Pecple: Recently, you posted several bare-chested photos in Yahoo! Group and I must say that they are awesome. Do you think gay men are attracted to you at first sight primarily because of your pecs?
    Big Jim: I�ve found that to be true at times. My pecs have always been a source of interest and lust to other guys, but I think it�s the total package also that attracts the, The huge arms, and the extreme tough look I possess.

    Pecple: I see that your face and armpits are more hairy compared to your chest. Do you shave them to maintain a smooth chest?
    Big Jim: No�I�ve never shaved my pecs or chest�Naturally smooth here. In the summer I tan beautifully. The deep rich tan accentuates the fullness of my pecs and needless to say I�m shirtless a lot in the summer!

    Pecple: Tell us how often do you hit the gym to have such desirable pecs.
    Big Jim: I�ve been lifting since I was like 21. My pecs responded well to the weights and over the years I�ve always been able to maintain their full pumped look with minimum effort.

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