Continental Divide (body swap)

My body swapping days were over now. I had chosen to live the remaining years in my real body, which was hitting 70 years old. I mean I had the most exciting and sexually imaginative adventures of my life during my active time, but like everything else over time, the act of becoming someone else became boring and all the sex in the world could not replace the peace and tranquility that old age and retirement had brought me. Oh, I got tempted from time to time, that's pretty normal, but I hadn't swapped with another male in about ten years now. It was very much like trying to quit smoking for me, I would tell myself. There was a hard withdrawal period in the beginning because body swapping had been as addictive as nicotine was. But once you kicked the habit, you were on your way, and that was what I had to do.

I did dream about all the people that I used to be and the things I did in their bodies. That was the fun part! The hard part was trying to maintain their lives once I became them. I mean when I was younger, all I wanted was a hot body to fuck with, and who cared what that guy was doing at the time? Who cared what his goals were and what his future had in store for him? I wanted a hot body, and I took it. I used it till it no longer suited me, or it simply lost its attractive shapeliness and I got rid of it as fast as I had stolen it originally. Oh yeah, I stole almost every body I had occupied. Fuck yes, it was hard first of all to have anyone understand or for that matter believe that body swapping was real. Just to talk about it with a nice muscular college kid inevitably would scare him off in a few minutes. I learned quickly that if you see what you want, then you should not hesitate to take it. Trying to explain or rid yourself of the guilt through explanation was a waste of time.

So I had been spending the best part of my life now giving lectures on the subject, mostly to esoteric groups around the country. I could bring my audience of men to climax discussing and describing how a body swap was done and the pleasures that it had given me. Of course I had never actually gone so far as to demonstrate the process. Oh fuck no. If everyone knew how to do it, the world would be in chaos, so I never really said that it was possible. I just merely discussed the possibility and that seemed to keep my bank account in the black.

I'm telling you all this because I had to make a body swap last year, one that I didn't want to, but the circumstances made it necessary, and I must say what I got out of the deal was well worth coming out of retirement.

It was August, and I had just completed a conference just north of Denver, Colorado, and since I was near the Rocky Mountains, I wanted to visit the Continental Divide. It was always a desire of mine, and I knew when I retired it was going to be on the top of my list of places to visit. So I headed down through Metropolitan Denver and headed west to Winter Park. Once there, I checked into a cool hotel that offered a view of the Divide, but I was more of an adventure type, so I planned to actually go to Berthaud Mountain and stand on top of it.

After a few days at the lodge, enjoying the food, view and eye candy of young stud hikers, I got into my rental car and headed over to Berthaud Mountain to conquer one of my dreams. Even though I was 70, I was in pretty good shape, 6 foot tall, 255 pounds and 42 waist. I hiked regularly, so this hike to the top of the Divide was possible for me. Possible, but exhausting I might add, and when I got to the top, my reward was there in front of me. What a breathtaking view of the Mountains, I thought as I huffed and puffed, feeling my aged heart pounding in my chest. It took me a while to breath normally, especially at that altitude. As I gazed over the shapes and vistas afforded me from the spot I was at, a young hiker silently made his way up a rather rugged face of the Mountain, and he sat down next to where I was standing with his legs crossed and took off his backpack. I turned and looked at him as he was gazing and taking in all that there was to see.

"Fucking awesome!" he shouted as to get my attention. I turned to take a better look at him, scanned his youthful physique, smiled and said in reply, "Yes, you're absolutely right. Fucking awesome."

The young kid, who had to be in his early 20's, looked up at me with a big smile and said, "Kewlness." I knew right then and there this kid had more going for him physically than mentally.

Staring at him, regardless of his intellectual status, was still a pleasure. He was shirtless, showing off his magnificent hard and defined chest. I noticed that right away. Oh! I remembered those days of shirtless hard chests for sure, because I had inhabited the best of the best, and this kid physically was, to use his term, "awesome."

He also had on dark green hiking shorts, green socks and hiking boots, and to top it all off, he was wearing a green plaid bandana on his head. Besides the body shape and muscle, this kid was nicely olive skinned with dark hair and deep blue eyes. His face showed a 5 o'clock shadow which on him just made him look so much sexier. His pit hair was long, but he was amazingly smooth on his chest, stomach, and back. A closer examination showed his boxers ballooning out of his waistband. Well, I guess the view was going to be breathtaking no matter which direction I was going to look, I thought. I wished I could have given him a nice bulge to look at, but my body was not as responsive anymore. The young kid intrigued me, so I started a conversation with him, and from there, it was the beginning of the end of my retirement.

When I thought the time was right, I turned to him and said in a nice friendly voice, "So are you in college?"

The young kid's facial expression changed, and he looked as if I was annoying him. I went on, "Cat got your tongue young man?"

The kid looked up at me and just said, "Old man can't you see I'm concentrating on the scenery?" Then with a disgusted face, he went back to staring out over the landscape. This kid had obviously no manners or proper upbringing, and he demonstrated how arrogant most good-looking jocks could be. Oh, I remember those arrogant guys who thought the world revolved around them, and oh yes, this stud next to me was unfortunately one of them. I remembered how much stealing their bodies was like taking candy from a baby. I stood there giggling a bit, knowing I could straighten this kid out in a matter of seconds if I wanted.

Nah, I gave that up, I said to myself, as I rationalized my decision not to teach this kid a lesson.

Then the kid pulled out a joint from his pocket and proceeded to light it and take a deep intake of marijuana. Yes, he smoked it like a pro, not caring that I was just inches from him. He really didn't give a fuck I supposed. I was just an irritant to him standing there, and I was probably blocking part of his view. The pungent smell of the weed told me he had some pretty good stuff, and he smoked it down to the smallest possible size that could be held with his fingers, and then pulled out a roach clip to finish it off.

I had to say something so I said, "Feeling pretty good now, aren't you?"

The young kid slowly got to his feet and looked me in the eye and said, "Apparently old man, you didn't hear me the first time." Then he began to shove me a bit. I supposed he did it to show me that he was the stud and I was the old man.

"Hey Pothead! Does pushing me around make you feel like a big man?" I asked.

The kid was so fucking nice-looking I couldn't believe he was being such an asshole. The kid was walking around me poking me and laughing, calling me all sorts of names to see if he could piss me off and make me take a swing at him. He even grabbed the crotch of his pants at one point, suggesting what he had inside was probably what I really wanted.

I kept my cool. He was just seconds away from my wrath, but I ignored him. As he got more animated, he began flexing and started to shadow box around me, not touching me but coming short of it. As he made his way around me, he got very close to the edge of the rock and lost his footing. Before I knew it, he had slipped and was over the edge holding on tight. His goofiness combined with the marijuana had disoriented him enough to slip, and now he was holding on for dear life. I wanted to say something right then and there, but I didn't. I got down on the ground and grabbed his arms, laying flat on the ground with my legs clasped around a boulder nearby.

"Hold on!" I shouted, as the kid's face showed how scared to death he was now. No more the arrogant stud. More like putty than the hard defined overconfident jackass he was a few minutes ago.

I let him grab my arms as he shouted for me to pull him up over the edge. Apparently there was no footing for him to step up from so I let him hold on to my arms so he wouldn't fall to his death. I was, like I said, in good shape, but my arms were not that strong, and, to tell you the truth, I didn't know how I was going to pull him up to safety. His handsome chiseled face was in tears as his fear of dying became very apparent.

"Don't let me go," he shouted. "Don't let me die," he went on.

"I have you son," I said. "Relax and we'll think of something!"

The kid now had every confidence in the old man he was clinging to, and I held him as best I could till the pains in my arm and legs were almost too much for me to bear. "Son, I can't hold on much longer," I told him.

"No please, please! I don't want to die! You have to save me!" The boy just broke out in a wailing, and tears were flowing down his handsome face. I had to think quickly! How was I going to do this? I knew if I was in his place he could probably pull me with no problem because he had such strong muscular arms and shoulders.

That's it, I thought. Yes, I would swap bodies with him and occupy his body then I would be him holding my body, which I should easily be able to pull up and then we could swap back and all would be fine.

The timing was critical, I was losing the battle, so I told him what I was going to do, but he thought I was crazy.

"What, swap bodies with me? Be serious old man! There is no such thing, and if there was, I would rather die than spend a second in your old body!"

I tried to explain to him that it was real, and it would be in his best interest to let me do it. I told him that if we could work together, we could save ourselves. He still persisted, telling me that being old was like dying, and he wasn't about to do that, and if he was going to die, then so be it, he would rather die young.

The kid had absolutely no common sense, so I had to swap bodies with him, whether he liked it or not. I had done this so many times before, and I didn't want to concentrate on the physical sensations of the transformation. To be successful at saving him, I would have to concentrate on the emergency at hand and transform into this stud to save my own body in the process.

I stared the jock in the face and said, "No matter what you might begin to feel or whatever changes begin to happen to you, don't let go!"

The kid kept shaking his head no, and I knew that if he didn't cooperate, I would become him and lose my own body, the one I chose to retire in, and I would be captive in his young, 20-year-old body.

As I started the process going I kept telling him to listen to me and do what I had said. I could feel the surges; it was all coming back to me now. "Oh fuck!" I shouted as my cock sprang to life. It was always the focal point of the swaps, so this one would be no different. "Shit!" I shouted as I got rock hard, and I felt my ass tighten up, then the heat traveled down my legs as they reshaped into his, with all his muscle. I could feel instantly how much more secure I felt clamped around the rock as my lower body became his. The kid was screaming as he realized his lower body had transformed into mine, and he was cursing like a sailor as the transformation continued up his lean muscular physique.

I could now feel my soft stomach tighten as my skin became young and hard. My waist was shrinking down to the jock's 30-inch waist, and my pants became instantly loose.

I knew I had cum in my boxers, but so what, I thought, big deal. My chest was next, and it felt so good to feel my pectoral muscles get hard. I wanted to let go of him to touch my chest, but I couldn't. As I got stronger, he was getting heavier, and as my shoulders and arms transformed, I began to feel like I was winning, and everything would be great.

The kid looked at me with hatred in his face as his upper body turned old and soft. At my age I was not one to go shirtless anymore, but the jock was made to show off his new old chest in the process, and it wasn't as attractive as what he had before. His green shorts could be heard splitting as his waist expanded, and I knew his belt would be very tight on him as his waist added 12 inches, and we would have to hurry. "You bastard!" he shouted as his shoulders and arms aged, and I knew I would have to work fast to rescue him before his weaker arms could be taken over by my new strong ones. All I could hear was the word "bastard" over and over again as his voice changed, and I tried to ignore him so I could save us both. It was sad to see his youthful chiseled face take on the years of a 70-year-old, but it had to happen. Just as his arms were weakening having transformed now completely, I quickly changed my grip so I would be in a better position to pull him up. All the adrenalin that this young body I had could muster was coming into play as I pulled and stressed my new muscular physique. It felt so good to be young and strong again, I thought. My tight body was like a muscle machine now pulling with all my might. It was working, I thought as I got him and my old body up over the edge about 8 inches. Yes it's working, I thought.

Once the kid's hormones had settled down, he realized he was now the old man. The fact that he had to inhabit it for only a short time seemed more important than saving his life. "You rotten bastard!" he shouted as I strained to get his old body over the top and to safety.

I was so angry at him, I just shouted, "You arrogant asshole! Even now in my body you persist in being so self-centered! I am risking my body for you!"

"Fuck you!" he shouted as he began to fight my tight grip. I could feel him trying to get loose, but that was insane because he would surely fall. My muscular hands were gripping his arms tight, but he was digging his nails into me to make me let go.

"NO!" I shouted. "You're not going to do this," I said, all sweaty faced. My smooth muscular arms were starting to bleed as he dug deeper into me and the pain was becoming very annoying. "Don't you understand I am saving you?" I repeated over and over again, but the kid wouldn't hear of it and finally the pain from the wounds was more than I could take, and I had to let him go. The expression on his face was one I would never forget!

I could hear the screams of an old man as the body fell to its death some 600 feet below, and as I got up shaking from my muscles recoiling, my pants and boxers fell to my ankles, and I was a buff young stud standing there with my new young cock hanging down between two healthy peach-sized ball sacs. I looked down at my new manhood and momentarily grinned, but that was not the prize I was after.

I just stood there in shock for minutes, trying to understand what just happened. My whole life had changed again, but this time the body I was in was not stolen, rather my preferred body was stolen from me.

I pulled up my boxers and pants and tightened my belt. I took a final look out on the horizon and stretched my young muscles, then felt my new chest. Oh well, I thought, here I go again. I suppose I will have to make some life changes again, I kept thinking. I grabbed the jock's backpack and then headed down the mountain trail, this time as a well-built young muscular jock.

When I got back to my car, I opened his backpack and looked for some information about him. Inside I found his wallet with his ID and discovered who I was now going to be. His name was Luke Sampras. So, I was a very hot looking Greek, I thought. And there was also a college ID as well. I guess I was going back to college, I said to myself with a grin on my face. According to the college ID, I was a Junior at Colorado State University. Looking deeper in the backpack, I found a cell phone, condoms, a bag of pot, underwear, and extra clothes. Oh boy, I thought, a college jock's survival pack!

I got into my car and had to readjust the seat and mirrors, my new young body was 5'9", and my guess would be around 160 pounds. All in all, I guess I could have done worse, but I was still so pissed the kid had chosen to die rather than place his trust in what I was doing.

I drove back to the hotel and did the quick sign out by leaving my keys in the room. I had already signed the charge slip, so that was taken care of. What to do with all these clothes of mine, I thought? I just packed up and left, maybe I will find a Goodwill bin on my way back to Colorado Springs.

As I drove, I had to bring myself to the reality of what had happened. If I had to be this Luke kid, then I would try to be the best he could be. I didn't want the addictive life to take over again. I was tired of that, remember? God, this was going to be hard, I thought! Who was this kid anyway? Was he as dumb as I had cast him to be? Was he some sex-crazed muscle jock? Maybe was he gay? Shit, the anticipation was incredible.

I found a clothing bin near a convenience store once I got off the Interstate, and after I got a drink, I said goodbye to my retirement for now and got rid of all my former clothes. When I finally got into Colorado Springs, I dropped off the rental and keys and jogged over to the college campus to find my dorm. Luke's dorm keys were also in the backpack, and I found my room and took a deep breath as I opened the door and went in.

Read next chapter