Gorm the Galactic Slaver 3: The Slave Ship (mm nc anal bond scifi rape)

Disclaimer: This story contains graphic scenes of M/M nonconsensual sex, and rape. The author in NO WAY condones these activities. If this content offends you, or you are under 18, you have no business reading it. If you are interested in this subject matter I hope you will enjoy it. Wolfpek

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Gorm's heart leapt to his throat. The dangers to an unsuspecting, naked hunk wandering dazed and loose around the bowels of of a ship, every inch of which was built to ensnare, and enslave exactly such young beauties were countless and horrifying. If left with their prey unsupervised the effects could be costly, if not fatal.

Sadly, he ran a hand over the curves and planes of his new captured treasure and turned away in search of his misplaced merchandise.

Distracted, he did not notice that his sleeve had caught one of the wires attached to the mind controller and yanked it loose.

The mind controller's main function was to focus all brain activity toward arousal,paralyzing the subject into a semi conscious dreamworld, yet capable of responding to basic commands and all sexual stimulus. The loose wire was not enough to return the hapless Rawlins to his full senses, or even to remove the device, but sufficient to allow his instinct to escape to take over.

Powerful sinews easily burst through the decorative restraints and the dazed hunk lurched forward on autopilot barely aware of his direction His nipples and asshole burned and itched as if bitten by an insect, and swollen dick ached as if about to burst, but somehow he knew he had to find his ship.

He reached out his hand to steady himself and was surprised to feel hard tight flesh. He squinted around him and forced his buzzing mind to comprehend the horror surrounding him. Blinking lights reflected on sea of naked skin. He was standing in a seemingly endless column of the most beautiful men he had ever seen, each one bound to a numbered plank, with some sort of computerized device strapped to their heads, and various tubes and wires connected to their pits, nipples, and dicks. A constant drone of machinery moniterd countless heartbeats, blood pressure and other bodily functions. They all seemed to be asleep. he punched the broad chest of he stud his hand had discovered, response came there none.

Somewhere deep within his imprisoned brain, comprehension began to seep through. He looked down at his own nude form.Clamps dug into his sensitive nipples, and a platinum band clenched tightly around his balls.

It was impossible, an urban space legend.

He had been captured by an intergalactic sex slaver, trading in human males! He pawed at the apparatus on his head and sank to one knee in blinding pain. he could not just pull this off. There had to be another way.

He was in to condition to save these unfortunate studs. He had to save himself first and then return for them.

A metallic claw clamped hard on his shoulder, he spun around to face a shingle red eye. A massive security-bot, with the appendages of a hindu deity, knocked him on his big naked ass, and reached for him, with all of its flashing hands.

Even in in this dazed condition, Rawlins was still the strongest and fastest fighter in the star system. Instinctive cat like reflexes, rolled him out of the way of the many grasping hands, as he kicked the android off balance and sent it clattering to the floor. He lunged towards it's one red eye, and a lucky claw encircled his upper thigh, another pined his left bicep arching his heaving pectorals enticingly upward to meet blade like digits which delicately danced along his squirming torso, to threaten the leaking cock. Everything on this ship seemed designed to molest, and torture. Outrage compensated his handicapped condition, and he snapped the thick metal arms like plywood. Before the machine could counter, he ripped off the face plate and with bleeding fingers tore out it's computerized brain.

He fell exhausted, like a spent lover, on top of the lifeless hunk of metal. Leonine reposed muscles rested artistically displayed along the robotic carcass.

Shimmering lights danced to the corner of his eye. Yes, there at the end of the hallway of manflesh, was his ship engulfed by gently floating lights in a rainbow of colours.

With heroic effort he pulled himself up and stumbled forward towards the dancing lights, which he could now make out as tiny flying insects. He couldn't believe it. Here in this dark nightmare were lightening bugs leading him to safety.

He was among them now, his heart pounding with hope. One of the little creatures bushed his left tit. Electricity surged through his body like rough punch, another bounced of his neck, the back of his knee, his sinewy abs, and one brave little creature flew into his unprotected asshole. Rawlins sank twitching to the ground in a cloud of shimmering deadly light.

Gorm skidded around a dark corner to discover his missing primitive struggling against the suffocating embrace of a tentacled slug. his writhing muscles gleamed with sweat and green slime. Tentacles constricing around his throat and cock The slug, however, was loosing ground against the encroaching robo cleaner.Metallic talons pinioned biceps, and spread massive legs apart, as a spinning brush spraying suds in all directions invaded the helpless barbarian hole, the bristles tearing at the sensitive interior flesh.

A tribal warrior from a small barbaric planet on the outer rim of the galaxy, Spermo had put up a fierce fight for someone who had barley encountered such technology as the wheel, and fire. He should fetch an extremely good price at auction, provided he could be kept from causing any more damage to the ship or himself.

Gorm cursed aloud, switched off the cleaner, and dispatched the slug with one shot. Those bristles had damaged some valuable property.

The strangling tentacle and the shock of the invasion had overcome Spermo. Gorm sighed angrily and tossed the bruised and bleeding slave over his shoulder, and stomped back to the stud cleaner, only to find he had now lost Rawlins.

Gorm roared aloud in frustration. The damage to Spermo was bad enough, but to have lost his most valuable catch was unthinkable. He threw the stirring Spermo back into the stud washer and secured him firmly with one knock out punch, and extra restraints. He turned the device to it's highest setting and was satisfied with agonizing moans as jets of steaming sudsy water commenced the barbarians cleansing ordeal. This hunk was going nowhere. His head snapped in the direction of clattering metal, like so many broken pots and pans crashing from the hands of a clumsy hausfrau. Rawlins!

This was no primitive hunk of beef from a backwater planet. The crafty rouge, could not only free himself, but destroy Gorm in the process. He rushed in the direction of the crash, barely stopping to jump over the remains of an absurdly expensive security-bot. Even the strongest of men at peak condition, could not defeat such a machine, and yet Rawlins, hindered by drugs and a mind controller had dispatched it within moments.

This was more than the most valuable piece of ass in the universe, here was an opponent worthy of the utmost respect.

Gorm dashed toward the captured ship and stopped cold at the terror and beauty of naked muscle undulating in a cocoon of lightening. Tiny sparks shivered along glowing flesh leading Rawlins in a twitching deadly dance. The lightening bugs had found him. He had to move quickly or loose this priceless treasure, but he remained frozen, enchanted by the beauty of exquisite writhing sinew.

Finally he pulled himself form his reverie, and shot a sonic ray paralyzing the little creatures. The fell like snow around the still twitching body of the fallen beauty.

Gorm knelt at his side and rested his head on one granite pectoral, allowing his hand to rest cupping the other. It was faint but the hearbeat was steady. He pulled a tranquilizer from his belt and injected it into the stud's neck. He could take no chances with his one.

The breathing became deep and regular. His hand roamed freely over the stilled curves and planes of nude perfection, and he studied the slumbering face. Not classically beautiful by any means. No trace of femininity. Rather, rough, rugged and scarred. Intimidating even in sleep, but somehow kind, all these imperfect features brought together into a a breathtaking composite whole.

Gorm, made it a point never to covet his merchandise, only sampling one or two expendable catches on occasion. They were never his for long. But this time as he drank in the sight of this holy grail of male slavers, he fell deep under the spell of his beauty. Unable to stop himself lay full along the top of the helpless nude form, grinding his need into the groin of his prey. He ran his hands through the soft brown hair, and forced his tongue in between the tender parted lips. The kiss both brutal and gentle was more electric than a thousand of the lightening bugs.

No! rawlins had to be sold as a virgin. He could not give into this temptation.

Shocked at his behavior he yanked himself away, cursing. He replaced the loose wires in the mind controller, pulled the naked hero up over his shoulders and stormed back toward his palate. Rawlin's limp muslces rested securely along his shoulders as if made to be there. His rigid cock pressed heavily onto his clavicle. Gorm's mouth went dry and he felt dizzy. his need could not be ignored.

He carrried his dangling prey to the condition ing room, and roughly threw him, ass up, over an invasion bench, bands automatically clamped over wrists and ankles.

He pressed a button raising the bench so that the bent over stud was chest high.

Avoiding looking directly at Rawlin's ass for fear of his own urges, He pulled a dripping Spermo from the stud-washer and threw him over an identical device underneath Rawlins.

For the first time he looked directly at the two pairs of rock solid glutes, vulnerable and helpless to his every whim.

mad with rage and desire, he plunged his cock into Spermo's ruined hole and buried his face within the deep cleft of Rawlin's perfect ass.

He slammed all of the frustration of the days battle into the hapless barbarian, and as his tongue met the virgin rosebud of Rawlin's most secret place he began to smile.

Tomorrow, they would arrive at thier destination, and after the auction, he would sadly bid goodbye to this treasure as a legend among slavers and wealthy beyond is dreams.

Tonight he would spend in heaven.

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