Teacher's Pet 7

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There was something about being drunk that knocks a few holes in the memory. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t remember what I did that day after I got home. I don’t know how long I passed out, all I could remember was someone shaking me and calling my name.

“Come on Brian, wake up man,” his voice told me. “Fuck, what the hell happened to you? Come on!”

I gave a loud groan as I lifted my head from the table top and tried to ignore the pounding in my head. Hard wood was definitely not good for a pillow.

“Oh thank God you’re alright.” Kevin grabbed my shoulder and helped me into an upright sitting position. “When I saw you conked out on the table, I panicked.”

“Ooohhhhh…” I groaned as my temples throbbed. “What time is it?”

“It’s two in the morning.” He told me, and then began to swear. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have stayed out so late.”

“What was I doing…?” I pressed my hand on my forehead. Ugh, someone make the room stop spinning… My stomach was queasy enough as it was without the roller coaster ride.

“From the looks of it, you were trying to clean out my liquor stash.” Kevin noted the pile of empty glass bottles all over the kitchen table… which was in the other room. Somehow I made my way into the living room and fell asleep on the coffee table while clutching a nearly empty bottle of vodka, but not before I broke the lamp, turned over a chair and smeared honey all over the TV and carpet.

I blinked weakly at the mess and dropped the bottle still in my hand onto the coffee table. “Did I do all this? Why did I…” I paused when I suddenly remembered.


His room.


Teddy Bears.




My stomach began to heave, but I somehow managed to keep it down. I stood up a bit woozily, but with Kevin’s help I managed to prevent myself from falling over again. “Thank you,” I told him.

Kevin’s nose wrinkled. “You can thank me later, when your breath doesn’t smell like alcohol.”

If I didn’t feel like shit, I would have laughed. Instead, I just concentrated on keeping my lunch down as we walked towards my room. On the way, I stepped on something and stumbled.

“Hey, easy there buddy.” Kevin helped me back onto my feet again.

I looked down to see what I stepped on. On the floor was the honey jar I had most likely used to soil the carpet with. It was shaped like a little bear, and it was looking at me with its plastic eyes accusingly. Grunting in disgust, I kicked at it only to completely miss and fall flat on my back on the floor.

Later that night, when I wasn’t rushing towards the bathroom to throw up, I was haunted by realistic dreams. I don’t know if I could classify them as nightmares, hell I couldn’t even say if I really was asleep, but as I lay there in bed they came to me all the same. With my eyes closed or wide open, I would see Ethan in front of me, naked and rock hard, teasing me by flexing his thick muscles and running his hand up and down his thick shaft. I caught myself reaching for my own stiff tool several times, and it made me sick (though that could have been the hangover).

It wasn’t until morning that sleep gradually came, and my eyelids dropped after a long night of restlessness. My eyes were so dried out, my head was pounding and my stomach sour, but I was finally starting to fall asleep.


“Dammit!” I swore as I sat up, grabbed the alarm clock and threw it against the wall.


Fuck, why did I have to go for a battery powered clock!? The beeping of the clock combined with the pounding throbs of my headache to create a whole marching band between my ears! Growling in anger, I threw everything I could reach at it to shut it off. My aim was horrible, hitting far off the mark, shattering a perfectly innocent lamp without any results to make up for it. Still, it didn’t stop me from throwing my books, pillow and other things to just shut it up!

“What’s going on in here?” Kevin in his uniform burst into my room and barely managed to duck from a poorly thrown lesson planner. “Brian, what is up with you?”

“Turn that damn thing off!” I pointed at the still beeping alarm clock.

He gave me a raised eyebrow but walked over to where the clock was, picked it up and flipped the switch. Setting it back down, he turned and looked at me. “Do you want to talk about what happened to you now? I would have asked last night, but I wanted to be sure you were sober.”

Feeling ashamed of myself, I turned away. “I…I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You know you can tell me anything,” he insisted.

“Thanks, but I really rather not talk about it at all.” How could I tell him that I had sexual attractions towards a student of mine?

Answer: I couldn’t.

Kevin gave me a hard look. If there’s one thing that could piss him off, it’s having his curiosity unsatisfied and questions unanswered. “Fine, I’ll let you off for now. Now hurry up and get dressed or you’re gonna make us both be late for work again.”

“I…I’m not going to class today.”

Immediately Kevin rounded back towards me. “You’re not going?” He asked intently.

“I just don’t feel too good.” I pulled the covers closer to me.

He frowned and stared at me. “Alright, fine. I’ll call in for you and tell them you caught a nasty flu bug or something. You just lay there in bed and rest up.”

I relaxed as he walked out of my room. For a while there I had thought he was going to keep pushing me for answers, which I didn’t have myself. Still, even he knew where to stop and back off most of the time. Leaning back, I rested my head against my pillow and shut my eyes.

It was probably half an hour when Kevin came back in carrying a tray of food and wearing his regular clothes.

“Kevin, what are you doing?” I sat up.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” He walked over to my bed and set the tray down on the night stand. “I’m serving you breakfast. Now, we have light porridge and herbal tea since your stomach is a bit queasy from last night, and here are some aspirin for your headache.”

“No, I mean what are you doing here and not at work?”

“I called in sick.” He shrugged, and then quickly cut me off before I could protest. “You don’t expect me to leave my best friend alone when he needs me do you? This is to make up for going out barhopping instead of coming straight home to stop you from drowning in beer and throwing up my prized liquor into the toilet.”

“You couldn’t have known,” I tried to reason with him.

“Hasn’t stop me from feeling guilty about it, though, has it?”

I forgot reasoning was one of his strong points. Or was it my weak point, I never could tell whenever I argued with him.

Unable to think of anything to say to him, I took the tray and began eating slowly. After a few spoonfuls the awkward silence became too much for me so I had to speak up.

“So…how did the school take it when I called in sick?” A part of me was dreading the answer. I mean, it was a two week temp job working as a teaching sub. How often does a class require a substitute substitute?

I was so fired…

“Actually, the principal seemed to have taken it pretty well, said he would cover for you.”

…or not.

My head jerked up. “What?”

“Yea, the principal, Mr.…what was it, Roosevelt?”

“Kennedy,” I corrected.

“Right, Kennedy!” Kevin snapped his fingers. “He said that he’ll look after the class and follow the lesson plan for the day.”

“How did he get my lesson plan?” I frowned. “I have it right…” I moved my hand towards my stand, but found it bare.

“Oh, it was that thing you threw at my head earlier. I took the liberty of telling him what you had put together for today.” He grinned at me. “Anyways, he said he was going to take care of the class for you, and hopes you feel better soon.”

“He said that?” I honestly didn’t expect this, despite that man’s cheerful nature.

“Yea, he seems like a really nice guy.” Kevin gave me another one of his looks, a naughtier version. “Do you two have a thing for each other?”

“What? No!” I nearly spurted tea through my nose to stop myself from laughing. “That’s like getting together with you.”

He drew back acting insulted. “What, you saying I’m ugly?”

“Well maybe if your hair didn’t look like a shade you’d find in a box of crayons you’d manage to find a guy who wouldn’t run off as soon as he sees you under a good light.”

“Oh, that was low.” He chortled, and his eyes grew sly. “You know what, that’s what you need.”

“What, bad hair coloring?”

“No, a new boyfriend,” His eyes twinkled mischievously. “We gotta set you up with a nice, big sexy stud to keep you from flying all to pieces and set you straight.”

The humor drained from me. The minute he said the words ‘big sexy stud’ the first thing that came to mind was Ethan.

My face must’ve somehow changed because Kevin’s smile faded as well as he looked at me. He opened his mouth to ask that fateful question, but then he actually changed his mind.

Instead, he reached over and patted my shoulder. “If you need me for anything Brian, I’ll be just down the hall so give me a shout.”

I lowered my gaze, still ashamed of myself. “Thank you, Kev.”

“Anytime bro.” He winked before leaving again.

When I was alone again, I leaned back and groaned. What was I going to do? This was far more serious than some simple high school crush. I couldn’t go back into that classroom knowing Ethan would be there. I was too afraid he might use his power over me, make me blow a load in my pants in front of the entire school or something. Not only that, what if he slips and the whole school found out? It could turn into another lawsuit against me, and this time prison was looming heavily over his head.

“I wonder if Dad ever had something like this happen to him.” I muttered out loud. My Dad was a great teacher, and good looking to boot. He was tall, about 6’2” with sandy hair and blue eyes. He would wear a plain brown suit and tie to his classes all the time, but they never made him look dorky. Contrary to his set up for a classic bookworm professor, at 200 lbs. he was lean, athletic and knew how to throw a football so it could hit the mark up to thirty yards away every time. Smart, athletic, humorous and handsome, he was my idol and the perfect Dad. It wouldn’t be so surprising if he did had someone crushing over him back then. I mean, who wouldn’t? If it were him, he would probably thank the person and decline in some easy-going way that would resolve it without breaking the kid’s heart. Every moment he was cool and in control. Nothing seemed to upset him, not even when he found out I was gay. One night he came home early to catch me with my pants down, watching a gay porn video I had secretly bought. He just blinked, excused himself and asked if I wanted to pizza for dinner.

The corner of my lips curved upwards. Back then I had been so afraid he’d freak when he’d find out, but when he actually did he just smiled and asked me pepperoni or sausage. I had been so lucky, unlike Kevin whose parents threw him out when he broke the news to them. It took him three years for his parents to reconcile with him and accept who he was, and only because my Dad had been mediating between the three of them tirelessly. He was Superman; he could do anything he put his mind to.

When he had his stroke and fell into a coma, it hit me pretty hard. I had just graduated from high school and had my whole life ahead of me. Suddenly the main support pillar to my world crumbled, and I abruptly found myself alone with no way to support myself or pay the bills. I tried doing some odd jobs, working from sunrise to midnight every day but it just wasn’t cutting it. That was when I went into the porn industry. I had a hot body, I had a cute face and I was getting paid to make out with some other good looking guys. It sounded too good to be true at the time, and I was desperate. I only thought I was going to stay until I earned enough to pay the bills, but a month and a half later my Dad passed away and I lost it. To make myself forget about the pain, I drowned it in sexual pleasure as I dove headfirst into the pornographic world so intensely that it made me a legend among thousands of sex hungry viewers.

It wasn’t until the second year anniversary of my Dad’s death that I snapped out of it. The previous year before I hit bar after bar, drinking everything in sight. This time, however, Kevin showed up at my second pub of the night and punched me in the face. The two of us brawled, damaging some of the bar’s property in the process but in the end we became too tired and battered to hit on each other so we resorted to verbal warfare.

Did I mention the fact that Kevin used to be a psych major before he went into cooking? It probably helped him to yell off my ear saying how the way I was living was harming my health, a waste of all the hard work I’ve done studying to get into college and most of all, a disgrace to my father. It took awhile, but he broke me down into a sobbing pile of crap. But I was grateful of him for that. It was that’s to him that I managed to get my life back together.

The next day, I broke all of my contracts and cut off all ties with the porn industry. When fall came around, I registered for classes in the nearby college. A month after that I decided to become a teacher.

Reminiscing about my past calmed me down, and before I knew it my fatigue had taken over and I fell asleep.

* * *

“Let me in, dammit!”

I bolted upright with a start. Then I suppressed the urge to hurl from sitting up so fast.

“Get out of here before I call the police!” Kevin’s voice echoed from outside.

“Not until I see Mr. Whitmore!” The same person that woke me yelled back.

My spine chilled when I heard that voice. I jumped out of bed and headed out of my room.

You’re the reason he nearly drank himself to death last night, so he as hell doesn’t want to see your face right now!”

“Move out of the way before I make you move!”

Oh God, please don’t let it be who I think it is. I prayed.

You know, sometimes I think God has a warped sense of humor.

When I walked into the living room, I found Kevin in front of the door and blocking the entrance. Standing out in the hallway was, naturally, Ethan.

“You can flex all you want muscles, but I have a compete set of knives sharp enough to slice up a cow along with years of expert training, and I’m not afraid to use them!” Kevin threatened, despite the fact that Ethan had four and a half inches on him and nearly a hundred pounds of pure muscle.

“You think that scares me?” Ethan snorted cockily. “Don’t blame me if your knives end up all bent out of shape and your arm broken, because I’m here to see Mr. Whitmore, and if you think I’m gonna let a guy like you stop me, I’ll-”

“That’s enough from the both of you.” I spoke up before Kevin could bust out the cutlery.

“Brian, I thought you were asleep!” Kevin turned around.

I tapped one ear. “How could I sleep with all the yelling?”

“Mr. Whitmore!” Ethan pushed himself into the room when Kevin’s guard dropped. “Mr. Whitmore, please, I’m sorry about what I did, I didn’t mean to fuck with you, I mean I kinda did, but, fuck I keep on screwing things up but please don’t leave just because of me!”

“Whoa there.” I reached out and grabbed him. “Take a nice, deep breath.”

Ethan closed his eyes and inhaled, causing his chest to bulge out towards me. It looked like it was going to bump into my face before he exhaled and the chest receded back.

“Come on in and sit down.” I guided him to the sofa. While I had been sleeping, Kevin had cleaned up the mess I made. There was even the fresh scent of lemon-something in the air from the cleaner.

Remembering him, I looked up. “Kevin, can you give me and Ethan some privacy?”

He nodded and left, which was surprising. Usually he’d argue to stay whenever he heard the word ‘privacy’. Well, this just made it a little bit easier. I turned my attention back to Ethan and saw how uncomfortable and nervous he was which made me feel uneasy. I wasn’t used to seeing him look so…so vulnerable.

Okay, I knew we had to break the ice before we settled down for the ice age. “How did you find out where I lived?”

He avoided my gaze. “I asked the school secretary. It didn’t take me long to find out your address.”

“Ah, is that so.” I nodded.

“Mr. Whitmore, I’m really sorry for last night.” He jumped right into the heart of the problem.

I leaned forward and looked at him closely. “Are you really?”

Ethan guiltily shifted his weight, telling me that part of him wasn’t. “I shouldn’t have done what I did in front of you and everything.”

“Then why did you do it?”

“Because I couldn’t help myself!” His knuckles popped as he gripped his knees. “I know I acted like a jerk, but I really liked you, Mr. Whitmore. Fuck, I wanted you so badly. Ever since you came back, I can’t even get through the day anymore unless I jack off at least five times! Whenever I catch you checking me out, or speechless as you stare at me, or when your skin flushes when your cock hardens and you try to hide it… I thought you felt the same way about me.”

His blatant confession surprised me. Was he really that attracted to me? Maybe to the younger, fit version, but I was overweight and not so hot anymore. However, the fact that he noticed me looking at him in a not so innocent manner was a different story.

It was times like these I asked myself, “What would Dad do?” Would he just make up some sort of lie to end things right here and now, or would he decline and hoped the kid’s heart wouldn’t get too messed up.

No, my father was an honest man. He would have told me lies would only complicate things and make things worse.

Summoning all of my courage, I lifted my head towards him. “I do feel the same way.”

Ethan’s head jerked up. “What?”

“I am attracted to you.” God, that wasn’t easy to say. “There were times I could barely hold myself back. You are handsome, strong and very sexy sometimes. But I am your teacher, and you’re a student, still a minor. I just can’t sexual relationship with you.”

I could see Ethan’s disappointment, but he quickly recovered. “Is it because I’m a minor? Because I’ll be 18 in just a few weeks, and I’ll be completely legal!”

His face fell when I shook my head. “I’m sorry, I just can’t do that.”

He wilted like a flower, but stiffened up again. “That’s alright. I guess I should have known you wouldn’t give in right away.”

My brow furrowed. “What do you mean by that?”

He ignored me and went on. “But even so, can we still be cool with each other, right? No need to let this come between being buds.”

“I don’t think it would be appropriate for us to-”

“Please?” His dark eyes softened. For a brief moment, he reminded me of his old self again and I felt myself break.

“Alright.” I told him. What was the harm? My time at the school would end next Monday anyhow, and after that I never have to deal with him again. Once I reassured him to move on, I could return to my dull, boring, burger flipping life without any regrets.

When I saw Ethan broke out into a grin, however, I started to have second thoughts.

As he got up to leave, he looked down at me with those dark puppy eyes of his. “Can I ask one last thing, though?”

God, he looked so big like this, towering above me like some sort of giant. Fighting my meek side, I forced myself to look up at his face only despite the fact that it was almost hidden behind his huge pec shelf. “Yes?”

“Can I…call you Mr. Brian again?” he asked almost shyly.

I blinked. Then I laughed. “Of course you can.”

Read next part