on the shoulders. Little did Eddie know he did have the job? Well – the job lined up for him at Louie’s Barbershop!

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