Reach Out and Grab Someone

By Brad Hatcher

       Thomas Green was tired of waiting for the phone company.  He'd

called days ago to report the problem with his phone service and was

annoyed that he had to take the day off of work to wait around for

the repairman.  It wouldn't have been so bad, but he'd already taken

the day before, Thursday, off as well, but the repairman was a no


       A relatively young homeowner, Tom often encountered the

typical repairs that were required to restore an older home. 

Sometimes he had the skills or tenacity to tackle and solve the

problem, but other times, such a now, he had to call in a

professional.  Tom was 22 years old, but looked younger.  He stood

5'2" and weighed a modest 110 pounds.  His basement weight bench was

well-used and he had the toned look of a gymnast.  Tom's blond hair

and green eyes only accentuated his youthful image.

       It was a nice mid-October afternoon in Midtown, Atlanta.  Tom

thought of all the things he'd rather be doing with his day.  Using

another day of leave to sit at home did not appeal to Tom.  Sitting

on his front porch, Tom lit another Marlboro Light and wondered if

maybe he should have tried harder to restore his dial tone on his


       That was when he spotted the white BellSouth van turning onto

his street from Peachtree.  "About time," Tom said, standing to wave

at the driver of the van.  Seeing Tom, the repairman pulled into the

driveway, seemed to review some information on a clipboard, and then

got out of the van to greet the young man on the porch.

       Tom took those few minutes to take in the sight of the

BellSouth repairman who was walking up the short incline to his front

porch.  The man looked to be in his mid-30's.  He had brown hair and

one of those half goatees, with no mustache and hair only on the

chin.  The man was six feet tall, easily, and Tom could make out the

muscles under the man's blue work short.  Also under the shirt could

be seen a glimpse of the man's hairy chest.  Tom tried to think of

anything other than the hard on that was forming in his own tight

jeans.  Tom took a big drag from his cigarette, looked down at his

watch, and let irritation overtake desire. 

       "Hi there," said the Adonis in the blue work clothes and

toolbelt.  "Is this 213 Spooler Street?"

       "Yep, you're at the right place," Said Tommy.

       "Thomas Green live here?" asked the repairman.  "You his


       Tom blushed a little, but was used to the mistake.  "No, I am

Tom Green.  And I don't have any kids."

       "Oh, hey, sorry there, buddy," said the man, "my mistake." 

The repairman climbed the five steps to the porch and extended his

right hand.  "I'm Chris."  Tom looked at Chris, took a final drag,

and stubbed out his Marlboro in an ashtray.  He shook Chris's

hand.  "You know there, Tommy," Chris said, looking down at

Tom, "those things will stunt your growth."  Chris gave Tom a wink. 

Tom didn't appreciate the joke.

       "Are you from the phone company or the surgeon general's

office?" Tom asked with mild annoyance.  Chris seemed to be one of

those guys, used to walking in and charming the pants off of anyone


       "Sorry, force of habit.  My kid is 16, I'd say he's got about

five inches on you.  I caught him smokin' the other day.  He won't do

it again.  He wants to do that when he's 18, fine; it's his

decision.  Until then, it's mine.  I gotta pick him up from school

when I'm done here," Chris said, by way of explanation.  Tom was a

little disappointed and confused.  Left hand, no ring.  But a 16 year- old "kid" at home.

       "Well," Tom said, "since I'm 22, we'll just let my bad habits

be my business."

       "Sounds fair to me," Chris said.  He regarded the house and

said, "Nice place you got here.  Better than mine.  How long ya lived


       Tom was finding Chris to be charming again.  "Oh, just a

couple of months.  I actually got it for a good deal."  Tom thought

about how lucky he and others in his family were.  He and each of his

siblings were born with special gifts that always seemed to give them

the edge.  "My older brother is a realtor and he helped me negotiate

with the previous owner."  Tom's brother could read and manipulate

the minds of other people as easily as Tom could program a

computer.  "My job as a computer programmer pays me well enough to

afford the mortgage," said Tom.  "And it keeps me well-stocked in my

bad habits."  Tom gave Chris a coy smile.

       Chris got down to business.  "So what's the trouble?"

       Tom took time to explain to Chris that his phone had no dial

tone.  The problem began when Tom noticed that a vent cover between

two rooms was off the wall and his neighbor's cat had been messing

around between the walls of the dining room and guest room.  Tom was

pretty sure that somewhere back there was, in fact, the main phone

line that came in from the box outside. 

       Chris listened to Tom's description of the problem and had to

agree that there was likely some problem with the phone line in the

wall.  If his suspicions were correct, there would be two ways to fix

the problem.  One, if he could reach between the walls, he could

splice the cable back together.  Or, he might have to drop a new

cable from the attic into the wall.  Chris thought also, if he could

pull it over on Tom, that he could convince the boy that the wall

would have to ripped open, and he could make some money for his best

friend, Paul, who was a contractor.

       "Let's begin with the basics," Chris said.  "I'm going to

check a few things outside the house."

       "Okay, I'll try to stay out of your way.  Just let me know if

you need anything," Tom replied.  As Chris checked the phone box near

the street and the one attached to Tom's house, Tom sat on the porch

and tried his best not to stare at the man.  Chris went inside the

house and stuck his arm through the still-exposed vent, between the


       Tom was enjoying the view that Chris was giving him as he bent

over and rolled around on the floor.  Tom was definitely an ass-man,

which his lovers usually found hard to believe, given his diminutive

stature.  Tom lit another cigarette and tried to commit every detail

of Chris's physique and demeanor to memory for later.  He was shaken

from his reverie a moment later by Chris's return to the porch.  "Got

one of those for me?" Chris asked. 

       "Huh?  You just got onto me for this bad habit and how you

want one?  What gives?" asked Tom.  Silently, Tom was delighted. 

He'd love to see Chris smoke one of his cigarettes.

       "I smoke, too.  I just don't think that kids should," Chris

said  "I'm fresh out and was rushing so fast to get to your place

that I didn't have a chance to stop for more."  With that, Tom gave

Chris a cigarette and watched as he lit it.  "So," Chris

continued, "want the bad news?"

       Tom didn't want to hear any bad news, but said, simply, "Give

it to me."

       "Everything is working fine from the street to your box,"

Chris said.  "It looks like the cat must have played with the wire

inside the wall and caused them to come apart."  Chris took a big

drag and rolled the dice.  "If I could reach the wires inside the

wall, I'd be able to cut out the bad section and splice them back

together.  Since I can't reach, I'm afraid we'll have to cut the wall

open and go in from there."  Chris was hoping that Tom would accept

his recommendation so that he could give the job to his buddy Paul.

       Something about Chris's diagnosis and suggestion struck Tom as

odd.  He had a feeling that Chris was being less than honest about

his options.  "Let me guess," Tom said sarcastically, "you know

someone who can give me a really good deal on the drywall work."

       Missing the sarcasm and smiling, Chris said," as a matter of

fact, I do."  Tom tossed his cigarette into the yard and went inside

the house to study the open vent, seemingly peering at the wires

within the wall.  He got very quiet as he considered his own options.

       Chris had a sinking feeling that maybe Tom was proving to be a

smarter young man than he'd thought.  He snubbed out his butt in the

ashtray and followed Tom inside, shutting the door.  He stood very

close to Tom and looked down at him, thinking that maybe he could

intimidate the much-smaller man into going along with the plan.  The

look on Tom's face brought Chris up short.

       "Chris, I think there's a better option," Tom said, his mouth

curling into a smile.

       Chris had the oddest sensation, and dismissed it as a little

indigestion from lunch.  Something about this kid weirded him out

suddenly.  "Uhm, yeah there, Tommy, there could be a couple more

options," Chris stammered.  He decided that he would find a more

honest way to fix Tom's phone service.  "I should check the attic,

let me run to the truck and get my ladder."  Tom laughed humorlessly

as Chris's world grew dark.

       Chris heard a loud metallic thud and was wrapped in some

thick, heavy cloth-like material.  He realized that his toolbelt must

have come loose and hit the floor, but he didn't even notice Tom

throw a blanket over his head.  He couldn't figure out what would

make the kid react like that.

       From everywhere, all at once, he could hear Tom's voice.  It

sounded louder than it should.  "Oh, you're going to need your

ladder, little man," Tom said.  "You're going to need it just to

reach the doorknob."  Chris had no idea what the young homeowner was

talking about, but he didn't want to wait around to find out.  He

began flailing his arms around, trying to get out of the blankets or

quilts or whatever he was trapped under.

       Chris said, "Hey! What's the big idea?  I'm gonna kick your

little faggy ass when I get out of here, do you hear me?"  Tom was

enjoying the show.  The little man had no idea what had hit him. 

Chris was trapped somewhere in his clothes, fighting with all his

strength to get out.  From the size of the thrashing lump in the pile

of clothes, Chris was no more than 11 or 12 inches in height.  Tom

bent over the clothes and put his hand where Chris's chest was

at.  "What's that?  Tommy!  Where did you go?  Something has me! 

Help!" exclaimed the once-large man.

       Holding Chris still in his clothes, Tom worked the pants leg

of Chris's blue work pants up and over Chris's body.  Finally, Tom

had freed Chris from his clothes.  He let go of the small man and

stepped back to enjoy his handiwork.  "Calm down, little guy. 

Nothing has you.  You were trapped by your own clothes," Tom said

matter-of-factly.  "Although, I must say, you look much better

without them anyway."  With that, Tom looked at Chris from head-to- toe, enjoying the still-impressive looking piece of meat between the

now-small man's legs.

       Chris, for his part, looked as if he might faint.  "What did

you do to me," he demanded weakly.  He was used to his voice booming;

to being in complete control.

       Tom got down on one knee and spoke with a lower voice, "I

liked the sound of the first option.  Instead of tearing up my walls,

you should have no trouble getting back there and fixing my phone

line."  Tom made it sound like the most logical thing in the

world.  "Then after that, if you've behaved well, followed my

instructions, and finished your job, you'll be back to normal and on

your way home in time to pick up your son from school."

       At the mention of his son, Chris shuddered anew.  The thought

of trying to discipline his boy sent a quiver of fear through his

entire body.  It was not in Chris's nature to follow the instructions

of others.  He panicked, and bolted for the closed door, behind Tom. 

Tom just stood up and watched the little man with some pity.  Tom

found it hilarious that ten minutes ago, Chris was standing over him,

trying to intimidate him with size.  Now, the man barely came up to

Tom's knees.  How the mighty have fallen.

       Tom quickly closed the distance between he and Chris.  Chris

was just staring up at the door handle, realizing that he would not

be leaving through the door in quite the same way that he entered

it.  Tom wiped the smile from his face and the humor from his

voice.  "What part of 'follow my instructions' don't you understand,

little guy?" Tom asked rhetorically.  "For trying to escape without

finishing your work, you will have to be punished."  Tom reached down

and wrapped his hand around Chris's torso.  Tom's hand didn't quite

close around Chris's body, but his grip was true.  He lifted the

small man from the ground as easily as be might lift a 20 ounce

bottle of Coke.  Chris kicked hard with his legs and swatted Tom's

hand with his formerly powerful fists.  Tom enjoyed the show of

defiance and the way that Chris's cock and balls flailed as result of

his useless effort.

       "You're going to have to calm down," Tom said, carrying Chris

to the dining room table.  Tom placed Chris on the table.  "Promise

to calm down and not run away," Tom asked in a soothing voice.

       Chris considered that he'd better play along.  "Yes, I'd be

crazy to jump from this table.  It's like 40 feet from the ground." 

Chris settled onto the table and became self-conscious in front of

the fully clothed giant.  "Please don't punish me."  Tom wasn't

really angry or mean by nature.  But, he did demand obedience from

the small man in front of him

       "Don't worry about punishment right now, there's work to do,"

Tom said.  Chris seemed to visibly relax.  After being in Tom's

hands, he was well aware of what kinds of punishment this young man

could exact on Chris's small body.  He most wanted to do what was

asked of him, be returned to normal, and get on about his life.

       "Let's calm down a little bit and then we'll get my phone line

repaired -- deal?" Tom said to Chris.  Tom reached next to Chris and

grabbed his cigarettes from the table.  "Want one?" Tom asked his

little worker.  He was smirking down at Chris.

       "More than ever," said Chris. 

       "Too bad, little guy.  It'll stunt your growth."  With that,

Tom and Chris laughed.  Chris was feeling strangely more at ease with

the giant.  Tom lit his cigarette and enjoyed the flavor.  His

erection, below the table and Chris's view, was straining his jeans. 

As Tom smoked, he sent plume after plume of smoke at Chris and

thought more about what he would do with this small man once the job

at hand was complete.  With his free hand, he rubbed his hard cock

and was satisfied to feel the precum leaking through his underwear

and jeans.

       To Chris, the cigarette looked bigger than a huge cigar.  Tom

held it down for Chris, who had to work to take a puff from the large

filter.  "There you go, little guy," said Tom.  "Nicotine won't

affect your growth.  That's my job."  Chris took two more drags.  Tom

winked and took a final pull from the Marlboro and crushed out the

butt under his tennis shoe.  He thought that Chris was one hot little

smoker.  "I'm impressed you were able to get your mouth around that,

I can think of something else that you can try with later."

       Chris was beginning to like the sexual overtones of his

dealings with Tom.  Not many people in Chris's life knew that he was

bisexual, and had been with men before the birth of his son.  Maybe

that was why he'd left his ex-wife years ago and petitioned the court

for custody.  In his sexual escapades with men and women, Chris

always enjoyed being the aggressor.  Although the circumstances

surrounding Tom were beyond belief, he was finding the possibilities

to his liking.  His dick made that obvious to Tom, who noticed

Chris's cock getting bigger.

       "Well, what have we here," Tom teased.  He reached out with a

finger and rubbed the inch-plus fuck-stick, causing it to get even

more rigid.  "How big did this thing get?"  Tom couldn't help

himself; he rubbed Chris's prick with two fingers, and used his other

hand to massage the little man's chest.  He loved the way the little

hairs tickled his fingers and wanted more than anything to lick Chris

from head to toe.  Tom's jeans had developed a noticeable wet spot as

he continued to leak into them.

       "Hard to believe, but ten inches," Chris said.  He wiggled out

of Tom's grasp and stepped to the edge of the table, trying to see

below to Tom's crotch.  "What are you hiding down there?"  Tom

reached for his jeans and cupped his hand around the outline of his

respectable six thick inches.

       "Business before pleasure, little fella," Tom said.  "You have

a job to do."  Chris was disappointed, but also felt the need to get

down to work.  He would have to make the necessary repairs and get

restored to his former height in enough time to pick his son,

Michael, up from school.  With just less than three hours to go,

Chris was beginning to hope that there would be time for more

pleasure after the business was complete.

       Tom lifted Chris from the table and carried him back to his

clothes, near the vent.  He felt empowered by the small man in his

hand.  He'd never used his gifts in such an overt way before, but

really wondered why.  He hoped this was just the first of what would

become many more indulgences.  Chris was placed carefully on the

floor, before his discarded tool belt.  "Looks like I'll need some of

that black tape," Chris said.  "And my flashlight."  He looked up to

Tom.  "Could you also get me a small knife?  I don't think I can

safely use my own anymore."

       "Yes, sir, Mr. Man," Tom mocked.  "Right away sir!"  Tom

grabbed the knife from the kitchen and helped Chris position the

flashlight so that he could see within the walls.  Tom cut a few

strips of the tape for Chris to use for his repairs.

       A look of fear passed over Chris's face.  "Uhm, the cat...?"

Chris asked.

       Tom smiled.  "Long gone.  I chased it out days ago.  There's

no rats or mice, either.  The only furry little create in there will

be you.  But if you're good, I'll make sure you get a treat when

you're done."  Tom gave Chris a friendly swat on his tight little

ass, and off Chris went to accomplish his mission.

       Chris toiled in the wall for nearly half an hour.  He was used

to physical exertion, but working in such a diminished state took a

lot out of the small stud.  He found the wires in need of repair and

used the knife to cut and strip them.  It was a tight fit, but he was

able to use the tape that Tom had torn off to fix the wires. 

       Tom had picked up Chris's clothes and was arranging them over

a chair in the dining room.  He gave Chris's underwear a little

sniff; he loved the man's smell.  Tom looked through Chris's wallet

and saw his driver's license.  6'1".  Not anymore, heh heh.  It was

at this moment that Tom decided on an appropriate punishment for his

new little friend.  Nothing painful and nothing permanent.  But it

would help Chris, Tom thought, to be a better and more understanding


       Tom heard Chris call from the wall, "Go try your phone, Tom." 

Tom did as he was told and was pleased to hear a dial tone.  He

called a his office phone and it connected.  He hung up without

leaving a message.  Tom could hear Chris dragging his tools back

through the vent hole in the wall.

       "Works like a charm," Tom said.  Sweat was running down

Chris's face, chest and legs.  He was filthy from being between the

walls.  Tom thought he looked like a cowboy, just in from a long day

of riding.  "Let's get you cleaned up." 

       "First, let's have a cigarette, huh?" Chris suggested.  "I

need one after that hard work."  Tom agreed and lifted Chris for the

third time.  Chris smelled exactly like a hot and sweaty man should

and again Tom resisted the urge to lick him.  The dirt made it a lot

easier this time.  Tom deposited Chris on the table and overturned a

coffee cup for Chris to sit on.

       Chris sat with his legs spread and looked up expectantly at

Tom.  He was now openly flirting with his young captor.  While the

men enjoyed a well-deserved smoke break, they got to know each other

a little better.  Tom was glad, in a way, to learn that Chris was

single and doing the right thing by raising his son.  Chris

apologized for his reaction to Tom when he'd first been shrunk.  In

the course of their conversation, Chris felt that he could tell Tom

about his bisexual past.  Tom got up from the table, and headed

deeper into the house.  He was off to the bathroom, to get ready for

Chris's bath.

       Chris took a last drag from the cigarette, which lay

smoldering in the ashtray.  Instead of waiting for Tom to pick him

up, he hopped down to the chair and lowered himself to the floor.  It

was a strange experience taking in the room from this perspective. 

Chris went in search of Tom.

       Chris found Tom in the bathroom, running water into the sink,

next to the tub.  He leaned against the door jamb.  "Hey big fella,"

Chris said.  Chris was getting used to running around Tom's house

naked.  "Bath time?"  Tom stepped over to Chris and shook his head in

the affirmative. 

       "Yep, time for your shower, little guy," Tom said.  Chris

wasn't sure what Tom meant; it looked like he was drawing Chris a

bath in the sink.  Chris was picked up for the fourth time and placed

on the bottom of the tub.  Chris was really getting puzzled when Tom

clued him in.  "I've always wanted to do this... but I'd better make

it quick." 

       Chris's pulse quickened when he realized that Tom was

unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans.  He lowered them to his knees

and hauled his semi-limp dick out from the slit in his boxers.  Until

that moment, Chris wondered if maybe he and Tom would share a

shower.  It never occurred to Chris that, as Tom stepped closer to

the tub, he'd unleash a huge torrent of warm, wet piss in Chris's


       Tom made a very satisfied sound as he unloaded a stream of

piss all over Chris's body.  Chris didn't make any sound, wanting to

keep his mouth and eyes closed.  When Tom's piss was reduced to just

a couple of drops on Chris's head, Tom burst out laughing and leaned

in near Chris.  "You, my little man, stink.  Let's get you cleaned up

for real."  When Tom reached for Chris, Chris decided to play along

and sent a much smaller amount of light-yellow liquid at Tom's hand. 

Chris looked very satisfied with himself.

       "Two can play at that game, Tom.  And hopefully many more,"

Chris said.  Tom agreed that they could, and placed Chris into the

sink.  Tom used some soap to wash his hands, and passed a sliver down

to Chris.  While the little man cleaned up from his day's work, he

and Tom talked some more.  Tom's cock was still out of his boxers and

Chris would occasionally fling little amounts of water at it, as it


       "Was this what you had in mind when you made me this way?"

Chris asked.  He looked up at Tom as he finished rinsing off.

       "Actually, no.  At that moment, I just wanted my phone fixed. 

Everything else has been icing on the cake.  I never imagined that

you would be so receptive to playing along."  Tom handed Chris a wash

cloth so that he could dry himself, and decided upon second thought

to dry the little man himself. 

       Chris liked the attention and looked thoughtfully at the giant

young man.  "I guess I knew that you wouldn't really hurt me.  You

obviously are capable of so much more.  I take you at your word that

you'll send me on my way once we're done here.  Speaking of that...

what time is it getting to be?"

       Tom could see the clock in the hallway, which read 2:30.  He

told Chris the time and again lifted his little man into the

air.  "Just enough time for your reward and punishment, my pet." 

Chris liked the sound of that.  He was carried to Tom's bedroom and

placed on the bed.  He felt as though he was on a huge field of

down.  Tom went to the closet to get something from a high shelf. 

Chris found it cute that he had to use a small step-stool to reach.

       Tom returned to the bed with something behind his back.  He

said, "Chris, there's someone that I want you to meet.  Chris, Billy -

- Billy, Chris!"  With that, Tom brought his hand from behind his

back and Chris fully expected to see another small man, like

himself.  What he saw, in reality, was some sort of small mannequin. 

He realized that it was actually a doll, given his, and its,

size.  "This was a gift from an old boyfriend.  I never gave it much

thought until today."  Tom placed the lifelike doll in the bed and

Chris realized that Billy was about the same size as him.  The doll

was dressed in some sort of S&M outfit and Chris's eyes were drawn

naturally to the large bulge in the doll's black faux-leather pants.

       "Uhm, is that what I think it is?" Chris asked sheepishly. 

       "Yep," said Tom.  "Anatomically correct.  Well, I used to say

anatomically exaggerated.  Until I saw you.  Billy has bigger

muscles, but I think you win in the cock department."

       "All the better to fuck you with, my dear," mocked Chris. He

was confused as to what role this lifelike doll would be playing in

their afternoon together.  "Seriously, Tom, what's with that thing?"

       Tom moved to his bedside table and opened the drawer.  He

deposited a tube of lube on the bed.  "Well, Billy's feeling frisky

today.  I think he's going to take your virgin ass.  I'd do it

myself, but I don't think it would work out too well at this scale." 

Tom then took off his boxers and removed his t-shirt.  Aside from his

plump, think cock, and bush of dark blond pubes, you'd think he was

more angel than demon.  He jumped on the bed, near Chris.  The

shockwave of bounce from Tom's jump forced Chris off his feet, and he

landed on Tom's stomach.

       "Tom, I'm not so sure about this..." Chris began.  Using his

left hand, Tom began to jack his cock to its full size.  On cue, it

began to leak precum like a faucet.  Chris abandoned his protests and

moved to touch the massive phallus in front of him.  Some of the men

he'd been with in the past were classic size queens.  The sight of

Tom's dick made him understand those mens' fascination with a big

tool.  Tom stopped jacking when Chris wrapped both hands around the

head of his cock and began to a full-body jack.  Chris was getting

sticky all over again in Tom's pre-jizz.  The taste, to Chris, was


       Just as Chris was getting into making Tom feel good, a giant

hand grabbed him just under his arms.  Tom finally allowed himself to

indulge in licking Chris's hairy, rippled chest.  He paid special

attention to Chris's little nips, wondering if he could bite them

without doing too much damage.  Chris, for his part, could do nothing

but moan unintelligible bits of words.  He didn't know how long he'd

be able to hold out.

       Tom loved every inch of his little man.  His tongue teased

Chris's still-substantial cock and balls.  Tom licked around to

Chris's asshole, and actually penetrated the tiny opening with the

smallest part of his tongue.  Tom's other hand had returned to rub on

his own knob and both men were in ecstasy.  After ticking his tongue

on Chris's facial stubble, he put his lips around the small man's

dick and sucked it like a straw, using his tongue to deliver spit to

Chris's crotch, lubricating the fuck-hole. 

       Chris was moaning, but did make some sense.  "Yeah, take that

cock, boy!  You know you love sucking my big cock."  Apparently, in

the moment of sexual bliss, the irony of those words was lost on both

men.  "Better get ready, I'm about to shoot by big load all over your

mouth."  Tom picked up the pace on his sucking and jacking.  Billy,

forgotten, stared at the men with unseeing eyes.  He would have to

wait for another day to take a hot, tight ass.

       Chris's shout would have shook the house, had he been the

large man that he was until two hours ago.  Chris could do nothing

but shout as the giant Tom again and again sucked on Chris's dick. 

He was trapped in the giant's hand, being brought to the best orgasm

that he could remember.  "Oh, shit!  Take my cum, here it is!"  With

that, Chris's body went rigid and Tom knew that he was shooting what,

for him, would be a large load in the younger, bigger man's mouth. 

Tom actually tasted the sticky, salty, sweet mixture that flowed out

of Chris's cock and onto Tom's working tongue. 

       Tom brought Chris's face to his and presented a little of his

tongue to the older, smaller man.  They frenched as best as two men

of such different sizes could and Tom said, "Tastes good, now, how

about a hand?"  Tom placed Chris on the bed, just in front of Tom's

large, nearly hairless balls.  Chris could just stare at the

throbbing obelisk before him as Tom continued to jack.  "Now, talk

dirty to me and rub my balls."  Chris had no reason to object.  He

wanted to make Tom feel just as good as he'd made Chris feel.

       Chris found that he could easily roll Tom's huge nuts in their

sack with both his hands.  He was on his knees, worshipping the

massive balls.  At his size, they were like two huge warm beachballs

wrapped in a soft blanket.  He's almost forgot to say

anything.  "Yeah," Chris said, "work that massive cock.  You're one

hot, amazing stud.  I want to see you shoot that big load.  I hope it

covers me from head to toe."  Tom was grunting and the sight of the

built mini-man working on his nutsack was just about too much.

       "Yeah, keep talking, little man.  Better watch out or you

might drown in my jizz," Tom exclaimed.  He was close.

       Chris could tell that Tom was getting off on the power.  He

laid it on thick.  "My little squirt of jizz was nothing compared to

what you've been storing up in these huge nuts."  Chris rubbed

harder.  "I know that you could crush me like a bug... your cock is

more powerful than my whole body.  Come on, Tom, shoot that massive

load.  I want to swim in your cum." 

       With a deafening roar, Tom's load shot angrily from his dick. 

The first load shot at an arc and hit Tom's chest, between his

smallish nipples.  Tom aimed as he jacked and sent the next six shots

right at Chris, covering him, as promised, with white, hot, sticky

jizz.  "Yeah," panted Tom, "that was the hottest thing ever. Come

here, you little cum-rag." 

       Chris was lifted the Tom's mouth and they kissed again.  Tom

lapped up his jizz from every nook and cranny of Chris's small body. 

When they were basking in the post-cum glow, Chris looked up at his

giant friend.  "I bet you know what I could go for?" he asked.  "I

can read your mind," Tom replied. 

       Chris jumped down from the bed and walked out to the dining

table and collected a massive Marlboro Light

and Tom's lighter.  He hefted the supplies back to the bedroom, where

Tom had already put back on his boxers.  Chris wondered when he'd be

able to get dressed also.  Tom reached down and in one hand picked up

Chris, and with the other took the cigarette and lighter.  He lit the

cigarette and held it for Chris.  As Chris took a draw from the

cigarette, Tom wondered if his power would work on nonliving

objects.  Another question for another day, Tom decided.  He repeated

in his own mind that Chris was a hot little smoker.  Unreal.  Tom

caught himself wondering if the son was nearly as attractive as the

father.  Nah, I like older men.

       As the men shared their last cigarette, Tom was aware of the

time and that Chris would have to get moving soon.  "Alright, Chris,

you've mostly held up your end of the bargain.  Now I'll mostly hold

up mine," Tom said mysteriously.  Just as suddenly as Chris was made

small, he was back to his original size. 

       Chris and Tom now laid together in Tom's bed.  "Wow, Tommy,

thanks," Chris said, sounding relieved.  Tom noticed that he was

again "Tommy" to Chris.  Chris took the cigarette from Tom and took

one last drag.  Tom pulled an ashtray out of his bedside table, and

Chris put the cigarette out.  He's a hot big smoker, too.  Chris

picked up the Billy doll that had been discarded earlier.  "So, this

was what it was like to hold a grown man in your hands?" he asked Tom.

       "Actually, it was much better holding you," Tom replied, as he

got out of the bed and put back on his jeans and t-shirt.  Chris

joined Tom by the bed and looked down at his former giant.  He pulled

the smaller man to him and gave him a large hug.

       "It's not so bad holding you, Tommy," Chris said.  The men

walked back into the dining room where Chris got dressed.  "This was

a call to remember.  I, uhm, don't usually do things like this.  I'm

glad you made it possible.  Maybe we could see each other again


       Tom had an enigmatic smile as he said, "I can almost guarantee

that we will, Chris."  The men shared a passionate kiss and they

walked onto the front porch.  Finally, Tom just said "Later," and lit

another cigarette as Chris got into his van.

       Chris had forgotten Tom's promise of an appropriate punishment

for his earlier attempt to escape.  Tom had not.  As Chris pulled

away, with the elegance of thought, Tom set into motion a punishment

that would be neither painful nor permanent, just as he'd earlier


       At exactly 5:00 that afternoon, Chris would not be 12 inches

tall again.  But, he would lose 12 inches of height.  And he would

lose that 12 inches for the following 24 hours.  That would make

Chris just over five feet tall.  Tom chuckled as he thought back to

what Chris had said when they first met.  His son, Michael, must be

just about 5'7", or so.  It would be an interesting night in Chris

and Michael's household, no doubt.  In fact, Tom wondered how late in

the night before his phone would ring, now that it was fixed, and

when he would again get to reach out and grab someone.

