A Small Takeover in a Big World

 By Sazzoray

Lance awoke for the third day in his new world and surveyed his surroundings, it was true, this was no dream, no, make that nightmare this was all too real. His life would never be the same. He realised it was truly a small world for him and from now on and he would have to try to make the best of it until he was able to gain his freedom and take revenge for what had happened to him. He walked over to the glass walls that imprisoned him, pressing his body against the cold glass surface. He could make out the huge mountainous shape in the bed at the other side of the room, it stirred and one large leg dropped out from under the black silk sheets. He yelled out at the top of his voice, but his captor just grunted and rolled over. Realising how futile his attempts would be at this time he slowly walked away from the glass wall. His feet were bare and he had been subjected to wearing rags, his face had three-day-old stubble and he hadn’t washed for the same length of time. He looked at his huge prison, was this really how his life was going to be from now on? Looking at what his life might have been, if only his plans had gone the way they were supposed to have done. Who would ever have thought his life would change so much by a mere youth, his own son, his captor, and his master. He dropped to his knees on the cold glass floor that stretched out in and enormous expanse in every direction and looked back at the events of the past months, all his planning, his hard work and for what? He started to thump the hard cold surface that was now his home, his prison, screaming, crying, with no one to hear him. Was this really how his life would end? Would anyone even notice his disappearance, would anyone even care or look for him?


It was March 12th and Lance Chesterton was just waking up from another late night at Chesterton Industries. He had slept on the couch in his office after working till almost midnight for the third time this week, but all the hard work and money spent on the project would all be worth it in the end. Lance Chesterton is thirty-nine with the body of a twenty-five year old. He works out at least four times a week in his private gym on the twelfth floor of his corporate building. He is a truly handsome man and stands at a very impressive six foot five-inches tall. He always kept his hair short and sported a thick moustache, both of which were dark. His eyes were hazel and his tan never seemed to fade. He is worth over twenty-five million dollars, most, of which he had earned with underhand deals and his marriage to Louise, daughter of multimillionaire Barkley Wendell.
Lance poured himself a coffee and looked back at his life. He had come a long way in the past twenty-two year; he had risen up from nothing to owning his own empire.
After leaving school he went on to college with remarkably high grades. This was where he was to first meet Louise Wendell. Due to his unruly behaviour he would eventually get kicked out of college. He thought then that he would never see her again after that .
They didn’t meet up again until two years later. After getting kicked out of college he took the position of a mail boy in a small electronics company, Tower-Tronics. Since he had begun his compilation of data on Tower-Tronics he had never expected to run into Louise again, now he was going to have both the company and the woman, eventually.
Louise and Lance had been meeting on a regular basis from when they were first reunited. They were becoming very close, but still just friends for the time being. As long as she didn’t meet another man this situation suited Lance perfectly until he had made his way up the corporate ladder of Tower-Tronics. He would now set his plan into operation. It was only two weeks after this that he was able to make his way on the road to wherever he decided he wanted to stop, and for Lance this was right at the top. Over the coming months he had made his way up the corporate ladder much more quickly than was really good for anyone. Over the next five years he made good all his plans and at twenty-five he had become vice president and from there it was only a short jump to a takeover of the company. He had the power and clout to make a takeover, now all he was lacking was the capital. He had made his way up to the top, not by conventional methods but by bribery and blackmail, even the odd accidental death and suicide for the less fortunate people who had got in his way. For Lance nothing was going to stop him, no one was going to get in his way. To Lance this seemed like the perfect way to get what he wanted. He never cared who he used or abused both men and women alike, young and old and once he was done he would throw them to one side. Now as vice president he needed the money to make a takeover bid, that was where Louise came in. He knew her father disapproved of him and under normal circumstances would never permit them to marry. However with his firm beliefs if Louise were to become pregnant, Barkley would insist on the marriage. He would not allow his daughter to bring a bastard child into the world.
Lance met up with Louise and they went out clubbing as was normal for the pair
on a Friday night. He made sure that Louise had a little too much to drink, and faking his own drunkenness too, the plan was set. They both made their way back to her apartment and one thing led to another.
Next morning, Lance woke early and just looked across the pillow at and smiled to himself, then he turned over and waited. Louise stirred and a look of total shock spread across her face. Had this really happened, had they spent the night together? Could this really be true?
“Lance, Lance wake up, Lance what have we done?” Tears began to well up in her eyes. “This was so wrong; we shouldn’t have done this.”
Lance making out that he had no idea what had happened gave a look of utter astonishment. “Oh my god Louise, we didn’t did we? I knew we had had too much to drink last night.” His seemingly concerned tone would have convinced anybody. As he ushered himself into the bathroom a large smile spread across his face. His deed was now done, all he had to do was wait and see if his seed had planted itself well enough to grow.
Three weeks went by and he heard nothing from Louise. Had she not fallen pregnant, if this was the case she would make sure there was no chance of it happening again. Just when he had almost given up hope he received a visit from Barkley Wendell himself. It was the visit Lance had been waiting for. Barkley told of the unfortunate predicament his daughter had fallen into and ordered that the pair should marry without haste. Lance gave a look of total shock on the outside whilst inside he was doing summersaults. He had done it. The wedding took place within less than a week. Once the honeymoon was over Lance was offered a job with Louise at her fathers company. This was not what Lance wanted he explained.
“Honey, if only I had the money I could buy up Tower-Tronics, it would be the perfect inheritance for our child.” He could see the seed planted in Louise’s mind, now all he had to do was wait. Louise readily came up trumps and offered the money to make the bid. There was only one stipulation that she made and that was that the child was to be named as owner of the company, with Lance having full control until the child was of legal age. Lance didn’t like the idea but if it was his only way then so it was. Reluctantly he agreed. The deal went ahead and at the age of twenty-six Lance Chesterton was now the new owner of Tower-Tronics. There were big changes to be made, the first being the name of the company. Lance wanted everyone to know that it was he who was the lord and master of the corporation. Lance made a big press announcement about the company being renamed and had TV crews and newspapers there for the unveiling. Chesterton Industries was born.
Louise was already seven months pregnant by this time and once the press conference was over she kissed Lance affectionately and went down to her car and left. Little did Lance know that this would be the last time the pair would share a passionate moment?
Lance was surprised when he he saw two uniformed officers entering the building, little did he know how their visit would alter his life completely.
“Mr Chesterton, may we have a word in private please?” Asked one of the officers.
Looking rather puzzled and annoyed Lance snapped. “Honestly officers, can’t whatever it is wait. As you can see this is a day of celebration, surely nothing is that important that a few hours won’t make any difference?”
One officer looked to the other. “Please sir, it’s your wife.”
“Louise, what? What do you mean?” Panic filled his face. Although money had been the reason for Louise and himself becoming one, he had grown to love her
dearly over the last few months.
“There was an accident on the highway. No one knows what happened. Early indications seem to show that she passed out at the wheel of her car.”
There was a sudden hush fall over the buzzing room as Lance fell to his knees screaming and crying. Something nobody had ever seen this man do before, in fact it was the most emotion most of them had ever seen from him. The officers helped him up and drove him to the hospital.
Louise had survived the accident, but was in a critical condition, the prognosis wasn’t good at all. Lance was told that she was unlikely to survive, but there was a chance that the baby could be saved. Only they needed to operate immediately in order to save the child. Lance was in total shock. He just sat there and wept. Never in his entire life had he felt so vulnerable. Not even realising what he was doing he signed the consent forms for the operation.
The child was saved but being almost eight weeks premature even he had little chance of survival. Louise however did not make it. Lance lost all hope to live with this news. He no longer cared about anything, not the company, not his son, nothing. He felt life was not worth going on with. He couldn’t even bare to look at his son, let alone hold him.
After the funeral, baby Lewis Chesterton was allowed home. Lance paid for a nanny and never once came in to see his son. Instead he threw himself into his work.
As the years passed and Lewis grew he craved attention from his father, attention he was never going to receive. And so Lewis grew to hate his father. A man who did not even know his own son’s birthday. A man who never showed any interest in him at all. Lance still wanted nothing to do with his son, that is until the day the police brought him home drunk, at just twelve years old. Lance was furious. It was the last straw. Lance arranged for him to attend boarding school to the protest of son. After boarding school he went away to college, spending as little time at his fathers home as he could. That was nine years ago.
Lewis was due home at the end of the week and Lance wanted to, after twenty-one years of neglect to try to build some bridges with his son. After all in six months Lewis would come of age and Chesterton Industries would be his.

Lance had only six months to make the changes needed to secure his place on the board remained once Lewis was of age to take charge of the company. He had not worked this hard to have his own son kick him out of his own boardroom. He would have to go down to the labs and see if everything was up to speed; there was not a moment to lose. He rose from his desk and tidied himself up, brushed his hair and a had a quick shave. At this early hour there would only be one or two others in the building along with himself and the three lab staff. He walked over to the elevator and entered, pressing the button to take him down to the labs.
As he entered the lab, he could see the three men working away like beavers. “Hi, men, and how is my special project coming along?” Lance asked. Startled, the three jumped.
“Ah Mr Chesterton, we didn’t know you were in the building this early. We were going to call you as soon as we thought you would be in. It is finished. Would you like a demonstration?” Replied Warwick. Lance’s face lit up at the idea of his project finally being finished. He looked over at the three and gave a nod. Warwick opened a sealed chamber and entered. He returned with a large laser like contraption. It was pointed towards one of the lab rabbits and switched on. It gave out a slight whirring sound and lit up in luminescent green glow. A flash of light and then it powered down automatically. The cage was nowhere to be seen. On closer inspection, Lance and the three others saw the cage reduced and inside was a tiny white rabbit as small as a bug.
“This is a master piece, but is there anyway to reverse the effects?” Lance looked sternly at the three. “And it is a bit cumbersome. The effects are excellent, but it will be difficult to get this thing anywhere at all at that size.”
Warwick looked at Lance with a glint in his eye. “Mr Chesterton, we have thought of that.” With that he produced a small watch like device and handed it to Lance. Lance looked at it with a, what the hell is this, look on his face. “Let me show you sir.” Warwick nervously continues. He straps the device to lance’s wrist. “This Mr Chesterton, is the most revolutionary device that has ever been invented? With this you can use the laser anywhere you like. The watch takes its power from the laser here in the lab. To activate it you just speak into it after pressing the screen here. Say the size you wish the item to be, be it bigger or smaller and aim it. The laser here will do the rest. However, you can only make things bigger if they have already been reduced. When an item is shrunk, all the molecules are stored here.” Warwick points to a glass canister at the heart of the laser. “ If you wish to reduce many things the canister may become full. Then all you have to do is transfer the molecules into another canister. Then all you have to do is return the molecules back in here to return the objects to whatever size you wish.”
“This is excellent men. Now who else knows about this project? Did any of you tell anyone?” Lance asks.
“No sir.” Warwick replies.
“Well Warwick, I’ll be sending for the three of you in due course to bring the laser up to my office.” With that Lance left the lab with a grin on his face.
On reaching his office, he brought up the files of the three men from the lab. All were single, with no family living near. This was going to be easier than he thought. He called the lab and got Warwick and the other two, he never did know their names, to bring the laser up to his office. He wanted it done before anyone else entered the building. The less people who knew about this device the better.
The three from the lab carried the laser into the express elevator and rode up to Lance Chesterton’s office. For two it was the first time they had been there, for Warwick it was common place for him to be called up to discuss the projects they worked on. In a matter of seconds the doors opened and the three scooted into the large office. Lance showed the men where to put the laser, and watched as they set it up. On completion Lance called them over to his desk. “Well men you have done an excellent job, but there must be no way anyone else can find out about this device. Your employment here must be terminated.” All three men looked stunned. “Don’t worry, you will be taken care of, after all if anything goes wrong with this device I will need your expertise.” Lance grinned as he turned away from the men and walked towards the door. None of them heard him whisper into the watch the words “two inches,” He turned to shake Warwick’s hand and spoke the word, “Now.” Warwick just seemed to vanish, then one of the other men and the third. Lance looked down at the three two inch men scurrying around the office carpet. It was easy work to catch all three tiny men. He then placed them on his desk. Slamming his fist down on the desk beside them, they each fell over with the force. “Well men, what happens if I press this button?” Lance asks, his huge finger poised over the little green button.
“No, not that one.” Warwick screams. “If you press that all our molecules will be released and you won’t be able to restore us.”
“Is that so.” Lance grins as his finger presses down on the switch. With a whoosh the canister is empty. All Lance can hear are the tiny screams of three tiny men on his desk. He opens his draw and removes three small jars and places each little man into one. As they watch from their glass prison, they each see their files deleted and their employment with Lance Chesterton never seems to have existed. Lance walks over to a secret cupboard and places the jars inside. “Don’t worry men, there will soon be others to join you. With a sly grin he closes the door to the terrified screams of his first victims. Lance tried to convince himself that he had done nothing wrong, after all he had to make sure no word ever got out about his new weapon.

Lance sat down at his desk and marvelled at his new toy. Now with this in his possession he would have no trouble cutting his opposition down to size. No one would be able to stand in his way. He would be a god in his own right. He began to make out a list of those he would need to eliminate from the race. With his list complete, he brought the first file up on his computer.
“Terry Underwood, What a jackass.” Thought Lance. He would be pleased to see him brought down a peg or two. He knew Terry was gay and often frequented ROWDIES, a little gay bar. That was where he would make his move.
He waited until early evening and left the office. He arrived at Rowdies and took up residence on a stool at the end of the bar, from his vantage point he could see when Terry entered. Three hours had passed and Lance was giving up hope of his newest victim arriving when Terry walked in, alone. Terry was twenty eight year old guy with the body of a god. Lance had always admired how Terry managed to keep his body so perfect. He sported a golden tan and had slick black hair. He also had an all day five-o-clock shadow. Lance was str8, but somehow always felt a slight attraction to this man. Lance waited for Terry to settle at the bar and then made eye contact. Terry was surprised to see him there. He moved closer to Lance and offered to buy him a drink. The two chatted at length about nothing in particular. Before both men knew it, the bar was ready to close. The two of them walked out to the parking lot and Lance stared at Terry as they made their way to his car. Terry leaned over and gave Lance a kiss and climbed into his car. It was at this exact moment that Lance gave his command.
Terry didn’t know what happened, it was so fast. One minute he was looking at Lance, the next there was nothing but a black wall in front of him. He jumped out of his car just in time to see the wall rise off the ground and come with a thud on his beloved car. He looked up and froze. He was staring up at the giant form of Lance Chesterton. This was not possible. In a second a giant hand swooped down and encased the two inch man. Terry struggled but to no avail. He almost passed out at the speed at which he rose.
Lance opened his palm to look at his tiny new victim. Terry just sat there in disbelief. Lance looked at the tiny pile of crushed metal. Aiming his writ towards it, it continued to shrink until it was nothing more than the size of a speck of dust. Lance made his way to his own car. He threw the tiny Terry into the glove compartment and made his way home.
Once Back at his home, Lance grabbed for his tiny toy man and took him inside. Placing the still terrified Terry on the kitchen counter, Lance felt his penis twitch. This was something he had not been expecting. He had never expected to become aroused by his own tiny victims. He ordered Terry to strip. He knew if this was the reason for his arousal that seeing the tiny man naked would make his member truly stand to attention.
Terry hesitated at first, but as Lance smashed his fist on the counter, Terry quickly complied. Lance could not believe the effect this tiny naked man was having on his sexual awareness. This was something new to him and he liked it.

Lance decided it was \time to take things one step further, he began to slowly strip his own clothes off right there in his kitchen in front of his new toy. Once he was totally naked, he leaned on his elbows on the counter, hiding his lower body from the view of his tiny captive. Lance stared at first at the perfect, albeit tiny, body of Terry Underwood and then at his own perfectly formed and very erect penis. He felt such power over this tiny man. A man who was only a fraction the size of his throbbing manhood. Terry was now beginning to wake up to exactly what had happened to him, up till now he had hoped it was just a drunken dream, but he no longer believed this.
He walked towards the edge of the counter and yelled up to his giant companion. “What the fuck did you do to me ? What do you want with me?”
Lance just grinned and said nothing, and stood up to his full height, his groin now above the counter. His massive erection stood like a monument, towering over the 2” man. Terry just gulped at the size of this thing that loomed over him. It must have been at least 5 times the size of his entire body. It was already bubbling with drops of white pre-cum. They rolled down the twitching pole as Terry just stared in awe. Lance reached for his new toy and picked him up by his ankle. Terry writhed and yelled, but to no avail. Lance brought up the struggling toy man to his face and blew his warm breath over the tiny naked form. To Terry it was like a hurricane. Then the giant spoke. “You, my tiny slave are my new toy. You will do everything you are ordered or pay the consequences.” he laughed and walked towards the couch. Dropping onto the sofa, he placed the human insect at the base of his penis and ordered him to climb and make him cum. Terry just could not believe what this man was telling him to do. He hesitated a little, catching the glance he was getting from his now giant master. With more than a little reluctance, he began his climb.
Terry had never before realised how much heat radiated from the human penis. He was so warm, he began to sweat. This only made his task harder. As if it were not hard enough to climb this giant piece of man flesh, now his climb was hindered with his own moist body slipping. As he eventually neared the summit, he could see the gapping hole that was the piss slit, bubbling with a thick creamy liquid. He held onto the fleshy skin and stopped. Looking up at his master, he waited for his instructions. Silly really, because he knew whatr they would be.
“Now my tiny slave, you may feast on my cum. It has all the nutrients you are going to need to live on. And if you are very good, you may even get a reward.” Terry began to gingerly head for the goo and begin licking it up. The feeling of this tiny man on his mighty erection was just too much for Lance and he could hold his load no more. With one powerful moan, he erupted. His powerful force of cum, hitting Terry in the face, throwing him off balance. He tumbled off the top of the giant column and landed on the stomach of his master. The white shower followed, covering his tiny naked body. He was almost choking in the fluid. “Now my slave, look what yopu have made me do! You will just have to clean it all up. I want to see my stomach, cum free or else you will suffer the consequences.” He roared. Terry shuffled around on all fours, lapping up as much as he could as if he were a dog. Lance had never considered this side of his power before. Now he could have a whole army of tiny slaves to service his every need. He watched on as his slave worked hard.
Terry collapsed in a heap on finishing his task. He noticed the giant shadow of his master’s hand loom over him, but he was in no state to put up any resistance. He felt the huge warm fingers wrap around his body and his world fell into darkness as the fist closed around him. The next thing he knew he had been dropped into a glass jar. It’s sides were smooth and cold. There was no way he could possibly scale them even if he had somewhere to go, which he did not. He just curled up on the cold glass floor of his prison and fell to sleep shivering.
He was woken with a start the next morning when Lance’s alarm clock began to bleep right next to Terry’s glass home. Lance reached out of his bed and pressed the clock to shut it up, his hand then wandered over to the jar, which he picked up and brought into his vision. He smiled at the sight of the pathetic form of his victim, thumping his fists on the glass walls and yelling. He placed the jar back on the bedside table and jumped out of bed, his huge flaccid penis flopping around in front of the jar. This only magnified the mammoth beast. Lance held his growing rod over the jar and let loose with a stream of warm piss, flooding the jar and almost drowning his tiny slave. Every time that the little man bobbed to the surface, lance shot him under the piss with his jet. He carries the jar into the bathroom with him so that he could watch his tiny toy tread his piss as he showered and shaved. He had never felt so powerful in his entire life.
Terry was left in the jar throughout the shower, he remained there whilst his master dressed, underwear, socks, shirt, tie, but no trousers, being bobbed under the piss from time to time. He was still treading the ever cold growing vile liquid even at the breakfast table as Lance did his crossword, pushing the tiny man under with his pen, making sure that his slave took in the odd mouthful of his urine. Now it was time to leave for the board meeting. He held his pen over the 2” slave and ordered him to grab on. He was hoisted out and placed in the kitchen sink under the cold tap to shower off.
“Hey you fucker, Change me back now. I have to go to that meeting this morning.” Yelled the miniature man.
Lance just laughed at him. “What so you can be one of the men who vote me off, not likely slave, you will never be any bigger than you are now. However, you can come with me to the meeting if you really insist.” With that he reached out and picked up Terry and roughly dried him off. “I have just the place for you.” He said with an evil grin. With that he pulled back the elastic of his briefs and let his tiny slave fall onto his erecting penis. He got out some thread and proceeded to tie his struggling victim to his massive rod. With that he let the band snap back and pulled on his trousers, throwing his slave into total darkness.
He arrived at the meeting before anyone else and made himself comfortable in his seat, groping his groin and slave to boot. He knew already he was dripping pre-cum on his tiny slave. When everyone was seated Lance began the meeting.
“Sir, Mr Chesterton, Terry Underwood isn’t here, should we really begin?” One of the others asked.
“Don’t worry about Mr Underwood, He is a little tied up today, but I’m sure he will hear of everything that is discussed in this meeting. Now, I believe one or two of you are wanting to vote me off the board is that right? Come along men, there is nothing goes on in this company that I don’t know. I am sure by the end of the week you will have all have changed you opinion of me and I shall remain on this board.”

“Now, I believe one or two of you are wanting to vote me off the board, is that right? Come along men, there is nothing goes on in this company that I don’t know. But I am sure by the end of the week you will have all have changed you opinion of me and I shall remain on this board.” Lance spoke out to the seven remaining board members. “So, which of you wants me off? Either you can tell me or I can tell you, which is it to be?” All seven men sat there in astonished silence. None were eager to speak up to the great Lance Chesterton. They each feared for their own security. It was easy for them to speak behind his back, but actually to his face, never. There were four more men besides Terry Underwood who wanted rid of Lance. Lance was growing bored with this charade from the other board members and he told them that the meeting was cancelled. They all scuttled away as fast as they could. All they had to do was wait until the end of the week for the votes to be cast and Lance Chesterton would be out of their hair for good.
Lance however had different ideas about who should leave the board. All he had to do was make sure no one suspected him of any foul play. He sat at his desk and called in his secretary. Asking her to take down a memo and make sure that all board members receive a copy. With this memo doing the rounds, he felt he would be able to eliminate his enemies within with ease and without suspicion. He knew he would be safe from the three younger members of the board. Bill Buxton, B.J. Weldon and Marcus Lester, they were all friends of Lewis and did not want to upset their friend father, whether Lewis liked him or not.
Each of the seven board members got their memos. Granger Janus was the first to get his memo. He was only 5’10”, but he was all muscle and had a good head on his shoulders. After Terry Underwood, Granger was the next big threat to Lance and Granger knew this. He was very wary of anything that had Lance Chesterton’s signature on it. Especially something that offered such a good deal to his rivals. He got straight on the line to Perry Dixon. Perry was taller than Granger at 6’2”. He was solid but not with the perfect physique of Granger, mind you there was nothing to choose in their god like good looks.
“So Perry, what do you make of this offer?” He asks. “You don’t think Terry was bought off with an offer like this do you? I mean it does sound good. Look meet you in an hour at LACEY’S BAR and we can talk. Get Trent and Antonio to meet us there so we can decide how we want to play this. Shit, I think Chesterton is coming, so I’ve got to go. One hour Perry, be there.” Granger slams the phone down just as Lance enters his office. “Don’t you ever knock? This might be the company you started but it does not give you the right to just walk into other peoples offices without knocking.” Granger was furious at this intrusion.
“Hey, hold back the firing range Granger. I only came to see if you got my memo? Wanted to know if you had had time to read it?” Lance smiles at his foe with a knowing look. “Hell, if you don’t want the job, there are plenty out there who would love it. Don’t take forever, the offer won’t last long and it‘s first come.” He walks away now he has planted some interest into the proposition. All Lance has to do is wait. He only hopes he won’t have to wait too long.
Perry, Trent and Antonio were already at LACEY’S when Granger arrived. He order his drink and the four men went to one of the more secluded tables to discuss the offer they had all received. “Look, this is not like old Chesterton at all.” Began Granger. “He never gives away anything for nothing. I mean has any of you even heard of this company? And what kind of name is GIGANTA SWIFT?
Antonio chimes up. “Come on Granger, who cares what the company is called. The offer is fantastic, the offer of a job for life. I for one think we should all accept the offer.”
“This is what I mean. The job offer is just too good to be true. There is something not quite right. I think we should hold off until we can find out more about the company. If I can’t dig up any dirt on this GIGANTA SWIFT then we can take Chesterton up on his offer. Give me one week. OK!” Granger leaves the bar with Perry whilst the other two remain behind.
“Granger will never trust Chesterton, he thinks everything is suspicious where he is concerned. I think we should meet with Chesterton and sign over our share options and take his offer.” Antonio announces, he and Marcus are a couple and as the bigger stronger man, Marcus nearly always follows his lovers lead.
Marcus is a little more cautious, he looks over at Antonio knowing that his boyfriend will not be happy that he has disagreed with him, at least he waited until the other two had left . “I don’t know, maybe Granger was right. Maybe we should wait.”
“Look, I know the old guy goes to the steam room every Friday at six. What say we ask to meet him there in private and find out more about the job. If you still aren’t sure then we can wait and see what Granger has to say. Deal? Antonio has a way about him that makes it hard to say no. Maybe it’s his big dark Italian eyes.
Reluctantly Marcus agrees. “Deal, but Granger must never find out.”
Lance is pleased to receive a call from Antonio Marcinni, asking for a private meeting for himself and Marcus Norton. “It looks like two are in the net, two down and two to go.” He thinks to himself. He spends the rest of the day clock watching.
Six o clock arrives and both Marcus and Antonio both get to the company gym and strip off and wrap a towel round their bronzed bodies. They enter the steam room where Lance is already waiting. He can’t help but to stare at the beautiful body of Antonio. He is like some bronze Olympian god, with his muscles and slightly haired chest, while Marcus was there with and almost equally exquisite body, covered in masses of thick black hair on his arms, legs and chest. Lance had to take a deep breath just to stop himself drooling. For a straight man, he was feeling some great attraction to these two men.
“Here, take a seat.” Lance offered the two men, already given the instruction of two inches to the wrist watch before these young unsuspecting fools arrived. “Now, what is it that you want to know about this offer?”
“Well, it’s just it sounds too good to be true.” Blurted out Marcus. “Is it really how it sounds?”
Antonio interrupts before Marcus makes a complete ass of himself. “It’s like this bit. Here it says a job for life. How can you guarantee a job for life? And where it says All living arrangements will taken care of at no cost to ourselves. And we will want for nothing, no expense will be spared. Is all this true? ” Both men’s eyes were wide with anticipation.
Lance just gave a confident smile as he knew already that he had won two new pets to add to his collection. “Every word is true. There will be no more nine to fives for you if you sign here. Sign these contracts and your new lives are guaranteed and here in the final paragraph it says that all your shares revert back to the company when your new jobs begin.” He could feel himself becoming hard at the thought of these two imbeciles about to actually sing a contract that says they will become his toys. How stupid of them not to read the small print. He was finding it hard to hide his erection under his small towel. “Do you need a pen gentlemen?”
“When will our new jobs begin?” Marcus enquires now more confident.
“As soon as you sign your new lives can begin I can promise you that.”
Both Marcus and Antonio looked at each other with a big grin on their faces. They gave each other a high five. “Well now we’ll see who has the last laugh, Granger or us.” Antonio laughs. He grabs the pen and signs on the last page. Marcus stops and momentarily wavers, but then just shakes his head and adds his own signature on the second contract. “Well what happens now?”
“This.” Lance grins at the two unsuspecting twenty-seven year olds as he point his wrist in their direction. “NOW.” Immediately both men were reduced to the more manageable size of two inches, towels and all.
Neither men knew what happened it was so fast. They both looked around wildly at the new world that occupied their vision. Marcus held onto Antonio tightly as they saw what looked like some huge pink rocks in front of them. They were snapped out of their staring by a thunderous laugh from way above them. They tilted their heads upwards to see who or what was making such a noise. Marcus legs gave way under him at what filled his view. Antonio just stared. He had never seen such a huge man in his life. It still had not registered to him that to see such a big man, he himself must be so tiny. Nothing registered with him until one of the huge manicured toes knocked him over. It was then that reality set in, by this time Marcus was on his knees sobbing his heart out.
Lance reached down and grabbed both tiny figures up in one grasp and brought them up to his face for a closer inspection. “What the fuck have you done to us?” Screamed the burly albeit tiny Italian stud. “What about these jobs?” He, himself couldn’t believe what he was saying. At his newly reduced size and he was asking about a job, was he mad.
“You should have read the small print you fools. Your new jobs are as my tiny slaves.” Laughs the giant Lance.
“You can’t do this. Return us back to normal now.” Demanded the tiny man, now getting his confidence back. All the while, Marcus is clinging to his lover.
Lance just shakes his head at the two new toys for his collection. “There is nothing you can do, you signed of your own free will. It’s a binding contract, a contract for life so get used to it.” Before he can say anything more the door creaks open. He quickly closes his hand around his tiny prisoners as Erik Morley from accounts enters. Both men just smile politely at each other as Lance stands and leaves with his new additions. “Well you two, it looks like I am going to have some great fun with you, as you already work as a team.” With that he drops the two in a small jar in his locker. He dresses and leaves. “Three down two to go and less than a week to do it in.” He says to himself. With an enormous smile on his face he heads off to his apartment to enjoy his new triumph.

Lance arrived at his apartment and placed the jar on the kitchen counter, bending over to view his tiny new pets. He removed the lid and tipped out the two tiny men, as they tumbled onto the counter, there bodies became entangled and their towels were pulled off their perfect bodies. Lance just gave a chuckle as he saw the two of them scramble to their feet, not realising their naked predicament. Lance reached out and both men took off running, where to they didn’t know, they just ran. The giant laughed at the speed the tiny figures could move, especially as his only objective at the moment was to pick up the minute pieces of cloth that fell from the insects waists.
As Antonio and Marcus saw what Lance was doing they looked at each other and then down at their own bodies. It now hit them that not only were they miniscule but naked to boot, and no-one even knew they were here, in fact with signing those contracts no-one would even be looking for them. Antonio, the top of the pair of lovers, decided it was time to find out exactly what their giant boss expected of them, and if there would be anyway they could themselves find a way to get help. He padded back up the counter and stood before the huge form of his boss.
Lance picked up a small glass and placed it over the still quivering Marcus, then drew his attention to the naked 2 inch stud in is view. “Ah, I see you have come to pay homage to your god little man!” He laughs. As the Italian insect reacts with his tiny squeaking yells the phone rings, deafening the tiny man. Lance picks up the receiver and begins to speak. “Lewis, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon.” The colour seems to drop from his face as his son talks on the other end of the phone. Antonio is still ranting and jumping up and down at his new tine existence. Lance just glowers down at him and places his palm over the miniature body, pressing him flat on the counter surfaces. The tiny legs and feet sticking out, kicking wildly as the 2 inch figure struggles for freedom. Lance replaces the receiver as if in a trance and then realises that his hand is still holding down his new pet. Lewis has just dropped the biggest bombshell possible. He was returning home in two days not a week. Lance knew he had to work fast. With Granger and Perry still at large, so to speak, they could still have enough power to convince Lewis to get rid of his father.
He released his grip on Antonio, wrapping his fingers around the perfect body of this Italian stallion, and placed him in a chrome cage along with his equally tiny lover, Marcus. Clicking the small padlock shut to prevent the escape of his new pets, he placed the cage in a cupboard. Playing with his new toys would have to wait. He had less than 48 hours to cut his two enemies down to size. There was no time to waste, he would do whatever it took and take down anyone who stood in his way. He had worked too hard to loose it all for the sake of some young punks.
He awoke at his desk in his home and tried to focus his vision. Still blurry eyed he saw the clock on his desk flashing 6:13am. As he scanned his desk he saw the half empty bottle of scotch, now he knew why his head was thumping so hard. It was just then that the events of the previous night came flooding back. He sat bolt upright and tried to pull himself together. How to get those two assholes? Lance tried to think of anything that he had heard that might be of some help. Then in a flash he remembered how Perry always jogged round the park at 6:30am. This gave Lance less than 15 minutes to get his plan into action and get to the park.
He quickly changed and set his wrist laser ready for the one word instruction “NOW” to bring Perry to a more manageable 2 inches. He arrived at the park gates at 6: 28 precisely. He hurried through the park and sat on one of the benches waiting for his next victim to come along. He had little time to wait, because at exactly 6:30 Perry entered the park and began his daily jog.
Perry came jogging along and was surprised to see the Lance Chesterton sitting on a bench at this time of the morning. After all he had all kinds of equipment in his gym to never need to leave it to get any exercise he would need. Perry decided to take a seat on the bench next to Lance to find out what he was up to. He had an idea it must be something to do with the job offer and he was intrigued. Lance must really want him to take this job desperately to go to such lengths. Both men began to make polite conversation, but neither mentioned the job to the other. After several minutes, Lance asked Perry if he would come back to his apartment as he had something he wanted to sort out.
Perry thinking his luck was in, agreed to going back with his boss. Little did he know what his boss had in store for him. On arriving back at Lance’s apartment, Perry decided that he had to know what all this was about. “Look sir, what is going on?” Perry asked a little nervously.
Lance looked over at his foe and casually said to him. “Look it’s as simple as this, Antonio and Marcus have taken advantage of my offer and there is one place left. It is first come to get the job, but I was really hoping you would get it before Granger.” He took out the two signed contracts from the other two and showed them to Perry. “All you have to do is put your signature here and you could join them in a life of money free worries.” Those last three words echoed in Perry’s head.
“Oh what the fuck, what have I got to lose?” Perry exclaimed and took out his own gold pen and scrawled his name on the dotted line.
Lance gave a deep sigh and said calmly the one word needed to complete this transaction, “Now”
Perry’s head buzzed for only a few seconds, too quick to even notice what was happening. He spun his head and saw immediately a gigantic pair of running shoes before him. His neck followed the shoe up past the leg until almost toppling backwards he saw his boss, only a hundred times bigger. He was so shocked that he made no attempt what so ever to run as the giant Lance reached down to grab the 2 inch figure. As Perry was lifted in the giant’s grip, he began to kick and struggle. In the process his tiny running shoes became loose and flew off in different directions.
The tiny screams of the once big Perry made Lance just grin. The sound was just a squeak. Lance reached over into a cupboard and pulled out the jar housing both Antonio and Marcus. “Well little man, I guess it’s time to strip and join your friends in your new job.” Lance gave a loud roar of laughter at this which almost deafened Perry. Lance dropped his new captive from his grip in to the palm of his other open hand. Perry scrambled to get to his feet and stared nervously at his boss and master. “Strip, I said runt, or I can just rip those clothes of you, and maybe the odd limb too.” Snarled Lance.
Perry gave a gulp and slowly removed his clothes. He crouched down totally naked in the soft smooth palm of a man he had once admired. He was almost in tears as the hand moved close to the jar. With his free hand the mighty giant unscrewed the lid and dropped his new acquisition onto the cold glass floor below.
“Well little man, here are the other new employees. They’ll tell you what your new duties are.” With that he put the lid back on and went to change for the office. He had one day letf to finish his work and take Granger out of the running before Lewis arrived home. It would be tight but he was certain he could do it. It had got to the stage where he would take as many risks as he had to, and he would shrink anyone who got in his way. He just had to cut Granger down to size.
He arrived at the office and sent all three signed contracts in the internal mail. He wanted these signed documents on record so that there was no comeback. He sat in his chair and pulled the small jar out of his briefcase. Placing it on his desk he saw the three naked creatures pressed up against the glass, thumping and banging, shouting. Lance just smiled and went over to the cupboard that housed his devise. He pressed the large green button and the canister holding the molecules for all his prisoners was released. He gave a sigh of relief to know that he would never have to worry about these men ever being big enough to be of any threat to him in the future. Their futures were to be his tiny slaves for as long as he wanted, all he needed to make things perfect was the ringleader of this little band and he would join them very soon. He carried the jar over to the cupboard that the other jars were kept and lifted two of the tiny figures out placing them in separate jars. The last thing he wanted right now were his three newest recruits working together to free themselves, not that they could do much if they did escape.
As Lance looked on longingly at his zoo of shrunken men he gave a deep sigh and a satisfied grin. All seven tiny figures came running to the front of their jars and banged and yelled. “Not yet my pets, but very soon I promise you. We will play very soon.” With fear in their eyes, Lance shut the door and shut out the cries of his tiny men and not a moment too soon. He was just turning the key in the lock when he gave a slight startled jump from the sound of Grangers voice behind him. He prayed the this man had not seen his collection.
“What the fuck you playing at Chesterton?” Demanded Granger slamming down copies of the contracts signed by his three friends. “Where are they? They wouldn’t just leave without telling me.”
“And why not? You tried to stop them, maybe they just wanted to get away from you before you could change their minds.” Lance replied. “As you can see, I now have the majority shares of this board again and I could so easily sway the other board members to vote you out.” Granger looked on with dismay on his face. He knew what his boss said was true. “But I am a fair man. I am prepared to offer you the position of head of a new department. I will of course be boss overall but you will be the boss of the others. Now this offer is only good for one hour. All you have to do is sign your shares over to me.” Lance could see how easily he had won this man over as Granger took out his own pen and signed his life away. He had figured the deciding factors must have been the fact that he could lord it over his disloyal friends.
“So where do I have to go for this new job?” Demands Granger. He is quite pleased at the idea of being boss to his so called friends but at the same time feels really pissed at losing against his own boss.
“Well! What are you waiting for? Go and clear your office and I will show you what your job entails. I expect to see you at my apartment in two hours. Have you got that?” Lance asks.
“Sure. And I will be the big man around the rest of them?”
Almost breaking into laughter Lance replies. “But of course, but just remember I will be the big man to you as well though.” Granger leaves and Lance flops into his chair with a big sigh of relief. He couldn’t believe how easy it was to get his biggest threat to sing his life away like that. He opened his cupboard and picked up the jar that was the prison for Warwick. Taking the lid of and spilling the tiny man onto his desk, he asked. “If I were to shrink the laser to transport it then re-grow it would it do any harm?” The tiny figure shook his head. That is all Lance needed to know. He placed his tiny prisoner back into his glass cell and screwed the lid back on. He placed the jar back on the shelf in the cupboard and shrank the whole lot. All the tiny men in their glass jar prisons screamed and thumped as the large cupboard holding them began to shrink. It stopped at just 5 inches, the men in the jars were now too small to see. Lance closed the cupboard and reduced the large cumbersome laser. He placed both in his jacket pocket and left the building.
On arriving at his home he restored the laser and cupboard to their original sizes and waited for his newest toy to arrive. Granger as always was late. He casually strolled in 15 minutes late. “So what does this new job have me doing?”
“Oh you’ll see and I’m sure you’ll be very surprised.” With that he quickly whispered into his wrist band, “3 inches now.” Immediately Granger was the princely size of just 3 manageable inches standing in front of the giant Lance.
Granger put his hands to his face and screamed “Noooooooo.” He dropped to his knees. “What have you done to me?”
“Nothing more than you deserve little man. Be grateful, the others are smaller still. You will still be the big man to them as you wanted.” With that he gave a roaring laugh and slid his foot out of his shoe and nudged Granger with his toe. “Strip little man, you won’t be needing any clothes in your new job.” Granger was not going to be so easy to tame as the others had been. He was headstrong and refused wholeheartedly to remove his clothes. Lance just took this as an act of fear. He repeated his words again but still the little man refused, but this time it was obvious to Lance that this was nothing more than a simple act of defiance. Lance was beginning to grow angry and snatched the tiny man from the carpet. He held the now struggling Granger between his thumb and forefinger. He pulled off the tiny shoes and socks easily. Next came the trousers. Grabbing the bottom of one leg he ripped them off. The tiny man screamed in pain. “Well slave, are you going to do the rest or do you want me to continue?” Granger felt he no longer had a choice, not if he wanted to keep from having any bones broken. He stood in the palm of his giants hand and removed his jacket, shirt and briefs. He stood sobbing and shaking on this warm flesh feeling totally humiliated and degraded, naked and frightened. He carried Granger over to the laser and asked. “Do you know what this does?” Pointing to the large green button. The frightened little man just shook his head. “Pressing this will release this canisters contents. When I release all this from here it means you will never grow to any size bigger than you are now. Shock showed on his new toys face as the green button was pressed, condemning Granger to a life of never being any bigger than he was now. Pleased with his accomplishments today he placed his newest and most prized possession into a jar and set it amongst the others. He decided it was now time to celebrate. He grabbed his coat and left for the nearest bar. Now he had all his troubles safely imprisoned in a set of small glass jars. He was going to make sure he had a good time tonight now that his worries had been reduced.
It was 11pm when the zoo of tiny victims hear the key in the door and the handle being turned. When the light was switched on, all tiny figures were blinded from it’s brightness. It was difficult to see properly through the thick glass, but they were all certain that that was not their master.
Lewis dropped his bags in the kitchen and closed the door. He went to pour himself a coffee from the pot. As he came close something caught his attention was the set of tiny dolls clothes on the counter. He thought this rather odd until he picked them up and the tiniest driving license fell out of the trouser pocket. It was so tiny that he could not even make out the writing. He poured himself a coffee and looked around confused. That is when he spotted the row of tiny jars on a shelf. He walked over and dropped his cup onto the floor as he saw what was in each jar. He had never been affected with jetlag like this before in his entire life. He picked up one of the small jars and peered in. Not believing what he was seeing he opened the jar and poured the 2 inch tall man onto the kitchen counter. Peering closer he was startled when the tiny man spoke.
“Please you have got to help us.” Begged the little Warwick. “Your father did this to us. You have got to stop him, please.”
“What! How?” Was all Lewis could stammer. He picked up the tiny man in his hand and went to the table. He placed the figure in front of himself and listened as the minute man old his story. “So if I can get hold of this wrist device then I can stop my father?” Asked Lewis. “I’ll have to put you back. If he comes in and sees either me here or you missing he might get suspicious.” The little man agreed and was placed back in his jar and set amongst the others. Lewis cleared up the broken cup and put his cases away in his room and waited.
It was 3 am before Lance came staggering back through the door. He stumbled around kicking off his shoes and throwing off his clothes. When he had become completely naked he flopped on the sofa, out for the count. Lewis crept in and gently removed the wrist control. He slipped it onto his own wrist and with a deep breath spoke softly the words, “2 inches now.” and pointed it at his father. He was amazed at how fast his father shrunk. There before him was a 2 inch naked version of his very own father. He had never got on with his domineering father and had not been looking forward to coming home. Now however things would be different. Lewis took a glass aquarium from his closet and gently placed his father in it. All the little men cheered. Lewis carried the aquarium to his bedroom and placed it on a set of drawers and climbed into bed.
He awoke early the next morning and the first thing he did was check on his father who was still sleeping soundly. He went to the kitchen to check on the rest of the little men. On inspecting them he called his friends, Bill Buxton, B.J. Weldon and Trent Lester. They all met at Lance’s home within the hour. Lewis showed the three the collection of tiny men his father had acquired. They were all a gag at the sight of their colleagues so tiny, naked and helpless. Lewis told his friends that he was going to allow each one to take a pet of his own home. B.J. asked if he could take both Antonio and Marcus as they were actually a couple. Lewis agreed and gave Bill the tiny Perry and Trent took Terry. Each was pleased with their gift from a friend who they had not seen for such a long time. The tiny men however were less than happy. Lewis then explained to them that it was for their own good as there was no way of reversing their shrinkages. This didn’t make the tiny pets feel any better and each yelled out their protests. Lewis decided he wanted to keep his own old enemy Granger. Maybe he did have something in common with his father after all. He also kept Warwick and the other two lab assistants. If anyone could come up with a way to restore their own sizes it would be these three. A miniature lab was built for these men and Lewis promised them that money was no object.
As for his father, Lewis decided it was time he knew what it was like to be a pet. When Lance woke, he was disorientated. He was naked and cold. The surface he was sleeping on was hard. He looked around and saw he was in some kind of glass prison. Then it dawned on him that he no longer had his wrist control. he began to panic. He realised he had being shrunk, but by who? He feared for his safety from who ever his giant captor may be. Just as he was trying to look around the room that his prison was in the door creaked open. “Ah you’re awake. Good morning father.” came an all too familiar voice. Lance grew angry at the sight that stood before him.
“What have you done to me? Return me to normal now.” Demanded Lance. He was no longer afraid only angry.
“But dad, that would be impossible. I hit the green button this morning and there is no way of recapturing your molecules.” He laughed at this. “You did this to others and so it’s only right that you should pay the same price that you put others through. Oh you look cold. Here.” Lewis threw a tiny scrap of cloth to his father. The tiny man made himself a makeshift toga as he came to realise that his son was now his master.
Lance awoke for the third day in his new world and surveyed his surroundings, it was true, this was no dream, no, make that nightmare this was all too real. His life would never be the same. He realised it was truly a small world for him and from now on and he would have to try to make the best of it until he was able to gain his freedom and take revenge for what had happened to him. He walked over to the glass walls that imprisoned him, pressing his body against the cold glass surface. He could make out the huge mountainous shape in the bed at the other side of the room, it stirred and one large leg dropped out from under the black silk sheets. He yelled out at the top of his voice, but his captor just grunted and rolled over. Realising how futile his attempts would be at this time he slowly walked away from the glass wall. His feet were bare and he had been subjected to wearing rags, his face had three-day-old stubble and he hadn’t washed for the same length of time. He looked at his huge prison, was this really how his life was going to be from now on? Looking at what his life might have been, if only his plans had gone the way they were supposed to have done. Who would ever have thought his life would change so much by a mere youth, his own son, his captor, and his master. He dropped to his knees on the cold glass floor that stretched out in and enormous expanse in every direction and looked back at the events of the past months, all his planning, his hard work and for what? He started to thump the hard cold surface that was now his home, his prison, screaming, crying, with no one to hear him. Was this really how his life would end? Would anyone even notice his disappearance, would anyone even care or look for him?
