Tim's Adventure 15

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Tommy was in some ways both nervous and at the same time excited that his Uncles had consented to help Andy. Even Andy would never be aware that he was about to receive something very special. The blood sample had been taken and it gave Mike and Gary the genetic framework on which they had to work. Andy's formula would be far different than those given to Tim or Tommy and though equally effective over time it would be slower acting. Initially it would be geared towards repair and then it would be geared towards giving Andy a gift to compensate for the suffering. One of the things that both Gary and Mike had was a very thorough understanding of the genetic codes which made Andy the product of his parents. According to both he had excellent material to work with. What they were going to do was to simply take what was already great and make it a whole lot greater.

The one area where the help was sadly going to be minimal was his height. Andy was currently 5'6" tall and bone closure had, in spite of the damage done by Mad Max progressed to where the best they could hope for was between 5'9" and 5'10".

The formula that had been made specifically for Andy had one thing in it that even Tommy and Tim did not know about. Gary and Mike had created a formula that would reduce Andy's myostatin level which was abnormally high by about eighty percent. He would still have to work and would not get something for absolutely nothing, but, the level he would have after their magic had taken place could easily give him a drug free trip into bodybuilding if that turned out to be his desire.

The one thing that both Mike and Gary had discovered and did not know how to deal with was that Andy like both Tommy and Tim would also turn out to be gay. He would have to discover this on his own and not even Tommy would ever be told.

That Friday night, Fred and Nora Briggs arrived on time at the medical offices of Greg Henizmann. When they arrived, they were surprised to see their benefactors present. Greg had stacked a group of chairs throughout the room so that all could be present. He placed Fred and Nora next to Mike and Gary. He placed Tim on one side of Andy and Tommy on the other. He wanted them to be able to help Andy quickly if the emotions broke.

After everybody was seated, Greg stood up and walked to the front of his desk facing his audience.

"Mr and Mrs Briggs, I asked Mike and Gary whom you already know, to be here when we went over everything regarding the medical disaster created by the former Dr. Maxwell Cogglin."

"When men are given Depo Provera which is what your son was receiving in both injections and in a special oral preparation, it is normally for only a few reasons." "One of those reasons is a form of cancer called adenocarcinoma, this is breast, uterine, ovarian, cervical and such in a woman, and in a man this kind of cancer is normally associated with the prostate or testicles and rarely male breast cancer." "This is in essence `chemical castration' and the final use is for male sexual preditors."

"If Cogglin had known how to work with this drug, we would have still had a problem, but it would have been minor compared to what we are facing here."

"The dosage that was given to Andy at his weight was about seven to ten times what would normally be given to a two-hundred pound man." "The dementia has destroyed a great deal of Cogglin's mind." "He is by every definition of the word insane and he is also a man facing a complete and total conservatorship because he is not even able to manage his own affairs."

"Sadly, the press has kept this silent, but, it appears that your son was not the only victim of Cogglin." "There were others, and this kind of case where an MD goes off the `deep end' and remains in active medical practice is so rare as to be nearly impossible." "The State Insurance Commission is investigating the HMO involved to see if their was any culpability on their part." "What is strange is that all of the boys who were treated in this manner were covered under the same HMO."

"Now, here's what we have." "The drugs given to Andy did a great deal of damage." "We have one more long shot treatment we can do for Andy, but if this does not work, Andy is going to be on a great deal of oral and injectable medication for the rest of his life."

"The drugs given Andy effectively shut down hormone production in multiple areas." "He is not making testosterone, if he were making it, the enzymes needed to convert it and use it are not present, the production of estrogen and prolactin which causes women to grow breasts and make milk for breast feeding infants is elevated, and the regulatory feedback mechanisms which would allow Andy to heal were damaged by this incredible drug dosage."

Tim was the first to notice that Andy had started to sob and cry. He quickly grabbed Andy and began to comfort him. Moments later, Tommy joined in and started to comfort Andy in hopes of preventing a complete emotional melt-down.

As Greg Henizman's explanation of what had happened medically to their son had taken place, more and more color fled the faces of Fred and Nora Briggs. Fred was staring straight ahead and seemed to be in shock and was not really responding.
Nora Briggs was silent but tears were streaming down the center of her cheeks.

Greg rolled his desk chair out from behind his desk and placed it in front of a couple on the edge of emotional collapse. He sat down in his chair and took Fred's right hand and placed it on Nora's left. He then clasped both hands and looked both straight in the eye.

"Fred…..Nora…..we are definitely not dead yet!"

At this news there was a little reaction.

"By coincidence you just happened to attract the attention of two of the sharpest minds in research medicine. I brought them in for consultation on this and we think that we can fix this."

"This is not going to be easy and for a time there will be some side effects."

Andy had not heard anything and was still sobbing quietly. . . .

"Andy, are you ready for the ride of your life?"

Though the tears were still streaming, Andy nodded weakly.

Now, the investigations that were done into Andy found a number of things. The first was that Andy definitely was NOT a "late bloomer". "The progression of his development was arrested and damaged by the drugs given him for a period of years by Dr. Cogglin." "We are not going to be able to reverse time, but what we can do if the treatment we are going to give Andy works, is to speed it up." "In essence Andy, you are going to in comparison to what would have originally happened condense a part of your life that normally takes five or more years to complete into probably about one."

"Now, Fred, Nora, . . . I need you to give Andy some space and understand that this is going to be very difficult for him." "His hormone levels if this works are going to soar to levels far higher than they would have been if he had gone through this normally." "These levels will come back down to normal ranges, but it will take time for this to happen." "As a young man his age he needs to have some private moments to do things that young men his age physically need to do." "This is not a time for religious viewpoints, this is a time to help Andy and not criticize him for desires he will be having."

"Physically his body is going to go through a great deal of change in a relatively short time. All of the changes of manhood will happen very fast for him and this in and of itself is not going to be easy. He will be graduating from High School soon and that is very good."

"Andy, I have talked to Tommy about your training during this time." "He is going to work you on a level you never thought would be possible." "A few weeks from now after your shots are completed, you are going to start seeing the changes in your body, and, most importantly you are going to start feeling better about yourself."

Andy lifted his head and in a meek voice asked: "What about the other guys that were hurt, are they going to be doing this too?"

"No Andy they are not, the treatment they will be getting will be on a level which is equal to the damage that they suffered."

"You will be the only one getting this level of this treatment."

"There is no hocus-pocus here, what you are getting are some things we tried before that are going to be administered in extreme dosages much as Dr. Cogglin did with the drugs to stop things, you're going to now get just the opposite."

Arrangements were made and appointments booked for Andy's treatment.

Throughout all of the ordeal of the meeting Tim had been very quiet.

As they were riding back home in the back seat of a black Lincoln, Tommy looked over and saw a single tear drop down Tim's cheek.

Tommy was instantly frightened thinking that something he may have done had upset Tim.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

At this, Gary ring in the passenger seat turned around to see what was going on.

Tim had a sad look in his eyes.
"I'm just wondering about all of the other teenaged males that Cogglin got to." "What is going to become of them?" "It appears that they don't have the special care on their side that Andy does."

Gary Responded,

"Tim, there are a number of reasons that we decided to really help Andy." "The first is that Andy has special circumstances on many levels other than Max Cogglin." "Andy has worked so very hard with Tommy and made very little progress as far as muscle mass gains that he is in danger of becoming suicidal." "In addition, Nora Briggs confided in me that Andy had been abused horribly at school because of his lack of pubertal development." "Andy in no way is getting the kind of gifts that you or Tommy will have." "What we did was to genetically and physically tell his body how to repair the damage Max Cogglin did." "There are some other reasons that we helped Andy and I can tell you that if we had not, a combination of things going on with Andy genetically could have resulted in him taking his own life, or, finding himself losing his life at the hand of another individual." "In time, Andy will himself reveal things to you guys." "Also, both of you guys remember something else, Andy does not now know, nor should he ever know that he has received any treatment that is outside the parameters of normal established medicine."

"Because of all of the publicity of the Cogglin case, Dr. Heinzmann did review the medical records of the other boys involved." "None of the others suffered the permanent damage that Andy did." "None had been on the mammoth dosages and none had endured the prolonged exposure of Andy either."

"Tim, one of the things that was so striking about Andy Briggs was that his workouts were for the most part not productive." `Even a genetic female produces enough testosterone to gain some muscle mass over a period of a year." "Andy should have gained over a period of a year about 25 pounds of muscle because it was blatantly obvious he was doing everything right." "In spite of an effort that was heroic, he gained weight but of the weight he gained a very high percentage of it was fat."

Andy begain his series of injections the following week.

Greg Henizmann had just for the sake of convenience suggested to the family that Andy take a couple of weeks off of his training with Tommy. He stated to the Andy's parents that it would give the treatment some time to take effect.

The truth was that Mike and Gary had made this suggestion to Greg Heinzmann. The reason was that they wanted Andy's body to have some time to respond and make some repairs as the chances of training injuries would be greatly reduced.

Even Andy was not prepared for the changes that would happen in his body and the speed at which they would happen. Mike and Gary knew, Tim and Tommy knew, Greg had a little idea, and Andy had no idea at all.

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