

I was very happy in my new home. I had moved into the block of townhouses several weeks ago and had settled in nicely. It was a fairly quiet area, with a major shopping centre and university nearby. I think the thing that really sold me on the place, though was the swimming pool.

It had been a hot summer so far and my old place didn't have a pool. This one did, and I took every advantage of it.

It was there that I met David, only two days after I moved in.

He lived a couple of houses up from mine, closer to the pool than my place was. He was an excellent swimmer, and I commented on it, smiling shyly.

"You're new here, aren't you," it was more a statement than a question. He swam over to where I was sitting on the edge of the pool and stuck his hand out. I took it and shook it, making eye contact with him.

He had the most startling blue eyes. It was like looking into a summer sky.

"Listen," he began, "would you like to come over to my place for dinner, sort of a welcome to the neighbourhood?"

He hadn't let go of my hand and I was starting to feel a little self-conscious about it, but he didn't seem to care. "Y-yes, I'd love to," I stammered, blushing at my stumble. He smiled and let go of my hand, squeezing my knee reassuringly. I nearly jumped out of my speedos, but he pretended not to notice.

"Is tonight ok with you? About 7?"

Gaining confidence from his easy manner, I managed not to trip over my words, "Yeah, that works for me. I haven't had a chance to restock the fridge yet, so that'd be great."

He gave my knee one more squeeze, but I was ready for it this time and didn't react, then he pulled himself out of the pool. I studiously kept my eyes off him, a very difficult task, as he towelled off behind me.

As he walked away, he called back over his shoulder, "Is chicken ok with you?"

I looked at him, careful to keep my eyes on his face, and not drop down to the bulge in his blue speedos (they matched the colour of his eyes perfectly). "Yeah, that's fine."

When he turned away and started off to his house, I let my eyes linger on those blue speedos. He had a really great arse, tight, firm and nicely muscled. Although he gave no sign, somehow I realised that he knew I was watching him, and I swear he added a little more jauntiness to his stride. This could turn into a very interesting evening!

* * * * *

Well, it was an interesting evening, but that part is none of your affair, except to say that the chicken was delicious and that he doesn't have a tan line…

* * * * *

David and I had been getting to know each other better over the last couple of weeks. He would come over to my place or I would go to his place. I was sure he was keeping something from me, but I couldn't work out what it was.

When he invited me over for dinner again, I thought nothing of it. When I walked in to his dining room, my heart pounded. He had turned the lights down and lit candles around the room, including on the table. He had his best china and silverware laid out and there was a delicious aroma wafting out of the kitchen, his infamous chicken dish, the one he had made on our first night together. Soft, classical music added to the atmosphere.

I sighed. Could David be the One? I thought that it was a distinct possibility.

I called out to David and he came out of the kitchen. I burst into laughter at the cheeky expression on his face. He was wearing his blue speedos and fluffy blue slippers. I walked over to him and gave him a lingering kiss, letting my mouth and tongue express how much he was appreciated and how he was making me feel.

He indicated that I should sit down and poured me a glass of wine, then disappeared back into the kitchen to finish cooking.

We ate the meal in silence, words not seeming to be needed, but as the meal progressed, I sensed that he wanted to tell me something. Knowing that he would tell me when he was ready, I finished the meal and sat, watching him push his food around his plate, trying to pluck up the courage to tell me something.

When he finally looked up, there were tears in his eyes and an unspeakable sadness. There was something else in his eyes, an expression that puzzled me. It was almost as though he was pleading with me to understand something.

"Whatever it is, you know you can tell me," I murmured softly.

David took a deep breath and then spoke, "You know that these past couple of weeks have been some of the best of my life?" I nodded. "Well there's something I need to tell you. I've been keeping something from you…" he fell silent, and he was no longer able to meet my gaze.

"David," I prompted softly.

He took another deep breath, seeming to prepare himself for whatever it was that he need to tell me. "Gary comes back tomorrow," he blurted.

Now I was even more puzzled, but a sinking feeling developed in my gut as I asked, "Who's Gary?"

"Gary is….um….Gary's my…um…. " he took another deep breath, "Gary's my boyfriend."

I sat, quite still, then said, very calmly, "I see."

"He's been overseas on business, but he flies back tomorrow morning. I wanted to tell you right at the start, but…."

"But you wanted to string me along and use me for sex, because you were lonely," I was quite proud that I managed to keep any sound of bitterness from that, despite the voice in my head that was screaming in pain and outrage.

"No! That's not it at all…I mean, maybe at first…but not later!"

I pushed my chair away from the table and stood up, wiping my mouth with my napkin. "I think I should be going."

"No, wait! Please!" David was standing now too, "I admit that at first I was just lonely and thought you'd make an interesting diversion." My eyebrows raised at that and he rushed on. "But I've really grown attached to you…I think I might even be falling for you."

I snorted in contempt, not even bothering to keep the contempt from my voice now, "The only thing you're falling over is your own libido!" I strode away from the table, heading for the door.

"Wait! I don't want you to leave," When I made no indication that I was stopping, he went on, anger creeping into his voice, "I won't let you leave!"

At that, I did stop, not turning, "You won't let me leave! How the hell do you think you're going to stop me? Overpower me? You should know by now that I'm stronger than you!" Tears of pain were running freely down my cheeks now. I refused to turn and let him see them.

"I will stop you," I could hear the tears in his voice too, then he whispered, "forgive me."

I stopped as a wave of pins-and-needles ran over my skin. I shuddered as it passed and reached for the door handle. My hand hit the door just below the knob, but I thought nothing of it, just raising my hand higher and gripping it. It felt strange in my hand, bigger almost, but I gave that barely a moments notice too.

Then a second wave of pins-and-needles washed through me and my hand dropped to my side involuntarily. I reached for the handle again, this time noticing that I had to reach even higher to touch it. What was going on? Surely the handle was at waist height, not shoulder height.

As I let my hand rest on it, my eyes nearly bugged out of my head. The doorknob was moving! It pulled my hand up as it climbed up the door.

Finally it pulled out of my reach. I turned towards David, bewildered, to see if he had seen it move too. My jaw dropped and I stumbled back against the door. David stood in front of me, his blue eyes ablaze with cerulean fire. But as alarming as that sight was, it was nothing compared to the horror I felt when I realised he was three times my size and still growing.

Something in my head was screaming at me again, telling me that he couldn't be growing. But my eyes were telling me otherwise. The voice screamed again, insisting that he couldn't be growing. If he was growing, then he would have pushed through the ceiling long ago.

Logic scrambled to my rescue at that thought. Then my blood ran cold as I realised the only thing that could be happening. The voice hurled pictures of the doorknob rising up out of my reach, the intact ceiling and the giant David. If David wasn't growing, then that meant I was shrinking!

Part 2

I think the shock of realisation of what had happened must have made me pass out. I came to, lying on a hard surface. Disorientated, I pushed myself to my hands and knees and took a look around. The first thing my eyes latched onto was a glass pillar with a silver top. It took me a moment to work out that this pillar, which was maybe my own height, was in fact a salt shaker.

My stomach fluttered uncomfortably. For a moment I kept my eyes locked onto the shaker, terrified to look around and see what else was around me. My mind was trying to make up excuses. Maybe it was just the salt shaker that had grown. If I didn't look around, everything would be ok.

But, such is the masochistic nature of the human psyche, that I had to look around.

Nearby me was a knife, over ten feet long and laying next to a plate a foot tall and fifteen feet across. The remains of my dinner were slowly congealing on it. Bits of food that I had felt were too small to bother about eating were scattered about it. If I was to push them altogether, now, I would have enough to feed a small army. I laughed at the bitter irony of that thought. The scraps could indeed feed an army - if they were all my apparent six-inch height!

I stumbled about the dining table, astounded anew at every object that I came across. Here was a napkin bigger than four joined bed-sheets, there was a glass, bigger than a water tank. Eventually I came to the edge of the table and was seized by feelings of vertigo. My head spun so violently that I had to take several steps back and sit down for a minute.

All disbelief I had felt about my situation had long since evaporated and I started to consider my options. There had been no sign of David so far, and I almost dreaded when he would finally reappear.

It was about another ten minutes before I saw David again. He came through the front door, carrying a bundle of clothing that looked suspiciously like mine. He dumped it on the sofa and headed towards me, he had a strange look on his face, one that showed traces of embarrassment, fear, uncertainty, and even a touch of cockiness. He stopped several feet from the table.

I walked over to the edge nearest him. Seeing him had kindled an unsuspected amount of rage, "What the hell have you done?" I demanded. "Who the fuck do you think you are, doing this to me? What gives you the right, you bastard?" I stood my fists clenched, fairly bristling with emotion.

At least he had the good grace to look abashed in the face of my anger, "I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving me," he finally murmured. "This was the only way I could think to keep you with me. Please don't be angry." He couldn't quite meet my gaze.

"You stupid fuck! You couldn't stand to see me leave! So instead, you make me into a Ken doll! What sort of perverted shithead are you?!"

He did meet my gaze then, his own anger starting to rise, "I am not a pervert. Just because I have the ability to shrink things, doesn't make me a pervert. I told you - I love you. The thought of you leaving nearly tore my heart out. And I knew you were going, knew I had lost you."

"And you think this will make me stay!? This has only made things worse."

David stepped forward, towering above me. I stepped back in fear, "Just where the fuck do you think you'd go. I'm the only one who can change you back to normal. You wouldn't even make it back to your apartment. If a cat didn't get you, the birds would. I said you were staying and I meant it. Maybe one day I'll make you big again, but that will only be after I'm sure you'll stay of your own free will, and love me as much as I love you."

I shook my head, "You keep saying you love me, but you did this to me. And what about Gary? What happens when he comes back? You can't tell me he'll be too pleased to see me!"

David swallowed, uncomfortable at the mention of Gary, his anger seemed to drain out of him. "I do love you. I know you don't believe me now, but eventually, you'll see." He paused, "And Gary isn't going to know you're here. He mustn't know you're here. Not if you want to live." Again he couldn't meet my eyes.

He rushed on before I could say anything, "He's intensely jealous. If he knew you were here, he'd find some way of getting rid of you. I've got a hiding place all worked out for you, you'll have to stay there whenever he's about."

I sat down on the edge of a plate, trying to sort out my thoughts. David crouched down in front of me, so his huge face was level with me. "Everything will be ok, you'll see. I bought some of your clothes over. I'll shrink them later on, so you've got something else to wear. I'll get some of your other stuff later on."

A hand, long as I was tall, started to reach towards me, and I panicked. Jumping up, I raced around the plate, sprinting away from David. I should have saved my energy. David simply reached further and wrapped his strong fingers around me then lifted me off the table.

My calves hung free from the bottom of his fist, my left arm was trapped to my side, but my right was free. I hammered futilely at his finger as he stood back up. David simply ignored my struggles as he carried me upstairs. He went into the spare bedroom and opened up the closet.

With his free hand, he pulled a false panel away from the back, revealing a hidden space, about half a foot deep, starting at waist level and going up several feet and was several feet wide. I was carefully placed inside the space. Again David crouched down to be level with me.

"This is where you'll live for the time being," he gestured, and despite myself, I followed his movement. He had obviously been planning this for a while (I refused to allow myself to think that others had occupied this space before me). Furniture of a perfect size for me was positioned about. The space was actually divided into several rooms, with doors for me to go through. There was even an upstairs. Each room had been set up just like a house.

I realised that this was normal sized furniture that had been shrunk down, not dolls furniture. Several tiny electric lamps even worked.

I turned to see David stand back up, the false panel in his hands, "I'll leave you here for a while, to get used to the place, while I go get some of your other stuff. Is there anything in particular you want?" I shook my head, wearily. He sighed, then placed the panel back in place. I heard the snick of a lock and then what sounded like clothes being rearranged in front of the panel.

I trudged upstairs to the bedroom and flung myself on the king sized bed, and wept myself to sleep.

Part 3

I slept the sleep of the mentally exhausted. I remembered no dreams and woke feeling like I had run a marathon. For a moment, I was disorientated, the normal sized furniture around me confusing me. But then I remembered, and I shivered at the thought of being only six inches tall.

Apparently David had returned while I slept, because there was a pile of my clothing on the floor next to the bed, shrunken down to my new size. I changed into a pair of jeans and T-shirt and pulled on a pair of Nike’s.

It took me about fifteen minutes to explore my new home. It was well set up. Occasionally I would come across something from my own apartment. A vase here, a fruit bowl there. I couldn’t help but wonder if the other furniture once belonged to other guys who David had shrunk.

Downstairs again, I discovered what looked to be a trap door under a floor rug. I pulled on it to no avail, I couldn’t even budge it. There was a TV in the corner and I turned it on. I was surprised that it worked, David thought of everything, it seemed. I could almost forget that I was only six inches tall...almost.

I was watching an old black & white movie when David removed the false panel. I was laying on the sofa and I froze as he looked in on me. His eyes flicked over to the exposed trapdoor.

'I’ll open that up for you later - when you realise that it wouldn’t be safe to try and escape. There’s a network of tunnels down there.. You can go to any room in the apartment. I have little doors hidden all over the place.' I still just stared at him, so he continued, 'Just make sure you use the peep-holes before you open a door. If there’s anyone but me in there, stay in the tunnels.'

I cringed as he reached in and lifted me out, sofa and all. He tipped me into his other hand and then replaced the sofa. 'I’d like to have some fun with you before Gary comes back, I don’t know how long it will be before I’ll get another chance.' I didn’t like the gleam in his eye as he said that.

When he started to lift me towards his face, I scrambled backward. He finally wrapped his thumb across my body, pinning me in place so I wouldn’t fall off his hand. Then his pink, wet tongue was licking my face.

I punched the slimy thing, hammering on his lips too, but it didn’t stop him. He continued for a minute or so, occasionally kissing me, but always coming back to the licking. He eventually ordered me to strip off, and I meekly did so, sure that he would do it otherwise.

Now his tongue started to explore my whole body. My nipples popped erect as soon as it touched them, betraying me. Despite the size of the tongue, and the fact that I was quickly becoming bathed in saliva, I started to get aroused. When his tongue reached my groin, it found my quarter inch hardon. I could feel David’s lips smile against my body when he realised how much I liked what he was doing.

He slipped one leg into his mouth and sucked on it, his upper lip brushing my scrotum. Letting that leg slip free, he repeated the process on my other leg, then each of my arms.

He flipped me over and let his tongue probe my little crack. I nearly came in the palm of his hand, so pleasurable was the feeling. I didn’t even notice that he had moved into his bedroom and was sitting on the edge of the bed until he placed me there while he took his shirt off.

I had always liked David’s body, lean with out being gaunt, toned without being overly muscular. A very light covering of light hair covered his lightly tanned skin. With the T-shirt discarded, David removed his belt and kicked off his shoes. He turned his back on me as he bent over and pulled his socks off, letting me get a good long view of his tight arse through his jeans.

He turned back around as he unbuttoned and then unzipped the denim jeans, taking the zip down nice and slow, never taking his eyes off me.

Despite what I feared was about to happen, I couldn’t take my eyes of that zipper.

At last he removed his hands and placed them on the waist band of his jeans and slowly pushed downward. When he stood back up, my jaw dropped. For some reason, seeing a stiff cock through his black underwear that was as big as I was impacted on me more than anything else. It highlighted how puny I really was in comparison to my former lover.

I couldn’t help but remember what it had felt like to have him fuck me with that thing. Now it was as big as me. That thought made me think of what he might have planned for me and I shivered.

David grinned at me and leaned down, reaching out with one finger. Placing it under my jaw, he pushed my mouth shut, then stood back up to tower far above me. We moved into the other bedroom, his and Gary’s

room. He did a slow 360 degree turn, letting my eyes feast on his immense magnificence. When I saw his butt and the way his underwear was riding into his crack, I shivered again at my earlier thought of being fucked.

When he was facing me again, he reached down and grabbed hold of me, lifting me up and closer to him, stopping a few feet from his cock. Even from there, I could feel the heat radiating from it and smell his familiar musky odour. Only know it was amplified fifty fold.

I watched in awe as that massive muscle flexed, straining against the thin black fabric that contained it. I sat staring at the huge hand that reached over and pulled against the elastic waist, opening them up at the top.

As the hand under me rose and moved closer, I rubbed my own cock as his came into view. The head of his cock was larger than my own head and as he flexed again, the piss slit opened and closed, almost like a lovers mouth, begging for a kiss.

I seemed to have lost my reservations about being so small. How, I don’t know, but suddenly it seemed totally irrelevant to be so small. All I wanted to do was kiss that inviting mouth.

As I was moved closer, the rest of his shaft came into view, standing proudly out of a mat of bushy pubes. David pulled his underwear open even more, letting his balls come into view. I wanted to hug and squeeze them with my whole body, just as I had once cupped them with my hand. I could no longer slip one of them into my mouth to suck, but I wanted to try.

David’s hand tilted up at the back and I found myself slipping forward, feet first, into his briefs.

My back hit the fabric and I slid down them like I had seen people doing when they escaped from a plane in an emergency.

The shaft flew past me and then his scrotum. My feet finally got wedged in that sensitive area between his hole and balls. I felt the briefs pulling closer to him as he slowly released them. My legs were pressed under his balls and my chest against the front of them, seeming to rest in my lap. My face was pressed into the base of the red hot shaft. I hugged David's balls for him, pulling them to me, pressing my entire body against him. I heard a rumble from above that could have been a moan of pleasure and I tightened my grip.

I felt David’s hand behind me as he grabbed himself, pushing me further into his sac. I could clearly feel a testicle on either side of me.

David and I froze at the sound of a door slamming shut downstairs and a voice call out, 'David! Are you home? It’s me, Gary.'

David swore under his breath, frantically looking for his clothing. It was in the other room. Footsteps pounded up the stairs and I felt David tense as someone entered the room. His cock was rapidly deflating in his fear of being discovered with me in his pants.

Gary walked straight over and gave David a huge hug and kiss, pressing his body up against his lovers. I felt his thigh against my back. David broke off the kiss after a minute, still holding Gary against him. 'What are you doing here? You’re not due back till tomorrow,' there was no accusation in his voice, just wonder at seeing his lover so soon.

Gary grinned, 'I couldn’t stand being away from you another day, so I got an earlier flight. I caught a taxi from the airport to surprise you.' He kissed David again.

I honestly think that David had forgotten I was still in his underwear, Gary had pressed his leg in between David’s and had raised it so it pressed up against the underside of his balls - where I was. I was terrified of being discovered, I still remembered David’s warning that Gary would find a way to be rid of me if he knew I existed.

As the kissing intensified, the pressure against my back grew as Gary pushed in closer to his partner. To make it worse, I could feel the heat from David's body growing as he began to get aroused again from the touching and groping.

'Mmmm, you like that, don’t you,' came a murmur and Gary's leg pressed against David harder. I was finding it hard to breathe as David's body responded. The pressure disappeared and I felt David's body tense. Gary had reached down and started to stroke Gary's shaft, his hand working lower. At last David remembered I was in his pants and what might happen if Gary found me.

David broke off the kissing and gently gripped Gary's wrist, stopping him from going lower, 'Why don't you strip off too and we can take this reunion to the next level?' David murmured. Gary grinned and stepped away, starting to unbutton his shirt. When the shirt was gone, Gary started on his pants. 'Turn around, let me see your butt while you do that,' David suggested. With a grin, Gary complied, slowly moving his hips from side to side to show off his tight arse.

As soon as his lovers back was to him, David reached into his underwear and grabbed me. Pulling me free, he reached behind him and opened the bedside drawer, dropping me in on pile of his clean underwear and socks.

He then pushed the drawer shut, locking me into blackness with the sound of the two giant men making out filtering in.

I stumbled around in the dark until I found a place near the back that I could rest in comfortably. I put my hands over my ears to shut out the sounds of my former lovers betrayal. Each grunt and groan was, to me, a sound of a knife slamming into my back. I slowly realised that I was intensely jealous of Gary. I so desperately wanted it to be me that David was going down on. I realised then that my feelings for David were deeper than I had thought. Despite what he had done to me, and regardless of Gary, I still loved my giant captor. That thought hurt more than any other.

My temporary prison lurched as the drawer was pulled open. Light flared in and I sat startled, eyes watering as some huge shape reached towards me. As my eyes cleared, I saw a giant hand moving briefs and socks aside, searching for something. It wasn't David's hand. I froze, terrified, knowing that someone Gary knew I was in here and was about to crush me in his huge fist. As the hand grabbed a pair of socks right in front of me and pulled them away, I nearly screamed, barely restraining myself. I madly scrambled away from the searching fingers.

Just as I thought he had me, he grabbed something else. A tube. As he removed it, I saw that it was a tube of lubricant. The hand reappeared after a moment and grabbed a condom from the same spot. The door was roughly slammed shut and darkness settled over me again. I slowly drifted off, my ears filled with soft laughter and grunts of pleasure and my thoughts tinged with green.

To be continued...