Mario's Obsession

 By Sazzoray

Mario is a burly Italian New York cop, 36 years old and tanned with dark hair and sporting a thick moustache. He is a good 6’ 5' with the muscles to go with it. You can always see the thick mass of black hair on his perfectly sculpted chest through his shirt as he always had the top three buttons open. Both men and women would stare at this god like creature, which Mario loved. Although Mario received much attention from both sexes, he never acted upon any as his love was for only one man. This was Jeff, Mario and Jeff had been together for a long time and after a while Mario became too possessive over Jeff, never wanting to be parted from him, always needing to know who he had been talking to and phoning him up at work every hour. This all became too intense for Jeff and he decided it was time for a break.
Jeff is slightly smaller than Mario, only around 5’ 9'. He is a New York editor and although shorter than his ex-boyfriend, still in very good shape. His muscles weren’t as well defined as Mario’s but he was happy with the work he had put into his body. He has blonde shoulder length hair, slightly wavy and a goatee. He was relieved that his relationship with Mario was over. Mario had continued to pursue Jeff since the split and they had gotten back together on three separate occasions with promises from Mario that he had changed. It always started out fine, but within a few days his hunk of Italian man was on his case again. This time Jeff had decided it was over for good and under no circumstances would he have Mario back. The begging, pleading phone calls continued until Jeff in the end had to change his number. That was only a short-term solution though. Mario had somehow managed to get hold of his new number and the whole thing began again. Jeff decided his only option was to leave New York altogether. Much as he loved it there and all his friends were there he felt he had no choice, his hulking ex-love was not going to let him alone. He had quit his job and the lease on his apartment ran out at the end of the month and he would then be off to pastures new to begin a new life, leaving no forwarding address just to escape the obsession of Mario.
It was Friday night and Jeff had spent a long time in his gym. 'I may as well get as much out of this place as I can before my membership lapses.' He decided, so he had a long workout and spent time in the steam room to relax. He was relieved that he had had no contact from Mario in the last four days. 'Maybe, just maybe he has found someone else.' Jeff thought to himself. He had lost all track of time and it was almost 11:30 when he left the gym.
He arrives back at his apartment around midnight and lets himself in making sure to lock the door behind him. The place is in darkness except from some lights from the streets. Tossing his coat onto the couch, he hears a small squeak from the bedroom, like the mattress or the springs on his bed. A little concerned it may be Mario; after all up until four days ago his ex-lover had been calling him every hour on the hour. Jeff moved cautiously through the apartment and then there it was, the unmistakeable grunt. He knew that sound better than any other. Hovering just outside his bedroom door, Jeff thinks. 'God no, I really aren’t up for another fight with Mario, not this late.' He flings the door open, and with the streetlights he can make out the burly mass of Mario. 'It’s over, we’re not right for each other. When are you going to accept that? I don’t love you anymore; I need space, my space.' He yells at the cop. As he turns to leave the doorway his lover speaks.
Shifting slightly on the edge of the bed, Mario calls out after Jeff. 'Come back here and I’ll tell you what I want Jeff.'
Irritated, but resigned to having yet another long drawn out argument, he heads back into the room, this time going in further than just being stood in the doorway. With the glow of the lights from outside, Jeff can clearly see Mario sitting there on the bed. He is still wearing his uniform trousers but his shirt is thrown on the floor, revealing his strong hairy chest. Jeff goes a little weak at the knees at this sight, he always did. But no he was going to be strong. His eyes are drawn to the bed and notices his own clothes from his laundry basket strewn over the bed. Most of the items are his dirty underwear and socks. 'This is new.' He thinks to himself.
'Jeff, I’m glad to see you.' Mario shifts on the edge of the bed, his voice choked up with emotion.
'And I’m glad to see you too Mario. Now what’s up? Why are all my clothes out?'
'I’ve been looking at them, lying down with them. I wanted to be reminded of you, to smell you. Does that sound silly? It’s just that I have missed you so much.'
'No it’s not silly, I’ve missed you too, it’s just that…'
Mario moves a little on the bed, excited like a small child who has been given a treat. His handsome face lights up with enthusiasm. 'You have? Does that mean you have finally decided to take me back.'
Jeff moves closer and sits next to Mario. He places his hands on those big round shoulders. 'It’s just that you shouldn’t have come over here unannounced like this. I need some space, my space, without you. Do you understand? It didn’t work out that last three times. What is different? What makes you think it will work out now?'
Mario’s face falls again; his voice becomes suddenly spookily emotionless. 'I don’t know. I just thought perhaps I had changed that I was good enough for you now.' He hung his head and said lovingly. 'They gave me a promotion at work you know. I’m providing security for some secret government projects.'
'That’s nice. Congratulations.' Jeff replied patronizingly without even realising how patronizing he sounded.
Mario’s face becomes hard and hurt. 'I can see you’re not really happy for me, you don’t really care at all do you? I just wonder exactly what it would take to win you back? But I guess I will just have to use my last resort. At least I know it will give us time together.'
'Mario, honey, I’ve got to get to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow. There are people coming to view the apartment. Can we talk another time? Next week maybe?'
'Jeff I need to ask you something.'
'Ok, ask away, but make it quick please.'
Mario can tell he is getting the brush off. This isn’t right; this isn’t the way he wanted to ask. But he takes a deep breath and presses on. He falls to his knees before his once lover. 'Jeff, I know I keep asking you to take me back, but I have never asked you this before. It is my way of making a vow to you that I will change and be everything you want me to be. Will you marry me? Jeff, please, answe
r me.' He can tell this isn’t working by the expression of pity on Jeff’s face, but this is his last hope.
'Mario, don’t be silly. You’re a great guy, and I do love you, but not like that, not anymore. We are not compatible; it just wouldn’t work out. You just need to find the right guy and that is not me.'
'But you are the right guy. I love you and I know deep down you still love me too. I’ll take care of you; you’ll want for nothing, I promise I have changed.' Jeff looks on at Mario who is begging and crying for one more chance. He begins to hug Jeff, but Jeff does not return the affection. 'I swear, I can’t live without you. And I won’t. One way or ……..the other. Do you understand Jeff, do you really understand?'
'What are you saying Mario? Don’t kill yourself. Not over me, I’m not worth it. You have so much to offer. You will find the right person. We are just not right for each other, I know that and you know it too in your heart.'
Mario’s hug becomes harder, more rough. 'I’m not going to kill myself, Jeff. What makes you think that?' With every word his grip becomes tighter. It is hard for Jeff to breathe now. Jeff just stands there, not knowing what to do. All he wants is for Mario to leave before his Italian temper takes over. Mario senses the emotional distance between the pair and it makes him furious. Here he is pouring his heart and sole out, only to have it thrown back in his face.
'Who the hell do you think you are?' Without warning he shoves Jeff towards the bed and stands over his like some god. Jeff looks frightened and shocked. They have had fights before, but Mario had never gotten physical before. Jeff flinched as Mario lifted his hand, worried that this god was going to strike him. Mario’s hand moved towards his belt and he began to unbuckle it. 'Get undressed, Jeff. We will be together, whether you like it or not.' Mario is a lot bigger than Jeff is and he is starting to feel a little worried. He can ‘t defend himself against the big man and even if he called the police, they would be on Mario’s side, one of their own.
Jeff begins to feel afraid and tries to stall for time. 'Mario, you don’t really want to do this….unless I say yes, it’s rape….and I’m NOT saying yes. You should go home now.'
Mario pulls his belt out of the loops and lays it on the dresser. Jeff can see from the bed that the holster is unfastened. Mario pops the button on his trousers and glares at his shorter lover. 'Get undressed Jeff; you don’t want me to have to do it for you do you?'
This is really nothing like the Mario that Jeff had been in love with for so long. But he feels it’s his fault as he has killed the old Mario with his constant rejections. Jeff is feeling more frightened of Mario than he has of anyone. He feels he has no choice but to comply with Mario’s orders. He slowly, but reluctantly begins to undress.
'Very good my lover, I’m glad to see you know who is the boss in this relationship.' He sees the fear in Jeff’s face, in his eyes. He feels exhilarated with his new power. It is good to see he can still generate some response from his ex, no matter what kind of response that is. 'Now I want you to come over here and finish taking off my trousers for me.' Jeff just stares at Mario warily. He seems to be frozen to the spot. 'Come on, move it, you know how much you used to like to undress me. And then I think you’re going to eat out my ass.' Jeff still does not move, he seems to be immobilized by fear. 'My god Jeff, I really don’t have time for this.' He yells as he reaches into his holster and pulls out his gun.
In the streetlight, Jeff can see the shape of the gun, but it looks different, like some new type.
Jeff is shocked, surely Mario would not shoot him, after all they had been through. 'Please Mario, you don’t want to do this to me. Even you, a cop will never get away with murder. I thought you said you loved me.'
“Shut up.” Mario hissed forcefully at his ex-lover. “Or you’re going to get it. Don’t make me use this thing Jeff. It is here as my last resort.”
Jeff begins hollering as loud as he can. “Help, help, he has a gun.” In the hope that Mario will leave before one of the neighbours hears him. Mario points the gun at Jeff, his hand shaking. Tears begin to roll down his cheeks as Jeff sees his finger tense on the trigger. Jeff closes his eyes tight, waiting for the impact of the bullet; sure he is going to end up as just another crime statistic. When he feels nothing he opens his eyes, believing that Mario has changed his mind. He can see in the dimly lit room, a narrow beam of light emerges from the tip of the gun. It’s not as much a laser as more like a flashlight. He stares from the beam to Mario and back to the beam. “What the fuck?” He gasps as his whole body is bathed in the glow. He feels nauseated and jittery, but figures it is from fear and the shock. He begins to sway a little and looses his balance. As he falls, something seems wrong. He is falling forward, yet the floor seems to be moving away from him not closer. All the while, Mario keeps the light on him. Mario grins to himself as he sees that the gun is working. Jeff is steadily getting smaller. Even Mario is amazed at what is happening. He was already so much bigger than Jeff was, but now he is towering over him. He’s not sure if Jeff has realized what’s happening to him yet. Jeff is just laid on the floor, disoriented and confused, but continually getting smaller as the light stays on his body.
Mario is feeling kind of disappointed by Jeff’s lack of reaction to his new situation. So he removes his finger from the trigger and the light fades out, leaving Jeff a little under three and a half-foot. He marches over to his tiny lover and towers over him. He wants to savour the reaction he will get from Jeff when he looks up as his now giant boyfriend. The nausea begins to subside and so Jeff begins to drag himself up off the floor. His body is naked and slightly unstable, his eyes have still yet to begin focusing properly. He can sense Mario standing over him and he can see a blurred shape but that is all. It doesn’t feel right though and there is heat emanating from the giant’s body. His eyes begin to focus now as he is still looking downwards. The first things Jeff sees are Mario’s police boots, black and shiny, but so big. They seem much bigger than Jeff remembers. Jeff wonders if maybe they are a new issue or something because they seem so inordinately large. Surprised and confused and also glad he is still alive, he looks up......and up.
“What the?” He screams. “What have you done to me? Oh my god.”
“Like what you see there Jeff? I know I do. You look adorable at your new size!”
“Shit, no, no, no.” Jeff forgetting himself, lashes out at Mario, hitting him with his now tiny fists.
Mario just laughs as it feels like a three-year-old is hitting him. “You are just so cute like this. I’m lucky to have you. And I am going to have you for a very, very long time my tiny lover.” Jeff’s mind begins to race, trying to comprehend what that last remark meant, but whatever Mario meant by it, Jeff didn’t like the way things were going. He bolts for the bathroom. The only place he will feel safe from this giant who is looming over him. He is stopped in his tracks when he reaches the door as he realizes that the handle is above his head. Mario chuckles as he walks up behind the tiny man. “Now come on Jeff. I do believe that I asked you to remove my trousers for me. Don’t get any big ideas. Damn that was a little careless use of words there wasn’t it?” He laughs. “Now when we are done here, I’ll help you pack some of you things that you want to keep and we will go back to my place. Your life in his place is over and I can see that most of your bits and pieces are already boxed up for your move. No one will even miss you. They’ll just think you left town early.”
“Get away from me.” Jeff tries to look as menacing as he can at his tiny size, but ends up looking more like a frightened child. “Stay back, I mean it.” Mario just laughs at the tiny threats, both men know they are just idle, frightened threats. He begins to approach his diminutive lover with determined eyes. He puts his hands behind Jeff’s head and pulls his face into his crotch. He can feel the giant’s hard cock, pulsating through the trousers. He is both angry and scared. Mario has come over to his apartment against his wishes; frightened him physically abused him and shrunk him. Now he is sexually assaulting him and threatening to kidnap him, but somehow he is feeling aroused. He always liked the fact that his lover was bigger than he was and now with this new size difference, it’s as erotic as hell. He decides, as he has no choice in the matter anymore, to let himself relax a bit as his face is forced into the enormous cock before him. He can feel it getting harder all the time and the musky scent was intoxicating. He can never remember Mario smelling so strong of musk in his life. He no longer tries to pull away, deciding to just let Mario have his way with him. The giant can sense the compliance of his tiny lover and feels a great power rush from this. The giant Mario reaches down and picks up his tiny lover under the arms and raises him into the air as if he were some small child. This is the first time he has seen Jeff’s tiny cock since the shrinkage and he is very pleased to see it sticking up to attention with it’s own tiny erection. He is thrilled at this sight and carries his tiny prize over to the king sized bed and tosses him onto it. He stands at the side of the bed still towering over the child sized Jeff. “Take off my trousers tiny man before I have to order you again.”
With reluctance, Jeff decides that his obedience is least likely to get him hurt or punished by his giant cop. He thinks that maybe it might even make Mario a little nicer, a bit kinder, so he crawls along the bed in his giants direction after all what choice does he have now. He reaches up to the button, even on the bed he has to stretch a little. He finds the task of unbuttoning the trouser more difficult than he had expected for his tiny hands, but he manages, with some difficulty. Mario smiles down at the tiny man, sensing his reason for a change of heart. But he decides that his new playmate is in for a big surprise as he is through being Mr nice guy. He loves the feeling of Jeff’s tiny hands working on his body at crotch level. Jeff now begins to try and peel the tight uniform trousers down, the giants huge cock is now up to an impressive 9” long, and dripping with pre-cum. Mario always went commando for work, he hated how his briefs showed through the tight trousers of his uniform. Jeff looks up in awe at the size of this huge Italian meat above him. His gaze goes further and notices the determined, angry look on Mario’s face, staring back down at his tiny nakedness. He waits in silent nervousness for his giant to give him more commands.
Mario, feels his new love slave is far too eager to obey after his efforts to get him to leave. He laughs and tells his lover. “I know just what you’re thinking. You think that if you are quick to obey my orders, that I will go easy on you and restore your height. But, hey man, it isn’t going to happen. You see my tiny Jeff; there is no reverse button on this thing. You’re going to obey me because I am your new master. You brought this all on yourself, so there is no one else to blame for your situation. Don’t you just wish you had accepted my proposal in the first place now?” He laughs a hearty laugh at this and is very glad that his lover did not obey. He thinks that Jeff is so much cuter at this size and he knows exactly how to make him cuter still. “Now boy, I want you to suck off your master, make me cum like never before.”
Jeff just looks stunned at this latest revelation from his lover. “Mario, please, I am trying to be as understanding as possible, but there just has to be a way to restore me. There are people coming over tomorrow to view this place. I have to be my old self to show them around.” He gives his best helpless look and flashes his big puppy dog eyes up at his master. “Please, Mario, I am begging you.” He sees the stern anger in his giant’s face and quickly grabs for the huge, bobbing rod. He starts to lick all the juices off the end, and tries to fit the smooth round head into his mouth, but the meat is just too big.
Mario’s anger turns to delight as his tiny slave is chewing his meat. “Jeff, you are just so manipulative. You have had me before, but it isn’t going to work this time. The Super will just have to show those people around, after all who wants to be shown round a place by a two-foot guy?”
Jeff stops and looks up in tears. “Please Mario, I’m doing what you ask.” He continues to rub and suck on the huge piece of flesh.
To Mario, the sensation he is feeling is fantastic, although he isn’t going to let his slave know that. He also notices that Jeff never picked up on his verbal size reduction. But still, he’ll find out soon enough. Fiddling with the gun over his tiny lovers’ head, he aims the gun down at Jeff and watches as he starts to shrink once more. He isn’t sure if Jeff has yet realized what is happening as the cock slowly become higher than before.
Jeff is working vigorously on the huge piece of flesh. It seems to be getting bigger and he is feeling that tingling all over his tiny body again. At first he thinks it’s just because of the fantastic job he is doing and Mario is just getting harder, but how much harder can he get? But as he continues to shrink, he realizes it is he who is getting smaller and not the cock that is getting bigger. He stops his work and looks up in horror. “Mario, no. Please, not smaller.” He whines.
Mario just chuckles and plops himself on the bed next to his shrunken lover. Jeff is now under two foot tall and looking more adorable that ever. “Please.” Mario mimics Jeff in a baby talk kind of voice. “Please? Remember all those times I begged you to take me back and you wouldn’t listen? Well now it’s payback time runt. Look at you, you’re the size of a baby.”
“Mario, don’t do this to me, I’ve always been so good to you. You don’t want to hurt me like this, I know you care too much to want to hurt me this way.” Jeff feels very conflicted, very aroused and turned, more than he has for a very long time, especially around Mario. But at the same time he is very frightened. His life had just begun to get going again since he had decided to make a permanent split from the cop and move away, and now it was getting crazy again. “Please, Mario.” He begs as he moves closer to stroke the big broad hairy chest. “Make me big again...please....we can work this out.” He looks up at his giant god with his big puppy dog eyes.
“Damn Jeff, don’t you think I can see straight through you? Were you always this transparent?” He likes the feeling of the small hands on his hairy chest. “Why don’t you lick it?” He murmurs softly to his little ex. Jeff looks up at his giant and complies, beginning to lick the huge chest, paying particular attention to the big round nipples. He remembered how much Mario loved his nipples being played with. With his tiny hands he touches as much of these giant muscled pecs as he possibly could, although he could not reach very high being so small, even though the big man was lying down. Mario abruptly turns over onto his stomach almost crushing his former boyfriend. He flexes his but cheeks and looks towards them. “I think you ought to pay a little attention down there, it’s getting jealous.”
Never having been a willing participant in rimming his giant god, Jeff just pretends not to have heard the last comment. Instead he walks up to the giant’s ears and begins to nibble on them, trying to sweet talk his way back to normal size. “Hon, Mario, dear.” He hangs his head to one side, kissing Mario’s neck, trying to pacify him.
Mario yells at his tiny slave. “Damn it, do what I tell you, when I tell you.” He swats Jeff with the back of his hand, hard and he goes tumbling down the bed. When he gets back to his feet and shakes his head recovering from being stunned he notices Mario pointing the gun at him again. This time he steals half his remaining height. He is now reduced to the size of just twelve inches. This happens so fast that there is no chance of Jeff dodging the light. “Now get to it shrimp.” Orders his now huge master lover. Stunned by the new shrinking, Jeff rushes over to obey Mario. He tries to part the massive butt cheeks with his tiny hands, but they are clenched so tight that he has trouble. He realizes that Mario isn’t going to make this easy for him. After a while, Mario loosens the clench a little and lets his tiny slave get his hot little tongue to work. He licks and licks continuously for what seems like forever and then moves back up to his giant’s head.
“Mario, please don’t do this to me, please.” He begs almost in tears by this time. The giant just turns and gives a cold hard look back at the little figure, when a loud banging on the apartment door startles both. It would appear that Jeff’s earlier screams when he was still big enough to be hear conveyed a message of distress to one of his neighbours. That meddling old biddy, Ms Fennigut, across the hall seems to have called the cops and they were here to rescue Jeff from his torment.
Mario looks sternly down at the one-foot man. “Are you expecting anyone?” He snaps. “Maybe your new boyfriend, do you want him to join you down there?” Jeff remains silent, watching his captor turn to look at the door deciding what to do. While his attention is focused on the door, the tiny man tries to grab the gun from Mario’s grip. Only his grip is too tight and he turns to look at his tiny slave. “Oh, are you going to get it for that shorty. Just you wait.” He turns to the door. “Who is it?” He yells.
“Police, open up.” Is the response? He moves to answer the door, closing the bedroom door behind him as he leaves. He knows that there is nowhere that Jeff can go and he is too small to reach the handle. As he pulls on his pants and shirt he opens the door he sees the two cops standing there. One he knows the other he doesn’t, although he has seen him around.
“Hey Bailey, what’s up?” Mario asks in a friendly tone, now dressed so they can see he is a cop, although his shirt is still open to show his massive muscled chest.
“Hey Marcionni, we got a call about screams from this apartment. Where’s Jeff? Didn’t you two break up sometime ago?” Bailey asks.
“Sure, but that’s in the past, we’re back together now. It was nothing more than a lover’s tiff that’s all. He’s in the other room now, sleeping.” Mario answers, trying to usher the cops out of the apartment.
Bailey isn’t having any of it though. “Hey I got to talk to him myself Marcionni, you know, regulations and all.... It’s more than my badge is worth not.... Especially since I know you two are having problems, sorry buddy.” The cop behind Bailey is actually a couple of inches taller than Mario, also Italian and he looks kind of menacing. They both push their way past Mario and enter the apartment.
“Aw, come on guys, he’s sleeping. It’s been a big day for him.” Mario grins a little with his last comment.
“Sorry big guy, I got to check up on him, you know, fill out a police report, verify that he doesn’t want to press charges, that sort of thing. You’d insist if it were the other way round and you know it. Come on Marcionni, it’ll only take a minute and then we’ll be out of your hair.” Bailey is insistent and nothing is going to make him leave without first seeing Jeff.
Mario just shrugs his shoulders. “So be it, what will be will be.”
The two cops head towards the bedroom. Bailey turns to Mario. “Nothing personal Marcionni. You’re a good guy, a good cop, just following regulations you know.”
As they push the door open, Jeff has hidden himself so that the two cops don’t see anything, it would be so humiliating to be found at this size. “And maybe Mario will return him to normal size with a scare like this. It wouldn’t be worth his career to be caught.” Jeff thinks to himself.
“Hey big guy, there is no one here. I thought you said he was in the bedroom?” Bailey is beginning to get a little suspicious. He figures there is something going on here that shouldn’t be.
“Hey, I guess I made a mistake. So sue me.” Mario quips back at the cop.
The larger cop turns to Mario and gives him a menacing look; he has at least 5 inches on him, which Mario does not like. “Well, where is the guy? He didn’t meet with any foul play did he?” Demands the other cop. Mario sees his badge reads Albanese.
Mario decides to give both cops one last chance to leave. “Nah, course not. I was asleep on the couch, he was in there before I fell asleep, see so that’s why I thought he was in there. Look you guys should really get going, real crimes to solve.”
“Your story doesn’t add up, Marcionni.” State Albanese, a little wary of Mario and what he might try.
Bailey is still at this time in the bedroom at this time and spots something cowering on the floor behind the wastebasket. “Oh Mary, mother of Joseph.” He exclaims on seeing it is a much-reduced Jeff. “What has happened to you?” He reaches down and wraps his hand around the 12-inch naked body of Jeff and brings him level to his face. At this Albanese turns towards the bedroom.
“Well, that settles it.” Mario exclaims. He whips out his gun from the holster and aims it at Albanese. He grins as he watches the tight uniform become lose on the diminishing cop.
Down he goes, smaller and smaller. He has lost three feet before he realizes what is going on. He makes a weak cry, which in turn gets Bailey’s attention. He sees his 6’10 partner shrinking before his eyes. “Fucking, bloody hell. What’s going on here?” He yells. He steps into the room still holding Jeff in his grip.
Mario looks over at Bailey, holding his lover in one hand. He is still aiming the gun at Albanese, still shrinking him. He can’t aim the gun at Bailey while he is still working on Albanese. “Fuck Bailey, you had better stay back. Don’t make any funny moves or you get it too.” Jeff is beginning to squirm in Bailey’s giant hand, horrified at the turn of events. Albanese is looking around frightened and trying to run away, but he is getting tangled up in his own enormous clothes. Mario though is keeping a more watchful eye on Bailey, he is expecting him to do something but he’s not sure what and he wants to be ready for it when he makes his move. Bailey stops, waiting to see what is going on, still trying to appraise the situation. He then notices the tiny man in his grip, squirming but still just stands there, like a deer caught in headlights.
The process seemed to be taking forever, but at last Albanese disappears into his shirt. Mario then notices the small 6-inch lump squirming around under the pile of clothes. He can leave Albanese for the time being there is nowhere for him to go at that size. Then the big man turns his full attention to the other cop. “put him down Bailey.” He orders.
Bailey suddenly snaps out of his dazed state and rejoins the activities going on around him. “No, I don’t think so Mario. You had better put that gun down. You’re in enough trouble as it is. You don’t want things to be any worse.” Bailey looks around him, trying to figure out how to extricate himself from this predicament. He sees Albanese suddenly emerge from his pile of clothes.
The tiny cop looks up at Mario, with a now squeaky voice he cries out. “What the hell happened to me?” He cannot believe what has happened to him.
Bailey decides his only option is to charge Mario, so without any warning he takes a deep breath and charges, still with the tiny Jeff dangling from his hand. He raises the hand holding Jeff to his chest to try and keep him from coming to any harm and runs towards Mario.
Mario was not expecting that and panics as he sees this cop heading towards him at full speed. He aims the gun at Bailey and pulls the rigger. The beam isn’t enough to stop Bailey from charging, but he keeps it pointed at Bailey all the same. His only thought is. “I hope the beam doesn’t hit Jeff. He is the perfect size.” He doesn’t want him any smaller, not yet anyhow. He hasn’t had time to enjoy his lover at this size yet. The beam hits Bailey as he continues to head towards Mario, but being held to his chest, Jeff is hit with the beam too. Both Bailey and Jeff begin to shrink. Bailey makes it as far as Mario to clobber him and send him flying, but he is already getting tangled up in his ever-growing clothes. He vanishes into his clothes, as did Albanese earlier. Mario sits up from his fall and nudges the pile of clothes with his gigantic foot. He stares in amazement as he sees the naked figure of Bailey emerge from his uniform. Bailey is looking around at his new world. Jeff still clutched in his hand still sees him as a giant. Jeff turns his head and sees also that Albanese is a giant but twice the size of Bailey and finally he notices Mario, who to the tiny victim, looks like some kind of super giant. “Shit, shit, shit.” Mario mumbles. This isn’t what he had planned at all. Now he has two more tiny men to worry about, when all he wanted in the first place was to get back with Jeff, to be close to him once more. He grabs Albanese who is now 6 inches and Bailey who is only 3 inches in one hand. Jeff is now only 1/4 inch now, too small for Mario to see. He grabs his gun in his other hand and gets to his feet. He heads off towards the kitchen and places his two new tiny victims on the counter before him. He can see that Bailey still has Jeff in his grip. “Give him to me.” Mario orders, holding out his hand palm up.
Bailey hesitates and is reluctant to hand over the tiny Jeff, for fear of Mario doing harm to the 1/4-inch lover. He starts to back away from the outstretched hand. “Mario, I think this has gone far enough.... Hasn’t it? Come on guy...” He is stumped for what to say next.
Mario can barely hear the tiny cop’s voice, but sees him back away in defiance. “How could such a little man defy someone as big as me?” He is over 25 times as big as Bailey. “Far enough Bailey. You’re only 3 inches tall. What do you plan to do, where do you plan to go with Jeff?”
“But, Mario I can’t just let you kill him. I’m just doing my duty as a cop. why are you doing this to us? You were such a good cop yourself.” Bailey says with a tremble in his voice.
“Kill him. I aren’t going to kill him. I’m doing this to you because you wouldn’t mind you fucking business. Bailey, you guys should have left when I asked you to and none of this would have happened. As it is, you’re tiny now, both of you and your lives as big men are over.” Mario snarls.
Bailey with tears in his eyes shouts up at the giant. “No, you can’t mean that Mario, make us full size again. We will all leave and pretend this never even happened. Please Mario, buddy.”
“I’m really getting a little sick of listening to tiny people begging to be big again! Now give me my lover, Bailey. Perhaps you don’t know this, but Jeff and me are getting married. Why would I hurt my fiance?”
Tiny Jeff splutters, furious at this characterisation. He hollers as loud as he can to Bailey who is still holding onto him tightly. “I am not going to marry him. Bailey you have got to help me, you’re the only one who can save me from Mario.” Bailey can’t fully hear what Jeff is saying, but he can tell he is not happy and seems very agitated. Mario can’t hear Jeff either, he can’t even see that his tiny lover is speaking. Bailey’s backing up has ended as he is now stood at the edge of the table.
Albanese is getting a bit sick of all this and decides to take matters into his own hands. He moves up close to Bailey, who is only 1/2 his size and grabs Jeff from his grasp. Bailey, shocked just sputters as Albanese walks boldly over to Mario’s huge waiting hand and drops the flea sized Jeff into the palm. “Here you are big guy, now can you let us go?”
“Well Albanese, that is very kind of you. Thanks for saving me a lot of trouble; it would have been difficult for me to get my lover myself with him being so small. Of course though, I am not going to let you go or return you to full size, I can’t be sure you wouldn’t keep your mouth shut besides it‘s not reversible. But for all your help I will however make Bailey give you a blowjob. How’s that?” Mario grins down on both tiny men.
Albanese looks shocked as he tries to digest the fact that he will never be any bigger than 6 inches tall. “It has to be reversible, I have a kid to raise, and he’s only 16.” While Albanese is saying this, Bailey is just realizing what Mario has said about offering his sexual services to Albanese. During all this the tiny lover, Jeff, is cowering in his masters hand, furious and scared.
“Well Albanese, I’m sorry about your kid, I really am. Hey isn’t he that cute young teenager that sometimes comes down to the station? Maybe I can shrink him too, so that you can be together. And Bailey can blow you both off.” Bailey looks terrified at this. Mario noticing that he has not moved scowls down at him. “Get over here now and service him Bailey. As for you Jeff, Jeff can you hear me down there?” Jeff just cowers, putting his hands over his ears. Bailey is still a little stunned at what his life has become. Albanese now begins to cry, breaking down from the stress of his newfound life and the fact that his kid, an innocent child, could also end up the same. “My god, you two are useless. I ought to just flush you down the toilet and start over.” He cups Jeff gently in his palm and spits a little glob of saliva into it. He likes being able to watch the tiny man try and tread water in his palm. It looks like the tiny man is having a rough time trying to keep his head above water. Mario leans over and licks the little guy onto his tongue and suddenly Jeff’s world is moving as he’s pulled into Mario’s gargantuan mouth.
Bailey, who has been watching all this screams. “No, he’s going to eat us all.” Albanese just stands silently; looking like he is going to start begging to be made big again.
“For god’s sake, I have no intention of eating any of you, least of all Jeff.” He reaches down and begins rubbing Albanese butt. He has the hottest little butt Mario has ever seen, even hotter than Jeff’s. “So, what do you think of your new size?” He leans in further and whispers to Albanese. “Your son is going to join you. He’s going to gat as small as you buddy, and you’re both going to service me. How do you feel about that?”
Starting to get aroused by the rubbing finger, Albanese begins to get an erection. He is contemplating begging Mario not to shrink his son, but he is starting to enjoy being small himself. He gazes up at Mario and get fully hard. Mario begins alternating his huge fingers from the butt to the tiny cock. From the feel of it, Mario realizes that Albanese is very well hung, over 1&1/2 inches at his current size. He prods Bailey with his other hand. “Get over here you little runt and start licking Albanese big dick or I’m going to crush you, you little shit.” Bailey reluctantly gets up and with much prodding from Mario, and has to stand on tiptoe to try and reach Albanese big balls with his tongue.
“That’s it guys, that’s it, work that tongue Bailey, you’re a natural.” The giant Mario laughs down on the pair of tiny cops. With Bailey’s face pressed into Albanese crotch, he wraps his enormous fingers around both men, pressing them together. Lifting the two tiny men into the air, he walks towards the kitchen and places them in a large glass bowl. The sides are smooth and high, too high for the little cops to climb out. Albanese is getting into his new size, twice that of his partner, keeps making Bailey lick his balls and he crouches to let his dick be licked too. Bailey is shocked that his partner is so aroused and sexually assaulting him, but he obeys, especially after Albanese smacks him across the face a few times for his hesitations. He can’t believe how much Albanese is enjoying this, and both of them straight too, hell Albanese is even a father.
Mario walks back to the bedroom and spits a huge wad onto one of the pillows. Looking carefully he can just make out the body of his lover. His tiny 1/4-inch lover is struggling in the saliva on the pillow as Mario picks up his gun and aims it at the tiny figure. He flips a switch and a beam of light shoots from the barrel. Jeff begins to grow and stops at the new height of 1 foot, big enough so that he and his master/lover can at least talk to one another. “Well Jeff, I didn’t want to reveal this soon that it is reversible, but those fools in there gave me no choice, I hope you’re having a good time tonight because this is just the beginning.” He looks down on his 12-inch lover with a grin that is mixed with pleasure and evil.
Seeing that he is now bigger he gets to his feet from the puddle of saliva that is now only about as big as one of his own tiny feet. “Why are you doing this?” He yells. “You’re mad, you’ve gone insane. You’ll never get away with his.”
Mario picks up his tiny naked lover and starts to molest his body with his gargantuan hands. Jeff’s tiny cock gets rock hard as Mario’s follows suit. “You seem to like it though.” He says seeing the miniscule erection. “Besides you gave me no choice. You weren’t even prepared to talk. You wouldn’t even try to work things out.”
“I don’t understand you anymore Mario. I was so good to you and now you have done this to me. You’ve betrayed everything you believe in, everything we believe in.” His tiny dick is still very erect as he stares up at the dominating sight of his giant ex looming over him. He doesn’t want to tell Mario this, but he is very turned on by the size of the god like cop.
At these words, Mario explodes with rage, almost crushing his tiny boyfriend in one hand. “Everything we believe in, everything I believe in. All I believe in is you and me Jeff. Together forever. That is all I ever wanted. If you call making me feel inadequate and dumping me being good to me, then I guess you were. But in my book that was nothing like being good! Well now I am going to get what I want Jeff. You’re going to be my husband or my pet, you can choose, but don’t take forever.”
“I’m angry too, you don’t understand boundaries Mario and you probably never will.” The tiny man keeps yelling at his giant, not giving any thought to the consequences. He just cannot believe what he has just heard from the man who claims to love him. Seeing that Mario is paying him no attention, not even listening to his ravings, he decides it is time for action. He races across the bed and lunges his tiny body at the giant cop. He tries to sink his teeth into the hairy flesh, but they barely make a mark on the skin. He begins pounding the giant in front of him; it is all he can think to do at the moment.
“Boundaries?” Yells the giant picking up his lover in one hand. “Well, the one boundary you will never cross is the one that separates you from a full size adult.” He marches off to the bathroom with the tiny Jeff clutched tightly in his grip. He tosses the 12-inch man into the toilet. He just glowers down at his lover reaching out to flush in his anger, but thinks better of it. He just turns and leaves the room to let Jeff stew in his own juices as it were.
He heads off to the kitchen to see how his two tiny cops are coping with their new sizes. He is thrilled to see that they have continued where they had left off when he first put them in the bowl. Albanese has Bailey’s mouth over the top of his cock and is trying to feed him more. Bailey at the same time is trying to resist, but his partner is far too big for him to have any chance. It seems he is left with no choice but to accept his fate foe the time being as Albanese slave and cocksucker. Albanese is leaking pre-cum from his huge throbbing tip and only the bit to Albanese is filling the mouth of the much smaller Bailey.
“Hey Albanese, that’s pretty good going. That’s what I had planned to do to you.” He strips his clothes before the two tiny cops, to reveal his gigantic throbbing rod of steel. He grabs the two guys from the bowl in one hand, still pressing Bailey’s head onto the cock of his partner. He lays his giant god like form on the bed and tosses them between his solid hairy legs. Bailey manages to pull away from Albanese after the fall and both men stare up at the walls of solid muscle that form an inescapable fort. His huge cock towers over them like a turret. Both of them together wouldn’t even make the size of this tower. “Climb it!” He orders his new slaves. Bailey opts not to move, he knows that Mario won’t put up with him disobeying orders but he just wants to put off this order for as long as he can.
Albanese on the other hand is still excited. “Hey Mario, welcome back buddy. I was just helping Bailey learn to suck cock, isn’t that right Bailey?” Bailey just quivers at the thought of what he has just had to do and is still unhappy and nervous at this turn of events. Albanese walks over to Mario’s cock and starts to rub his body up against the hot pillar of thick pulsing flesh.
Mario groans at this feeling with genuine pleasure. “My god, why can’t Jeff be more like this?” He wants to reward Albanese by growing him a little bit more. Only the gun is nowhere in sight. He assumes he must have left it on the kitchen counter when he brought the tiny cops into the bedroom. In fact he brought it with him when he enlarged Jeff. Albanese begins to climb the huge cock, but it is too thick for him to grip round. Mario orders Bailey over to come and sit on his big hairy balls. “Come on shrimp, make your master feel good.” He bellows. Albanese actions are too good to be true. As Bailey reluctantly climbs onto his giant’s balls, the giant rubs Albanese up and down his shaft. “This is fantastic.” He moans. Albanese is really getting to being the toy of this god, he uses his tiny muscular body to rub all over the giant cock and finally climbs to the top of the monster, a good four feet taller than himself. The pre-cum is too slick added with the fact that his hands and feet touching the sensitive flesh on top of this gargantuan monument make it twitch, causing him to slide back down, which gives Mario another new amazing feeling of pleasure. The giant Mario is harder than he has ever been in his life. Bailey is timidly rubbing the base of the giant cock, to try and stop Mario from being angry, while in his mind he is trying to work out what he can do to escape. Albanese heads straight for him in his decent and knocks him flying onto his back.
Mario is really getting off an the attention he is being given by both Albanese and Bailey, even if Bailey’s is more out of fear than want. He can feel his huge balls tightening below as his cum churns around inside them, ready for release at any moment. “Take me all the way boys, make this one matter.” He groans. Albanese looks up and smiles and gets to his feet, redoubling his efforts. His hot little muscled boy looks amazing to Mario as he rides his masters cock. And finally the giant can hold out no longer, it has become too much for him. With one last wailing moan he starts to shoot his load. The hot cum shoots out all over, covering Mario’s crotch and chest, Albanese and Bailey also get covered from their place at the base of the giant shaft. The giant just can’t seem to stop from shooting; he makes seven shot one after the other, each producing gallons of his hot sticky juice. Albanese is delighted and begins rubbing his hairy cum covered body against the deflating rod, getting even more covered with his actions. Bailey just looks on horrified, as if being shrunk were not bad enough; he was now covered from head to toe in the seed of this giant.
As Jeff tries to tread the repulsive water, trying not to swallow any, he notices the gun sitting on the sink. He is getting irritable about being left in the toilet. He starts to climb out and fuck the consequences. At first his attempts seem futile as he continually slips back into the rancid water. Then when he is almost ready to give up he makes one last lunge up and manages to grip the rim of the toilet. He pulls himself up with a newfound strength. Dripping, he sits on the seat to catch his breath. He can hear Mario’s moans coming from the other room, so he knows that his lover will be occupied for sometime yet. Jeff is irritated and annoyed that Mario is having sex with Albanese and Bailey, more so at the fact that he seems to be enjoying it so much, strange as it may seem but he was actually feeling jealous. He gets to his feet, almost slipping back in and glances up at the gun. He is able to scale the toilet and make his way over to the sink now that he is rested. He gets to the gun and starts examining it even though it is still oversized for him. On closer inspection, he sees that it’s not a complicated operating system. “But then for Mario to be able to use it, it has to be simple.” He thinks to himself. Still it’s not ideally positioned for him to use it and is still quite large to move. He goes round the side and spies the enlarge feature. “The fool, Mario may be big on brawn but he is little on brain.” The little man says to himself. The gun is still set on enlarge from when Mario grew Jeff up to 12 inches. Standing in front of the barrel, Jeff stretches over the gun and triggers the gun off. The beam shoots out, directly into the tiny mans chest. He begins to grow rapidly and before he can even turn the gun off he has reached his original height. As the gun powers down his height steadies out at just under 8 foot.
Back in the bedroom, Mario picks up the 6 inch Albanese and begins to lick all the cum off his tiny but hairy muscled body. He pays special attention to the erected cock that is protruding in the giant’s direction from the little man. Bailey looks sickened at the sight that is before him, which pisses Mario off big time. Tiny Bailey is making a weak effort to rub himself on the giants pubic hairs, not as much to please his master but more to clean the cum off his body. Mario swats the tiny cop with his hand, sending him flying to between his giant legs.
“Lick my asshole little guy...or I’ll shove you in it!” Mario orders Bailey. Numb from the past experience, Bailey complies. Albanese by now is going into overdrive with ecstasy with the giant’s tongue licking his genitals. Albanese is turned over in the giant’s hand and his rough tongue begins to protrude into the crack of the tiny guy’s ass. He seems to be enjoying this almost as much as having his balls licked. Even Bailey’s half hearted licks makes the giant feel good. Albanese is as hard as a rock and about to cum, his dick is wet with excitement and his butt wide open for the tongue of Mario to begin working in it again. Mario pushes his tongue in as far as it will go, which only happens to be the tip. At the same time he jerks the mans tiny balls and dick with two of his huge fingers. Mario finds himself really attracted to Albanese, wishing that Jeff would be as compliant and agreeable, or even that he weren’t so much in love with Jeff at all.
Meanwhile in the bathroom Jeff quietly steps down from the sink unit and picks up the gun, altering it from grow to shrink. He walks very quickly and stealth like to the bedroom, where he stands in the bedroom doorway. From this point he can see Albanese tiny body cum explosively, for such a tiny man there seems to be lots of sticky cum. It hits Mario on his chin and he quickly laps it up and holds the tiny man lovingly to his chest. Jeff can see that his ex lover is obsessed with Albanese. He just aims the gun at Mario and shoots. Mario begins to shrink pretty rapidly, not sure why the tiny Bailey at his ass is growing. As he turns to get up and get the gun, still holding Albanese in his hand, he sees Jeff in the doorway. All at once he realizes that it is he who is shrinking and not Bailey who is growing. He can’t believe how tall Jeff is, 8 feet at least.
“No!” Mario yells, getting smaller and smaller. “This wasn’t supposed to happen!” Albanese, who is still held in his hand, is also shrinking, but Bailey who was shadowed by Mario’s ass is not caught in the beam, remains the same size. To Mario’s perspective it is the tiny Bailey who is growing. “Jeff .Stop!” Mario is now about only 2 feet tall, while Albanese is only 2 inches compared to Bailey who is still 3 inches. He drops Albanese on the bed next to Bailey, who is looking happier now that his partner is smaller than he is. Bailey begins to perk up a lot. Mario looks horrified as he watches Jeff place the gun on top shelf of a bookcase.
Jeff walks over to the now small Mario, and picks him up holding him over one of his now giant legs. He begins spanking the hell out of his ass, berating him as a shit and cheater all the time. Mario’s tiny butt is hurting like hell, but Jeff just keeps on spanking it. Finally Mario begins to cry like a small child. “Please Jeff, stop. I did this for us. Why can’t you see that?”
Albanese is forgotten by both Jeff and Mario and left on the bed. He turns with a start as a large shadow falls over him. It is Bailey, who to him now looks 9 feet tall. “Looks like the tables are turned little guy.” Bailey grins down at him. Albanese cowers now knowing that he is at the mercy of his partner. Bailey grabs him and starts smacking the hell out of him. The smaller Albanese starts kicking back, but isn’t getting very far.
Jeff who is still spanking Mario, notices these two little guys out of the corner of his eye, dropping Mario to the floor, he tries to separate them, he slams a pillow between them to keep them apart. Mario runs to the other side of the bed and cowers behind it, out of reach from his boyfriend Jeff. Looking over at Mario, Jeff shouts at him. “You didn’t do this for us Mario. You did it for your own selfish needs, because you are immature. You need to grow up. By rights I ought to leave you at this size forever for all you have put us through tonight.” Mario cringes, but says nothing. He just wants Jeff small and in his hand again, things going according to his plan, not this. He berates himself for everything that’s gone wrong. Now things couldn’t be worse for Mario. His ass hurts like hell, the guy he shrank is now four times his size. Tears continue to stream down his face as he realizes he is defeated. He tries to imagine living his life at this size, but he just can’t.
Jeff gets the gun from the shelf and sets it back to grow. He aims it at Albanese first, as he was the one getting beaten up and he wants to know why. Bailey seeing this screams at the top of his lungs. “NO.” Jeff is startled by this and turns to where Bailey is stood on the bed.
Albanese is now about 7 feet and charges to grab the gun from Jeff. “No I don’t want to be big again.” He shouts at Jeff. “What are you doing?” He yells holding onto the gun.
“Give me that you jerk?” Jeff replies, but Albanese has got the gun from Jeff’s grip, he aims it at Mario, who immediately grows to 8 feet tall, and being built bigger than Jeff makes him much stronger.
Mario grabs Jeff with both hands and spins him towards Albanese. “Now.” He yells. “Switch the polarity and shoot him!”
Albanese switches the gun to shrink and aims the gun at Jeff as Mario pushes Jeff towards Albanese. Jeff shrinks back down to a tiny 5 inches before both Albanese and Mario’s huge bare feet. He glares up at the now giant Albanese as the gun is passed back to Mario. “Please, make me small again, please. But I want to be bigger than Bailey; can I have him as a toy?” Asks Albanese.
Smiling at him, Mario asks. “And your son?” As Albanese shrinks down to a solid 7 inches.
Bailey not liking the way this is going starts to move back on the bed, not that he can actually go anywhere. At 8 feet, Mario’s head brushes the ceiling. He likes the feeling of power his bigger size gives him and walks over to his three little men. Albanese looks adoringly up at Mario. Jeff looks up spiteful, but Mario is determined to forgive him and make Jeff love him again, even at his new tiny size. Bailey looks horrified. He can tell that he is going to end up the runt of the group. He looks like he could start crying at any moment.
Albanese asks. “We have no other family; maybe you can adopt my son? Let him grow up to have a normal life. I don’t mind being small in front of him. He’s a good kid all in all.”
Mario likes the idea of a giant son playing with his tiny dad. “Maybe, just maybe.” He answers. “But first it’s time to get going before anyone else comes around.” He uses the gun to reduce himself back to his normal size. He then gathers up his clothes and dresses, leaving his trousers unfastened. He gathers up his little men, Albanese at 7 inches, Jeff at 5 inches and Bailey, newly reduced to 1 inch and stuffs them into his hot hairy crotch. Zipping up his flies, he grabs his gun and heads home to get his new toys settled into their new home...and determine his next course of action.

To be continued...