Second Puberty 7

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Veronica and I labored the full fifty minute period to create the anti-pheromone agent. It wasn’t really difficult, just labor intensive and time consuming. A lot of our time was spent just making sure the substance remained at the proper temperature. It quickly became clear that this stuff was only going to work if it was kept at room temperature. In a way it was almost a living thing, if it got too hot or two cold it wouldn’t survive. We had a couple of close calls, but in the end we were able to coax this very delicate biochemical substance into being. And then suddenly, there it was, lying at the bottom of the beaker, the solution to all my pheromone problems.

And it looked like shit, diarrhea shit.

I’m not exaggerating. It had the same color and consistency. I leaned over and took a whiff. Yup. It smelled like shit, too. How the hell was I going to get anyone to eat this stuff? I didn’t even like looking at it.

“Is that it?” asked Veronica.

“I guess so,” I said. “Oh well, dig in.”

“What are you talking about? You don’t seriously expect me to eat that crap?”

“You have to, unless you want to go through the rest of your life as my love slave.”

“And the downside would be?”

“Seriously, Veronica, you have to eat some. I know it’s disgusting, but it shouldn’t take much.”

She sighed with exasperation, put her hands on her hips and even though she was a head shorter than I was, I got the feeling she was looking down at me as she spoke. “It’s not about how the stuff looks, and it does happen to look exceptionally repulsive. But it wouldn’t matter if it looked like chocolate chip cheese cake, I still wouldn’t touch it. I like how I feel about you, and I don’t want anything to change that.”


“Look, junior, I’m eighteen now. I’m legally allowed to make these decisions for myself. I’m sick with you and I choose not to be cured.”

Her decision didn’t make any sense. How could she not want her head cleared of my pheromones, so she could know her own mind, what she was really feeling? But I could tell arguing with her would only be wasting my breath.

And her decision also left me with a big problem.

“How am I going to test it?” And, as if on queue, Charles walked in.

“Well, if it isn’t Beauty and the Beast,” he said.

Oh my God.

“What did you hear?” snapped Veronica.

“Just that you and E.T., here, got caught in the back room and you weren’t exactly phoning home.”

“Shit, it’s all over the school,” said Veronica.

I guess I should have expected that.

“What are you doing here, anyway?” I asked Charles.

“Is this not AP Biology?”

Suddenly I realized we had been in the lab all morning and now it was time for our regular biology class.

“Hey,” said Charles, spying our experiment, “who shit in the beaker?”

Suddenly Veronica sidled up to Charles and lowered her voice. “It’s not shit. We’ve been working on it all morning. It’s top secret. We’ll tell you but you’ve got to promise you won’t tell anyone else.”

My heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t going to tell him, was she? She wouldn’t do that to me, would she?

“Ok, I won’t tell anyone,” said Charles, looking very interested.

“It may look like shit,” said Veronica, “but it’s actually an alien nutritional supplement.” The she nodded her head at me. “For him.”

Wow, she really was good at thinking on her feet.

“Really?” asked Charles.

“Oh yeah, sure, that’s exactly want it is,” I said.

Charles instantly took his finger, dipped in the goop and put a drop on his tongue. His expression confirmed my worst fears: the stuff tasted exactly like it looked.

“That is disgusting,” he said. “You eat that stuff?”

“Not if I can help it,” I said.

His eyes reflected confusion for a moment and then a light went on. “Oh my God, you tricked me,” he said turning pale. “That really is shit. You tricked me into eating shit.”

Veronica and I burst out laughing.

“No, it’s not shit,” I said when I finally calmed down, “it’s a biochemical substance that will do you absolutely no harm. Here’s the formula. Check it out.”

I tossed him the notebook and he looked it over as if he were expecting some kind of trick. But in a minute he believed us.

Mr. Jacobs got ready to start the class and Veronica went back to sit with her lab partner. I could tell Charles was dying to ask me what the goop was, but the lecture was starting and he couldn’t.

I really didn’t pay much attention to Mr. Jacobs during the class. I was too busy trying to figure out how I could get the entire population of the school to sample some of the anti-pheromone agent. I was pretty sure the alien-nutritional-supplement-thing would only work with Charles.

On the upside, I couldn’t help but notice Charles kept his hands to himself the entire period. He didn’t grab me once. It was a far cry from yesterday when he was squeezing my arm at every opportunity. It looked like the stuff had actually worked.

Now all I had to do was figure out how to get a thousand kids to eat a stinking pile of shit.

The class ended, and as usual, the three of us headed to the cafeteria for lunch. I was not prepared for what awaited us in the halls. Half the guys we passed wanted to high five me. There were several calls of, “Beast!” or “All right, Beast!” Poor Veronica was scarlet all the way to the cafeteria. But I have to admit, my reaction was completely different.

At first, I thought the guys were all mocking me with the name Beast—and if this had been two days ago I would probably have been right—but then I realized there was no derision in their tone or attitude. They actually admired me; as though getting caught fucking a girl in the storeroom was something they’d wished they’d done. And apparently a lot of them were noticing my change in size for the first time and that was just feeding the hype. I had somehow achieved celebrity status, and I have to admit I was enjoying it.

But Veronica was receiving nothing but dark looks from the girls we passed. Where I had achieved glory, she had somehow achieved shame. The world was certainly a strange place.

By the time we got to the cafeteria, I was so hungry I could barely stand it. Veronica and I headed straight for the hot lunch line, but Charles went to the grill to get a burger and fries, which they always cooked to order. That would take way too long for me. I needed to eat now. I actually wound up buying two lunches and I carried them both over to a table in the back, where Veronica and I sat down and contemplated our dilemma.

“Maybe we could bake the stuff into cookies, or something,” I suggested.

“You’re forgetting we can’t heat or cool it. It would lose its effectiveness,” said Veronica. “It has to be around room temperature.”

“What do people eat that’s room temperature? Food is usually hot. Drinks are usually cold.”

Charles arrived with his lunch and sat down. “What are you guys talking about?” he asked.

“Weather the aliens are more likely to enslave you or eat you for dinner,” said Veronica.

“Well, personally I would prefer enslavement,” he said taking a bite of a French fry. “Damn!”

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“I don’t know how they do it,” he exclaimed. “Every single damn day the fries are cold. Today I actually watched them pull the fries out of the fryer. They should be sizzling hot, but they’re stone cold. It defies the laws of physics!”

“Calm down, Charles,” I said. “Our lunches are the same way—” Then it hit me. It had been sitting right in front of me the whole time: the school lunches. They were always room temperature. I looked over at Veronica and I could see she was thinking the same thing. She quickly jumped out of her chair and ran to the bulletin board where they posted the menu for the week. I was right on her heals. Mystified, Charles followed after us.

“Perfect,” she said. “Tomorrow they’re serving chocolate pudding.”

“This week, it might be a little lumpy,” I said grinning.

“What are you two talking about?”

“Alien plots,” said Veronica. “Alien plots.”

“We’re going to need a helluva lot of it,” I said as we headed back to our table.

“That’s ok,” said Veronica. We don’t really need a lab to make it. We could probably do it in a kitchen.”

“We’re going to need some ingredients.”

“I could get them after school, but we have detention.”

“That’s okay,” I said as I sat down and pulled out my cell phone. “I’ll call my mom. She’ll help.”

While I was on the phone with my mom, explaining to her what we needed, Scott Fitzsimons came over and started talking to Veronica. I wasn’t really paying attention to what was being said because my mom had just asked a very distracting question: why did I have detention? I hemmed and hawed for a minute before I gave her the official explanation: I had been caught making out with Veronica.

“With Veronica?”

It was kind of funny. My mom didn’t seem shocked or outraged that I had been caught tongue wrestling in a school storeroom. Apparently she was merely surprised about who I had been caught with.

I lost my train of thought when I heard a cry from across the table. Scott Fitzsimmons was running his hand down Veronica’s cheek and she did not seem happy about it. I looked for Charles. He was mysteriously missing. Or maybe it was conveniently missing.

“Excuse me, mom, I’ve got to go,” I said.

I hung up just in time to hear Fitzsimmons say, “If you had a good time with that shrimp, imagine what it would be like with a real man.”

“Excuse me?” I said.

“You don’t want to get involved in this, Tiny.”

Apparently this guy wasn’t up on current events. I stood up and watched the shock on the Fitzsimmons’s face as he realized I was just as tall as he was. Then I reached over and grabbed his wrist and forced it away from Veronica’s face. I held on tight to his wrist as he tried to pull it away. It was something of a surprise to both of us that he couldn’t do it.

“What the fuck? Let go, asshole.”

I let go of his wrist and grabbed him by the forearm. He was yanking with everything he had and he could not pull away from me. What a head trip.

I looked down at Veronica. She was really angry. Then I became really angry. And I twisted his arm.

“Ah,” he cried in pain. He tried to pry my hand loose with his other hand, but I barely even noticed his efforts. I couldn’t believe it. This guy was helpless in front of me. I twisted harder.

“You’re breaking my arm,” he cried, wincing.

That thought was shockingly appealing. I probably could break his arm. Part of me wanted to try just to see if I could do it. Part of me wanted to do it to pay him back for molesting Veronica. But breaking his arm would get me expelled for sure, so I had to think of some other way to keep him away from Veronica.

Come on, this should be simple for me. I had been manipulating the football players all year. I would figure out what they valued most, usually their position on the football team, and threaten to take it away from them using my influence with Geoff. Worked every time. But what did I know about Fitzsimmons? Nothing.

As I was contemplating this I glanced down and saw the steep curve of my bicep pressing up against the inside of my shirt. I suddenly realized that I no longer needed to be so subtle or clever. I could use a much more direct approach.

I twisted his arm harder and he cried out again. God help me, I was enjoying torturing the little creep. “Listen, Fitzsimmons,” I began, “Are you listening to me?”

“Fuck you.”

I twisted his arm a little more and he squealed. It was fucking music to me. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.” I was really getting into this.

“Yeah,” he gasped. “I’m listening.”

“Good. Because if you ever come within fifty feet of Veronica again, I will reach down your pants, rip off your balls and shove them down your throat.”

I guess I must have hit upon what this guy valued, because he went completely white. “Now get the fuck out of here.” I gave his arm one last twist. Not because it was really necessary to make my point, but just because I enjoyed it. Then I let him go. I almost laughed as I watched him scamper off. What a fucking rush. I had totally terrorized that asshole. I owned him.

Then it hit me. This is why bullies did what they did. It was a definite high, physically dominating someone. But having once been a victim of that shit, I would never go that route myself. It had been different with Fitzsimmons. He was asking for it. But the truth was, I half hoped he’d come back so I could give him some more.

I looked down to check on Veronica and I noticed she was crying. But that was impossible. Veronica didn’t cry. You threw a barb at her and she threw one back, twice as sharp. Something was seriously wrong. I sat down next to her and took her hand. “Don’t pay attention to anything that guy said,” I said. “He’s just an asshole.”

“I know,” she said, trying to stem the flow. “That’s not why I’m crying.”

“I don’t understand.”

“No one has ever stood up for me like that before.” That thing with Fitzsimmons? Why was she getting all worked up over that?

“It wasn’t that big of a deal.”

“Maybe not to you,” she sniffed. She grabbed a napkin and dabbed at her eyes. “But I’m beginning to think I was really stupid with what I said earlier and if you don’t mind, I’d like to claim ownership now.”

Wow. What do I say? How do I get out of this? I liked Veronica and all, but—

“I’m not really ready to be owned yet.” I tired to say it softly, but I could tell I’d hurt her.

“That’s ok,” she said. “Am I still in the running?”

In the running? Fuck.

“There isn’t even a contest.” I could see her starting to tear up again so I followed it with, “But if I ever have one, you’ll be the odds on favorite.” God, did that sound egotistical or what?

I stood up and got ready to leave and suddenly noticed that every single girl in the entire cafeteria—and a couple of the guys—were watching me with what I can only describe as googly eyes. I had the feeling my minor heroics along with my raging pheromones were about to get me in big trouble again.

I turned back to Veronica. “You coming by tonight to help me whip up a giant batch of that goop?”

Veronica, too, was starting to notice the amount of attention I was getting. Her tears dried up and her face hardened. “I wouldn’t miss it. We’ve absolutely got to get those pheromones of yours under control.”

My next class was gym. I realized as I headed back towards my locker to get my gym uniform that it would no longer fit. If I tried to put it on and engage in any physical activity, I would rip right through it in seconds and wind up virtually naked on the gym floor. Although this held a certain appeal, I was afraid I might enjoy it a little too much, and that kind of humiliation I could do without.

Our school had a clear policy about gym class without a uniform: not happening. I’d have to make the class up later but at least I didn’t have to worry about showering with twenty guys and my hyperactive pheromones. My mind had played out many different versions of this scenario and none of them had ended well for me.

I kept getting the googly eyes for the rest of the day, not to mention a veritable storm of sighs. One girl actually stopped me in the hall and asked me to flex for her. It was a request which my left brain wanted to refuse, but which my right brain was unable to. She reached out, gave it a little squeeze, giggled, turned red and disappeared down the hall. I couldn’t help but be amused.

The last two classes of the day were Greek history and Spanish. These classes usually dragged but today they flew by. Why? Because they were followed by something I hated more than almost anything on the planet: detention.

On my way to the detention hall, I had to stop by my locker to get the books I’d need to do my homework that evening, but when I got there I almost dropped my backpack. My locker was just covered with, I don’t know, crap. There were things taped all over it; flowers, little candies, notes written on all shades of colored paper and all kinds of other little decorative shit. And stacked on top, well, that’s where they put the baked goods; cookies, brownies, cakes, you name it.

I must have stood there, at least a full minute just staring at it. My first thought was, that can’t be my locker. But it was. Great. It was like my pheromones were leaving me notes. Then I started to wonder what I was going to do with all of that crap and how long it was going to take me to clean it all off. I went over to it and looked at some of the notes. Every single one of them was addressed to Beast and included a phone number. Beast? I guess I was stuck with it now.

Well, I didn’t have time to deal with it. I opened my locker, got the books that I needed and stuffed them into my backpack. Then I grabbed the baked goods and shoved them in there too. I was always hungry these days and if someone was going to give me food, I was damn well going to eat it. In fact, I ate two of the cookies on my way up to the detention hall.

Detention today was being monitored by Mrs. Murphy. I don’t know what she taught. I’d never been in any of her classes and from the look of her I was glad. She looked mean, kind of like a rabid Pitbull. It was like she was just waiting for you to screw up so she could take a bite out of you.

Veronica was there already. But, not surprisingly, we each had to sit at opposite ends of the room—not that talking was allowed anyway. Nothing was allowed, not even homework. We were just supposed to sit there quietly and do nothing. A more insidious torture could not be imagined.

My mind began to wonder and I subconsciously began to run my hands over my arms. God, they had gotten big and hard. I still couldn’t get over it. It suddenly occurred to me that I had not grown any more since last night. This was the longest I had gone without a growth spurt since this whole thing started. I wondered what would happen if I suddenly started growing right here in detention. At first the thought disturbed me and I began running scenarios through my mind, trying to figure a quick way out of here should it become necessary. After a few minutes, I realized that faking a sudden illness would work just fine. And considering the symptoms I suffered before each spurt, I wouldn’t have any trouble convincing Mrs. Murphy I was really sick.

Once that problem was solved, I began to get board again. Now I found myself wishing I would start to grow. That, at least, would be something to do. I imagined myself growing to eight, nine, ten feet tall, a massive juggernaut of solid, bulging muscles. I began to have fantasies of rampaging through the school ripping it apart with my bare hands. I started to get hard. I longed to put my hand on my dick to help it along but I knew I couldn’t. I quickly became frustrated and tried to think of something else.

Fortunately, I was seated next to a window. I wondered if there were any rules about looking out of it. Probably. But Mrs. Murphy was busy working on something, and I guessed I could get away with it.

The window overlooked the football field. Geoff was out there practicing with what was left of the team. Well, at least that was something to watch. But Geoff’s game was off. He kept making clumsy moves and stupid mistakes that were completely unlike him. You didn’t have to be Sigmund Freud, to realize something was bothering him. I began to wonder if I might somehow be the cause. I decided to talk to Geoff that evening. I would tell him all about the pheromones and give him the cure. Then he could get back to his usually carefree life of football, football, and more football.

As fate would have it, football practice ended just a short time before we were released from detention. I spoke with Veronica briefly and she promised to come over after dinner to help with the “cooking.” Then I went down to the locker room. I still had the jar of stuff we’d made up earlier in the biology lab, and I was determined that Geoff should have a dose.

I walked in and sat on a bench. Most of the team was just getting ready to leave. Geoff was not among them and it was pretty obvious that I wasn’t welcome. After all, this half of the team wasn’t in the weight room fight. They didn’t owe me anything at all, and most of them still hated me.

“Would you look at that?” said Gil Stafford. He was about the closest thing our school had to a redneck. “Just last week he was a puny runt. Now look at him. He’s like some kind of God damn mutant.”

He was obviously trying to bait me, but I was no idiot. None of these guys were under six feet and they were all bulkier than I was. I might be a big deal around the ordinary mortals, but around these guys I was still a shrimp.

“Where’s Geoff?” I asked.

“What do you care, you little freak?” asked Gil.

“Jesus, Gil,” said Aaron Getz, “take it down a notch. Geoff’s still working out.” He nodded toward the weight room. Great. One of my favorite places. I took a deep breath, shouldered my pack and headed toward the weight room.

As I entered, I took a quick look around. The place didn’t appear any different then it did the last time I was there. I don’t know, somehow I expected the fight would have left some mark or trace on the room, but there was nothing.

Geoff was alone. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of gym shorts, and doing dumbbell curls like a mad man. I don’t know how much weight he was using, but I figured I might be able to curl one of his dumbbells if I used both hands. I waited until he finished his set before I spoke.


He stood up and turned at the sound of his name. I don’t know how long he had been working out, but every single muscle on his huge body looked totally pumped, swollen and hard, far larger than I had ever seen them before. He didn’t have a body he had a fucking land mass. His pecs were two heaving dunes, his abs were ridges and valleys, and his biceps and shoulders were mountains with veins running all around them like winding roads. His skin was red and shiny with sweat and he was radiating a heat I could feel across the room. The shear power of his physical presence was making me weak in the knees.

“Oh look, it’s the Beast.” he said.

Crap. He had heard. Of course he had heard, the entire school had heard.

“What do you want?” He wasn’t smiling.

“I need to tell you something,” I said.

He looked at me hard. There was no friendliness there, none at all. I was surprised by how much that hurt me. I was pretty sure he was about to tell me to go. But he didn’t.

“So, tell me.”

And I sang him the song of my pheromones. I was clear and concise. I hit all the salient points and ended by producing the jar of shit-like goop which I explained he needed to eat.

He looked at me silently for a moment before he spoke. “So, tell me about her.”


“Tell me about her, the brainy girl, the one you fucked in the biology lab.”


“Yeah, Veronica.”

“What does that have to do with my pheromones?”

“Nothing. I don’t give a crap about your pheromones. I don’t even know what a pheromone is, and you know what? I don’t care. Tell me about her.”

This was unexpected. I wasn’t sure what to do. But something in his tone compelled me to answer.

“What did you want to know?”

“Is she pretty?”

“Ah, not really.”

He laughed bitterly. “She’s not even pretty. She must have a great body, then.”

“Actually, she’s kind of fat.”

“You’re fucking killing me, you know that?”

“Wait a minute, you’re upset because Veronica and I— What about Wendy?”

“I broke it off with Wendy.”

“I guess I didn’t get the memo.”

“Is that why you did it? Because I was sleeping with Wendy? To get back at me?”

“Listen, Geoff, it might surprise you to hear this, but I don’t live my life around you. I make plenty of decisions every day that have nothing to do with you. Like Veronica, she was one of those right time/right place kind of things. And believe it or not, when I was kissing her, you were pretty far from my mind.”

“Let me see if I can do something about that.”

In two strides he crossed the room, pulled me into an embrace with those enormous arms of his and kissed me.

The suddenness and the force of it took me by surprise. I thought I had seen lights when I kissed Veronica. That was nothing compared to this. There was a complete circus going on inside my head and our tongues were the acrobats. Instinctively, my hands reached up and grabbed his arms. They were like steel plates piled up under his skin. It was as if he was turning into the equipment he worked out on. I began to get dizzy. If he hadn’t pulled back when he did, I might have passed out.

“Tell me, you didn’t feel that, too,” he said. I just nodded my head and looked past those gigantic pecs at those baby blue eyes and that soft brown hair. But I pulled away. This wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right.

“What’s the matter, now?”

“It’s my pheromones. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what they are. Just put a dab of this—shit on your tongue. That’s all.” Inwardly I cringed. I knew that after he’d had a dose there was every possibility he’d lose interest. But it had to be done. It was the right thing to do. It was the only thing to do.

“You really want me to eat that crap?”

I nodded.

“What do I get if I do?” he asked, a mischievous smile returning to his face.

"What do you want?"

“If I taste that crap, you have to do any one thing I say.”

I didn’t really have to think about it. “Ok.”

“And I want you to feed it to me.”

“Yeah, fine.” I unscrewed the jar, dipped my finger into the substance and got a little dab on the tip. That should be enough. “Open wide,” I said. He did and as I stuck my finger in his mouth, he closed it, sucking on my digit and running his tongue all around it. Shivers ran up my spine. I had no idea a finger could be an erogenous zone. I slowly slid it out of his mouth and waited; I wasn’t sure for what.

“Okay,” he said. “I did what you wanted; now you have to do what I want.”

“What’s that?” I asked, expecting the worse, expecting him to tell me to go.

“Take a shower.” Then he dropped his gym shorts, and walked completely naked through the connecting door and into the locker room. I quickly repacked my backpack and followed after him.

By the time I got into the locker room it was empty. The rest of the team had gone home. In fact, at this time of day, I suspected the school was practically deserted. I heard the water start running in the shower room and I was pretty sure that was where I’d find Geoff. I quickly stripped down and put my clothes in a locker. For the second time that day, I found myself buck naked at school. Only this time I removed my socks.

The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the shower room was that all thirty showerheads were running. Torrents of water were cascading down in all directions, turning the floor into a tempest of swirling currents. Steam was everywhere. The light was dim. It didn’t look like the boy’s shower at all. It was more like some kind of cave, the kind hidden behind a waterfall. The place had a foggy, unreal look. All the lights were out except for one. And standing directly beneath it was Geoff. He had his back to me, and I wasn’t sure if he knew I was there. I think I was actually afraid to say anything. I was afraid that the anti-pheromone agent might have done its work and when he turned around he would just not be interested.

I stalled for a moment and contemplated his back. His hard body was dramatically lit by the hard light. Every one of his muscles seemed to have its own shadow. I don’t think I had ever really taken a good look at his back before. His lower back was narrow enough but once you got a little higher up, it began getting wider and wider and wider, finally ending as it seemingly merged with his mountainous shoulders. As he moved I watched the great iron slabs of muscle rolling under his skin like waves, surfacing briefly and then merging back in with the ocean. Below his back was his perfect butt, just popping out at me. And the whole package was being held up by his thick, powerful legs.

I don’t know how long I stood there watching him wash. It might have been just a few seconds or it might have been minutes. But standing there, naked in the middle of the shower room, I was unable to hide how I felt, not from him, not from myself. My anatomy, at least, made it all perfectly clear.

Finally he turned, and stepping out of the water stream, smiled at me. The shower room didn’t need any more light when it had that smile. His smile was almost the most powerful thing about him. Almost. You couldn’t miss that impossibly broad chest and those abs pushing out against his drum tight skin. And his arms, hanging wide at his sides, weren’t much smaller than my legs.

I looked down. I was definitely showing my appreciation.

“Jeeze, every time I see you, you’re bigger,” he said.

I wondered what part of my body he was referring to. It didn’t matter, really. I was bigger all over. And as he looked me up and down, he started getting bigger, too, down below.

“So, are you just going to stand there?” he asked. “It’s kind of hard to do this long distance. Besides, I said you had to take a shower and you’re still completely dry, well, almost.” He grinned. Yeah, a certain part of me was getting a little wet just standing there.

I walked toward him. All the steam made the air heavy and vague. I felt strangely detached, as if I wasn’t in complete control of myself, almost as if I was in a dream. He reached out for me and drew me into the shower stream with him. The water cascaded off of him and onto me. I opened my mouth and let it run in. He leaned over and kissed me again, cutting off the flow, and for a moment I was drowning in him.

He released me and slid behind, kissing my neck and shoulders. Then I felt him enter me. It was painful at first, a shock. But the feeling of him inside me was one of the most intense sensations I had ever felt. And as he slowly began to pump, he whispered in my ear.

“I love that you’re growing,” he said. “Even if I don’t see it happen, just to know that you keep getting bigger makes me hot.”

I couldn’t say anything. My senses were overwhelming me. But as he continued to speak, my hand reached for my cock and I began to stroke it along with his words.

“I keep imagining you getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger.”

Each time he would say “bigger,” he would pump and I would groan.

“I see your muscles, expanding, growing larger, stronger, erupting outward and becoming enormous. It’s all I can think about.”

I let out a gasp. I didn’t know where I was. My mind had been overridden by the fire running through my body. I was seconds away from an explosion.

“You keep getting bigger. You pass me. You’re huge. You’re fucking gigantic.”

And then I couldn’t take it anymore and I came. I came with such intensity that I screamed, I screamed for all I was worth. And as I screamed I felt something snap, something in my voice, and it dropped, it plummeted. My tenor voice suddenly became a deep baritone. And my scream became more like a roar, the sound echoed around the shower room and seemed to grow in volume. I screamed and I came and I screamed some more.

When it was over, I collapsed on the floor and sat there just letting the water flow over me. I looked down. There was blood in the water. I must be bleeding from my ass. Geoff was so damn big.

I looked over and saw Geoff sitting on the floor next to me. He looked just as spent as I felt.

“So,” he said, “was it good for you?”

I laughed. But it wasn’t my laugh. How strange. I’d lost my laugh.

“I like the voice,” he said. “Very sexy.”

“It’s going to take some getting used to,” I replied, placing my hand reflexively on my throat. “Maybe more than anything else.”

“Well, we can’t stay around here anymore,” he said, getting up and starting to turn off the showers. “If there’s anyone left in the school, they probably heard the Beast bellowing and it won’t be long before they come looking.”

“We could always say I slipped in the shower.”

He laughed. “Yeah. No one’s ever used that one before.” He finished turning off the taps and flipped on the lights. The shower was a shower once more.

I stood up, shook myself off and followed him out into the locker room. I came and I screamed some more.

When it was over, I collapsed on the floor and sat there just letting the water flow over me. I looked down. There was blood in the water. I must be bleeding from my ass. Geoff was so damn big.

I looked over and saw Geoff sitting on the floor next to me. He looked just as spent as I felt.

“So,” he said, “was it good for you?”

I laughed. But it wasn’t my laugh. How strange. I’d lost my laugh.

“I like the voice,” he said. “Very sexy.”

“It’s going to take some getting used to,” I replied, placing my hand reflexively on my throat. “Maybe more than anything else.”

“Well, we can’t stay around here anymore,” he said, getting up and starting to turn off the showers. “If there’s anyone left in the school, they probably heard the Beast bellowing and it won’t be long before they come looking.”

“We could always say I slipped in the shower.”

He laughed. “Yeah. No one’s ever used that one before.” He finished turning off the taps and flipped on the lights. The shower was a shower once more.

I stood up, shook myself off and followed him out into the locker room.

Read next part