With size 'XL' pecs and an 'XXL' dick, the 35 year old bisexual from Roma is undeniably the ultimate gay fantasy.Check him out!

In the turbulent world today, everyone needs a superhero. No. No. It's not the inner strenght which Mariah Carey croons in her uplifting song "Hero", but the superbeings from DC or Marvel Comics. Do gay men adore them more than their straight fans? How about meeting Big Jim and Ken - our very own Beasts from the PecMen league? Look like the Gothom City has to be renamed [Pecs City] :-)

Big Jim's appearance on Pecple is the proudest moment of our magazine. His hardwork and insatiable appetite for pecs and tits play are evident from the photos that he has contributed. He is back this issue with more hot photos and testimonials from his worshippers. Kudos to Big Jim. He rocks. More

Ken, a newbie in the bodybuilding competition but already has 3 trophies under his belt. The muscle daddy from NYC talks to Pecple about bodybuilding, sex and his ideal relationship. More