Drew's Big Halloween Adventure

The two college guys stood outside the wrought iron fence surrounding the shadowy, dilapidated estate that stood just off campus.

Twenty-year-old Drew removed his shirt and struck a cocky pose in front of a sign identifying the estate as private property and warning against trespass. He considered himself a big man on campus, and always got plenty of attention for his good looks.

His younger companion held a digital camera in his hands. He snapped a picture.

'See?' Drew scoffed. 'There's nothing to be afraid of.'

Nineteen-year-old Cody shook his head. Cody hoped to pledge Drew's fraternity in time to participate in the big Halloween party coming up a few days later. 'I don't know, Drew. Everyone talks about the weird stuff that goes on in this old house.'

'Fine — I guess I'll just have to prove it can be done,' Drew said impatiently, slipping his shirt back over his muscular torso. 'I'll sneak in, snap some photos as proof and meet you back out here.'

Cody, a handsome youth with brown hair streaked with blond highlights, looked back with a skeptical frown on his face. 'I don't know...'

'And when I get back, it will be your turn,' Drew said. 'Don't make me sorry that I ever supported your pledging to the fraternity in the first place.'

'Can we find another initiation?' Cody pleaded. 'I don't think this is a good idea, Drew.'

Drew grabbed the camera. Looking at the view screen, he admired the photo Cody took of him.

'Well, just wait here and I'll show you how easy this can be,' he told Cody, an air of superiority in his voice.

Drew slipped through a loose bar in the fence. He felt annoyed at the pledge who seemed so promising a few days ago. He was starting to doubt that Cody would actually work out as a member of the fraternity, but he couldn't resist showing him that at least he had the guts to carry out the initiation rite.

If Cody still wouldn't do it after he had shown it could be done, Drew felt he’d be justified in denying him his pledge.

Drew grasped the camera firmly as he trudged through the weeds toward the old mansion. Walking through the weed-choked garden, he looked for the best way to slip inside the house.

Walking up to the front door is probably out, he decided.

Drew spied a broken window near ground level along the side of the dilapidated old mansion. As he approached the window, he heard a scratching sound just beyond it. He began to question his own nerve, but he couldn't back down now — Cody was watching him nervously through the fence.

Drew walked closer to the window and examined it. It looked like a good entry point. He just didn't want to get cut on the glass.

The scratching sound inside the window continued.

'What the...?' Drew stared closer at the window. The rasping noise was certainly odd enough to get his attention, and it was definitely coming from inside the window.

Drew looked through the jagged broken window and pressed his face very close to the glass, trying to peer inside the dim interior.

He saw a strange creature inside the room, about the size of a large rat or a rabbit. It looked considerably like a rabbit, but its ears were different — smaller, more like rat or mouse ears than the long ears a rabbit has. The creature's feet, too, were closer to rat or mouse feet than they were to rabbit feet. It could be a rat, he decided, but its body was too full and round.

The strange-looking rodent clawed at a small hole in the wallboard, as if it is attempting to enter it, but the hole was much too small.

Drew reached down and picked up a small rock from the ground. He tossed the rock into the room, aiming it toward the rodent. The rock hit the creature, and the rodent squealed and darted across the floor, disappearing behind a door that had been left ajar. It left a trail of scuffled footprints in the dust.

'Yeah,' Drew said aloud. 'That’ll show it who’s boss.' He reached inside the window and found a handhold under the ledge of the windowsill, but his fingers dragged through a bit of cobweb.

He ignored it and slipped nimbly and carefully through the window. Once on his feet again, though, he tried to shake off the threads of cobweb.

Spiders had always given him the creeps; not that he would ever want anyone to know that such a tiny creature could freak him out.

Drew pulled himself into the dusty room, empty except for shards of glass and a few rocks cast through the window by previous vandals. Once inside, however, there weren't many things of interest to take pictures of. He felt certain he could find something more interesting to take back to show Cody.

As he walked his shoes caused the floorboards to creak and groan.

Absently, he shook and wiped the last bits of web off his fingers, shuddering. 'Creepy spider,' he muttered.

Dust irritated his nose and throat as he approached the door exiting the room. His shoes left imprints in the layer of dust coating the floor. Each step raised a small cloud, adding to the irritation attacking his nasal passages.

As Drew left the room he heard more strange sounds, including some ominous thumps and scratches coming from the direction of a main hallway. Curious, he stepped slowly into the main hallway, scanning the length of the long, narrow passage. The noise seemed to be coming from a split stairway beyond the hall. The grand staircase was the focal point of the mansion, facing the main entrance, and an identical hallway stretched opposite the stairs in perfect symmetry to the one in which Drew now stood. The noises seem to be coming from the lower flight to the basement.

In the darkened hallway, Drew ran headlong into another strand of cobweb. 'Damn!' Drew exclaimed, dismayed that his voice sounded so panicky over a few simple strands of spider silk.

Just then, he saw something scurry in the corner of the web — something large!

'That can't be a spider...it's too big!' Drew gasped in amazement.

The hairy, segmented spider was even bigger than most tarantulas, easily measuring nine inches across.

Drew recoiled in horror, but eventually he couldn’t resist moving closer, peering at the large arachnid.

The strands of web that clung to Drew's body were surprisingly strong, for spiderweb. Large cocoons of past prey were held fast in the corners of the web, ranging from what were surely insects to what appeared to be small birds and bats.

Thinking fast, Drew snapped some digital photos of the web. He hoped the photos would turn out well, considering the dim light.

The large spider regarded the human intruder cautiously, holding its ground from the corner of the web.

At that instant, however, Drew heard more thumps from the stairway, and began to wonder what he might find down in that basement. Perhaps he could set up a real scare for Cody, his cowardly pledge.

Chuckling softly, Drew took a few steps toward the basement stairs. The steps creaked as he placed his weight on them. The spiral staircase limited his view as he descended it.

Drew began to feel somewhat claustrophobic as the descent continued...and continued.


The loud sound startled Drew. He nearly dropped the camera in his alarm.

A dark blur leapt down, landing heavily against his shoulder as a huge cat jarred to activity. A panther? Drew wondered. The feline's size was enormous — much stockier than any big cat he had seen in a zoo — but it seemed shorter in length than a panther should be, too, measuring barely four feet or so. The cat leapt behind the college student to a position on the stairs above him and looked down, its ears pressed back against its head.

The phrase 'nice kitty' sprang to mind, but the words got stuck in Drew's throat. He fumbled to determine what was going on

The cat looked very fidgety, now behind him and looking down, and blocked Drew’s only known escape. It crouched down, and another low and raspy sound gurgled up in its throat. It didn't pounce, but seemed to be considering it.

Drew raised up as much as possible to make himself look formidable. 'Shoo! Get out of here!' he yelled at the enormous feline.

The cat perked up. Its eyes narrowed, but it seemed less ready to pounce. It yowled loudly and slunk backward a step or two, still fixed on the human intruder.

Drew raised a foot and stomped heavily on the steps. 'Go!'

The cat, startled, retreated to the top of the steps out of view except for a dim shadow on the curving walls. There it stopped, as if guarding the way.

Satisfied for the moment, Drew continued to descend the stairs into a large room. The room resembled a cluttered laboratory, and was filled with strange equipment, cages, tables and cabinets.

A few dim lights had been left burning. Dust and webs were laced everywhere, and myriad pieces of equipment — test tubes, racks and tools of all sorts — were strewn about in various states of disarray.

Drew walked over to a counter and picked up a rack of test tubes. 'What is this place?' he whispered aloud.

'This place is off limits,' a voice answered from behind, startling him. 'Didn't you see the signs against trespassing?'

Drew felt his heart leap into his throat and he whirled around. Damn! Caught! He desperately tried to think of ways to talk himself smoothly out of this jam.

He was confronted with a young figure, not many years older than himself, in a dingy white labcoat and bookish glasses tucked into longish, unstyled hair.

With one quick glance, Drew decided the guy looked like a real loser. This should be easy, he told himself, sighing in relief. He spread his arms wide. 'Take it easy. I didn't even know anyone lived in this place.'

'I don't live here — I work here, and I value my privacy. Or did you just decide to ignore the warning signs?'

'Signs?' Drew feigned ignorance.

The strange young man spotted the camera in Drew's hand. His expression registered alarm, verging on panic. 'What are you doing with that?' He lunged forward to take the camera from Drew.

Taken by surprise, he couldn't prevent the guy from grabbing the camera.

'Just a frat prank...I'm supposed to come inside and take some pictures to prove I did it,' Drew explained in a shaky voice. 'So, can I have the camera back?'

Drew now noticed another small device, about the same size as the camera, in the stranger’s left hand.

The camera now secured, the odd man pointed the other device at Drew like a weapon. He examined the camera, easily flipping through the photos already stored in memory. His irritated expression deepened to an angry scowl.

'Yes, signs! Like this one!' He displayed the photo of Drew posed in front of the 'Do Not Trespass' sign.

Drew laughed nervously. 'Ok...I admit it. But I didn't think there was anyone actually living in this dump.'

The man glared at him, obviously struggling to think of his next move. The man seemed obviously worried and very, very disturbed by his discovery of Drew and his camera.

'By the way, I've seen some really strange things, too,' Drew revealed.

'You figured the signs didn't apply to you, eh?' The stranger scolded, flipping through the remainder of the photos. 'Strange things? Yes, I can see that you have. You’ve seen a great many things. Pity. I have no choice now.'

His finger moved against the trigger of the strange device in his other hand. Almost instantly, Drew felt a warm sensation bathing him like radiation, then a growing sensation of motion and nausea.

His voice rose in alarm. 'What the hell are you doing?' Drew demanded.

'You've seen too much. You're a threat to my work now. Besides, you have a cocky attitude. I hate guys with cocky attitudes!'

Drew tried to back off. 'Yeah? Well, you haven’t seen anything yet,' he shouted.

The man only smiled in a maddening manner. 'But I have a way of bringing you down to size.' A wider grin formed on his nerdish face.

Drew felt a rising sense of motion, although he was standing still, blocked from the stairwell by the tall stranger. Oddly, however, his pants began to slip. He grabbed at the waistband of his pants, trying to hoist them up. He looked back. The nerdish guy looked much taller. 'What did you do, you freak?' Drew shouted at him with increasing alarm.

'Impressive, isn't it? Did you think that my spider and my cat grew to be the size they are by natural means?'

Drew shook his head to try to rid himself of a sense of dizziness. 'What are you saying?' The youth's eyes darted wildly around the lab seeking a means of escape.

The strange man stepped closer, looming even taller over Drew.

'You're very lucky. In fact, you should feel honored. No other human has ever seen a demonstration of my device before. You see, it alters the size of certain compounds. I have it set to reduce the size of organic, living compounds, but it can work on anything, with the proper settings.'

Drew struggled to make sense of the man's words. He heard something about a device and size and reduce.

The scientist appeared to be approaching 10 feet in height. Drew's shirt hung loosely on him like an oversized robe, and his pants grew increasingly heavy and bulky.

'Get out of my way!' Drew tried to push past him.

The young scientist laughed, allowing Drew to push past him. He kept the device trained on the fleeing youth from behind. Drew rushed toward the stairs, but each step seemed about two feet tall.

He couldn't believe his own eyes. 'He has shrunk me,' Drew whispered with terrifying realization. 'Cody! Help! Someone help me!' he cried out helplessly.

His feet stumbled, tangled in his pant legs, and he toppled forward onto the first step. He landed heavily, banging an arm on the first step.

'What do you think of my invention?' The odd young scientist chuckled, stepping closer to the rapidly shrinking intruder. His huge foot landed heavily behind Drew.

'Get away from me!' Drew scrambled back, coming entirely out of his pants.

The scientist laughed unnervingly at the sight of Drew scrambling out of his oversized pants and underwear. 'They all said it couldn't be done,' the stranger declared. 'They said I was crazy!'

The step still seemed to be growing, and now reached Drew's chest as the young, bookish man kept the device aimed down at him.

'Stop! Please!' Drew dropped down on his knees. 'You can't do this to me! You can’t!'

'Ah, you may be right,” the scientist grinned, “And I promise to give your protests every bit as much consideration as you gave my trespassing signs.'

The step rose over Drew's head as he dropped down to an even smaller size. The nerdish man towered over him. His sneakered foot was now longer than Drew was tall.

At that point, Drew changed tactics and sprinted toward the bottom shelf of a tall, nearby lab cabinet. All he could think of was that he had to escape this demented giant and find Cody. Cody could save him.

The giant finally broke off with the device as Drew dodged away toward the cabinet. The enormous man giggled again with demented glee. 'You want to play cat and mouse, do you? You may not like my rules!'

Drew didn't dare glance over his shoulder. He ran as fast as he could toward the cabinet. It didn’t even dawn on him at first that he was now totally naked.

The cabinet towered like a city building. Drew reached the bottom shelf, and found a space between a cluster of enormous glass beakers, each the size of a small shed.

The giant's hand reached down and plucked the beakers from the shelf, one by one.

'No!' Drew wasn't even sure whether the scream was real or only in his panicked brain. He pushed himself forward, out of the giant's reach, dodging between the glass receptacles, but found himself cornered as he reached the back wall of the cabinet. The enormous hand grabbed another of the lab jars and pulled it away, exposing the tiny man.

'There you are. I doubted you'd get very far.'

'Stay back!' Drew's feeble command was no more than a squeak.

Grinning with power, the huge scientist overturned the beaker in his hand and moved it closer to Drew, positioning it over him. With one finger, he nudged the shrunken man forward out of the corner, then dropped the beaker over him, trapping him inside.

Drew ran forward, horrified, but found escape blocked by the solid walls of the beaker. He pounded ineffectually against the smooth glass. He couldn’t believe that his impressive frat-guy body had been reduced to a tiny size capable of being trapped beneath a glass jar.

The young scientist grinned and giggled as Drew pounded against the glass. 'I bet you wish you'd paid attention to my signs now, don't you, little one? I'm sure this is hardly the way you envisioned spending your Halloween.'

Drew looked up fearfully at the giant. 'What...what are you going to do with me?'

'I don't know yet. I'll probably have to get rid of you. You know too much about my work.'

He slipped his huge hand under the beaker, forcing Drew to step into his gigantic palm. Drew felt himself and the beaker lifted to a higher shelf, then slid off of the giant hand onto the dusty surface.

'No!' Drew beat frantically on the glass. 'You can't do this to me! Do you hear me?'

'Of course I can. If you haven't noticed, I'm a lot bigger than you are.'

That fact hadn't exactly escaped Drew's notice, but it was punctuated now. 'But who are you?' Drew slumped down defeated and helpless on the dusty surface of the shelf.

'You might as well call me Kevin, or if you prefer, Dr. Shrinker,' he chuckled. 'That was a pretty awful television show, really, but I suppose the name applies. Or, at least it will, when I present my findings to the doctorate committee.'

Drew summoned his most persuasive tone. 'Listen, Kevin. I can keep a secret. Please, just grow me back. Okay?'

'How stupid do you think I am?' Kevin picked up Drew's digital camera and snapped a picture of the tiny frat guy under the beaker. 'Smile.'

The flash blinded Drew for a moment.

Kevin checked the image in the display. 'A little glare, but you can see yourself clearly enough.' He held the huge display up against the glass for Drew to see.

Drew stared in amazement at the picture of himself, tiny, naked and trapped beneath the glass beaker. He needed no photographic proof, but it emphasized his dire situation. Kevin, too, seemed to enjoy the picture. In fact, he seemed surprised by the extent of his enjoyment of the situation.

'Now, tell me,' Kevin suggests, 'Who is this 'Cody' you called out for?'

Drew stepped back away from the glass as Kevin's enormous face loomed closer.

'Is he with you?' Kevin prompted.

'He...he was too scared. He stayed outside the fence.'

'You'd better not be lying!' Kevin's huge hand slammed down angrily on the shelf, rattling the contents. Drew fell backwards, landing hard on his butt.

Kevin examined the camera again. 'This should convince him that you abandoned him at the fence.' Kevin began systematically deleting all the photos from the memory one by one, leaving only the first photo — the one with Drew posed by the trespassing sign.

'What are you doing?' Drew jumped back onto his feet. 'Stop!'

'You wait here. I'll plant this near the road for your friend to find when he gets tired of waiting for you to return.' Kevin stacked another beaker on top of the one enclosing the tiny man, then slipped quickly up the stairs, taking both the camera and the size-change device with him.

'No! No!' Drew screamed, desperately trying to stop his giant captor.

Drew was left alone in the giant laboratory. He tried to fully take in his surroundings. If he could only escape the upturned beaker, he was fairly confident he could get out of the house, find Cody and — and then maybe he could find a way to make Kevin restore him to normal.

The beaker imprisoning him had been placed on the third shelf of the cabinet. The glass was heavy — especially with the added weight of the other beaker stacked on top — and offered Drew no way to get his fingers under it to lift it. He impulsively rushed at the wall of glass, but only succeeded in bruising his shoulder without even budging the beaker. The heavy, solid glass held firmly.

Drew, defeated, sank onto the floor of shelf beneath his feet. He was trapped, totally at the mercy of the unstable young scientist.


Beneath the heavy glass beaker, Drew slumped on the counter's surface, defeated and more than a little frightened.

He still had trouble accepting what had occurred. After breaking into the creepy, old mansion, he found himself confronted by a brilliant if unstable young scientist who used his new size-altering device to shrink the cocky frat-boy intruder to a very small size.

Now, shrunken, naked and alone, Drew found himself trapped beneath a heavy glass beaker. The lab was mostly quiet. Kevin, the demented guy who shrunk him, had been gone for quite some time, and Drew's sense of fear and tension was rising.

Drew determined that Kevin certainly didn't mean to keep him here indefinitely on a dusty shelf. Did he?

Suddenly, Drew heard a scratching sound coming from the direction of the stairs. He leaped to his feet and ran to the front of the beaker. He craned his head to try and peer up the stairs. He wondered if his giant captor was returning.

The shadow that he saw rounding the curved walls, however, was definitely not Kevin's. Taking three steps at a time, the huge cat slinked into view. It paused at the base of the stairs for a moment, then padded around one of the lab benches.

Drew had been unnerved by the size of the enormous black cat before, but he was positively terrified of it now.

The lithe panther-like creature looked 96 feet long from its nose to the tip of its tail. It stopped and curled around to sniff at the limp, rumpled clothes at the base of the stairs, then opened its mouth slightly, as if processing the scent.

Drew recoiled, backing away as the gigantic feline descended the stairs. He backed into the glass wall of the beaker, which rattled slightly from the impact.

The giant cat perked up, looking in the direction of the sudden rattle.

Drew froze. He felt a cold shiver travel the length of his spine.

The cat's huge ears pressed back, and the beast began to slink toward the cabinet shelves. Its eyes widened.

Drew felt on the verge of panic as the cold green eyes fastened on him. The irises narrowed to cruel slits as the cat focused its vision on him.

The gigantic cat crouched down low to the ground as it crept nearer. Its lips quivered as it began a menacing chatter, and its eyes fixed on Drew's tiny form under the beaker.

'No! No!' Drew's voice grew higher. 'Help! Someone help!'

An enormous, furred face filled his field of vision as the cat loomed closer. The feline chattered again, and a massive paw — as large as the beaker — rose up beside the glass prison. The massive cat batted lightly at the overturned glass, knocking over the beaker above Drew and rattling the beaker that held him prisoner.

For the first time since shrinking, Drew felt fortunate to be beneath the heavy prison of glass, but it seemed like a very fragile refuge. The tiny man cringed as the cat's paw lifted over the beaker again.

The cat swatted at the beaker again. This time the feline succeeded and toppled over the beaker, leaving Drew exposed to the enormous paw.

The overturned beaker slowly rolled toward the edge of the shelf as Drew stood paralyzed in mortal fear of the monstrous cat.

The cat produced another terrifying burst of weird chatter. The feline batted at Drew as if it were toying with a beetle. Drew felt its massive paw as the cat knocked him to the dusty shelf and pinned him under its furry pad.

At the same time, the toppled beaker rolled over the edge of the shelf and shattered loudly on impact with the floor.

The cat leaped back, startled by the sound of the shattering glass. As it did, its paw dragged Drew over the edge of the shelf. Drew plummeted to the hard stone floor, bruised and winded, but surprisingly, otherwise unhurt.

He scrambled to get on his feet. He quickly fixed on the monster cat's location.
The huge cat arched its back and growled a low, guttural sound. It's cold eyes narrowed on Drew from above as it moved in again.

In wild, blind panic, Drew ran toward the towering stairs.

The cat seemed intrigued by his movement, and followed close behind the tiny, fleeing human. It swatted at Drew again, toying with him.

Drew recognized his now-gigantic clothing at the base of the stairs. In desperation, he flung himself beneath the heavy fabric of his now-enormous jeans, trying to burrow deeper into his pile of clothes.

The cat saw the movement under the fabric, which only excited it more. It pounced suddenly. Drew felt both paws land heavily on him through the canvas-like material, pinning him securely. He squirmed in panic, but couldn't manage to move. He screamed for help.

The heavy paws held him down for an agonizing duration. The excited cat meowed loudly, as if either declaring its victory or demanding more fight out of its prey.

Drew tried again to wiggle forward from beneath the cat's paws.

Excited by the movement, the cat extended its long, sharp claws. They easily pierced through the denim and extended around Drew like razor-sharp bars of a cage. One claw dug into his thigh, and another poked at his shoulder, threatening to lance through it.

Drew screamed again and tried to surge forward, but the denim pressed too tightly around him.

The cat, craving more of the chase, lifted its paws slightly, snagging the denim at the same time. Drew was free to move again. He dove deeper into the tunnel-sized opening of what was the left leg of his jeans.

The fabric shifted as the cat tried to free its claws. It lifted the trouser leg into the air, causing Drew to tumble down near the crotch.

Drew cowered in the confines of the denim, hoping the cat had lost him in the fabric.

The denim pant leg finally fell free of the claw and crumpled back to the floor. The monstrous cat sat patiently watching the leg, unaware of Drew's new position.

From here, Drew could see through the waistband to the base of the bottom step of the staircase. The stairs offered the only known means of escape from the lab, but he was terrified of the monstrous cat, and couldn’t bring himself to make a break for it.

A small trickle of blood ran down his leg from the claw wound and formed a small dark spot as it soaked into the denim.

The cat meowed again, and batted once more at the pant leg. The sound was terrifying. Drew knew he had to move — that he had to seek help. But all he could see in his mind was being chased down and eaten by the enormous cat.

It meowed again, louder, then paused to lick its paw.

Suddenly, Drew heard a loud voice. Kevin’s enormous form emerged down the steps.

'Your friend should find the camera any time now. He'll probably assume that you abandoned him here, and left his camera.'

Kevin's voice trailed off as he noticed the beaker was gone and spied the glass shards on the floor beneath the shelf.

'Damn! He's escaped!'

The cat meowed again. Kevin grinned with a quick thought.

'Now, now kitty. What have you got there?' Smiling wider, he grabbed the waistband of the jeans and lifted them up, shaking them slightly.

Drew dropped out heavily onto the top of the lowest step. Sprawled on his back, he gazed up at the enormous man responsible for his drastic size change.

Kevin leaned down over the tiny, frightened man. 'Trying to get away, little guy? Where did you think you'd go?'

'Get away from me!' Drew shouted.

'If that's what you really want,' Kevin responded coolly. 'Here, Kitty -- get the bug!'

'No! Please, you can't let that monster get me!'

The cat crouched low again. Kevin giggled. 'This would be a neat way to get rid of you and your knowledge — and I really wouldn't have to lift a finger,' he mused.

Drew felt a chill as he realized how helpless he had become. 'You can't do that!'

'Of course I can. I already have. All I'd have to do is turn my back for a few more moments....' Kevin stood again. At the same time, his naturally analytical mind brought him to a realization. He couldn't waste an opportunity to actually study his unexpected test subject.

The cat's enormous face moved in closer to Drew, chattering again.

Drew backed against the base of the second step. 'Please!' he begged.

'Still, think of the data I could gather from you. I need to be sure that the process causes no unanticipated harm to your cell structure and organs....'

The cat raised its paw over Drew’s tiny form again. The tiny man’s heart leaped into his throat as he fastened on the upraised paw.

Kevin suddenly stomped his foot loudly, startling both Drew and the giant cat. The cat recoiled and scuttled back behind the lab bench.

The giant scientist leaned down over Drew once more, reaching down for him. 'Yeah. I can find other uses for you, at least, for now.'

Drew didn't like the implications of this any more than the threat of the cat. But with nowhere for the tiny man to run, blocked by the higher step, Kevin's thick fingers slipped easily around him and tightened, lifting him off the cold stone step. The scientist’s huge palm was hot and moist, excited as he was by the chance to examine his tiny captive more closely.

Drew squirmed. His head swam as he was carried across the lab toward one of the work stations. If being trapped in a giant beaker or stalked by a huge cat wasn’t terrible enough, now he found himself trying to deal with being enclosed within Kevin's enormous, powerful grip.

The sensation was short-lived, however, as he was deposited rather unceremoniously onto the tabletop.

'Be careful!' he shouted up, lifting himself onto his feet again.

Kevin smirked at Drew’s protest as he slid open a drawer beneath the tabletop. He produced an adhesive tape dispenser and set it heavily onto the table beside the tiny subject.

Drew’s eyes widened and fastened on the tape dispenser. His throat was dry as he tried to swallow. 'What...what are you doing?'

'Lie down,' the giant scientist demanded, not bothering to respond to the question.

'What? No!' Drew stared up at him, trying to look as defiant as possible.

Kevin slammed his fist down onto the tabletop angrily. The jolt bounced Drew and the tape dispenser off the tabletop by several inches, to Drew's scale anyway.

'Lie down!' Kevin growled. 'Don't make me ask again!'

Drew's heart pounded in his chest. He realized the impossibility of defiance against the massive giant. He slowly lay down on his back. His hands moved awkwardly to cover his crotch.
He felt the cool, smooth masonite board against his back.

Kevin reached for the tape dispenser and tore off two strips of white cloth adhesive tape. He moved in closer and laid them across Drew's ankles, fixing each to the board.

The strips were incredibly strong. Drew strained in vain against them.
'Spread your arms out! Now!' Kevin commanded in a loud voice.

Drew obeyed, resting his arms out on the board.

Kevin tore off two more pieces, and strapped Drew's wrists firmly to the board.

Drew fought panic as he felt his freedom of movement restricted. 'What are you doing this for?'

'I need to examine you. I can't have you squirming around — or running off,' Kevin answered with a malevolent smirk.

'Examine me?' Drew again felt a chill caused by more than the room's draftiness.

Kevin was growing impatient with the questions. 'I need to see if there have been any — adverse — reactions to the shrinking process.'

Drew had no idea what he meant, but didn’t like the sound of it at all. He squirmed, but the restraints held fast.

'I certainly don't expect to find any,' Kevin muttered under his breath, 'but we must be thorough about these things.'

Drew could only watch in horror as Kevin moved over him.

Kevin reached back into the drawer and produced a set of calipers. He opened them, then placed one end of the long, curved metal instrument at the top of Drew’s head. He closed them slowly until the other end was touching the miniature man’s feet.

The touch of the cold metal caused Drew to shiver and clench his tiny feet.

'Nine-point-five-four centimeters,' Kevin announced, entering the figures in his notes. 'That's about three and three-quarters inches, in case you're curious,' he added somewhat smugly.

'No!' Drew cried. The detached pronouncement was shattering. He couldn’t accept that he was now less than four inches tall.

Kevin next positioned the calipers around Drew’s tiny waist. The two ends pinched slightly, and felt cold against the tiny man’s skin. He scribbled down more numbers on his note pad. He then moved the metal pincers around Drew’s chest, tightened them, checked the measurement, and jotted the numbers down.

Drew felt furious and helpless. 'What are you doing?'

'Damn!' Kevin muttered as the tip of his pencil snapped. He reached across the work station toward an electric pencil sharpener. The motor whirred as it ground a new point onto the pencil.

'I told you already, you tiny-brained bug. I need to examine you.' Kevin checked the new point of his pencil. 'I need to examine you fully,' he added with a wry smile.

Drew took a deep breath.

Kevin moved the point of the newly sharpened pencil close to him. 'One wound, undoubtedly caused either by the fall in the beaker or by the cat. Which was it?' Kevin nudged Drew’s thigh near the wound with the tip of the pencil.

'That damn monster cat. I'm lucky it didn't shred me!'

'Yes, you are,' Kevin chuckled. The giant scientist moved the pencil between Drew’s legs and poked at his inner thigh with the sharp pencil point.

'Ow! Stop doing that!'

Kevin smirked again and slid the tip of the pencil under Drew’s penis. He lifted it slightly. He transferred the pencil to his other hand, and took the calipers once more. The two pointed ends moved toward Drew’s genitals.

Unbelievably, Drew felt his cock stiffen.

'Penis measures .61 centimeters. About 1/4 inch.' Kevin scribbled in his notes. 'Fully erect,' he emphasized.

Drew felt suddenly very small. The revelation did nothing to reduce his straining erection, however.

'You seem to be enjoying this more than you're letting on,' Kevin chuckled, flipping Drew’s erection lightly with the pencil.

Betrayed by his own body, Drew tried to remain defiant. 'Don't be ridiculous!'

'No need to be embarrassed,' Kevin taunted. 'I'm quite enjoying it myself!' He dropped the pencil beside Drew and poked the tiny man’s side with his fingertip.

'Enjoying it! What, you're insane AND gay?'

'The detail is amazing, I must say.' Kevin reached for a magnifying glass and positioned it over Drew’s tiny, immobilized body. Through it, his face appeared even larger and more monstrous. 'And yes,' his huge mouth moved in the lens. 'I am gay. Want to make something of it?'

Drew struggled with renewed vigor against the constraints. 'Let me go! You can't do this to me!'

'Of course I can.'


”The signs were posted for a reason,' Kevin reminded him. 'You disregarded my signs, so I'm disregarding you.'

'They'll put you away!'

'Who?' Kevin moved in closer with the enormous magnifying glass, examining Drew’s tiny erection.

Drew cringed from the looming, magnified eye as much as the restraints would allow.

Kevin took the pencil again and positioned the point once more under Drew’s miniature penis. 'Not quite as large as I'd have liked, but still nice.'

The touch from the pencil caused Drew’s cock to leap. Drew strained to keep his eyes focused on his giant captor and tormentor.

Kevin set the pencil and the magnifying glass on the table and reached for a jar containing sticks of cotton swabs. He took a swab and wet one end with alcohol from a pump dispenser. The huge swab moved toward Drew’s thigh, bathing it with cold, stinging alcohol.

Drew cried out loud.

'God, you'd think I'd shoved a hot poker into your eye,' Kevin responded icily. 'Would you rather let it get infected? If you were full-size, I'd say this needed stitches, but under the circumstances, sewing you up would only cause more harm, I'm sure.'

'Let me go, you freak! Let me go!'

'Get it through your tiny head. I'm not going to let you go. You know too much.'

“Please. I'll do anything.'

'You'll do anything I say anyway.' Kevin took the dry end of the cotton swab and moved it between Drew’s legs.

'Someone will find me — my friend is probably looking for me now,' Drew responded through gritted teeth. The swab tickled and he groaned as he realized it only maintained his erection.

'Your friend has probably found the camera by now. What will he think when he sees that you left him alone there without getting any pictures?' Kevin smiled at his own ingenuity. 'He'll just think you tricked him into waiting there.'

Kevin moved the swab up against Drew’s buttocks.

Horrified, Drew didn't dare even take a breath.

The giant spun the swab in his fingers, and the cotton tip twisted between Drew’s buttocks.

'Stop!' Drew pleaded with a strangled cry.

Kevin retracted the swab. 'Of course! What could I have been thinking?'

Drew took a breath in relief.

Kevin dipped the swab into a jar of petroleum jelly, then moved it in closer again.

'No! I'm not gay!'

'So you've said. But I need to examine you anyway.' The swab pushed once more between Drew’s legs.

Kevin chuckle as he saw Drew’s erection continue to throb. He twisted the swab again, and it slid easily up between Drew’s buttocks, pushing at his tiny asshole.

Drew tried to clench his muscles, but Kevin kept twisting the swab and pushing it in. Drew’s tiny muscles were no match for the giant scientist's strength. Drew felt a strange sensation, coupled with the horror — the horror — of discovering that the sensation was not all that unpleasant.

'If you relax and don't fight it, there will be less chance of a painful experience,' Kevin advised coldly.

Drew moaned as the swab slowly twisted. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see how much the giant was enjoying this.

Kevin, on the other hand, remained very interested. He flicked at Drew’s tiny erection lightly with his fingertip. The stiff but tiny cock bucked at his touch.

Kevin recited statistics about every minute reaction to his probing. 'It's difficult to determine much without all the proper instruments, of course, but as far as I can tell, everything's in order so far.' His fingertip rubbed down on the tiny erection again.

Drew gasped.

Kevin took the pencil again, and lightly began tracing Drew’s outline on the masonite.

Drew felt the giant pencil tip slide along his form. It started at the top of his head, then scratched down past his left ear, down along his neck, then around his shoulder, continuing out along and around his arm. The point pressed into his armpit, then down his side, past his hip, and down his thigh and leg.

Kevin continued tracing around Drew’s foot, then slid back up his leg to the crotch.

Along some more sensitive areas, the pencil brought out moans and sighs from the tiny captive.

Kevin giggled again. 'Not gay, huh?'

The pencil tickled at Drew’s other inner thigh as it traced down his right leg, around his foot, then back up to his waist.

Furious, he squeaked out a protest. 'I'm not gay!'

As the graphite point reached Drew’s right armpit, Kevin grinned again. 'Of course not.' He lifted the pencil briefly, poking the point into Drew’s armpit.

'Ow!' Drew squirmed at the uncomfortable, ticklish sensation.

Kevin repositioned the point on the board and continued tracing Drew’s right arm, around his hand, and back toward the shoulder. Drew heard the scratching in his right ear as the pencil completed its journey at the top of his head.

'Are you done?'

'For now, I suppose,' Kevin mused. 'Why, have some place to be?'

He laughed, not even waiting for a comment. The scientist lifted the masonite board with the tiny man still strapped to it. A wave of vertigo hit Drew as he was held in place on the vertical surface.

Kevin grinned. 'A nice drawing, if I say so myself. Almost suitable for framing.'

He set the board back onto the tabletop and rested his finger on Drew. With his other hand, he began peeling the adhesive tape from Drew’s tiny limbs.

Drew stretched each arm and leg as it was freed. The sticky tape painfully pulled out hairs from his arms and legs, but the sting was worth it as he could finally stretch and move again. He watched warily to see what his giant captor had in mind next.

Kevin's fingers moved around under Drew as he picked him up again. The sensation of being carried in a giant hand was still unsettling to Drew.

Kevin’s thick fingers and thumb tightened around the tiny figure. He carried Drew across the lab to another shelf unit, this one holding an array of cages. The cages contained a menagerie of creatures, including several mice, rats, lizards, snakes, and various insects and arachnids.

He opened one of the cages and trapped a small white mouse in his hand. He lifted it out, transferring it to another mouse’s cage. Grinning, he lowered Drew into the newly vacant cage.

Drew ran back toward the door, but not before Kevin could bang it closed.

Kevin’s fingers pinched the spring lock as the door closed, and the lock set.

The bars of the cage seemed as strong as steel to Drew’s tiny hands. He grasped the square-mesh bars and shook the door of the cage defiantly, but the lock held securely.

'Relax,' Kevin chuckled. 'Go rest in your shredded newspaper, or take a nice run in your wheel for a while.' He laughed smugly as he turned to depart the lab. 'Don't worry. I'll be back as soon as I've entered all this data into my computer.'

Kevin's voice faded as he disappeared through another door.

To be continued.