Tim's Problem 2

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"Hi Tim, your Mom brought you to me because of how you were getting teased at school. When we ran all the blood tests we came up with the answers as to why you are not growing and developing like your friends are. What you have Tim is a condition called "hypogonadism" which means that you are not producing enough testosterone and converting it to what is called D-H-T which is dihydrotestosterone the active form."

"Have you learned anything about this in school?"

"No sir…"

"One part of that hormone has the anabolic effects and when converted by an enzyme in your body called 5-alpha-reductase it becomes a second and far more powerful hormone called dihydrotestosterone. It is the dihydrotestosterone that produces the things you need to develop. The two measurements that we did on you were what are called a 'serum testosterone' and a 'free floating' testosterone test. The serum tells how much is in your blood stream and what your testosterone producing glands are doing. The free floating tells us what you are utilizing. In your case, you are only producing about 25% of what you should be, and because of that, the other test showed levels so low as to be of little value

"We have a fix, and it will be difficult for a short time for you. The fix will really nuke both levels and you will be back on track and then some."

"Will it make me go bald?"

"Tim, you have been listening to too many hair-regrowth commercials. In order to sell their products, hair regrowth companies try and convince everybody that DHT or dihydrotestosterone is some evil thing that is not necessary. DHT in and of itself does NOT make you go bald. That is regulated by more than a single factor, and, also requires a genetic predisposition. Women have very low testosterone levels and even lower DHT levels as a rule. Like every man has a very low estrogen level, every girl has a low testosterone level. Though there are exceptions the greatest percentage of women do not go bald. The companies who promote this method of hair loss control have found that by "short circuiting" DHT they can in the scalp slow down the genetic predesposition towards male-pattern-baldness. What they really kind of do is to take away your guy scalp and give you a girl scalp while trying to leave the rest alone. Take it from me, when you reduce DHT in guys, it is not a good thing. The fact is that baldness could also be eliminated by genetics. We have a great deal we can do with genetics, but that particular fix we have not learned yet. I think that we will have it long before you will need to worry about it.

"Now, in reference to what is going on with you, your own hormone producing glands which include your pituitary and testicles are not doing what they should. Your Mom brought you to me because I am the best in my field. I am the very first one to use a very aggressive new treatment for your specific problem. Your Mom and I have talked and we think that this very aggressive treatment is the one that you need. You are not the first young man to have this treatment and there are many others who have experienced it over the two years I have been doing it.

"Tim, here is what we have planned for you.

"The first thing we are going to do is to set you up over at Mid City Memorial to have some of your bone marrow harvested. We are going to expose that harvested bone marrow to a virus which carries some DNA changes. This is harmless, and after infecting the cells this virus dies off on it's own. By the time you get your marrow put back in with an I.V. bag there will be genetic alterations which will, via your blood stream spread throughout your body. You definitely will not get sick in any way.

"As soon as that is completed, we will then do an implant procedure. To speed things up for you, you are going to initially receive hormonal implants which contain several common hormones and a few that are not. These do a couple of things for you. The first thing that they do is to launch this procedure a great deal more quickly. By the time the implants are fading your completely repaired and improved glandular system will take over on it's own and other than some "check-ups" with me over the next year or so that will be the end of it.

"There is a fellow named Jason Marsen at your school, do you know him?"

"I think that he is in my final period English class…"

"Well, Jason is going to be going through the same treatment you are.

"He was nervous about it even though his older brother was the first patient on which I used this treatment. I was thinking of scheduling or "launching" you two fellows at the same time, that way you will not be alone and with some sort of companion going through this too, you will never have to be afraid if you can't get a hold of me.

"Tim, in a manner of speaking we are going to unfortunately have some bad with the good and here is what it is. The first part is that you are going to speed through puberty an incredibly fast rate. This means that the growth and development of what are called your secondary sex characteristics will happen a great deal faster than that of many of your friends. Up to this point, your problem has been that you have not developed and, because of this you have been teased and the brunt of many jokes. When you start developing quickly and in a short time become far more manly or masculine in appearance than these same people, they are not going to be happy. Again in the beginning they are going to try and get on your case. The major difference this time is that they will do so because now you stand out as being far more masculine than they are and they now look like the children. There will also be elements of jealousy too. When you can shave and they can't, or they see hair on your arms, legs or chest they are going to realize you may have been behind them, but, they will be most unhappy when you pass them by and they are behind you.

"Right now, based on where you are with your delayed development I don't imagine that you have much of a desire to masturbate.

"Tim, this is normal for any person in your age group and because of your lack of development you have not experienced this desire or at least if you have, it has not been a very strong desire.

"This will change very quickly, and I have already told your Mom that you need to have plenty of space to "relieve yourself" as often as you need to. You may need to do this several times a day and this is not abnormal in any way in a person your age.

"Doctor? I was able to get young Tim scheduled over at Mid City for the harvest on Monday."

"Thank you Nurse.

"Well Tim, Doctor Reynolds will do that. A courier will be waiting to take the marrow to a special lab and you will probably be getting that marrow back somewhere between Wednesday and Friday here at my office. I have postponed Jason's procedure so that both of you can be done and get your marrow back at the same time. Again, this will give you both a chance to get to know each other and to share your experiences.

"Do you have any questions?"

"No, Doctor."

"If you have any Tim, please do not hesitate to call me by telephone and I will get back to you as soon as I can."

"Thank you, Doctor."

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