Wolf Brothers 5: The Next Generation

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The beast's teeth began to shrink into its muzzle. Its ears became rounder and its eyes turned from yellow to blue. The snout began to push itself back into it's face. The beast whimpered as its tail shrank back into its body. The spine and back muscles went down. Claws went back into newly forming fingers. The huge front legs were starting to revert back to arms. The human conscience was slowly returning. The first thing Eddie felt was his ribs cracking back into place. He gave out his first human sounding yell. His hind legs bent back to their original position and the paws morphed back into feet. Eddie screamed once again as his body finished becoming human again.

He looked completely different. He grew at least 6 inches taller, and gained at least 25 pounds of muscle. His thin, toned body was now thick with muscle. Hairy muscle. Blonde hair cover his chest, and he had a beard on his face. His whole body felt heavier, denser, faster. It could endure more than anyone else he knew.

Eddie stood up as soon as he was able. His left shoulder was in pain. Eddie saw it was bleeding. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was was a bullet wound. What the hell happened? He had no idea where he was. Thick woods surrounded him in every direction. He had to get away. He had to go somewhere where no one would ever find him. Eddie ran off in a random direction, hoping to find answers.

Back at the base another young man was in bed. His name was Matt, and he recently enlisted in the navy as a sailor. He was just over 6 feet tall and weighed 210 pounds. He had a bit of extra fat around the middle, but other than that his body was slender and toned. Matt couldn't remember much of last night either. His orders were to hunt and kill some kind of animal in the woods near the base. He remembered his unit calling for help, then getting attacked by something, then it was darkness.

A nurse came in to change his bandages. Matt turned onto his stomach. Something had attacked him from behind last night. It tackled him to the ground, leaving deep scratches in his back. Matt looked at his right arm. Whatever it was had bitten him in the struggle. He was lucky to survive. Another member in his unit had managed to shoot it, but it just took of into the wilderness, seemingly unharmed.

The sun was starting to set. Deep in the woods, Eddie was wandering aimlessly. He feared the night, knowing that the beast inside him would start to come out again. Eddie continued to wander in the woods until his foot crunched down on something. He looked down and saw a rifle with the bloody remnants of a shirt next to it. Eddie looked at in horror and sorrow. He had hurt someone. Probably even killed them. Eddie examined the cloth closely. He noticed a smell coming from it. He could track the person down, and if they were still alive, warn them. He had to hurry. He could feel the wolf inside start to waken.

Matt couldn't sleep. Earlier today the doctors discharged him. He was now alone in the barracks. Everyone else was out in the woods hunting for whatever was out there. It was uncomfortably hot in there. Matt was lying in his bed with just pants of his uniform on, letting his mind wander. Something wasn't right about all of this. Matt wasn't sure how to explain what happened to him. He rolled over onto his back and looked at his arm wound. His whole body felt different. He couldn't explain it. Matt rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep.

Eddie cried out loudly. He couldn't hold it back much longer. The hair had already started to grow. He was running out of time. In between his heaving breaths Eddie looked up and saw buildings in the distance. That was it. That was where he was. He broke into run, hoping to get there in time.

Matt woke up. Something was wrong. He was burning up and his sheets were soaked with cold sweat. His body felt itchy. He looked down in shock as he saw gray hair slowly spreading on his chest. He put his hand to his face and felt a beard growing. Matt rolled out of bed, barely able to stand. He managed to stumble to the full length bathroom mirror. A beard of gray hair was spreading to his neck. His sandy brown hair had become gray as well. His newly hairy chest was heaving up and down. Sweat glistened on his pecs, matting the hair. He tore off his pants to find the hair growing on his legs. Matt was terrified. He had no idea what was happening to him.

Eddie was close. He was now on the military base that he was originally heading to when he picked up those two men in his van. He had to try and get there quietly and quickly. Eddie had to stifle a cry of pain as his hands stretched longer. His feet began to do the same. Eddie stumbled as feet slowly, painfully, and loudly became wolf paws. The noise of his transformation would soon alert others. He had to move quickly onward.

Matt fell to the ground. It felt like every bone in his hands and feet was being broken. He looked down at his hands in horror as they started to grow longer. A horrible scream came out of him as his hands and feet lengthened. Sharp claws busted through his nails. Matt could only scream as his legs broke and bent backwards. His body was turning against him. A battleground of hormones and adrenaline. Matt could only watch as his body's betrayal commenced right in front of his eyes.

Eddie arrived at the building. He couldn't work the door with new arms and legs. He was still able to walk on two legs, but barely. His shoulders had already popped into place and his muscles were now growing. Eddie used his new strength to break down the door and run inside. He had to stop while his hips reformed and his leg muscles grew. Eddie couldn't walk upright anymore. He could only stand for a short periods of time. He ran down the hallway on all fours, nearing his destination.

Matt felt his spine pop outwards, making sickening cracking sounds. Both shoulders reformed, swelling up, making his back rise. His biceps and triceps strained and groaned as they grew. Matt stood up on his new back legs as an incredible pressure formed at the base of his back. Matt felt like he was taking the biggest shit in his life. He continued to groan as a long tail pushed it's way out of his back. Matt could feel it brush against it body. He looked at it and cried out in shock.

Just then a loud crash sounded. Matt turned around and screamed in horror. It was here. A creature on four legs was in front of him. But it didn't attack. It let out an almost human yell. Matt could see that it was starting to grow a tail just like he had done. Matt couldn't believe what he was seeing. It all made sense now. The beast was a werewolf. And it had passed it's curse onto him.

Eddie stood on his hind legs. He grabbed his pulsing chest with paws. He looked at the other man in front of him. He was transformed as much as he was. Eddie had to say something, anything. His human voice would be gone soon. Just as his ribs started to shift and push outward he managed to growl out
“Follow me!” Eddie then collapsed back down onto all fours and howled while his face pushed itself outward.

Matt grabbed his chest with his newly formed paws. An immense crushing pain was ripping his heaving chest apart. He stood up on his new hind legs. Matt let out an almost inhuman roar as his chest burst forward. His toned pecs were being stretched to their limit. He could feel the muscle fibers tearing and reforming, adapting to the new length. He went back down to on his front legs again. The other creature had started to get a snout. Fangs ripped through it's teeth and pushed past a new black nose. Matt feared the pain when it would be his turn. Right now his body was stretching. His abs flattened out and lengthened. More vertebrae formed at the base of his spine. His new hind legs slid further back. It was then that Matt felt an intense sexual urge. He looked down once again to find that his cock and balls were swelling up in size. Cum poured out of his cock as his balls flapped against his body.

The other creature was leaving, it's transformation finished. Matt started to follow it, trying to get used to the sensation of walking on four legs. He didn't know how to work his changing body. They ran out of the building and into the woods. Matt hoped they weren’t seen by anyone. His body was still not done transforming. Matt could feel his bones moving beneath his skin.

Matt let out another howl. His throat felt like it was closing up. He could feel his ears moving on the sides of his head. Matt could feel the pressure building in his face. It started to crack and pop. Blood poured from his mouth as sharp fangs pushed his regular teeth out. Matt could see his new fangs growing past his slowly forming snout. He could only howl and roar as the transformation finished. His brain seared as his human side receded deep within himself. Matt had become a full werewolf, just like the one he was following.

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