Bike Cop


I fumed as I sat behind the wheel of my new ferrari. First time out on the roads with it and looks what happens. Some facist pig with a quota to fill decides that 150 in a 50 zone is unsafe! What a joke. If the car wasn’t supposed to handle such speeds, what was the point in making it capable of them?

I mean, just because the average joe’s car can’t do it, doesn’t mean that mine can’t.

And look at that arrogant swagger the pig’s got. He knows I can see him in the mirror and he’s taking his time - gloating!

"Good evening officer. What seems to be the problem." Ok, he wants to play games - I can play them too.

"Are you aware that you were doing more than 3 times the legal speed limit, driver?"

"Really! I’d swear that I wasn’t doing more than a hundred." A crisp new bill just happened to slip out of my hand and floated to the ground at his feet.

He just glanced at it. "Actually, Sir, you were doing 152." He ignored the other hundred that joined the first, covering the toe of his left boot.

"Can I see your licence and registration, please driver."

Greedy pig, that was 300 already. Fine!

"Here you go officer!" I handed him my licence with a cool grand underneath it.

"Get out of the car please driver, bribery of a law enforcement officer is a criminal offence."
"What!" I screamed, "You greedy piece of shit! What the fuck do you want? That’s more that a pig like you’d make in a week. Here, take another grand."

""Sir, I said please step out of the car." His voice was even and cool, not even flustered.

"Do you know who the fuck I am? I could buy your entire station with what I make in an afternoon."

"Sir, if you refuse to co-operate, I will have to take further measures."

"Further measures! Fuck you!" I snarled.

Seeing him in the rear mirror ducking as the stones hit him from my spinning wheels gave me a great deal of satisfaction. Let’s see that piece of shit he calls a motor bike can keep up with me.

Office Paul Jones shook his head in amazment of the stupidity of some people. He casually drew a device from his pocket and aimed it at the rapidly moving car. Pressing a button, he didn’t bother to watch the results, instead he brushed himself off and walked casually back to his bick. Starting it up, he slowly drove down the highway after the car.

He found it about three hundred meters away. Paul smiled as he came to a stop.

Looking down into the convertible, enjoying the look of absolute horror on the miniscule little mans face, the officer drew his baton and pointed it at the car and its diminutive driver.

"I did try and warn you, Sir," he said softly, even as he reached out the hand with the baton, pointing it directly at the car. Extending his arm towards the four inch long car.

Seeing that redwood girthed beam coming directlly at me, I had no option except to bolt from the car. I dove free just in time. Behind me, I heard the crunch as my brand new toy was crushed beneath the point of the officers baton.

I lay, stunned, in the dust beside the immensly huge motorbike cops front wheel. I had heard about these new devices the cops were using, but I thought they were only supposed to shrink offenders to six inches tall. I was only about 2 inches tall!

Lying there, staring up at this mountain of man and bike, my life flashed before my eyes. I was certain that this was the end. I wondered briefly how it would come. Would he crush me beneath his baton, like he did my car, or would he run me over with his bike, or would he simply crush me beneath his boot heel, like a bug.

It looked like it would be the last option. The giant cop was beginning to stand up. His boot crunched in the dirt as he shifted his weight. The leg straightened as he stood up and his other leg swung into view as he dismounted from the bike.

A fever seemed to take hold of me then and I scrambled to my feet. My only thought was to flee as I bolted towards the side of the road. If I made it into the grass there, maybe I could lose him. I fell and tripped repeatedly as I raced across the dirt. I leaped boulders that were probably no bigger than pebbles, dodged around rocks the size of a bus and scrambled over scree that was really only sand.

A shadow fell over me and I looked up to see the giant moving over me. In one step he covered more than ten times the distance that my frantic flight had taken me. I watched helpless as the bus sized slab of leather dropped from the sky.

With a thud that shook the earth and sent a cloud of dust up in front of me, that massive boot slammed down directly in my path. It was too late to stop so instead I vaulted the toe of the boot. I slid across the smooth leather in a manner ridiculously close to the way Bo and Luke Duke had slid across the bonnet of the General Lee in that silly ‘70’s TV show. I hit the dirt on the other side of the boot and was immediately sprinting again.

This time the giant timed his stomp better. A wall of black boot leather appeared in front of me like magic. The boot hit the ground at the same time that I hit the heel. I bounced back from the wall, landing on my butt in the settling dust, looking up the length of shiny black leather, past the skin tight tan pants, the black leather belt, the body hugging tan shirt with its various badges and patches. An incredibly long distance above me, my eyes locked onto the face of my death as it stared back at me.

I read my death warrant in that expression. Hard, unsmiling, light glinting from the mirror sunglasses, the giant simply stared at me, lying in the dust between his feet.

I cowered as his body dropped towards me, certain this was it, but he was simply crouching down. I peeked out from under my hands to see his gloved hand, fingers spread out, reaching down towards me.
Blackness wrapped around me as I was encased inside his fist. There was movement but I didn’t know where to until light burst around me as the hand opened.

I fell. Not a huge distance but far enough to count. I hit rock hard leather and lay still, partially stunned from the floor.

There was a roar and the ground beneath me shook like the worst earthquake in history. As my wits began to regather, I took in my surroundings. I was on the seat of the cops motorbike, between his thighs. A massive V-shaped canyon stretched above and next to me. His firmly muscled thighs joined together just behind me. A bulge many times bigger than my crushed car jutted out from the joining. I froze in awe at the size of his groin. Despite being right in front of my eyes, almost within touching distance, my mind stubbornly refused to accept the reality of the thing.

Maybe it was a desperate attempt by my own masculinaty that was battling against reality. It point-blank refused to accept that I was nothing in comparison to another man’s meat. The thought that this giants manhood would be more than 3 times taller than I was was simply too much for a man to accept.

All this I took in in the space of heartbeats. Then there was no more time for thought as the bike roared into action. Gale force winds beat at me, forcing me back further into the canyon. The wind pushed me to the only place I could go - beneath that enormous bulge.

It was humliating to think that the only thing keeping me alive was the overhand of a man’s basket, but that was what was happening. I knew that pressing down onto me, restrained only by thin, elastic material was a pair of testicles so big that I could easily fit inside one.

To be continued...