Tyler (body swap)

Tyler was happy that he was going to college on a fully paid scholarship given to him by the athletic department at his prestigious Catholic College Prep high school. Having led his school to victory in swim competitions in his junior and senior years, Tyler’s accomplishments brought Saint Andrews College Prep into the forefront amongst the 5A schools in his state. Tyler was so accomplished a swimmer, that talk of representing the United States in the Olympics was abuzz when ever his name came up. Tyler was also very faith based and committed to the moral values he had learned growing up in a devout Catholic household.

Tyler was of course delighted at that prospect of the Olympics, but he wanted more than ever to complete his college studies, to attain a degree in Theology and Psychology. Tyler wasn’t planning on becoming a priest or anything; he always talked of raising a family and fathering children. He wanted so much to be a part of a faith based counseling organization within the Catholic Church system. The college he would be attending was noted for specializing in Olympic style competition along with its Theology department and had sent many a candidate to represent not only the United States, but produced Olympic athletes that would represent countries all around the world.

Tyler’s family and church even had a special Mass for him on his last Sunday with his family and a big party afterwards to send him off in style. Tyler was a star after all, so his family and admirers showered him with gifts and money to show how much they loved him.

The only obstacle that Tyler had to overcome was housing in the new city he would be living in, preferably housing close to the college campus. As luck would have it, Tyler’s uncle Jimmy lived in close proximity to his college and his uncle was more than willing to house and feed his star nephew at no cost to Tyler. This gift would allow Tyler to concentrate on more important things and not burden him with having to find a job.

Tyler’s uncle had a built-in swimming pool in his back yard, and would afford Tyler with an added advantage that most athletes in his program lacked.

During the first year of college, living with Uncle Jimmy seemed like a great way to save money and get to know his uncle better. There was some serious male bonding between the two and Tyler was on his way to success.

Having always lived so far away from his Uncle, Tyler and Uncle Jimmy never got very well acquainted in past years, since the last time the two had seem each other was when Tyler was knee high and still in diapers. Now a well-built athletic specimen of youthful excellence, Tyler at 19 years old was every Uncle’s dream and a chance for Uncle Jimmy to step in and be Tyler’s surrogate parent during this exciting time in Tyler’s life. Tyler’s dad was disabled and wasn’t going to see Tyler until the holiday breaks, so Uncle Jimmy’s influence would be significant during the time Tyler spent with him.

Day after day, Tyler would come home from college, jogging along the streets to keep himself loose as he made his way back to his Uncles place. Once back, he would quickly get into his favorite blue Speedo and swim laps till it was suppertime.


Uncle Jimmy always provided well for Tyler and helped him maintain his special diet and provided a comfortable quiet room for Tyler to study in and feel at home as well. Nothing was too expensive or out of the question when it came to Tyler’s well being. Uncle Jimmy provided it all with out question or complaint, and Tyler flourished both in academics and his athletic abilities. Tyler and his Uncle would attend church together each Sunday and Tyler would also volunteer with Sunday school activities and was even sponsoring two young candidates for Conformation.
All and all, things were bright and rosy for the young athlete and his Uncle was very proud to be with him.

It wasn’t till the second year that Tyler’s life started to change direction and Uncle Jimmy discovered some secrets about Tyler that were both disturbing and emotionally distressing.

Tyler had always had been free to use his Uncles house in any way necessary, along with the amenities that came with living in the more plush area of town where Tyler’s Uncle lived.

Over time, Tyler had slowly began taking advantage of his Uncles good nature, and began to use his Uncles house and pool to entertain certain individuals that would pay any amount of money to gain the pleasure of servicing Tyler’s sexual needs and desires. Tyler had always redirected his sexual needs into more swimming or workout time, but in his second year of school something snapped inside of him and sexual gratification became needed and necessary over any other goal he had.

Men of all ages were naturally sexually aroused by the young teen’s handsome body and when the offers of money for sex became too good to pass up, Tyler broke ranks and strayed as they say to the darkest reaches of his soul.

Tyler would regularly be approached and asked if he was gay and in a few cases he was cornered in the showers at school. I suppose what became the turning point for Tyler, was when his swim coach who had become his best friend caught Tyler at a vulnerable moment at a team party and managed to perform oral sex on him.

Learning to enjoy that kind of attention from his coach soon became an expectably form of affection from a man he thought so much of. Tyler had bridged an impasse he thought he would never have to cross- and once on the other side so to speak, it was all or nothing for the young athlete. Tyler’s suppressed sexual desires were now being met and he found out it could be lucrative.

It wasn’t a secret to insiders in the swimming department that a good number of the athletes were gay and would use their youth and well groomed bodies for profit while they satisfied their own sexual needs. There was no price tag on a man’s chance to enjoy the fruits of a young well-toned athlete.

Tyler, especially, was prime for this kind of activity since his strong moral value system and common sense seemed to keep his natural hormones and sexual desires at bay for so long; he had become a time bomb ready to explode. Tyler only needed one relationship to tip the scales and basically transform his mindset from that of a heterosexual to that of a homosexual. Although Tyler didn’t not like or accept the connotation, he had no choice once he got his first taste of oral gratification. As the second year of his scholarship played out, Tyler was becoming the jock to get to know and the traffic in and out of his Uncles house while his Uncle was away was beginning to cause neighbors to wonder.

Giving the young Tyler the benefit of doubt, most neighbors were silent about Tyler’s guests and loud pool parties. It wasn’t till Uncle Jimmy came back from a trip early that the new life of his nephew Tyler was revealed.

Confronted by his Uncle while he was engaged in oral sex with a prominent administrator from his college, Tyler simply told his Uncle that he should mind his own business and if any word of this got out to his parents, Tyler would report his Uncle as a sex offender. Tyler was so far into his overt sexual activity; he was not going to let anything or anyone interfere with it, even his benevolent Uncle.

Shocked and bewildered at Tyler’s behavior, Uncle Jimmy became noticeably distant and less available to his nephew’s needs and requirements. Being seen on Sundays with Tyler would no longer happen and Tyler’s involvement at church was becoming a nuisance for Tyler and he eventually had to cut all ties with his Catholic Community. You could call Tyler anything you wanted but not a hypocrite. Tyler could continue to stay at his Uncles house, but the attention to detail and the emotional bond that had been cultivated over the past year, would cease and the love, respect and trust his Uncle had in his young handsome nephew was now tarnished for ever. The road that Tyler had chosen to take would eventually destroy the teen’s goals as they were originally planned, so Tyler was forced to made an abrupt change in his major at college and chose to seek a lesser degree in business management.


Uncle Jimmy was a lean and relatively healthy man for the age of 70, and having Tyler’s youth and male beauty to help nurture along had given him a new perspective to his own longevity. Before Tyler’s secret life and hidden disrespect for his Uncle came to the surface, Uncle Jimmy had made a re-commitment to keeping his body fit, and maintained a membership at a local health club. Uncle Jimmy’s love for Tyler coupled with having Tyler’s young body in the same proximity as his, seemed to provide the incentive and desire to achieve as much athletic ability as he could. He knew he could never achieve what Tyler had, but the mindset he adopted, gave him the focus to try to emulate his nephew as much as he could. At 70 years old, there were obvious limitations that Uncle Jimmy had to accept, but Tyler’s awesome presence and sheer youthful essence gave him hope that he could somehow turn his body around.

Once Tyler’s secret was out, Uncle Jimmy no longer looked at Tyler in the same way. Once he could see how Tyler had lost his integrity by selling his body for sexual favors and how Tyler’s new arrogance and disrespect had overtaken him like an addiction, Uncle Jimmy simply abandoned his self-improvement routine and went into a kind of mourning. Uncle Jimmy’s new focus would be on how he could somehow save his nephew’s body from certain destruction.

The boy inside was lost, but he had to at all cost try to save his nephew’s body and help it to succeed towards its destiny to become part of Olympic history.

Tyler’s Uncle was so driven with this idea to find a more deserving host for Tyler’s body; he looked into every conceivable way possible to make it happen.

It wasn’t till the end of the second year that Tyler’s Uncle found some information about an ancient fertility ritual that was documented well in its use and success.

It seemed the ancients had supernatural powers beyond the scope of the civilized world. There were rituals that were left to fade into mythology and soon dismissed and forgotten in the modern world.

Tyler’s Uncle spent much money and time to gather the proper herbs and spices that only existed in certain parts of the world and carefully mixed and prepared them. Uncle Jimmy’s time and devotion to finding a way to reclaim his nephew’s purpose had put additional strain on his aging body. It was about the time that all the ingredients necessary to carry out his plan came together that he found out that stage 4 cancers were eating away at his body.

With the knowledge of his current state of health, it wasn’t hard deciding that the new person to host his nephew’s body should be none other than himself. Uncle Jimmy now became the perfect candidate and rightfully so. The only other person that was more deserving would possibly be Tyler’s father, who was a disabled war hero who was confined to a wheelchair.

Uncle Jimmy didn’t want to expose Tyler’s sexual habits with his parents, and hoped that by his taking over of Tyler’s body, he could correct the problem before they found out.

The ancient herb and spice mixture applied to the clothing most likely to contain a man’s essence would create the transformation catalyst and vehicle necessary to carry out the desired transformation. The ideal piece of clothing in modern times was a pair of men’s underwear or in Tyler’s case, his favorite blue Speedo.

By applying the herb and spice to the inside of Tyler’s favorite Speedo, Uncle Jimmy would find not only the best source of Tyler’s essence, but a very attainable piece of Tyler’s gear.

To achieve what Uncle Jimmy had in mind, he would need to apply this ancient mixture to Tyler’s Speedo after Tyler had worn them. This would give him the vehicle to cause his body to transform into Tyler’s and also force Tyler’s body to radically change and take on his body. Nothing more was required than to simply slide on Tyler’s tainted Speedo and the ancient ritual would begin.

In ancient times, this ritual was done as punishment for young tribesman who went against the wishes of the chief. During those times, loincloths were the normal clothing of choice and a man’s prized possession.

Because it was a form of punishment, the victim would go through agonizing pain as he lost his youth and experienced his body reshaping. On the flip side, the chief would go through a constant wave of erotic stimulation and pleasure, as his body rejuvenated and took on the youth and features a much younger man. So exhilarating an experience, it is written, that the chief new body attains a sexual potency that would remain with him until his natural death.
Having Tyler’s body was the main goal of Uncle Jimmy, and any added bonus was of course easily accepted, but Uncle Jimmy didn’t want to loose focus or the reason he was going to take on Tyler’s life.

The day arrived, and like any other day, Tyler was enjoying his body outside by the pool with a guest. Sporting his favorite Speedo and youthful bulge, Tyler made his body available to the oral delights of his guest.

Just as Uncle Jimmy had hoped for, Tyler’s Speedo would not only contain the excretions of the teen’s body sweat and oils, but also contain samples of the teen’s sperm.

Uncle Jimmy waited till Tyler had finally fallen asleep, and then found the boy’s Speedo conveniently waiting for him in the bathroom hanging on the towel rack.

One sniff of the Speedo and Uncle Jimmy knew it was loaded and ready for the ritual to begin. Carefully sprinkling the mixture around the inside of the Speedo changed the ordinary swimming trunk into his personal transformation garment.

Silently standing nude in his room, Uncle Jimmy took a good look at himself in the mirror, rubbing his hands over his wrinkled and weathered face and then examining his aged chest and stomach.

The Speedo would fit his lean body with no problem and he was eager to slide it on quickly, but Uncle Jimmy took a moment to pray and ask for the Lord’s guidance while he prepared to take on his new body and life commitment.

Making the sign of the cross, Uncle Jimmy took the Speedo and began to get into it. As the Speedo was brought up over his ass cheeks and then his genitals, the Speedo began to make a tight seal against his body.

A whiff of warm steam began to radiate from the Speedo and capture Uncle Jimmy’s sense of smell, as the ancient mixture with Tyler’s essence became unleashed and ready to be absorbed into the old mans body.

The experience became euphoric as Uncle Jimmy’s body began to reshape and loose years of living. His chest started to become defined and his ass tightened as his body took on the features of a well-toned young swimmer. Gone was the salt and pepper chest hair as a smooth defined chest and stomach appeared. Skin tone and youthful tone appeared as muscle mass took shape and a lean swimmer’s body became Uncle Jimmy’s new reality.

As the process continued, Uncle Jimmy smiled in the mirror, watching as each part of his body took on Tyler’s features. Uncle Jimmy got to watch most of his transformation through his aging eyes, as his head was the last part of him to change.

As promised, his new body began to react in a very sexual way as his male potency gave him an uncontrollable ejaculation and soon Uncle Jimmy was in total ownership of his nephew’s body.



In Tyler’s room, under his sheets, a final wet dream signified the end to Tyler’s life as a young swimmer as the young boy tossed and turned during his transformation. All evidence of Tyler’s male seed would be lying in a wet stain just under his damp boxer briefs that were pressed into the mattress.
During a painfully and ugly transformation, Tyler took on the body of his Uncle with stage 4 cancer, and all the associated stiffness and pain associated with a man of 70 years old. As aged genitals filled his boxer briefs and his aged sacs filled with Uncle Jim’s seed, the transformation was complete and there was no turning back. Like a nightmare come true, the once awesome example of youthful excellence was no longer Tyler’s to command and control.