Bu JonH

"Do you know where he's gone?"

"He went for a walk. Left about five minutes ago"

"Did he say where?"

The coach and his wife laughed. It was a stupid question, after all we were driving across the desert, on three sides of the motel was flat rocky sand and knee high shrub so if Luke'd gone that way you'd have to be blind not to see him. That left the half-assed rocky hill across the interstate.

I stood on the porch of the motel for a few seconds deciding what to do. It was getting onto 7 in the morning and we planned on leaving at 7:30, we still had another two days driving ahead of us but at least we'd be outta this fucking desert. Luke had the keys to the trunk and I needed to get into it so I decided to go look for him.

This time of the morning was the part of a day in the desert I liked. The air was still kinda gray and cool and I knew in two hours it'd be fucking unbearable and the four of us would be crammed up in that car. The trials had gone well - real well - the coach was in one of his happy moods and so he and his wife sat up there in the front seat and didn't shut up once. It was driving Luke crazy as he was real pissed since yesterday, he didn't say barely a word in the room last night.

The stones under my sandals crackled as I crossed the interstate - Jeez it was quite. And already, even in the gray morning air I could feel that warmth coming up from the road surface. The desert sucked.

It was too quite to feel comfortable yelling out so I made my way up the rocky hill and figured once on top I'd easily see him. Me and him weren't close friends, he was a good mid field player but arrogant, not a real team player which I thought we needed. I dunno if it was the high school he came from or what but for a first year college student he was pretty fucking sure of himself. The coach and his wife were going to talk to him on the drive home but they were so stoked about the win they hadn't said a thing yet.

Eventually I got the top of the hill without slipping over on my ass. Nearly at the base of the other side I could just see Luke's head. Balancing myself on the rocks I made my way across to him. I was too busy looking down at where I was standing to yell out, why the fuck he'd come out here I wouldn't know.

I looked up and couldn't see him, I thought for a minute he'd gone but I realized he must've been on the other side of this outcrop of rocks.

Gripping onto the still warm stone I heaved myself up behind the rock. That's when I spun out. He was facing out into the desert but I could see he'd taken his shirt off, then I look down and see he's sitting there bare assed. He's gone fucking nuts was my first thought then I saw his arm - he was jerking off.

I stepped on a rock and with a clink it alerted Luke, he bent forward to cover himself and glared up at me.

"Fuck it Joel!! What the fuck are ya' doin' out here?!?"

I then kinda half slid, half jumped past him and with a heavy jolt luckily landed on my feet on a flat piece of what looked like concrete.

"The keys, I...whattya doin'?"

"What the fucks it look like" he'd put his T-shirt over his crotch but he was sitting on his pants.

He lifted himself up slightly and tried to reach into his pocket. When he moved the glossy porno mag he had slid down towards me and landing at my feet.


I picked it up and was gonna reach up and pass it to him but thought I'd have a quick flick through. It was a good one, really whorey lookin' blondes with big but firm tits, as I flicked into the middle section it had about four pages of this fuckin' looking lesbian orgy with pussy eatin', the lot. I adjusted the rising dick in my shorts.

"Man, can I use this when you're done".

"Yeah dude whatever". He sounded pissed. "What time we pulling out?"

"7:30 sharp. Shit I haven't got time"

I turned to another page, more wild fuckin' one on one pussy eatin' shots but this page was greasy with Vaseline.

"Dude, ya' wanna give it back!" he glared down at me.

Jeez the guy had a fuckin' attitude. But then.

"Look man, you wanna jack off to it - no problem. I don't give a fuck what ya' do, you're welcome to jack off to it now but all I know is I'm not getting back in that fuckin' car until I'm done OK"

"I'm not a fag though"

"Fuck man!! Just pass it!!"

I sat down on a flat rock about three feet below him. I gotta be naked to jerk off and seeing as Luke was and I wasn't near him I thought what the hell I'll get naked. The warm concrete felt nice and warm on my ass I gotta say. By now my cock was real stiff - I wasn't gonna take long to blow.

I'm not queer but every guy wants other guys to be impressed by what they got down there, you don't wanna see what they got but you want em' to know you're OK. Trouble is my cock gets real steel hard but it's not that big. I've had no complaints but even so I was quick to get my fist around it before Luke caught sight of it.

Not that he was looking, he was too busy flicking through the porno again. Man, his cock was big, bigger than mine anyhow, I wasn't lookin' but it was hard not to see, the head was sticking like a good inch out the top of his fist.

He opened the mag to the page with the Vaseline on it. I noticed his hand was on his dick but the hand holding the mag was the one with Vaseline.

I could get a real good look at those pics. Man they were getting right into those cunts. I got into my mind the thought of Danielle Gertz's hairy little muff and soon enough as was hammering away at my shaft.

Like I say I'm not queer but I was curious to see Luke's technique so I caught a couple of quick looks. He didn't take his eye off the mag as he did this real precise machine like pump of his dick. He kinda vagued out almost.

My ass cheeks were staring to sweat on the warm concrete, with my other hand I felt my balls - still flopping around - I wasn't close but this still wasn't gonna take long. Suckin' on nipples was a wild thing, me and Michelle once...

Luke started spreading his legs! I was lookin' hard at the porno but shit anyone'd be distracted. I could see up the guys ass crack for cryin' out loud!! It was kinda like lookin' in a mirror, you don't get turned on but you're curious.

Then he sticks his two fingers in the Vaseline, pulls em' out and starts scratching around in his ass crack!! The guys not even lookin' at me but what the hell is this?!?

I musta made a disgusted kinda grunt of somethin' because for what I'm sure was the first time he looks down at me, for a second I don't even register. Then bold as fuckin' brass he starts pushing his fingers up his ass!!

"You seen 'Road Trip'?"

"Yeah" is all I can mumble. This guys a fuckin' pervert for sure.

From then on I just looked straight down at the ground and tried to get the sight of his fingers outta my head. I'm running thoughts of Danielle's cunt, Michelle's tits that girl at the mall, you name it I'm tryin' like crazy to fill my head to get away from that fuckin' gross sight. Gradually, the straight thoughts kick in, I can feel my nuts shrinking. My ass is starting to sweat and my face was gettin' real flushed.

I heard Luke let go his load, despite myself I look up and see his cock spewing out jizz and he's holding those greasy ass fingers in the air.

But I'm OK, I'm close, I'm close....huh...huh...huh...lying back on the rock I let out a load, humping my hips I send it streaking across my chest. Man, I needed that, man what a fuckin' blow out this'd been.

Me and Luke didn't even look at each other when we got dressed again. I followed him up and over the rocks, all I could think was I hope like hell he washes his fingers.