Dreaming the Nightmare

So, the other day, I�m working at the computer, (pretty much where I always am), when I get a phone call from the kid. No, nothing drastic, she just likes to talk and has since she was a child. Anyway, she calls to ask if I�ve been having any strange dreams or nightmares and the question befuddles me from the start. I don�t generally have nightmares, I usually have snippets of dreams and they wind up as a story. Anyway, back to my story; she proceeds to talk about odd dreams and zombies, but I only hear half of what she says because, as usual, my mind is in about 42 places at once and by the time she�s finished talking, all I know for sure is that she, her husband and two or three other people she knows have been having odd dreams.

My day goes on as usual after the little chat and there�s nothing out of the ordinary going on. My partner gets home and we have dinner, she plays WOW and I�m writing while we�re watching some stupid movie that�s making me cry. Hate those movies when I�m doing other things, especially when I find myself watching the damned thing with my mouth hanging open.

Crawl into bed and before I know it, I�m waking up because I see a strange zombie face crawling across the damned floor. Okay, that freaks me out, but it only gets worse when I look towards the doorway of the bedroom and see what appears to be a human shadow and I hear what sounds like slippers dragging across the landing. A bolt of fear shoots through my body before I realize I must not have been fully awake yet so, as in the horror movies, I get out of bed to investigate and once I�m downstairs, I�m shaking my head at myself. My mind starts racing back to the stupid and scary dreams I was having.

The first dream was about a cabin and I was there with other people. I don�t know who they were, but it seems there were five of us and we all had separate bedrooms. None of us could get into our bedrooms, so I walked outside to look through the window, only to discover that in every single bedroom, our fishing poles have fallen against the doorknobs. That was the end of that stupid assed dream, thank goodness.

I don�t know if there were other dreams, but if there were they apparently weren�t as significant as the two I remembered. Significance� I have no clue what it is, but I�m sure there�s a message in them somewhere.

Anyway, the second one was the nightmare that woke me to begin with. A family, turning into zombies and the only way they can be saved is if their daughter does a concert with her band. Strange, I know and absolutely no logic, but there it is. She, of course has one roadblock after another and I woke up before I knew whether she accomplished her task. The last thing I saw before sitting up in bed was the woman with short, choppy black hair crawling across a kitchen floor growling at me. It was very odd, but I was extremely happy to find nothing when I went downstairs to investigate.

By 1:30 a.m. I was wide awake and back at the computer, writing to the kid and letting her know that in the future she had best keep her stupid zombie nightmares to herself. Somehow I knew she had cursed me and she is just lucky she�s too old to be grounded. It was typical that she would call me later in the day, laughing her ass off at what I wrote. The kid has a warped sense of humor� It was a proud moment and I�m happy to say last night was dream-free!

Copyright 2009 by Kya Korday