Caught Down Mexico Way


My name is Steve and my two best friends, lovers of course, Jack and
Hank, were telling me that they were moving because of Hank's job.
"Dude, I'm sorry. I thought you would be happy for me. I know it's
far away but we'll still keep in touch."
"I know. I am happy for you. But MEXICO CITY!!! You might as well
move to Europe or something."
Jack came over to me and hugged me to his side saying, "We've already
got a place there and there is lots of room. All you gotta do is get
your blond self down there and stay with us on your vacation. We'll
visit on holidays, we're keeping an apartment here still because of
Hank's mom."
"I know but can't I be childish for an hour or so? I'm gonna miss you
guys. Okay!"
Hank and Jack smiled at each other and Hank came over and hugged
Steve as well. They moved into Steve's kitchen to refresh their
drinks, continuing the conversation as they went.
"So, when do you guys actually move in?"
"We've got most everything packed now. We are buying new furniture
there so we don't have to pay any more than we have to."
"Steve, you will LOVE the place. Very shady and there is a pool and
the building surrounds the pool. We have maids and pool boys and a
grounds keeper. I feel like a 'kept woman'," joked Jack. "But really,
Steve, once you have been there you will see how nice it is and
"Well I wish you luck and happiness." They raised their glasses and
toasted to the occassion. They stayed and talked a few hours more and
then Hank and Jack went on home. After they left Steve went to the
book cabinet and looked for that Rand McNally atlas he had. He found
it and pulled it down so he could see just where in Mexico, Mexico
City was. He used his finger on the pages containing the map of
Mexico searching for the city and there it was almost right in the
middle of the country. He took his finger and searched around for
other places he recognized names of. There was Acapulco and
Guadalajara, but mostly it was a country full of places he had never
heard of. Hmmmmm... Well, at least they have each other, Steve
thought to himself. He tossed the atlas on the coffee table and went
and put the stuff into the dishwasher and then went up to bed.
Steve got a notice at work that because of moving circumstances
everyone now had two weeks extra paid leave coming up starting in two
weeks. He just had to make sure his office was all packed up and
ready to go and then go. When he got home that night he placed a call
to Jack and Hank in Mexico City. He got a hold of them and told them
of the time off he had coming up and wanted to come down and visit.
He had asked at work and was given permission to attach three more
weeks onto the extra two so he now had a 5 week vacation! Jack and
Hank thought that was fantastic and they started planning right away.
Steve wanted to make this an adventure and so wanted to drive there
instead of fly. There were things between LA and the Mexican boarder
that he hadn't seen before so he wanted to do a real tourist thing.
Hank wasn't too keen on the idea but Steve couldn't be talked out of
Hank tried saying, "You know those stories of people driving by
themselves in Mexico. I don't think it's a good idea Steve. The
country is pretty desolate between the boarder and the outskirts of
Mexico City."
"Will you stop being mother hen, I will be just fine if I follow the
road and mind my own business. Don't worry, it's gonna be fun. I'll
be there in no time."
"Well we want you to call us all along the way, collect if you have
to. We want to keep track of you some way just in case something
"Alright, alright, I'll call you every time I stop. That is a good
idea. Just stop worrying and be happy for me having a good trip."
"We are happy for you, just be careful and don't mess with the police
in Mexico whatever you do. Especially a blond gringo like you.
"I promise I won't mess with the police in Mexico. Okay mom?"
They hung up and Steve started planning his trip and emailed all his
plans and reservations and itinerary to his friends in Mexico. Steve
was excited and couldn't wait to start his Mexican Adventure.
Steve drove from LA to the Grand Canyon for the first overnight stay.
He enjoyed a visit to the Grand Canyon and then got up early for a
LONG drive to El Paso. His plan was to cross the border there and
then down into Mexico that way. He would stay in Chihuahua overnight
and then Mexico City from there. He made it to El Paso in good time,
he stopped for a few hours in a motel for a rest and then was on his
way to Chihuahua. Things did sort of change once he crossed the
boarder but not much, at least yet. He knew the quality of the roads
would change here and there, so he just kept his eyes on the road and
made it to his destination with no problems. He had made arrangements
ahead and stayed in a motel and slept. Got up early again and started
the hardest part of the trip. The maps he had weren't too clear on a
direct way to Mexico City. There appeared to be twisty turny roads
and indirect ways to turn which would eventually lead to the city
Steve hoped. He actually hoped this part of the trip would turn out
to easier than it looked on paper. He had lots of water and food in
the car incase he had to 'rough' it. So Steve was on his way.
Things were going just fine, he was cruising along listening to tapes
and singing along, jamming and watching the road. Not much to see,
pretty desolate and what little population he would see wasn't
anything to pull over for. The road was a much better than he
expected and the horror stories he had been told by other just hadn't
happened to him, so Steve was making good time. He passed the town of
Gomez-Palacio much earlier than he expected and was very happy. Now
he was approaching an area that Steve was warned about by a friend at
work who warned of the police doing some crazy things. This guy had
told Steve of people being pulled over for really nothing and pulled
into the jail there. Some of the citizens had been incarcerated by
these same police for things they hadn't done but were too poor to
get out. So Steve watched his speed and the road and kept the music
down to a minimum so he could concentrate. Several hours and Steve
felt home free, he was sure he was out that jurisdiction and had
proved his friend wrong, that is until he passed a police cruiser
sitting at a side street. Steve eyed his speedometer and wasn't
speeding and so he just held his head high. Maybe they were stopped
for lunch or something, he thought to himself. Steve did notice in
his rearveiw mirror that the police cruiser came over the rise behind
him, not speeding, just keeping up with him. Steve got a little
nervous but still kept his cool to maintain his speed and watch the
road. After several miles of following Steve the police car sped up
with siren and lights flashing. Shit, Steve braked and slowed down to
pull over so that the police could pass by. But they came up to his
bumper and followed Steve's car to the side of the road. Steve
brought the car to a stop and sat there until the cops told him
Steve sat there in the car and watched in his mirrors what was going
on in the police car behind him. He could see only one cop in the car
and this guy was talking on the car's radio. Then he saw the cop
replace the radio and moved to get out of his car. The cop stood up
out of his car and walked up to Steve's car. Steve watched him
approach. The cop appeared thin and wiry, but had muscular arms
poking out of the short sleeves of his uniform shirt. The cop had
those mirrored sunglasses on, and Steve hated those things. Steve
didn't like when he couldn't see people's eyes of who he was talking
to, made him uncomfortable. When the cop reached Steve's door he
stepped in a way that he could see inside the vehicle and see Steve,
too. [I know we are in Mexico but I'm not going to use writing for
accents and stuff like that. The cop is Mexican so use your
imagination for that. Thank you.]
"Can I see your papers sir?"
Steve got his passport and driver's license and his automobile permit
and registration and everything else in the packet he had made up
ahead of time for just this sort of occasion and handed the packet
over to the cop. The officer took out the license and looked at it
and back at Steve.
"Please wait in your car sir."
The officer turned and went back to his car and was on the radio
again. He was back there a long time and then he got out again and
approached Steve again.
"I see you are heading to Mexico City sir. May I ask what your
buisness is for going there and why you are driving instead of
"I wanted to visit my friends who live in Mexico City and I wanted to
drive there instead of flying so that I could see the country and
some sights in the US as well. You know, a vacation. Have I done
something wrong officer?"
"You should have tags on your car stating where you entered Mexico
and where your destination is. You don't have any tags. But I see
your passport was stamped in Juarez."
"Yes sir that is where I drove into Mexico. I don't mind going to
your station to fill out paperwork if I have to. I don't know about
any tags, but I don't want any trouble either."
"Just follow me sir and I lead you to the station then."
The officer went back to his car and they carefully went to the
staion which ended up being a long way back where Steve had already
been. Steve was having a bad feeling about this, but he didn't want
to totally buy into his bad feeling. He would rectify the situation
and then he'd be on his way again. He followed the police car into
the tiny lot next to the small station and got out and stood by the
car waiting for the officer to park and come to him. Steve made sure
his car was locked up and then the officer was there next to him.
Once out of his car Steve notice that he was actually bigger than
this officer, because of the uniform it gave the appearance that the
cop was bigger and more powerful. Just an observation Steve had. The
cop waved a hand to Steve to follow him and they went into the
This is where things were unusual to Steve. He had been in police
stations in the states a few times for one reason or another but none
were like this one at all. It was bigger inside than it appeared from
the outside. There were cells along the left and back when you came
in the door, three on the left and four along the back. Then a door
that led to a huge bathroom, Steve found out later. All along the
right wall stacked four high were big cages that you would use to
keep animals in. Four high and six stacks, 24 cages. There were four
large wooden desks in the middle of the station. Steve noticed that
all the cells were occupied. 14 prisoners were in cells, two to a
cell. There were four officers inside, five now that my officer was
there now. He led me to one of the desks and had Steve sit in a chair
next to it. While the cop rumaged around in the desk and the a file
cabinet near by, Steve looked around the station and the guys in the
cells. What Steve noticed almost right away was that most of the guys
incarcerated in the cells were not Mexican but white like himself.
Most of the guys were sitting on the cots talking very low to each
other and looking at the officers with looks that had more a
questioning look verging on impatience. Then Steve realized that the
officer had asked him a question.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"How long are you planning to be in Mexico sir?"
"Oh. About four weeks. Time to visit my friends and then to drive
back to the states."
"Ok sir, I have submitted the information to headquarters and they
are sending us tags as soon as possible. In the meantime I'm afraid
that I have to keep you in a cell until we receive the tags for your
car. Since the cells are all full we will add a cot to one for you.
Come with me please sir."
"I'm sorry. Did you just say you are putting me in jail?"
"Yes sir. I can't allow you back on the road until you have the tags.
Most of these gentlemen are waiting for tags as well. They are on
their way but it will take some time. So we will keep you in a cell
until the tags get here and then you will be free to go. So follow me
Steve was really thrown for a loop now. He needed to call Jack and
Hank. "Excuse me, but could I place a call to my friends in the city
so they know what is going on?"
"I'm sorry sir, only official buisness on these phones."
"So you are arresting me and I'm not allowed to call anyone to tell
them where I am or anything?"
"Calm down sir. You may not use these phones. You will wait for the
tags. Now don't make me have to force you into a cell sir. Follow me
Steve was shocked, but he followed the officer to the cell they were
headed to. Second one from the front door. The officer opened it and
told Steve he would be right back with a cot and turned the lock and
dissapeared to get a cot. Steve stood there and put his head to a bar
in the cell door and closed his eyes to calm down.
"So they got you for that tag shit huh?" someone asked from behind
Steve raised his head and turned around to see who spoke. There were
two other guys in the cell with him. Both were white like himself and
appeared the same age as himself as well.
"Yeah, what is this tag he is talking about? I never heard anyone
talk about one before for a trip into Mexico."
"There is no such thing. They are up to something, dude. I'm Dave and
this is Bob. We have been here for a week now waiting for these
fucking tags to get here."
"No way...A WEEK!!! Shit...What happened?"
Bob spoke up now, "We have driven all over Mexico, there is no such
animal as a damn tag. We were pulled over a week ago at night and
brought here. They said it would just be overnight so they could send
the tags in. Well one week down and no fucking tags. We surf and
travel the coasts, we wanted a short cut through the country and we
end up here instead."
"What do you think they are up to then? I can't believe this!"
Dave now, "I don't know, but from what we have been able to find out
from our neighbors here we are all in the same boat. The guys in the
third cell have been here 2 1/2 weeks now for those damn tags. And
there are those cages over there. We haven't found out what those
could be for. They are clean though. Only one of these prisoners is
actually a law breaker. He got to clean those cages all by himself."
Steve turned back toward the door of the cell, the officer had
returned with a cot and was opening the door. He handed the cot to
Steve and then closed the door and locked it again. Steve wanted to
ask questions to the officer, but he could tell by looking around
that his cell mates weren't making the story up. He noticed that
other officers had shown up since the time he had been here.
"Something is going on because there have never been so many guards
here at one time before," Dave said behind me. "Usually there is two
at a time all the time. They mostly sit and read fuck mags and beat
off. They feed us rice and beans twice a day, morning and night. You
really have to go to the bathroom to be let out for that other than
in the morning and at night before bed. They have quite a regimen
"I'm sorry guys, I'm still trying to digest this whole thing. I've
never even gotten a ticket before let alone be put in jail cell. I'm
a little scared. My friends will find me and get us out of here. I
just wish I could have been allowed to call them."
"Don't worry, they don't do anything with us. They mind their
busisness and we mind ours. Just sit down and take a load off.
Standing there ain't gonna get you out of here any faster."
Steve turned around and set up the cot against the back wall of the
cell and plunked down on it and closed his eyes and tried to relax.
He guessed he must have dozed off because he felt someone kicking the
cot gently to wake him up. He opened his eyes and saw Dave looking
down at him. Bob was at the cell bars looking out into the middle of
the station.
"Dude, get up. Something is going down and I don't know what it is.
Come look, whatever it is it's fucking weird."
Steve got up and approached the bars next to Dave and Bob. Everyone
was up and watching what was going on in the middle of the station.
All the desks but one had been removed. All the file cabinets had
been removed. What was happening now was some huge machine 'thing'
was being pushed into the station on rollers. It had the appearance
of a gigantic sit down hair dryer you find at hair salons but without
the chair to sit in. It had a moveable gooseneck with a huge bulbous
glass head on the top with a cone shaped nosecone on the front. The
guards placed it in the middle of the room. Steve saw that it was
dark now and looked at his watch and saw that it was actually nine
PM. They had either not served dinner or the guys didn't wake him for
it. Then in walked several more guards all in uniform and they all
stood around talking with each other and in small groups walked
around the cells, stopping in front of each cell talking low and
looking in at the men inside the cells. Sometimes someone would say
something funny and they would laugh. He had the impression that they
were being sized up or something like that from the attitudes the
guards had, and the way they were sizing me up when they approached
our cell. Steve counted nine guards in all. After a time a hush fell
over the building and the front doors opened and in walked two
giagantic men in uniform. The one on the left was so muscular it
appeared that his uniform would fly off his body at any minute. The
other one was not only tall and mucular but was a fat king of
muscular. He had heard the term 'muscle bear' and that described this
guy. They obviously held a lot of power becuse all the guards
deffered to them like kings. The two big men took seats at the desk
and the proceedings began.

The one desk was situated with the big men facing into the room,
their backs to the bathroom. The 'hairdryer machine' was to their
left towards the front doors. They faced cells 1 - 3 and cells 4 - 7
were to their right. The cages were behind them to the left. There
was one chair in front of the desk near the 'hairdryer machine'.
There were now two guards standing in front of cells 1 - 4. One guard
was manning the 'hairdryer machine'. Steve glanced at the front door
and saw two boards were across it barracading the doorway. He looked
to Dave and Bob and saw his trepidation mirrored in thier eyes. The
guards were facing the cells. Steve could see the name tags. Hernando
and Pedro were guarding our cell. The officer that brought me here
was manning the 'hairdryer machine'. Muscle man barked something out
and the guards in front of cell #1 opened the door. One went inside
and brought out one man and the other stayed inside with the other,
the door was left open. The guard escorted the prisoner to the chair
in front of the desk and was made to sit down. 'Muscle Bear' stood
and approached the man sitting down. He said in broken english that
the man was guilty of transporting illeagal substances across the
boarder into Mexico. For that the punishment will follow. He nodded
at the man at the 'hairdryer machine' and that man turned a knob on
the machine. A beam instantly shot out for a second. Where the man
sat one second ago now was a bundle of clothing. But when you looked
closer there was something moving inside the clothing on the seat.
The guard who escorted him to the seat burrowed through the clothing
and brought out a shrunken naked man in his hand. The guard went over
to the cages and placed the man inside one and closed the door of the
cage and went to the chair and removed the clothes into a trash bag.
The bag was tossed over by the bathroom door and that guard went to
Steve's cell and stood with the two already standing there.
The guard inside the first cell brought out the second man from there
and escorted him to the chair. The guard had to drag the man by the
arm actually because the guy didn't want to go there. He was placed
into the chair. 'Muscle Bear' told him he would be tied there if he
needed to be. He was charged with the same thing as the first guy and
again the shrinking machine fired. That guard reached inside the
clothing and grasped the little man who kicked and screamed all the
way over to the cages. He was placed inside a cage and the door
closed and the clothes put into a bag. That guard stood in front of
cell #5.
The three guards in front of Steve's cell approaced the door and they
stumbled backwards into the wall forgetting the cot there and fell on
it breaking it and falling to the floor. The guards came into the
cell and each grabbed arms and made them stand up. They were,
needless to say, freaking out. A guard was moving Dave to the door
and Dave was doing what he could to not co-operate. The guard took a
billy club and whacked Dave's head with it and Dave stumbled over
with the guard holding him up to the chair and was charged and shrunk
and caged, as was Bob. Then it was Steve's turn.
Steve couldn't help it but he was crying, as were others in their
cells realizing their fates. Steve relinquished himself to Sammy the
guard in front of him. He grabbed Steve's crotch before he grabbed
his arm, Steve jerked his terrified eyes at the guard's face. The
guard kissed the air when Steve looked at him and then he spit in his
face, the saliva drooling down Steve's upper lip and into his mouth,
Steve was jerked away before he could wipe it off. He was tripped
into the chair and charged and zapped. He then felt a warm hand wrap
around his naked body lifting him up in the air like a fast elevator.
Sammy walked at the same time over to the cages while looking down at
Steve and using the finger of his other hand he caressed Steve's
crotch, he spit on him again before he put Steve in the cage and
laughed at him as slammed the cage door closed. Steve fell to the
floor and lay there wondering what was going to happen now.
The floors were mesh, so Steve could see the floor from his cage on
the top of the second tier of cages. The first guy shrunk was to his
right, his cell mate below him, Dave below him and Bob below Dave on
the floor. Ten more men were shrunk and placed in the cages. After
all the men were shrunk the shrinking machine was moved out of the
room through the front door. The desk was moved into the middle of
the room. The guards were milling around not coming over to the cages
but were certainly looking and leering this way. Some were making
comments to us in their languege and were laughing. The muscle bosses
went into the bathroom and the guards started getting planks and
boards from outside to place around the bottoms of the jail cells.
They left the cell doors open on the last two cells though. After it
appeared that the room was 'ready' the guards started bringing out
bottles of booze from the desk drawers and started the to take their
clothes off. The bathroom door crashed open and there came the muscle
bosses. The shrunken men all started yelling and crying out in fear
and moving to the back of their cages.
All the talking was in Mexican and Steve couldn't understand a word
of that. He could just tell that very, very bad stuff was going to go
down now. Steve had never prayed before but he sure did now, he
prayed that he would live through whatever he was about to experience.
Most of the guards obviously wanted to get boozed up as they were
passing the bottles around along with some pot, a veritable party was
going to happen. The muscle bosses were oiling each other up with
olive oil making their muscles and skin gleam in the light. Steve was
afraid, for sure, but his sences were on full power. He noticed
that 'Muscle Bear' had many piercings on his body. His nose, both
nipples, his belly button and his cock. He wore big gauge rings in
each piercing. The muscle boss wore a harness that crossed in front
between his huge pecs and in back between his shoulders. He also wore
a leather thong that showed off his muscular bubble butt. The gurards
were all naked, laughing and drinking and smoking the pot. A few had
come over to the cages, stealing glances at the bosses. They poked
fingers into the cages at different places trying to touch a little
man, laughing at the fear they were causing to the little men. All
the men were back against the back wall of the cages so the guard
couldn't reach them unless they opened the doors. That didn't keep
them from having a spit contest. The other guards noticed what was
going on and came over and joined in the torment of the little men in
the cages. Some of the guards decided to piss on their captives as
well. The ones on top were slimed with spit while the ones below were
wet with a combo of spit and piss.
Then there was a loud word from where the muscle bosses were and the
guards all broke off and moved away from the cages. The muscle bosses
approached the cages and stood in front of them and showed off their
powerful physiques stricking poses of body building glory. Once in a
while they would growl and then laugh at the reaction that had on the
little men. After the posing was over Muscle Bear stood there
studying the men in the cages as if making choices or something. His
partner was smirking in wait of what was to come. One of the guards
came up behind Muscle Bear and handed him lengths of string which he
handed to his partner. Muscle Bear approached the cages and opened
the door to one of the cages and brought out a little man. He held
the struggling man in both hands holding his legs together and his
arms together. His partner tied up the arms and the legs of the
little man. Then the ring in his cock was removed and the ring was
brought through the tied arms and the ring put back into the cock.
Now the little man dangled from the giants cock. He picked another
and that man was attached to the belly ring. Both nipples came next
followed by his nose ring. He now had five men dangling from his
body. You could tell he was very arroused by this because his cock
was very hard although the weight of the man hanging ther kept it
from springing up. He walked around the room and displayed his
addornments to all the guards who cheered on their boss. The man on
his cock had it worse when he walked because he would bounce from
side to side. And the man on his nose ring was in a precarious
position in front of the giant's mouth. You could see his pink tongue
dart out at times and flick between the ass cheeks of his captive.
The giant walked back over to his partner and they started to put on
a show in front of the cages. The partner started sucking on the man
dangling from the cock like he was a cock himself. Then he did the
same thing to each man, sucking their whole bodies into his mouth
feet first like they were cocks. Then they started kissing each
other. The man dangling from the nose ring was of course in the way
but that didn't stop them. He was in one mouth and then another. The
guards were starting to show thier drunkeness and pot high by egging
on the show in front of them as well. The partner got on his knees
and started licking and sucking the man there. Then he bit down and
bit off the man at the elbows. He tilted his head back and showed
Muscle Bear the man in his mouth and Muscle Bear nodded his head yes
and the partner swallowed the man down. He plucked the dangling arms
left hanging there and popped them in his mouth and chewed them up
and swallowed them down. The partner stood up and grabbed the arm of
one of the guards and pulled him over in front of Muscle Bear. The
naked guard knew what to do and started sucking on the man at the
navel ring really getting into getting that little man wet with his
spit. Then he looked up and the Muscle Bear nodded and the guard bit
the arms of that one off at the elbows as well. He tilted his head
back and waited for permission and this guy chewed the man in his
mouth up instead of just swallowing him down. Spittle and gore
drooled down his chin but he was too enraptured to care. He stepped
over to another guard and pushed him in front of Muscle Bear. He bit
a nipple man in half and chewed and swallowed and then got the rest
and chewed and swallowed. He chose a guard who go the other nipple
guy. He bit the arms and swallowed whole. That just left the man from
the nose ring. Muscle Bear used his big pink tongue to draw the man
into his mouth and then he bit down and chewed and swallowed. He let
the blood and gore drip down his body and then reached up and pulled
the man's arms off and chewed up the rest and swallowed. The cheering
was deafening for the rest of the little men still in the cages. They
were screaming and shaking in shock from the gruesome display they
had just witnessed.
Steve was afraid that this was it. He was going to die some gross
disgusting way to one or more of these vile ogres. The crowd was now
very drunk and slobbery. A few were even on the floor licking up
pieces that had fallen there. After the feeding frenzy died down some
Muscle Bear was preparing for another display of some kind. He
approached the cages again and chose Bob. He took Bob out of the cage
and went to the desk with him. The guards were now allowed to take
the left overs and have their way with them. Steve could see Bob was
being tied to Muscle Bear. One arm to each nipple ring and his feet
were tied to the cock ring. My cage mates were being roughly removed
by drunken over sexed guards now. Steve's cage was opened and a
grimey hand reached in and grasped hold of his legs and dragged him
out of the cage. The things Steve saw being done around him made his
mind numb. Two different guards were shoving their captives up their
asses, being used as living dildoes. Others were being passed around
as jack off toys. One guard was on his hands and knees and was making
his captive run away so he could catch him in his mouth like a dog
and bite into him sideways, not breaking the skin but tossing the man
side to side while in his mouth and then placed down to do it again.
The guy who had Steve took him over into a corner and made a corral
of his legs on the floor. He made Steve clean his feet and toes,
getting the crud under the nails even. Then made Steve clean and
massage his asshole which hadn't been clean at all. Then Steve was
lifted up and was spit on several time to wet him up and was used to
get the giants' cock off. Steve was used as a mop for the cum and
liked off until there was no more on the giants body. Then it was
round two for the giants feet again. Steve saw another pair of feet
join in and he was pushed over to clean the toes and feet of this
giant as well. Steve was exhausted and scared shitless but couldn't
help having a hard on at the same time. He couldn't understand after
all he had witnessed how he could be arroused, but he was and the
second giant noticed and brought Steve up and sucked him off. Steve's
first giant went off somewhere else leaving Steve with this second
guy. Just as Steve was getting into servicing this guy he was roughly
snatched up by someone else. He looked and saw it was the muscle
partner who had him.
The partner tooked him into the bathroom. The guy went to a stall and
tossed Steve into the dirty toilet there. Lots of unflushed piss and
now some more from this guy. It was all Steve could do to keep from
drowning, and then it wasn't over. The giant turned around and sat
down on the seat and started farting out vile gas and then the shit
started. Firm logs fell from above at first followed by more creamy
shit that coated the water with vile brown soup. Steve was
thouroughly disgusted. Finally the giant was done with his dump. He
stood up and actually reached in and grabbed up Steve out of the
gross water. He took his outside and sat on the floor and made Steve
clean his asshole of the unwiped shit coating his ass lips. Steve
knew not to follow instructions would get him killed and he was bound
and determined to live through this. The giant was satisfied and
grabbed him up and stuffed him into the front of his harness between
his pecs. The giant walked around the room seeing what all was going
You name it, it was happening. Bob was torn in half from the activity
with Muscle Bear's cock. A guard was eating up Bob's remains. Some
who had shoved up asses were being shat out both still alive and
dead. The dead were eaten, so were some of the live ones, others were
given over to others for other activities. One guard, one who had fed
on the first Muscle Bear sacrifices, was still feeding. His chest and
chin was still dripping with drool and gore. He had a dead ass toy he
was tearing apart right now and eating piece by piece. He took his
bloody hands and painted his stomach and started to jackoff. The dog
man guard had a trail of bitten victims, he had someone dangling from
his mouth now feet sticking out kicking. He tilted his head back and
swallowed the man down, and then he went about licking up and taking
care of the other victims he had, jacking his cock the whole time.
Some of the guards were just having sex with each other now that the
population of little men was fastly diminishing. A guard ran up in
front of Steve and started licking him up and down but muscle man
pushed him out of the way and head back over to Muscle Bear. Steve
was very afraid of Muscle Bear but just kept him in veiw out of the
corner of his eye. There was something said between them and Muscle
Bear cried out. Everything came to a stop. He said something else and
guards brought up little men to him and were placed on the desk. All
but two were dead.
Michael and another prisoner, Steve didn't know his name, were scared
shitless and were hugging onto each other and unhurt. Including
Steve, three men out of 15 left alive. The dead were fed to the crazy
guard who ate them with relish. The three left alive were taken into
the bathroom and then placed into a gym bag which was zipped up. The
little men hugged and layed on the floor and stayed in a tight group
out of relief and fear of surviving the freakishness and fear of what
lay in store for them now. Steve didn't know if the other two guys
were gay but the three of them were hugging and kissing each other
and they had quick yet passionate sex in the bag before they got to
the destination. They were in the bag for a long time. The next thing
they knew the zipper was unzipped and they were gently rolled out of
the bag. They soon discovered their fate.
The three men, Steve - Michael and Kenneth, became the pets of the
Muscle Bear and his partner. Their names turned out to be, Hector and
Candito. Away from the guards they were very gentle and careing
masters. The three little men were told that their cars were
separately made to appear as if an accident happened to one. Another
was a homicide victim and the other just disappeared with no trace.
The three men had each other to grieve over the loss of their old
lives. They also found out that what they had been subjected to
happened once every three years. The guards are members of a satanic
cult and this was to appease thier religion. The little men never
wanted for anything, they were treated like little kings by their
captors who they did come to honor and love.

Had to have a happy ending after all that stuff, huh. THE END!!