The Bully and the Freak

Part 1

Mike was the only child in a middle class family. He was always spoiled by his parents as he grew up and he got everything he wanted. He was almost 16 years old, and he couldn’t wait to get his new car. He was always a big kid, bigger and stronger than the other boys in his class who grew to fear him because Mike was a bully. When he was little he got a charge out of being able to beat up other kids in school and in his neighborhood and make them do what he wanted. One time in fifth grade, a kid turned him in to the Vice-Principal after Mike had smashed him in the gut for not doing what Mike had ordered. Mike claimed the other kid started the fight and his parents always backed him up. They never dreamed their dear little Mikey could be a bully. When the Vice Principal let him off—it was his word against the other kid’s—he beat up the squealer so bad that the poor kid had bruises all over his body. The kid had to say he fell down some stairs. No other kid dared squeal on Mike from that time on. Mike strutted around school as the king of the boys. He was only medium height but he was built real solid. He had brown eyes and dark brown hair. And believe it or not, quite a few boys actually wanted to be friends with him. They looked up to him because of his strength and his aggressive confidence.

Justin was Mike’s cousin. At 14 years old he was just the opposite of Mike. He was tall and very skinny. He had blond hair and blue eyes. His father had died in an auto accident when he was two years old and his mother developed cancer when he was nine. From ages nine to 14 he took care of his mother who was slowly dying of cancer. Every day after school he came home and cooked and cleaned the house. He had a few friends at school, but he never had time to play sports or get any kind of exercise. So he was extremely skinny. And he got bullied by some of the bigger kids because he was so frail and skinny. He always wanted to be bigger and stronger, but then he looked at his thin little arms and figured he was always going to be weak and skinny. He lived across the country from Mike’s family, so he saw his cousin only rarely. Every time Mike saw him, he called Justin a freak, a skinny little freaky boy. Mike had no sympathy for Justin and he loved to bully the kid every time he saw him, making sure Justin knew who was the boss. Justin hated it every time Mike’s family came to visit because he knew it was going to be pure torture for him. Then his mother died and he was an orphan. His closest relatives were Mike’s family – Mike’s and Justin’s fathers were brothers. So the court ordered than Justin was to be sent to Mike’s house to be adopted as part of Mike’s family.

When Mike heard that Justin was coming to live with him he was mad as hell. His parents told him that he and Justin would be sharing Mike’s room. They only had a two bedroom house. “I don’t want that skinny freak livin’ here. I don’t want him in my room. This is my house and that’s my room. I’m a big stud, and that little freaky stick boy’s a total loser. Send him to a fuckin’ orphanage!”

Mike’s parents looked at their son with concern in their eyes. “You’ve got to make some adjustments, son,” said his father. “It wasn’t Justin’s fault that both his mother and father are dead. It’s not his fault that you’re a big strong boy and he’s skinny. We can’t send him to live in an orphanage. He’s coming here to live with us.” Mike stormed out of the room.

Although Justin needed a place to live, he wasn’t looking forward to moving in with Mike either. He knew his life was going to totally change. He hoped he could persuade Mike to be his friend rather than his tormentor. He was about to find out. Mike’s mom and dad picked up Justin at the airport and brought him home. Mike had refused to go. They had bought a new bed and dresser and put them in Mike’s room. Mike sat in his room and fumed. Justin arrived home and Mike’s parents brought him to Mike’s room. Justin walked in and extended his hand. At five feet ten inches, he was three inches taller than Mike but he was as skinny as a rail. Mike reached out and grabbed Justin’s hand. Then he squeezed. His muscular forearms bulged as they applied enormous power to his thick hand. Bolts of pain seared through Justin’s hand as Mike squeezed as hard as he could. Justin tried to jerk his hand away, but Mike wouldn’t let go. Justin didn’t say anything but tears started to run down his cheeks as he began to cry. Mike’s mother finally saw what was going on. “Let go of him, Mike. He’s your cousin. You have to be good to him.”

Mike let go and looked in Justin’s eyes and smiled. “Oh yeah, I’ll be real good to him,” he said.

“You guys get to know each other,” she said as she left the room.

“So the freak’s an orphan,” said Mike. “You wanna be my brother. Shit, you’re so fuckin’ weak and lame you’ll never be my brother. You’re just a puny little freak. A little freaky boy. A little freak boy who better do everything Mike tells him or he’s gonna be beaten to a pulp.”

Justin looked at Mike with pleading eyes. “Don’t call me a freak, Mike. I hate that name.”

Mike moved next to Justin and bumped him with the big pec muscles bulging in his chest. “I can call you anything I want, freak. You’re a freak. You wanna mess with me, freak? You wanna mess with these muscles?” He flexed his arm in Justin’s face. Justin’s eyes bulged out when he saw the size of Mike’s bicep. Mike grabbed Justin’s hand and put it on his bicep. “Fuckin’ hard. Fuckin’ big and fuckin’ hard. Try to squeeze that muscle, freak. See what you can do to that muscle.” Justin squeezed the big bicep and he couldn’t make the slightest dent in it. Mike smiled. “Yeah, you can’t do a fuckin’ thing to my muscle, you little shit. Now feel what it can do to you.” He wrapped his arm around Justin’s neck and flexed his bicep right into Justin’s windpipe. He heard a crackling sound as Justin’s windpipe got smashed by the bulging muscle. “Yeah, I love to hear my big bicep bustin’ through someone’s puny neck,” he said. “I love to hear it crushing some little wimp’s pencil neck. My bicep’s real big and real hard and real strong. You’re just a freak with a pencil neck that my hard muscle can bust through so easy.” The big bicep muscle bulged bigger and bigger as Mike flexed harder and harder. Justin couldn’t breathe and his face started getting red. “My bicep’s stronger than your whole fuckin’ body,” said Mike as he looked at his hard, bulging muscle.

“Now let me tell you what my bicep wants you to do, freak. My bicep wants you to tell my parents that you wanna sleep in the basement. You wanna move a mattress and dresser down there. It’s a little cold and dark but you won’t be in my fucking room! And you’ll have lots of privacy. And since you’re down there maybe I won’t beat you up as much. Aw shit, I’m still gonna beat you up all the time. It’s gonna be fun beatin’ you up. So you’re movin’ to the basement. You got that freak?”

Justin didn’t immediately reply and that made Mike mad. He squeezed even harder. Drools of spit started dripping out of Justin’s mouth. Tears were again dripping down his face as he cried in pain. “You fuckin’ little wimp. You don’t deserve to live with a stud like me. You wanna move to the basement, right freak?” yelled Mike. Justin was almost passed out. He nodded his head and Mike smiled. “I knew I could reason with you freak,” he said.

So Mike dragged Justin down to the basement and turned on the light. There was only one light hanging from the ceiling. The basement was all concrete and there was only one little window at the top. There were some boxes stored in the room, but there was enough room for Justin’s mattress on the floor and his dresser next to the mattress. They walked into the basement and Justin saw a small weight set stored in the corner with a bench for bench presses. He walked over and looked at the weights. He had never lifted a weight in his life. “That’s an old set of weights I used years ago,” said Mike. “Now I work out at the school where the big weights are. You’re so fuckin’ frail and weak you’re never gonna be able to lift a weight.” Mike dragged Justin upstairs into the kitchen. “Justin wants to say something,” he said to his parents.

Justin looked at Mike, who flexed his right arm at his side, and then at Mike’s parents. “I wanna live in the basement. I’d rather live down there than in Mike’s room. I can fix it up - I’m real good at doing chores around the house.”

Mike smiled. His muscles always got their way. It never occurred to him that he had never done a household chore in his whole life. He got other people to do whatever he wanted. And his parents had never made him do anything. His mom even made his bed.

Mike’s mom looked at Justin. She didn’t notice the red marks on his neck. “Well, okay, Justin, if that’s what you want. Maybe you could use a little privacy while you’re getting adjusted here. We’ll move your mattress and dresser downstairs. And I’ll buy a mirror and a rack to hang your shirts.”

So the family moved a mattress and dresser down into the basement. Mike’s mother bought a small rack for Justin’s shirts and a mirror that she put on the wall. Justin started unpacking his clothes. When he finished he lay on his bed and cried. At dinner that night Justin ate hardly anything. He had never had a very good appetite. He watched as Mike loaded up his plate with meat and potatoes and gobbled his food down voraciously. Mike looked over at Justin and said “The little freak eats like a girl. It’s gonna be hard being a brother to a freak who’s more like a girl than a man. I’m a man and he’s like a girl.”

Mike mother turned to him and said, “Leave Justin alone Mike. Not every kid is like you. You’re lucky you have such a good body. Not every kid has the kind of body you have.”

Mike flexed his arm and said, “Yeah, that’s for sure. I like having big muscles. Freaky boy there is always gonna be a runt compared to me.”


The next day was Justin’s first day in school. Mike was a Junior and Justin was a Freshman, so they attended the same school. Mike didn’t have his driver’s license or his new car yet, so his mother drove them both to school. When they got there Mike jumped out of the car and went up to his friends. He pointed to his skinny cousin and laughed. Mike’s mother took Justin into the school and registered him. Justin was glad to be in school. He had always been a good student. He went to his first period class and was glad to be away from Mike. He actually made a friend that morning, a boy named Timmy.

Timmy was three inches shorter than Justin. He was thin and weak, with his body covered by a little layer of fat. He weighed the same as Justin, 120 pounds. Timmy had a little fat and Justin was just skin and bones without any fat. But they both weighed the same. Just like Justin, Timmy a perfect target for bullies. Justin told Timmy about his cousin Mike, and Timmy shuddered when his new friend described who his cousin was. Several of the Freshmen, including Timmy, had been bullied by Mike. They all hated him. Timmy really pitied Justin for having to live with the big bully.

After lunch, Justin was talking with Timmy and another skinny boy when Mike and two of his big friends came up to them. “Look at the fuckin’ little freak,” Mike said to his friends. “Can you believe that skinny freak is my cousin? Somethin’ went wrong with the gene pool in his family. Well, his mother died of cancer. Another fuckin’ wimp, just like the freak.”

His friends laughed as Mike walked up to Justin. He grabbed his upper arm and squeezed. Justin’s arm was like a little stick. Mike’s thick strong fingers crushed the small amount of flesh in that arm like he was crushing a banana. Justin tried to flex his bicep but Mike’s fingers drove deeper and deeper into the reed-like arm. Justin’s muscle was a weak little bump being smashed by Mike’s thick strong fingers. The crushing was brutal. Mike didn’t care. He loved to use his big muscles to torture weaker kids. He watched his forearm flex and Justin’s face contort in pain and he laughed. Tears started running down Justin’s cheeks..

“You got such a puny little body, stick boy. You’re so fuckin’ skinny and weak. Ya know, when I’m playing around with you like this, you might get hurt. Look at your tears. You’re just so fuckin’ weak. Hey it ain’t my fault your body’s so frail and weak. It ain’t my fault if you break like a fuckin’ eggshell when I go man to man with you. It’s not my fault you’re not built to deal with a real man like me. Right boys?”

Mike’s friends yelled their agreement. “Yeah, it’s the freak’s fault he’s so skinny and weak and can’t handle real men like you Mike.”

Then Mike looked at Justin and said “Here’s what a real man can do, freaky boy.” Mike grabbed Justin by the shirt. Justin only weighed 120 pounds and it seemed easy for Mike to lift him up like this. He shook Justin a couple of times, laughing as he watched Justin’s terrified face. “You’re as light as a fuckin’ feather.” Then he dropped the skinny boy and grabbed his wrist. He jammed Justin’s chest against the lockers and started pushing up on his wrist, forcing his arm up his back. Justin cried out in pain. “Yeah, I’m a man and you’re such a fuckin’ puny freak. It’s fuckin’ fun to push you around. It’s fun crushing you like a fucking bug.” He jammed Justin’s body into the locker as he raised his arm even more. “You are nothing to me, you little freak. I can play with you all I want and there’s nothing you can do about it. ‘Cause I’m a man and you’re a puny little freak.”

Justin had tears run rolling down his face. He hated having a brother like Mike. Then the big kid spun Justin around so they were face to face. Mike grinned at the skinny boy in front of him. “Too bad you’re not a man like me. You’re just a puny little freak,” he said as he hit Justin’s skinny gut with two hard punches. Justin buckled over in pain and fell to the ground. “Fuckin’ puny little shit. A little freak boy,” he said as he kicked his new brother’s ass. “That was fun. I’m gonna do that a lot. It’s fun having a little freak brother to play with.” Then he and his friends walked off laughing.

Justin walked home from school and went down to his basement room. He sat on the bed thinking about how his life was now going to be, taking Mike’s torture day after day. He felt so weak and insecure. He took off his shirt and looked at himself in the mirror. He was tall, standing at five feet eleven, but he was a thin as a rail. Five feet ten and 120 pounds. He saw nothing but bone and skin. No muscle at all on his skinny body. All the time he had spent taking care of his mother meant that his muscles had never gotten any exercise. Now they were frail and weak. His whole body was frail and weak. Mike was right. Justin realized he was so skinny and frail he would always be hurt by Mike and he could easily get injured when Mike “played” with him, bullying him with a body that was twice and big and three times as strong. Tears started running down his eyes.

He thought about talking to Mike’s parents about Mike’s bullying, but he knew they had always felt their son was perfect and they probably would not believe him when he said Mike was a bully. He knew Mike would deny it and then beat him up even harder for squealing on him. Then he looked over at the weight set. He knew Mike lifted weights - the big weights at school - and he had personally felt the size and strength of Mike’s muscles. He walked over to the weight set and put the weights in the middle of the floor. He counted the plates. There were 150 pounds of weights plus a barbell bar and two dumbbell bars. There was a bench that had a rack that pulled upwards to be a squat rack as well. Of course, Justin didn’t know what a bench was used for or what a squat rack was, but he examined all the equipment. He looked at the weights, wondering what those pieces of iron could do. He had no idea. Then he saw several magazines that had been buried under the weights. He pulled them out and brought them over to his bed. On the covers of the magazines were headlines like “How to Build your Body into a Fortress of Mighty Muscles,” “Skinny - You can be a New Man in Three Months,” and “I was a Round Shouldered, Pigeon-Chested Weakling but I became a HE-MAN.” Justin’s eyes bulged out of his head when he saw the bodies of the young men on the covers of the magazines. He opened the magazines and started reading the articles and looking at the pictures. His got a surge of excitement coursing through his body as he read and saw the muscular bodies of the young men.


Part 2

Justin continued reading the old muscle magazine. “Skinny, here’s the new body you’ll get. You get a body rippling with steel-hard, razor-cut muscles. You get a body that literally breathes power, Greek warrior virility and awesome masculinity. You get the kind of body that makes well-built men look like discarded hat racks in comparison with you! THE ARMS. Imagine being able to roll up your sleeves and have every man and woman cast envious glances at you when you walk down the street. Do you want respect like that? Massive inches of sinew and might are pumped into your arms. A crushing grip! A smashing blow! The POWER to lift huge weights! The appearance of irresistible FORCE! From the tips of your fingers to the point of your shoulders your arms will be ALIVE with impressive muscle!” Justin flexed his stick- like arms -- arms that looked as thin as twigs -- and looked at the massive muscular arms of the boys – many of them were teenagers - in the magazines. He dreamed of having arms like those young men. He dreamed about the strength those arms possessed. He couldn’t believe how much weight those arms could lift. He couldn’t believe the power those arms had. He dreamed of having arms that were bigger and stronger than Mike’s arms. He dreamed of beating up Mike with big new muscular arms.

He read on. “THE CHEST. Your chest will GROW and become deep and full. You will learn the joys of limitless endurance. Be able to outrun others. Remain fresh longer. The cramped lungs will have a chance to breathe… grow healthy and strong. The heart will function unrestricted. Posture will become perfect. You will look vital, fresh, energetic! A human dynamo – fully charged with POWER!” Justin stood before the mirror and flexed his chest. He was tall and his posture was poor. He kind of stooped over even though he was trying to stand up straight. His chest was so skinny he could see his rib bones. He looked at the chests of the boys in the magazines and couldn’t believe the amount of muscle they had built. Their pecs were round and full of rippling muscle. He had no pec muscle at all. Just bone. He thought about having a big strong chest like the boys in the magazines. A big chest to match his big arms. A big strong chest that could push up an incredible amount of weight. A big strong chest that was stronger than Mikes, that could push Mike away from him forever. He was getting all excited about his new body.

He continued to read. THE UPPER BACK. Inches of power-packed muscle will spring up under your armpits. Masses of ridges and muscles right across your entire upper back. You will show the NEW MASCULINE LOOK – that impressive taper --- the WEDGE FORMATION --- the body that attracts attention. Gain new strength to LIFT and PULL --- heavy objects will seen like toys!” He stood and flexed his lats. Except he didn’t have any lats. He had no V taper at all. The top of his back was the same width as his waist. He looked at his image and dreamed about having muscles flaring out under his shoulders. He dreamed about picking up a heavy weight and having it feel like a toy. He dreamed about pulling in on Mike’s ribs and crushing the bully’s bones with his enormous power. His cock was now rock hard as he thought about the muscles the magazines promised he could build.

“THE SHOULDERS. Develop the shoulders of a lifeguard. Round, full inches of muscle packed on each shoulder. Fill out your jackets with LIVE PADDING! Pack a WALLOP! Improve your ability in sports. Look like an athlete at all times. Everyone will know that you are vigorous, rugged and masculine! Gone will be the poor posture and the stooping, sagging frame. In its place will be invigorating robustness – glowing good health and the walk and posture of a man who has NO FEARS!! The masculine stride of health, power and virility!!” Justin looked at his shoulders in the mirror and saw points of bone and no muscle. He shoulders were narrow, round and stooped. He thought about what it would be like to have wide shoulders capped with inches of strong muscle. He thought about having big broad shoulders like the shoulders of real athletes. He looked at the shoulders of the boys in the magazines, seeing how wide those shoulders were compared to their narrow waists. He thought about the strength that a boy with muscular shoulders would have. The power to pack a wallop, just like the magazine said. A wallop right into Mike’s gut.

He kept reading. “THE LEGS. RUGGEDNESS is seated in the legs. Be tiger-strong. Panther-quick! Lumberjack-tough. Improve your ability in sports. Don’t let others push you off balance –be ready and able to stand on your own two feet. Push away your competition with your MASSIVE LEG POWER. Overcome spindle legs. Add inches of dynamic muscle to keep you going in the toughest competition.” Justin flexed his legs in the mirror. They looked like little sticks. Yeah, they were spindle legs all right. He dreamed of building up the muscles in his legs. He dreamed about being able to walk up to Mike and not be afraid of being pushed over by Mike’s big body. He dreamed of being able to stand up to Mike with thick strong legs and a big muscular body on top of those pillars of power. He dreamed of being able to hit Mike with his strong legs and huge shoulders and knock him to the ground.

“THE WAIST. Your waist will look like a washboard. Corrugated RIDGES of MUSCLE will replace the soft flab you now have. Your waist will be small but it will be strong! The rock hard muscles in your waist will be like armor. Be able to take a punch and not feel a thing. Your broad shoulders and huge chest will taper down to a narrow athletic washboard waist that will be the envy of everyone on the beach!” Justin was now almost beside himself. He had never thought about having a body like the one the magazine was describing. Was this really possible? He dreamed of having big muscular arms, a huge strong chest, thick broad shoulders, big wide lats, giant muscular legs and a corrugated muscular waist. He looked at his image in the mirror and then at the pictures of the boys in the magazines. He was so excited.

The most amazing thing to him were the articles about young men who had been very skinny and weak and who had added pounds and pounds of muscle on their bodies using weights and eating lots of protein. One boy who was only 16 years old had put on 35 pounds of muscle in three months and had tripled his strength. He saw before and after pictures where the boy had been just skinny as Justin in the before pictures and then had become very muscular and strong in the after pictures. Justin couldn’t believe at first that these muscular changes really happened, but how could he deny what he saw in those pictures? He had always thought boys were just naturally strong - like Mike - and that he was destined to be naturally weak and frail. Now he had some hope.

In one of the magazines there was a beginner’s routine for a skinny guy who had never lifted weights before. Justin was that guy. For the first month you only did one set of the exercises three times a week. The magazine said you could gain five pounds of muscle in that first month. Then you went to the intermediate routine, where you did three sets, also three times a week. You would continue this for two more months. The magazine said you would have gained another 10 pounds of muscle --- a total of 15 pounds from the beginning. After that you would go to the advanced routine, where you worked out different body parts each day. At that point the magazine said you would be more than twice as strong as when you started. Justin could hardly wait.

He started his first workout. He didn’t know how strong he was, so he just used the bar for some military presses. He managed to crank out 10 reps with the bar, which weighed 25 pounds. The last two reps were very hard for him to do. Pretty weak, he thought as he remembered how Mike lifted him up so easily. But it was a start. Then he said to himself “I’m a beginner, but I’m a tough beginner. I’m gonna do another set. I’m gonna push my shoulders real hard.” For his second set, he did six reps and he really struggled for the last three reps. He reached up and felt his shoulder muscles. His eyes got wide because he could actually feel the muscle bulging a little. He had never felt any muscle in his shoulders before. And he could feel the pain. “Fuck, my shoulders are real sore. No pain, no gain!” he said to himself as he felt the little muscles. Then he tried bench presses. He loaded 5 pounds on each side of the bar and again managed to lift the bar 10 times. Then he told himself “I can do another rep,” so he did. Then he told himself “One more!” and he struggled to do a final rep. Thirty-five pounds for 12 reps. Then he did a second set, this time for eight reps. He felt good that he had pushed himself. But now his pecs felt sore too. He felt a kind of pain that he had never felt before. He felt his pec muscles and realized that they were bulging a little bit. He had hardly any pec muscles in his chest, but the little muscles he had seemed harder. They were harder and bulging as he flexed them.

“Wow,” he thought. “Are these weights really doing something?” He did two set of curls with the 25 pound bar and managed to curl it up only eight and five times. The last two reps were very hard to do but he forced his muscles to lift the iron. Then he felt his little bicep muscles and they were hard! He had only the tiniest of biceps, but they were harder than they had ever been. And they were sore. It was like the weights had made his little muscles explode inside his body. His muscles exploded as they got worked hard for the first time in their life. He was so stoked. He eagerly did the rest of the beginner exercises – two sets each. He flexed his muscles in the mirror and he swore they looked bigger then they had looked before he had worked out. He didn’t know it, but his muscles were now pumped up with blood. The blood was surging through the muscles, bringing nutrients to make the muscles grow. They were sore because they had been worked so hard. That blood would make those sore muscles bigger and stronger, bigger and stronger for their next workout. Justin looked at his skinny body and smiled. He looked down at the weights. Then he flexed again. He had hope. Like millions of 14-year-old boys who looked at them selves in the mirror after their first workout, he had hope. Could he become big and muscular like the boys in the magazines? He didn’t know, but he had hope.

Then he lay down on his bed and read the magazines cover to cover. His body was kind of tingly and when he flexed his muscles he could feel little bulges. He couldn’t believe that two sets of those exercises with weights had made his muscles harder, but his fingers told him that it had happened. What had happened is the Justin had gotten a pump, the first pump in his life. He didn’t know what a pump was, but he liked the feeling in his muscles. His body felt more alive. He felt good all over. His muscles kind of ached, but it was a good ache. They had been worked for the first time in their life.

When he went up for dinner he was suddenly hungry. He had never been this hungry in his whole life. He put quite a bit of meat, potatoes and vegetables on his plate. Not as much as Mike took, but way more than yesterday. Then he ate it all and took some seconds. “I guess I got pretty hungry today,” he said. “First day of school and all.” Mike’s dad said, “Well I’m glad you’re eating more. You’re a tall guy. You should eat more. See that Mike? Justin’s eating like a man, just like you.” Mike kind of frowned. “Yeah, but the food just goes in one end and out the other. He ain’t never gonna have any meat on his skinny little freak body. He’s just a freaky wimp.” Mike’s dad looked at Justin and then at Mike. “Well, he’s never gonna be the athlete you are Mike. I just hope he stays healthy with a skinny body like that.” Justin just kept eating. The family didn’t know that Justin had just eaten three times as much food as he had ever eaten before. He couldn’t believe it himself.


Part 3

That evening Justin got hungry again. He had never been hungry before bed before, but now he was. He asked Mike’s mother if he could make himself a snack and she said sure. “Make a snack any time you want, Justin. You’re our son too. Just eat all the food you want. I can always buy more.” Justin licked his lips and went to the refrigerator. He made a huge chicken sandwich and wolfed it down with a glass of milk. He slept very soundly and then had a big breakfast before he left for school. “You’ve got quite an appetite, young man,” said Mike’s mother as she watched him eat. “Yeah, I guess I do,” said Justin between bites.

Before the first class at school in the school yard, Justin went up to Timmy and flexed his arm. “Feel my muscle, Timmy. Feel my bicep.”

Timmy wrapped his fingers around Justin’s bicep and said, “So?” He felt a little bump of muscle but he didn’t think anything about it. “Your arm’s real skinny,” he said.

Justin smiled. “Yeah, it’s skinny but I think my muscle is bigger than it was yesterday. I started lifting weights last night and I thought I saw my muscles getting bigger in the mirror. Feel my muscle real good and then you can feel it next week. You can see if it is getting bigger. Feel my chest muscles too.” Timmy ran his fingers and hand over Justin’s bicep and tried to remember what he was feeling. He also felt Justin’s pecs. He really couldn’t feel any muscle there at all, just bone.

Timmy said, “I tried lifting weights six months ago but nothing happened. I lifted for three months and I stayed the same the whole time. No more muscle. No more strength. Just the same old fat little me. I don’t think weights do anything. You just have to be born big like your asshole brother Mike.”

Justin looked at Timmy with his sky blue eyes. “But I saw boys in the magazines who were just as skinny as me and they got real big and muscular by using weights. Their pictures were right in the magazines.”

Timmy laughed. “Yeah, I bet that’s Photoshop. The magazine writers just take their skinny pics and add muscle with Photoshop. Those boys didn’t build any muscle. Believe me, I tried it and it didn’t work.”

Justin was unfazed. “Well, okay, it didn’t work for you, but it might work for me. I don’t think those pictures were Photoshopped. I think they’re real. Hey, does your cellphone take pictures?”

Timmy took out his cellphone. “Yeah, it does.”

Justin grabbed Timmy by the arm and pulled him off to the side of the school yard. He ripped off his shirt and stood in front of Timmy. “Okay, Timmy. Take some pictures of me. These will be my “before” pictures. Then we can see how I look in three months and see if there is any difference.”

Timmy nodded his head and pointed the camera at Justin. He took a picture of Justin just standing there, so tall, skinny and frail. Then Justin flexed his arms for another pic. You could hardly see any bicep, just the tiniest little bulge. Then he did a lat pose, without any lats, for another pic. He flexed his twig like legs - he was wearing shorts, his non-existent abs, his flat bony chest and his missing triceps. Timmy got eight pics of Justin’s skinny body. “I hope there’s some improvement, Justin” said Timmy. “You’re the skinniest guy I’ve ever seen.”

Justin managed to avoid Mike for the rest of the day. Mike was taking his final drivers training lesson because he was going to turn 16 tomorrow and pick up his car, another gift from his parents. In fact, Mike was so preoccupied about his car that he just ignored Justin when he got home. He could hardly wait to start driving.

Justin was glad Mike was ignoring him. He had a big snack after school. He didn’t work out. The magazine said his muscles needed a chance to grow, so he just read the mags over and over again. He decided he was going to get some protein supplements so he walked to the big supermarket and bought some with the savings he had brought with him. He planned his muscle building diet. A big breakfast at home. Then a protein snack at 10 AM. Then a big lunch at school. Then a big snack – like a huge chicken sandwich – after school. Then a big dinner. Then another snack with a protein supplement before bed. After reading the muscle magazine, he wanted to eat 5,000 calories with at least 250 grams of protein every day, two grams of protein for every pound of his 120 pound frame. This was four times the amount of food and eight times the amount of protein he had eaten before. It was a tremendous amount of food. He didn’t know if he’d have the appetite to eat that much, but he was going to force himself to eat. And he was suddenly hungry all the time. He was going to lift big and eat big to get big, just like it said in the magazines. He was so skinny now, he figured he had to put on some weight with all that food. He hoped that weight would be muscle and not fat. He hoped that lifting weights would add nothing but muscle to his skinny frame. And he could hardly wait to lift weights again. His body loved the feel of lifting. And he was already thinking about his next big meal. Lift and eat. Lift and eat. Yeah! He flexed his muscles and felt the little bulges. He could swear those muscles were bigger and harder than yesterday. He smiled and looked again at the boys in the magazines. Those muscles were real.

He didn’t weigh himself. He wanted to wait until after his second workout before he weighed himself. He didn’t want to get discouraged if he hadn’t gained any weight right away. Mike got his car the next day – a used but very clean BMW 325. He was so happy with his car that he hardly ever showed up at the house. He had a girlfriend, a cute blond named Christie and he drove her around and fucked her in the back seat. Yeah, Mike was real happy.

The next day Justin ate his afternoon snack and then rushed home from school. He had actually managed to eat all the food he had planned, just an incredible amount of protein and good food. Mike’s parents were surprised this skinny kid could eat so much and Mike hardly noticed. Justin rushed home so he could start his workout as soon as possible. He went down to the basement and stripped off his shirt and pants. He worked out in his boxers because he wanted to see his muscles working in the mirror. He grabbed the 25 pound barbell and started pressing it overhead. Two days before he could barely manage 10 reps. Now he pressed the bar up and it felt like a feather. He did 20 reps and he wasn’t even tired. “Fuck,” he thought to himself. “They said to stick with one or two sets, but that was way too easy. My shoulders have gotten real strong. I’m gonna add more weight and do another set.” So he added five pounds to each side – 35 pounds – and pressed it up again. The weight didn’t feel as heavy as the 25 pound bar had felt two days before. Justin couldn’t believe it. He pressed it up 15 times, struggling with the last two reps. “Geez, fucking light!” he said to himself. He took off the fives and added 10s, making the bar weigh 45 pounds. This was only five pounds less than double what he had been pressing two days before. He looked at the bar in disbelief. He jerked the bar up to his shoulders and pressed. The bar went up! His shoulders were strong enough to push the bar up! He pressed up the bar four times, struggling with the last two reps. “Geez, I’m so fuckin’ strong,” he said as he flexed his delts in the mirror. “I’m almost twice as strong! Timmy didn’t get any stronger after three months and I’m almost twice as strong in two days. Fuuuuuucccckkk!” He flexed his delts and felt the muscle. He could definitely feel bulges of muscle springing up in his shoulders, muscle that wasn’t there two days before. The muscle felt hard and it was hot. It was pumped with blood, blood filled with nutrients surging through the muscle. He looked down at the bar. “I don’t wanna be almost twice as strong. I wanna be really twice as strong. Twice as strong in two days. Yeah!” He put a two and a half pound plate on each side of the bar, making it weigh 50 pounds. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to press 50 pounds. But he knew he could do it. He couldn’t believe how strong he was. He jerked the bar up to his shoulders. Then he pressed. The bar started going up, but then it slowed down as he got about half way up. “Press it up, muscles. You’re stronger than that fucking iron. PUSH! Push the fucker!” His confident brain told his muscles to push harder and those new muscles followed his brain’s forceful command. They bulged in his shoulders and pushed the bar all the way up. He locked his elbows and yelled “Yeah!” He lowered the bar and smiled. His shoulders were twice as strong! He raised his arms up and down and saw little bulges flexing at the sides of his shoulders. Could this really be happening to him?

He loaded the bar with 35 pounds and put it on the bench rack. He could hardly wait to see if his chest had gotten way stronger too. He easily cranked out 25 reps. The bar seemed so light when it was so heavy a few days before. He flexed his pecs in the mirrror and saw little strands of muscle flexing on top of his bones. He felt the muscle and it felt real hard. Real hard and real hot. He added 10 pounds to each side, making the bar 55 pounds. He pressed it up and realized that it felt light. He had added 20 pounds to his maximum and the bar felt light. He pressed up the bar 12 times, struggling with the last few reps. “Twice as strong!” he yelled out loud as he loaded more weight onto the bar. The bar now weighed 70 pounds. He looked at the iron and couldn’t believe he was going to be able to press those big plates up. But he flexed his pecs and felt the hot muscle bulging. He knew he could do it. He got under the bench and cranked out six reps. The last three reps were very hard. His muscles were straining more than they had ever strained before. Pain sear through the muscles as they forced the bar up. But he commanded them to work, to push up that last rep. And they obeyed. His new muscles obeyed their young leader. They wanted to get bigger. To get stronger. To get harder. His muscles knew they were going to get big and strong and they knew they were gonna get worked real hard. Justin’s skin was beet red and his chest was starting to sweat. He could see that blood was surging through his bulging little muscles. “One more set,” he said to himself. “I’m not gonna do just one or two sets like a beginner. I’m not gonna do three sets like an intermediate . I’m gonna do four sets. I’m gonna make these muscles cry!” He did one more set of bench presses, pressing up the bar only three times. The last two reps were brutal. Pain shot through his muscles but he forced them to work, to press up that heavy bar. His pecs were so sore when he had finished. But they were big and red and pumped to the max. He flexed his little pecs in the mirror and smiled. He knew they were going to be bigger and stronger for his next workout.

Justin finished his “beginners” routine. He was a beginner, except that he did four sets instead of one or two sets. He made that last set a set of just a few reps using double the weight he had used two days before. Justin was a beginner, but his body was taking off like a rocket. He couldn’t believe the amount of weight he was using. Fifty pounds for military presses, seventy pounds for benches, fifty pounds for curls, ninety pounds for squats. He was so stoked. When he was done, he flexed his muscles in the mirror and watched them bulge. He was hot and sweaty, with sweat dripping down his chest to his abs. His little muscles bulged as he flexed and they definitely looked bigger than they did two days before. And when he felt them, they felt really hard. In two days, his muscles had gotten bigger and harder. And they had gotten twice as strong! He looked at one of the muscular kids in the muscle magazine and said, “I’m gonna be just like you.” He gulped down a big protein milkshake, put on his tee shirt and shorts and walked upstairs. His face was red from working so hard and his body was hot and sweaty. He had a big grin on his face. He was still skinny, but he was happier than he had ever been.

Just then Mike came into the living room with his girlfriend. He looked over at Justin and said, “Look at the fuckin’ freak, Christie. Hey you look kinda hot, freak. Is that fuckin’ basement too hot for you? He’s pretendin’ to be my brother. But he ain’t no brother to me. Watch what I can do to him. He’s so fuckin’ weak.”

Christie looked at Justin and then at Mike. She could see Justin’s skinny arms and Mike’s muscular arms. She loved Mike’s muscles, but she looked into Justin’s blue eyes, eyes that were now looking terrified as Mike moved his big body closer. “Don’t hurt him, Mike. He’s taller than you but he’s so skinny. He’s just a little boy compared to you.”

Mike looked over at Christie and laughed. “He’s just a fuckin’ skinny little freak. He don’t deserve any respect from a man like me. We men like to play with little boys like him.” He grabbed Justin around the chest and squeezed his big arms tight. “You feel kinda sweaty freak. You been runnin’ or somethin’?” Justin couldn’t really talk. He just moaned as Mike’s big muscles crushed his chest. “How’s that feel, freaky boy? How’s it feel to get crushed by a big man like me?” Justin looked at Christie.

“Arrrrghhhhh,” groaned Justin. He couldn’t talk.

Mike flexed his lats and biceps harder. “Fuckin little dweeb,” yelled Mike as he almost broke Justin’s ribs. He shook Justin back and forth like he was a rag doll. “Feel the power in my arms, freak boy. Feel the hard muscle crushing your little body. God this is fun!” Tears started rolling down Justin’s face.

Finally, Christie stepped forward and grabbed Mike’s bicep. “Let him go! You’re killing him with your big muscles!”

Mike smiled, lifted Justin off the floor and then threw him on the floor with a big shove. Then he turned around and grabbed Christie and gave her a big kiss. She ran her hands over his muscular arms as she kissed him back voraciously. Then she felt his big lats and his thick shoulders. “Oh god, you are so strong,” she said. She ran her hands down to his crotch and felt his cock, which was now rock hard. “You are a real man, Mike. You are such a stud.” She was getting totally turned on feeling Mike’s muscles, which she had just seen crush Justin almost to death. She wasn’t paying any attention to Justin, who was looking up at them from the floor. All she cared about was Mike and his muscles and his cock. It was like a primal instinct, to be attracted to the biggest, strongest male. The male who could beat up other males. The male who could protect her. The male who was so muscular and so strong. ‘Fuck me, Mike. Take me to your room and fuck me!”

Mike looked down at Justin and grinned. “I win and you lose, freak. I’m a stud and you ain’t shit.” He picked up Christie and carried her into his room and slammed the door shut. He then fucked her. Justin could hear it all. Mike didn’t care. He wanted the skinny little freak to know what a stud he was.

While Mike was fucking Christie, Justin went into the kitchen and made himself a chicken sandwich. It was an hour before dinner and he knew he’d be real hungry for dinner too. He kept filling up his body with food – with lots of protein. That night he ate as much as Mike did for dinner. Then, when Mike had finished, Justin stabbed another piece of meat and wolfed it down with another glass of milk. Mike looked over at him with a frown on his face. Justin smiled. He didn’t say anything but he could see that Mike was puzzled at how this skinny little 14-year-old kid could be eating so much food. He was wearing a tee shirt and he looked down at his forearms once in awhile. He thought he saw strands of muscle that wasn’t there a few days before. He made a fist and flexed and his forearm muscles, small as they were, bulged under his paper thin skin. None of the other family members noticed anything. They all thought Justin was the same skinny kid.

After dinner, Justin volunteered to wash the dishes. “I always made dinner and washed the dishes at home,” he said. Mike’s mother was very appreciative. She went in and watched TV with her husband while Justin washed the dishes. She was getting to like Justin a lot. He wasn’t as selfish as her own son Mike. After he finished washing the dishes, Justin did his homework in the kitchen while Mike went out and rode around in his new car, probably fucking Christie a few more times. Mike didn’t even say goodbye to his parents. He just left, giggling the keys in his hand. After he finished his homework Justin had another protein shake before bed. Just like he planned, he had eaten five thousand calories and 250 grams of protein in one day. That is a lot of food for a skinny little kid. But Justin didn’t think he was so skinny anymore.

The next day Justin decided to weigh himself. He knew he was stronger, but had he really put on some muscle or was his existing skinny muscle just getting stronger? He got on the scale and his eyes bulged out as he read the scale. One hundred thirty pounds! In three days he had gained 10 pounds! He flexed his arms in the mirror and saw bulges of muscle that weren’t there three days before. He flexed his lats and was surprised to see little flares of muscle bulging under his shoulders. His shoulders had a little muscle now covering the bone. His chest looked bigger, and when he flexed it he could see striations of muscle where there was nothing but bone before. And his abs looked really shredded. He had done four sets of sit ups and the new shredded muscle was really showing in his abs. His legs looked bigger and when he flexed them he could see his quads bulging a little. There was absolutely no fat on his body. “Fuck yeah!” he said out loud. He was twice as strong and he had gained ten pounds of solid muscle, and not an ounce of fat, all in three days. He could hardly wait to show Timmy.

Mike’s mother had hoped that Mike would take Justin to school in his new car. When she suggested it, Mike looked at her and yelled “I’m not lettin’ that freak get in my car. My car’s too good for that skinny little wimp. Make him walk. The exercise will be good for him.” Mike’s mother was disappointed but not surprised by Mike’s reaction. Mike was so spoiled. She knew it and she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

So Justin walked to school, a walk of about two miles. The walk actually felt good to him. He felt like his muscles were enjoying the exercise. After a half mile, he started to walk faster so his heart would pump faster. He knew walking was a good cardio exercise and he wanted his heart to get extra big and extra strong so it could pump lots of blood into his growing muscles. So he walked fast and he had worked up a little sweat by the time he got to school. He was wearing a tee shirt and shorts. His neck and chest and abs were sweaty as he walked into the school yard. Some of that sweat had penetrated the tee shirt, which was clinging to his ab muscles, being held onto his paper thin skin by the sweat pouring out of his body. He walked towards Timmy, who looked over as Justin walked towards him. Justin’s face looked beautiful, with his blond hair and blue eyes and his cheeks were flushed with red from his hard walking. His neck was sweaty and somehow it looked more muscular than it did a few days before. Then Timmy saw Justin’s abs showing through the sweaty tee shirt.

“God Justin, you’re really sweaty. Your whole body’s covered with sweat. And the sweat makes it look like you have abs. That sweaty tee shirt really makes my eyes have an optical illusion. My eyes think you have abs but I know you don’t. You just have a flat skinny waist. I saw it before. Real skinny like the rest of your body.”

Justin smiled. “Are you sure it’s an optical illusion, Timmy? Come with me.” He grabbed Timmy’s arm and brought him over to the side of the school yard. Then he ripped off his tee shirt and stood before Timmy.

“Oh my fucking God!” yelled Timmy. “You got abs! You got muscles! You already got muscles! I can’t believe it. I worked out for three months and nothing happened. You worked out for three days and you got muscles. Oh my fucking God!”

Justin flexed his abs. “That’s not an optical illusion, Timmy. That’s real muscle. I’ve gained 10 pounds of muscle already. I’m working out like a wild man and eating tons of food and supplements. Lots and lots of protein. And I’m really packin’ on the muscle. I’m already twice as strong as when I started.” Justin flexed his arm and Timmy gasped as he saw the bulging bicep. “I could curl 25. Now I can curl 50. See how much bigger the muscle is? I can tell it’s bigger. And it’s twice as strong. Feel it, Timmy.”

Timmy wrapped his fingers around Justin’s bicep. “Oh my God yeah, it’s bigger. I remember what it felt like before and it’s a lot bigger and harder now. I can’t believe how big that muscle got after only three days. I never got any bigger and stronger even though I lifted for three months. Your muscle’s way bigger after three days! And it’s twice as strong! Oh my God Justin.”

Justin grabbed Timmy’s hand and put it on his sweaty chest. “I can bench twice as much too. I started at 35 and in my second workout I did 70. I can hardly wait to see what I do in my third workout. I am so stoked.”

Timmy felt Justin’s sweaty chest, which had muscle that wasn’t there three days before. He felt the fibers of new muscle that flexed in Justin’s pecs. He looked at Justin and said, “You’re a natural Justin. Your body wants to grow. It wants to grow big. You never had a chance to push your muscles before, and how you’re pushing them. They’re lifting heavy iron and you’re feeding ‘em real good. I couldn’t do a thing with the weights and your body’s taking off like a rocket. I wonder what you’re gonna look like in three months?”

Justin grinned. “Big and strong,” he said. “Just like those kids in the magazines. Only bigger. And stronger. I’m gonna be bigger and stronger than any of those kids.”

Timmy laughed. “Three days ago I would have said you were crazy. Now I’m not so sure. I wanna take some more pictures of you. I can’t believe what’s happened to your body.” So Timmy took some more pictures of Justin and then the two friends looked at the amazing differences in Justin’s body after only three days. Ten pounds of muscle and twice as strong! Justin glugged down a protein drink and then they headed to class.

It was a non-workout day for Justin. He needed to let his muscles grow. But he kept eating like a wild man, pouring tons of food and protein into his ravenous stomach. While he was walking home from school, again walking very fast, Mike drove up in his car with Christie and two of his jock friends inside. “Hey, you’re walking kinda fast, freak. You in a race or something? You racing with your wimpy self?”

Justin looked over at his bully cousin-brother. “I’m workin’ up a sweat. I’m makin’ my heart beat real fast. I want my heart to grow big and strong. I’m walking fast so my heart will grow big and strong. And all you’re doing is burning up a lot of gas. A big car burning up a lot of gas.” Mike was enraged. He pulled the car to a stop and jumped out. He bumped his chest against Justin’s and said, “My heart’s already big and strong. My body’s already big and strong. I got muscles and you don’t got shit.” He pushed his pecs into Justin’s chest and looked up into Justin’s blue eyes.

Justin looked down at him and said. “You’re gonna regret pickin’ on me, Mike. You’re gonna regret it a lot.” Mike snarled, “Oh yeah. I’m really scared. Lemme show you how scared I am.” He pulled back his fist and slammed it into Justin’s gut. Justin’s abs were getting harder, but they weren’t nearly hard enough to resist the force of Mike’s punch. His fist drove deep into Justin’s gut and the poor kid buckled over in pain. Mike grabbed him by the shirt and stood him up again. Then he landed another terrible punch into Justin’s gut. The skinny kid buckled over and fell to the ground. “Fuckin’ freak loser,” said Mike as he got into his car. His two friends were laughing. Christie was looking at Justin’s face and a tear was coming down her cheek.

Part 4

Justin went home, had a big snack, and spent the next two hours helping Mike’s mother clean the house. He spent at least an hour each day that he wasn’t working out helping Mike’s mother, something Mike had never done in his life. After the house chores, he had a protein milkshake. Then he had a huge dinner. He was now eating more than Mike, something Mike’s father was noticing. “I don’t know where you’re puttin’ all that food,” he said as Justin chomped into his food with ruthless efficiency. So far he hadn’t noticed Justin’s bigger muscles. To him, just like with Mike, Justin was still a skinny little kid. Justin also washed dishes after dinner when Mike took off in his new car. He was like the son Mike’s mother never had and she really liked Justin.

A week went by and Justin kept zooming up in weight and strength. He had three more workouts and in that week he had gained another 15 pounds. He had gained 25 pounds of solid muscle in less than two weeks. At five feet ten inches, he now weighed 145 pounds. He was still skinny, but when he took off his tee shirt and his shorts he could really see the muscles bulging in his body. He had absolutely no fat. All that food he was eating was turning into pure muscle. And he was a lot stronger too. In his last workout he was benching 160, military pressing 100, curling 90 and squatting with every weight he had, a total of 175 pounds, including the barbell’s weight. And those squats were kind of easy. He did four sets of 12 reps. He needed more weight! The little set in the basement was already too light for him.

At dinner that night he decided to wear the same tee shirt as when he ate his first dinner at the house, when he ate so little Mike said he ate like a girl. He remembered because the shirt had the picture and name of his former town’s high school football mascot on it and Mike was razzing Justin for not being able to play football because of his skinny body and his girl-like appetite. The shirt was very loose-fitting on him. There was plenty of room for his skinny arms and tiny little chest to fit inside. In fact it was baggy for that first dinner at Mike’s house. Now, when he put on that same shirt for dinner it looked and felt completely different. It was clinging to his now-muscular shoulders and chest. His wide delts had grown two inches on each side, spreading the shirt apart by at least four inches from where it was before. His pecs pressed out on the fabric. You could see his two bulging globes of muscle pushing against the fabric, with his nipples erect and pressing out proudly. His lats bulged out from under his shoulders. The shirt was so tight you could see his v-shape from his wide shoulders to his narrow hips. His abs were hidden under the lower part of the shirt but they were tiny and rock solid. His arms filled out the sleeves of his old tee shirt. He had biceps that looked like fibers of muscle ready to coil into a steel ball and he had triceps that bulged with striated muscle as he lengthened his arms. His forearms had grown dramatically and were covered by snake like muscles and veins that went all the way to his shoulders. His arms were now so packed with muscle and the shirt could hardly contain them.

He remembered what he had read in the muscle magazine, something he had read and re-read 100 times: “Imagine being able to roll up your sleeves and have every man and woman cast envious glances at you when you walk down the street. Do you want respect like that? Massive inches of sinew and might are pumped into your arms. A crushing grip! A smashing blow! The POWER to lift huge weights! The appearance of irresistible FORCE! From the tips of your fingers to the point of your shoulders your arms will be ALIVE with impressive muscle.” He looked at his arms and smiled.

He only weighed 145 pounds, but he had a very small waist and he had absolutely no fat. So he looked very muscular. Up until that day, except for that first few dinners where he had been ridiculed by Mike, he had always worn big, long sleeve shirts to dinner. He didn’t want Mike to have any more opportunities to tease him. But now he was ready to give Mike a surprise.

Then he heard Mike’s mother calling him. “Time for dinner, Justin. Mike and dad are already here. I bet you’re hungry like always. Tonight we’re having steaks.”

Justin got a confident look in his eyes and started walking up the stairs in his tight tee shirt. He was pumped and his skin was sweaty. He had just finished his workout. Plus his flexing made his muscles pump up even more. With absolutely no fat on his body and his muscles pumped as hell, he looked great. Blond hair, blue eyes, high cheekbones, a strong jaw and chin, slim muscular body, he looked like an Abercrombie and Fitch model. His skin was reddish brown from all the blood being pumped into his muscles by his strong heart. Veins were visible everywhere. He walked up the stairs, opened the door, and walked towards the table.

Mike’s dad looked at him and said, “Oh my God! What have you done to yourself Justin? You look completely different.”

Justin walked up to the table and grinned. “I’ve gained 25 pounds of muscle, that’s what. I’ve been workin’ out with the weights downstairs and I’ve been eatin’ like a wild man. And all that food has turned into muscle.”

Mike’s mouth was open. He couldn’t talk. “Holy shit,” he finally gasped.

Mike’s mother smiled. She thought she had noticed that Justin was getting bigger and she knew he was eating an incredible amount of food. Now she knew what was happening. “You look great,” she said.

“You remember this shirt?” said Justin. “I wore this shirt for my first dinner here. I was so skinny the shirt was loose on me then. I’ve put on so much muscle its tight on me now. My whole body’s gotten a lot bigger. I’m gonna have to buy some new bigger clothes. And oh yeah. Those weights are already too light for me. I was usin’ the whole set for my squats. I’m gonna need some more weights.”

Mike frowned. “Hey, those are my weights. They’re mine and you can’t use ‘em, freak. I’m gonna go get ‘em and bring ‘em up to my room. They’re mine. I got the muscles in this family. You’re just a freak.” Mike stood up, but as soon as he did, Justin stood right in front of him. He bumped his chest into Mike’s and looked into Mike’s eyes. He was no longer afraid of Mike. For the first time, he was going to stand up to his bully cousin.

“You’re not goin’ anywhere, Mikey-boy,” said Justin as he looked down into Mike’s face with a dominating look in his blue eyes.

Mike quickly said “Freak, did you just call me Mikey-boy? Nobody calls me Mikey-boy!” He grabbed Justin’s upper arm and started to squeeze. This was his favorite way of punishing smaller kids who pissed him off. He had done this to Justin many times. But then he got a blank look on his face. His fingers felt like they were squeezing a rock. Slowly Justin started raising his forearm, flexing his bicep as his arm went up. Mike’s fingers were pushed out of the way by the bulging rock-hard fibers of Justin’s bicep muscles. “Holy shit,” said Mike, not quite comprehending what he was feeling. His fingers couldn’t make a dent in Justin’s steel hard bicep.

“Kinda hard to crush my bicep now, isn’t it Mikey-boy. My bicep’s gotten real big and real hard. It’s way harder than your puny little grip.” Mike gulped as he saw the sweaty, pumped up muscle bulging in his fingers. He felt the hard fibers of muscle that felt like fibers of steel. He saw the veins coursing over the muscle. He shuddered as he felt how big and hard the muscle was. “My muscle’s a lot harder than your muscle, Mikey. You haven’t been workin’ out at all. All you’ve been doing is driving your stupid car. All you’ve been doin’ is havin’ fun torturing kids and driving your car. Meanwhile, I’ve been liftin’ and eatin’ like a wild man. My muscles have gotten way bigger and stronger and my muscles have gotten rock hard. I bet my muscles are harder than yours. Flex your arm, Mikey. Let’s see what you got.”

Mike was stunned. He couldn’t believe what he was feeling and what Justin was saying. He remembered how he flexed his bicep in Justin’s face before and how scared Justin was of his big bicep. Now Justin didn’t seem scared at all. In fact he sounded aggressive and dominant. Mike didn’t like this at all. He flexed his arm and his bicep bulged. His bicep was bigger than Justin’s but it didn’t look nearly as hard. There were no veins visible under his skin. In fact he had a layer of fat all over his body. “Fuckin’ big and strong,” said Mike, looking at his flexing bicep. “I’m always gonna be bigger and stronger than you, freak-boy.”

Justin wrapped his fingers around Mike’s bicep and squeezed. Suddenly a jolt of pain seared through Mike’s arm as Justin’s fingers dug deep into the muscle. Mike yelled out. “Fuckin’ soft as mush,” said Justin as he squeezed his newly strong fingers deep into Mike’s muscle, driving his fingers down to the bone. His forearm muscles bulged like writhing snakes. The bowling pin shaped snake like muscles were covered with veins and they were driving hit thick fingers into Mike’s muscle like they were squeezing a soft water balloon. Mike cried out again and again in pain. Mike couldn’t make a dent in Justin’s bicep but Justin drove his fingers deep into Mike’s bicep. Justin looked into Mike’s eyes with a look of arrogance. “Soft as fucking mush. Not rock hard like my muscle.” He let go of Mike’s bicep and flexed his own arm in Mike’s face. “You’re not goin’ anywhere, Mikey. Those weights are my weights. Sit down and eat your dinner.”

Mike hesitated and rubbed his sore arm and then sat down at the table. Mike’s parents looked at him and then at Justin. They were stunned. They could see that Mike wasn’t going to be pushing Justin around anymore. Then Justin sat down and said “I’m so hungry. I worked out real hard and my muscles want lots of food. They want to get even bigger and stronger. They want to get huge.” He pulled his shirt sleeve up and showed off his delt muscle while he flexed his arm. “Look how big those muscles have gotten. They’re gonna get a lot bigger. They’re real strong too and they’re gonna get a lot stronger. And they love to eat!” He stabbed a steak and loaded his plate with vegetables. “Is it okay if I start?” he asked Mike’s mother. He didn’t want to be rude.

“Sure, Justin. I guess your new muscles are real hungry.” Justin immediately started eating, chewing his steak with ruthless efficiency. You could see his jaw muscles flexing with each bite as he wolfed down his meal. He was done with half his meal before the rest of the family had even served their plates. Mike didn’t say a word. He kept looking at Justin’s arms as Justin fed himself, watching the muscles bulge with every cut of the steak and every bite of the food. He watched Justin’s handsome face as he ate, watching his jaw muscles bulge and his bright white teeth shine as he ate his meal like an super efficient eating machine.

Mike ate very slowly. For some reason, he didn’t have much of an appetite.

Justin was completely done with his dinner before Mike was a quarter done. “I’m still hungry,” he said.“My muscles are growin’ and they need more food.”

Mike’s mother looked at him and said, “You’re obviously a growing boy, Justin. Here, take half of my steak.”

She gave half of her steak to Justin and he said, “Thanks, mom.” He blushed and she blushed. This was the first time Justin had called her mom, and she really liked it. She leaned over and gave him a big kiss.

“You’re welcome son.”

Justin gobbled up that steak in four big bites. His jaw and shiny white teeth ripped the meat with animal-like efficiency. You could see his jaw muscles bulging with each bite, crushing the meat ruthlessly. Then he swallowed each bite so his body could turn that meat into more muscle on him, the eater. He finished his mom’s piece and said, “Geez, I’m still hungry. I need more meat. Gimme your steak, Mikey. You don’t look very hungry.”

Mike frowned. “Take my dad’s steak, Justin. I want a whole steak.”

Justin looked at Mike’s dad and then at Justin. “Your dad worked hard for these steaks and you ain’t done a goddam thing. He deserves his whole steak. And I’m still hungry. So you’re gonna gimme your steak, Mikey-boy.” Mike didn’t do anything. He just sat there and looked at his steak. Then Justin reached over and grabbed Mike’s upper arm. “You wanna feel some pain again, Mikey? You wanna feel what these muscles can do to your mushy arm?” He started squeezing. Mike yelped and stabbed his fork into his steak and put it on Justin’s plate. “Thanks, Mikey. I know you want these muscles to get even bigger and stronger. I bet you can hardly wait until I’ve gained another 25 pounds of solid muscle. The way I’ve been puttin’ on muscle, I think that will take about a month. Then I’ll be heavier than you and way harder and stronger. I bet you can hardly wait for that, can you Mikey? You always called me a freak. I used to hate that name. But now I know I am a freak. I’m gonna be a big huge muscle freak. I bet you can hardly wait for your freaky adopted brother to have muscles that are twice as big and twice as strong as yours. Yeah, I bet you can hardly wait.” Justin looked at Mike and mouthed “I am a freak,” as he made a fist and flexed his forearm. Mike just sat there stonefaced. Justin gobbled down Mike’s steak and some more vegetables.

“I’ll buy more steaks for you next time, son” said Mike’s mother. “The way you’re eating, I think you might need three steaks.” Justin smiled. “Yeah, and if I’m still hungry I’m sure Mikey will give me even more meat. Gotta feed these muscles.”

He flexed his arm for Mike’s mother and she wrapped her fingers around his bulging muscle. “Oh my gosh, son, your muscle’s so hard. It’s so big and it’s so hard. And it’s gonna get even bigger, I can just tell.”

Mike’s dad said, “Justin, you’re like a muscle machine. You just keep building muscle. Twenty five pounds in two weeks. Unbelievable. You’ve become a real man, Justin. A real man.”

Justin put his hands on the shoulders of his new parents and said. “Time to do the dishes.” Then he got up and washed the dishes while Mike sat in his seat looking out the window.


Part 5

The next day at school Justin told Timmy about what had happened at dinner. They laughed and gave each other high fives. They could both hardly wait for Justin to get even bigger and stronger. Justin told Timmy that he was already so strong he needed more weights. Timmy suggested bringing his weights, that he didn’t use anymore, over to Justin’s basement. Timmy had 125 pounds of weights, which, they thought, should be enough to last for maybe a month. Justin’s muscles were growing so fast and were getting so strong so quickly, they knew he was going to need even more weight after that.

So a day later, on Justin’s workout day, Timmy got his mother to help him put the weights in their car and they drove over to Justin’s house. Justin was already there, getting ready for his workout. He was dressed only in workout shorts, so you could see all the muscles on his body. Timmy’s mother gasped as she saw Justin’s face and body.

“Oh my god, Timmy. You told me Justin looked good but I had no idea he looked so fantastic. You look like you could be a male model, Justin. Your face is so good looking - look at that blond hair and blue eyes, Timmy -- and your body is, well, unbelievable. Look at all his muscles, Timmy. You can see every fiber of muscle. That boy doesn’t have a gram of fat on his body.”

Timmy was nodding his head. “Yeah, mom, I know. I’ve been taking pictures of Justin every day. It’s like time-lapse photography. His muscles just get bigger and bigger. You remember nothing happened to me after I lifted weights for three months. Justin gained more muscle in three days than I gained in three months. He put on 25 pounds of solid muscle in two weeks. And no fat. Just rock-hard muscle. And he’s four times stronger! He’s a freak, mom. He’s a muscle freak.”

Justin laughed. “Yeah, I’m a freak all right. I love being a freak.” He flexed his arm for Timmy’s mother and she gasped.

They brought the weights down to Justin’s basement. Then Justin said, “Timmy, you stay with me and be my spotter. I’m gonna be liftin’ real heavy weights today and I need a spotter.”

Timmy didn’t know what a spotter was, but he definitely wanted to stay with Justin. He gave Justin a high five. “You’re on, bro!” he said. So Timmy’s mom left. Timmy came up to Justin and felt his arm. “Your muscle’s so hard. I can hardly wait to see you work out. I wanna see those muscles work. I wanna see how big and hard they get. I wanna see how strong you are.” Timmy was practically salivating.

“Take off your shirt, Timmy. I wanna see your body next to mine. I wanna see how much I’ve grown.”

Timmy ripped off his shirt and stood next to Justin in front of the mirror. Justin looked at the two bodies and smiled.

“Remember when I came to school that first day we both weighed the same. You’re three inches shorter, but you have a layer of fat on your body so we weighed the same. Except for your fat, we pretty much looked the same. Now I weigh 25 pounds more and look at the difference. I can’t believe how different I look.” The difference in the two boys was striking. Timmy’s torso was skinny and flat. His shoulders were no wider than his waist. He had no delts and no lats and no abs. Nothing. Justin’s torso looked like a V. His shoulders were a foot wider than his waist, capped with striated muscle, and his pecs bulged out with rounded hardness. His lats flared out like wings and his abs looked like a washboard. The two boys looked like they came from different species. Timmy raised his arm and flexed his non-existent bicep. Then Justin did the same thing. The difference in their arms was staggering.

“Fuck, look at your arm Justin. Look how fucking big it is. Look at all that muscle. It’s like twice as big as my arm. I got no muscle and your arm is packed with muscle. Your whole body is solid muscle. Your body’s just exploded with muscle - and in only two weeks!”

Justin turned and faced his friend. “And I’m gonna keep building more muscle, Timmy. Now I know I’m a freak, just like Mike calls me. I used to hate that word but now I love it. My body just seems to want to get bigger and stronger. It’s like I’ve got some muscle building genes I didn’t know I had. I’m already as big as some of those boys in the magazines and I know I’m gonna get bigger. I’m gonna be bigger and stronger than all those boys. And I’m gonna be way bigger and stronger than Mike.” Justin looked in Timmy’s eyes and smiled. Timmy almost melted as he looked at Justin’s beautiful face and body.

“Yeah, bigger and stronger than Mike,” said Timmy as he ran his fingers over Justin’s big muscles. Justin looked at Timmy’s little hand feeling his hard muscles. “Yeah, I’m a freak. A fucking muscle freak!”

“I’m gonna work these muscles real hard today, ‘cause you’re here as my spotter. When I lift a real heavy weight, you put your hands under the bar and if I don’t have enough strength to lift the bar all the way up, you give me a little help. But make me work real hard. Just apply a little force. I want my muscles to work real hard. I want ‘em to bulge. I want ‘em to pump up until they’re huge. Wait till you see how big my muscles get when they’re all pumped up. They like double in size. They get gigantic. They get all pumped up with blood and they’re hard as rocks. Big hard muscle rocks.”

Timmy looked at Justin’s already bulging muscles and imagined what a pump looked and felt like. “Oh my god,” he murmured. Timmy never got a pump. He didn’t know what a pump really was, because only muscle freaks like Justin have the genetics to pump their muscles into huge balloons of rock hard blood filled muscle. Timmy looked at Justin’s muscular fat free body. He could hardly wait to see those muscles pump up.

“I’m gonna work my shoulders. I wanna make my shoulders look like huge boulders. Big huge rock hard boulders of muscle. I’m gonna do military presses first. And I’m gonna use real heavy weights to build real big muscle. Heavy weights for big muscles.” Justin rubbed his fingers on his shoulders, feeling the fibers of muscle that were twitching. Those fibers could hardly wait to press up huge weights. They wanted to push on heavy iron, real heavy iron. They wanted to get bigger and stronger. Justin grinned as he felt his rippling delt muscles. He knew they were ready t work hard. The barbell was loaded to weigh 70 pounds. “Good warm up weight,” he said. Timmy looked at the bar and realized he could hardly pick it up, let alone press it over his head. And this was Justin’s warm up weight.

Justin grabbed the bar, lifted it easily to his shoulders and pressed it overhead 15 times, like it was a feather. “Real light,” he said. “Just a puny little weight.” Then he looked at his shoulders in the mirror. “Look at my shoulders. See, they’re already getting bigger. They’re already getting gorged with blood. They’re getting pumped. And feel ‘em Timmy. Feel how hard they are.”

Timmy reached over and felt Justin’s delt muscles. They were hard as rocks and they were definitely bigger. The fibers were bulging under his paper thin skin. Timmy could see and feel every fiber in bold relief. “I can’t believe it,” said Timmy. “My muscles never got big like that. You’re just unbelievable Justin.”

Justin flexed his delt muscles in the mirror.. “Yeah, unbelievable,” he said. “Time for some heavier weights. Add 10 pounds on each side.” So they loaded the bar to 90 pounds. This was 10 pounds below Justin’s record press of 100 pounds. Justin knew he was going to set a new record today. He always set new records. Justin raised the bar to his shoulders and cranked out 10 easy reps. Timmy didn’t need to spot. This weight was nothing for Justin’s growing muscles. He stood in front of the mirror. “Look at my fucking shoulders now. Look how big my delts have gotten. Look at those veins. Look at those bulging fibers. God I love it when my muscles get so huge. It makes me feel so good. I feel like a muscle god.”

Timmy rubbed his fingers on Justin’s bulging delt muscles. “Oh fuck,” he said in total awe.

“Twenty more pounds,” said Justin. “I’m gonna break my record. This time you get ready to spot me.” They loaded the bar up to 110 pounds. Two weeks before, he could only press 25 pounds. Now he was four times stronger. His muscles had gotten bigger and stronger at an unbelievable pace. He gripped the bar and raised it to his shoulders. Timmy put his fingers under the bar, just in case Justin wasn’t strong enough. Then Justin pressed up the bar and he was surprised that it still felt light. He did 10 reps, slowing down only a little for the last rep. He didn’t need a spot at all. He dropped the bar and yelled “I’m so fucking strong! God I’m so fucking strong!” He flexed his delts in the mirror and Timmy immediately ran his hands over them.

“Jesus Christ, Justin. Look how big your delts are. They’re so fucking big and so fucking hard. And they’re so fucking strong!” Timmy rubbed his hands over Justin’s delts and his bulging tricep muscles. The muscles were now covered with hot sweat and they were pumped up huge and rock hard. “Oh my god, oh my god” said Timmy as he felt the bulging muscle.

Justin looked at Timmy and yelled “I’m a freak! I’m a fucking muscle freak! Twenty more pounds. My big muscles are gonna lift 20 more pounds. I’m gonna break my record by 30 pounds.”

So they loaded the bar to weigh 130 pounds. This was more than Timmy weighed. Justin flexed his muscles in the mirror with a look of total confidence. “Fuckin’ light weight,” he said as he looked down at the bar and the heavy iron. “Gonna need a spot this time.” He picked up the bar and jerked it to his shoulders.

Timmy put his thin little fingers under the bar. He was only capable of pressing up about 20 pounds, but he knew that would be enough as Justin’s strong delt muscles bulged with pumped up intensity. Justin pressed up the bar and Timmy looked at his huge delt muscles. The shredded muscles bulged with raw power as they pressed up the bar. Justin didn’t need a spot on the first rep. When he got to the top he yelled “Fuckin’ strong!” Then he lowered the bar and did two more reps, with Timmy spotting for both of these reps. He really struggled on his last rep. He made his muscles burn as he slowly pushed up the bar. Timmy was probably pressing up with about five pounds of pressure as Justin finished his last rep. Then he dropped the bar to the floor, turned to the mirror and raised his arms up and down.

“Look at the size of my delts, Timmy. Look how big they are. They’re twice as big as they were before. They’re pumped to the max. I got tons of blood surging through those muscles. Look at those fucking veins. Think about all the protein that’s gushing into those muscles. They’re gonna grow like weeds. I can just feel those muscles growing. You did a great job spotting, little man. You’re gonna help my muscles grow huge. I want you to spot me every workout. You up for that?”

Timmy smiled. He wanted to be with Justin all the time. He wanted to feel Justin’s muscles all the time. He was the happiest skinny guy in the whole town. He wanted to feel Justin’s muscles. He wanted to be in the presence of Justin’s muscles as much as he could. He felt Justin’s rock hard delt muscles and then he leaned over and licked the hard, sweaty fibers. He could taste the sweat that was pouring out of Justin’s thin skin. He could feel the hard muscle fibers that has just pressed up more than he weighed. He was in total awe of Justin. “I’d love being your spotter, Justin. I want to feel your muscles getting bigger every day.” Justin smiled and gave Timmy a high five. They were going to be workout partners. Justin was going to do the working out and Timmy was going to help him get huge.

“Now it’s time for some dumbbell presses. I’m gonna work my shoulders until they’re sore as hell. I hit ‘em real hard with the military presses. The dumbbell presses will make the muscle even more huge, working my shoulders until they’re ready to die. My delts are already warmed up, so I’m gonna start with 40 pounds on each dumbbell. That was my max in my last workout. But I know I’ll be able to handle more weight this time. My delts are bigger and they’re way stronger. Load ‘em up to 40. You load and I’ll rest. I need to rest my muscles. So you do the loading Timmy. I gotta save my energy for the heavy iron. Think of this as a little workout for you Timmy, picking up 10 pounds at a time and putting it on the bar. Just a mini little workout for a mini little dweeb.” Justin started laughing as he looked at Timmy’s puny little body next to his own muscular body.

“Yes sir,” said Timmy. He sort of said that in jest, but he knew he was subservient to the wishes of this big muscle kid. Justin could tell him to do anything and he would do it. He was in awe of Justin and his muscles.

“But don’t worry, dweeb. I was a dweeb just two weeks ago. I can call you a dweeb but you’re still my friend.” Justin put his hand on Timmy’s bony little shoulder and looked at himself and Timmy in the mirror. “Yeah, just a puny little dweeb standing next to a muscle freak,” he said. Timmy nodded his head and put his own little hand on Justin’s huge muscular shoulder. “Beef and bone,” he said as he looked at Justin’s shoulder and at his own.

So Timmy loaded up the dumbbells with weights as Justin drank some water and looked at his body in the mirror. Then Justin picked up the dumbbells and cranked out 10 reps. “Fuckin’ light weight! That was all I could lift a few days ago but it really feels light now. Ten more pounds, Timmy.” Timmy added 10 more pounds to each dumbbell and Justin grabbed them again. He cranked out another 10 reps without any spotting help from Timmy. “God I am strong!” he yelled. “Ten more pounds. That’ll make ‘em 60 pounds. That’s a real man’s weight. That’s a weight you need real muscles to lift. Sixty pounds with one arm.” He flexed his muscles in the mirror and Timmy loaded the dumbbells. He grabbed the weights and pressed them up eight times, with help from Timmy for the last three reps.

“God look at your delts,” gasped Timmy. “Look how big and pumped they are. Shit I could hardly lift that weight off the ground and you pressed it overhead with one arm. I can’t believe how strong you are Justin.”

Justin smiled and drank some more water. “Yeah, big and strong. I’m gonna be the biggest, strongest kid in the whole school, ‘cause I’m a freak! One more set. My shoulders are already sore as hell but I’m gonna go beyond the pain barrier. I’m gonna make ‘em ache like they’ve never ached before.”

He picked up the weights and pressed them up six times, with help from Timmy on the last four reps. His shoulders were totally pumped and aching. They were at least twice as big as they were before he started working out. The blood was surging into the fibers, being pumped by his strong, athletic heart. His veins were almost bursting out of his paper thin skin. The muscle fibers were in bold relief. You could see every head on his big thick delt muscles. Timmy’s eyes were bulging out of his head as he watched Justin’s shoulders.

Justin took a big drink of water and said. “Now for some side lateral raises. Those presses will put a huge mass of muscle on my shoulders. These raises will add even more mass and make my muscles really show the striations of muscle fibers. I want my muscles to be big but also to be real cut and shredded. I’m gonna have it all, Timmy. I’m a freak!” Timmy laughed. He wanted Justin to have it all.

So Justin did four sets of side lateral raises. He started out with 25 pound dumbbells, which was almost three times the weight he could lateral raise when he started. He said those weights felt like feathers to his big new muscles. They were puny little weights now. He did 10 quick reps and then jumped the weights to 30 pounds. His delt muscles were totally pumped warmed up and he easily did 10 reps with no spotting help needed from Timmy.

“God my muscles are strong,” he said as he looked at his bulging delts. “Ten more.” Timmy loaded the dumbbells up to 40 pounds. “Piece of cake,” he said as he looked at the iron and then at the huge muscles bulging in his shoulders. He picked up the weights and cranked out eight reps, with Timmy spotting him for the last three reps. “More weight!” he yelled as he dropped the weights to the ground and flexed his delts in Timmy’s face. “My muscles want more weight! My muscles want to get huge!” They added five pounds, making the dumbbells weigh 45 pounds. Timmy just couldn’t believe Justin was going to be able to keep his arms straight and lift that heavy weight with just the strength of his shoulders. Timmy lifted the weight off the ground and could barely get it to his waist. The strength of Justin’s shoulders overwhelmed him.

Justin grabbed the dumbbells and stood in front of the mirror. His shoulders bulged with rippling muscle as he held those heavy weights. Then he raised his arms and his shoulders exploded. The fibers of muscle almost ripped out of his skin, they were so big and hard and pumped. He did one rep on his own and then two more reps with a spot from Timmy. He dropped the weights and yelled, “Fucking yeah!” as he hit a double biceps pose and flexed his muscles in the mirror.

“That’s it for shoulders. Three exercises of four sets each. Twelve huge heavy sets; My shoulders ache so much. But it’s a good ache. It’s an ache that tells me they’re gonna grow way bigger and stronger by the time I exercise them. I’m done with the beginners program. I’m way beyond a beginner. Fuck, I’m a freak. A fucking muscle freak! I’m skipping the intermediate exercises too. I’m going right to the advanced program. I’m gonna work out a couple muscles each workout and then let those muscles rest for a few days so they can suck up all the protein I’m eating and grow huge. So today I did shoulders. Tomorrow it’s back. The next day it’s chest. The next day it’s arms. And then it’s legs. I rest two days and then I start over again. I’m gonna do abs every day, sit ups one day and leg lifts another day. With that program I’m gonna slap on 25 pounds of muscle in less than a month. I just know it. And I’ll need lots of new weights because I’m gonna be so fucking strong you won’t believe it.”

Timmy looked at his friend and nodded his head. He couldn’t believe how big Justin’s shoulders were and he couldn’t believe how confident this muscle kid was.

“Time for some sit ups. You hold down my feet.” Timmy was transfixed by what Justin was saying. Justin had obviously thought out his workout plan very carefully and Timmy was so glad he was going to be a part of it.

Justin took a big drink of water and got down on the floor. His knees were bent. Timmy held his feet. He started cranking out the situps so fast that Timmy couldn’t believe how fast he was doing them. He was doing at least two situps per second. He got to 100 and stopped. “Set number one,” he said. “Feel my abs Timmy. Feel how hard they got after only one set.”

Timmy ran his fingers over Justin’s rock hard abs, feeling every ridge and crevice of the washboard muscles. The skin was sweaty and veins were visible as the muscles pushed them up under the cellophane thin skin. Justin grabbed his skin between two fingers. It looked like he was grabbing two pieces of cellophane. “I got such thin skin. You can see my abs real well because my skin is so thin.”

Timmy nodded as he ran his own hands around Justin’s shredded ab muscles. “Your whole body is so pumped and hard,” he said. Your shoulders are gigantic, your pecs are bulging out and your lats are flaring down like the wings on a muscular cobra snake - your pecs and lats look huge even though you didn’t work ‘em today. And your legs - look at all that muscle. I can feel that muscle, so big, so hard. You didn’t work your legs but they still got pumped and big from helping you hold those heavy weights for your shoulders. Your whole body is incredible. You’re like a god, Justin. A young god.”

Justin smiled. He liked Timmy talking to him like this. “Yeah, a young god,” he said as he started his second set. He cranked out another 100 reps. By now his abs were totally pumped and shredded. When he finished, he looked at Timmy with his beautiful blue eyes and mouthed “I’m a young god.”

Timmy’s eyes widened. He let go of Justin’s legs and jumped on top of Justin’s hot body. He started licking Justin’s muscles with his tongue and feeling those muscles with his dainty little hands. He was rubbing his fingers on Justin’s huge pumped rock hard delt muscles and licking his hot, sweaty abs, tasting each ridge of steel hard sweaty muscle with his tongue. “Oh my god,’ Timmy murmured. “I’m so hot for you Justin. I’m so hot for your body. My cock’s been rock hard since I walked in the door. Oh my god Justin.”

Justin reached down and grabbed Timmy’s cock. “Don’t you think I noticed, Timmy? I got real good eyes, you know. Now I’m rock hard too. You really turned me on, talking about my body, talking about my muscles. The more you talk about my muscles the more I get turned on. So talk! I love to hear your talk and I love to feel your hands feeling my muscles.”

Timmy started squirming on top of Justin’s body, feeling his bulging muscles with every inch of his puny little body. “Your body’s so big. Your muscles are so hard. Your skin is so sweaty. You pushed your muscles to lift huge weights. Weights I couldn’t even lift off the ground you pressed up with one arm. You are so strong Justin. Stronger than I will ever be in my whole life. And I know you’re going to get even bigger, even stronger. You’re a freak Justin. You’re a muscle freak. You’re a young god, Justin. A huge young god.”

Justin started groaning as his own cock bulged in his shorts. “Oh fuck,” he said. “I got one more set.’ He pushed Timmy off his body and Timmy grabbed his legs. Then he did one more set of 100 situps. When he finished, Timmy looked at him and said “Oh fuck.” Timmy was so turned on he couldn’t believe it. He had never been so turned on in his life.

Justin grinned. He raised his body up one more time with his powerful abs and then pushed Timmy down to the floor. Then he grabbed Timmy’s shorts and ripped them off his scrawny body. He tore off his own workout shorts. Then he jumped on top of Timmy and pinned his arms. He had Timmy in a schoolboy pin. The two boys were now totally nude and both of their cocks were rock hard. Just like his muscles, Justin’s cock was a lot bigger than Timmy’s. It was about nine inches long and very thick while Timmy’s was only 4-1/2 inches long and very thin. Justin’s cock was twice as big as Timmy’s. Timmy looked at Justin’s cock and his eyes bulged in his head.

Justin looked into Timmy’s eyes and said, “Let’s wrestle.” Timmy knew he didn’t have any choice, so he pushed against Justin’s grip trying to free himself. “Hah! You are so weak! Try harder. I can barely feel you pushing.” Timmy squirmed his arms and pushed as hard as he could but Justin easily had him in full control. “Fucking weak!” yelled Justin. Then he moved Timmy’s left hand over to his right hand and grabbed both of them with just his left hand. “Okay, two hands against one. Try again you little dweeb.” Timmy squirmed and pushed but Justin’s strong left hand was way stronger than both of his arms. “So fucking weak,” said Justin as he moved Timmy at his will. Suddenly, he grabbed Timmy’s hands and jerked him around so Justin was on the bottom and Timmy was on the top. He positioned his hands so Timmy now had him in a schoolboy pin.

“Ya got me pinned,” said Justin as he looked up into Timmy’s face. Timmy smiled and pushed Justin’s arms into the floor. Justin looked into Timmy’s eyes with his beautiful blue eyes. “I wonder if I can get out. I wonder if I can get out of your vicious hold.” Then Justin raised his arms like he was lifting a feather and pushed Timmy up and threw him to the side. “You’re so light. You’re weak and you’re light. You’re nothing to my muscles. That wasn’t even hard. Pin my left hand with both of your hands. Lets see how strong my left arm is. Fuck, I’m giving you a break, ‘cause I’m right handed. Both your arms against my left arm.” So Timmy pinned Justin’s left hand with both of his arms and he really leaned into Justin, putting the full weight of his little body on Justin’s arm. But it was no use. Justin raised his arm like Timmy was another dumbbell and easily pushed him off his body. “So fucking easy. My arm is so strong. God I love being so strong.” Timmy fell onto Justin’s body and said “I love you being so strong too.”

The two boys started wrestling, with Justin easily overpowering Timmy and toying with him as they wrestled. Timmy loved every minute of it. He loved feeling Justin’s hard muscles. He loved feeling Justin’s incredible strength. He loved having his body manhandled by Justin’s strong muscles, not hard enough to cause any real pain but hard enough to show him how strong his friend was. Justin loved the wrestling too. He loved seeing how strong he was compared to Timmy. He loved twisting the puny kid’s arms and legs as if they were little twigs, with Timmy not able to put up even the tiniest resistance to the force of Justin’s new muscles. He loved looking at his big arms next to Timmy’s little sticks. He loved being a muscle freak. His sweaty body was still pumped and his sweat was pouring out of his skin and rubbing on to Timmy.

Pretty soon both boys were covered with Justin’s sweat, hot sweat created by a hot pumped up body. One time he got on top of Timmy and rubbed his sweaty armpit on Timmy’s face. “Smell my sweat, wimp. You don’t make sweat that smells like that. Only us muscle freaks can make real jock boy sweat. I got my sweat all over your body. You’re covered with my sweat. And now you can smell the rugged smell of my muscle boy sweat. Yeah, that’s a real man’s sweat.”

Timmy breathed in and smelled Justin’s sweat. It smelled so good to him. So strong, so manly, so good. “Oh fuck, Justin. You are such a stud,” Timmy murmured as Justin rubbed his sweaty armpit into his face. His cock got even harder as he felt Justin’s sweaty body with his hands and smelled his pungent armpit odor.

Finally Timmy couldn’t take it anymore. He was so turned on. He told Justin he was going to cum and Justin said “Yeah! Do it!” He laid on top of Justin and Justin let him hold his arms down. His little cock was on Justin’s washboard abs, feeling the ridges of rock hard muscle. Then he started thrusting his hips, rubbing his cock on those steel hard corrugated sweaty abs. It felt like he was rubbing his cock on a washboard of muscle. He held Justin’s upper arms and moved his hands up and down between his rock hard upper arms and his bulging delts. Justin flexed, letting Timmy feel the enormous size and hardness of his biceps, triceps and delt muscles, muscles that were still pumped from the brutal workout Justin had just finished. Timmy was overcome by feeling Justin’s washboard ab muscles with his cock and his bulging arm and delt muscles with his hands. He was in absolute muscle heaven. Within seconds he came on Justin’s abs, spreading the cum from his little 4-1/2 inch cock all over Justin’s hard muscles. It was the best orgasm Timmy had ever had.

Within seconds after Timmy came, Justin spun him around and straddled him, sitting on top of his waist. Justin’s nine inch cock was as hard as a rock. Timmy looked up at it in awe. He looked up at Justin’s body in awe. “Feel my muscles. Feel my cock. Talk about my body. Talk about my cock. I’m so hot I’m gonna cum right in your face.” Timmy’s cock was already starting to get hard again as he looked at the teen muscle god sitting on top of him.

“Oh God Justin. Your muscles are so beautiful. Your delts are bulging like boulders of muscle on your shoulders. I couldn’t believe how much weight those huge muscles could press.”

Timmy raised his hands and felt Justin’s huge shoulders.

“I couldn’t believe how much iron those muscles could lift in those side raises. I could hardly lift that iron off the floor and your shoulders lifted it up like it was a feather. You are so fucking strong, Justin. So fucking strong. You’re like a young god. I can feel every fiber of muscle bulging under your thin skin. I can feel the veins pulsating with blood, pumping protein into those muscles so they’ll get bigger and stronger for your next workout. Your whole body is so big and strong.”

Timmy ran his hands all over Justin’s torso and arms, feeling every muscle.

“You’re a freak. You’re a muscle freak. You’re one in a million Justin. And your face. You have the most beautiful face I have ever seen. Blond hair. Clear blue eyes. Wide cheekbones. A strong jaw with a beautiful cleft chin. A thick muscular neck. You are so beautiful.”

Timmy felt Justin’s jaw and his neck. Justin was starting to buck his hips on Timmy’s body. His huge cock was standing straight up and precum was dripping from the tip. He was loving the worship Timmy was giving him. If he put his hand on his cock he knew he would cum immediately. He wanted Timmy to get him off. Timmy moved his hands down to Justin’s abs and started rubbing the rock hard corrugated muscle.

“And your abs are so incredible. You’ve got an eight pack, not just a six pack. Eight rock hard ab muscles that could do situps so fast I couldn’t believe it. I can only do five situps and you can do 100 in less than a minute. Your abs a so strong. They’re like a washboard of rippling muscle on your tiny little waist. A wall of rock hard muscle.”

Justin was now panting and he was rocking back and forth on Timmy’s body. More precum was dripping. He was in ecstasy. He was holding back his cumming. He was holding it back for even more ecstasy from Timmy. Timmy moved his hands down to Justin’s cock and he wrapped his right hand around the huge weapon while his left hand still fondled those hard abs.

“Your cock is gigantic. It’s twice as big and twice as thick as mine. I can see the precum oozing out. You have more precum than I had cum. I’m rubbing your cock and rubbing your abs. I’m feeling your rippling hard muscles and your huge thick hard cock. You are a young god, Justin. You are such a stud. You’re a young stud fucking muscle god!” Timmy spit on his hand and rubbed Justin’s cock. Justin yelled “Yeah! yeah! YEAH!”

Instantly that huge weapon exploded, spurting load after load of genetically superior sperm all over Timmy’s face. He came for over a minute. Spurt after spurt of thick white cum. Justin shot four times as much cum as Timmy had. “Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!” yelled Justin.

“What a fuck!” Timmy came again as he felt Justin’s body and cock. Then he licked the cum from his face. “I’m gonna love spotting for you,” he said as he looked up at Justin. Justin smiled and stroked his still hard cock.


Part 6

Finally Justin and Timmy put on their shorts and shoes. Timmy put on his shirt but Justin didn’t. His body was very hot, and hell, he liked showing it off now. His muscles were totally pumped from his workout and they looked radiant. They walked upstairs and saw Mike sitting in the living room watching TV. He had just gotten home after cruising around in his car with Christie and two of his jock friends. He looked up and his mouth dropped open as he saw Justin’s body.

“Worked on my shoulders today,” said Justin. “Lifted some real heavy weights. I pressed 130 pounds and did dumbbell presses with 60 pounds. And I’ve only been liftin’ two weeks. Just think how strong I’m gonna be in another two weeks. Or in another month. Fuck, my muscles are already way harder than yours and I bet I’m already stronger than you. I’m a freak, Mike. A fuckin’ muscle freak. Look at my shoulders. Look how big and pumped and hard those delt muscles are. They’re way bigger and harder than yours.”

Mike gulped as he looked at Justin’s thick wide shoulders. He could see the hot pumped up fibers of muscle twitching under Justin’s skin. He could see thick veins pumping blood in those shoulders and all through Justin’s torso and arms. Justin moved his arms around, showing off his shoulders to his dumbfounded “brother.”

Then Justin looked at the kitchen door. “Gonna make a huge protein shake. I’m gonna drink that huge shake and then in another hour I’m gonna eat three times as much protein as you at dinner. I’m gonna just fill my muscles with protein. I’m a fuckin’ freak.”

Justin went into the kitchen and came out with a big protein shake. He started drinking the thick liquid. “Timmy here is my spotter. He’s gonna be spottin’ me every day. It really helps to have a spotter so I can lift the heaviest weights possible. I can crank out two or three reps with super heavy weights with a little help from Timmy until my muscles are just aching. They just ache when I’m done. But it’s a good ache. When they’re aching, my muscles tell me they’re gonna get even bigger so they can lift even heavier weights the next time. Yeah, my muscles talk to me and they tell me they’re gonna get huge. Huge and super strong. They love lifting super heavy weights and gettin’ huge and strong.” Timmy smiled as he listened to Justin brag about his brutal workouts.

Then Justin moved up to Mike. “You’re gonna drive Timmy home now, Mikey. You’re gonna drive Timmy home every day. You’re my chauffeur, Mikey. You’re gonna drive me wherever I want. I’m only 14 so I can’t drive. It’s gonna be so nice to have my own personal 16-year-old chauffeur to drive me and my friends wherever I want.”

Mike jumped out of his chair. “What??? I’m not your chauffeur! That’s my car and it’s for me and my friends. You’re just gonna have to walk like you did before.”

Justin bumped Mike in the chest with his sweaty, pumped up pecs. Mike stepped back but Justin kept pushing on him. “I don’t think you’ve figured out yet that the pecking order has changed around here, Mikey. I’m your boss and you gotta do whatever I want. And if you don’t, my muscles are gonna make you wish you were never born.”

Justin wrapped his arms around Mike’s chest and started squeezing. His lats flared out and his biceps flexed with enormous power. Mike’s chest was no match for the enormous power of Justin’s new muscles. With a whoosh, all the air was forced out of his lungs. In a panic, Mike tried to hit Justin’s torso with his flailing arms, but Justin’s body was as hard as a rock and he didn’t even feel Mike’s weak little blows. Justin picked Mike up of the ground and squeezed harder, shaking him like he was a rag doll.

“I can squeeze harder than any bear,” said Justin. “In a month I’ll be able to break every one of your ribs. Crack, crack, crack, crack. My muscles love to break things. They’re gonna love breaking your body.”

Mike squirmed and flailed around like a helpless little deer being crushed by a huge young tiger. He couldn’t breathe and spit was drooling from his mouth. He couldn’t believe what his skinny little cousin was now doing to him. Tears started flowing from his eyes. He had done the same thing to many skinny boys. He loved seeing the tears in their eyes as his muscles crushed them like grapes. He loved being the dominant one, the conqueror. But now he was the one being conquered. He was the one crying. He started to cry harder as he thought about what was happening to him.

“Squeeze the life out of him!” yelled Timmy. “He used to do this to me all the time. He used to crush me so hard. I cried out for mercy but he didn’t give me any. The more I cried the more he squeezed. He loved to see me cry. He tortured me like I was a little bug.”

Justin looked into Mike’s eyes. “Awww. Tell Timmy you’re sorry you bullied him all these years. Tell Timmy you’re gonna make it up to him. Tell Timmy you want to drive him home. You want to drive him home every day. You want to take orders from Timmy.” Justin’s lats were bulging like wings of shredded muscle and his muscular arms were beet red and pumped as hell as he crushed the life out of his big brother.

Mike didn’t immediately reply. He was crying and all the air was crushed out of his lungs. Justin flexed his lats and arms even more, squeezing Mike’s body even harder.

“You want to drive Timmy home, don’t you Mikey? You want to do everything I say, don’t you Mikey? You better say yes or I’m gonna squeeze even harder. My new muscles love to squeeze. Maybe they can even break a bone or two now.”

Mike’s eyes had a terrified look. “Yes! Yes! Please stop!” he groaned.

Justin smiled and slowly released his grip. “Get your keys,” he said as Mike fell on the floor.

So Mike stumbled out to his new car as Justin and Timmy strutted behind him. Justin was drinking his big protein shake. His body was still hot and sweaty from his workout and from crushing Mike. He and Timmy got in the back seat. After all, Mike was their chauffer.

“Push your seat up, driver. I need more leg room.”

Mike looked back at Justin. “But I need the leg room to drive,” he said plaintively.

Justin wrapped his forearm around Mike’s neck and pulled his neck into the head rest. “I don’t care if you’re comfortable or not. I said I need more leg room. Move it up.” He pulled against Mike’s neck harder. Mike’s windpipe crackled as Justin’s muscular forearm crushed it.”

“Okay, okay,” gasped Mike. Justin let go and Mike pulled up his seat. His knees were now way up but Justin had lots of leg room in the back.

“That’s better,” said Justin as he settled back, stretched his muscular legs and drank another big gulp of protein.

They drove to Timmy’s house, talking about how much muscle Justin had put on and how much more muscle he was going to get. They both loved the fact that Justin was a muscle freak. Mike sat in the drivers seat and cringed.

“Ya know, it’s amazing that I was so skinny,” said Justin. “I guess because I was taking care of my mother all the time I never had time to do any athletics or to work out. My muscles were like in a sleep. I hardly ate anything. No wonder I was as skinny as a rail. I bet if I had worked out and eaten right, I would have weighed at least 170 pounds by the time I arrived in this town. But I was always a muscle freak. Now I’m just making up for all that lost time. I weigh 145 now. Next month I’ll weigh 170 and the month after that I’ll weigh 190. One hundred ninety pounds of 14-year-old solid muscle. You lookin’ forward to that, driver? You lookin’ forward to your little brother weighing 190? Yeah I bet you are. A month after that I’ll be way over 200. I’m a fuckin’ muscle freak. I love it!” Justin and Timmy gave themselves high fives.

They dropped off Timmy at his house. Justin made Mike roll down all the windows. He sat in the passenger’s side of the back seat with his muscular arm hanging out the window smiling at all the people they drove by. He saw several kids from his class at school and waved at them. Then he saw some Juniors - kids who knew Mike. He made Mike slow down. Then he yelled out the window. “Hey look. I got a new car. Mike’s my driver. He’s gonna take me wherever I want. You don’t have to be 16 to have a car. All you need is a 16-year-old brother who doesn’t want to die.” Then he flexed his arm as Mike buried his head behind the steering wheel. The kids’ mouths dropped open as they saw Justin’s bulging muscles and realized he was now in control of Mike. The bully was now being bullied.

“Oh my god,” said a kid. “That skinny freshman has been putting on muscles like crazy. He already looks real strong. Look what he’s making Mike do..” The other kids nodded as they looked at Justin. Justin grinned and then told Mike to take him home. He was already hungry for dinner.

The next day was the most embarrassing day in Mike’s life. First he had to take Justin to school in his car. At first he said no, but Justin grabbed his wrist and pushed his chest against the wall. “You remember when you twisted my arm at school, bully boy? You remember when you made me cry? Well, now I’m gonna do the same thing to you. It’s payback time, Mikey. It’s gonna be payback time for the rest of your life.”

Mike cringed as Justin’s strong muscles controlled his body with ease. Justin forced Mike’s body into the wall then he started lifting Mike’s arm up his back.“You’re so fucking weak. You can’t do a fucking thing to stop my big new muscles.” Mike struggled but he couldn’t resist the force of Justin’s muscles. Justin lifted Mike’s arm until the bully started crying, just like Justin had done a few weeks before. “You wanna drive me to school, don’t you Mikey? You wanna do what ever I say, don’t you bully boy?” Mike cringed. It was going to take awhile for him to realize he was now Justin’s slave.

Finally Mike said “Yes.” Justin pushed his arm up another notch.

“Yes what, bully boy? Yes what?”

Mike paused and Justin forced his arm up until the pain was unbearable.

“Yes SIR!” yelled Mike. Justin grinned.

“That’s better, Mikey. Now get your keys and let’s go.”

So Mike drove Justin to school, with Justin sitting in the front this time tuning the radio to his favorite station. When they got there, Justin got out at the front steps, slammed the door and said, “Park my car, driver. Be here after school to take me and Timmy home. Then you can use my car for a few hours while I work out. Gotta build these muscles even bigger and stronger so I can push you around even more. You got that, driver?”

Mike looked at Justin, not wanting to talk. Justin flexed his arm in the car’s window.

“I said you got that, driver?” Justin yelled.

“Yes,” mumbled Mike.

“Yes what?” yelled Justin.

“Yes SIR,” said Mike.

Justin smiled and turned around to face all the kids, whose mouths were open in disbelief. They all looked at Justin as he strutted into the school yard while Mike went to find a parking place. “I got a car,” said Justin to his friends. “I can’t drive but I got a car. And I got my personal driver, my bully brother Mike. Except he isn’t a bully anymore. I’m the one who’s giving him the orders. If he ever does anything to you, just tell me and I’ll pound him.” He flexed his arms and his friends gasped at what they were seeing.

Mike slipped into the school yard and went to the gym. He wanted to work out. He wanted to build up his muscles. He hadn’t lifted weights for over three months and now he felt so weak compared to Justin. He only had a few minutes to work out and he got in a few reps of benches and curls. But Justin had ordered him to take him and Timmy home after school. Then he had a girlfriend to see after he took them home, and then he had to take Timmy home and then have dinner, although Justin was going to eat all the food. So except for these few reps, he wasn’t going to be able to work out at all.Meanwhile Justin was going to work out again in the basement with all his weights and with Timmy as his spotter. He was going to build his muscles even bigger and stronger. They were getting bigger and stronger every day and it seemed Mike was getting weaker, at least compared to Justin.

When he finished his few reps he sighed. There was no way he was going to get stronger than Justin. Justin was a muscle freak. He was putting on muscle so fast it was unbelievable. Mike was just a big boy, a big bully boy who was now weaker than his 14-year-old muscle freak cousin who was now his brother. He realized that even if he worked out for hours every day, there was no way he was ever going to catch up in muscle and strength to his taller, stronger muscle freak young brother. He figured he might be able to add 5 pounds of muscle in a month. That was going to be nothing compared to the 25 pounds of muscle he knew Justin was going to add. Somehow he knew Justin was going to continue adding muscle like a growing young lion. He knew Justin was going to get way stronger than he already was. Mike dropped the weight in disgust. He never lifted another weight


Part 7

Justin lifted for a month with Timmy as his spotter. He worked out one body part per day, and he lifted the heaviest weights he could. He ate six huge meals a day and still drank lots of protein shakes. He was now consuming over 400 grams of protein per day. And all that protein was turning into solid muscle. His muscle freak body responded to the heavy training and the big eating like a weed growing in the spring. Every day his muscles got bigger and stronger. And his bones were growing along with his muscles. His shoulder bones had gotten wider and his ribcage became bigger. But his waist remained very small.

At the end of that month, he had gained 30 pounds. He had gotten even bigger than he thought he would in that month. He couldn’t believe his own body and how big it was getting. He now weighed 175 pounds, and that was all muscle with no fat. He needed new clothes all the time. Every two weeks he went up at least one size in clothes. He started as a Child 12. After two weeks he needed a Men’s Medium. In that first two weeks he went up two sizes, his muscles were growing so fast. Two weeks later he needed a Men’s Large. And now, two weeks after that he was wearing a Men’s Extra Large.

The transformation of his body had been amazing. Sometimes he put on an old tee shirt, which could barely stretch to fit over his new muscles. Then he’d flex his chest, lats and biceps and rip the shirt into shreds. That was a lot of fun, ripping apart his old shirts with his big new muscles. Timmy loved it. He got some great video shots of the shirt ripping on his picture/video cellphone. He had taken pictures of Justin every week and it was amazing to see the transformation of his body. And Justin knew he was just starting out. He knew he was going to get way bigger than he was. And he was way stronger too. He had already gotten too strong for his weight set and Timmy’s weight set together. He was benching 300 pounds – the two whole weight sets plus a few extra weights he had found. And his legs were so strong he could squat with 350. He and Timmy had to hook up cement blocks to the bar to add enough weight for his big strong quad muscles to lift.

It was lats, traps and lower back day for Justin. As always, Mike had driven Justin and Timmy home from school, looking at Justin’s huge muscles in awe. Timmy loved being Justin’s spotter. He just loved to watch those big ripped muscles work out. Justin’s lats had gotten huge. They flared like huge wings of thick muscle, tapering down from his wide shoulders to his narrow hips. His traps bulged like mounds of muscle from his thick neck to his muscle capped shoulders. His lower back had ridges of hard muscle, muscle that was so strong he could easily deadlift every weight in the gym. He started with his lats, doing pullups, then barbells rows, then dumbbell rows. In pullups, he had gotten so strong that Timmy had to tie extra weights on his hips, so he was lifting his 175 pounds body plus 50 pounds of extra weight. And his weight in the rows had increased to phenomenal levels for a 14-year-old kid. In his last two brutal sets, he did barbell rows with 220 pounds and dumbbell rows with 90 pounds. These were each 20 pounds more than he had done the week before. Next his worked his traps, doing shrugs with 200 pounds hanging on the bar. And last his did deadlifts with every weight in the gym – 300 pounds. And he could do 10 reps easy, even in his last set. He definitely needed more weight.

He did six sets of each exercise, working up to his heaviest poundages and just a few reps in his last brutal set, with Timmy there as his spotter. When he finished his body looked radiant. He was covered with sweat and every one of his muscles was pumped and bulging. His skin was red and veins were pumping enormous amounts of blood into his huge pumped up rock hard muscles. He stood in front of the mirror and flexed while little Timmy stood next to him gasping at what he saw.

“My god, Justin, you are just amazing. Look at your body next to mine. I’m still a skinny little nerd and you are a total muscle freak. A total stud in every way.”

Justin smiled. “Good genetics,” he said as he looked at his body next to Timmy’s. “And a good spotter!” He punched Timmy gently in the gut. Timmy saw Justin’s old muscle magazines in the corner. He picked up the top one and opened it up. “Those are the magazines I read that first day down here in the basement,” said Justin. “I read those articles about those kids putting on muscle and I wanted to try it too. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be gaining muscle so fast. I put on more muscle faster than any of the kids in those magazines!”

Timmy looked at Justin’s image in the mirror and then at the pictures of the muscular kids in the magazines. “Yeah, you’re better than any of them.” He turned to the page that Justin had read over and over when he started working out. Timmy started reading.

“Skinny, here’s the new body you’ll get. You get a body rippling with steel-hard, razor-cut muscles. You get a body that literally breathes power, Greek warrior virility and awesome masculinity. You get the kind of body that makes well-built men look like discarded hat racks in comparison with you!”

Timmy looked at Justin. “Yeah, Justin, that’s you. Your body breathes power! You’ve got Greek warrior virility and awesome masculinity. That’s you!” Timmy reached over and started feeling Justin’s muscles. “God, you’re so powerful, so virile, so masculine,” he whispered. Then he kissed Justin’s lips and started reading again.

“THE ARMS. Imagine being able to roll up your sleeves and have every man and woman cast envious glances at you when you walk down the street. Do you want respect like that? Massive inches of sinew and might are pumped into your arms. A crushing grip! A smashing blow! The POWER to lift huge weights! The appearance of irresistible FORCE! From the tips of your fingers to the point of your shoulders your arms will be ALIVE with impressive muscle!” Timmy grabbed Justin’s arm. “Look at your fucking arm. Seventeen inches of solid muscle, My arm’s still 9 inches and you’ve got 17 inches of rock hard muscle. The power to lift huge weights – yeah I’ve seen it. A crushing grip! A smashing blow! Yeah, I’ve seen your huge arms pummel Mike into a pulp. Your arms have irresistible force. Your arms are alive with muscle!. Flex your bicep.”

Justin flexed his bicep and Timmy ran his hands over the fibers of rock hard muscle that formed a huge ball. You could see the individual fibers of muscle covered with veins. The ball of muscle was larger than a softball. It was gigantic.

“That’s what a bicep should look like,” said Timmy. “That’s a real man’s muscle. Not a tiny little bump like I have. Your arms are supreme.. They’re alive with strong rock hard muscle!” Timmy was getting overcome in his admiration of Justin’s body. Justin put his huge flexed arm next to Timmy’s face and Timmy kissed it. “Oh Justin, oh Justin,” he murmured.

He read on. “THE CHEST. Your chest will GROW and become deep and full. You will learn the joys of limitless endurance. Be able to outrun others. Remain fresh longer. The cramped lungs will have a chance to breathe… grow healthy and strong. The heart will function unrestricted. Posture will become perfect. You will look vital, fresh, energetic! A human dynamo – fully charged with POWER!”Timmy looked at Justin’s chest. “God, look at your huge chest. Forty-six inches of solid muscle. My chest is still 34 inches. Your chest has gotten so fucking big. Look at those huge bulging pecs, pecs that can bench 300 pounds. Look at those lats. They worked out so hard today. They’re huge, and they’re gonna get even huger. Your posture is perfect. You can run fast and long. You are so vital, fresh and energetic. You are such a man!” Timmy kissed Justin’s bulging pec and then he moved over and kissed his sweaty pumped up lat. He could smell the sweat emanating from Justin’s armpit. His cock was rock hard and it even got harder as he smelled Justin’s sweat.

He continued to read. “THE UPPER BACK. Inches of power-packed muscle will spring up under your armpits. Masses of ridges and muscles right across your entire upper back. You will show the NEW MASCULINE LOOK – that impressive taper --- the WEDGE FORMATION --- the body that attracts attention. Gain new strength to LIFT and PULL --- heavy objects will seen like toys!” Timmy looked at Justin’s incredible V shape and his massive traps. “Oh god Justin. Your traps are so big and strong. You look like a man, not a 14-year-old boy. And those lats. Look at that V shape. Look at all that pulsating muscle. It’s so hard. Its so strong. I bet heavy objects do seem like toys.”

Justin grinned as he flexed his lats in the mirror. Then he reached down and picked up a 100 pound dumbbell and rowed it up three times with one hand. “Feels like a fuckin’ toy,” he said grinning. “Two months ago I couldn’t pick this bar and all this iron off the ground and now it feels like I’m picking up a little stick. It feels so fucking light to my new muscles.”

Timmy buried his face inside Justin’s lat muscles, pushing his nose against the rock hard muscle. “So big. So hard. So strong,” he murmured. He smelled again the heavy sweat pouring off Justin’s armpit and he rammed his nose up inside all that muscle. “Oh it feels so good. It smells so good. Oh my god Justin, I don’t think I can take this much longer. I wanna have sex with you.”

Justin pulled his head out from his armpit and smiled. “Keep going Timmy. This is fun.” So Timmy kept reading.

“THE SHOULDERS. Develop the shoulders of a lifeguard. Round, full inches of muscle packed on each shoulder. Fill out your jackets with LIVE PADDING! Pack a WALLOP! Improve your ability in sports. Look like an athlete at all times. Everyone will know that you are vigorous, rugged and masculine! Gone will be the poor posture and the stooping, sagging frame. In its place will be invigorating robustness – glowing good health and the walk and posture of a man who has NO FEARS!! The masculine stride of health, power and virility!!” Timmy looked at Justin’s shoulders in the mirror and then at his own shoulders. “Fuck Justin. Your shoulders are twice as wide as mine. My hips are just as wide as yours, maybe wider, but your shoulders are twice as wide. Look at all that muscle packed on your shoulders You have inches of solid muscle and I just have bone and skin. And look at you. You stand up so straight. You do look like a boy who has no fears. You are full of health, power and virility!” Timmy started rubbing Justin’s delt muscles, feeling the striated fibers of muscle that twitched at Justin’s command. “So big, so strong,” said Timmy. “I can’t get over how strong your shoulders are.” He started kissing those huge mounds of muscle. “I wanna have sex. I want you to fuck me. I wanna have sex with you, you big strong muscle stud.” He was panting.

“Keep reading,” said Justin. “We’re both getting so turned on, but keep reading. This is getting me so hot.” He stripped his shorts off and then stripped Timmy’s shorts off. They were both standing in front of the mirror totally naked, with their cocks standing straight up.

Timmy kept reading. “THE LEGS. RUGGEDNESS is seated in the legs. Be tiger-strong. Panther-quick! Lumberjack-tough. Improve your ability in sports. Don’t let others push you off balance –be ready and able to stand on your own two feet. Push away your competition with your MASSIVE LEG POWER. Overcome spindle legs. Add inches of dynamic muscle to keep you going in the toughest competition.” Timmy got down on his knees and started feeling Justin’s massive thighs. “Your legs are so big. And they’re so strong. When you play football, you’re just going to knock over the other players with the power in your legs. You’re going to go charging up the field knocking them over with your big legs and your big shoulders. What a fucking athlete you are. You’re fast. I’ve seen you run. And nobody can push you around. You’re the one who does the pushing. You can push Mike so hard with your pecs he falls on his ass. And you’re not even trying hard. Because your legs are so muscular and so strong, they push your big muscular body right into Mike and knock him down.” Timmy moved his hands all over Justin’s legs, feeling his huge quads and his big cut calves. Then he started moving his hands up to Justin’s crotch. He could hardly wait to feel Justin’s huge nine inch cock.

“Not so fast, Timmy. Keep reading.” Justin pushed his hand away. He was tormenting his little worshipper.

“THE WAIST. Your waist will look like a washboard. Corrugated RIDGES of MUSCLE will replace the soft flab you now have. Your waist will be small but it will be strong! The rock hard muscles in your waist will be like armor. Be able to take a punch and not feel a thing. Your broad shoulders and huge chest will taper down to a narrow athletic washboard waist that will be the envy of everyone on the beach!” Timmy looked up and gazed at Justin’s waist. “Fuck, Justin. Your abs really do look like a washboard. They’re so shredded. They look like corrugated iron.” He moved his hands up and felt the hard muscle. “God, it feels like steel. You really do have ridges of muscle and they’re as hard as armor.” I’ve tried to punch your waist as hard as I could and you don’t even feel it, your muscle is so hard and so strong. And I can’t believe your waist is only 29 inches. It’s an inch smaller than my waist, but it’s made of rock hard muscle. God, everything that magazine said was going to happen has happened to you. You’re bigger, stronger and better looking than any of those boys in the magazine. Fuck, I’m about ready to cum looking at your handsome face, your blue eyes, your wide shoulders, your huge chest and lats, your tiny little muscular waist and your gigantic legs. Please, please Justin. I wanna have sex!” Justin smiled.

“Okay Timmy, you can stop reading now. I’m all yours.”

Timmy jumped to his feet and grabbed Justin around the chest. “Oh yeah. I wanna feel all of you. I wanna feel all your muscles. I wanna kiss you. I wanna worship you!” he yelled. “I always wanted to have a body like yours Justin. I never got it but now you have it. You’re a god Justin. I want you Justin.”

Justin grabbed Timmy with his huge arms. “Look at my body, feel my body, and think of my muscles and strength. Think of my body as your body. Do you want to be enfolded in all this muscle and power? Do you want to be protected by my huge muscles?”

Timmy nodded his head. “Yeah, yeah,” he said as he ran his hands all over Justin’s sweaty muscles.

“Imagine my strength becomes your strength. Imagine my power becomes your power. Imagine being able to bench press 300 pounds. Imagine picking up a 100 pound dumbbell and having it feel like a toy. Imagine it Timmy. Imagine my body is your body. Imagine what it would feel like having a body like mine. Having a body that’s so big, muscular, strong and powerful.” Justin flexed his lat muscles, grabbed Timmy’s head and jammed it into his armpit. Timmy’s head was enveloped by the massive muscle of Justin’s lats, pecs and arms. “You don’t have any muscle but you are protected by my muscle. Feel that muscle. Smell that sweat. My muscle is your muscle Timmy.”

Timmy breathed in the heady small of Justin’s sweat as he felt the hot pumped up muscle encircle his head. He breathed again. And again. It was like he was breathing in muscle. He felt so secure. So protected by Justin’s body. This was the best experience he had every had. He was so turned on. He wanted Justin. All of Justin. He started wildly kissing Justin’s muscles. “Oh my god, Justin. I’ve never been so turned on. I’m going wild Justin. I want you so bad. Fuck me Justin. Fuck me!” Timmy worshiped Justin for several minutes, feeling and kissing his rock hard muscles and his lips. Licking his nipples. Licking the sweat out of his armpits. Licking his washboard abs. Kissing his cock. He was in muscle heaven. Finally he spit on Justin’s rock hard cock and stroked it with his hands. “Oh god, Justin. You are so big. So hard. Fuck me! Fuck me!” he yelled.

Justin turned Timmy around and lifted him up. They were facing the mirror, with Timmy’s little chest not nearly covering the huge shoulders and chest of his muscle god. Then Justin lowered Timmy down on his nine inch thick cock, which penetrated his ass like it was a steel pipe.

“Umm. Your little ass feels good,” said Justin as he looked at his puny friend in the mirror.

“And your huge cock feels good too,” panted Timmy as he watched Justin’s huge body. Then Justin raised his arms and started raising and lowering Timmy on his cock, like he was doing a light shoulder workout with his little 120 pounds barbell. Timmy grabbed is own cock and started stroking it. Both boys were wild with sexual excitement and arousal.

“I’m gonna fuck your little ass with my big cock, thrusting your puny body with my huge shoulders and arms. I’m getting’ so turned on!” yelled Justin.

“Ohhhhhh,” said Timmy.

Finally Justin yelled “YEAH!” as he shot a half of cup of cum into Timmy’s ass while pounding Timmy up and down on his cock. At the same time, Timmy came also, spurting his own cum on the mirror. Justin lifted Timmy up and down on his cock for another several minutes, enjoying every moment of ecstasy. Finally he put Timmy on the floor. “Cum number 1,” he said. “I’m gonna do it three times today.” Timmy looked at Justin’s body and smiled.

So Justin came two more times. The second time was a blow job. Timmy gave the greatest blow jobs ever. The third time was another ass fucking with Timmy on the floor. Just like the magazine said, Justin was truly full of health, power and virility. Timmy came just the one time. He wished he was Justin, but he wasn’t.

Mike now avoided Justin as much as he could. He was so embarrassed to be weaker than his little brother – way weaker now. And he knew he was have to do whatever Justin wanted or pay the price, the price being doled out by Justin’s big new muscles. It was the opposite of the way it was when Justin first arrived, with Justin trying to avoid Mike and his constant bullying. But Justin wasn’t a bully. He only used his superior power over Mike to force Mike to do what he wanted, not to tease him or bully him the way Mike formerly did to all the skinny weak guys and to Justin. But he wanted Mike to know who was in charge. Mike had to drive him to school. Then he had to drive him and Timmy home for his workout. Then he let Mike have a few hours off, but he had to drive Timmy home. He also had to drive Justin wherever he wanted to go. He had to tune his radio to Justin’s favorite stations. Mike’s car was Justin’s car.


Part 8

Around the house, Justin was still doing the dishes after dinner and other chores around the house. Mike was his usual spoiled self. His parents asked him to do his fair share. They didn’t want Justin to do all the work, and they were now beginning to realize how spoiled their son was. But he refused. He was Mike.

One day after school, Timmy wasn’t with Justin as Mike pulled up to take them home for Justin’s workout. “Timmy’s sick today,” said Justin as he opened the passenger side door and put his big body in the car. He was finishing a big protein milkshake. “God that protein tastes good,” he said. “I’m gonna do a real heavy chest routine today and I need lots of protein. Fuck, I always need lots of protein.” He ripped off his shirt and flexed his pecs. “Getting huge,” he said as he looked down at the bulging muscle.

Mike looked over at his brother’s huge chest. He kind of shuddered as he looked at the rippling muscle. “Your workout won’t be so heavy today because you won’t have a spotter. You’ll have to do some lighter work.”

Justin looked over at Mike. “No, I’m gonna lift real heavy. Guess what, Mikey. You’re gonna be my spotter. Call Christie and your friends and tell ‘em you’re busy.”

Mike frowned. “But this is my time. I always get a few hours. It ain’t fair.”

Justin reached over and grabbed Mike’s upper arm. The arm was real soft and flabby. Mike had really let himself go. “Life ain’t fair, Mikey. I got muscle and you ain’t got shit. I’m a muscle freak and you’re a fat slob. That means your time is my time. If I tell you to spot me, you spot me. If I tell you to fuck yourself, you fuck yourself. You got that bully boy?”

Justin started squeezing Mike’s arm, driving his thick fingers deep into his flesh. “Soft as mush,” said Justin as he watched Mike’s fat arm being crushed by his strong fingers. He watched his own big forearm bulge into shredded muscle as his fingers crushed Mike’s arm like it was soft fruit. Bolts of pain shot through Mike’s arm.

“Okay, okay!” yelled Mike.

“Yeah,” said Justin as he flexed his forearm in Mike’s face.

The boys drove home. Justin took a big drink of water and pulled Mike down to the basement. Mike hadn’t seen the basement since Justin started lifting. It was real crowded with Justin’s bed and drawers and clothes plus all the weights and the bench. There was a strong smell of sweat, like a men’s locker room. Justin’s body oozed sweat as he brutally worked his muscles and that sweat was all over the room.

“Smells like a fuckin’ gym, don’t it Mikey. I fuckin’ sweat like a pig when I’m workin’ out down here. I work out so hard my muscles just want to explode in my body. They get so pumped and hot and sweat pours out of my skin.”

Mike looked at Justin’s torso and nodded. This boy really worked out hard. Justin pulled off his shorts and changed into his workout shorts. He didn’t use any briefs or boxers. Just his big crotch inside his green satin workout shorts. Mike gasped as he saw the huge size of Justin’s cock. He had no idea Justin was so hung.

“This is my chest day,’ said Justin. “I’m gonna do benches, incline dumbbell presses, pullovers, incline flyes and side flyes. Real heavy weights. Five exercises with six sets each. Thirty brutal sets. My chest is gonna be pumped as hell. It’s growin’ huge! It wants to push some heavy iron!” He flexed his pecs in the mirror and smiled at what he saw. Mike was trembling.

“I’m gonna start with 150 on the bench. Just a warmup.” The boys loaded the bar and Justin got on the bench. He grabbed the bar and cranked out 20 reps like he was lifting a feather pillow. “Put on another 80,” ordered Justin. “I’m gonna rest and you do the work. That’s what spotters do.” He drank a swig of water and moved his arms around, watching his pecs flex in the mirror. They were already getting pumped and hard. “This is still a warmup,” he said as he looked up at the 230 pounds of iron. He cranked out 10 reps very easily. “Fuckin’ light weight!” yelled Justin. “How much can you bench, Mikey?”

Mike turned red. “I used to bench 205 for one rep, but I know I can’t do that now. I’m not lifting weights anymore.”

Justin pushed Mike with his pecs and laughed. “Fuck, I’m still warming up and I’m benching more than you ever benched. I’m way stronger than you and I’m only 14. Now I’m gonna do some work sets. Add 50 pounds. You’re gonna have to scrape around for the weights because I’m getting so strong. I’m runnin’ out of weights.”

Mike looked around and could see what Justin meant. He put almost all the weights on the bar, which now weighed 280 pounds. That little bar wasn’t designed to hold more than about 200 pounds and it started to bend as Justin lifted it off the rack.

Justin did 10 reps with the 280 pounds and didn’t need a spot from Mike. Now his pecs were bulging beyond belief and sweat was pouring down his chest. His skin was red because of all the blood surging through his muscles. “Yeah, good set,” he said. “Last time I could only do three reps with 280. Now I did 10 easy. My muscles get bigger and I get stronger every week. God it’s great to be a muscle freak. Okay, spotter. You see those cement blocks over there? You tie one of those on to each side of the bar. That’ll add 50 pounds, bringin’ the bar to 330. I know I can lift that weight. I feel so fuckin’ strong!” He moved his arms and flexed his pecs, watching the strands of muscle bulge in the mirror. It was hard to believe that less than two months ago he was a 120 pound weakling who could only bench 35 pounds. His muscles had gotten so big and strong that he was now 10 times stronger than he used to be. Then he drank some water as Mike tied on the cement weights to the bar.

“God I need more weight,” said Justin. “My muscles need lots of weight.” He got under the bar and lifted it off the rack. The bar bent down very far. It was lucky the weights didn’t fall off. He lowered the weight to his chest and pushed it up. His pec muscles were bulging with strands of hard muscle fiber almost bursting through his skin. His arms and shoulders were bulging too as the pressed up the heavy bar. He got it all the way up and then pressed out four more reps, with Mike spotting for the last two. He finished his last rep and jumped off the bench.

“Fuck, five reps with 330!” he yelled. “I’m getting so fucking strong! Next week I’m gonna do 360. I know it!”He flexed his pecs in the mirror as Mike looked at him in awe. Then he did a final set of benches with 330, po unding out three brutal reps. His pecs were now totally pumped. He walked up to Mike and stood six inches from his body.

“Look at the size of my pecs. Look how big and hard they are. Think about how much weight they can lift. Look at all that sweat pouring out of my skin. Look at those veins. Look at those muscle fibers. Call me a freak Mike. Call me a skinny little freak.”

Mike looked into Justin’s blue eyes. He couldn’t call this huge muscular boy standing in front of him a skinny little freak. But Justin looked very serious.

“Do it!” he yelled.

Mike stammered “You’re a freak. You’re a skinny little freak.”

Justin pushed his chest into Mike’s chest. “Yeah, you used to call me a freak all the time. And yeah, I used to be skinny. But you were right. I was a freak. I’m a muscle freak! I got more muscle than you’ll ever have. And I’m gonna keep getting bigger. I’m gonna keep getting stronger. And you’re my fucking slave, bully boy. You’re gonna do whatever my muscles tell you to do.” Testosterone and adrenaline were coursing through Justin’s veins. He felt big. He felt strong. He felt like superman. He slammed his chest into Mike, rubbing his sweat onto Mike’s t-shirt.

“You’re mine,” he said. “I own you, bully boy.” Then he punched Mike in the gut, just like Mike had done to him so many times. This punch was real hard, powered by all the strength of Justin’s huge bulging pecs. Mike collapsed on the floor in pain. A tear started running down his cheek. Justin grabbed him by the shirt and stood him up.

“Don’t be such a baby, Mikey. Be a fucking man. You told me to be a man. You said you wanted to play with me. Well, now I’m a man and look at you. You’re a fucking baby. You can’t even take one punch. Stand up, spotter boy. It’s time for the rest of my exercises.”

Justin did his other chest exercises, with Mike loading up the dumbbells with incredible amounts of weight. Even though Mike was just the spotter, he had a lot of work to do to keep up with Justin’s huge strength, adding more and more weight for each set. When Justin had finished, his body was covered with sweat. His torso was bulging. Besides his pecs, his shoulders, lats and arms were pumped and bulging with shredded muscle. His abs were shredded too. His whole body looked fantastic. He grabbed a protein milkshake and drank it down in big glugs.

“Gotta feed these muscles,” he said as he looked at his awesome body in the mirror. Then he turned to Mike. “So as you can see, Mikey, I need more weight. My muscles are already too big for these puny weights. And my muscles are gonna keep getting even bigger and stronger. They need real big weights. You understand that, Mikey boy?” Justin stared at Mike’s face as the sweat rolled off his body.

“Yeah, I guess,” mumbled Mike.

Justin smiled. “Yeah. So I’m turning the basement here into my gym. I’m gonna bring in Olympic size weights, a big bench and a squat rack. I’m gonna get a cable machine for pulldowns and rows. I’m gonna get a leg press machine. And I’m gonna get tons of weights. I’m gonna make this a real gym. Your parents bought you a car so I know they’ll buy me a gym.”

Then he looked over to his mattress and clothes. “So I’m movin’ up to your room. I’m takin’ your bed, ‘cause I’m taller and bigger, and you’ll have to sleep on this mattress on the floor. And I’m taking the closet, but I’ll let you have a third of the closet. I’m bringing up my dresser and I’m taking a couple drawers in your dresser. That sounds fair, doesn’t it? I get two thirds and you get a third of everything in that room. Real fair, ‘cause my muscles are twice as strong as yours. For every inch you got, I get two inches. Sounds fair to me. And they’re ain’t nothing you can do about it. You’ll have to throw away any stuff that gets in my way. Your bedroom’s gonna be my bedroom. You’re gonna be like a little tenant in my bedroom.”

Mike looked horrified. “But, but but,” he stammered.

Justin sneered, made a fist, pulled back his arm and slammed the former bully in the gut. Mike grabbed his gut and collapsed on the floor. “You got a problem with that?” he said as Mike looked up at Justin’s huge bulging sweaty torso. Justin flexed his chest and abs and legs. Mike looked up at this 14 year old muscle god with tears running down his cheeks. “I said you got a problem with that?” yelled Justin as he grabbed Mike and pulled him up for another punch. He held on to Mike’s shirt and pulled back his arm and clenched his hand into a fist. Mike looked at his huge muscular arm and his big fist. Justin moved his arm back and forth. The bulging fibers in his delts and pecs moved with his arm and the muscles in his arm twitched with incredible power. Sweat was pouring off his skin.

“No, “ mumbled Mike. He didn’t want to get hit by all the muscle again. Justin sneered.

“No what?” he yelled. Mike looked at Justin’s beautiful face. “No what?” yelled Justin as his blue eyes looked at Mike in total scorn. He moved his arm back, ready to punch.

“No, sir.” said Mike.

“Say it again and make it louder, bully boy” Mike’s face was covered with tears.

“No SIR” he yelled.

Justin smiled. “Good. I’m glad we could come to agreement on that. Now I’m gonna take a shower. And then we’ll tell your parents at dinner. Oh yeah. Timmy wasn’t sick. I’ve had this meeting planned for a long time.”

Justin took his shower and dressed in a tight -- all his clothes were tight since he had added so much muscle -- white wife beater and shorts for dinner. He wanted to show off his new muscles to his parents and remind Mike just how big and strong he was. Mike wore a sweatshirt. When they were called to dinner the boys sat down at the kitchen table and Mike’s mother and dad immediately looked at Justin.

“My god, you’re getting huge,” said Mike’s dad. “I never dreamed you could put on muscle so fast. Mike, look at Justin’s shoulders and arms. Look how big they are. I bet they’re real strong. God just look at all that muscle. I thought you were strong, Mike, but I don’t think you could hold a candle to Justin.”

Mike lowered his head. “Yeah dad,” he murmured. “He’s real strong.”

Justin smiled. “I’m twice as strong as Mike now. He used to be way stronger than me, but now I’m way stronger than him.”

“I’m very impressed,” said Mike’s dad, staring at Justin’s muscles. Mike’s mother brought out the food. She had two whole chickens for Justin and one chicken for Mike and his parents. So Justin was going to eat more than four times the protein than Mike was going to eat.

“I know you’re always hungry,” she said, looking at Justin’s huge chest. His bulging pecs were pushing out the white wife beater. “So I made you extra food like I always do.”

Justin smiled. “Thanks mom,” he said as he put a whole chicken on his plate and started wolfing it down. Justin finished his two chickens plus lots of vegetables and potatoes faster than the family finished their small dinners. “Feels good to eat,” he said. “Feels so good to feed these muscles.” He flexed his chest and his still pumped up pecs bulged. You could see all the striations of muscle because they pushed out the wife beater so far. “I worked out my chest today. Mike was my spotter because Timmy is sick. He had to tie two cement blocks onto the bar because I’m stronger than all that iron. I was benching 330 pounds. I’m ten times stronger than when I started. I’m getting so strong. It’s great being strong.”

Mike’s dad’s jaw dropped open. “Oh my god, Justin. I had no idea you were so strong. When he said he was way stronger, I didn’t know he was that strong.”

Mike nodded his head. “Yeah dad. He’s really strong. He’s a freak. He’s a muscle freak.”

Justin smiled. “Yeah, I’m a muscle freak.” He flexed his arms and looked at them proudly. And my muscles want to get even bigger and stronger. They just want to keep growing. I know they’ll be stronger next week when I do my next chest workout..”

Mike’s dad seemed enraptured by what Justin was saying. The kid just knew his muscles were going to get bigger and stronger next week. Mike’s dad kept staring at Justin’s body. Justin looked him in the eyes.

“I have a favor to ask you, dad. I want to build a gym in the basement. I need an Olympic bar that will hold big weights. I need a big new bench, a squat rack, a leg press machine, a pulley machine for lats and shoulders and lots and lots of weights. Can you give it to me as an early birthday present? I know my 15th birthday’s not for six months, but I need the big weights now. My muscles want to grow! They want to grow huge!”

He moved his flexed arm to Mike’s dad’s face, and the man’s eyes bulged out of his head as he saw the huge muscle. Mike’s dad looked at that muscle and he gulped. He had never seen a bigger bicep muscle in his life. Finally he said, “Sure Justin. I think that would be a great gift for you. We can go down to the gym store tomorrow and pick up everything you want. I really want to see you grow huge. You’re an amazing boy.”

Justin smiled. “Thanks dad.” He wrapped his huge arms around his adopted father and hugged him. Mike’s dad hugged him back, feeling his huge lat and pec muscles. Mike looked down at the floor.

‘Oh yeah. One more thing,” said Justin. “I’m moving up to Mike’s room. Mike could see today that I needed the whole basement for all my new equipment and heavy weights, so he said we could share his room. And he said I could have his bed because I’m so much taller and bigger than him. He said he’d sleep on the floor on my mattress. And we gonna share the closet and his dresser. Mike was real nice. He wants me to get huge too.”

Mike looked at Justin and rolled his eyes. Justin casually made a fist and flexed his arm a couple of times for Mike to see. Mike bit his tongue. He dared not say anything about what really happened. He didn’t want to be pulverized after dinner.

“Well, okay,” said Mike’s mother, looking at her son. “That should work out fine. Mike usually isn’t so generous with his things. That’s very nice of you Mike.”

Justin smiled. “Oh yeah. And Mike said it wasn’t fair for me to be washing the dishes all the time and doing chores around the house. He said he wanted to wash the dishes two thirds of the time and do two thirds of the chores. He wants to make up for all the lost time because he never did any chores before. But now Mike’s a different boy. He really wants to help around the house. He saw me helping and now he wants to do the same thing, only he’s going to do twice as many chores as I do. That’s so good of you Mike.” Justin looked at Mike and grinned. Then he made a fist and flexed his arm at his side again. Mike’s mouth dropped open, but as he looked at Justin’s bulging muscles he didn’t say anything. He was Justin’s slave, and he knew it.

“Oh that’s so nice,” said Mike’s mother. “You’re turning into a decent boy now that Justin’s here. Justin has really had a good influence on you. Thank you so much, Justin.” She turned and hugged Justin. “You are a wonderful adopted son,” she said.

Mike’s dad nodded. “Yeah, he’s a wonderful son and he’s big and strong as hell. I’m real proud to have you as my son.” Both parents were doting on Justin so much and completely ignoring Mike.

Justin turned to Mike. “Wash the dishes, Mikey. I’m gonna start moving my stuff into our room.”

Mike said, “Yes SIR,” and started taking the plates to the sink.

Mike’s dad looked at Mike and then at Justin. When he heard “yes, SIR” it became clear to him that Mike was now taking orders from Justin. But Mike was becoming a better son because of Justin’s influence. He smiled and said “Good boy, Mike.”

When Mike had finished the dishes, he went to his room. The door was open and Justin was lying on his - now Justin’s - bed. He had taken off his shirt and was reading a muscle magazine. Clothes were piled up on the floor. Justin looked over at him and said, “I took your clothes out of the closet and put ‘em on the floor. And I put my clothes in the closet. You gotta go through that pile of crap and pick the clothes you want in your third of the closet. Then throw the rest away. I also cleaned out a couple of your drawers so I have more space. I don’t need all the closet and drawer space right now, but don’t even think about using my space. Two thirds for me and one third for you. I’m gonna get more clothes soon. I know your parents will buy me a lot of fuckin’ good clothes. They wanna see me dressed real good. They wanna see their new muscle freak son looking real fine.”

Mike looked in the closet and saw just a few shirts hanging up. And in the dresser drawers there were only a few shirts and some underwear and socks. But Justin was taking two thirds of everything, even though he didn’t need the space. He did it because he could. And there was nothing Mike could do about it.

“You better go get your mattress and put it over there.” He pointed to the dingiest corner of the room. “And take all this crap off my table and put it on the floor next to your mattress.” Justin motioned to Mike’s personal items sitting on the table next to the bed. “I kind of like my room. I’m gonna pull down all your posters except for that one wall over there” Justin motioned to the smallest wall in the room, next to the closet. “Yeah, I’ll let you have one wall --I’m such a nice guy. After I rip your stuff down I’m gonna put up my stuff - pictures of huge ripped bodybuilders. More muscle freaks, just like me. And I’m gonna put up a big mirror right there so I can check out my muscles as they get bigger and buffer. Yeah, this room’s a lot nicer than that fucking basement. Too bad I have to live with you.”

Mike looked around and tears started coming down his cheeks. Justin had totally taken over his room. He was going to have to sleep on the floor. He had almost no closet and storage space because Justin had taken two thirds of it. The walls were going to be covered by muscle freaks like Justin, looking down at him like he was some kind of inferior punk. And there was going to be a huge mirror showing off Justin’s incredibly muscular, growing body. Plus, his parents seemed to like Justin more than they liked him. He felt like he wanted to die. Could things get any worse? His whole life had completely changed in the last two months. He now wished he hadn’t bullied Justin and Timmy and all those other boys so badly. He now knew what it felt like to be the victim. He was getting his own medicine in spades.


Part 9

The next day was a Saturday. Mike’s dad took Justin to the gym equipment store. He was wearing a wife beater and some shorts. The owner of the store gasped when he saw Justin’s body. He couldn’t believe he was only 14 years old. He started asking Justin all about himself.

Justin explained he was a skinny orphan who just arrived in town less than two months ago. Then he started lifting weights. “I’ve gained 55 pounds of muscle and an inch in height in less than two months. I’m 5’11” and I weigh 175.” Justin said. “I got 17 inch arms and a 46 inch chest but my waist is still 29 inches. Look how small my waist is. I got the waist of a wasp.” The man nodded, looking at the huge difference in size between Justin’s huge chest and his little waist.“And my thighs are 25 inches of solid muscle. They’re almost as big as my waist! And I know I’m gonna gain lots more muscle when I get these big new weights. I’m gonna weigh 200 real soon. I’m gonna weigh 225 pounds of solid muscle at 6’1” tall by the time I’m 15 years old. That’s only 50 pounds of muscle and two inches in height and I’ve got six months before I’m 15. Piece of cake. I know I can do it. I’m a muscle freak!”

The man nodded his head as he looked at Justin’s body. “I’ve seen a lot of muscular young men in here, but I think you’re number one. I agree with you. You really are a muscle freak. I hope you play football for the high school. They need a jock like you.” Justin nodded, “I’m gonna be a fullback. I’m gonna be the biggest, strongest fullback on the team. I’m gonna be the youngest, but I’m gonna be the strongest.”

Mike’s dad looked at Justin and smiled. He was really proud of his new son.

They bought a huge amount of equipment and weights. The store had to deliver the stuff on Monday. There was much too much to take home in a car. On the way home, Justin took off his shirt and sat next to his dad in the car. His dad kept looking over at his body and asking him about the exercises he did and how strong he was. It was obvious that his dad was really into his muscles and strength. Then Justin flexed his arm and said “Feel it dad.”

His dad reached over and felt the bulging muscle. “Oh my god,” he said. “I’ve never felt muscle that was that big and that hard. And you’re only 14 years old. And you’re my son!” Justin grinned and grabbed his dad’s hand. He moved it over so it was feeling his pecs and abs. “Yeah, my body’s real big and real hard,” he said. “Feel those abs, dad. They’re like bricks of muscle.”

His dad’s mouth dropped open as he felt Justin’s washboard ab muscles as Justin gently flexed the muscles. He could hardly keep his eyes on the road. He moved his hand down to Justin’s huge muscular leg and then up to his deltoid and lat muscles. Justin flexed a little bit with each touch and his dad gasped as he felt each hard muscle. When they got home his dad’s cock was rock hard. Justin smiled as he saw it. “I’m so glad I have you as a son,” his dad said. “I am so proud of you.”

Justin jumped out of the car, smiled and said “Thanks dad.” He knew his new father liked him a lot.

As Justin was walking shirtless from his dad’s car, he saw Mike standing next to his car with his girlfriend Christie. Justin strutted over and stood next to Mike. Christie’s eyes got wide as she looked at Justin’s body. She remembered him as this tall skinny nerd that Mike pushed around. She was flabbergasted. “Oh my god, what happened to you?” she blurted. “You’ve gotten so big. So muscular. You don’t look anything like you used to look.”

Justin looked her in her eyes with his beautiful blue eyes. His face looked so handsome, with his blond hair, blue eyes, strong jaw and beautiful cheekbones. Christie looked at him with a strange look in her face. Sort of like love at first sight. “I’ve been liftin’ weights in the basement. I’ve been putting on muscle real fast. I’m way bigger than Mikey boy here. Way stronger too.” Mike kind of fidgeted. The last thing he wanted was for Christie to see Justin.

“You look real nice, Christie,” said Justin. “You look too good to be going with this dork here.” He looked at Mike. Christie kept looking at Justin. “Hey chauffer. Take Christie and me to Starbucks. I wanna buy her a Frappacino.”

Christie looked at Mike with a puzzled look on her face. Why was Justin calling him a chauffer? How could Justin order Mike to take them to Starbucks. How could Mike let Justin do this? Mike looked enraged.

“You can’t do this, Justin! Christie’s my girlfriend! This is my car! Get out of here!”

Justin stood in front of Mike and said. “You gonna make me?”

Mike’s face was red with rage. He pulled back his fist and hit Justin as hard as he could in his gut. Justin’s rock hard abs felt like bricks. His fist hit that brick wall of muscle and immediately he felt pain coursing through his hand. “Fuck!” he yelled, holding his hand. Then he started hitting Justin’s chest and abs as hard as he could.

Justin just stood there. His muscles were so big and hard, his body was like steel armor. He could hardly feel Mike’s punches. When Mike aimed for his head, he easily dodged out of the way. “Your punches feel like a little girl’s,” said Justin. “I can hardly feel ‘em. I bet Christie could punch harder than that. It feels like little girls hitting my muscles. Here Mike. Here’s some real punches.”

Justin pulled back his fist and smashed it into Mike’s gut. Mike keeled over in abject pain but Justin grabbed his shirt and stood him up. Then he threw blow after blow to Mike’s chest, pummeling the kid with punches that felt like piledrivers. “These are punches,” yelled Justin as his big fists drove into Mike’s body. After about five punches, he let Mike fall to the ground. Mike was writhing in more pain than he had ever felt. Then he grabbed Mike’s shirt and stood him up. “Take us to Starbucks, chauffer. You know you can’t disobey me.”

He shoved Mike into the driver’s seat and then wrapped his arm around Christie and got in the back of the car with her. She looked into his eyes like she was in a trance. He moved his face towards hers and kissed her gently on the lips. Mike saw the kiss in the rear view mirror. Tears were streaming down his face. He started the car and headed to Starbucks. Last night he was hoping things couldn’t get worse. Now they got worse.

Justin and Christie went inside Starbucks. Justin ordered Mike to wait for them in the car. After about a half hour they came out holding hands. Christie kept looking at Justin’s face and body. It was like she couldn’t believe how good looking he was. Inside Starbucks, she found out he was actually a nice guy. He wasn’t as self-centered as Mike and he actually listened to what she said. She looked at Mike and then quickly turned away and looked at Justin. They got in the car and Justin said. “Take us to the top of Lookout Hill. We want to see the view.”

Mike did as he was ordered. They got to the top and parked with a beautiful view of the valley below. “Now get lost and come back in an hour,” said Justin. “We want some privacy.”

Mike looked at Christie and grimaced. But what could he do? He was under the total control of Justin. He was Justin’s slave. He left the car and walked away. But he didn’t go far. He found a place where he could watch what was going on. Justin and Christie started making out, kissing feverously with their hands roaming all over their hot bodies. After about 15 minutes, Mike could see Christie’s shirt come off. Then he saw Justin’s shorts come off and he saw Christie grabbing Justin’s big nine inch rock hard cock. Then she started sucking it and he started thrusting his cock in and out of her mouth. Then he came, spurting gush after gush of cum in her mouth and all over her face.

Mike thought it was all over, but Justin wasn’t done. He was still hard and he was ready to cum a second time. He ripped off Christie’s shorts and started rubbing her cunt with his hand. She started groaning with pleasure as she felt his muscles and kissed his lips. She looked at him and started quivering with lust. She handed him a condom - she always kept a few to use with Mike - and he put it on over his huge cock. Then he rammed his cock into her cunt and started fucking her like a wild man. She came immediately and then she came again and again. He rammed his cock in and out of Christie’s cunt and then he came again. Then she came again twice. She was going wild with sexual ecstasy getting fucked by this drop dead gorgeous muscle stud. She had never felt this way with Mike. Finally they were done and they held each other closely. They put on their clothes and got out of the car to stretch. Justin saw Mike and rubbed his cock and smiled. Mike felt like shit.

After dropping off Christie, Mike took Justin home, went to his - well Justin’s - bedroom and huddled on his mattress. He felt like he wanted to die. Justin came in and sat down next to him. He looked into Mike’s eyes and Mike looked into his. “This hasn’t been your week, has it Mike.” said Justin. “I took your car awhile ago and now you’re just my driver. Then I got your dad to buy me a big new gym so I can get even bigger and stronger than I already am. And I think your parents like me better than they like you, ‘cause I’m big and buff and good looking and I’m forcing you to do chores around the house that you never did before. Then I took your bedroom, making you sleep on the floor and taking most of the closet and drawer space. And finally I took your girlfriend and there wasn’t a thing you could do about it. I beat you up so bad and I can do that any time I want. You ain’t got much left, do you Mike?”

Mike looked up at this blond god and nodded his head.

“Well, Mike, think about how it feels to be the victim of a bully. You’re small, you’re weak. Anything you’ve got the bully takes. The bully beats you up any time he wants, just for fun. You go home and cry. But there’s nothing you can do about it. The bully always wins.”

Mike looked at Justin and said, “Yeah.” Justin got real close to Mike and said, “Do you think I’m a bully, Mike?”

Mike looked at him and said “You didn’t use to be, because I bullied you. But now.....”

Justin put his huge arm around Mike’s shoulders. “Mike, I’m not a bully. I was showing you what it feels like to be the victim of a bully. I’m still in charge around here, but I’m not going to beat you up just for fun. And I’m even going to share the closet and drawer space equally and I’m going to do half of the chores. But you have to do your half or I’m gonna have to make you pay.” He crunched Mike’s shoulders, giving him a hint of his enormous strength. “You’re still gonna have to drive me around and you can try to get Christie back, but now that she’s had sex with me she may not be interested in you any more. So I still own you - you gotta do what I say -- but I’m not going to bully you. You understand?”

Mike looked at Justin and said, “I think so. Do I still have to call you ‘sir’?”

Justin smiled. “No you don’t have to call me ‘sir’. But you have to follow my orders, ‘cause I’m still the boss.”

Mike sat up and hugged Justin. “Thank you Justin. I’m so glad you’re not a bully.”

Justin stood up. “Okay, let’s clean up this room. I’ll only take two walls, not three. We’ll share this room equally, except you have to sleep on the mattress. I know I’m going to get so much bigger that I need that bed.” Mike smiled and stood up.

Christie wanted to be Justin’s girlfriend, but Justin decided he liked fucking Timmy better than he liked fucking her. Plus Timmy gave him better blow jobs. So Justin saw her only one more time and told her he really didn’t have time for her because he was working out so hard and it wouldn’t be fair to her. She kissed him and said he was one in a million, which he was.

Mike decided not to try to date Christie. He knew he was nothing compared to Justin. He saw the totally erotic sex they had in the car and he knew he couldn’t duplicate that. So he started dating other girls and everyone mentioned that he seemed to be a much nicer guy than he used to be.

Justin’s gym was installed and he started working out even more brutally. Timmy was his spotter. After every workout, they had wild sex. Besides eating huge amounts of food, he was taking creatine and a few other supplements and the muscle just kept growing on his body. By the time he turned 15, he was 6’2” and weighed 235 pounds, all of it solid muscle. He became the star fullback on his high school’s football team and was undefeated in heavyweight wrestling. Timmy sent his cell phone pictures and the shirt ripping videos to Muscle Teens of America and Justin got first place. Nobody could believe he had just turned 15. His pics and videos were all over the internet. He was the stud of the whole web site.

Mike went to Community College and became an auto mechanic. Justin was 6’4” and 275 pounds of muscle when he graduated from high school. He was indeed a total muscle freak. He was recruited by all the major football schools and he chose USC. But his condition was that Timmy, his personal spotter, be admitted too. So with the influence of the USC football program, both Justin and Timmy became Trojans. He was a football standout running back as well as an A student and he fucked Timmy at least four times a day. Timmy was so busy taking care of Justin he was a B student, but he was the happiest student on campus. Justin became a sports doctor, healing the injuries of lots of young jocks, and Timmy was his nurse. They lived happily every after.