A Small Threat

Hank Duncan is a forty-year-old hunk with a body to die for. He has dark hair and a moustache and always has a five-o-clock shadow. He is a typical divorced cop, who in twenty years on the force has only ever really made one mistake. That was Ted Walton, Ted was arrested by Hank for the abduction of a school football jock. There was no body ever found, but the circumstantial evidence all pointed to Ted. Hank really believed in his heart of hearts that Ted was responsible and if the only way to nail him was to plant some evidence on him then so be it. Hank didn't like to do this because he knew it was wrong, but it seemed the only way to nail this bastard. With this new evidence Ted was sentenced to 10 years with no chance of early parole. Ted felt good about this but was still a little anxious over what he had done. As Ted was led away his younger brother Chad screamed out at Hank "I'll get you for fitting up Ted, you'll see. Just when you least expect it I'll get you and cut you down to size, see if I don't and then you'll be sorry."

 Hank just took this as the ranting of an upset sibling and took no heed of it, after all threats like this were an everyday occurrence as a cop.

 Six months had passed and Hank was beginning to wander if he had done the right thing planting the evidence. Still there was nothing he could do about it now, if he confessed his career would be finished, and he lived for his job. Besides he was a good cop and if Ted was innocent of this there were many other crimes he was guilty of. Well he was not going to worry over it now and for the next eight weeks. He had decided to take a leave of absence and spend the next eight weeks camping in the woods getting back to nature and forgetting about everything. He needed to get things clear in his head.

 He had been there just over a week and felt like he could live there forever. It was early evening and the sun was setting, it was becoming dusk and Hank decided it was time for his swim, he swam naked in the cool lake, well what did it matter, he was alone out here. He lit his campfire so that he could warm himself up after his swim. He stripped and walked naked to the lake with his towel over his shoulder. In he dived and forgot all his troubles. It was completely dark when he emerged out of the lake, he guessed he had been in about an hour or so. He wrapped his towel around his waist and walked towards the welcoming glow of his fire. He stopped, he was sure he could hear something, someone, but who? As he got closer to his camp he could make out a figure seated at his fire, but the flames made it hard to see who it was. The man was chanting something, only it was in a language Hank could not understand. He felt sure he knew the voice, but couldn't put a name to it. As he got closer the chanting man looked up and grinned.

         "What the fuck are you doing here?" Hank yelled. The stranger was Chad Walton. He was sat there in front of the fire in torn jeans and vest; he had taken off his shoes and socks and was warming his feet by the fire. He never answered Hank but instead just kept on with his chanting. "I'm talking to you, what the fuck are you doing here?" Still Chad did not answer; this was making Hank feel a little uncomfortable. He began walking towards Chad, he had only taken a few steps and stopped abruptly, but not out of choice. He felt as if he had hit a wall, but there was nothing there. He tried walking backwards but the same thing happened, both sides seemed blocked too. Hank looked round frantically to see what was stopping him from moving, there was nothing. He looked to the ground and saw he was standing in the centre of a pentacle made of salt. "What the fuck have you done to me, answer me Walton." Chad just kept on chanting and looked up giving an evil smile. Hank felt uneasy, He felt something else too but couldn't put his finger on it. Then it hit him, slowly but most definitely he was getting smaller, he was shrinking. But this was not possible, was it? Then Chad started to speed up his chants and Hanks shrinking speeded up too. As Hank reached the size of about 2 inches Chad stopped his chanting abruptly, and laughed out loud.

         "See I told you I would cut you down to size, but I bet you didn't expect it to quite so literal." Chad laughed, "Ted sends his best, he thought you might be feeling a little down right now."

        "You can't do this to me, it's impossible. You'll never get away with it. People will come looking for me soon." Hank protested.

      "What do you mean I can't do this to you, I already have, it's easy when you know a little black magic. And as for getting away with it, who's going to stop me? No one will miss you, for the next 7 weeks anyway. By then we'll be gone and there will be no trace that this is where you were ever camped." Chad grinned back at him.

 Hank suddenly realised his predicament and just how small he had become, but wait he could move now. He decided hanging around was not a good idea, and so began running back in the direction of the lake. Not that this would do much good. Chad stood up and slowly walked around the fire and in only a few steps was in front of Hank. His foot came down just in front of the tiny cop, and Hank turned and ran back towards the fire. Chad lifted his foot high into the air and brought it down. Hank fell to the floor as the gigantic foot came down upon him.

          "Not so fast my little man." Chad clenched his toes together holding Hank between them. He reached down picking up his toy wrapping his fingers around the miniscule body. As he brought his hand up to his face, Chad opened his fingers to see Hank stood up to his full height, which was no height at all really. "You'll remain this size for at least as long as Ted in behind bars, my little pet, no make that prisoner. Keep me happy and you'll be safe, but cross me and it may be the last thing you ever do." Chad looked round at all the stuff Hank had set out. "Hmmm, where to put you to keep you safe while I clear all this up."Chad smiled an evil smile as picked up his tiny captive by his ankle. Hank struggled and his towel just fell off and fluttered to the ground. "Well, well my little prisoner, You do look pleased to see me." Chad laughed as he saw the tiny erection on the cop. "Well that just gives me the perfect idea, the only place where you will truly be safe for now." He unfastens his jeans and pulls his briefs away from his body. Still holding him by the ankle Chad lowers his pet over his ever-expanding penis. "You'll be safe in there my pet."

          "NOOOO," Hank screams,"NOOO, please you can't put me there, anything but that, please no."

         "Shut it you little shit, you are so small you don't get any say in anything. I am the master and you are my slave, and I would thank you to remember that. Keep me amused and you may get a reward." Chad smiles.

 Hank is still pleading with Chad, but Chad no longer hears him. He lets his pet drop onto his hardening meat. He laughs and lets his briefs snap shut. Patting his crotch he begins to clear things up. "Soon there will be no trace that Hank Duncan was ever here and no one will ever know what happened to him, just like that little jock that Ted was fitted up for." Chad smiles and looks down at his bulge, "Revenge is sweet."


Chad had to work quickly to get things cleaned up, he couldn't risk anyone else coming and seeing any of Hanks things here. He piled everything into Hanks car and drove it onto the pentagram. He sat cross-legged once more in front of the fire and unfastened his jeans reaching down he pulled his little prize from his briefs. As he opens his hand and looks longingly down at his cowering captive, he begins to dream of all the fun he is going to have with his tiny prisoner. Hank now aware of his slight freedom begins to yell up at Chad,"What the hell are you going to do with me? Let me go, I won't tell anyone."

 Snapping back into reality Chad looks down on Hank "Yea, right dude, I grow you back and we walk away friends, not, do you really think of me as that stupid? You might have got Ted, but you it's me who's got you. Watch my little friend as your life shrinks down to nothing." Chad once more begins his chanting, but still more quickly than last time. The car and all it's contents rapidly shrinks down, in no time at all it's small enough for Hanks now tiny size, but still it shrinks smaller and smaller until it is nothing more than a speck of dust on the ground.

    "Hey that was my stuff, why," Hank forgetting his size, a breeze whips round his behind and he remembers his nakedness,"You could have at least let me have some clothes."

   "Shut it slave, you don't need any clothes, not where you live now." Chad grins down at his pet, and then at the bulge in his jeans.

 Realising what Chad is meaning, Hank regains his posture and stretches up to his full two inches and feeling nothing to loose,"Fuck you, if you think I'm living there you know what you can do."

         "Yes, actually I do and when I get back to my place I will do it." Chad holds Hank up to his face,"That might be your home but don't worry you won't be travelling in there this time slave." With a slight sigh of relief Hank flops back down into the warm palm. "No my pet, you will ride home in there." He drops Hank into his shoe,"Make room little man, my foot has to join in there and I don't want to crush you to death, not yet anyhow."

 Hank looks up in fear and dismay,"No you can't do this, I'm a man, and you can't treat me like this."

   "Why? Why can't I treat you like this, isn't this like how you treated Ted, giving him no choices? I can treat you anyway I like, I am the master and you are, you are NOTHING." Chad's large bare foot slips into the shoe, his toes pushing Hank down towards the front. Hank wriggles and squirms, trying to find a little room to keep him from getting crushed to death."Oh, that feels so good," Chad say to himself feeling the power he has over the cop. He quickly slips on his other shoe and begins kicking the salt pentagram so as to not leave any evidence of his black magic. Hank feels every movement as he is flung back and forth in the kicking motion of the shoe. Chad climbs onto his bike and roars off into the darkness.

 Hank wakes up the following morning, feeling battered and bruised. He is very disorientated, and recalls the wild dream he had the night before. He must have knocked his head or something when he was swimming, that would explain why he was still naked. But he was lying on sawdust; there was nothing like this where he was camped. He lifts his head and surveys his surrounding,"NOOOOO" he screams."This can't be true, it's impossible." He realises now he is in a small rodent’s cage.

    "Ah, your awake my pet, good, it's time you earned your keep, your right to live." Chad stands before the cage, naked, his penis hanging in front of the cage, larger than the little man himself. He picks up the man from inside the cage."Now just to start with you can jack me off, and make it good, I've been dreaming about this all night." He lies on the bed and drops Hank onto his stomach, pushing him towards his ever-expanding cock. The erecting tower now stands way up above the little man. Hank looks up in astonishment as it rises still taller. "Come on slave, get to work, I haven't got all day. What's the matter little man is that too much meat for you too much work?" He laughs"Let me help you, as it's your first time." He picks up the flailing Hank in his hand and squashes him flat against the solid tower, rubbing vigorously up and down.

     "Stop, stop." Screams the tiny cop.

     "No way man, I'm about to explode and I am not stopping for no one." Chad feels his balls tightening and the warm milk rising up through his tower. "My god, this is the best. This is so good." He holds his captive in front just as all the juices explode out. They shoot into Hanks face, as he chokes his mouth fills with the warm salty liquid and he swallows some of the milk. Coughing and spluttering he uses his hands to shield his face, but the cum seems never ending. There in the middle of the bed is the bigger lake of warm sticky cum you could ever hope to see. Chad now relaxing drops his pet, splat, into the middle. Struggling and flailing his arms the tiny cop is drowning in the warm salty juice. "Come(cum) my pet," Chad laughs at the little joke as he picks Hank up out of the goo. "Let me clean you up." He puts Hank into his mouth head first, with two tiny legs kicking wildly outside his mouth, Chad sucks and pulls the body all the way in. With his tongue wrapping around the small body his erection rises once more. "My god this is too much," Chad says to himself...


Chad's erection subsides as he relaxes and lays back spitting his tiny prize out into his hand. "Well my pet was it as good for you as it was for me?"

     "Fuck you you shit, you'll pay for this just wait." Hank screams at his giant captor. "The police will find Jason Bullstrode's body and you will end up behind bars with that no-good brother of yours."

    "And if I go to jail what will become of you? No-one knows you are here so even if I do go to prison you will remain here and die of starvation or something, at least this way you can have a life, and I am prepared to take care of you when you are good. Although you well be punished if you make me angry, as did Jason, let me show you." He walks over to the fridge and brings out a glass with set jelly in it; inside with only his head and shoulders protruding is the missing jock, Jason Bullstrode. The tiny teen screams for forgiveness to his giant master. "See he is safe, but he is being punished, he has been trapped in the jelly for three days now, if you look carefully you can see his piss and shit in there with him. Now you are here you can help him if you like. If you can free him before I finish dressing he can remain free. However if he is still in there and I am still hungry then I will eat the jelly, jock and all. Get working my little slave."

 Hank works frantically to free Jason, he pulls at the jelly. Once Jason's arms are free they both work hard to free the rest of his body. Chad is walking back towards them, as they still need to free Jason's feet. Just as Chad reaches the table the two miniature men run free across the top. "Well you have worked hard you two, talking of hard," he looks down at the bulge in his trousers, "You deserve a treat my little cop. I need to go to work so you can both come with me, but you still need a little more punishment jock. " He picks up Jason and begins to chant, he walks over to a tall set of draws with a pentacle drawn on top and drops the jock into the centre. Continuing to chant Hank sees the jock begin to shrink more, when he reaches 1/2 inch the chants stop.

 Still Screaming for forgiveness, Jason is picked up by an even more gigantic hand than had put him there. With his other hand he picks up Hank and deposits them both on the coffee table as he sits on the sofa. He puts up his foot and pulls off his sock."There you are jock, climb on to my toes." Jason begins to back away. Chad slams his hand down in front of Jason. "You are really starting to piss me off jock, either you can climb onto my toes or you can be crushed under them, you have a choice, but if you don't make one quick I will make one for you is that clear?" His gigantic foot once more is placed onto the table. The reluctant jock with his head hung low climbs onto the giant’s toes. "Right now lay down on my big toe nail, face down, and try not to cum on it." After the jock lies down Chad takes a piece of tape and tapes his captive into place and slowly slips his foot back into his shoe. "See, as the master I have full control over you both, my little cop. Each time he misbehaves he will be shrunk more, as will you if you anger me. Sooner or later Jason will behave once too often and he will be shrunk away to nothing. Now in you climb," Chad unzips his jeans and holds open his briefs."Either you climb in yourself at that size or I drop you in smaller. "Hank climbs inside and positions himself on his giant master’s penis. The briefs snap shut and Hank is immersed into total darkness. What does this giant have in store for him now he wanders? All he can do is wait. And until he he can figure out how to regain his size he must do as his master says, he doesn't want to end up any smaller than he is now...


 Once Chad had both his tiny pets safely tucked away in their respective new homes for the day he went outside and mounted his motorcycle. Hank could feel the pressure of the huge cock squashing him against the giant body as Chad straddled the bike. Hank knew this was going to be another very uncomfortable journey, but if it was this bad for him then it must be worse for Jason, taped to Chad’s big toe. Hank just held tight, although he really needn’t have, and preyed that the trip would be a short one. The bike had only been on the move what seemed like a matter of minuets when it came to a halt. Chad dismounted and Hank felt relief as his prison expanded as the huge dick stopped pressing against his body so tightly. Hank tried to listen out for any sounds that might indicate where he was. There was a strong smell of gasoline; Hank came to the conclusion they were at a garage. Then he thought he heard a familiar voice. He was sure it was Tom, his own partner. Dare he call out? What would Chad do to him if he did? Was it worth the risk? These were all very good questions, but there was no time to consider the answers to any of them. If he was going to call for help he had to do it now. Tom could get back into the patrol car any second and his chance would be gone. Hank crawled along the huge dick, he was only going to have one chance at this and he needed to get as close to the wall of denim as he possibly could so that his tiny voice would be projected that bit further. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and screamed at the top of his voice.

 Tom stopped and looked around. “Did you hear that?” Asked the officer to Chad.

        “Sorry, hear what?” Was the reply?

       “I just thought I heard my partner calling me, only he’s away on vacation. But I’m sure it was him. He sounded so far away though.” Tom said looking very puzzled.

       Chad grappled with his groin and took the money from Tom. The officer went back to his car still scratching his head. Chad grappled with his groin more vigorously than before and walked to the mensroom. Once inside he unzipped his jeans and yanked back his briefs.

      “What the fuck was all that about you little shit?” Bellowed Chad at his tiny prisoner. “I’ve a good mind to shrink you down to less than that shit Jason. Now you try anything like that again and you get squished understand?” He let his briefs snap back and zipped up his jeans. Still angry he kicked hard with the foot that Jason was taped to. Chad at this moment didn’t really care if he had hurt Jason or not.

        Hank just lay there in the dark for the rest of the day not daring to move. “Maybe Tom would think to go looking for Hank and realise something was wrong.” He thought, after all he was now Hank’s only chance of freedom.

      Hank heard a young boy of about 12 or 13 asking Chad if there was anything he had for him to do. Chad had told the kid to come to his place later and he might have something for him. He finished his shift at the garage early and roared off back to his apartment. Hank had realised this as he was crushed up against the huge lump of flesh without any warning. He was relieved when the engine ceased and Chad climbed off. Once inside Chad dug deep into his briefs and hauled out the tiny cop and threw him down onto the table. He picked up a glass jar and grabbing Hank dropped him inside. He kicked off his shoes and slowly peeled off his socks. There on his big toe was Jason, still alive. His tiny feet were just visible kicking from under the tape. Chad peeled off the tape and brought Jason off with it. Jason was lifted into the air still stuck onto the piece of tape. Chad grabbed both of the 1/2-inch Jason’s legs and gives a small but sharp pull and with a horrific scream the tiny jock is torn off the piece of tape. He too is flung into the jar along with Hank. At 2 inches Hank towers over Jason, being 4 times his diminutive size. To Hank, Jason was not much bigger than a ken doll. Jason just cowered at the bottom of the glass jar. As Hank walked to him the tiny jock screamed up at him to stop. Hank realising how frightened the tiny guy must be after his ordeal, bent down and picked him up and tried to calm and reassure him. Jason quickly became less frightened and even relaxed a little.

 Both men then turned to see what there giant master was up to. Chad was stood on a chair, replacing the light shade. In its place he had hung a piece of red Perspex with a perfect pentacle marked out in black. Both men thought it was an odd kind of shade, but hell this punk was weird anyway. Chad then fixed an infra red beam from the door to a tape deck. As to why he was doing these things Hank had no idea, but was sure he would soon find out. Chad checked his watch and put the lid on the jar to prevent his pets from escaping. He left the jar on the table and sat back as if he were waiting for someone. There was a loud knock on the door, when Chad opened it Hank saw it was just a kid.

       “Chad, I came to warn you there’s a cop sat outside watching your place. It’s the one from the Garage.” The small kid said in panic.

      “Well in that case let’s leave. He won’t follow us and it means when I visit Ted this week I can be sure of a present for him.” Laughs Chad.

    “This,” thought Hank, “was the same kid from the garage. It must be Tom; something in his subconscious must have pecked at his brain. This could be his salvation from this new life.” He watched as both Chad and the kid left the apartment. As Chad was about to close the door he used a remote to activate the infra red beam.

      Chad had not been gone long before the handle of the door was rattled. Then the door creaked open. As the beam was broken a tape began to play but only very faintly and the light clicked on.

     “Shit.” Hank yelled, he now realised what Chad had done, the tape was playing a recording of the chant that had shrunk him, and with the light turned on anyone who walked in would enter the pentacle reflected onto the floor. “This was the perfect security system.” As the door opened more in crept Tom. “No, don’t come any further.” Hank yelled, but with the lid on the jar his tiny voice was lost.

       Tom entered the room. He walked into the room not quite entering the pentacle. Hank gave a sigh of relief. Then from the doorway a cough made Tom jump. As he turned round he saw Chad stood there, he took one step back which is all it took for him to enter the image on the floor. Immediately his whole body was in the star he began to shrink. Hank watched in amazement as he saw what was happening before his very eyes. This is what he must have looked like. Hank felt really turned on at the sight of his partner shrinking and leaked precum from his now erect dick. The drops hit Jason on his back, but Hank just watched in disbelief. Soon Tom had shrunk below the table and so Hank could no longer see him.

      Tom was darting from one side of his star prison to the other to escape to no avail. He was terrified, he knew he was getting smaller but not why. He turned and yelled up at his giant captor who just laughed. Tom had reached 1/2 inch when Chad switched off the light and the shrinking stopped.  He reached down and picked up the tiny guy between his fingers and held him up to his face. Tom was squirming and screaming something that was too quiet for the human ear to make any sense of.

     Chad dropped Tom into his other palm. “Strip insect.” Boomed the giant. Tom just stood there and looked open mouthed. “Strip bug or I can rip off your clothes for you, and at your size I might just rip off your head.” Tom reluctantly did as he was ordered as the giant looked on with a contented smile on his face. “You’ll make the perfect pet for Ted. But first you need to learn a few basic duties.” He blew the tiny clothes off his hand almost blowing off his new toy with them. Then picking up Tom between his thumb and forefinger he lowered the kicking man towards his huge cock. Looking down Tom saw where his destination was going to be he had never seen a cock so close up. He kicked furiously as he neared the growing flesh. Chad had to aim well, as he didn’t want to break his new toy. He slid the tiny guy’s feet into his slit. They were still kicking as he was forced down as far as his shoulders. To Chad this was the ultimate fantasy. As the tiny legs thrashed about inside his manhood it became more erect and the slit grew tight around Tom’s body. Chad knew then that he was going to cum without having to do any work at all. As he felt his cum rise inside he reached over for a glass and held it in front of his mammoth dick. As he climaxed and forced the diminutive man from his slit, both man and cum were shot into the glass. As Chad began to relax after this amazing thrill he peered into the glass and saw Tom lying in the sea of cum.

       “Ted will love you. I just hope he isn’t too rough with you. It would be a real shame if he crushed you. Still it will be easy to get him another pet if that happens.” Laughs the giant. He picks out Tom with tweezers and drops him in the jar with the other two pets.

 As night draws in Hank tries to calm his police officer partner and explains to him what has happened.

      Tom screams up. “What the fuck are we going to do about it? We can’t live like this, toys for this punk.” All three guys eventually fall asleep, Hank on the bottom of the jar with both smaller men curled up on his chest. They are rudely awakened when Chad shakes the jar. He pours them all out onto the table. With tweezers he picks up Tom and tapes him onto the side of a cigarette and to the screams of abuse and help from the tiny guy the cigarette is slipped back into the pack. Tom’s world suddenly becomes dark as the pack is closed. Both other men are unsure what is in store for them. Hank is placed onto the dresser inside the pentacle as Chad chants until he too is only 1/2 inch tall. Then pulls back the flap of foreskin on his huge dick and drops both men onto his sensitive flesh. He then pulls the skin back over both men holding them tightly in place. Even at this size both men can feel the pressure as Chad mounts his motorcycle.

        Chad arrives just as the other visitors are entering the building. He is quickly frisked and allowed to enter. As he enters the visitors’ room he spots Ted. He goes and sits before him.

       “Hey little bro, what you got for me? Ted asks with a tight smile on his face.

      “Just these, try one.” He slides a cigarette through the mesh.

     “What the fuck, just one fucking cigarette.”

    Chad smiles “take a closer look, and yes he’s real. It’s one of them fucking cops who framed you. Thought you might find a use for him.”

    Ted looks at the struggling form. “Fuck me, how? Where did you get him from?”

    “I’ll tell you when you get out Ted. It will make us a fortune.”

“Well as for this little guy, I‘m sure I can find a good home for him.” He looks down at his crotch and grins. “They’re moving me out of state soon bro, if you won’t be able to visit as often I understand, but I’ll be freed soon, I promise.”

      Chad grins back. He gets up and turns to leave then turns back to Ted. “Soon Ted, I’ll be back soon.”

 On his arrival home Chad dropped both men into the pentacle and began to chant something different. To their surprise both guys began to grow. Once they had reached the huge size of 6 inches they stopped. Chad wanted more out of his pets for a while and at just 1/2 inch each there was little they could do. He began a daily routine for Hank and Jason. They would start and finish each day massaging Chad’s huge bare sweaty feet, in between both men had to take turns making Chad cum while the other had to stand and become covered in the warm sticky liquid. Then they were put into a cage until Chad next wanted them. The two tiny pets would be left in the apartment most days while Chad was at work. This was to be their bid for freedom. They were planning very carefully their escape because they would only have one chance. If they failed Chad would either shrink them so small that escape would be futile or worse he would crush them under his huge feet.

           Chad was becoming increasingly worried about Ted. It was over two weeks since the crash. Ted was being transferred to another prison when the bus went off the road into a river. So far all men were presumed dead but no bodies had been found. Chad had thought though if Ted were still alive he would have been in contact, if only to put his mind at ease. His mind was no longer focused as it had been. He left for work without closing the cage door properly.

       “Jason, this is it.” Hank tells his shrunken buddy. “Today we make our move; it’s now or never.” Jason just nods unsure as to weather he really wants to risk his life. But if he doesn’t what kind of life has he got. He bucks up and more enthusiastically begins on their plan. The cage they are kept in is on the same dresser as the tape deck. In one there is the tape with the chant to shrink things and in the other is the tape to grow things. If they get it wrong it’s all over. If they shrink themselves more they will be too small to stop the tape. They both walk over to the deck and are working out which tape to start. They use all their joint strength to turn on the tape. As the chanting begins they run over to the drawn pentacle. Once inside they begin to grow. Before long both men are back to their full size, something neither had believed would ever happen. They went into the bedroom to find some clothes to wear. Chad had always kept them naked as his pets and it would be good to feel clothes on their bodies again. Both had to remain barefoot as Chad had smaller feet than both guys. Just as they walked back out of the bedroom they heard the door creak open.

       “Fuck, he’s not meant to be back yet.” Hanks tells Jason. Just then the light clicks on and the tape begins to play. As the door continues to open further there is not sign of the tape being stopped or the light switching off like when Chad normally enters. “This isn’t him. Stay where you are Jason, this guy will be no threat to us. Once he steps into the pentacle he won’t be able to do anything until the tape is stopped.”  The figure that enters the room is familiar. “Fuck me, it’s his brother Ted, the one I put away.”

        Ted slams the door behind him. “Chad will get one hell of a surprise to find me here when he gets back.” Ted walks into the room with that confident strut he always did. The only time Hank ever saw him lose his strut was when he had been sent down. Ted drops something onto the table. It scurries off to hide. Ted steps right into the star shape on the floor. From that moment his life was no longer his own. He didn’t know what hit him when he suddenly began to shrink. Both Hank and Jason walked out to watch this big tough guy getting cut down to size. Hank waits until Ted has been reduced to the diminutive size of 3 inches and tells Jason to switch off the tape. As he does this Hank reaches down and grabs Ted, lifting him up in his palm.

       “Well, I guess you’re right there Ted, Chad will be surprised to see you like this.” Hank now feeling the power over Ted that Chad had over him only hours earlier. The feeling was indescribable. He never knew such a feeling of power was possible. Hank put Ted into the jar on the table that had been a prison for Jason and himself on many occasions. Then both men searched the table for what they hoped was Tom. Hank called out to him. Tom scurried out from his hiding place and over to Hanks hand. He was lowered to the floor and restored to his former size.

      “Fuck, I thought I was going to have to live that hell forever.” Tom yelled almost in tears. Jason took him into the bedroom where he was able to dress.

 Meanwhile Hank was getting things prepared for Chad’s return. The tape was rewound and now all they had to do was wait. Tom asked if he could have Ted not he was so small. He desperately need to exert his power and size over the man who had made his every living moment a hell since he had been shrunk. Hank agreed. Then the familiar sound of Chad’s footsteps approaching was heard. The first thing Chad would do as he always did was put his arm round the door with the remote to switch off the tape and light. Before the door was opened Hank and Jason switched on both light and tape. Tom was too preoccupied with his own little pet to do anything. As Chad opened the door the broken beam switched both off, so when Chad used the remote he was in actual fact turning both back on. Chad marched in not realising his mistake. He was already in his own pentacle before it registered that the light and chanting were still on. He aimed the remote but of course it would not work. Once the chanting began nothing inside the pentacle could leave, not even the beam from the remote. Chad screamed as he rapidly shrank.

       “Well Jason, he’s all yours.” Hank smiled at Jason. “You decide how small he gets. And then he is yours to do with, as you like.”

      Jason was elated. This had never been part of the plan. Shrinking Chad was as far as they had ever got with their plan for freedom. Jason stopped the shrinking at 1 inch. Now he was going to make Chad pay. What ever Chad had done to him would be nothing to what he had planned for his toy. Jason made Chad strip just as he had been made to. With a smile the full width of his face Jason left with the 1 inch Chad in his hand. Tom too had forced Ted to strip. As for Hank, he took both tapes with him and left to finish his vacation. But things would be very different when he went back to work. Whenever he got the urge he would cut the odd criminal down to size. Who knows he might even collect enough to have his own miniature prison in his apartment? Now that was something to look forward to.

The End.