HTML> Choose Your Own Suduction

Baralai's Bastion

This story is erotic gay fiction, and contains adult material meant for mature audiences ONLY. It may contain supernatural themes, sex scenes, mind control, drug use, pornography and other adult themes. If you want to use the story please ask first.

Choose Your Own Suduction
The Watch

“No, I think I’ll meet her later, if that’s alright,” you reply.

“That’s cool. Will all be having dinner together in a few hours anyways. So just chill upstairs while I finish things up.”

You start heading up the large ballroom style staircase by the door. You stop when Peter call out to you.

“Wait. I almost forgot I had something I wanted to show you.”

“What is it?” you ask.

“I know it seems dorky, but here.” Peter pulls out an old fashion pocket watch. "This is actually my first gift." Before I can ask him what that means, he opens it up and the inside has three jewels surrounding the time piece. Oddly though the jewels keep changing colors. At one second they are red, blue, and green, but moments later they seem to be pink, silver, and orange only to change again so they are purple, red and yellow. Your eyes try to adjust to watch you’re seeing and you can’t seem to look away.

“They jewels are really pretty, aren’t they? Just keep looking into them. Keep your eyes open though and just let your mind drift. Let it drift into a peaceful place. You feel so relaxed. You do feel relaxed, don’t you?”

”Yes,” you reply, but it comes out slow and lazy.

“Don’t think too hard. It’s just easier to relax. Just relax and listen to my voice.”

“Everything I say is true. After all I’m your best friend and I wouldn’t lie to you would I. Isn’t that right.”


“Now, you won’t remember this conversation, but behave the way I tell you. Do you understand?”


“Good. My family is a little weird, but that’s okay. You can’t ever tell anyone outside the house what happens here.”

“Also you will not freak out about the weird stuff. Just go with the flow and see how things work out. My brothers are weird, but they’re fun. As a matter of fact, anytime my brothers and I describe something as fun, you will want to try it out. Won’t that be fun?”

“Fun,” is all that you can reply.

Peter gets really close to you and puts his face just a few inches from your neck. The watch is still firmly locked in front of your eyes, but Peter’s free hand cups you groin.

“Man I wish I could do this right now, but Mother would be furious if I don’t finish my chores soon.” With that Peter steps back from you and closes the pocket watch.

You shake your head, not sure of what has just happened. “Sorry, I must have zoned out,” you say.

“No problem. Just go and chill out in my room, ok. I’ll hopefully be up soon.”

With that Peter runs down the long hallway. You start to go up the stairs again.

For some reason you feel even more excited you this weekend. You then realize now that Peter never told you how to get to hiss room. You only know that it is upstairs. Once you get up there you see a hallway with ten doors. You have no idea which one to try first.

Do you choose Door number ONE (first door to the left) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number TWO (first door to the right) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number THREE (second door to the left) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number FOUR (second door to the right) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number FIVE (third door to the left) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number SIX (third door to the right) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number SEVEN (fourth door to the left) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number EIGHT (fourth door to the right) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number NINE (last door to the left ) CLICK HERE
Do you choose Door number TEN (last door to right) CLICK HERE