Career Change

It all started with an email. I was feeling a little burned out with
my job, so I posted my resume a few places online. Before long, I
had a dozen recruiters contacting me for different technical and
management positions. Then, I received a mysterious email. The
recruiter said his company was hiring "test subjects" for very
special products they were working on, and I had been identified as
an ideal candidate.
Now, I really wasn't sure about putting "test subject" on my resume.
After all, I built a career in high-tech so I could hit the jackpot
with some hot start up. But, with the stock market in the tank, that
jackpot seemed further and further away. The recruiter wouldn't tell
me much about his company or the job, he really wanted to see me in
person to explain this special opportunity. After some deliberation,
I finally decided to go to the interview. I could always decide what
I wanted to do after they presented their job to me.
The job site was a little way out of town. There were a few low
buildings in a campus setting, and I found that the reception area
pretty easily. The office was comfortable but not fancy, and the
receptionist was dressed in casual clothes -- a good sign. Before
long, I was ushered into someone's office and given a few forms on a
clipboard to fill out. I was a little startled when I heard the door
close behind me.
"Thanks for coming in," I turned to see who had closed the door. "My
name is Tim and be interviewing use afternoon. We're going to start
with me asking all the questions and if the interview goes well you
will get all the answers you need." But he was not like any
interviewer I had ever seen. He was dressed in tight-fitting jeans,
and had a tank top on. His muscles bulged and his chest and arms had
a nice covering of brown fur. His eyes twinkled above a broad
moustache, and he watched me checking him out as he walked around to
his side of the desk.
He took the application forms I had been filling out, glanced over
them, and asked me a few questions about the work I had done
previously. I did my best to stay focused on his questions, but his
appearance and my hard dick were pretty distracting. He didn't seem
all that interested in my answers either. We talked about how much I
needed to get paid, and I was surprised to learn that his job paid
quite a bit better than the work I had been doing before.
"This position does involve a test," he said, taking a black box out
of the desk drawer and setting it in front of me. It was about the
size of my wallet, had a red light on it, and a soft pad for a finger
to rest upon. "All you have to do is keep pressing the pad down." I
looked at him. Everything about this interview had been strange. I
opened my mouth to ask a question, but he continued. "I promise it
won't hurt. Once you pass this test you can ask me all the questions
you want."
I took a breath and placed my finger on the box. The light lit up,
and I felt a slight tingle in my finger spreading into the rest of my
body. It actually felt relaxing and nice. I smiled, "OK, this
doesn't seem so bad." He smiled and asked the interview became a lot
more conversational. He asked me about the other places I had
applied and in a minute I had practically forgotten about the box.
I blinked, and realized that I was getting light headed. In fact, my
whole body was buzzing and feeling a little floaty. I also noticed
that Tim was leaning over the desk towards me more. He seemed so
large and masculine. I was spending more and more of my time looking
at his hairy chest and less and less time looking at his face when he
was talking. He seemed to like that.
Soon, I was leaning towards him too, and my clothes were getting
uncomfortable. I scooted forward in the chair and felt the seat of
my pants sliding a little. I had to keep pushing my shirt sleeve
back up my arm. After another minute, there was a lull in the
conversation and I realized just how big this guy really was. He was
huge. If I hadn't seen him come in the room, I would swear he was
eight or nine feet tall. And my blasted sleeve was creeping up my
wrist again! Annoyed, I shoved it back up my arm and saw that it was
really bunching up. That didn't seem right at all. I looked at Tim
and he just smiled and winked. I looked at my feet and saw that they
were already lifting out of oversized shoes, and I hadn't even
I gasped, "I'm shrinking!"
"Keep pushing the pad," he reminded me firmly. "This is the last
test. You're only down to five feet, and the candidates you're
competing with made it much farther." He smiled, "Of course, if you
don't like what you see you can stop pressing the pad and we'll call
the interview over."
We just looked at each other without talking for another, during
which time I shrank decidedly. He put his arms on the desk and
leaned over even further to keep a close eye on me. "I thought you'd
keep going." He said. "The recruiter said he found you on an
Internet message board and that you would be perfect for us."
I had to stand up from the chair to keep pressure on the box. With
one hand, I held my underwear up and I kept the other on the pad. My
long-sleeve shirt was really getting in the way as I reached the four-
foot mark. "My shirt is really getting in the way," I stammered out
finally. Tim stroked his big moustache and considered my
"Let's make an exception for you." He said. "If you can get your
shirt off in 30 seconds, I won't count it against you. In fact," he
stood up for the first time since I started shrinking. "I may not
even see you do it." I gaped at his giant-ness, but when he was
turned away my small hands quickly worked at the buttons, shedding my
shirt before he turned around. He looked at me, satisfied. "I think
I'll join you," he said, taking off his tank top to reveal the rest
of his muscled bearflesh.
My dick throbbed, and I pulled the box closer to the edge of the desk
as I dwindled further. Tim kept growing, and I had to look up
further and further to see his face. He crossed his arms over
bulging pecs, and I started just looking at them so I didn't have to
bend my neck so much. I looked over the desk, which was nearing eye
level as I approached three feet.
"Um," I swallowed. "I'm going to need some more help here. In
another minute, I won't be able to reach the box."
Tim smiled, "You persistence speaks well of you." In a few quick
steps, he closed the yawning gap between us. He sat down in the
chair where I had been. He tugged my underwear off saying, "We won't
really be needing these any more," exposing my rock-hard boner. He
licked his lips, and hoisted me up on his knee, facing away from
him. "This should buy us another foot or two."
I groaned a little, disappointed to not be able see him any
more. "Here, let me help you some more," he said, re-arranging my
balls so I wasn't sitting on them. With his thumb and forefinger, he
circled my dick and started gently jacking me off.
It was tantalizing. I wanted to cum but he wasn't really stimulating
me enough. As I shrank from three feet to two, I had to put more of
my fingers on the pad to keep it pressed down. Tim started stroking
me more too as my penis shortened and thinned. Finally, he started
using his finger tips much more forcefully. "I love shrinking
dicks," his loud, deep voice confessed to me as he started stroking
me faster.
He had obviously done this before, as he was being so gentle. The
more I shrank, the faster things seemed to be growing. I closed my
eyes and shoved my whole hand onto the pad as Tim's stroking paid
off. Wad after tiny wad spat out of my cock, as it went out of his
grasp and I reached 12 small inches.
"Congratulations, you have passed the test." Tim picked me up off
his knee, and set me down on the desk so my foot was on the
pad. "Here is a little extra reward," he said as he unbuttoned his
fly and whipped out his own erection. It was huge to me, almost as
big as the chair had been when I sat down in the room to begin with.
But when he grabbed it in his hand, it was clear that his dick was
shorter than average. He rubbed the hot head against my chest, and I
licked it all over. He pressed his tire-sized balls on my nine-inch,
shrinking body, and started whacking off furiously.
His balls were covering more and more of my body as I shrank to six
inches and his dick lengthened above me. At four inches, he started
shooting, and I watched a geyser of cum spray the desk behind me. As
he softened, he pushed me against his tight balls and stepped away
from the desk, taking me off the box.
"When you get back to normal size, you can decide if you want to be
the test subject for our new shrinking devices." He announced. "For
now, I'll just rub you against my balls and you can think about it."

To be continued....